tv Nightly Business Report PBS April 4, 2015 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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this is "nightly business report" with tyler mathisen and sue pereira. good evening and welcome to this special edition of "nightly business report." i'm sue pereira. >> and i'm tyler mathisen. it is time to put winter behind us we hope and finally gear up for spring. as the seasons change we take a look at all of the things investors should be eyeing from employment to market outlook for the second quarter. we will find out how things are looking for the class of 2015. >> but we begin tonight with the labor department. wall street was closed for good friday observas but the government was open for business and released the march jobs report. no it has happened before. since 1980 there have been 11 occasions when the march jobs report was released on good
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friday including more recently in 2012 and 2010. even though there was no trading today steve liesman was hard at work sifting through the numbers. >> the government reporting a very weak job number for the month of march. in fact it was the weakest number since december 2013. it broke a string of strong numbers that goes back to march of 2014 all of which were above 200,000. not this time. payrolls coming in at 126,000 versus a consensus of 248,000. the unemployment rate did remain unchanged at 5.5%. february and january b h revised down sharply losing a combined 69,000 jobs in the revision. one bright spot average hourly wages up 0.3% which beat consensus. some analysts say the weak number went right along with a softening of the economy in the first quarter and weak economic data. >> i think the report is mostly disappointing. it's n bad news but certainly not surprising news especially
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considering the corporate america coming out of fourth quarter earnings and what we have seen in terms of estimates. corporate america is retrennishing. we had bad weather in february and march. not too surprising. >> among sectors that lost jobs were manufacturing and construction maybe a sign that weather played a role. there was also an 11,000 jobs decline in mining a sign that lower oil prices were taking a toll on jobs in the oil patch. job gains in retail professional business services and health care. question is whether the fed gives it pause in enacting the first-rate hike in nine years expected this year. marcus thought so with bond yields declining and the dollar weakening. markets get the first chance to look at the jobs number and react on monday. for "nightly business report" i'm steve liesman. industries evolve some shrink and others grow.
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it is important for workers to know where their skills are in demand. manufacturing is changing becoming more automated, a trend that will cost jobs and add many others while the drone industry could see big job growth ove coming years. mary thompson takes a look at both of these industries to find out where the jobs are. >> reporter: for 20-year-old marco shuner flying drones isn't a hobby but part of his education. >> i have loved robotics since i was 5 years old. so all through my life i decided i wanted to do this. >> reporter: he is a senior in daytona beach, florida, one of a small but growing number of colleges offering bachelor degrees in unmanned arial systems or drones. >> we started only three years ago with about 11 students and that grew and has grown to about 230 students. >> reporter: professor alex
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morot says the school launched the program why? by september the faa will propose rules allowing drones to be used commercially in fields like agriculture, movie making se and maybe even delivery services. >> some people think that commercial market for unmanned aircraft systems could be much bigger than the military market. >> reporter: vice president of aerovironment and is hiring 100 workers this fiscal year to meet demand. once drones are obtained the association estimates the industry here in the u.s. could grow to over $13 billion in the first three years and rise to over $82 billion by 2025 adding over 103,000 new jobs along the way. >> salaries are usually tied to the difficulty and the qualification level of the
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individual but anywhere from 50,000 state side and if they are willing to take an overseas engagement could be as high as 125,000. >> that's good news for jessica brown who abandoned plans to be a pilot to concentrate on unmarred vehicles. >> i can do anything with uavs i would love doing it whether being the pilot or censor operating, working the cameras. >> reporter: stuff that is no longer part of science fiction but an industry with strong growth potential in the real world. a pioneer in robotics i robots says the industry is catching fire. >> a very hot market. >> so too is the neighborhood eight years ago you couldn't find another robotics company for 150 miles. today executive says it's a different story. >> from here this location you
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can probably touch about 100 companies doing some form robotic the change reflecting a trend estimating spending to hit $65 billio by 2025 up from $27 billion this year. companies spending more as robots become easier to program and easier to afford. ten years ago they cost $250,000. now some go for as little as $25,000. it's an expense says can lead to big savings for manufacturers who buy into the next ten years of the robotic revolution. >> we are thinking about something like a 16% drop in the labor costs for manufacturing plants over this time period. >> reporter: the industries strive in adoption computers, autos, electrical and machinery. how this impacts the labor department remains a question. it is expected some may bring work back from overseas if they find mixing robots and humans
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lowers costs enough then the industry is hiring too. >> last year we hired almost 100 people. this year we have plans to do about the same. >> it seems strong demand for its products like pack bought theava robot for teleconferencing. >> how are you? >> how are you? >> reporter: and the vacuum. working on 3 d mapping which he says might be used in future household robots. >> 3 d maps allow the robot to scan your house. if you tell it to find your keys it could search through that map and find your keys and grab the keys and give them to you. >> reporter: i robot became interested in robotics playing with legos as a kid. >> i can see really where robotics can come into play in the militarye >> all this has robots start
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playing a bigger role in the global workforce. >> and mary thompson joins us now. let's talk a little bit about the drones. federal aviation regulions get into this in a big way and will effect how many jobs are made there. >> you know from the time that i did this package uil now the faa did come out with regulations and they were pretty much expected. there is expectations we could see a great number of jobs. it will take a while in large part because what is different here in the u.s. as far as using drones there are other countries that use them a lot, countries like canada. there are problems here in the u.s. but the situation is that we have personal pilots. you may have friends who have their own planes. typically those planes don't have censors that allow them to know that drones are there. so that's the difference. >> in other countries there aren't as many people with their own personal planes. you don't have that level of
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involvement. what we e going to see is the industry will likely grow but will take a couple of years to get the proper safety measures in place because we have such high traffic here in the u.s. we have to make sure that all are ready to detect the drones or the drones are ready to detect them because we don't that collision to occur. >> mentioned that some jobs will be created by these new industries and some jobs will be lost. do we have an idea of net/net whether it is going to be a positive job creating industry? >> with drones it will probably be a positive. i think with robotics it might be a little bit different. what you will see is that you will see an increase in high skilled jobs probably decrease in low skill jobs. while you may see some of them come back because manufacturing is brought back on shore it probably won't be enough to make up for a whole assembly line. what workers really need to do is up their skills. >> that is the key in the modern
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economy. >> thanks very much. it is that time of year again. college students are set to graduate and they will be out in the real world in a few weeks on the hunt for jobs. how is the labor department looking for soon to be grads? >> reporter: employers are recruiting college graduates at a rate not seen since the dot com frenzy according to college job placement experts. the improving econom and big increase in baby boomer retires are opening the doors for the next generation workforce. >> what happens is over a period of years after the recession and the gradual improvement of the economy, now we have employers facing the reality that they don't have enough talen in the workforce not just for now but especially as they are looking to the futur forest 16% increase in hiring
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over last year according to a michigan state university survey covering 5,700 employers. not far behind the national association for colleges and employers survey predicting a nearly 10% rise. >> college graduates really compromise the pipeline for the future. they are really the people that employers are trying to bring on for developing their organization ultimately even into the leadership of their organization in some cases. >> reporter: with graduation day just weeks away job fairs on college campuses are heatic up. it's a chance for job applicants and employers to be proactive. francis holland interviewed more than 40 job applicants at this recent job fair at the university of the district of campus. >> the students coming in almost with a blank campus like i want to try this and this. >> for the graduates job hunting is all about anxiety and
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competition. landry wants a career in information technology but he knows his first hurtle will be his lack of real world work experience. >> i'm looking to get in the field i want to be in. computer system and administration. and it would be the best for me right now. coming out with not a lot of experience is not so to get a full time job with a big company. >> one last piece of advice for anxious graduates from the professional. your first job will not be the defining moment of your work career. it's the beginning of the world of work that professionals say will most likely include at least one career change. for "nightly business report" i'm hamptton pearson in washington. >> for the anxious new college graduate our next guest is optimistic saying this will be the best job market since the late 1990s. he is senior economist with pnc
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financial services group. welcome. why so good this year? >> businesses are hiring. they are seeing stronger demand for their goods and services. they need more workers. they need new college graduates so this is a very good job market to be graduating into. >> that's good news but will we see hiring across the board or are there specific industries that are stronger? >> i think we will see strong hiring. most industries are expandic right now. i think information technology industries will be hiring education and health care consumer-oriented industries. consumers are more comfortable. so pretty broad-based job growth. i think the one exception is going to be the energy industry cutting back on staff. is a bad time to be graduating with a degree in petroleum engineering. >> what about pay? >> we are seeing businesses raise their pay but still the labor department there is still
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a little bit of slack. i think we will see stronger salary growth in 2016. this year will be okay. i think the next couple of years will be better. >> does it matter where you go to college or university? a lot of people think you have to get an ivy league education in order to be successful or get the first job. does that hold true or not? >> i think it is a labor market that will be less of an issue. i think businesses need to look beyond the main school. there is going to be more competition for workers. that gives workers graduates who come from schools that may not be as well known a leg up. i think with the overall strengthening in the labor department it is benefitting. >> the idea you have to raise your skill set in the new economy. talk to us about that. when i got out of college i had basically a liberal arts degree
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graduated in government and foreign affairs. would i be dumb to or do i need an engineering degree? >> certainly i think students who are graduating in stem fields do have a leg up. we do see that businesses are interested in hiring those types of students who have technical skills. that being said i think with the better overall labor market it will be better news for students graduating with degree in liberal arts. >> how much of this is dependent on the economy continuing to improve, gus? >> all of it is depending on the economy continuing to improve. we expect to see solid economic growth leading businesses to hire more workers, more college gradiates. i think the underlying economic fundamentals continue to look good. i think we will see continued good labor market for college graduates. >> thank you very much. >> thank you.
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rchlths still ahead, peculiar market patterns. why the bulls might take back control of the m a peculiar thing happens in the stock market. why the bulls may have something to get excited about. >> tax deadline is coming. that's the bad news. the good news is stocks tend to rise but only after the deadline is passed. every year i get the same question in response to the same
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phenomenon. the market seems to stall in the two we ten to recover. usually some people throw money to pay taxes. data provided to us seems to bear out this piece of mythology, since 2005 in the ten trading days before april 15 the s&p 500 is only up 30% of the time with a flat average return. in the ten trading days after april 15 the s&p 500 is up 90% of the time with an average return of 2%. from up 30% of the time before april 15 to up 90% of the time after april 15 is pretty significant. the dow is up 100% of the time ten out of ten years. the nasdaq up 90% of the time. certain sectors are big winners, industrials, energy utilities up 100% of the time as well as the ten trading days after april 15 with gains in excess of 2%.
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for "nightly business report" i'm bob pisani at the new york stock exchange. it was a rough start for the year for new york stocks from uncertainty about the fed to falling oil prices. our next guest says these issues and others will continue to plague the markets in the second quarter. president and investment strategist at tangle wood wealth management. nice to have you here. >> i'm glad to be here. >> volatility is also going to stay with us for the second half of the year something we started to get used to but it is not disappearing. >> looks like this market is kind of like the shakespeare much ado about nothing, a lot of daily and weekly volatility but in the end it didn't go anywhere. that would be my expectation for the second quarter particularly. i think later in the year we may get updraft and more positive earnings once we swallow some of the negativity from energy because a lot of the others are
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doing well and sectors of the market are doing well. >> how do you keep the troubles in the energy sector from sort of infecting your overall view of the economy? >> well tyler, you are right. certainly for the last months it has been on everybody's mind here. most of us live through the mid 80s when this place was the see through buildings that were so talked about for years that we lived through. nobody wants to go through that again. i think the companies are a lot wiser in their capital deployment. we all read how fracking is so much easier to control in terms of production and new investments. i don't think it will he the material effects this time like it did in the mid 80s. >> in som sectors of the market people are saying that we are perfectly priced or maybe a little overvalued and there are
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others that you still think hold opportunity. where would you look for that opportunity? >> well i think right now we are pressing the higher end of normal multiples and earnings are going to be a little bit softer here. i think you want to look for organic growth. you want to look for companies and industries that are organically growing and get their own earnings growth and that aren't already overpriced. bio tech has earnings growth but it is very pricey. things like technology big areas i would put services which is the part of the where consumers are spending money in restaurants, hotels airlines. i think those areas are growing. >> i think about this year's first quarter economically and i think of 2014 which was the year of tough weather in the first quarter. do you expect that the first quarter may be the worst quarter
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economically and will pick up steam from there or what? >> i do. i think that you're absolutely right. not that this year is going to be a carbon copy of last year. certainly the first quarter isn't going to be as negative as last year. i don't think the second and third quarter are as positive. i think we are in the new normal growth. some areas we just discussed doing very well very strong in the economy. other areas like energy that aren't doing so well. so it's funny how these have rotated back and forth. energy was one of the prime supports of the economy years ago. so in general we just don't have enough to get a total lift of the total economy. >> thank you. good to see you. john meryl. coming up meet the two doctors who want to help you avoid surgery, alleviate pain and get back to being your old self. >>
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more than a million americans are having knee or hip replacement surgery each year. as our population ages that number can more thanmb triple over the next 15 years. now there is a treatment that might reduce the need for those surgeries. it is not invasive and you can do it at home on your own time. this bright idea belongs to a pair of israeli doctors. they designed a boot that helps get the body into proper pain free alignment. a boot that helps relieve joint
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pain? it sounds too good to be true doesn't it? it's called appos therapy, working on there phases of the step cycle. played 13 seasons with the celtics in the e'60s and '70s. now 76 he is battling sciatica. he felt relief after trying this last summer. >> i know i have a sciatica problem but nowhere near what it used to be. it has to be the shoes. >> reporter: it is the shoes according to the doctors. at an israeli medical school back in the 1990s they began to wonder why there was so much focus on fixing bones and ligaments and so little on muscles and the nervous system. >> it's not magic. it's a tool with a lot of [ inaudible ]. >> we can adjust the pain and
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improve function and the way people walk. >> reporter: they became entrepreneurs in 2004. now they use computer analysis to calibrate pods in the soles of the boots. the pods ease pressure and create subtle imbalance setting the brain to work on rebalancing using muscles in the back and leg to correct the gateit. >> these movements make a big difference. >> reporter: walking in the boots 30 minutes to an hour g t avoid surgery or rehabbing afterwards. >> because we slow the acceleration. >> reporter: about 50,000 people have tried it in israel uk and singapore. in an independent study of 1,300 patients in the uk more than 80% reported some pain reduction,
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almost everyone though is skeptical at first. >> i did not get this immediately. this is something that the more you dug into this the more brilliant it got. >> reporter: dr. levee became the ceo last fall and immediately changed the business. instead of investing in brick and mortar clinics they are training physical therapists to offer it. >> best way to go is an asset light approach which is to find like minded physical therapists so we won't be in retail business. >> reporter: medical insurance doesn't cover it in the u.s. yet. it is not cheap. $5,000 to $6,000 per patient. a portion of the fee is collected from therapists. >> once everybody gets past the skepticism is changes the way we look at ic conditions. >> reporter: at first set out to relieve pain. in doing so they may have found a measure of relief for what is
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ailing health care. >> we need to take treatment out of the facility. there is not enough money, not enough manpower not enough beds to do procedures to all the people that are suffering. >> for now they are screening and training physical therapists in the new york city area and hope to begin expanding into major markets next year. >> it is a bright idea. thanks for watching this special edition of "nightly business report." e pereira. >> and i'm tyler mathisen. have a great easter weekend. we'll see yo
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>> behind the scenes at the iran nuclear talks. inside an a sitting senator's indictment and the uproar over religious freedom laws and jeb bush money machine. >> a good deal a deal that meets our core objectives. >> two years of talks and a final eight days of non stop negotiation yield other nuclear break through. >> we have been very clear both publicly and privately a final agreement will not rely on promises. it we rely on proof. >> now for the details. does it go far enough and will congress buy n in washington a powerful senator is indicted. >> these allegations are false
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