tv Charlie Rose The Week PBS July 31, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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>> rose: welcome to the program. i'm charlie rose. the program is "charlie rose: the week." just ahead, new developments in the search for malaysia airlines flight mh370. the death of the taliban's mullah omar. and jon stewart prepares to leave the "daily show" after 16 years. >> if it weren't for this, i would be a bitter old man. >> i'll tell you what's wrong with cheney, he doesn't know anything! >> you know, it's basically removing myself from that position at the bar and placing myself at the table. >> rose: we will have those stories and much more on what happened and what might happen.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications >> rose: so you began how? any luck at all or something else? what's the object lesson? >> give them a chance to rise. >> rose: tell me the significance of the moment. >> rose: this was the week the taliban confirmed the death of mullah omar. there were new leads in the hunt for the missing malaysian airlines flight mh370, and the n.f.l. benched quarterback tom brady over deflategate. here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. bob bichristina brown dice at age 22. >> it's the first real evidence that there is a possibility that a part of the aircraft might have been found. >> rose: a possible break in
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the search for m.h.370. >> six people in a gay pride parade were stabbed in the streets of jerusalem. >> pollard has been granted parole after serving 30 years. >> joint mitchell, the upstate worker who helped inmates escape pleaded guilty. >> a cincinnati police officer killed an unarmed man. the the officer is indicted on murder charges. >> if there is anybody in the community who uses this, please stop coming here. >> okay, make a donation. maybe we can tell the world not all americans are like this. >> boys lost at sea off a florida khost. the boat found offshore.
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>> it's unimaginable not knowing where your child is. >> rose: special olympics kick off in los angeles. >> cheaper. oming in second. what's it like to compete in front of all the people? >> amazing. (singing) >sing >> rose: the n.f.l. upholds tom brady's suspension. >> i feel he is damaged by this. roger goodell said by destroying the cell phone, brady tried to cover up evidence his scheme to deflate footballs (singing) >> the boeing 777 rocks from side to side. ♪ rock me momma like a southbound train ♪ ♪ hey, momma rock me >> rose: it has been more than 16 months since malaysian
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airlines flight mh370 disappeared between kuala lumpur and beijing. now there is a major new lead in the hunt of the plane. appears the wreckage from a boeing 777 washed up on a beach more than 4,000 miles away. joining me from washington to discuss the development is stephen ganyard, former marine corps fighter pilot and a contributor to abc news. steve, thank you so much. >> great to be back with you. >> rose: tell me what we have discovered here and what it might tell us and where it might lead us. >> well, i think there is good and bad news. the good news is that, after 16 months, an airplane that just disappeared where the whole world could not fathom how a huge aircraft with all these people on board could disappear, we finally have what i think is a part from that airplane that will tell us, yes, that airplane crashed and, yes, those people are gone. on the other hand, we look at it and we say, it's probably 4,000
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to 5,000 miles away from where it originally hit. it had 16 months to drift in what we call the independence jan ocean jire, but it doesn't tell us where the wreckage is or the black box is and doesn't help us to understand better what happened to flight mh370. >> rose: so can they tell if this debris came from the missing 777? >> i think we're about 99% there now. we know there is a part number, not a serial number, so it doesn't identify exactly that the part came from this airplane. it does say it came from a 777. we know that it's white. the malaysian airplane was white. we know there are no missing 777s in the world. only one has been missing in the indian ocean. so i think the powers of deduction, we can say this is probably the piece. >> rose: this investigation has been ongoing, as you said. i know you had conversations with the people involved in that process. where is the investigation
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pre the discovery of this debris? >> yeah, i have talked to australian investigators three times in the past six months. it's a really impressive crew. they have everything you could ever ask for. they have help from lots of other countries, boeing is helping, the french are helping. that said, i asked them, i said, look, between you and me, totally off the record, we're having a beer in the bar, what do you think? and they said, 100% we're going to find this. the thing that's disturbing today that what we see on the flaperon is it's fully in tact. if the airplane were going to fly into the water at a very steep angle and a high rate of speed, that flaperon would not be in tact. the only way you would see that in tact is if the airplane hit the water at a very slow speed. now, that opens up the idea, if it hit at a slow speed and was deployed, because you can see the very tip of the flaperon
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looks like it's been shaved off, like it might have been shaved off by hitting the water, so if that airplane, if somebody tried to land that airplane after running out of gas, that's a really, really chilling idea to think that there was somebody alive in that cockpit, flying that airplane after it had run out of gas and was gliding into the ocean. >> rose: just so i make sure where your head, is it's a chill idea because? >> i think everybody believes this is a murder-suicide. nobody believes this was mechanical. there are a lot of people who just believe, well, it just flew out to sea. >> rose: ah... so, here, if they didn't fly off in oblivion and they tried to land the airplane, then there may have been people alive when they hit the water. >> rose: the prospect of peace
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in afghanistan may have suffered a setback this week after reports taliban leader mullah omar may have died noor more tho years ago. his death has been rumored in the past but this time confirmed by both the government and taliban itself. fears are that the news will further destabilize the region. matthew rosenberg of the "new york times" and peter bergen of cnn have been covering the story. >> why do they keep it secret? because no one else can really replace him. if you think about the claim that he said he was commander of the faithful, this is not saying i'm just head to have the taliban, this is the claim i'm the leader of all muslims everywhere. it's a rarely invoked religious title that really the prophet muhammad and his immediate successors were commander of the faithful. there's nobody in the second tier of the dale ban that can meaningfully claim the title. we'll see a struggle in
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succession. some say his son may, there are a couple of other contenders, but none have the stature of mullah omar. >> rose: does this mean for two years or less people have been making decisions in his name with the impremature of his reputation and spirituality? >> yeah, i think that's true. we've already seen -- the taliban is hardly a sort of unified movement. there are essentially three big parts of it -- the afghan, pakistan and alcany network. mullah omar's departure may mean the groups will go their separate ways. >> rose: matthew? i think one person seems to have been giving orders in the taliban this past year, mansour, who is effectively the number two. if mullah omar died in 2013, he
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spent two years ago succeeding his colleagues saying i have been talking to our leader and he said do this, do that and apparently there was a lot of disaffection for him so that sets out for a pretty serious power struggle because he's apparently one of the guys who wants to take over. it's so much harder to make peace if you've got all these internal factions vying for power. you have one peeling away and i.s.i.s. is already making inroads. >> rose: do we know he wanted to negotiate and wanted to make a deal or do we just assume so because if he didn't they wouldn't have done it? >> i can't believe they didn't start negotiating for some kind of deal without omar's input. if you think about it, the negotiations between the taliban and the united states and the afghan government, this has been going on many years, and i can't believe mullah omar wouldn't have sanctioned it in some way. >> now that he's known to be dead will they support further negotiations with the gafn
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government? we don't know that either. talks were planned for friday that have been postponed. i think that raises questions under what circumstances will they talk and to whom will they talk. >> rose: we turn now to the 2016 political campaign, the first republican presidential debate is less than a week away. john dickerson will be there, political director of cbs news, chief political correspondent for slate and the anchor of "face the nation," joins me from washington. john, we're all looking forward to. this tell me what the anticipation is. what are we looking at here? what do we hope to see? >> well, i think what we're looking at here is donald trump and nine other competitors on the same stage. he has turned the republican race upside down, and everybody's been looking for what is the sorting mechanism in
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the republican race and the debate could be that first moment. there's a big gamble everybody is making. what are all the other candidates going to do? it will be those who use trump as a foyle to make the case for themselves going after trump. there will be others probably like jeb bush who will try to just run his campaign and almost pretend as if trump is not there. but that hasn't worked in the larger race, pretending trump is not there. so everybody needs to have some kind of strategy in their back pocket for how to deal with trump if trump comes after them. >> rose: what do we expect to come from donald trump? >> this is the great mystery. you could seriously imagine donald trump coming and behaving like a choir boy. up until now he's shredded reagan's 11th commandment of a republican party which is thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow republican, which donald trump
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has done. in this setting, you can easily imagine him coming and being generous and magnanimous and speaking perhaps in a different way than people have seen before so that a host of people tuning in for the first time will say, i don't know what the fuss is about, donald trump looks like a person who is comporting himself in a gentlemanly way. that would be a way for him to kind of run against the stereotype that he's got going into this race. now, will he do that? well, that's the big question. his sort of gut nature is what's gotten him this far and we don't have any idea what that actually is till we see it. >> rose: is the political thought of the group in which you are in good standing believe that we should take him for seriously than we thought at the beginning, that there must be some resonance there that is more than just publicity? >> there are a lot of voters i talked to on the trail who don't
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necessarily sign up for everything trump believes in. they don't think necessarily they'll vote for him burks they like having him around kind of punching the establishment in the rose. that's a real feeling and worst covering on its own terms. what i think people have a harder time taking seriously are his presidential chances because he has kind of a cast iron lid over him for the moment. if you look at all the polls that he rightfully touts, the one in which he is leading the pack, you look inside and see his unfavorable numbers are very high, when they pit him against possible democrats in the general election context, he loses to everyone, including bernie sanders. republicans want to win. they've lost five of the last six general elections, popular vote, i should say, and the candidate who will not win, that's a big problem for trump.
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>> rose: next thursday will mark the 50th anniversary of president lyndon johnson's signing of the voting rights act. doris kearns goodwin knew johnson well. her biography of the president, "lyndon johnson and the american dream," has been just reissued as an ebook. we talked this week about the passage of the law and about the president she knew. >> their cause must be our cause, too. because it's not just negroes, but really it's all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice. >> how i wish he had been alive now because i think what america is finally realizing, you listen to the speech, you know what
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produced the voting rights act, medicare 50th anniversary, app latch cha, he created the foundation of our social and economic life today and people are realizing it and he's not alive to hear it? what kind of america did he want to make? >> i think from the time he was young, you know, he taught at this mexican school in cotula, texas, and speaks about it in the voting rights statement, and he saw kids, he said, who can feel in their faces the prejudice they were being discriminated against and he wanted to give them a chance to rise. he taught as a debating coach in houston high school and he wanted the kids to become something. there was a basic equalitytarian sense. toifts write about what it was like to be at the ranch with him and in ways he was bringing about his own death, smoking and
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drinking, and you wanted to keep him alive. >> rose: did he talk about mortality? >> yeah. >> rose: what would he say? he would say i want to be remembered and i don't know they'll remember me the right way. it's interesting, when he went to sign the actual medicare act which will now be on july 30t july 30th, the 50t 50th anniversary, he went to truman's place because he wanted truman to get the credit for this initially. he said no one is remembering truman now. he says i want people to know i remember him. i hope someone remember me. when he talked shortly before he died, he says i hope if anyone remembers me, it will be for civil rights, and indeed it has been. >> rose: the cover of new york magazine got notice this week for its group photo of 35 of bill cosby's accusers, provocative coverage and a move to digital publishing are some
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ways editor-in-chief adam moss has revolutionized the magazine. >> there are many people in my business who are still, i think, even today, somewhat resistant about the not so new anymore ways people take in information, but i've never been that way. and we as a company have never done that. we've -- you know, the digital immediatdigital media has allowo explode the amount of people who read our content and allowed us to change our whole business and journalistic mission. >> rose: clearly reduces your expenses, i assume. >> yeah, it's cheaper to do, sure. the important thing about it, really, is that it eliminates the distribution obstacles that the mail presents.
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so, suddenly, we publish and we are read in los angeles and we are read in london and we are read in shanghai and that changes the mission of the magazine from one that is the concrete jungle of new york city, which has always been part of it, to a kind of global urban universe and that's been a very exciting change. >> rose: what about biweekly? well, that actually relates to all this in a way. we went biweekly for three reasons, i would say. one reason was to stabilize our finances, no question about it, some of the things you discussed before. another reason was to liberate money from printing fewer print issues, to buttress our digital universe of journalism, and then the third reason was really to respond to the way, to the different ways that people exist in time as part of their reading
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life, and the weekliness -- weekly is when mag season were consistently weekly, you get a "time" and ""newsweek," you get the" new york "on a monday and they would have a sense of urgency because a week meant something. with the explosion of digital media, a week didn't mean as much as anymore. we thought, as we were doing so much online, we thought it was actually more valuable to readers if we created a biweekly that was more substantive, that was a more substantial thing. >> rose: more time to do it? yes, and because that became our mission. we would go fast and slow. the fast stuff was all the stuff online. the vow stuff would be more deliberate about making a higher-quality magazine, which i think we've done. >> rose: does in any way the digital revolution put a
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restriction on editing, which is what you do? >> well, it's had lots of effects on editing. faster. >> rose: there's less time. less time to edit, less time to write. it's more -- >> rose: and less time to choose. >> a more impulsive medium burks not to say any less intelligent medium but more like conversation. >> rose: next thursday marks jon stewart's last appearance as the host of the "daily show," over 16 seasons the show's influence grau far beyond comedy. he's twice been to the white house for private meetings with the president. he's been described as the walter cronkite for the millennial generation and been a guest several times on this program. >> the fuel of it is the world,
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it's current events, it's everything that's going on that enrages you at 2:00 in the morning as you watch news programs and 24-hour coverage and then you can go in the next day and it's cathartic to a certain extent. listen, right now, it's difficult. that was in the days of monica, when news stories were eccentric but not devastating. now it's a more difficult field with the columbine situation, with kosovo, it's much more of a mine field. we go in and our day operates oddly enough and funnily enough like a news organization. we get in and have an editorial. the only difference is we don't have news-gathering capability. we just say what's the story of the day. i don't know, let's turn on the tv. >> rose: and then what are you going to do with it? we look for the laugh? >> not the laugh, the absurdity. we look for expeditions and things that either tickle us or
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outrageous or affect us in some visceral manner, but what better to do that than something you care deeply about or feel is relevant. i get to walk in and with like-minded people discuss what we would normally just be shouting at the tv. i am literally, if it weren't for this, i would be a better old man attend of the bar. i tell you what's wrong with cheney, he doesn't know anything! it's basically we moving myself from that position at the bar and placing myself into cable. >> rose: you have contempt for american politics? wow. >> i have disdain for the way it's conducted. but here's the thing -- i think the true -- if i was to really get at the burr in my saddle, it's not politics. and i think this is probably a horrible analogy, but i look at politicians as they are doing
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what inherently they need to do to retain power. their job is to consolidate power. when you go to the zoo and see a monkey throwing poop, you go, that's what monkeys do, what are you going to do. >do? >> rose: and they do that? what i wish the media would do more frequently is say, bad monkey. >> rose: here's a look at the week ahead. sunday 25th anniversary of the rierky invasion of quaivment monday start of the annual presidential forum in manchester, new hampshire. tuesday is president obama's 54th birthday. wednesday is the first day of the horse show in ireland. thursday is jon stewart's last day as host of the "daily show." friday is first day of the en endboro fringe in scotland. saturday pro football's hall of fame ceremony in canton, ohio. and here is what's new for your
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weekend. tom cruise and jeremy renner are in theaters with mission impossible-rogue nation. >> right now! oh, my god! (mission theme) >> rose: josh stone with a new album called "water for your soul." (singing) and british boy band "one direction" toured indianapolis and pittsburgh. (singing) that's "charlie rose: the week." for this week, on behalf of all of us here, thank you for watching. i'm charlie rose and we will see you next time.
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we begin this evening with doris kearns goodwin on lyndon johnson. >> he's the only president i've ever known. i spent so many hours with him. now, as a presidential historian, almost 50 years later, i'd give anything to have him back again. i would ask him, "where did your ambition come from? why did you want to do these thiks domestically? what was your sense of power? how did you know when you walked into an institution who the purposes of power were?" >> rose: we continue with a new documentary about william f. buckley and gore vidal called "best of enemies." >> they're not just fighting about 1968. they're fighting about the republic, and both of them had such an understanding not only of the american republic but republics going back to ancient times. i mean there were such scholars in that way that the stakes for them couldn't have been higher. >> rose: and we conclude this
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