tv PBS News Hour PBS September 8, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> ifill: good evening, i'm gwen ifill. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, the european migrant crisis: frustration and tensions grow. our william brangham reports from hungary on clashes with police at the border, and on the trains bound for western europe. >> as hungarian prime minister orban calls for work on the barrier to be sped up to keep refugees and migrants out, others in europe are debating how and whether to let more people in. >> ifill: also ahead this tuesday: an iran nuclear deal that now cannot be undone, as democratic senators push it over a key threshold. plus, from trash to treasure: how a gourmet chef salvages food scraps from going to waste. and, magical forces unleashed in new york city. writer salman rushdie on his new
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novel, a tale of reason battling extremism. >> i always thought that these two ways of talking, one is fantastic, the fable, you know, the fairy tale, and the other is history, the scholarly study of what happened, i think they're both amazing ways to understand the nature. >> ifill: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> and the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. >> and with the ongoing support
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of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> ifill: the human drama engulfing europe showed no sign of ending today. instead, the divide deepened, between rich and poor nations, over how to handle the crisis. and, there was new trouble in southern hungary as throngs of people tried to cross from serbia. we'll have a report from the scene, after the news summary. a county clerk in kentucky was released today after five days in jail, for refusing to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples. the federal judge who'd jailed kim davis for contempt of court, ordered her released. he warned her not to stop her deputies from giving out licenses. later, davis appeared at a rally outside the jail, with hundreds
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of supporters and republican presidential hopeful mike huckabee. >> we serve a living god who knows where exactly each and everyone of us is at. just keep on pressing, don't let down, because he is here. he is worthy. i love you guys, thank you so much. >> ifill: another republican presidential candidate, ted cruz, also visited davis today. hillary clinton now says she is sorry about using a private e- mail account as secretary of state. she made the statement today in an interview with abc news. >> that was a mistake. i'm sorry about that. i take responsibility. and i'm trying to be as transparent as i possibly can. >> ifill: clinton had declined to apologize in two other interviews since friday. a kansas jury is recommending the death penalty for a white supremacist who attacked jewish sites last year. frazier glenn miller shot and
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killed three people and said he wanted to kill jews, but it turned out that none of the victims was jewish. in court today, miller told the jury he didn't care what they decided, and gave the nazi salute. wall street bounced back today for one of its biggest gains of the year. the dow jones industrial average was up 390 points to close above 16,490. the nasdaq rose 128 points, and the s&p 500 added 48. the government of turkey sent military forces into northern iraq today for the first time in four years, chasing kurdish rebels. it followed attacks by so-called p.k.k. militants that killed at least 31 soldiers and police since sunday. a military ceremony was held today for 16 police officers who died in a roadside bombing. and in ankara, president recep tayyip erdogan defended his government's efforts. >> ( translated ): we have tried so much and will keep trying to prevent this pain, and the pain of mothers, fathers, wives,
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siblings and loved ones. but the terror organization has shut the doors to the desired peace process through choosing weapons, violence, oppression and bloodshed. >> ifill: turkey's air force also launched heavy new air strikes on p.k.k. bases, involving more than 50 planes. a huge sandstorm blew across the middle east today, blanketing cities and roadways, from egypt to jordan. low visibility slowed commutes in lebanon, where the storm killed at least two people and sent hundreds to hospitals with breathing problems. the storm even forced syria's military to call off air strikes on rebel positions. iran's president hassan rouhani now says his country is open to talks with the united states and saudi arabia, on ending the civil war in syria. in tehran, rouhani spoke today during a news conference with the visiting president of austria. >> ( translated ): iran will sit down at any table if it sees that a secure, stable, and
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democratic future for syria will be the end result of negotiations. what is important for us is the what is also important is for those syrians who have been made refugees to return home. if one day syria is more secure, that will be in the interest of the whole region and the world. >> ifill: iran has been a leading supporter of syrian president bashar assad. pope francis announced a much simpler path today for the catholic church to annul marriages. now, there will be a fast-track option: if both spouses request an annulment, a bishop can grant it directly. annulments are required if a roman catholic wants to re-marry in the church and continue to receive communion. back in this country, the family of freddie gray reached a settlement with the city of baltimore for $6.4 million. the 25-year-old died after being critically injured in police custody last april. his death sparked protests and rioting. six baltimore police officers face criminal charges in the case. the head of united airlines has
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resigned over his dealings with the port authority of new york and new jersey. jeff smisek and two other senior executives stepped down today. a federal grand jury is investigating whether united scheduled flights to benefit the port authority's former chairman. and, some family news. veteran pollster andrew kohut died early today of leukemia. he led the gallup organization for 10 years and was founding director of the pew research center. starting in 1982, andy was also a frequent guest on this program, explaining the public mood and political trends. he continued in that role for more than 30 years. andy kohut was 73 years old. still to come on the newshour: migrants grow frustrated by blocked passage into western europe. with democrats' support, an iran deal that cannot be undone. and much more.
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>> ifill: hungary's government called in buses today to ferry crowds from its southern border with serbia to a registration center, but that move did little to ease tensions, as the flood of migrants and refugees into europe continued unabated. the newshour's william brangham reports tonight from that border region, in roszke, hungary >> brangham: for hundreds of people fleeing syria and other parts of the middle east, their journey had come to a halt, in this large, mud-caked field. it isn't a refugee camp-- those are several miles away, and filled to capacity. so this is where the hungarians put everyone else. dozens of armed police lined the edge of the field, scrum outside and shoving, but there weren't enough buses to take everyone to
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other processing centers, and frustrations boiled over. >> brangham: this woman pleaded with police to let her elderly, wheelchair-bound mother onto a bus. police said no, repeatedly, so the family gave up and said they'd walk back over the border to serbia. for others, the waiting was too much. a large group pressed against the police line and then broke through in a rush. at least a hundred people took off across the field in a desperate rush. police tried to tackle some, but the majority got away. most disappeared into the corn fields-- some shouted they'd walk to budapest, more than 110 miles away. this young boy hassan made it through the cornfield and said he wants to get to germany, said his family's home in syria was destroyed in the war, that they were forced to flee, and being trapped in hungary was too much. >> it's been two days, the rubbish is piling up, and there's no toilets, nothing. they just throw food at us, and say to us, "stay, stay." we don't want food. we just want to cross peacefully. we mean no harm. we just want to get to our
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destination. >> brangham: for those who didn't escape, the waiting game continued. here at the border, this fence erected by the hungarian government stands in stark contrast to the response of other european nations. as hungarian prime minister orban calls for work on the barrier to be sped up to keep refugees and migrants out, others in europe are debating how and whether to let more people in. germany alone is expecting some 800,000 applications for asylum this year, the equivalent of roughly 1% of its current population. chancellor angela merkel has called for a mandatory quota system across the continent, where different nations would be assigned different numbers of people to take in. it's an idea she reiterated today when she met with the swedish prime minister in berlin. >> ( translated ): binding quotas or numbers are necessary on sharing out refugees who are entitled to asylum, and who then are distributed fairly among the member states. unfortunately, we are far from that.
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>> brangham: hungary and other eastern european nations reject any such proposal. but the president of the european union, jean-claude juncker, will unveil a plan tomorrow to find homes for more than 120,000 refugees. and in washington, the obama administration said it is "actively considering" ways to assist, including resettling refugees in the united states. >> in this country in this year 2015 we've resettled something like 700,000 refugees from around the world. not just from the syrian conflict. we also have to balance that against the proper vetting procedures to make sure particularly when we're bringing in people from that part of the world that we're doing it safely and securely. the american people would expect that. >> brangham: meanwhile, in paris, ministers from 60 countries met today to address the root cause of the crisis: the wars in the middle east. the head of the arab league agreed with that focus, speaking in cairo. >> i must pay tribute to all european countries, in particular germany for opening
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however, i would like to emphasize that this is not the resolution of the problem. what is needed is to end the conflict in syria. >> brangham: but as diplomats around the world debate the next steps, the human wave keeps pouring onto european shores, including hundreds more landed today, outside athens, greece. and back in hungary, even as more people continue their wait for a ride out of here, to anywhere else. the flow of people coming across from serbia also continues. for the pbs newshour, i'm william brangham in rozske hungary. >> ifill: as william just reported, the waves of arrivals of refugees and migrants continue throughout eastern and southern europe, no more so than in greece. that's where krishnan guru- murthy of independent television news found an increasingly desperate situation on lesbos, an island of 85,000 residents, where, every day, 4,000 people
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are coming ashore. >> reporter: it is hot, crowded, dirty. they have little food and water. tempers are fraying and people turning on each other. >> reporter: why are you so upset? >> because everyone has fake papers. they take, they go. tickets and go. i have the right papers and they didn't give me a ticket. >> they don't pay attention. >> reporter: everyone of these people has paid a smuggler to get here from turkey on a crowded inflatable dingy. a syrian journalist, ali hafez, filmed his own family's journey as they crossed the mitalini straight yesterday. he tells them, "stop! please be quiet!" "just do your job and steer the boat.", she says.
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halfway across, another boat joins them and the panic reaches new heights. refugees believe they are about to be hit. but the greek couple on the other boat give them a rope and tow them towards the shore. when they reach the shore there is obvious relief. but even now, they still have a 40 mile walk to get to mitalini. nobody can leave lesbos until the greeks can process them. an official seems overwhelmed despite the setting up of a new processing center today. the head of greece's border protection force is overseeing it herself. she is pessimistic. how many have left today? >> more than 6000. >> reporter: and how many new people have arrived? >> at least 4000. >> reporter: so this is going to have to carry on everyday? >> actually, yes.
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>> reporter: do you see any end? >> no. >> reporter: this is municipal park. call it the garden of mitalini. and it has been taken off by vast numbers of people who've arrived over the last few days and who can't get off the island because they are waiting to be registered. all they have are these tents that have arrived by a mixture of private donations and aid agencies. and that is where they want to be on the ferry to athens. mason hassini is just 16 years old. and traveled here alone from kabul afghanistan >> we thought that wherever we came in, greek people would help us. would register us and see if they give us food and place to sleep. but no one helps us. we sleep in the park we don't have anything to eat and for about two days i myself did not eat anything. except water. >> reporter: tonight, the atmosphere down at the port is still very tense.
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one international charity says it has cancelled an aid distribution because the police can't guarantee their safety. >> ifill: tune in tomorrow night, william brangham continues his reporting from europe, as the continent grapples with its largest influx of refugees and migrants, in decades. you can follow along with our team, as they post photos and videos on our facebook page. that's at >> ifill: members of congress returned from their summer recess today, and immediately indicated they would hand the white house a key victory on the iran nuclear deal. >> reporter: as president obama hosted duke university's basketball champions, his white house was celebrating its own win. >> we are pleased-- gratified--
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that we have been able to build sufficient support in the united states congress. >> reporter: this morning, three of the four remaining senate democratic holdouts announced they'll back the nuclear deal. they were: richard blumenthal of connecticut, gary peters of michigan and ron wyden of oregon. that gave minority leader harry reid and other supporters at least 41 votes, enough to block majority republicans from disapproving the deal. >> today i am gratified to say to my fellow americans, our negotiating partners, and our allies around the world: this agreement will stand. >> reporter: it also means the president will not have to use his veto to uphold the deal. but even with the outcome looking certain, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell again took aim at what the administration negotiated. >> we know the president's deal won't end its nuclear program but would instead leave iran with a threshold nuclear capability recognized as legitimate by the international community. quite the opposite of the
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original goal. >> reporter: and, maine's susan collins made it unanimous: all 54 republicans now officially oppose the deal. >> i've long believed that a verifiable diplomatic agreement with iran that dismantled its nuclear infrastructure would be a major achievement. regrettably, that does not describe the agreement that the administration negotiated. the agreement is fundamentally flawed. >> reporter: but it's the president's viewpoint that's prevailed. so, while house republicans may reject the iran deal this week, that's as far as the issue will go. >> ifill: political director lisa desjardins joins me now from capitol hill. just in the last few moment, lee centennial park we discovered that number went from 41 to 42 with the additional yea or nay vote depending on how you add
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this up of senator maria cantwell from washington state. what's the significance of this number of 41 or 42 as it is tonight? >> technically our viewers probably caught on it doesn't change the end game. the white house had enough votes to support this deal to, keep it alive last week, but it is very significant, because it says something about the strength of this deal and the strength of this president. the strength of this deal is important because international watchers and american allies are wondering how long will this deal last. will this deal last through say another president? 41 votes shows it has some more strength than it did last week, or 42 votes. and also about the strength of this president. president obama won these votes one by one by convincing senators. many of these democrats had huge doubts. frankly, one source told me today they don't trust the president here. it's not a question of trust. it's a question of them verifying what they see in this deal. 41%, gwen, interestingly, that's around the approval rating of this president, and that's about what he got here. it's a sign of how much strength
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he has in the senate or not. >> ifill: lisa, you spent the day reporting the reasons behind all of this on capitol hill, why the president got this victory and who flips in the end. what can you tell us? >> one of the more interesting conversations i had is with the staff of senator ron wyden. he's a important senator up here. he didn't decide until this weekend. his staff told me one of the key indications that he was going to go yes is he got a letter from the white house to him, i have a copyright here, in which the white house gave him an assurance that the white house would stand by snapping back sanction, reimposing sanctions as soon as there is any sign of cheating by iran. we heard that before, but, gwen, what was interesting in this letter, they said not only the u.s. but european allies will also reimpose sanctions the minute there's any cheating that happens. now, you can say this isn't the word of law, this is a letter to a senator, but that just shows what these senators have gone through. they want it in writing from the white house what's going guaranteed and what's not. the other theme, gwen, you see
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through all these senators who have decided in the last day, none of them love this deal, in fact most, of them don't like it, but they have said, unfortunately, they don't see any viable alternative right now. they think iran will proceed without restrictions if the u.s. doesn't do something. >> ifill: lisa, we spent a lot of time talking about the senate, but this also has to be approved or not disapproved in the house, as well. over the weekend, we got what seemed to be a pretty significant expression of support from debbie wasserman-schultz, the head of the democratic national committee, but also a leading jewish member of congress who has been dealing with the israeli pushback against this deal. >> right. gwen, i had a good phone conversation with congresswoman wasserman-schultz earlier today. she conveyed how much this was a difficult decision for her. here's how she got to yes. she said she met with her constituents, in particular rabbis in her district between miami and fort lauderdale, not just her, gwen, but interestingly enough she brought down vice president joe biden. this is when she says she was
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undecided. he answered questions for her and for her constituents. she said most of them don't like the deal. she listened and then, gwen, i think this is what turned it for a lot of members of congress, wasserman-schultz went to the white house 20 different time, sat in the situation room, sat one on one with intelligence officials, sat down with treasury secretary jack lew. one by one i think the white house won over these votes as members asked questions and got details about this deal. she, like many others, put out a five, six-page response over the weekend in terms of why she came to a decision, but i think it was one by one over hundreds of questions they asked the white house. >> ifill: as you know, as well as anyone, just because the president has these votes, doesn't mean all the opposition goes away. we'll see more rallies to that point tomorrow on capitol hill anti-iran deal rallies. what happens next? what is the next shoe that has to drop? we have a deadline next week, right? >> that's right. there's a deadline next week. congress has 60 days to act.
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they will act before that. we expect a vote in the house this week, and talking to senator mcconnell's staff in the senate, it looks like we could have a vote in the senate as early as friday, maybe that will slip into next week, but in the coming days that will happen. of course, once these votes are over, like you're saying, gwen. i think we'll see this issue at least until november of next year on the campaign trail. >> ifill: it's all over but the shouting hasn't stopped. >> it will get louder i think. >> ifill: lisa desjardines on capitol hill tonight. thank you very much. >> you got it. >> ifill: stay with us, coming up on the newshour: a look back at the outsiders who changed presidential campaign history. salman rushdie mixes fantasy with history in his new novel. and, teaching classical guitar to texas youth who have had a run in with the law. now, to our latest installment
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in our occasional series that we're calling "food glorious food." we've been looking at efforts to reduce food waste and use it more productively. during our reporting earlier this year, we dropped in on noted chef dan barber who had just launched a pop-up restaurant in manhattan. he was showcasing how good food could be created from material normally tossed out. allison aubrey of npr took a look at what was on the menu and barber's approach. this story is part of the newshour's ongoing collaboration with npr. >> ordering a salmon roasted eggplant and bulgur dumpling. >> yes, chef!! >> reporter: at seven p.m. the kitchen was working at full throttle and the restaurant was packed. the main draw... think of it as michelin starred waste. that's what chef dan barber was serving up at his toney greenwich village restaurant for fifteen dollars a plate. barber's restaurant blue hill underwent an eco makeover of sorts. every night for three weeks he
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transformed food trash into treasure, and called it waste ed. on the menu, a juice pulp cheese burger. >> how do you like your burger? >> reporter: a dish called dog food, fried skate wing cartilage and cucumber butts. i've read about, heard about, you talk about cucumber butts. i don't even know what those are. >> cucumber butts are from a pickling processor upstate, who cuts off the ends of the cucumbers so these aren't staring at you in the glass jar. he was excited he came out and we said "you know, we're going to start a market for you." >> reporter: people buying cucumber butts instead of tossing them out. that's part of barber's vision. >> we actually have the power and creativity to take what you deem uncoveted or refuse and
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turn it into deliciousness and that's very powerful. >> reporter: barber's no ordinary chef. >> pick up her please! >> reporter: he's won multiple james beard awards and in 2009, made it onto time magazine's 100 most influential list. he's profiled in a recent netflix documentary, called "chef's table", on notable chefs from around the world. >> if your thinking about a problem you can solve in your lifetime, you're thinking too small. >> reporter: barber is always thinking big thoughts and they all converge on this 80-acre plot of land just north of manhattan, where barber combines experimental farm and restaurant. it's called the stone barns food and agricultural center. the mission: to change the way americans eat and farm. adjoining the center is barber's restaurant, a true farm to table enterprise. >> in this day and age, chefs have a message to broadcast and we're broadcasting that vegetable pulp is delicious fiber and can be utilized. >> reporter: vegetable pulp!?
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we watched as barber's right hand man, chef adam kaye, transformed beet and celery pulp salvaged from a local juice bar named liquiteria to make something everybody likes to eat. oh, i have to say looking at this does not look appealing. >> there's a lot of fiber in there which we'll want chopped up a bit before it goes into the burger mix. >> reporter: and normally this would be tossed out. >> this would be tossed out. >> reporter: so why not turn it into a burger? that beet pulp looks kind of meaty. so looks like a meatloaf my mother would have made. >> no pun intended, but let's call it beet loaf. this is probably one of the most popular items on the waste ed menu. people are going crazy about this and everyone's convinced that we're sneaking beef fat or bacon drippings in there. it tastes meaty. >> reporter: besides the vegetable pulp there are a bunch of other ingredients: mushrooms,
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nuts and some bluehill secrets blue hill couldn't reveal. >> the hope here is to create the demand that then kick starts a larger conversation or an economy that gives juice processors a reason to save the waste and distribute it. maybe juice bars become the next burger kiosks. >> reporter: so this is the moment i get to give this a try. >> allison, you got to be honest. >> reporter: this is not a veggie burger wanna be, this is actually good. wow, i might even think there's beef in here. >> i wouldn't lie to you. >> reporter: to garnish that beet-infused burger, barber's
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prized pickle butts. and out in the seating area, diners were surrounded by walls draped with a white fabric. farmers use it on their crops as a cover to fend off pests. tables were lit up with tallow candles, which is rendered beef fat. >> the sauce was fortified with flat beer. >> reporter: michael parillo and margit verv just finished a dumpster dive salad made with bruised apples and pears salvaged from a food processor in the neighborhood. and what's in the dressing, water left over canned chick peas. and as you were tasting it, were you thinking this was leftover from an industrial food processor? how was it? >> surprisingly good. >> it was good, sort of shabby chic. >> reporter: they almost ordered a dish called dog food, made from animal organs that are usually discarded but... >> we veered another way.
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>> the idea is to look at some of these ingredients like you're going to see here tonight and start to think about it in the context of where were we with sushi 30 years ago. right, i mean anyone who is going out to have a sushi dinner 30 years ago. crazy! be like eating insects. >> reporter: and waste ed had a series of famous chefs from around the country dropping in to dine and join barber in the kitchen. in the house that night, award- winning chef from chicago, grant achatz, whose restaurant alinea is ranked 9th best in the world. >> we can't throw that out, right? >> reporter: achatz came with his own special brew of cocoa husks. the husks are the outer shell of the cocoa bean that's normally discarded during processing. achatz's served up some cocoa husk smoked eggplant. so will salvaging a few servings of skate cartilage or some cocoa
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husks really address america's food waste problem? >> i'm hopeful that this kind of thing begins a different kind of conversation and we begin to look at the entirety of the food system from nose to tail and think about not just juices but the juice pulp that comes out of the juice and can we make something delicious out of this. >> reporter: barber's veggie pulp burger actually made it on the menu at the hip burger chain shake shack. it was only for a day and just one location but all 500 burgers went fast. for the pbs newshour, i'm allison aubrey of npr news in new york. >> ifill: there are nearly two dozen major candidates running for president this year, and the ones getting the most attention are not all elected officials.
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they are the outsiders. donald trump. ben carson. bernie sanders. carly fiorina. using youtube, instagram and other social media to build huge followings and get onto debate stages. but is this really brand new? or have we been here before? we turn to three political historians: lara brown, who directs george washington university's graduate school of political management. and newshour regular michael beschloss, the author of nine books. and richard norton smith, whose most recent book was on the life of nelson rockefeller. so, michael beschloss, a lot of people are running. we seem to be paying attention to them. but the ones catching fire are not necessarily the politicians or at least seen or perceived as being the politicians. how unusual is that? >> well, it has happened before a lot in history. maybe the best example of that would have been ross perot in 1992. what he basically said was, i'm a businessman. i have never held public office. that means i'm not implicated in these party establishments that have taken the country the wrong
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way. so he went on larry king in february of 1992. >> ifill: i remember. >> he said, if you americans want me to run, i'll run as a third party candidate, and i will attack the federal deficits, which neither party is doing anything about. he allowed himself in his language to be recruited. he ran and at one point early that year, at least in the late spring, he was running ahead of josh h.w. bush and bill clinton, the two major party candidates. >> ifill: and he was a third party candidate. but we've seen people even from the establishment party, lara brown, who have broken out and changed up the whole feel of an election race before ross perot. >> i think that's right. what we really have to do is make a distinction. that distinction is those who call themselves outsiders, who really mean they're just outside washington, versus those who call themselves outsiders because they're outside of politics altogether. >> ifill: for example? >> for example, we can see the governors that run. they often say things like i'm
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outside of washington. i'm going to go and fix that government and get it back on track. we've seen that with jimmy carter. we've also seen that with ronald reagan. but then you do have those who say that they're outside of politics altogether, and certainly ross perot fits that model as michael beschloss has written, so too has wendell wilkie. >> ifill: you never get to use wendell wilkie. okay, richard norton smith. there's your cue. who is your favorite outsider who people didn't see as someone who was part of the establishment and managed to upend things. >> well, actually, go back 200 years. andrew jackson transformed american politics and in many ways reinvented the american presidency. he ran as an outsider. certainly the establishment was horrified. it's one of the great set pieces of american democracy, the scene of inauguration day, 1829, when jackson and his fellow westerners descended on the town, took it over.
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it was never quite the same. at the end of the 19th century, you had william jennings bryan, who gave voice to the feelings of mostly southern and western farmers and others who felt victimized by wall street. a lot of this is... the question is what are you outside of. it's notable to washington establishment that they run against, but it oftentimes the economic policies that it represents and that in turn are centered symbolically on wall street. >> ifill: michael, let's go back the jimmy carter who lara mentioned. i forgot. there were 17 candidates, democratic candidates for president in 197. incredible. >> it is. that's one reason why jimmy carter had packaged himself as an outsider, which was to some extent a scam. he had been in politics for ten years. but he knew in the wake of watergate and all these other
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people to differentiate himself, from it would be most helpful to say i'm not from washington, i'm in the a lawyer. that was very much with design. and as lara mentioned, the same thing with ronald reagan when he ran for president in '76. his announcement speech he said, "elect me because i'm not part of the washington buddy system." and, yes, he was not from washington, but i wouldn't nominate ronald reagan with pitchforks and the first person who is going to overthrow the establishment. >> ifill: let's think about this for a moment. are outsiders outsiders because they themselves represent something new and different, or is what the mood of the american public at the time, lara brown? >> a lot of it is a reaction. they're trying to claim legitimacy to a feeling that's in reaction to something else going on. so as we've discussed, jimmy carter came about because there was watergate. there was this opportunity. you know, you can also look back to, in fact, 1924 when john
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davis wins the nomination of the democratic party convention after 103 ballots. there are issues in that election because william mcadoo had been caught up in the teapot dome scandal and had taken money. so there was a sense that he was corrupt and that that nomination should not go to him. so there is this way in which outsiders come in or there is essentially surfeit ambition, a number of candidates running when there are opportunities to do so. >> ifill: well, we're certainly familiar with surfeit ambition in any campaign, but certainly in this one. [laughter] let me ask you, richard norton smith, a little bit about what this does to the process. does this actually change our weaken the establish. parties, this rise of the donald trumps, the rise of the wendell wilkies, or does it just... is it just predictable? >> traditionally, i emphasize traditionally, it's been a blip. i mean, there was no age of
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wilkie, that's for sure. and who knows what will happen over the next few months. what is, however, seemingly unique about this, and we saw some of this particularly on the republican side for years ago, when if you remember there were a number of unconventional candidates who stressed the fact they were not part of the washington establishment. both jimmy carter and ronald reagan in effect went to the public with the case, we're outsiders, we're in the part of the mess, but we have the right experience, we have the right skill set as governors of major states to fix what is wrong. what is really unusual about this set of professed outsiders is that they are running against the very qualifications that have traditionally been viewed as necessary to be a successful president. >> ifill: i wonder if this is sped up because of the rise of
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the internet or conservative radio. people who have thought about running before and now have instant platforms. for most of american history, if you wanted a major party nomination, you would have to be chosen by office holders and office holders would have been the last people who would have chosen someone who had not run for office or served before. so this is something that's relatively new, but richard also makes a good point, and this is that outsiders do wonderfully when people are really angry about something, but if there is an overwhelming issue of foreign policy, americans are probably going to think twice about giving the keys to someone who doesn't have that kind of experience. ross perot got 19% in 1992. one reason he could do that isn't the cold war, the country seemed as peaceful as it had been for a long time. >> ifill: so a protest candidate just for the sake of protest, does that actually add to or perhaps enhance our political process? >> well, throughout most of history, what protest candidates have really done, is raised issues that the major candidates have been adopted or co-opted, and they have moved on to
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essentially express those ideas in their platforms, in their campaigns, and if they have won their presidencies, in fact, you can see the focus of both bill clinton and newt gingrich on issues surrounding the budget, as really being about those issues that ross perot was raising in '92. >> ifill: i remember, richard, covering jesse jackson in 1998 and 1994. he was an outsider candidate who brought up issues that nobody else brought up. >> he was absolutely, he had significantly lasting impact. you go back a few years earlier, very different can't date, an outsider named george wallace who ran first in the democratic primary from '64, and then a third party campaign in '68. he never came close to winning, but there is no doubt that he had a disproportionate impact both on the debate that year and arguably on the heralding conservativetive -- conservative
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ways that really incorporated not tom nixon presidency but for a couple decades thereafter. he was an agent of change who had a transforming effect, even though he never won the president similar. >> ifill: well, we'll be watching for that disproportionate or maybe proportionate effect in this election year. richard norton smith, michael beschloss, lara brown, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> ifill: next: a novel that combines the magic of genies, and the reality of terror in our own time. jeffrey brown has our story from the newshour bookshelf. >> brown: in salman rushdie's new novel, the genies or gin are out of the bottle and on the loose in new york, entering through a crack in the world, wringing on a time of what's called the strangenesses. >> it was dark, a time the start attacking the city.
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one of them has a tendency to turn into a sea monster, and he just rises up. >> brown: it's a world in some ways like our on, reason battedling extremism, a rising city where great towers suddenly disappear, a beautiful day on the water, but a police boat keeping watch. in the novel, fear is in the air, but so is magic. these are genies, after all. >> the book uses comic devices, but it's of course talking about something serious, abattack on the city. >> brown: mixing magic and reality, myth and history, it's what salman rushdie has been doing in his writing for decades. his new book is titled. "two years eight months and twenty-eight nights." which just happens to add up to 10001, and like the classic 1001 arabian night, rushdie told me when we met at the waverly inn, one of his favorite dinner spots, this novel began as a
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story about storytelling itself. >> i grew up falling in love with this kind of story, this kind of amazing, wonder tale of the east, you know, which if you're a child growing up in india is all around you. i think one of the gifts it gave me as a writer is this early knowledge that stories are not true. >> brown: stories are not true? >> they're made up. >> brown: madam bovery and the flying carpet are both untrue in the same way. somebody made them up. >> brown: even though we think of one of them as realistic... >> but it's not. they're both fictions. so one you get that instinct for the fictivness, the fictionality of fiction, it sets you free. all my life it's that subject that has occurred to a greater or lesser extent in the various books. this time i just thought about it.
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>> brown: rushdie begins the book with an historical figure. in the west he's known as avaros. his arabic name is iben rushdie. >> my father was such a admirer of the philosopher that he changed the family name to rushdie. so that's why i'm a rushdie. of course, that made me very interested in him as a thinker. and then i realized why my father was so interested in him, because he was really incredibly modernizing voice inside our islamic culture, and he was a great scholar of aristotle, for example, and he wanted to introduce into that culture the ideas that reason, science, logic, you know, could be brought in and one didn't have to just believe in blind faith. and his books were about that, and they got him into some trouble.
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>> brown: salman rushdie found trouble when his 1989 novel "the satanic verses" was denounced as blast many against the prophet muhammad, and iran's spiritual leader ayatollah khamenei issued a fatah calling for rushdie's death. there were violent protests and rushdie spent nearly a decade in hiding before the fatah was lifted. >> this conflict about modernizing versus what we now call fundamentalism, sort of traditionism, literalism, that battle is still going on, you know, and so i thought it's... it could be interesting to frame it in the way in which it started. >> so you're setting up a fantastic, sorts of magical story of our time, soon after. but grounding it very much in an historical. >> i have a historian by training. that's what i did by university. so i've always thought that these two ways of talking, one is the fantastic, the fable, you know, the fairy tale, and the
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other being history, the scholarly study of what happened. i think they're both amazing ways to understand human nature, you know, and then i thought, what happens if you push them together, what happens if you take the fantastic and the historical urge and bang them into the same book. >> brown: since coming out of hiding, rushdie has a new attention as a celebrity man about town, including for a marriage and divorce with model and tv host padma lakshmi. he does regret one part of his early experience. >> i feel like i got put into a islam box. >> brown: meaning what? >> because of what happened with the fatah. the islam guy or the anti-islam guy. i have never thought of myself as a writer about religion. i think one of the things that happened to me as a result of all that is that i think it did for some people, many people, obscure the kind of writer that
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i actually am. >> which is what? >> very often people who pick up a book of mine for the first time are kind of surprised. i get these messages saying, who knew you were good? i get a lot of letters saying, who knew that you were funny. >> brown: but isn't it odd that you get a lot of attention as a kind of celebrity? >> yeah, it is odd, because... >> brown: it's odd 20 -- to you? >> it's odd to me because it doesn't happen to a lot of writers. what can i do? it gets me tables in restaurants. it gets me yankees' tickets. it's not bad. >> brown: "two years eight months and twenty-eight nights," the rushdie's novel, 1001 nights is the length of the great war involving genies and men. we won't give away tending, but the writer itself puts it this way... >> optimistic but... >> brown: that's how you feel? >> one thing i know from the study of history is that history surprises you. history is not written. it's not inevitable.
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you know, but the victory of evil is not certain. you know? so how else could you tell this story? and so, yeah, it does have an unexpected ending, but then i thought, i don't want it just to be some kind of pollyannaish happily ever after thing, so i had to screw it up a bit. >> brown: maybe, so but on this day the genies were back in its own world. from the staten island, ferry, i'm jeffrey brown, for the pbs news hour. >> ifill: five years ago, a nonprofit based in austin, texas partnered with a juvenile justice center to help students behind bars finish their high school education with a different kind of hands on approach: learning classical guitar. our student reporting labs
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special correspondent kennedy huff produced this story during her summer internship at local station klru, austin pbs. >> okay. we can make that a bit more dramatic. it's starting to sound like something again. >> reporter: these are reassuring words for a pudding classical guitarist. >> it's all the same notes. >> reporter: they've traited they uniforms for sweater vest, crocs for loafers. for a hour every tuesday and thursday, demetrius, peter and israel get to escape their reality. >> i used to have a really bad anger problem. so when i would get real angry or whatever, i would be sad, i would just... like withdrawn. i get my guitar. >> reporter: austin classical guitar began partnering with the
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juvenile justice center five years ago. residents who take the class earn fine arts credits to graduate high school and learn better to cope with emotions that may have gotten them into trouble in the past. >> it just gives me something to do when i'm either bored or thinking about doing something that's not in my best interest. >> reporter: jeremy osbourne began teaching at gardner last summer. >> when i took over, i knew what to expect, but there was a lot of trepidation actually. there's a lock on every door. you have to memorize handful of codes to get through all the defense security blocks and everything. and it's disorienting when kids first start, you know, it takes them a while to warm up to you and to really even trust you at all. and they would test me a whole lot, and on first day, they're kind of like, you think about the guitar is such an exciting instrument. and kids are like literally shaking when they're holding it. i just want to make noise.
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and then by the end of the first class, they're just like, whoa, i can't believe i did that. that's amazing. >> students in the program get the privilege of performing at least once a semester. last may they got the opportunity to perform here for the court-appointed special advocates of travis county's swearing in ceremony. >> we went in the corner room. they played beautifully. it's amazing playing. like there was... they got two standing ovations, and they just were in the court. they looked super professional, and they sounded professional, and they were just completely elated with themselves. >> oh, man. i was scared on that, because i was the only person that played my solo that day. man, if i mess up... i played it. i played it good. >> the director of health services for the travis county probation department, aaron foley, sees the long-term impact
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this program has on residents. >> i know that the kids who go through that program, the types of responses and changes that we see in them, they are noticeable and significant in that what they do with that program and in their treatment alongside of it absolutely moves in a positive direction. there's accountability, taking responsibility for their actions. >> reporter: the guitar class also shows residents a future they might not have thought was possible. >> i'm 18. i never thought i'd see the light. i never thought i'd see the day that i'd be graduating. but i really like the feeling of everybody in my family graduating high school at least. one game, maybe two. dropped out, instead of going down the wrong road. i can go down the right road. >> reporter: prior to joining the program, peter was a high school drop-out. this fall he'll attend san
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jacinto college. >> i dropped out in tenth grade. i didn't go back until i got locked up. i never would have took guitar without being here. my mom is excited. if she heard something about me, it was always bad. it feels good to have something good like graduating high school and learning how to play the guitar, going to school. now it's just every time she sees me, she just smiles. i'm sure her cheeks hurt by now. >> reporter: reporting for pbs news hour, i'm kennedy huff. >> ifill: on the newshour online: tomorrow, queen elizabeth ii will become the longest-reigning british
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monarch, surpassing her great- great-grandmother queen victoria. in honor of the occasion, we prepared a list of eight things you didn't know about the two royals. that's on our home page. and, as we move closer to crowning u.s. open tennis champions in new york this week, archivists across the atlantic have discovered what may be the earliest printed pictures of the game. the images were found in a french book published in 1540. we have more on our rundown blog. both stories are at and that's the newshour for tonight. on wednesday, a look at the firefighters on the frontlines of the blazes raging out west. i'm gwen ifill. join us online, and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> the ford foundation. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. >> carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals.
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report" with tyler mathisen and sue herera. >> not worried. why warren buffett, arguably the most influential investor of our time, isn't bothered by this volatile market which saw another monster move today. recess is over. congress is back in session with a jam-packed agenda and not much time to get it done. under stress. what the migrant crisis in europe means for the economy. all that and more for this tuesday, september 8th. >> good evening, everyone. welcome back if you've been on vacation. is it just me or does this market need a
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