tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS July 12, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, july 12... are negotiators on the verge of announcing a landmark deal on iran's nuclear program? greece's financial future still in doubt. and the fight to keep somalia's youth from fleeing the country... >> reporter: "don't leave. stay here," he tells them. in the last five years, almost 900 kids from this school alone have fled for europe." >> sreenivasan: next on pbs newshour weekend. >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by:
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and by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. from the tisch wnet studios in lincoln center in new york, hari sreenivasan. >> sreenivasan: good evening and thanks for joining us. we start where we have for what seems the past two weeks now, closer and closer to a historic deal between iran and several nations about limiting their nuclear program in exchange for a lifting of economic sanctions- - at one point today, word that a deal could be on the table as early as tomorrow. here was an optimistic secretary of state kerry this morning. >> a very good meeting. very positive. i think we are getting to some real decisions.
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so, i will say, because we have a few tough things to do, i remain hopeful. >> sreenivasan: but later in the day, iranian foreign minister javad zarif stood on his balcony and told press there was more work to be done tomorrow, and that a deal would not be finished today. the agreement would be a culmination of more than a decade of talks to allow u.n. weapons inspections. even if a deal is reached, the governments of britain, france, germany, russia and china and the u.s. have to approve. that could be a problem according to senate majority leader mitch mcconnel. >> we already know that it's going to leave iran as a threshold nuclear state. we know that. it appears as if the administration's approach to this was to reach whatever agreement the iranians were willing to enter into. so, i think it's going to be a very hard sell, if it's
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completed, in congress. >> sreenivasan: israeli prime minister netanyahu is going a step further, denouncing any deal with iran. >> ( translated ): this agreement is putting at risk the peace of the world. iran doesn't hide its intention to continue its murderous aggression, even against those who they are in negotiations with. maybe there is someone among the powers who is willing to give way to the reality dictated by iran, which includes the relentless calls for the destruction of israel. we will not accept it. >> sreenivasan: bloomberg news reporter indira lakshmanan joins us now from vienna where she's been covering the talks for weeks. we've got to stop meeting like this. ask you almost the same question. how close are we to a deal and what's happening tonight? >> well, you know, ohari, it has been 16 days of top level talks, it's a record. these talks have gone on, not even this long at camp david. a deal is around the corner, we're almost there, almost
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there, and at this point i they we may really almost be there. they've missed three deadlines already, the next deadline is looming. they've given themselves until monday to finalize the text of a deal which we're being told is now near 100 pages between the text and five annexes and what we are being told is that the major political decisions have been made but the writing the legal work the technicalities still have to be wrapped up and of course capitals have to sign off on that so we think that's going to be happening overnight with a possible announcement tomorrow if all the ts get crossed and the i's get dotted. >> the arms embargo what happened to that? >> i was told that this issue has been resolved. that has been a major issue for is iranians the russians and the americans. the iranians and the russians wanted the arms embargo lifted because russia is ready to sell
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weapon systems including defensive weapon systems like the s-300 to iran and the u.s. of course for them this is a explosive issue particularly in the u.s. congress is going to make it hard to sell the deal. but what i'm told the embargo a compromise has been come up with and there is an agreement that the u.n. arms embargo not the united states one will be lifted not immediately but over time. >> you mentioned approvals around the country michigan mcconnell says it's a -- mitch mcconnell says it will be a tough sell. >> this has been a talking pound all along. didn't want any deal that would allows iran with enrichment capability. i think had a talking point gets stronger to an official deal being done. you're absolutely right. it's going to be a tough sell and uphill battle in congress. we also heard ted cruz
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specifically picking on the arms embargo and saying if that was lifted there's going to be a major fight on capitol hill. the administration will have to come back with what they think is the strongest deem possible and sell the american people and the congress why they think there stops iran on all of its paths of getting a nuclear weapon and a good deal for security. >> there's also mixed messages coming out of iran. on the one hand we see preparations for intreaks on a deal and on the other hand tough talk from the leadership about united states and arrogance and continue to fight. >> yeah, you're absolutely right. last night the supreme leader ayatollah khamenei referred to the u.s. and arrogance. if they didn't get a deal there wouldn't be rapprochement for the united states, this talking point matches in some level what the its has said in a much --
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the united states has said in a much more diplomatic way. we also saw hawfn hawive hasan rouhani saying, there will be a diehl, if they are not going to get a deal, we are on the end of the worst shaggy dog story in history since this has been going on for quite some time. >> bloom berg >> sreenivasan: negotiators may be making progress over greece's growing economic crisis. the e.u. cancelled its 28-nation summit so heads of state could focus on greece. the greek parliament backed a deal offering painful austerity measures in exchange for debt relief and a new, three-year bailout worth tens of billions of euros. but finance ministers say they want more assurances from greece as they present the latest options to eurozone leaders. >> ( translated ): the decisive point is that greece, starting
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tomorrow, must show us they agree with the statement, that the parliament agrees, and following that the measures should be implemented through parliament in the next few days. and when all these conditions will be filled, then we can start talks on an additional program. but not before. >> sreenivasan: greek banks have been closed for two weeks. if there's no deal before the markets open tomorrow, analysts say they could run out of cash. pope francis ended his three- nation tour of south america today, visiting one of paraguay's most desperate slums. villages in asuncion, along the paraguay river, have been flooded countless times devastating towns like banado norte. the pope told villagers there that it's people remind him of jesus, mary and joseph. >> ( translated ): all you have fought to have a dignified life shelter. everything that you have done to overcome the flooding over the last couple of weeks, all of this brings to mind the small family of belen. >> sreenivasan: later, pope francis held his farewell mass in a swampy field nearby, encouraging the hundreds of thousands of attendees to help the hungry and the sick.
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the n.a.a.c.p. is ending its 15- year economic boycott of south carolina. the decision comes after the south carolina legislature voted to remove the confederate flag and state troppers removed it from the capitol grounds this week. the n.c.a.a. is also lifting its boycott on the state, which had prevented south carolina from hosting sponsored sporting events since 2002. mexico's top drug lord, joaquin "el chapo" guzman, is on the loose after pulling off an elaborate escape from a maximum security prison. he slipped through an escape hatch in a shower area, down a ladder and into a mile-long tunnel, rigged with sophisticated equipment. >> ( translated ): the tunnel is equipped with plastic pipes, presumably for ventilation as well as lighting and a motorcycle mounted on tracks to be used as a traction mechanism, probably to extract the dirt from the excavation, and also used to move tools and machinery for drilling. >> sreenivasan: this is actually the second time guzman has escaped a maximum security prison.
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he escaped from another prison in 2001 and was recaptured in february of last year. guzman faces multiple federal drug trafficking indictments in the u.s. and mexico. his cartel is heavily involved in the bloody drug war that has taken some 100,000 lives in the last decade. off the coast of greece late last night, the coast guard rescued 117 migrants stranded at sea. earlier this week, the italian coast guard saved another 1,600 migrants, some in inflatable boats, many fleeing war poverty, disease and oppression in africa and the middle east. the u.n. says 137,000 migrants have crossed the mediterranean, bound for europe in just the first six months of this year. that's 83% more than last year. jamal osman of itn traveled to the town of hargeisa in northern somalia where locals are
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desperately trying to stop their youth from making the journey and becoming a lost generation. >> reporter: it's 8:00 in the morning and it's assembly time at farah omaar school in hargeisa. >> reporter: head teacher ahmed abdirahman is delivering his usual sermon to the students. "don't leave, stay here," he tells them. he is facing a real problem. in the last five years, almost 900 kids from this school alone have fled for europe. it's places like this that are
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suffering the unseen damage of the migrant exodus from africa. hargeisa is losing a generation of young people on a perilous journey north, and it's having a devastating impact across the community. >> ( translated ): there's a group that left recently and we are hearing some of them were victims of the recent boat disasters, like the one carrying 800 people. it's a national disaster. >> reporter: ahmed knows most of the students want to leave. many of them, lured by promises on social media of a glorious life abroad, don't believe hargeisa has a future to offer them.
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>> reporter: halwo's children go to this school. she is at her wits end because half of her household has already left. >> reporter: her son had got as far as libya on his way to europe. then, the smuggler contacted her demanding more money. halwo remembers the terrible phone call telling her her son hadn't made it.
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>> reporter: halwo regularly meets up with other parents. they share their stories and lament what's fast becoming a lost generation. the old and the young rely on each other in turn. it's the bedrock of somali society and the disappearance of so much of its youth is becoming an unbearable burden on this tight-knit community.
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>> reporter: all over the school, there are messages encouraging students to leave the school. for example, this message says our promise is to emigrate abroad. indeed, many of the youths in hargeisa have made their way to italy in recent months. they are smuggled through ethiopia, sudan, and libya. the journey is harrowing. once they arrive, their dreams of a beautiful city and a happier life are short lived. hamza, a former student at the farah omaar school has been in milan for four weeks. he is sleeping rough and wishes he never came.
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>> reporter: back in hargeisa, teachers are trying to fight back, to find a way to stop this mass exodus. they have been encouraging the kids to act out the dangers of human smuggling to discourage them from leaving. one boy pretends to be a smuggler, brandishing his kalashnikov made of wood. >> reporter: the so-called smuggler pretends he's in libya and speaks in made-up arabic.
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>> ( translated ): hello salaam-alaikum. >> wa-alaikum-as-salaam. ( speaking gibberish ) >> reporter: the audience finds the whole thing quite funny. but the message is serious. >> reporter: but as long as the divide between africa and europe remains, this message will fall on deaf ears. european governments are facing huge challenges in dealing with migration, but the people of hargeisa and other cities across africa have their own crises to overcome. for the first time in a generation, the economy in hargeisa is on the up. there are jobs here for those
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who want them. but the false prospect of an easy life in europe proves too much for many to resist. society here is built on family and clan ties. but when its very building blocks are being lost to the promise of a better life across the ocean, the continued existence of that society hangs in the balance. >> sreenivasan: see how rates of youth unemployment compare across the globe. view our interactive map online at this week, isis fighters have launched attacks across the middle east. just yesterday, isis claimed responsibility for exploding a car bomb outside the italian consulate in cairo, killing one person. also, a syrian human rights group is reporting that militants launched two new offensives in northern syria thursday, detonating large bombs in the border town of kobani. all of this violence comes during the muslim holy month of
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ramadan. while isis is killing civilians it's also helping civilians at the same time. associated press reporter bassem mroue joins me now with more of this mix of brutality and charity. >> joins me via skype from beirut. one of the things we're all aware of during the muslim month of ramadan is the exist on charity. how is i.s.i.s. doing this? >> i.s.i.s. is trying to win the hearts of those who live under its control. areas of i.s.i.s. and syria and iraq. and during the whole month of ramadan they take care of the poor, they either give them money, collect from the rich or give them foot baskets, sugar cooking oil. this has been the case since they declared a islamic caliphate last year. but since they do this they carried out some of their most
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brutal acts during ramadan. at least showing them killing 16 people they accused of being spy, basically they put them into a cage and lowered them into a pool until they drown. they sent explosives around the neck of some people alleging they are spice and they blew their heads off. they are doing this. they try to scare the people and also they try to tell them like we are your protectors we protect you from the iraqi and syrian government forces. we protect you from other militants. this has been the case. >> so in this time there's also the practice of fasting. and you're reporting that they are even enforcing that people observe the fast. >> that's correct. i mean, during ramadan, observance, muslims abstain from food and water from sunrise until sunset. but if someone is caught under
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the islamic state area eating during day you could be punished from something like being put in a cage for a public place like a market for a day or even more than a day. all who are sick cannot fast if they want. but that's not what i.s.i.s what the islamic state group is doing. they're punishing anyone even older people sick people, they destain anyone who refuses to stop eating. >> ramadan is usually a fairly festive time people break their fast by joining with other families and friends in the evening. >> that's correct. before the islamic state took over wide portions of these countries, people have a meal be in the evening. they go out and smoke water
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pipes, drink coffee, smoking is totally prohibited and also it's surprising if you go to any muslim country in the middle east and residents are still with people, families children breaking their meal this is prohibited. so the atmosphere is in a way depressing and miserable. >> so is all of this an attempt to show the people inside this region that they have the ability to control or govern? >> that's what they're trying to say and they're trying to show they implement a very sick interpretation. they claim this is the only right interpretation, only like task and what the others doing is wrong. again, they simply kill whoever says, any time of criticism or opposition. for them they are right and all the others are wrong. all right associated press
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