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tv   Broadcast News  PBS  February 22, 2015 2:00am-3:59am PST

2:00 am
[train whistle blows] captioning made possible by fox video, inc. i don't know a recent saturday i've sold more. why are you so glum? were you bothered by those waitresses making a fuss? no, but what are you supposed to do when people keep commenting on your looks?
2:01 am
i don't even know what they mean-- "beat them off with a stick." well, if that's your only problem... it's not. i got my report card. three cs, two ds and an incomplete. i see you studying so hard, tom. what do you think the problem is? i just have to try harder. and i will. i will. i will. i will. i will, i will i will! i will. i will! thanks, dad. this talk helped. can you, um... sign it, please? do you think a tutor would help?
2:02 am
that'd be great. it'd better help. what can you do with yourself if all you can do is look good? i'm frequently asked what special difficulties are involved in being graduated from high school two months shy of my 15th birthday. i sometimes think the difficulties themselves enabled me to do it. if i'd been appreciated, or even tolerated, i wouldn't have been in such a hurry to graduate. i hope the next student who excels isn't made to feel so much an outcast. but i'm looking forward to college and this is the happiest day i've had in a long, long time. so, i thank you, and i forgive you. come on! slug him! yeah! go ahead. this will heal! what i'm going to say can never be erased!
2:03 am
it'll scar you forever! ready? here it is. you'll never make more than $19,000 a year! cream him! take him. o.k.! what about this? you'll never leave south boston. i'll see the whole damn world! you'll never know the pleasure of writing a graceful sentence or having an original thought! think about it! $19,000. not bad! [bell rings] dear felicio... it's truly amazing to me... that we live a world apart and yet have the same favorite music. i love the picture you sent me and have it up on... and have it... and have it up on my bulletin board. honey. aah!
2:04 am
good god, jane! daddy! don't ever do that to me! it's time for you to go to sleep. g i just have two more pen pals. finish quickly. i don't want you getting obsessive about these things. good night. all right. obsessive... obsessive... dad, you want me to choose my words so carefully then you throw a word like "obsessive" at me. now, unless i'm wrong obsession is practically a psychiatric term concerning people who don't have anything else but the object of their own obsession, who can't stop and do anything else. well, i'm stopping to say this, so be more precise instead of calling a person something like "obsessive"!
2:05 am
good night. hey, it's me. you have to meet me in 30 minutes. nudge your mate. i don't think there's time to eat, but there's probably a cafeteria at the bus depot.
2:06 am
i love working with you two. it saves me a call. yeah. [ringing tone] hey. arnold schwarzenegger is on all three networks. i think he's live on two of them. the wake-up news used the wrong missile graphic. and they want us to take even cheaper rooms. [imitating schwarzenegger] arnold said he's making $3 million a movie but he's not ever gonna change. he's still the same person when he was making $2 million a movie. he also bought a condo with maria they're gonna furnish tastefully. ha ha ha! half-hour in the lobby. i'll see you in the lobbies.
2:07 am
[sobbing] there he is.
2:08 am
hi. i'd like to talk to you for a second. just a few questions. no. i came from washington. move away from me. "there might be a band at the bus depot "for j.d. singer's return from war. he was decorated for heroism--" watch this. how does it feel being home? get the beep lost. beep.beep. beeping! beeping! you want to use that? depends on how big a news day it is. i can't believe you said that! i'm very proud of that. he really opened up to you. if this were a war the united states sanctioned world war ii or vietnam... you really ought to work on your speech. it makes me nervous to think about it. let's do this. i'm not expecting any big homecoming.
2:09 am
we are being increasingly influenced by the star system. the network anchormen are so powerful, they comprise our last best hope. our profession is in danger. ahem... [woman] so, where do you want to go eat? the current group is clearly qualified tied still to our best traditions but who follows these men? excuse me. we are being pressured to take a loyalty oath... wow. i've known so many women like that. they don't like their looks so they're angry. excuse me. all of you know what i'm talking about. we're all trying to act tougher than we are, but we care, so... we're all secretly terrified by what's happening, aren't we? ah-choo!
2:10 am
catch you later. i was going to talk about other trends, but... magazine shows news as profit the historic influence of entertainment tonight, the danger, the hope the dream, the question. oh! i was going to show you a tape, a story carried by all networks on the same night, the same night that not one network noted a major policy change in salt ii nuclear disarmament talks. here's what they ran instead. [voice cracks] please show the tape. [speaking foreign language] i know it's good film. i know it's fun.
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i like fun. it's just not news. well, you're lucky you love it. you'll get a lot more just like it. good. thank you. i think it's over. i'm going to get a bite to eat. hi. hello. i just wanted to tell you
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how great you were. my name's tom grunick. thank you. yeah. they hated me. i don't hate them. well, they say if you can reach even one person, it means something. and you did that. would you like to have dinner with me? sure. another thing i can't stand-- is this dull? no! no, no. no. no. another thing i can't stand is when white house reporters harbor with each other after a briefing and one of them has a theory
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and the other quotes it in his story as, "white house sources say..." that actually goes on? yes! i am not tired. you want to talk in my room? sure. aw, come on. even i'm not that hard on myself. no, really. i got this job on a fluke and wait till you hear how it ends up. i was doing sports at this station. the newspaper ran this untrue story that i was leaving and they got these tons of protest mail. ha ha ha! so... so they made me anchor. so, great. right? except i'm no good at what i'm being a success at.
2:14 am
how are you at back rubs? it's normal, the way you feel. in graduate school everyone thought the admissions committee made a mistake in letting them in. you think i lack confidence. that's not it. i know i can talk well enough and i can make contact with people, but i don't like the feeling that i'm pretending to be a reporter. and half the time, i don't get the news i'm talking about. it's not that i'm down on myself. trust me. i stink! i trust you. i didn't even have a chance to become really good at sports.
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i wasn't bad. what about the obvious remedy-- reversing things maybe working at a newspaper. i don't write. ha ha! but that didn't stop me from sending my audition tapes to the bigger stations and the networks. well, come on. it is your life. nobody is tying you to the fast track. did you go to college? so you're not well-educated, you have almost no experience, and you can't write. yeah, and i'm... and i'm making a fortune. it's hard for me to advise you, since you personify something that i truly think is dangerous. uh-huh. i agree that you're not qualified,
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so get qualified. insist on being better prepared. don't just leave it with, "uh... "i don't write i'm not schooled "i don't understand the news, but at least i'm upset about it." whoa. what do you want from me permission to be a fake? stop whining. do something about it! um... you don't have to start right now. i hated the way you talked to me just now, and it wasn't just because you were right. no, no, no. it wasn't just the speech. the same thing happened with this guy. i have passed some line someplace. i am beginning to repel people i'm trying to seduce.
2:17 am
he must've been great-looking. why? nobody invites a bad-looking idiot to their bedroom. o.k., let's do me. i feel like i'm slipping but do people who are slipping feel that way, or do the good people who are moving up invariably think they're slipping because their standards are so high? this conversation is not worthy of you. i wish that were true. good night. wouldn't it be great if insecurity and desperation made us more attractive? call if you get weird. hmm? take care, doll. i will. [ring] i was just thinking it was our shortest phone conversation ever. [tom] i never told you the reason i was telling you everything. those audition tapes i sent--
2:18 am
i've been hired by your network for the washington bureau, so i'll probably see you at work. what? sorry. speak to you later. bobby, go to 9:45:46 the soundbite that starts, "why were you in angola?" we could go all-- please, bobby! we're pushing. [tape rewinding] why were you in angola? politics? money? what brings you to these places? that's where the job's at. that's what i get paid for. they said i should observe. we're working here! you can stand-- play the last line. thanks.
2:19 am
bobby, let me hear it. jane! we need it in 14 minutes. [telephone rings] just a second. let me hear it. what did you expect when you came back? it's a long time since i've seen my folks but i'm not expecting any big homecoming. stop there. i want to shoot the homecoming from a norman rockwell book i have in the office. you don't have time! i'll be right down. i have to tell ernie because there isn't enough time! yes, there is! i don't think she's going to make it. ha ha ha! [monitor] it was a surprise... you want copy? yes, doll, 15 seconds. just a 2-second dissolve to the rockwell. should i-- just a 2-second dissolve!
2:20 am
we have three minutes! why do you do this to me? is it because i won an award? homecoming-- norman rockwell's enduring portrait. the return of a fighting man has always been a moving ceremony of war. we have 1 1/2 minutes. i have to tell new york we're not ready. we'll be ready. in 84 seconds? 15 seconds. lay it in, bobby. the screen will be black because we're not there! what about careers, huh? we won't make it! whoops. whoops? bobby, bobby bobby, bobby, bobby. oh, god! bobby, bobby bobby, bobby. we'll make it, blair! oh! oh! go! uh! uh! hey, watch it, there! whoa! open the damn door! thank you!
2:21 am
hey! ...fighting inside the perimeter... tell new york we won't be ready. there she is. o.k. stand by. here! 3, 2, 1. take it! ...was there. in other times there might be a band at the bus depot... guys. homecoming-- norman rockwell's enduring portrait. the return of a fighting man has always been a moving ceremony of war. tearful women, proud men, excited children. but j.d. singer was right. his homecoming was no big deal. aaron altman lincoln, nebraska. an american comes home. that's your news. i'm bill rorish. good evening. look at that smile. that was good work. his, uh... bill smiled. he liked it. bill loved it. that's a big smile.
2:22 am
bill hasn't smiled like that in weeks! good piece. thanks, ernie. i got to see it again. he did smile. ha ha ha! don't tell anyone i did this. i'm sorry if i got in the way. it was totally impressive! it was just a great piece! you weren't. thanks. how does it feel? i can't believe i'm here. where did martin go? downstairs. i can't believe i'm here. no, i'm wrong. he went to research. i can't believe i'm here! if you're through work now-- no. aaron and i go to central america on wednesday so i am cramming. i thought you were incredible in there. everybody was. i have a lot to learn.
2:23 am
i would really a lot appreciate it-- "really a lot appreciate it"? you make me nervous. if i can pick your brain, if... i can't help you. sorry. i'm not here to teach remedial reporting. it has nothing to do with the fact that i left your room instead of staying? ha! please! you're going to have to understand something. this isn't personal. o.k. good night. good night. [whispering in spanish] [whispering] he just said he's scared.
2:24 am
[gunfire] o.k., let's get this. it's too dark. no, it's not. just go! aaron, go. [gunfire] the first shots were fired not 10 seconds ago from over there, towards the east. the contras feel they must be outnumbered. that's a given. they've managed to hold their ground despite the fact that their weapons have been acting up. no new shipment of arms is expected until tomorrow. all they got today were shoes. great line at the end. did you get a shot of the boots? of course. i can't believe i just risked my life for a network that tests my face with focus groups! i don't feel good. ha ha ha!
2:25 am
[sobbing] the proposal stipulates electing a president from among several candidates. graphic on in two seconds. hi. how's it going? c.c., we need control of 5. ...chosen by the military command. a fire fight along the nicaraguan border when we return. audio is up full. the first shots were fired not 10 seconds ago from over there, towards the east. freeze. freeze it back over. congratulations, you two. finally got a piece in early, huh? bill saw it earlier. he loved it. no kidding? no one's checked the spelling on these chyrons. there's a guy downstairs. clerk vouched for him. he has something to say about gays getting promotions at state. could i buy you dinner sometime? i just got back.
2:26 am
i don't know which end is up. o.k. jane! bill rorish is asking for you. i've never heard of him handing out compliments during a show. jane, if it gets any better than that i'll have to bring you up here to new york. thanks. i wish you'd kept the first 20 seconds. but thank you. well, the visual with the shoes at the end was just perfect. he loved the boots! aaron should hear this so i have another witness. you always want to give the credit away, don't you? no. he happens to deserve the credit. he's right here. i'll speak to you soon. he had to read over some new copy.
2:27 am
what? can i watch you tape that interview downstairs? yes. thanks. the contras have only a few months... [whispering] laugh so they don't think i'm dying inside but have so much style that i just said something funny. ha ha ha! what did he say? ha ha ha! oh, i'll never tell. ...the contras, who are creeping back into action. i once made some stupid remark about his hairline. he'll never forget it! o.k. i'll meet the crew there. could you give me that address one more time? right. yeah, it's good to finally be getting to work. 17204 colorado. right. like the state. yeah.
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17204. got it. 1-7-2-0-4? yeah. bye. 1-7-2... 1-7-2-0-4. jane, i've got a story. jane? [honk] hi. how are you? wait. i need you. i got a story. some public official skipped a week on his christmas club? the house armed services committee has a secret report which says that the allen fighting vehicle the army poured a fortune into plain won't work. they have $5 million in this thing already.
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billion. right, billion. o.k. of course. they said i could have any producer i want, and i want you. [tom] one committee source called it a $5 billion metal sculpture, too ugly to look at and too big to bury. over time, however costs have doubled... did you write this? i write for you sometimes. not because you have to. ...firepower to defend itself against enemy tanks. the suspension system had to be redesigned because of the vehicle's extra weight. the allen can carry only six infantrymen. oh, come on. ...the vehicle to sink in shallow water. general, i don't want to bother you anymore. tom rates two cameras, huh? tomorrow you'll see a mob of me here. if you have anything to say, sir say it now the way you want. it's great you left in what you said. yes, please, let's never forget
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we're the real story not them. yeah, i know. i couldn't decide about it. he's not afraid of being human. shh! ...before the house armed services committee. tom grunick, the pentagon. as if the pentagon didn't have enough problems... thanks, jane. sure. tom? my youngest wanted to meet you. this is elli. hi, elli. you should be honored. she never wanted to meet anyone here before. dad... but she said she loved you on television just now. hi, elli. remember me? i-i'm not sure. i'm sorry. i've been to your house. aaron was on that 14-day raft trip with us last year. oh, yeah. i wore a big yellow raincoat. oh, yeah.
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it had a hood. yeah! hi! your hair's different. yeah. hi! hi, elli. she knows me. ah. our host! come on in. sorry we're late. it's jane's fault. smells good. it is good. anne worked all weekend. why should we feel defensive about it? newspapers are in business to make money. why not us? they criticize us for pandering while they run wingo games. exactly right. excuse me. i'm paid to mix. ha ha! goodbye, paul. take care, paul. because of money. i can't believe it. ha ha ha! martin, would you excuse us for a minute? no. go away. well, you know i've been meaning to ask you...
2:32 am
ah, forget it. this is very awkward. i see tom around you a lot. i'd like to see him outside of work, unless there's some reason for you to mind. whoa, whoa, whoa. do i mind? why would i mind? no. wait. i do mind. i think about him outside of work sometimes, but i know i don't respect him. what am i talking about? what am i saying? you're saying, "stay away from him." i can't be. we don't have to settle this right now.
2:33 am
wait a minute. i've studied these things. tell me one person who ever left television news to work on a newspaper. right. it sure looks good. after all these years, we have a life. see you. see you. hey. hi, tom. hi. it's the first time i've seen you dressed like this. you look so clean and pretty. what do you mean? clean? at the office, you have this film over you. i've got to find someone. it's important. excuse me.
2:34 am
jennifer. hey! jennifer! forget what i said. do whatever you want to with tom. there's nothing i'm going to do right this second. it's your day off. you're entitled. a plane shot up an air base in sicily. this could be very, very-- that's it! o.k., right away. ernie? tom? tom. yeah. what is it? a libyan plane just shot up one of our bases in sicily. we should tap our source. jennifer, we need you. jane, we want you to exec produce
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a special report. a libyan plane shot up an american base in sicily. since paul is here he's made the assignments-- jennifer at the white house, george at the pentagon martin at state. we need an anchor, since rorish is on his boat. we're doing the report from here with tom. what? you're not going to use him at all? it's not my choice. it's 1:35, and it's tom. you can reach me at the office. paul, forgive me. i'm really sorry. pardon me for interrupting, but... paul, i need to talk to you outside. great. tom's not near ready for this job not by the longest shot. aaron spent six weeks in tripoli.
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he's interviewed qaddafi. he reported on the '81 story. he's essential to do our best job. it's my responsibility to say so. that's your opinion. i don't agree. it's not opinion. you're just absolutely right and i'm absolutely wrong. it must be nice to always believe you're right to always think you're the smartest person in the room. no, it's awful. you'd better get going. hey! would you come on? nervous? excited. tell george and jennifer to try and cover everything without tom having to ask. o.k. bobby says-- did you hear what i said?
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take a breath. and most important make sure his earpiece works. have back-ups ready. that's never been more vital. he must be able to hear me. [telephone rings] get a picture of e-2 hawkeyes i can put on the feed prompt. [telephone rings] [gargling] stand by animation. ready vtr 1 and 2. ready to announce. ready on camera 1 with cue. stand by. good luck, kid. ready.
2:38 am
i need five. six. 30 seconds to air time. everyone here is programmed clearly? yeah everyone's good. executive producer. wow! how many seconds to air? 30. stand by camera 1. camera 2 center it up. a little left. tom, can you hear me? tom, can you hear me? tom? tom. tom! tom? tom! damn it! he can't hear me! i can hear you. i was just teasing. 5, 4, 3... and announce. 2, 1. cue him with effects. good afternoon. a libyan fighter plane attacked a u.s. military installation at comiso, sicily, at 10:07 a.m.,
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eastern time. the libyan mig-21 was shot down by american f-14 jets. the base a u.s. naval air station. there are 500 men and women stationed there. the libyan bombs destroyed a warehouse which 30 minutes earlier had been crowded with servicemen. [stereo] ♪ bought a one-way ticket back... ♪ ♪ one-way ticket back ♪ ♪ i can sing while i read ♪ ♪ i am singing and reading both ♪ ♪ leavin' ♪ ♪ on that midnight train to georgia ♪ ♪ leavin' on that midnight train ♪ the libyan mig-21 dropped all four of its bombs on the u.s. air station. [tom] the heat-seeking missiles virtually disintegrated the plane. ♪ i'd rather live in his world ♪ ♪ than live without him... ♪ george, you ready? yeah. should i cover everything or should i let tom ask me something? cover everything.
2:40 am
we're going to george. say, "the joint chiefs are meeting. we have george weln at the pentagon." better monitor the situation. george weln is at the pentagon and reports that the attack has triggered a massive movement of u.s. military might. a lot of alliteration from anxious anchors placed in powerful posts! [george] was this the work of a dissident pilot or was the pilot acting on instructions? we now have qaddafi on the screen. it's aaron. 2 looks soft. yes? the pilot that shot down the libyan in 1981 is stationed right here. tell tom the f-14 is extremely hard to fly and they're nicknamed tomcats. thank you. said qaddafi "this is not war." the f-14 is extremely difficult to master. they're called tomcats. isn't the f-14 tomcat
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extremely difficult for a pilot to master? in the seventies the first craft had many crashes. there was trouble with them in the seventies. thank you, george. i say it here, it comes out there. jennifer? the white house is preparing... all right, stand by, please. [telephone rings] hi. qaddafi doesn't foam at the mouth or anything. when you speak to him, he seems not at all nuts. he seems like a leader. good. we're getting the '81 pilot. nobody else will have him. what's it like being executive producer? i got to go. me, too. got to go. got to go. we're very busy. stand by, camera 1. center up. we're going to remote 3. it's the gulf of sidra. the u.s. commander is nathan benchley. in 1981, two libyan jets attacked two american f-14s
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[jane] they got an su-22. flying over the gulf of sidra. today they got a mig-21, a better plane. qaddafi claimed that the gulf is part of libya's territorial waters. both libyan jets were downed by the american fighters. he is nathan benchley. the commander of one of those planes, nathan benchley, joins us. commander, it must have been tougher shooting down the mig-21. you got an su-22. what's it like at confrontation? what is a dogfight like? after this we'll do a wrap-up. ask him how he knows when he has a hit. do you know you have a hit from a screen inside your cockpit, or can you see your missiles strike? that's good. [benchley] the equipment is sophisticated but you like to see it to confirm it. it's considered an outlaw nation but some who have interviewed qaddafi find him to use an american phrase,
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very presidential. nice, jane. we'll go to martin klein, then to the carrier pilot from the sidra-- what! no! you missed him? there's only 10 minutes left! how can you talk to me about parking problems? no, not you'll try! do it, bye! i had no idea she was this good. tom. tom. fill for a second. tom? go. the latest message seems to indicate that the libyan pilot was acting on his own without authority from anyone else. in other words i think we're all o.k. who the hell cares what you think? the libyan government has disavowed prior knowledge of the attack. i'm tom grunick reporting from washington. good afternoon. animation.
2:44 am
thanks, everybody. we are out. nice job, tom. everybody on the floor thank you so much. good job, buddy. thank you, ernie. jane, great work. really. you know? there were no major gaffes, anyway. oh! no major gaffes. ha ha! you were brilliant! josh, great stuff. thank you. congratulations, jane. you guys were so good. you guys! thanks, jane. thanks, ernie. you know, this was important for tom. there's that bonding thing that happens. i'm watching paul address the troops. it's not the conventions anymore. it's this kind of moment. oh, hi. wow! hey, mr. ice man! you were great. you, too. great job.
2:45 am
good work, tom. thanks. what a baptism, tom! congratulations. with all this help it's easier than local. where's jane? she's back there. can i help you? we're here to play the new news theme. you're an amazing woman! what a feeling having you inside my head! yeah. it was... an unusual place to be. it's, like, indescribable! you knew just when to feed me the next line. you knew the second before i needed it. there was a rhythm we got into. it was like great sex! ha ha ha! you have to celebrate with me. everybody's going to the bar down the street. i'm going over to aaron's. maybe i'll hook up with all of you later.
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how long do you think you'll be... there? it starts off with this very high-tech thing like this... ♪ bom bom ♪ that's the news. really? ha ha! it was good? your calling in that information-- you are the classiest guy i know! here. have a beer. celebrate. god... it was so strange watching him. what's next-- lip-synching? o.k., o.k., o.k. i've been doing some of the most important thinking of my life today. i wonder if i should tell you now. whatever you think. i figured out why i'm so hung up on getting a chance at weekend anchor. if i do it well, they'll pay me more
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and they'll treat me better. you may be on to something. which means i'm at their mercy and who wants that? i won't tell you where this thought has led me in the middle of this, i started thinking about the one thing that makes me feel good and makes immediate sense... and it's you. oh, bubba. i'm going to stop right now. except i wish you were two people. i'd tell the one who's my friend about the one that i like so much. all right. i'm--i'm-- i'm not going to say anymore, primarily because i'm about to pass out. i'll walk you to the corner. you get some sleep. right now? after i walk you to the corner.
2:48 am
come on, buddy. you were stunning today. you have someplace to go now, right? yeah, yeah. good night. good night. well i felt something. hee hee hee! i didn't think you'd make it. thought i'd see if all of you were still here. i'll go join the gang. the gang is gone. we were the last ones. oh. well, i'll, uh... i'll go have a burger. you want another burger? yeah. hey, i know how to have a burger by myself. i feel like a little solitude.
2:49 am
i sure know that feeling. hey, terrific work today. right back to you. thanks. good night. good night. ha ha! i feel great. you sure i shouldn't get a taxi? what for? oh, i don't know. why? you have the greatest car and the greatest driver in all of washington. you look confused. i'm not. ohh! give me some of that.
2:50 am
where's the bathroom? oh, through the closet. wow! i'm so tired of defending my closet. i always had a problem with space. it was getting so i couldn't find anything so i converted a bedroom. wait till you've been doing it for 16 years. it's a great solution. not only the storage t but you can see everything you have. do you do bunny rabbits? jennifer! isn't this a great date? well, they've been looking at just about everything-- foreign bureaus, domestic bureaus all kinds of personnel even equipment. anyway, they seem to be very, very serious about making me cut 24 million from the budget.
2:51 am
now, this is going to mean massive firings. uh...i'm doing whatever i can but i did want you to be aware of this very serious situation. now, we're going to also be covering the alaskan serial killer trial on a continuing basis. i'd like it to be assigned out of washington. we have to put someone on a plane to anchorage. jane? who do you think george weln of jennifer? jennifer. good night, emily. good night, jane. come on. i'll buy you a drink. there's a big thing at the italian embassy. i'm not sure i'd be good company tonight. ahh, i'll be the judge of that.
2:52 am
i'll get my coat. two, please. tom? tom? [stumbles] ha ha ha! i'm all right. heavy hitters. yeah. how are you doing? great. network news washington. i love it. what do you do when your real life exceeds your dreams? keep it to yourself. you know, yesterday, i really wanted to know your reaction to how we did with the libyan report. i was going to ask but i think i'm... i'm a little intimidated with you. stop it! you can't talk about feeling intimidated when you're on top of the world.
2:53 am
i'm not buying into that i have a load to learn-- you have your job. shut up. o.k. pretty peppy party isn't it, pal? i made one rule for myself when this started, and i realized i would take a lot from you people because of being from sports. and that rule was? never to pretend to know more than i did. can you name all the members of the cabinet? o.k., let's drop it. i'm not taking a test for you. if that came up in conversation-- we're conversing. the names of the cabinet have slipped my mind. say, do you know them? o.k., don't me them. just tell me if you know. yes, aaron i know them.
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o.k. all 12? yes! there's only 10. you're feeling good, aren't you? i'm starting to, yeah. hey, we may do state capitals next. 50, right? [jane] hi. there you are. is this it? yes. i am so exhausted... punchy... sick tired. i can't think, and i can't move. i'm just a dead lump of poured-out flesh.
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would you like to come up? maybe we could just sit here, talk a little. o.k. i'll have to do a whole story on my own. eventually. i have an idea for something. what? if i tell you, can you manage not to put it down or tell me why it won't work or is in bad journalistic taste? yes, tom i think i can manage. o.k. it's about women who are attacked by someone they know on a date. ugh. i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it. well, keep it that way.
2:56 am
wait a minute! i didn't say anything! stand. i'm innocent before i'm-- ooh! innocent. you're guilty before you can be innocent. door to door. [telephone rings] [ring] [whistling] hello? jane? jane. yes. tom? tom, is that you? yes. hey, you called me. is it your story? no, um...
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[clears throat] are you going to the correspondents' dinner? you need me for the story? no. are you going? uh-huh. maybe i get off work i'd like to go. good. we could go together. so... so, you like me, huh? i like you as much as i can like anyone "street cops say..." that fits. was that last cut good for you, bobby? uh, yeah. great. thank you for asking. thank you. [tom] according to the fbi there were more than 87,000 rapes reported last year. most people think of a rapist as a violent stranger, but today, an attack may be what's
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called date rape-- being forced to have sex with someone you know. so anyway, it was that you know "give him a chance" thing. hi. shh! shh! shh! i was lonely. so... we went to a movie and when he brought me home, he asked for a beer and said he'd go. so how do you say no to that? my cousin donna. really? so first, um... it was kind of like this wrestling match which was awful enough because... it got very violent. what is this? and i'm a modest person.
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and he ripped my clothes off. and he forced me to... make love. and then he stayed in my apartment and forced me more times. i promised myself i wasn't going to cry.'s just... this whole thing has just...messed me up. let's turn on the news. come on! sex, tears this must be the news. sorry. i'm in a pissy mood. what's wrong with it? nothing. you blew the lid off nooky. oh! oh! the victims often remain too terrified to talk, the police powerless to perform properly, and all the welfare groups can do is monitor this epidemic of crime without punishment. tom grunick, annandale, virginia.
3:00 am
malcolm west on trial for the murders of 15 men, has led police to four... nice work. i got to get a crew off the clock. what did you think? it moved me. i did relate to it. i really did. it was unusual for you to cut to yourself when you teared up. and that might not have been my choice, but it was real, and it got me, and i think a lot of the time i'm too conservative about that stuff. o.k.? o.k. ...body count's now 19. the jury returns to the site... tom, that was really swell tonight.
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good. four more bodies now taken from the frozen earth. jennifer mack, wodahamlet, alaska. ♪ eastern's got the right time... ♪ how are you? hi. i'm just writing you a note. uh, what do you say we take a walk? outside? yeah. come on. i'm not suggesting the worst will happen. it's just that somebody with your brilliance gets nibbles about other jobs now and again. maybe down the road, you should look into it. oh, damn. those freaking jerks they want to fire me. all i know is they got to fire a large number of people. ahh. they're not even going by seniority.
3:02 am
there's a recklessness in the air. do one thing for me. get me one shot at anchoring the weekend news. it could turn it around for me. i could do that this saturday. everybody wants off for the correspondents' dinner. do it, then. please prepare carefully. this couldn't happen at a better time. prepare what? you have saturday's news handy? it's a long while since you've read the news. i'll have somebody work with you, just on superficial performance things. o.k. i think i better be alone for a while. i understand. i'll go with you. thanks. this is very uncomfortable for me and i don't mean that as a knock, either. o.k., go ahead. i'll just tell you what i think. you can disregard it if you want. i don't know how effective this will be because of our different approaches. o.k. reports tonight-- wait. your coat jacket is rising up in back. o.k. when you sit sit on your jacket. that will give you a good line.
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reports tonight-- look at the monitor. o.k. reports tonight from far down on the arabian peninsula indicate that heavy fighting-- your jacket, aaron. what are you doing? don't touch me. sit on it. but just don't handle me. i'm sitting on it! look. fantastic tip! that's great. continues for a second day between government and rebel forces in pro-soviet-- no. don't let your eyes move from the beginning to end. you don't want to look shifty, do you? no. the right side of your face is the good one. they'll let me do the news like this? heavy fighting continues for-- try to punch one word or phrase
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in every sentence. one idea per story. punch. you were smoking there toward the end. the pointers were great. i'll study the tape. remember you're not just reading the news, you're narrating it. you're selling them this idea of you. you're saying, "trust me. i'm credible." so when you feel yourself just reading stop! and start selling a little. o.k. so long. [doorbell rings]
3:05 am
[ring] you look like this porcelain thing. you look beautiful. you look beautiful. that's gorgeous! what's that? i spilled rum on my jacket. help me pick something out. o.k. i'm thinking the gray suit. [dials] tom, why don't i meet you there? i got some stuff to take care of. did you rent the tux or buy it? i knew it. how much? wow! o.k., i'll see you there. you're going with him? don't wear that shirt. no, blue. let me look at the gray.
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not bad, right? looks nice. so help me pick a tie. o.k. you brought all of them. how much was the tux? 1,140 bucks. no. yeah. try this one. not bad. i read about it in a magazine. that way you don't put on too much. could you at least pretend it's awkward me showing up while you're getting ready for this date? it's not a date! it's coworkers going to a professional conclave. i hate missing it. i wish i could be there. me, too. if it gets dull before 11:00 you'll drop by the studio.
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i'm not sure i can. i'll have the tape. i'll wait for you afterwards at my house. o.k., great. good luck. thanks. have a good time tonight. you, too. the marriott. what is it? what's the matter? what are you doing? oh, no. my little tailor! you were all wrinkled and schmutzy. i've got shoulders. good? thanks. maybe i'll just stand here and guard your corner. i'll be here when you get back. don't take connecticut. go... taxi!
3:08 am
hey, nick. read this over. see what you think. sure. aaron. hey, george. what are you doing here? anchoring the weekend news. i'm going to anchor it. hey! way to go. this is terrific. this is a pleasure to read, really. is there water on the set? yeah, sure. you'll be fine. well, hello, tom. he moves and smiles and moves and smiles.
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if he doesn't see me soon, we're not supposed to be together. it's for me? hi, jane. hey, arlene. it's incredible who's here! who? me. that's an outlaw dress. thank you. yes! whoo! o.k., 20 seconds to air. 15 seconds. [music plays] 10 seconds.
3:10 am
cue graphic. the weekend report with aaron altman. go, aaron. good evening. in mood and language better suited to an espionage novel than the delicate world of the western alliance, the british foreign secretary today pounced on what he termed the nest of professional spies and amateur traders who are turning nato headquarters into an instrument whose only true function is folly. we begin our coverage with edward towne in london. take it. the british... she's coming in now. 20 seconds. ...for denouncing breaches of security. any breach of security... gee whiz! i think i'm starting to perspire a little. ...involving nato military deployment was passed on... are you seeing? the information was apparently delivered in coded messages written on paper bags from the nato cafeteria. six cafeteria workers... five seconds!
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edward towne, london. the sub bases referred to are located in five countries-- norway, belgium, the netherlands, spain, and great britain. this is more than nixon ever sweated. our own state department was rocked not only by the revelation but from the highly unusual persistence of the state press cps. nice touch. martin klein reports on the ruckus at foggy bottom. just how noticeable is this? huh? do you have a bigger one? hurry! 10 seconds. ...will severely limit nato's ability... [hair dryer] five seconds! everything's fine, aaron. [crash] a bomb exploded on a railroad bridge outside of madras, india sending a passenger train... you've got your hands in.
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you've got your hands in! your hand! get your hand out! your hand! you know he wrote some beautiful stuff. 120 people were reported injured, at least 22 people dead. commercial. i wish i were one of them. remember brinkley's great line? "it's as irrevocable as a haircut." can i check your purse? i got some decent stuff at yard sales. i like those. can i have your autograph for my wife? how are you doing, paul? tom. you're finally learning to be flexible. glad you've changed your mind about tom. ma'am, can i check your purse? i'd like to know what the contents are myself. sir, may i see that briefcase? i'd like to check the contents. could i see your purse? we got to go.
3:13 am
i'm sorry. what? i...oh! you o.k.? great. i'm so sorry i pulled you away from that dinner. those things can be a lot of fun. everybody tries to be funny. all of a sudden, there's these people trying to make political careers out of how many laughs they get. why can't i let go of this woman? well... at least kiss me when you do that. you just can't stop editing me, huh? this is hysterical.
3:14 am
i was half hoping i wouldn't have a good time tonight. know why? because you're nuts? right. isn't she fun to tease? ohh. what? more and more lately when i've been watching you in action and seeing you and all your... energy i've been wondering what it'd be like to be inside all that energy. me, too.
3:15 am
i don't remember ever saying anything like that exactly. i don't know why i just did. wait a minute. i can think of two reasons. i just thought of another. if you talk about it you don't have to do it. that's not it. you're trying to make it all about sex, or it's that great feeling that you don't want to hold anything back. you know, intimacy. oh, shoot. what? i promised aaron i'd stop by and see how he did. i'll go along. no! i'll be back at your place as soon as i can. jane! what happened? don't run off like everything's settled the minute you make up your mind. he can talk more freely if i go alone. it's just that i'd like you
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to give me a minute... so i can catch up. o.k. sorry. don't yell at me like that again. you scared the life out of me. [buzz] it's open! i was in the shower. how'd it go? you didn't talk to anybody? no. then it went very well. really? define your terms. do you feel good about it? no. do others feel you did well? no. what was good? i lost 6 pounds. aaron, will you tell me? it was great! there i was, writing my first-rate copy sitting on my jacket punching my one thought. except i had this historic attack of flop sweat. i'll never anchor again, ever. i lost one of your shoulder pads.
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i think it drowned. what do you mean flop sweat? i bet you were the only one who knew. people phoned in. stop kidding! i'm not! there were complaining calls because you were sweating? nice ones worried i was having a heart attack. if all that happened, how come you're so chipper? i don't know. i don't know. at some point, it was so bad, it just got funny. my central nervous system was telling me something. sweat pouring down my face make-up falling into my eyes people turning on this fusillade of blow dryers-- all so i could read introductions to other people covering the stories which is what i like to do anyway. and i'm chipper because you finally showed up. i'm going to cook for us. i have to be someplace.
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now? i told what's his name--tom-- that i'd meet him. call him up. it can wait, i... i may be in love with him. i knew it. get out of my house now. get out. i'm not kidding! get out of here! you go to hell! come back here. come on. don't go. this is important to me! i think it's important for you, too. come on. sit down. sit down.
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what is this? i'll take it. what? give me one minute, please! this is tough. ah! jane. o.k., let's take the part that has nothing to do with me. let me just be your most trusted friend now the one that gets to say all the awful stuff, o.k.? i guess.
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yes. you can't end up with tom because it totally goes against everything that you're about. yeah... being a basket case. i know you care about him. i've never seen you like this with anybody so don't get me wrong when i tell you that tom while being a very nice guy, is the devil. this isn't friendship. you're crazy you know that? what do you think the devil would look like? a guy with a pointy tail? what will he sound like? "aah! aah!" no. i'm semi-serious here. you're serious-- he will be attractive, nice and helpful. he'll work where he influences a great god-fearing nation. he'll never do an evil thing or hurt a living thing. and he'll talk about all of us really being salesmen.
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and he'll get all the great women. hey, aaron! i think you're the devil! you know i'm not! how? because i think we have the kind of friendship where if i were the devil, you'd be the only one i'd tell! you ran after tom's help-- yes! if things had gone well tonight, i probably wouldn't say this. i grant you everything but give me is. he personifies everything that you've been fighting against. and i'm in love with you. how do you like that? i buried the lead.
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i've got to not say that out loud. it takes too much out of me. i never fought for anyone before. does anybody win one of these things? [telephone rings] [ring] hello. hi. hi. where are you? i...i can't get away just yet. i'm at aaron's. oh, well, when? i'm not sure. it seems like he had a mishap on the news. not if you count singing in the rain... don't treat it like a tragedy. want me to talk to him? uh-uh. he says you could hardly notice it. um... um... let me talk to him.
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don't say anything about anything. let me talk to him. hi. hi. sorry to keep jane. i didn't realize you'd be going this late. i'll put her back on. thank you. hi again. i'm sorry about this... look. don't worry. that sounds more important. let's... let's forget about tonight. i don't know... if that's absolutely necessary. i have my father coming through tomorrow. i should get some sleep. uh-huh. i'll see you at the office.
3:24 am
good night. hello? yes? o.k. good night. good night? jane. i am not some chore you have to finish so you can stay on schedule. o.k., grunick. easy shots now. good night. [hangs up phone] he just canceled. he had a... chance to think, and he canceled. i can't-- i can't breathe. [gasping] damn it! over a guy!
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well, jane, thanks for stopping by. good night. he's on assignment right now. hi. i kept trying to call you. you never called me! were you just diddling me? when i'm a woman
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eet you, sir. please forgive what i said. sorry. just light up a room and leave, huh? you want my opinion? what's easy to miss about jane-- you want my opinion? yes, i would. the way she just acted is not the way an affectionate person acts. yes, it would be my pleasure. rorish. when do you start telling people? almost immediately, bill. i'd like to take everybody out after the show. fantastic. hello, donny. bill what a surprise. hi, mr. rorish.
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bill, this is hard on all of us. it's no time for compliments, but i think it's extraordinary of you to come down here for this. if we're not here during the tough times we're not a news organization. bill! welcome back to washington... bill. thank you. thank you. thank you. i forget. is she on the list? this is a brutal layoff. and all because they couldn't program wednesday nights. you can make it less brutal by knocking a million or so off your salary. a bad joke. i'm sorry.
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awful. it's a miserable day. that was just some kind of sick joke defense mechanism. it just doesn't indicate any of my feelings not one. it just shows the kind of stress this represents for all of us. no excuse for it though. bill. tom. it's about time. good to see you. i feel terrible about what happened. what did he say? he said, um... that he liked you. because you looked like you had fire and honesty.
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no. did he really? yes. what? come here. come here. uh... paul canned me. well, my brother will feel great. now he's not the only screwup. tom, paul wants to see you. bob, i just found out. he'll just be a minute. i hate this so much.
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you know i'm just old enough to be flattered by the term "early retirement." that's wonderful. what a lovely line. now, if there's anything i can do for you... i certainly hope you'll die soon. tom. this is a severe cutback, tom. 27 people in this bureau alone including technical personnel. we're going to reorganize at the same time. we're dropping you from washington and assigning you to london. you knew they were going to offer me this before i went in there.
3:31 am
i can't stand this! we care for each other too much to be dishonest. i'm leaving. no matter who they replace me with, they were making me leave anyway. the fact that it's you takes some of the sting out of it. and i don't think you're any better than i am. oh damn! no, i'm not! are you out of your mind? have you guys seen jane? she's back there getting my job. the first woman bureau chief we've ever had here. what happened to you? they booted me out of washington. impossible! there isn't a system in the world that wouldn't value one of us. what did they do to you? it's what he did. i'm proud of him.
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they told me they'd keep me because they could plug me into any story and my salary was in line, so i quit. jane, i got to tell you something. yeah? except for socially you're my role model. you packing up tonight? mm-hmm. i'm sorry they're sending you down. i'm sure you'll make it back. where are they sending you? london. london? yeah. that's a promotion. i don't think so. yes! that's where they sent rorish before they made him anchor. i can't believe you! they're grooming you for it all! you don't even know it! keep it down will you? let me ask you something. you had one camera crew on that daybreak piece? yeah. sticking around for the farewell party?
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no, it won't be much fun watching martin klein and ernie turn in their credentials to the security guard. hi, hank. can i speak with my wife? no message. i'll see her at home. this is one story they're not going to cover. if the network doesn't cover it it's not important so why worry? i'm going to miss you. you're a bastard in a great...way. ha ha ha! you know what i mean. i like the way it made me sound. o.k. be good. we'll figure out who's hiring, o.k.? nobody knows what they'll do now. it's not fair, donny. thank you, jane. good luck.
3:34 am
jane, martin would like to see you if you get a chance. this is the third cutback in four years. these people. it's all so awful. it just hurts, physically doesn't it? like something's wrong with your bones. like your... organs are shifting inside your body. maybe i haven't been here long enough. hey, congratulations on the promotion. congratulations? how can you say that... to me? i'm sorry i can't stand here feeling
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bad because i don't feel worse. this has happened at every station i've ever been to. do they owe you any time off? 14 weeks. i think it's crazy for you to come here tomorrow and start a new job. i have a week before i have to get to my new job. let's get the hell away to some island fast and... and find out how we are together away from this. well... i just think... that's an extraordinary proposal. that's yes? that's more than yes.
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that's "you bet." [ring] hello. bastard! sneak! quitter! speaking. i just found out. you didn't say anything to me. will you meet me? no, i can't. maybe next week. no. i'm going away tomorrow. i'll meet you at the place near the thing. anyway my agent says he has a very hot prospect-- the number two station in portland. they want to be as good the networks. personally i think should aim higher. tell me the god's honest truth. are you leaving because of me? ernie said you're lucky if you get out when you can ill cry. i should have quit three years ago. you're just trying to say great stuff
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so i'll feel even worse that you're not around. let's go. i just want to s-sit here. i mean the feeling to stay here... is powerful. why is that? maybe the best part of your life is over and you don't want to start the bad part. you are now required to sit here with me! come on! be smart for a second. what do you... think will happen to us? what will happen? that's very easy. five, six years from now i'll be back to collect an award representing the surge in foreign coverage by local stations.
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what will they call the award? the euchy. yes. anyway i'll be walking with my wife and children. we'll bump into you. son will say something, and i will say "it's not nice making fun of single fat ladies." you won't be able to stay mad at me, right? i hope so. no, i'm not really mad. i'll miss you, we'll talk we'll always be friends we'll get hot for each other and we'll never act on it. o.k.? i got to go.
3:39 am
jane? you know how tom had tears in his eyes in that interview with that girl? ask yourself how we were able to see that when he only had one camera and it was pointed at the girl during the entire interview. i'm fairly sure i was right to tell you. it was just... this whole thing has just messed me up... maybe more than it should have.
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i'm sorry... are you o.k.? yes, i'm sorry. don't be silly. what are you sorry about? i just went. oh we just need a-- we just need a minute more of your time. so he can shoot from behind you, toward me, and, uh... we'll have some place to go when we cut. i sit here i nod my head, and i look nerdy. tom, that kills me we didn't get you on camera. so powerful-- seeing your reaction. i thought you were going to cry yourself. that would have been something. give me a minute. uhh!
3:41 am
oh it's amazing. pardon me, please. where would we catch a bus to washington? turn right. thank you very much. see? i told you. mr. robert p. summer pick up the white phone. mr. robert p. summer please pick... look who's the organized one. i got everything! i'm not going.
3:42 am
[sighs] why? i saw the taped outtakes of the interview with the girl. i know you-- acted your reaction after the interview. it's verboten, huh? i thought since i almost did it the first time, but... but i get you. that's not the reason you're not coming. of course it's the reason. it's terrible. come with me we'll disagree and get a tan at the same time. if you're going to be glib y i'm going to lose it! jane keep it down. i was up all night, and...
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jane. it made me ill. that's better. you could get fired for that. i got promoted for that. working up tears for a news piece cutaway? you crossed the line-- it's hard not to. they keep moving the little sucker! it-- it proves that the differences we-- this is a one-way argument. we have six days... if we fight, we'll come home. if you don't go, i leave for london after that. so it would be a very big deal-- the plane is boarding. you're good at deadlines. here's your ticket. it's amazing. you commit this breach of ethics then you act as if-- i'm giving you a hard time about nothing! try and get this! when you edited that piece-- i'm leaving now. gate e-2.
3:44 am
good morning! good morning. dupont circle, please. don't take the beltway, because at this time of day there's going to be a-- go any way you want.
3:45 am
when they told me bill had decided to retire and offered me the evening news i thought it was the same kind of joke we used to pull at the station-- turning someone's prompter off in the middle of a show. [laughter] but when they heard my reaction, they thought i was kidding. i told them i'd be their anchor, but i didn't want to be the managing editor, that there were people better qualified than i to control the content and if there weren't we were all in trouble. [laughter] now to something more important... i'd like to introduce my fiancée.
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lila? oh, aaron! congratulations. lila, lila. lila, this is aaron altman. hi. this kid.. couldn't possibly belong to anyone else! what's your name? clifford. do you know who this is? the big joke? ha ha. ooh. i don't know. you know jane's down here. i'm taking cliff to see her. can i come along? yeah. i'll meet you back at the place? o.k.? yes. we'll call mommy later. your speech was magnificent.
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oh, i forgot to say something about the speech. i appreciate that. tom, we are proud of you. thanks. hey, guys! come over here! hey. hey, what is this? my life is rushing in front of eyes! clifford come over here! i want to show you something! clifford come on! i want to show you something. picnic? i thought for old cliff here but who knew about this? it'll be great, though. did you get in last night? yeah. extreme culture shock. you are more adorable than your pictures. look at you! look what i got for you, cliff. whoa! whoa!
3:48 am
that's terrific! let me see it, cliff. come here. are you any closer to a decision? i think so. aaron, they've been talking to me about being managing editor. really? whoo! i'm going to take it. oh, that is-- jane what a job! a great surprise! i didn't think we had a chance. they told me you wanted to stay in washington. well there's a guy... but he says he'll fly up a lot. well we should talk. do you have time for dinner? i'd like you to meet lila. i was really looking forward to that. i'm going to go back in a few hours. it's so good to see you. it's nice to see you. congratulations, on the history's longest winning streak. if you ever get restless in portland let me know. why?
3:49 am
o.k. bye... boss. hey, cliff! where are you going? cliff! go back to your father. come on, cliff! come on. daddy. so who's the guy? uh, well we met about-- three months ago. he works at the surgeon general's office. he loves boating. so, he's been getting me into water-skiing. ha ha ha! i like it! so what about you lately? well... my wife got this new job. great.
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