tv Charlie Rose PBS June 24, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> rose: welcome to the bromine. we begin with the conversation about the remarkable golf championship jordan spieth. we talked to jamie diaz and john feinstein. >> he opened up in new york in basketball. it's like don't under estimate the short game don't under estimate it with the wendle. don't understatement the ability to make a big putt. some of these longer players dustin being one of them we're not good short game players. >> rose: we conclude with judd apatow. >> i love the marx brothers, i loved anybody who seemed to be flipping the bird to power. as a weird kid i hated people who are sand some, successful, athletic. and i also, it was a spirituality. we never talked about god existing or not existing it's just the name never came up.
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>> rose: god's name never came up. >> all they ever said in indemnify house was no one said life was fair. that was my religion. so i think comedy became a way to try to find answers. >> rose: we conclude with comedy one aziz ansari. >> especially with texting, you're not hearing a voice. it's even different than a phone call. you just see these words and people reading so much into the time it takes for people to write back and their choice of words. certain things turn people off like you know, grammar or spelling is a huge turnoff or some people like it when a guy uses one of those emoji. pea sult say i don't think seriously at all. it's different how these differences develop and how certain thing you say on your phone can really define how you end up faring in the real world. >> rose: all about golf's new sure star, jordan spieth, judd
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apatow, aziz ansari when we continue. >> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by: >> rose: additional funding provided by: >> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide. captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: 21 year old jordan spieth made history on the golf courts on sunday night. he became the youngest player to win the u.s. open since bobby jones did in 1923. the league group won both the masters and the u.s. open the same year. he's also the youngest since
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turning the ripe bold age. joining me in new york. jaime diaz senior writer of golf digest. he wrote this cover story for the magazine's july issue. also from north care, john feinstein is a sports columnist for "the washington post" and the golf channel and is now on his 150th book. i am pleased to have both of them here. let me begin with you since you wrote this. assess this young man for me. just give us a sense of his strength and what named him to come so far so fast. >> tremendous maturity which everyone comments on very quickly when they meet him. he's articulate, really savvy. and he has a certain i think almost genius about sports. i mean he's a sportsman from way back. he played basketball, football baseball, everything growing up with a very competitive group of friends. it's almost like he learned how to win. he learned the essential parts of the sports he played in order to be a winner.
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he's that way about golf. in other words he's not the best really at anything. maybe mothering putting but so good at coalescing and competing and doing the right things at the right time. i thoi think he's mr. intangible. >> rose: it's amazing he has so much composure so young. >> he's been competing for a long time. he comes from stable parents, not pushing and yet providing a lot of structure. he has a species needs sister i think has given him some perspective. he cares tremendously about his sports but at the same time when he fails he knows there's a bigger life out there. he developed a lot of character and great human qualities which i think heppedz him helps him under pressure. he likes himself and he serves to win when he competes. >> rose: john can he win the british open. >> i think he can. what he proved charlie this past equal end there isn't a golf course where he can't win. he won at agusta national which
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is the pristine golf course and perfect green and wide fair way. then he wins at chambers bay which plays like a link course and does not have pristine greens. it was a he have tough test for everybody mentally. i think what jaime said about the intangibles is important because not only does he have a special needs sister but he spent time volunteering at her school as he was growing up. and didn't just see what she was going through but what all of her friends had to go through. and i think that does give him a different approach when he's on the golf course. he wants to win. he's ultra competitive but he does understand that if he doesn't win, there are more important things going on in his life. but he can win on any golf course because he is such a great putter and bought of his mind. >> rose: it's putting and the endoplasmiciron game too. >> always. drive for show putt for dough. he does not hit the long ball long off the tee as many
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players. phil nicholson hits it long. macal roy hits it long. he does not. he's probably the best putter in the world right now and that's how you win golf tournaments. >> rose: i'm asking a different question. he plays well from the course. he's a good iron player, is he not. >> he's great yes. he is not exceptional. >> he's make the game. he's exceptional playing the game. >> i'm not saying he's bad i'm just saying he knows how to put it together and avoid mistakes and manages his game. he doesn't have his best stuff which he didn't have in the open by the way. he was way down in driving accurate skiaccuracy. he knew where to miss it got it up out of the green. and then he's resilient. he's got a great attitude. >> rose: the amazing thing he came back for the 18 after the disaster on 17. >> exactly. >> rose: which shows maturity. >> tremendous. he's learned about that.
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he talked about this year i want to see what the formula is for winning mains. last year when up to masters he got flustered, ahead of himself. he's become resilient and composed. not putting anything ahead of him one shot at a time. sounds boring but it's the hardest thing to do in golf but he did it, he proved it right there. >> rose: go ahead. >> your point of tee green. at the 18th hole after he made that double bogie and was able to settle himself he had drivers to get on the green. jiftsjustjustin johnson hit it with a three iron. but he's the one winning and that should go to his caddy. he talks about having 25 students and now he has one. >> very quick about the drive on
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the 18. he hit it of softly. he was hitting pretty much the whole tournament. he hit it softly and it didn't go too far and hight the bunker which was a difficult thing to make a birdie from. this is hitting golf shots. he could have hit it longer. but jordan actually sacrifice the distance on 18 to be in good position and be safe. so maturity and good thinking under pressure. >> rose: he's always playing with himself on the drive. >> he's got a lot in reserve. but i thought he came off the seat in 18. he wanted to bust that. he actually i thought really went after that one. he cured it and cured the iron it's just a shame but that's how golf is. >> rose: how do you explain it. is it simply a bad putt that neighborhood him to put himself a take himself out of the tie and out of the game. >> i don't think he's embarrassed about the field pressure and succumb to pressure and schoak. it happens.
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the second putt you're talking about a four footer for the open. anyone would feel tremendous pressure there and he hit a four putt. so i think it was pressure. just the moment. and it happens. it's not the end of the world when a guy does it, does not mean he can't do it next time. >> rose: let's talk about dustin johnson. he's come back from personal problems to be really playing well, john. >> yes absolutely. he took a six month quote leave of absence from the tour in august of last year. came back won a tournament almost right away. this was a golf course that was set up for him because of his length. and he used it to his advantage throughout most of the week. and as jaime said the shame of it is nobody will remember the two shots he hit to get within 12 feet on 18. he absolutely smoked that drive hit a great five iron in there and then clearly did get he didn't seem to notice that on the same line jason day's putt had gone four feet past the hole and he proceeded to do the same thing. i thought frankly he rushed a
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little bit on the second pulled. now he's got to live with that and try to have amnesia which is an important thing for golfers to have so he can move on and try to win a major championship. >> rose: i asked jordan when he came over to cbs this morning what he needed to add to his game and he said distance. and i said how how going to do that and he said in the weight room. >> he's a young man. he's 21. he will fill out into his body. he's working really hard. he understands body dynamics and physics and a lot of things. he's going to do something that is natural but also well thought out. he'll just improve his efficiencies. he's not going to ever be super long. but another five yards for him would be significant. that's another club probably into the green. >> rose: who does he are mind you of. >> i used to say he reminds me of curtis strange but i think he's a little better than curtis. i hope curtis doesn't mind my saying that. he's in the category of gair
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player. gary player was smaller. >> rose: and more muscular. >> he made himself that way. he didn't have any weaknesses. he had tremendous short game. greatest competitor ever, honor honor -- honor arnold arm palmer says that. when he has to be he's the best putter and best driver. >> rose: you write books about this kind of ideas. is he what gostles need. >> i they and mac el roy together. it hasn't add a great rivalry since watson which jordan reminds me a little bit. but since tom watson and jack nicholas went head to head in the british open and that great u.s. open at pebble beach in 82. you cannot say tiger woods and phil mcalson was a great rivalry because tiger woods was so much better and because they never went head to head in a major
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championship. these two guys have won the last four majors in the row. recordy the last two and now jordan the first two this year. they're very competitive they like one another but i think they're going to be in situations coming down the stretch in the next ten years where they're going to decide major champions between them. that's going to be good to watch. and they will be on differentplighter cup teams. who knows we might see a scenario where they decide the rider cup and that will be fantastic. >> rose: how do they match up. >> he's an artistic genius talent. his golf shots are much like dustin johnson. amazingly efficient and perfectly hit. hit the green. if he payments pictures out there. jordan, he gets it done. it's not beautiful but when he gets closer to the green he's better than rory. on the closer shots he's better and i think he's probably a
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better grinder. he's better at making something out of it than rory he might miss a cut or not look interested and he's getting better but jordan almost never namesnail it in. i think his intensity and competitiveness is perhaps his best gifts and he has an edge over rory in that regard. >> rose: john, did you ever think you'd live to see tiger woods miss the cut. >> not so much miss the cut. tiger, one of his greatest achievements is how few cuts he's missed. he's won as many major champions champions in his career. i never thought i would see him looking like a hand carp. that shot he hit on thursday he just topped into that bunker. that bunker was reached by zero players in the field other than tiger woods on thursday without a play for guys of that caliber. i never thought i would see a moment like that in tiger woods
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career and i don't think jaime's known him longer than i have and i don't think he ever thought he would see anything like that either. it was extraordinary. someone who doesn't especially like tiger woods, it was sad to watch. >> rose: at the same time you have a formula for him. you say he should call butch harman and tell him to come to las vegas and spend the day with me and let me play little bit off the driving range and a little bit on the course and let's just talk about the game. quit trying to fix everything. and come out here and tiger should give butch a check and say you fill it in. i need to get back in touch with golf. >> yes. tiger woods played the best golf of his career when bunch harman was his sling coach. he won seven majors in 11. charlie that's like hitting 600 for an entire main league season. it's an incredible statistic. he left butch in 20 on 2. worked can hank haney but not the same success. and then changed teachers twice more since then and continued to
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go like that. it would take a huge personality change for tiger woods to do what i suggested. get on that plane doesn't have to fly through atlanta i don't think, he can go right on his private plane to las vegas and say to butch it's been 13 years i admit i made a mistake, help me be great one more time. and i believe butch harman would do it if tiger woods asked. >> rose: what do you think. >> butch is a tremendous coach for tiger. butch would say that he's got tiger at the best time when tiger was young and listening. he had a great body for golf at that time. >> rose: did he damage the body. >> well it appears he did. certainly he hasn't addressed that. >> rose: the other stuff doesn't hurt the body does it. >> the golf you mean. >> rose: personal problems. >> i think he worked out in extreme fashion. he worked out like a navy seal in a way golfers don't work out. even when he worked out without hurting himself he got awfully thick and that might slowed him
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down. look at just continue dustin johnson he's lean. i think tiger needs to look inside himself. i don't think it's about butch or hank or anybody. it's about him finding what he lost probably during the scandal. some kind of confidence, some kind of a sense of destiny he used to v i know that's very speculative but i just sort of feel it's not golf swing it's not injury it's psychological. when he missed chips that was more shocking than pop shots. to hit chips two feet or 40 yards over the green that is incredible. you don't even see any pros doing that. forget tiger woods. that was just traumatic. he overcame it which was incredible he did it before the masters. yet there's something in there that's not normal for a champion and i think he has to go find that. >> rose: he seems like the kind of guy who wants to get rid of the problem. he's the kind of guy who is trying to address it. >> he is trying to address it.
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>> rose: you say what the problem is. >> i used to think that to but i think he's a resistance inside. >> rose: that's personal behavior and everything else. >> yes. there's a lot of things. people close to him wish he would. that's what the key is. people say play more. i think take time find yourself come back fresh. >> rose: what do you think of that john. >> i agree with that. i've said for a while the problem is tiger's almost 40. and he feels that clock ticking. i think jaime and i would agree in his mind he still has a chance to break jack nicholson's are record. i don't think anybody else thinks that's possibly nierj. if he takes time off he will lose endorsement money which is important to him. i do think he needs to go away, he needs to try to look inside. i think he may be afraid to go there because of what he might find particularly about his relationship with his father which i think is far more complicated than he's ever been
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willing to discussion. and there's a lot there. but as jaime said i agree totally. this is mental and there's no better mental coach in the game than butch harman. and that's why i think he's got to find somebody to talk to and he's got nobody in his camp currently who he can really talk to. >> rose: who is in his camp. >> his agent his pr guy. people like that. they're not going to say tiger you need to do a b c d e and f. he doesn't have many friends on the tour since his best friends on the tour have gone over to the champion store. >> rose: tell me about two other golfers, phil mcalson. >> phil has always been fill in terms of being erratically print and erratically terrible. of course it's closing, the sand in the hourglass, everything is working against him now. before this last major he finished second at the masters and before that he finished second again. i think for pill phil it's finding
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motivation. he looks happy out there but i think playing and being competitive is an effort. that happens after 25 years. when he gets to that place in his minds he's competitive and he's trying to do that in the majors. i think he was pointing for that and he wants to win that grand slam. >> rose: he wants to win the u.s. open. >> he wants to win the u.s. open to complete the surnlt grand slam. >> rose: i know that when they write my final obituary it will be i never won the u.s. open. >> i sort of feel that way about phil. finishing second his time with his style of game is quite remarkly. he's really not u.s. open player prototype style but he's a great competitor, he's a great par maker. it's going to be tough for him going forward, he's older but i still don't count him out because he has those moments of brilliance like winning the
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british open. he never had much success with the british open. he filled himself to do that. i still think he's capable of that. >> rose: who else should we be looking at, john, that's on the golf scene today? >> well, obviously you start with income el roy. they are looking at ricky fouler to take the next step. i don't think he's there yet. he had a remarkable win at the player's championship but that was only his second win on the pga tour. he played suburbly in the majors last year, finished in the top five in all four of them. he had a disappointing year so far in the major. going to the u.s. open, charlie. fouler was a very popular pick. he shot 65 a in a practice round on tuesday then he went out on thursday and hit. tiger woods 80 was not nearly as shocking as ricky fouler playing alongside of him shooting 81.
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he's still only 26 years old. pill didn't win a major until he was 33. guys mature dive. hogan was in his 30's before he was a great champion. he's got a chance because he really wants to be good. how did he start playing better when he went to work with butch harman. >> rose: you rest your case, don't you. >> i rest my case, your honor. >> rose: before i leave you you're doing this really interesting book on -- dean smith and jim galbano. what does it look like after winning the finals last year. >> looks darn good charlie. they had another great recruiting year. he learned how to deal now with won and done players. he's not fighting it until. he's accepted it. i think that's why the three freshmen performed so well this year. because he said okay you know you're probably going out the door but i'm going to coach you
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like urine you're seniors and they responded that way. honestly i don't think you or i had to be graduates which we are to say it's them right now on mt. rushmore. >> rose: that's an awesome four some. >> quite a few wins in that group. to get to a thousand wins it's just extraordinary if you look at all the other great coaches there have been who have not gotten to a thousand wins. he's the only one in division one. amazing amazing story. >> rose: back to golf. watching it as you do living in north carolina as you do, the game changing, first of all you have players who could hit it further than he ever could before because of the physicality and change in the equipment. then you had some adjustment of the courses like chambers bay. they paid it into the par five i think. what's the dynamic of the change in golf today. >> well, i think there was one for distance. we alys talk about distances
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being the great advantage and i think it is. the next level is skill. you watch jordan spieth it's like opening up new york in basketball. don't estimate the short game don't under estimate the ability to make a big putt. some of these long players that came along. dustin being one of them. were not particularly good short game players. i think even the general spending so much time on trackman which is a device that measures every little thing about launch conditions and where the ball flies got so wrapped up in golf swing and fell in love with it because it's funny with a golf ball. every golfer would probably be hitting big drives on a range than going to a putting green. those guys didn't develop their short games to the same extent. i think the next frontier is people who are really good through the bag as tiger was. tiger is such a one off. he really showed the way i think which was in the past people thought golfers will always have a tradeoff. if they're strong they won't be
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great with a short game. tiger had everything. and i think that's the next frontier and i think jordan's getting closer to that. he doesn't have everything himself but he does have the short game that's genius that really is a separator for him. >> rose: also has a thing that both of you are talking about. he has a thing that separates for me greatness with new greatness which is the ability to play within yourself and to meet the challenge of the toughest moments. he has that sense of making it win in the end. knows where to win. >> it's a hard thing to describe. maybe the sports psychology are getting closer to that too and maybe that's another front fear. but it seems like he just had it. he learned it modeling his parents maybe he learned it from his friends in terms of competing all the time. but it seems he really loves the moment and all the great everything i mean you always say it's fun. >> rose: only had one coach all of his life. >> one coach yes. nobody looked inward better than jack. he managed himself that was his
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greatest skill. if you learn anything, learn from failure. jordan failed to finish at the masters in the players last year he learned from that and came back that much better this year. >> rose: exactly. thank you john. >> thank you charlie. thanks jaime. >> rose: great to see you. >> great to see you. >> rose: back in a moment. stay with us. >> rose: judd apatow is here called the god father of comedy. his films grossed over $1.8 billion worldwide. they include anchorman, knocked up and brides maid. here's the trailer. >> girls your mother and i are getting divorce. it isn't realistic. >> monogamy isn't realistic. >> i doesn't understand that word at the time. but now i know exactly what he was talking about. >> i would love it if you were
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my date. >> i can't do that. >> what happened. did you set out early. >> don't threaten us because you don't understand the concept of marriage. i'm just a modern chick who does what she wants. last week it was this guy. >> hey mark wallberg. >> he's like 150 pounds. >> you should know. >> i'm doing fine. >> my friends are awesome. i have a great job at a men's magazine. >> i liked you. >> you're approachable. >> thank you. >> yes. i need a profile.
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really good time last night. i just wanted to know if you wanted to go out again. >> rose: indian appear judd apatow published a book. it's a collection of interviews conducted both recently and as a teenager hosting his own radio show in long island. i'm pleased to have judd apatow back at this table. welcome. >> good to be here. >> rose: how did this come about? >> >>i was talking to dead he girled girled -- edgar where they were providing literacy. when i was 15 years old i used to interview comedians like 45 comedians and since then i've done a lot of interviews with comedians and maybe i can do some new ones. then i got addicted to new ones. in the last year i did louis
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jrkts -- lewis ck. and i did seinfeld and a lot of people when they first started out. >> rose: what's it about interviewing comedians. >> good question. i'm just a fan so i'm interested in both how they do it and also just emotionally what makes all of us want to do it. >> rose: the things johnny carson used to say and others talking about comedy is not funny. >> that's true. the guy's on the operating table. i just want to ask people like do you feel crazy now, are you happy with this journey. how had you stieg john f. kennedy -- stayingvibrant in your work. >> rose: it takes 15 years to really develop. >> that's true. >> rose: into a first-rate stand up comedian. >> people told me when i was interviewing people when i was 15 and set my clock differently because i didn't think i'm going to make it in a year i'll make
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it in 15 years. that's a good thing to hear as a high school kid. you have to work your as off before. >> yourbefore -- your ass off. >> rose: everyone should own this book. it's hilarious and informative and great interviews with comics and comedians of her time. not sure he will appear in a future edition. >> i also, i thought the interviews that were brand new. as i was finishing it up i realized oh i didn't get to anybody. i didn't get to sasha and jimmy kimmel. there were so many. >> rose: growing up in lang island you knew you wanted to be involved in comedy. >> when i was a little kid i loved the marx brothers and i loved anybody who seemed to be flipping the bird to power you know. as a weird kid i hated people
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who were handsome, successful athletic and i also in my house there was spirituality. we never talked about god existing or not existing, his name never came up. all they ever said in my household is no one said life was fair. that was my religion. so i think think comedy became a way to try to find answers. >> rose: so when you were doing that then, were you brett good at -- pretty good at it. >> people say the 10,000 hours. i put 10,000 hours in watching the merv griffin show. i was watching the mike douglas show, the tonight show. i loved comics and my grandma was trends with toby fields who was an incredible woman. i went and saw her. she had her leg amputated because she had diabetes. she did a come back show and got a standing ovation. i thought somewhere in my head
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you could be an out cast and a we areweirdo and be loved by people. >> rose: someone said seinfeld in fact you have to treat it as a job. you have to go to work. >> that's true. when you go on the road as a stand-up comedian. he sleep until 1:00 go to the mall, see jurassic park, go eat and then go to the show. no one puts -- >> rose: they developed a routine before they go on the road, haven't they. >> yes. but it was different for people like seinfeld and larry who said i get up and try to write jokes. i'll sit at a table. some people they can only write on stage. a lot of the greats will say no i'm going to sit down for a while every day and i'm going to work like a writer. >> rose: you really have to go to a desk somewhere sit down and look at a blank piece of paper. >> i like doing both but some people will never do that. they might think of something during the day and try it at
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night. but the real craftsman like sign sign -- seinfeld they do take it to another level. >> rose: what was it that aaron said to you about a career path. >> he was someone i interviewed when i was 16 easiest old. he was getting ready to direct national loom pan's poon's vacation. he was very kind to me and talked about writing jokes for rodney danger field and that's how he paid his bills. he wrote jokes for the play boy magazine joke page. it hit me oh you write jokes for other people while you pay your bills while you try to be a comedian. he also was very, he was one of the first people that talked to me about religion because he was very zen. he said life doesn't make any sense, you know. very existential way, there are no answers, so you have to decide if you're going to be a good guy or bad guy. i would just rather be a good guy. >> rose: you think most
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comedy writers are thinking about being a performer. >> that's a good question. there are very few people that have done that successfully. larry david being the best example but he started as a performer. >> rose: not a great stand up, he would be the first to tell you. >> only the most fun to u with a, whether it went well-i -- i did i saw him at the improv and he was doing a bit about how hard it is to get the leader of a south american country to wear a condom. please, i beg of you to wear the condom. and he was hysterical. whether or not the audience got it or not most times though when i saw him, he killed. i did stand up from the ages of 17 to 24 and i just started again about a year and-a-half ago. there's nothing more fun. >> rose: where are you doing it. >> i'm on the road right now doing the train wreck tour with a lot of the cast of the movie.
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me and amy schumer and colin quinn, david and vanessa are doing a week long tour of the countries. >> rose: i'm thinking about the people who have written jokes before they started comedy, before they standard life as a performer. seth meyers recently. >> shandlittle. >>.>> rose: conan. >> everyone thought he was the funniest man in town. >> rose: he was just writing. >> absolutely. everyone said this is the funniest person and amazing on the show. most people take six months to get comfortable on his show and i think he was comfortable 11 minutes. that's a very hard job. i hosted the late late show two nights in between craig ferguson and james coredden.
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i got a little taste. >> rose: it's hard. >> it is so hard you get to work you do meeting and before you know it they're jacking on you and you're walking out there. >> rose: you did howard stern this morning. but he's a broadcaster to me not a comedy gen. >> i interviewed him when i was a kid. i think he gave me four minutes before he got bored of me and then he had to go. >> rose: how about shandling. >> i interviewed gary when he just started hosting, guest hosting the tonight show. and he hadn't done any of his tv shows like the gary shandling show. he talked about wanting to do a tv show somewhat based on his life. he had a real vision what his career would be. then i interviewed him last year after he accomplished all of his dreams about what that was like for him. he's always been my mentor. he taught me almost everything i know. and about what comedy is about
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which to him is just a search for truth. just try to get to the core of who people are. >> rose: and lewis ck. >> lewis ck. he's a real inspiration to comedy people for a lot of reasons. one is i think he changed the game in terms of turning around your act quicker. i mean comedians, some comedians never change their act. they will do the same act for 20, 30 years. and george carlin, a few years he would have a new act. but lewis did it much faster and everyone suddenly said oh you can write a new act every year and do a special every year or two years. i think he made everyone work harder and then he has this show which is so imaginative. and it's such a clean vision. he accepted a lower budget in return for anything he wanted to do. and that inspires people. >> rose: and do speur stand up. is he considered among his
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mirrors to be the best today. >> there are knife on the top tiers. it's hard to say anyone's better. >> rose: who are they. >> even -- >> rose: seinfeld. >> yes. amy schumer's act right now is pretty incredible. and there's probably another five. i saw ray romano recently. he could not have not funnier. bill burr. >> rose: what is it for stand up, an hour of material or 90 minutes. >> i think a good stand up show is an hour hour ten for the headline are. it's a great time for comedy i think because of the fender times and the internet. when i was a kid and loved comedy, no one cared. like i would want to talk about letterman or seeing michael keaton do stand up on the mike douglass show. there wasn't one kid on my school that cared at all.
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now it's part of the culture. we have a geek culture. >> rose: you have a reputation and you see it in your movie career being able to spot comedic talent. what do you look for? what catches your eye. >> i don't know if i can define it. when i was a kid i would watch the mike douglass show and someone tp funny would be on saying andy kaufmann. in my head i would say i wonder what else he is doing and i would just check the tv guide. one day i said he's going to be on the show taxi so i would watch taxi. i would follow his career. as a producer that's really what it is. amy schumer, i just heard her on the howard tenor show and i thought i wish she had a movie. i guess she's not going to get a movie unless i make it. all right i'll call her. >> rose: she said what. >> she said i'll try. unlike a lot of people, she just worked her butt off. most people you say hey do you want to write a movie and they just literally don't do it.
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and if i gave her notes that a normal writer would take three months to execute, she would do it in like six days. she worked, she just worked so hard and the work was very strong. that's why we got it made. >> rose: this is a movie that you didn't write. >> yes. >> rose: how is that. >> i love it. that's half the work. i didn't realize. like writing and acting that's doing two things. >> rose: if you don't like it you can change it. >> i had such a good rapport were amy. usually we develop a script and at some point i think someone can direct this better than me. so when we were working on super bad i thought craig can do this better than me. but with amy i thought we are in such sync it will be fun to do this with her. it is fun to say to amy i don't think that jock's that good. can you go write ten more jokes as alter nuts and the ones she brings back are amazing. >> rose: tell me more about her. >> amy is, i think she's a
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really important voice right now. a lot of people talk about important issues, the fact there are so few female directors and writers and producers. her work to be brutally honest is very political. in a george carlin kind of way she's looking at the way women are treated in our culture and doing these visuals viciously hilarious and point of view that needs to go away. she's having her moment and is ready for it. she's a great nice person who has worked really hard for this to happen. >> rose: i know and like chris rock and i did a little cameo in his movie. he was making the movie, you will appreciate this. scott ruben came to him and said look i wanted you to be as good in the movie as you are stand up. i want you to have the same sense of excellence about the movie as you do about stand up.
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don't just make it, you're making a movie because you're known as a stand up comedy make the movie because you care about being good. >> yes. well i think it shows. it's a familiar tas fantastic movie. that's what i like about working with new young people because amy schumer will kill for the movie. i think when you're trying to break through, it's the one time in your career where you will put a ridiculous amount of time in and you couldn't care more about the film. and that is why i think brides moippedz wasmaidswas the first movie. and the 40 old virgin. there's an energy when people wanted to reveal themselves and work that hard that you only get at the beginning i think. >> rose: the book is called stuck in the head. judd apatow thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> rose: good luck for
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everything. we'll be right back. stay with us. >> rose: aziz ansari is a stand up comedian, a writer and actor and wrote his first book, it is called modern romance and it takes a look at the way technology influences relationships, dating and how we love. here's a look at the book's trailer. ♪ ♪ >> okay, early to bed early to rise makes a woman healthy, wealthy and wise. that's why you're wiser than me. it's. high. i'm an executive by day and a wild man by night. >> hi. my name's monroe. you already noticed i have incredibly blue eyes. >> my name is phil. most of my friends call me big
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phil. >> if you're sitting there watching this, i don't smoke and i don't like people who do smoke. >> if you like what i'm trying to say or you would like to know more about me, please write. ♪ ♪ >> hi. as you saw earlier and was so ill treated finding love has never been easy and today's landscape is arguably even more daunting and strange than what the folks you saw earlier had to contend with. that's why i decided to write my new book modern romance. >> rose: i'm pleased to have aziz ansari back at this table. has modern romance runs through everything you do. stand up comedy. >> yeah, i mean i think love and finding love is something that's always kind of in your mind and my material and whatever i'm working on is usually kind of
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auto biographical so it's hard of it. whatever stage i'm in. i'm starting to loosely write some new stand up and it's kind of about being in a relationship for a couple years where the last special is when i was kind of more dating and stuff. so yes it's always a part of it. >> rose: so writing the book was the next step. >> writing the book, you know i've written in my last special i'd written about some of the issues like how many how much of dating has moved towards your phone and texting. how we have all these weird dilemmas that steam uniquely personal to us but they end up being quite universal. then i met a couple sociologists and academics and i would talk to them about these kind of subjects and the conversations are really interesting. it's interesting to have their insight into these issues. that's what gave be the idea if i could do that like a book, if i could have that kind of dialogue with me and sociologists and do some real research but have it be in my voice it would be a unique
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project. >> rose: that's when eric kleinberg came in. >> that's when eric came in. i told my publishers i want to write this so i can do it properly and have it work both as a social science book and humor book. they introduced me to eric and he really got it and helped me design this research project for a year and-a-half where we interviewed funds of people all over the country all over the world. >> rose: you did it on red it. >> most of them we did was in person but one thing that was really helpful at one point we realized we're not going to be able to go everywhere. we're not going to go to every city everywhere we're going to be limited but if we do it on the internet we can talk to everybody and maybe talk about things they are hesitant about talking about in person. people got personal on these internet forms which was helpful. >> rose: what did you learn about modern romance. >> if i had to boil it down to
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one thing i would say we're happier when we spend less time on our screens and more time in front of people. >> rose: i would think so too. >> only people you look at like the on-line dating stuff. it's huge. way bigger than i thought going into the book you know. it's how people -- it's bigger than work school and friends combined. >> rose: etcetera it's on-line. >> yes. people meet and end up getting married. you're talking to people -- >> rose: sorry to interrupt you. is there still some most acknowledge the person who became their husband, wife, partner. >> there's still like a little bit of stigma but it's going away. >> rose: she said to me the other day i would love to go on-line because i would love to expand my world but i'm just nervous about it being known that that's what i do. that's what i'm using. >> it's weird because if there's a public anything there's a
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little bit of a different stigma that comes with it having everything out there when people know who you are it's a little bit different. as far as the stigma for the general public i think it's going away especially when you look at these kind of numbers. >> rose: and look at the results too. >> people are really successful with this. you expand who you're going to meet. you know you're trying to find someone to spend the rest of your life with or to love. why not use that resource. it's an incredible resource. >> rose: how has texting changed the way people date. >> well, what's interesting is so much of this early stages of courtship have moved on to texting and the phone. what's interesting is you know you talk to women who meet a guy at a bar or party. and they get to know them a little bit but their imprtionz of them really get formed even more when they started seeing messages. you try to realize there's almost two says your phone self and your real self. >> rose: why is that? >> because people have these
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devices that contain a big part of their personal life. and the way you communicate on that he'll defines how people think about it. and i think with this romance stuff it's like especially with texting, you're not hearing a voice or anything. it's even different than a funny call. you just see these words and people read so much into the time it takes for people to write back and their choice of words, certain things turn people off like you know grammar or spelling is a huge turnoff or some people like it when a guy uses one of those owe moajy or moteemoticons. certain things you say on your phone can really define how you're interfering in the real world. >> rose: this is a texting clip. here it is. >> i talked to a woman once and she is on to people. left. i'm a guy i ask you out for dinner you don't want to go what would you say. i would say i'm not interested
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in having dinner with you. that's really nice there's no games there you know exactly where you stand you're not wasting your time. on the other hand could you imagine actually receiving a text like that? hey you wanted to get dinner sometime. i'm not interested in eating dinner with you. that's the meanist coldest thing you ever said to me. i'm a person i have feelings okay. i'm a human being if i didn't want to get to know you a little better. >> the bleed guy gets excited when i come on the show. >> rose: what is it that, you know, what is it that you see out there in terms of the audience's response. what gets the biggest laughs? >> well you thank you what i realize at a certain point in the last years of my career is there's almost two kind of twoive laughs. there's a laugh where people
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laugh and that's a funny thing but there's another kind of laugh where people are laughing and you can see they're thinking oh my god i've felt that before. you hit a dap deep nerve there. >> rose: it's a knowing experience. >> yes when you hit something that no one's talking about you hit a great place. >> rose: between 2005 1k -- and 2012 it's never increased so far so fast. that's the thing in the book. >> yes. >> rose: what are the worst experiences people have on-line because i also talk to people who have said we've done television segments about this that they go through five people meet them and they get frustrated and saying this is not working and the sixth person is like their dream. >> i would say there's a couple things there. the people that seem to be
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unhappy with on-line dating were people that spent a lot of time sorting through pre-files and sending messages back and forth and trying to establish this amazing connection. >> rose: looking for perfection. >> looking for perfection and sending means and trying to form this bond on the screen when in realty you form these kind of connections in person. spending time with people in person is the key to on on-line dating. helen fisher she put it beautifully these should not be referred to as on-line dating it could be on-line introduction service. it's like meeting a person in real life and you're not going to find -- >> rose: what it really does is just expands the opportunity. >> yes. if you don't have on-line it's what. you have like college and work. >> rose: that's it. >> that's it. then you have your friends friends of friends and then you have like people to party.
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this is an on-line thing with internet people. >> rose: are you doing political jokes now. >> i'm not. i kind of don't follow the news closely enough. i always end up getting bummed out. i've always kind of just sticking briefly more to very personal stuff. >> rose: how do your parents like south carolina. >> i guess they liked it. they're still down there. they moved over to charlotte north carolina. >> rose: which is where i'm from. not charlotte but north carolina. but they were in south carolina. >> that's where i grew up. >> rose: speaking about your mother's experience immigrating from india to america. >> my mom told me her first day in america was the scariest day of her life. why would you say that. i got here i didn't know anymore, i was so far away from my friends and family. i barely even knew your father. we had an arranged marriage and had only known him for a week. she got here, she's in a small
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apartment she didn't know what to do and felt so scare. what did you do that first day. she said i didn't know what to do. your dad was at work all day and i sat on the couch and i cried. i said that's sorhow did you get through that. she's like it was one of those moments where i just knew i had to be brave and figured on it. have you ever had moments like that where you were so scared you knew you had to be brave to figure it out. i was like no. my life is sure easy because you did all the struggling so mine is really easy. i'm not going to have any struggling to tell my kids about. what is my story. oh, when i found new york and l.a. my ipad. i'm like we're teleporting tomorrow. >> rose: there you go. >> did it again. >> rose: yes, it did it again. modern romance is the book.
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aziz ansari. thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. >> rose: wrtsz where is your next concert date. >> once you record specials you put them out and you have to write a whole new act. >> rose: exactly. >> i have some tv shows and busy with that so at some point i'll get back to the comedy clubs. >> rose: thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. >> rose: thank you thank you for joining us. we'll see you next time. captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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this is "nightly business report" with tyler matheson and sue herera. >> flag flap. major retailers pull items with the confederate flag from their shelves in the wake of the shooting south carolina. do businesses have a social responsibi when it comes ttt rod issues? boomer housing crash took their homes, but now they're back. could this wave of buyers help the housing market? >> beneficial bacteria. how one company is using germs to help you replace your bath products? all that and more tonight on "nightly business report for tuesday, june 23rd. good evening, everyone and welcome. i'm sue herera. tyler is on assignment but we'll be hearing from him just a little bit later in the program. we begin tonight with a po hot pot
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