tv PBS News Hour PBS October 10, 2014 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: the nobel peace prize goes to two children's rights activists. malala yousafzai of pakistan said she and kailash satyarthi of india would work together to promote education and development, despite the tensions between their countries. >> we should all consider each other human beings, and respect each other, and we should fight for our rights, for the rights of children, for the rights of women, and for the rights of every human being. >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. also ahead, a west virginia coal town's novel approach to good health, better living and more opportunity. and it's friday, mark shields and david brooks are here,
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>> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the pakistani girl who was almost killed by the taliban is now the youngest nobel laureate ever. malala yousafzai won the nobel peace prize today, for advocating education for girls. she'll share the honor with kailash satyarthi of india, who's campaigned for decades against child slavery and labor. malala heard the news in birmingham, england, where she now lives. >> i felt more powerful and more courageous because this award is not just a piece of metal that you wear or an award that you keep in your room but this is really an encouragement for me room but encouragement to go forward and to believe in myself to know that there are people that are supporting me in this campaign. >> woodruff: we'll have a full report on the two peace prize winners, after the news summary.
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the number of ebola deaths has now passed 4,000, out of nearly 8,400 cases. that word today from the world health organization. meanwhile, seven more people were admitted to a hospital in madrid, to be monitored. they had contact with the first person diagnosed with the disease in spain. and the associated press reported a liberian man, thomas duncan, had a fever of 103 degrees when a dallas hospital initially turned him away. he died wednesday. the united nations is warning of a massacre, if islamic state fighters in syria capture kobani, on the border with turkey. the militants have already taken 40% of the town from its kurdish defenders, and fighting raged again today. that's despite stepped-up coalition air strikes. in geneva, the u.n. envoy to syria said he fears the worst. >> we know, we have seen it, what isil is capable of doing,
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when they take over a city. we know what they are capable of doing with their own victims, with women, children, minorities and hostages. >> woodruff: so far, turkey has refused to order its military to intervene in the kobani fight. speculation about who's in charge in north korea flared again today. it came as the communist nation's leader, kim jong un, missed another major public event. lucy watson, of independent television news, is watching the situation from beijing. >> reporter: it's north korean state television showing sight nor sound of the country's supreme leader as the nation celebrates the founding of the worker party without him. (singing) kim jong-un rules the most isolated country on earth yet hasn't been seen for 37 days, missing a number of high-profile
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events. in a democracy, his disappearance would generate curiosity, but in the most secretive state in the world, it breeds rumors. this is the north korean embassy. outside the country the speculation is kim jong-un may have been overthrown in a planned revoled by power brokers in the country or a more subtle leaving him to be a figurehead in the future or suffering from an illness. the longer he fails to make public appearances, the most likely the problem is a serious one. a problem that's worse than just the leg injury he suffered in the past. it's a theory being dismis dismy south korea and the man charged with stagizing relations with the north. kim jong-un is unusual.
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it's now a watch on how he repairs and how soon. in such an opaque nation, any scenario is plausible. >> woodruff: reuters quoted a north korean source today who said kim hurt his leg in a military drill, but remains in full control. back in this country, protests in south st. louis spilled into a second night over wednesday's killing of a black teenager by a white policeman. a candlelight prayer vigil turned into a standoff with police in riot gear. protesters shouted taunts, and officers used pepper spray to force the angry crowd back. more protests are set this weekend over the august killing of michael brown in nearby ferguson. there's going to be an independent review of the secret service, and breaches in presidential security. the homeland security secretary, jeh johnson, named four former white house and justice officials today. they served under presidents obama and george w. bush. recommendations are due by december 15th. wall street ended this volatile week with more losses.
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the dow jones industrial average fell 115 points, to 16,544. it's now erased all of this year's gains. the nasdaq was down 102 points to close at 4,276. and the s-and-p 500 slipped 22, to 1,906. for the week, the dow lost more than 2.5%. the nasdaq fell 4 .5%. and the s-and-p shed 3%. still to come on the newshour: the nobel peace prize goes to two leaders in the fight for children's rights and education; paul solman reports on the fast- growing sharing economy; a new focus on healthy living in west virginia coal country; mark shields and david brooks analyze the week's news; and, the path of four sudanese "lost boys" leads to america.
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>> woodruff: now back to today's two nobel peace prize winners. one's a global icon. the other is largely unknown, even in his home country. hari sreenivasan has more on both of them. >> the nobel peace prize for 2014 is to be awarded to kailash satyarthi and malala yousafzai >> sreenivasan: for malala, the announcement in oslo, norway came two years and a day since a taliban attack propelled her to prominence. she'd begun advocating education for girls at age 11. in a 2009 documentary, "new york times" correspondent adam ellnick profiled malala struggle ellnick profiled malala struggling in pakistan's swat valley, where her school was shut down by the taliban. >> in the world, girls are going to their schools freely. and there is no fear. but in swat, when we go to school we are very afraid of taliban. he will kill us.
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he will throw acid on our face. he can do anything. >> they cannot stop me. >> sreenivasan: the taliban threats turned to action on october 9, 2012, when masked gunmen boarded malala's school bus and shot her in the head. she was flown to birmingham, england for multiple operations, but she eventually made a full recovery and, with her family, settled there. last month, she told the newshour she has no regrets about the choice she made to speak out. >> at that time, i had really two options. one was to remain silent and wait to be killed. and then the second was to speak up and then be killed. and i chose the second one, because i didn't want to face the terrorism forever. >> sreenivasan: ironically, the attack that was meant to silence malala, thrust her into a global spotlight. in the two years since, she's campaigned for women's rights and universal access to education, penned her own memoir and created her own charity. she also delivered an impassioned appeal to a youth assembly at the united nations. >> let us pick up. let us pick up our books and our pens. they are our most powerful
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weapons. one child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. education is the only solution. >> sreenivasan: today, in pakistan, people from all walks of life celebrated news of the peace prize. >> as pakistanis, this is a great honor for us that a youngster, a young girl, got this award because of her bravery, because of the courage that she displayed. >> she can be presented to our new generation, especially women and young girls, as a beacon and an inspiration for them. >> sreenivasan: but among some pakistanis, rumors still swirl that the attack on her life was staged and that she is a puppet of the west. tariq khattack, editor of the "pakistan observer," gave voice to that view on the b.b.c. newshour today. >> she is a girl. a normal, useless type of a girl. that's it. whatever she says, or she has written or is attributed to her, it's the craftsmanship of her
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father or some hired professional writers. she is nothing special. >> sreenivasan: for her part, malala appears unfazed by such criticism, as she told the newshour's margaret warner last year. >> some pakistanis say you've shamed their country, or that you're an agent of western interests who want to undermine pakistan, or islam. how does that make you feel, when you're out here fighting this fight? >> the first thing is that it's one's right to express his feeling or her feelings. when i look at the group that speak against me in pakistan, or anywhere, it's a very small group, a very tiny group. i must look at the millions of people, i must look at the support of people who raise the banners of "i am malala" and who are still supporting me. so i think i must not lose hope, and i must not look at the small group. >> sreenivasan: meanwhile, the man who'll share the peace prize, kailash satyarthi, is far less known to the world than malala.
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but he was no less overjoyed today, when he got the news in new delhi. >> it is not just an honor for me, it's an honor for all those who are fighting child labor globally. i may not be knowing them but there are many people who are sacrificing their time and their life for the cause of child rights and i would like to thank and congratulate all of them because it is symbolic for me. >> sreenivasan: starting in 1980, the now 60-year-old satyarthi has become a leading voice against child slavery and the exploitation of children for financial gain. he's led peaceful demonstrations to raise awareness, and helped rescue some 75,000 child laborers. like malala, he too has been physically attacked for his activism. last year, newshour special correspondent fred de sam lazaro joined satyarthi as he conducted a rescue raid for underage workers in delhi, he lamented in an interview the status of some of his country's young. >> you can buy a child for a lesser price than an animal. the buffaloes and cows are much more expensive than buying a
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child to work full-time and for the whole of his life. >> sreenivasan: satyarthi estimates some 60 million children across india are forced to work in unsafe conditions, including many doing so to support their impoverished families. in choosing laureates from india and pakistan, the nobel committee also signaled its wish to ease long-standing tensions between the two countries. >> the committee regards it as an important point for a hindu and a muslim, an indian and a pakistani, to join in a common struggle for education and against extremism. >> sreenivasan: india and pakistan have fought three wars since 1947, and the nobel announcement followed four days of fighting in disputed kashmir, the worst in more than a decade. today, malala said she and satyarthi hope to promote peace between their nations by inviting their prime ministers to the nobel awards ceremony, december 10. >> woodruff: joining me now to
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discuss the winners and their causes is gayle tzemach lemmon, author of "the dressmaker of khair khana" and deputy director of the council on foreign relations women and foreign policy program. gayle, this morning when you opened up the papers, there were huge pictures of ma la-la and then mention of the other guy. so let's start talking first the work that mr. satyarthi's done. how significant has it been and has it changed policy in india? >> i think it has been very significant and underappreciated, underly-sourced and under-seen. you talk about somebody who saved 80,000 children by conservative estimate. someone who dedicated his career starting when he was a young person himself, saw a child who couldn't go to school and asked why. hownlts do we walk by people who don't have opportunities like we do and ask why. he's trying to raise voices of people who haven't been heard or
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seen and haven't occupied the global stage. >> sreenivasan: he's trying to raise awareness of all the people working on this. how significant of a problem is child labor and child trafficking around the world? >> it is completely massive in numbers and also widely underreported. so getting a scale of a sense of how large the numbers are is actually difficult. about 27% of labor trafficking victims are said to be children. many of them girls. and he really has spoken up for people and victims. people on the streets. people you don't see working inside factories you don't know about who are well under age 18, often under age 15 and who work for no wages in the dark, with no access to education, with nobody watching. >> let's talk a little bit about malala. she's applauded for her work around the world but it gets complicated when you get close
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to pakistan and how the people there feel about it. >> that has been discussed a lot. ever since she sturted to blog for the bbc. the question is, as she said, how many people have appreciated her method. she has spoken for girls denied the classroom simply because they are girls and she dared to speak up in the face of violence and she did that well before she was shot at close range. that's only when the international community paid attention to her. long before that, folks in pakistan were paying attention, talking about what she was saying that everyone deserves to be in the classroom, regardless of where they live. >> sreenivasan: has her plight and resilience from it increased the plight of education of girls in pakistan? >> they wanted to make her a victim but instead they gave her a louder voice. she used the fact that western media has really focused on her story which is both a tragic and
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incredible story of the human spirit, to basically not put a spotlight only her own story but on so many girls who will never get a chance to sit in a classroom. one in three will be married before age 18 and one in nine before age 15. she talked about childhood marriages and violence against children. talking about girl children cannot go to school, something the world should not tolerate. she framed it as a security, prosperity and stability issue as well as an issue of rights. >> sreenivasan: why is she able to get through in such a crowded media atmosphere? besides her tragedy, what do we find resonates about her message? >> she has an incredible story and is powerfully eloquent beyond her years. she also is part of a universe which loves heroism and she's occupied the stage the world has
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given her and says this is not about me, this is not malala yousafzai, this is for all the other children who won't be heard. i spent so much time in afghanistan with fathers who dared send their girls to schools and girls who went to school despite the threats and violence. all those find a champion in her. that makes her different. she is the best of a human spirit and in a media area which loves mythmaking and she found a way to say you can take myster and amplify it but i'm going to tell you what it means. >> sreenivasan: gayle tzemach lemmon, thanks so much for your time. >> thank you. >> woodruff: back in 2008, few travelers had heard of a new start-up called "air b-and-b." its current value is said to be about $10 billion. now others are copying "air b-
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and-b" business model, part of an emerging sector of the economy that's taking advantage of technology and peer-to-peer consumer services. our economics correspondent, paul solman, looks at the good and the bad, part of his ongoing reporting "making sense of financial news." >> reporter: last week, we reported on uber, a smartphone app that allows passengers to summon freelancers driving their own cars. but ride sharing is just part of a fast-growing phenomenon. the so-called "sharing economy," it's main attractions -- >> efficient use of capital assets of neighbors. >> reporter: peak efficient is of economy, putting idle resourcing to work, like a car, or your own idle time. cook a meal for strangers or work a freelance gig in your
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down time. and how about the empty space in your house? the app dog vaca lets you rent it out to bored canines. one of the most popular sharing platforms extends that idea to humans -- airbnb. now turning the hospitality industry on its head. what's it like to consume idle resources? we decided to book a room on a farm in northwestern massachusetts. out back, artist janice sorenson has built a literal airbnb, a tree house. the stairs were something of a challenge, but inside it was sweet. definitely a room with a view. working for guest and host alike. >> we have two kids in college, and it's a huge expense for us, and i thought to myself, what are my assets? this beautiful home and our
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beautiful property. this is one of my greatest assets. >> reporter: and the number is the tree house which she rents out at $80 a night. unheated and a bit chilly this time of the year, but bracing as was breakfast the next morning in the main house. a very utilitarian, sharing economy experience. that's how she felt, sharing. >> i never feel like i'm waiting on you. i feel like i'm entertaining a house guest. >> which is how i felt, so i would rate her high on the airbnb web site. but that could hurt the one official bed and breakfast in town just minutes down the road, the bird's nest. nearly a dozen airbnbs have sprung up in town in the past years and business for the nest is down a third. artist cindy weeks. >> i was writing off the loss of business to an economy crash and
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it started coming back. i thought, why has our economic dropped to the level we could actually get food stamps. >> weeks and her family moved to detroit 13 years ago, refurbishing the house and decorating with the boxes she makes. she says airbnb as unfair, unregulated big business. >> airbnb is the wal-mart model of bed and breakfast and killing the mom and pops. >> reporter: and though airbnb janet sorenson is a mom, it strained their relationship. >> it's strained our relationship. it's very personal to me. i've given up everything in my life and it's killing us. >> reporter: weeks is not alone. now that airbnb boasts over half a mall listings in 102 countries, baker fears these low-cost, unregulated competitors will hasten a race to the bottom.
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>> if we have the old fashioned traditional hotel who meet the regulatory standards, if they can't compete with people renting out rooms through airbnb, then you will see a lot of those people wind up losing their job. >> reporter: hold on, says n.y.c.rogin. they will eventually find another. >> there's no clear way of predicting people will lose their jobs in the long run. there definitely will be a shift in the same way 25, 30% of the united states worked in agriculture, today it's less than 1%. >> reporter: as for regulation says nick grossman whose venture capital firm invests in sharing economy firms, they're self-regulated by the customers who publicly rate them. >> the major invasion that all these platforms have centered on is this idea of generating trust and safety. if you're a bad actor, we'll know. if you're a great actor, people will know that, too. >> reporter: amy sherman is a case in point. she earned high ratings doing
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dozens of jobs through task rabbit, a web site where you hire freelancers to do just about anything. >> what can i help you with today? >> reporter: i want to create a sign that appeals to people's better selves -- at $25 an hour, i hired sherman to design a please clean up sign to the of the littered tennis courts i frequent. she went to the sign store and got me a quote. >> on corrugated plastic, $21.50. >> reporter: back at home, task rabbit handyman shane windstorm tried to silence a beeping backup battery driving me bad. >> verizon in their wisdom thought you might like the fact when the power goes out you would be afforded extra 8 minutes of land line. >> reporter: wind storm is paid by hour. task rabbit employees, not, though the company is middle
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man. whas the most demeaning job? >> you have the option of not taking a job. spring is here. clean up dog poop. i haven't done that one. had a great party last night. filled up a bucket. can you come and empty it? not taking it. >> reporter: so working flexibility and idle resources put to work to supposedly make us all better off. dean baker likes the idea but many regulations are in place for a reason, he says, and in an increasingly unequal economy -- >> the services can put pressure on wages in general. in many cases you get people working full time or near full time for them and as it's structured now there's no guaranteed pay rate. >> reporter: so rogin, however, a revolution is underway and there's no stopping it. >> i fully expect in a decade, more than half the american workforce will not have a full-time job. they will be doing multiple things. in some sense --
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>> reporter: making a living on uber, ai airbnb, task rabbitd who knows how many more. >> woodruff: west virginia is a state that sees more than its share of economic hardship and tough times. when gallup compiled a list of the most "miserable" states in the u.s. earlier this year, west virginia came in number one. less than half of residents there describe themselves as "thriving," and they also report low levels of life expectancy and household income. but in the southwest corner of the state, a movement is underway to change that, by changing its approach to health and its place in the community. once again to hari sreenivasan. >> sreenivasan: williamson, west virginia, has been known for a few things over the years. as a coal town, a mountain town, a feuding town made famous by
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the hatfields and mccoys -- (horn honking) -- but williamson, west virginia has never been a running town. in fact, it's one of the least healthy places in the united states. so the fact that hundreds of locals are now showing up for monthly 5k races is a sign of something deeper here, an unexpected shift toward better health in coal country. dr. dino beckett is among those responsible for the new energy. when he moved back home after medical residency, his main goal was expanding basic healthcare in this part of the state. >> everyone was why would you go back to southern west virginia to practice medicine? i couldn't think of a better place to be because it was such a joy to grow up here and have these people look out for you and help you with whatever was going on in your life. >> sreenivasan: more so,
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beckett thought he could do something about the challenges they faced including diabetes, hypertension in both the state and the nation. nearly a quarter of the city's 3,000 residents live below the federal poverty line, and the make matters worse, the coal industry has been shedding jobs by the thousands in recent years, wiping out much of the area's private health insurance base. >> mr. charles, how are you doing? >> sreenivasan: before he found dr. beckett, herb charles was among the unemployed coal miners who had simply stopped going to the doctor. his family qualified for medicaid like many in this area, but forest time, he couldn't find a primary care physician who would accept it. beckett's first idea to fill the growing health gap was to open a free clinic. >> we had it once a month and became inundated with patients who didn't have insurance so we decided to have it more frequently. >> sreenivasan: that wasn't near enough either.
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eventually, he met up with monica and saline who work with a consulting company called the right choice network. >> that goes in the sink, honey. >> sreenivasan: they travel in an r.v. with their two little girls helping people like williamson find federally qualified health centers or, more simply, clinics who treat people regardless of their insurance status usually in low-income communities. these centers received a big financial boost under the affordable care act. under niece and sandoval's application, one came to williamson, it changed the game. >> instead of having programs that are coming and going and depending on grant funding, by rolling them under the health umbrella and using federal funding and revenue generation to sustain the prarnlings it sustained the programs and
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efforts into the future. >> sreenivasan: the williams health and wellness opened earlier this year with 13 staff members who sees anyone who comes in, from elderly to newborn's. but the center's most aggressive fight is taking place outside these walls. vicky hatfield is a nurse practitioner with the diabetes coats the outreach wing of the operation. >> if you can't treat diabetes as a practitioner in southern west virginia you're going to move because you're going to see a lot of it. >> reporter: she says nearly 14% of the local population is diabetic. >> you look so pretty. >> reporter: hatfield and her colleagues visit the most worrisome of the patients like janette hunter directly in their homes. >> can you tell me where i'm touching? >> reporter: they check vital signs, monitor intake and offer practical advice on day-to-day habits. >> it has to be more than medicine. >> sreenivasan: hunter's blood sugar has stabilized from
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consistently high to near perfect. >> keep up the good work! orq, thank you. >> sreenivasan: the next step is to boost the economy and increase access to healthier food. but that part of the plan is still under construction, literally. remember herb charles the unemployed coal miner? just the other day, he was hired full time by a construction company currently restoring an old building downtown. when the dust clears, the so-called health innovation hub, ooh off shoot of the health center, is a space for entrepreneurs to find space they need to open business. like the new restaurant 34-8 that opened its doors with support from the health and wellness team, they plan to serve healthy food. some of it from the health coalition' new community garden and perhaps some day from the farm being developed on a
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reclaimed strip mine several miles away. >> right here is what you will help us design tore growing specific foods for farmer's market. >> sreenivasan: eric says it all shows a new economy is emerging in the region. >> we're looking forward to a day that is coming soon to where central appalachia can look out to the rest of the united states and say, catch up with us, we're the innovators. >> sreenivasan: that's a tough sell for many locals. your first? >> my first. >> sreenivasan: fred and donna lived in the area their entire lives. they watched as the economy collapsed, fred lost his job in the minus and the children moved away. they're skeeticle sustainable williamson can repair what has been lost. >> i'm afraid it can't be because the way the economy is going, i'm afraid it's going to become a ghost town. i would hate to see that happen
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because we'll lose a lot. >> sreenivasan: it's not hard to find others who agree, but there seems to be just as many williamson residents getting caught up in the optimism. on this saturday, there's a new farmers market overflowing with locally-grown produce, lively music, even a belly dancing troupe. almost everyone agrees the new energy is a wel welcome sight, e trick will be to keep it moving, they say. >> woodruff: this week saw the supreme court make news on same- sex marriages and voting rights and the politicians respond to the first case of ebola in the united states. for that and more we turn to the analysis of shields and brooks, syndicated columnist mark shields and new york times columnist david brooks. well come, gentlemen.
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so, mark, the supreme court made waves this week in a way by not making waves. they said we're note getting involved, we're not going to interfere with the courts around the country who have said they're going to put a stop to these bans on same-sex marriage. in fact, just in the last few hours, the supreme court issued another statement like this on north carolina. what do you make of all this? >> judy, i've never seen an issue change so intense in my life. to review, 2004, presidential campaign, the republicans backing president george w. bush put the ballot in question in eleven states outlawing same-sex marriage. it passed overwhelmingly. the key was ohio. the objective was simple, to generate larger voter turnout in more rural and conservative areas. it worked in ohio and george w. bush was reelected by the votes in ohio.
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2008, every democratic presidential candidate went on record that he or she was for marriage between a man and a woman. 2012, joe biden got in trouble by embracing for the first time same-sex marriage. but the members are daunting. among young republicans, 61% of republicans, young republicans under the age of 30 are in favor of same-sex marriage. i mean, the issue -- the train's left the station and it's been a sea change in difference of opinion. >> woodruff: courts are just backing out of the picture. >> i sort of applaud it. sometimes you just let the country have its way and you don't try to determine the shape of the country, you sort of modestly step back and let the country figure out what it believes. i believe they're doing the right thing in withdrawing and not getting involved. quite frankly, i believe they've learned the lesson with ro
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roe v. wade. they had an issue evolving, the court laid down a brick wall and polerrized and froze the debate. wherever you stood on the issue, that distorted discussions ever since. so by staying out of the way they're letting the country have its discussion. >> woodruff: so that means the court's spoken and we'll not hear about the issue? >> we'll hear it. the debate in 2014, it will be a question. the question is in 2016, the republican nominating process, because there are firm believers, people who believe devoutly and passionately that marriage is only between one man and one woman and that somehow it's compromising what they consider the sacrament and institution of marriage. and they are very active, many of them, in republican nominating process. there will be one or more candidates who take that
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position. >> there will be signs of that. scott walker, the governor of wisconsin, said, okay, it's over. he was happy to brush it off. i think a lot of candidates just don't want to deal with it. ted cruz came out and was much more opposed. >> huckabee. really strong. so i think we can see, especially iowa, it will be an issue and i will be fascinated to see how jeb bush and chris christie dance to this one if they run. >> woodruff: the other issue the court declared themselves on is voter identification. they basically blocked a tighter voter i.d. law in the state of wisconsin. so do you have a sense that this makes a difference, that other states will be reluctant to pass these laws because of what the court does some. >> i'm not sure. this is such an admiration for
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american history, if you think of it. only white male property owners over 21 could vote when the country began, expanded to all males and even non-whites and eventually women. you know, then in 1965, judy, the voting rights act came and said that the federal government has a responsibility to make sure that everybody can vote. and 96% of republican senators voted for the voting rights act. only 73% of democrats. it was a great issue. what happened in 2010 when republicans swept all the state legislatures, they made it easier to buy a gun and tough tore vote. this week, the government accountability office, non-partisan research found in a study that it actually lowered the turnout in tennessee and kansas, two states studied among minority and younger voters. i hate to say it, but that was the objective of those people
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who pushed it. >> woodruff: what effect do you see? >> i had assumed, looking especially at the national election results that it had this backfiring effect, that the voter i.d. mobilized the african-american voters that it swamped and was harmful and i believe people believed it after the 2012 election that it suppressed votes. the other thing said is nat the -- that the assertion is there's a lot of fraud. it's not true. it's scattered fraud. the idea that you need picture i.d.s to combat, it's just not out there so leads to the worst assertion of why the laws are being passed. >> woodruff: senate races, three and a half weeks left, mark. maybe surprises developing in south dakota? other places? what do you see? >> owl of the conventional
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wisdom has been there are three democratic states that are going to. go the republican will win west virginia, montana, republicans will win. now all of a sudden, presser three terms in the senate, a vietnam veteran. no money. he's scrambled the race. so all of a sudden rick wire, a democrat, thinks he has a chance and mike malone so republican governor posting to election and coronation finds himself in a race and it's a real sight. >> woodruff: may be interesting after all on election night. >> may be. i still have it in my bones that it's going to be a tie. i look at it and, first, in the
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south dakota race, what presser is doing is amazing, should be be saluted. >> woodruff: if there's comeback. >> there should be a comeback. it gets harder for him from here on out because he's a big player and they're going to turn the guns on him. i still think we're in race like 2006 where you have an unpopular president where at the end of the day the people decide late, they tend to decide against the president's party and the candidates who have approval ratings of under 45%, which is a lot of people, even kay hagan, they tend not to do well because the late comers tend to benefit the other property. it feels parallels the republicans may have a surge. >> woodruff: you feel it could be a wave? >> i don't know how big a wave. there's a lot of breakers. i think it feels like that just because you look at the president's approval number and
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a lot of the democrats, even the incumbents, they're 40, 42, 45 in approval and historically those candidates have not risen to 50 by election day. >> woodruff: what's your bet? i think it's a depressing year. it's a dismal campaign. in 1994, even democrats had to acknowledge that the republicans had a contract with america. even in 2006, when the democrats swept back in, there was a 6-foot 2006. i have no idea. i have no idea what the republicans will do if they win. it's an election about we want to win, it's we want the other guy to lose. beating the opposition is more important. >> it's identical. it's right wing extremists saying, oh, you like obama.
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it's nationwide, paint by numbers. >> woodruff: some conservatives have been saying this week that the administration has dropped the ball on the fight against ebola to keep it out of the country, there's not enough being done. could this become a political issue between now and election day? >> obviously, i think some republicans are trying to raise it in certain campaigns. you know, i think it's tough to make the case. i think that the president and the government is doing far more contrasting with what we did with aids just a generation ago. should we be doing more? it's kind of tough when you cut the national institute of health budget on infectious diseases, and it requires cooperation and collaboration with other countries, we've cut by a quarter, republicans v since 2010 the contribution to the world health organization. there's no question there's a concern and anxiety in the
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country. >> one person's died here from ebola, but it plays in to we've lost control of the borders, not secure, and a way t remind people of terrorism and immigration. i think they're playing it for that rpason. whether there's actually a health scare about ebola in this country, i find it hard to believe it would not be legitimate. >> woodruff: in the few minutes we have left, shifting gears, there was a memorial service for james brady today, president reagan's white house press secretary, an ardent gun control person. he was mottshot in the head in the 1981 attempt on president reagan. he died in august. a number of washington hands who knew and worked with jim brady was honored to be among them paid tribute to jim this morning. >> i asked him if he was still bitter. he paused.
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well, he said, it's not classy to be bitter, and i try to be classy, as you know. (chuckle) is it very much of an effort, i asked? he answered, yes. but he made that effort valiantly for 33 years. >> he turned it all into action. hi not only reached out to survivors of gun violence, but he reached out to the disabled who needed encouragement and hope on the road to recovery. the reason why it mattered so much to them, you could see it in their eyes, it mattered because they knew he knew. they knew he understood. he literally helped heal. he gave hope.
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>> woodruff: david you are too young, you weren't around in the reagan administration. mark, you and i were around, to be gentle about it. talk about jim boeheim. h -- talk about jimbrady. he was a very special guy. >> jim was a special guy. 1974, in washington, there was a class reunion where republicans and democrats and politicians and journalists used to meet and laugh and tell stories and jim brady was sort of the unofficial mayor of that place. he was a great company. what i remember about joe biden, joe biden knew him well because he was the press secretary for joe biden's delegate from delaware bill ross. in the campaign in 1980, the reagan cal pain was challenged. the pollution on automobiles -- jim brady was the press
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secretary over a plane, they're flying over a small forest fire and jim says, look, killing trees, killing trees! he was mahe was indispensable, e and good and wonderful man. >> woodruff: one of the best press secretaries in the white house ever. mark shields, david brooks, two of the best that have ever been at the "newshour". thank you. >> thank you. >> woodruff: next, a new film looks at a brutal civil war through the eyes of those who walked the walk. jeffrey brown explains. >> you must be pamela lowey from faith challenges. >> no i'm from the employment agency. i'm going to help you find jobs. >> brown: "the good lie" tells the story of the "lost boys" of sudan.
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children forced to wander hundreds or even thousands of miles to escape violence orphaned by the 22-year civil war that began in 1983. and left and estimated two million dead and double that number displaced. >> great! >> brown: it's a fictional account, starring reese witherspoon, but also several of the young men themselves, and follows them to this country, where beginning in the mid 1990's several thousand were brought into a strange new life. >> was your father a chief? >> yes some people would say that. >> may we visit with your cow? >> be my guest. >> brown: actor ger duany made this incredible trip himself. from a "lost boy" forced to serve as a soldier, to a refugee camp and then to the u.s. i talked with him and screenwriter margaret nagle, who originated the project and worked for years to get it made. >> i really wanted to tell this story, because it was about
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brothers and sisters surviving, and it was about the very worst, and the very best of humanity to me, and as a writer you're always searching for a way to get that story out. >> brown: but what was that like, those years of not having a home, of just trying to stay one step ahead of war? >> it was not a pleasant feeling, but i was learning a lot, and i was learning about who i am, and even who i've become now, so... >> brown: in what way? >> i think, well, it brought a lot of transformation because i learned how to live with no mother and father, and i lived, i learned how to live without my own actual brothers, and i lived for other people, i just make my life better, or i make their life better, one or the other. >> brown: i read that you felt before you could go ahead with this, that you needed the kind of okay from the, well the actors, but the young men who
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had actually lived through this. >> i went around the country to the various lost boys community, and told them the story i was going to tell, everything that i could, so that it felt real to them, and the idea was to create a fund, the good life fund, that we would put money into for the education, and for humanitarian aid for the lost boys. so i went and pitched them the story. >> you pitched them the story, you mean you literally? >> yeah, yeah, i said here's the story i'm going to tell, and they had, they signed on. >> i knew it was going to be challenging, and in many ways, but then reading the script that she had written is, it was very, the tone, the language, you know, the people of south sudan it's what drew me into the whole things. i've never been able to talk
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about this, i tucked it in for a long, long, two decades of being here in america, so something came up and then when the script came across i'm kind of prepared, emotionally, that i wanted to open my story to the world. >> brown: you know, i read about the saga of making this film, it took a long, long time, and you wonder why it takes so long to make a film like this, of course then you think, well, it's about war in africa, it's kind of a hard story to watch in some ways, is that why? >> hollywood used to make movies like this, but in this last decade they've stopped making movies like this, and it was hard to get people to believe in the story, to engage with the story, and once people engaged with the story they are all lit up, they are excited, they are passionate, and it's the kind of, this, it's an intimate epic, >> brown: partly, i mean, behind the film is a story of how film gets made, right, and which films get made, and which don't,
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that's been your life. >> yeah. >> you know what, this movie maybe had been waiting for me to heal, and revisit the past that i was living. >> brown: in real life, duany was brought to des moines. in the film, he and the others come to kansas city. the movie captures some of the humor of cultural disconnects: >> i have great faith in you, yardi. >> yardi, what does that mean? >> it is a special name for you and has great cultural significance. it means great white cow. >> okay, well it's better than a lot of things i've been called. >> we're very tough people, americans, we're capable of being so kind and wonderful, but we're hard on people who are different than we are, so one of the things the film does is you're in the point of view of these boys and their experience through the whole first thirty five minutes, you know their background, you know them intimately, then they land in the united states and we see how we in the united states see
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people like them. >> brown: do you remember that transition, when you first landed in the united states, and what that was like? >> very vivid, yeah. i remember when i landed here in 1994, may 24th, 1994, i was about fifteen years old i just admit that in the back of my head like i'm really a lost boy now. >> i was lost in this world. >> brown: and what about now? >> now i think i'm leading the world in choices. since i became an american and i'm truly just like any other american kid, an opportunity comes my way i just try to capitalize on it, otherwise i'd never have fire to pursue movies, but now i'm here. >> brown: the movie is the good lie, ger duany and margaret nagle, thank you both so much.
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>> woodruff: again, the major developments of the day. pakistani teenager malala yousafzai and india's kailash satyarthi shared the nobel peace prize for campaigning to educate children and protect them from slavery. and the number of ebola deaths worldwide passed 4,000, out of nearly 8,400 cases. on the newshour online, throughout october we'll be live streaming debates from some of the most highly contested senate and governors races in the country. on sunday night, we're hosting a special screening of michigan's gubernatorial debate. join us at 6:00 p.m. eastern, and see a schedule of more events, on our rundown. all that and more is on our web site, and a reminder about some upcoming programs from our pbs colleagues. gwen ifill is preparing for "washington week," which airs later this evening. here's a preview:
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>> ifill: tonight, we explore why every branch of government affects your life, whether it's court action on gay marriage, executive action on ebola, leon panetta's criticism of the president or the shifting balance of the senate. there's a lot going gone on every front. we'll take you there later tonight on "washington week." judy? >> woodruff: on saturday's newshour weekend, william brangham reports from san francisco on the battle over a proposed tax on sugary drinks in an effort to combat obesity. >> woodruff: and we'll be back, right here, on monday, with a walter isaacson conversation about the innovators who ushered in the digital age. that's the newshour for tonight, i'm judy woodruff. have a nice weekend, thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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>> carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the newshour. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions captioned by media access group at wgbh
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