tv Charlie Rose PBS September 12, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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rose: welcome to the program. this evening we like at the plight of migrant and i see the outpouring of humanitarian concern and the response of governments with peter wittig the german ambassador to the united states. >> the support for her, for my foreign minister who embraced that, a wave of refugees is very high and that's something i'm, frankly, very proud of, that this reaction was so positive and it showed so much in the civic engagement for the refugees and i think it's also wise if we look beyond this immediate wave. we need immigration in germany and it provides a great opportunity, this flow of
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refugees. we are an aging society, and we need immigrants and if i may say so we can also learn from your country, how you deal with immigration, how you dealt with it, the enrichment that it provides and that is something that i think we should welcome. >> rose: and as the it's open moves to its final weekend we talk too tennis coaching legend nick bolletteiri. >> roger federer is one of the million under court and off the court, charlie. she is something that everybody should try to copy. a great father. respects the game. helps children. and a great competitor. and he is smooth. >> rose: the most graceful player that we have ever seen. >> magnificent, charlie. rose: and we conclude with appreciation of oliver sacks and a reflection of his appearances
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on the program. >> i think we understand the heart and kidney and liver very well. there are further things to be learned. for the brain we're only starting. we very really no idea. i mean, the complexity they're like thousands of messages going on simultaneously between different parts of the brain. it's unimaginably complex and beautiful and i think a hundred years from now, you know, people will still be in mid investigation. >> the migrant crises, tennis and remembering oliver sacks when we continue. funding for charlie rose >> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by: american express. >> rose: additional funding provided by: >> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: we begin tonight with the refugee crises in europe, a number of my grantss across the european union has risen sharply offer the past month, images of families from syria and iraq have created a worldwide sensation. united states said they would take in 10,000 refugees next year. one nation has taken more dramatic action. germany announced it is expecting 800,000 asylum refugeeses by the endest year. the government has said it can take in up to half a million each year. joining us is peter wittig, the german ambassador to the united states. mr. ambassador, thank you. >> it's good to be on your program, charlie. >> rose: tell me, for those of us who are witnessing this and looking at the humanitarian crises, how this came to be.
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migrants moving to the front page and forcing governments to reconsider their policy? >> well, charlie, this is a crises of historic proportions, almost epic proportions. not since world war ii have we seen that flow of refugeeses or migrants coming into europe. and, of course, it's trigged by the crises in the middle east and in north africa. the middle east is in flames and north of africa is very unstable. so people, refugees, especially from syria, look for a safe haven, a better life. in europe and especially in germany. and i have been serving in lebanon and i know syria pretty well. those people there, they are just escaping hell. they want to flee from the
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barrel boosms of assad and the wars of isil and they hope to find a welcome in europe. and you just mentioned 800,000 refugees, mostly syrians coming to germany and that put into proportion would equal 3.5 million in the u.s. and i'm happy and proud of my fellow countrymen who welcome them so wholeheartedly. there were tens of thousands of volunteers who brought them food and shelter and so on. and it is a wonderful welcome for those. but, of course, this is just the beginning of a larger transformation of europe. and we see in a very short time span a fundamental transformation of our societies
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of my country, of the whole of europe. this flow of migrants of refugees will change the face of europe. >> how so? >> well, we become countries of immigrants and this is something that the germans in particular were not used to. we were a very homogeneous society but over the last few years, a little under the radar screen we have become a country with 20% of the population with an immigrant back ground. now with this refugees crises, this will change. we are going to have one percent, 2 percent of our population increased with refugeeses, and we will become more diverse. we have a challenge to not only welcome them as it happened but to house them to give them the necessary facilities and to
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integrate many of them because many of those refugees that come to us will stay longer in our country. >> as you know, anti-immigrant political matters have been on the rise in some countries. is this likely, this focus, this change of government policy, to have an impact on the attractiveness of anti-immigrant political parties? >> europe was ill prepared for this influx of refugees. and it is to be suspected that there's a segment in each of the countries that is less welcoming or xenophobic and those are people mostly at the margins of the society that see themselves as losers of globalization, and they don't embrace that influx but they reject it and we have
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seen ugly scenes in many countries including mine where refugees have not been welcomed by some of those rather hostile people and they have met the people who are xenophobic have met the full force of the law. there's zero tolerance in my country verifies vis-a-vis those who result to violence and i think it's important that we send out the message this will not be tolerated. and in some countries we have seen political parties on the rise that capitalize on that influx of refugees. that's reality, and i think we have to tell the people, look, embrace that movement, see it as an opportunity, and don't fear it. >> but it's also interesting how the present crises began. there is a story today in the "wall street journal" with the
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chancellor right there above the story, mass migrant exodus grew after obscure german tweet. on tuesday august 25 at 1:30 the southern city of nuremberg posted a sentence on twitter that would change the lives of tens of thousands of disparate people. we presently no longer enforcing dublin for syrian citizens posted on the office of immigration and refugees. can you tell us more about this? >> i think this needs explanation. we have those dublin procedures that say refugees who come into europe have to be registered and receive procedural in the country that they enter, and those countries in the recent weeks have been mostly greece and italy. so the dublin rules say they should stay there until they are
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properly regime centered and where all you the procedures are completed. but what happened, those refugees wanted to move and did actually move to germany so we said ok, we don't send them back to those countries where they're entered in in greece and italy but we waif the dublin rules and show flexibility and live up to our humanitarian standards of not sending them back, and that, i think, is the consent tent of that report and, of course, that created a little bit of a pool factor in the world so people thought they could go straight to germany and they did. but i think we did it for humanitarian reasons and not that we wanted to invalidate the dublin rules but we wanted to be
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living up to our own standards of decency welcoming the refugees and not sending them back to the countries where they entered europe. >> so germany opened its doors? >> it did. and i think it did rightly so. for many reasons. firstly, we feel that we have common standards of humanitarian laws and values and we have to live up to that and we have a very liberal asylum law in germany. i think that's lesson of our history. in nazi germany we produced many refugees that were ex island, and many countries took them in so i think one lesson of our history is that we have to be very liberal and very humane when it comes to exile. >> immigration has always been a political question. but here a decision by your
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chancellor and parentally public support for her including tabloids. is that accurate reporting? >> yeah. and that -- the support for her, for my foreign minister who embraced that waif of refugees is very high, and that's something i'm frankly very proud of that this reaction was so positive and it shows so much in the civic mjtd for the refugees. and i think it's also wise if we look beyond this immediate wave. we need immigration in germany, and it provides a great opportunity, this flow of refugees. we are an aging society. and we need immigrants, and if i may is a so we could also learn
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from your country, how you deal with immigration, how you dealt with it, the enrichment that it provides and that is a something that i think we should welcome. and if you look back, we germans have observed 12 million after the second world war, 12 million germans. we managed the reunification well. and we can do this as well. we can handle that. >> rose: but at the same time, and clearly you can and clearly other countries will have to, it's not a crises that you can look the other way and the pope has added to the public focus. yet there are also challenges in terms of shelter, housing. challenges in terms of make makg sure that people that want to be caught up in the migration movement because anyway have their even political ends
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including perhaps terrorism. you're right. and those challenges prosecute for real. the organizational challenges providing winter prove housing and in a short time span, getting those people a decent food and schooling and all of those things a huge challenge. and then beyond that, it's also the acceptance of the population and i think we have to make sure that there are -- that there is a welcoming culture that is sustainable. and we have to appeal to the european solidarity. that's an important point for the european union. we have to have a fair distribution of those refugees, if one or two crips just take
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the bulk much the refugees that is not sustainable sites litmus test for the european unit and for -- a litmus test regarding how humanitarian respect of refugees but inside europe we have to come 20 grip with a fairer distribution. that's quite a challenge. >> looking forward and going into the future as you have suggested, hurricane has called -- hillry clinton called for global meeting. is that a good idea. >> i think it's necessary to put this on the agenda of the united nations when all of the leaders meet. and we have to tackle the root causes and the root causes in the case of the middle east is mostly the war, the civil war in syria so countries have to get
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together to ponder about a political solution to the political quagmire and they have to fund the international agencies that look after the refugees. they're under-funded so it is an important point at the united nations. >> rose: it may be the refugees from the terrible war in syria might provide some kind of incentive at long last -- >> that's to be hoped. >> -- for a feeling of urge receive about stopping the war. >> exactly. i think is that an urgent need that countries end this fighting and come together including the regional forces and that includes iran and saudi arabia to find a political settlement to get a cease fire. it's long over. >> drew: and russia should get
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involved with other countries as well. >> yes. >> let me talk about the whole idea of -- how do you measure what each country should do? i mean your country has made a huge commitment. the united states so far has made a commitment i think of 10,000. some look at that as not sufficient on the part of the united states. >> the president of the european commission, mr. yunca just came uhm with a plan of quota and he appealed to the european countries to find up is 630,000 refugees according to their size and to their about sort capacity and this is important, that we look at the internal paflt of each country to do whatever they can. it's a difficulty assignment but we have to take into account the economy situation of each
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country, the size. but solidarity is in dire need in europe. this is a great test for europe. >> speaking of the region, there's also -- and we saw what happened in the senate yesterday giving the president and democrats a victory in the arena nuke cochlear deal. it is said by many that the impact of p5 + 1 ministers, foreign ministers, ambassadors made a real impact on the thought process of the democrats, who with considering how to vote. balancing their own sense of the significance of the deal and chair commitment to the president with how they solve their own political world. what took place at these meetings that was so persuasive. >> well, we were, my self and my
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colleagues, were invited by the democratic caucus by leader pelosi to give our take on the iran deal and we welcomed it because we have a lot of skin in the game. we negotiated this together with the u.s. and we will be in that implementation process with the u.s. together. we will be the watchdogs that this deal is bided by, by iran. so we made our case in front of the democratic congressman. it was a very lively spirited discussion, and i applaud the whole of congress to have such a thorough debate about this important agreement. many congressmen and senators are well versed about all of the details of this deal. now we are for this deal.
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and we want the american people and the leadership of congress to embrace it, and that's why we made our case and we are grateful that we were able to do that. >> part of the argument goes that you -- your government and others and the p35 + 1 made it clear that if in fact this deal did not get the support of the united states at the president's urging and the urging of the p5 + 1 that's it was said that it would be very, very difficulty to restore sank shaun and to maintain sanction. >> this is our belief. the sanctions, if you u.s. would walk away from the deal, the sanction regime, the existing sanction regime would unravel and simply would not be followed by my other countries in the world. and iran would end up as it did
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before, come closer to a nuclear when that would be the beginning of a nuclear arms race and those are the alternatives. so our firm believe is that and the deal is the best possibility to block arena's pathway to a nuclear bomb. that's why we want the u.s. to embrace the deal and that's why we hope that it will get through. >> one more question about my grants being accepted in germany and promise of acceptance in other countries as well. how do you see this unfolding going forward. >> i mean do you believe that there's a powerful sense that this is a genuine world crises that has to be dealt with and countries will recognize it and we will see further progress as we moved forward from fall into winter?
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>> well, charlie, i i didn't believe that this is a generational task that will be facing us. this is not a one-timer. this will be the be over in a couple of years. this is a transformation of our european eunl, union, and it will keep us busy for many, many years. i can't predict how we will be able to deal with it. we have to get used to the fact that we will be hosting a lot more human beings in our continent and before, and we will have more diversity. we will have great opportunities i'm sure but we also have burdens and the question is can we share the burdens in the spirit of solidarity and can we make use of those opportunities or are we in a mode of rejectening that, of denial, and i hope that we will do the right
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thing in europe. >> thank you very much, mr. ambassador. >> thank you. rose: peter wittig is the ambassador from germany to the united states. we will be right back. stay with us. >> rose: this weekend the world's best tennis players are face off in the u.s. open. joining us for a look at the tournament so far is tennis coach nick bolletteiri. he has worked with more top-ranked players than any other coach alive. he knows better than most what it takes to win. i am pleased to have an old friend at this new table. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. rose: catch me up on you. you're know, what, 80 -- >> 84. >> the tennis academy goes strong. yes. >> yes. there are eight sports now. >> not just tennis. >> eight sports, a thousand full-time students. >> men and women. men and women. >> you have been inducted into
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the tennis hall of fame. i think that was 2014. so what is the secret for nick bolletteiri. >> excitement. i love life. i love helping children. to see a child go home with a smile on their face and say i can do it and then wanting to come back and do things, being coach to number to one to the world charlie, that's fantastic. i'm with the usda situation giving him and concentrating on their character. >> how do you teach them. i teach them charlie first of all to know that you're always going to say i will, i can, and i will do it no matter what. >> but what most people do, charlie, most parents today grade children by their grades. vince lombardi who helped me get started in my first camp said,
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my team has never lost, we just ran out of time. even though the score dictates the winner effort can also make an effort. parents have to understand that. not just did you win, did you get an a. i would come home and she would say were you a good boy? she didn't ask me how did i in school. but she asked me if i tried. >> the italians have given you some award as well. >> yes. and this week i was made michelangelo of the week. >> is serena the best person evan to pray. >> we can say -- over all because of her father, crazy wilson williams, he didn't let them play in the tournament. people said he was afraid to let
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them out, you need a coach, you need a coach and i was be 407bered to be part of williams teams they were taught to a runnary sflg single ball. you say daddy suppose the call is out. and you say the ball is out and there's no small matter. >> he was not tennis pros and he didn't bring in tennis pros. >> he did as himself and he had a rule charlie. when they left the courts, no speaking about tennis. one time venus spoke about tennis and he made her walk home. the girls are fabulous. of they are different players, charlie. venus is more beautiful and long strokes and graceful and serena, i'm going to beat you up one time, at the academy, she got in and caused a rack cuss and went
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back. i said serena get your back side out here. she said not even my daddy teuks to me that way. but she was a pleasure. she played with the men. her and venus one time tommy hoss said you have the number one court. and the girls said ok, we l. play with you guys. they went over and held their own. >> serena, station her game? >> serena, station her game? charlie crist she is strong. he developed a big surf. but in the last few months, serena's coach added a little defense to serena's game. what do you mean by that? but with serena you hit a short defensive bawcialtion it's all over. >> she's going to kill it. >> it's all over.
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and her serve -- >> rose: you can't hit a weak shot to her. >> can't do it. rose: but you started to say; there any weakness in her game, that needs improvement. >> who can be serena. this is a big thing what is happening. can you put that out of your mind because you're about to break a big record. >> all of the grand shams in one year. >> his this is not your sport but do you have i'm not opinion on tiger woods. >> i wrote him a letter in 2000, and i said tiger, you're something. he wrote me back, charlie crist, if i caddied for tiger woods today, for six months, i'd have him back on tom. and you know what i would say? you're a winner. don't tinker with your became. let's go ock there, make them fear you again. do what you did over and over again. charlie the strange, and the
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people follow up and it's no -- and forest baker said to me, nick, eugene i couldn't say because you pick out little things. that's why a lot of these mayors now have pastime players. not to tinker a lot with their game but a little bit her. look a what ed is doing with federer coming to the instead and stairing closer to the pace. >> all for stefan? >> it's all for seven. so charlie crist i believe -- well birl is where roger. >> he is with roger. >> who is with jokeovich. >> becca. >> beck ate. >> but remember when you're a champion like tiger woods was and you begin playing with the game at that age, no, charlie. >> 35 is no time to change your game. >> and golf misses him. they miss him. >> he taught the crowd. >> he sure does. >> but you don't think it's too
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late. >> i don't think it's too late but the clock is ticking really loud. but he has to believe in himself like you said, charlie. >> butch harmon has said some of that, too, and at the same time you have to a lot of love the game, you know and you have to enjoy. people have said to me, the great players love the game. love the game. >> you have to. >> tocabit started with the wonderful woman that coached him there that a passed away some time ago. >> and remember, jokeovich and i don't thinkovich, and charlie, they played in empty pools. they had nothing but they wanted to may the game. and this is the thing that parents must understand. listen to your children. let them talk a little bit. but these parents send their kids away from wherever they are to go -- they make you a kind of
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not only a teacher and mentor but you're kind of substitute parent. >> and charlie you know -- >> they come spend the entire nine months with you. >> and charlie, the mention of img is not to make him a champion but to make him the best they can be. college scholarship and prepare for life. charlie there's only one champion, charlie, but we try to maximum mieptz but the boy or girl can do. >> rose: so who is the best boy or woman you have ever had. serena. >> where do you put sharapova. >> she wins and she loses. she's not a great athlete. >> sharapova is not. >> no, charlie. that's why her game was standing close to the baseline. if her or monica sells move four, six feet behind the baseline they would have been
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average players but movement, the strength from back there, they did not have. marie hits it early. monica sell us both hands from both sides. but if they move back, no problem. murray used to send eight to 10 feet. hewitt just ended playing lower career. couldn't play back 10 feet like he did in the 80s and 90s. of the came has changed. >> you have to love -- you can't a weakness today, charlie. you have to be able to play the whole game and have one if not two weapons today. >> let me talk about the matches coming up and then the men. yoke aovich on the first semifinal playing chile, right? >> what happened last year? charlie's semi and finals match in last year's u.s. open
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probably could have beat anybody in all of the opens. everything was right. >> now do you explain that? it's like the perfect storm? >> that's exactly right. and he has not played well. he has been hurt a little bit. he has not had a super, super year but he is here in the semifinal. his game, big serve, big forehand. but joke aovich, a great returner, smart, moves extremery el well. he's the particular -- of all of the players in tennis i would say joke aovich has no weakness. >> and we don't know how many he will win because he is playing at his best. >> he is playing hat his best. >> so i just say this name and just tell me the flood of ideas that come to you. roger federer.
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>> roger federer is one out of a million on the court and off the court, charlie. she is something that everybody should be try to copy something, a great father, respects the game, helps children, and a great competitor, and he is smooth. >> the most graceful player that we have ever seen. >> magnificent. >> and he is playing -- as well as he has played but heave could have made a bigger rocket to offset the spending -- what does that mean. >> to spend the -- if you take the ball up here charlie it's very difficulty to one hand. so heap has made him take the ball earlier and waste time. he did that with a little bit billinger racket. number two, he's the back slight but he was hitting the backhand today, not just proving it.
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three he supplied the wide he spice and ever wanting from the baseline, he came, in federer, baby, move on. >> somebody once set moo me you want to be -- in the end. >> charlie you have to be a little bit careful about that. if you try to get a player who has never could tom in to move in, move in, move in, that's difficult. that's why young children today should learn the whole game but when young children come in, 10, 11, 12, 13, the other guy or other girl is going to lob over their head. but charlie, the only way that you learn is to do the whole game. tony hose was 16, wonder if you go in, lifetime but when you're
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young charlie. >> you will find out -- >> darned right. but when your parents want you to win and your coach wants you to win you will sty on the -- if you want to play, i can't you have to do it from he very begin. >> if you can it's bet to play the net isn't it? >> no question. to be able to do that and force the person to hit their best shot. >> rog his or her doing that now. >> he is doing that now. >> because of stefan. and what about morenca. >> charlie crist he has -- >> pretty good on play? >> also an extra one back in. he is strong, very strong. it's going to be interested because they're friends, they play on the same davis cup team but i believe that roger will have the edge because he's going to that that backhand a little sooner and he will probably hit more walls and his his forehand
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on the front. and watch our roger hits his forehand 80, 90% of the time. when he hits the first forehand he knows where it's going and it's not bent on something. >> that's something that we can do as well. all of the great players know as soon as the ball strikes the racket, you know where you should be. >> manner. that's right. >> you know what is likely to be. >> what has made martina such a good player, didn't have a powerful stroke but the anticipation and foundation on contact was fantastic. look, she's 34 years old. look what she's doing today. number one doubles team in the world. >> ; is that right. number one. and charlie even you could rally with her. she can't break an egg but she's
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smart, charlie. >> give us a tennis primer he here, what are the most average weekend players need to know, need to learn? >> learn how to read the ball before it crosses. that's it, charlie. most people let the ball buttons. >> what type of person is playing -- >> charlie when you warm uhm with an opponent you already know what you can do. hit a ball do you not center. now you know they don't have a well. if they head it, i'm headed floor unless there's a job i cao know a little bit about the opponent and what type of ball they had. because you already know what you can do. >> what do you tell them about backhand, serve troubled by a backhand. for most players, regular players, it's a billion players, a back hand a troublesome short.
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first you it's it's the weakest signed are your bead and it is the most natural, do i play it hurts. i look at the person. but the grips today for the one-handed backhand it's no longer an eastern grip. it's way over, and that's it. why? because you have to be able to roll and have rocket speed. >> you have to roll it. you have to roll it. but people say, nick, are you teaching a one or two-handed backhand. i look at the person, charley. >> what do you say to them aboun it? and what is that. >> be able to hit the flat, be able to hit it soon and great record head speed. you cannot guide the forehand. yes, i do have you to have quick
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hands on contact. and remember charlie, your foundation is where you get your power and balance. >> that's why jokeovich is so good and federer. their foundation. >> you mean their core. their core. from the waste down charlie. when you have good balance and good 1-800-transfer you have the chance to be a good player. >> someone sewed to me once, you know, in tennis people just don't appreciate how important your feet are and how important your body is. >> it's the whole thing. >> feet get you there in anticipation and body gives you power. >> when you don't have balance the remark celt heads open and closes. >> and you have balance if you move it. >> today are you teaching differently than you did when you taught agassi? >> yes.
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i'm teaching more of coming in and taking advantage of any defensive ball. i am teaching differently and i'm teaching to try to play the whole court game not just one segment. >> most of us don't think about dispreaj playing it from side to side to side to side. and function about the that's what makes it excite. >> that's what makes it excite. >> what are you teaching them absent serving? >> everybody tries to hit -- the majority of people try to hit down on the serve. yes, i do have you to be 6'10 with your arm extended in the racket to be down. you want to extend and learn to pro night with the palm all of your hand on the outside. and remember the elbow comes down last not first, and -- >> and when you come down -- >> to follow-through you want to have a deliberate
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follow-through. and remember this, charlie, your 1-800-strfer important. loop people when they serve, they're almost moving back twardz to protect the remember. let your body go into the court and come back to the return to serve. >> do you hit balls much as many. >> i teach about six to eight to 10 hours at the academy. i love teaching and it's just been fun for me and all of my new two sons. it's been a lot of found. >> how many children. >> fife grandchildren and two adoptive displirn you're a good man. so what do you want people to think about in terms of your legacy. >> i made an impact on their life. people become a doctor, a lawyer, a good mother. that i inspired them to do things that would leave an impact on their life and their children's life, not the
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champions charlie. i want to be able to do something for somebody that helps them get through this life, build character in young boys and girls that defray from drugs and alcohol and have a strong character and learn what discipline is and learn what it takes -- >> character and winner's philosophy. >> absolutely. >> thank you nick. >> thank you charlie. >> nick bolletteiri, back in a moment. stay with us. >> neurologist and author died last month at the age of 82. he was best nope for writing and humanizing portrayal of patients suffering from neurosurgical disorders. his books including awakenings and the man who miss took his wife for a halftime. his contribution to and science literature was recognized with several online degrees and a cbe in 2008. sacks announced he was suffering from cancer in february in an essay the "new york times." it was striking for its bravery.
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learning his cancer was terminal he wrote i have to live in the richest, dent way i can. above all i have been a sentient being being, a thinking animal open this plant and that has been an enormous privilege and vempleg. here is a look at some of the our conversations with oliver sacks over the years. >> rose: tell me what it is that you think that you do. because you say in an interesting way what your work is about is an intersection of biology and biography, meaning what? >> well i want to describe lives which have been influenced by some overwhelming neurosurgical problem or deto the best of my recollection like blindness or autism and expand into it a personal -- >> you came from a family of dress?
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>> yes. our brothers were doctors. >> your mother and father were involved in medicine. >> right. >> when cup develop the interest that you have in neurology? >> well i think in a way it was very, very early and both my parents trained in neurology although they didn't practice it, and that's the most incredible thing in the universe and i think i probably knew from 12 or 14 that was it. >> was there a moment or a thing or a time that the happened for you? no epiphany. >> there's been a lot of epiphanies. no, it emerged. >> how would you describe your ability to meet people and patients in contrast to your professional skill and your medical training? it seems to me that's what separates you, that's what exists you the gift. >> i was going to start going to say i would like more empathy and then somehow --
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>> but it seems that you're full of empathy. are you not? are you less empathetic than waugh would imagine? is it more scientific than we assume from your presence? >> no. i think that science can't simulate empathy but i -- it's a streams privilege, extraordinary when people lecture into themselves. >> what areas of exploration of the brain are the most fascinating to you. >> i think increasingly those two do with consciousness. i have looked at perception of movement for years. now i'm interested in conscious and what tbhaiks us a personal like being charlie rose or oliver sacks. your intrain you in the way your heart isn't. you have a brain transmit or a brain implant -- may not need
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one but go ahead. >> has been doing so from the moment of birth and i think this to is the exciting things. >> am i right in assuming that we're just beginning to understand the brain? if you look at our analysis of how the human body works, and the area that is least explored is the brain and has the most potential for payoff. >> absolutely. i think we understand.heart or liver or kidney very well now. there are many further things took learned. but for the brain we're only just starting. i'm not complexity of their lack much thousands of messages going on insultly with different parts of the brain. it's complex and we're and i think had ahn years from now people will still be in mid investigation. >> why do you like to win so much. >> because he i'm a water
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creator. i feel like a pour poise. when my farm, he was a swimming channel so i have always swum and -- >> someone said you have become -- you transform yourself from a guesswork terrestrial forum to a beautiful fluid pour pes form. >> i do most of my thinking done. when the starts flow, they flow like water and i would like to be not water all day. >> you're not strongly religious. you don't believe in god. >> i can't imagine what is meant. no. i guess i don't. i would like to. i mean i pine for a kreergt and a protector and i look at the paintings and i see what we have
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missed but i can't -- i think the universe is organizing itself without any help. >> evolution speaks to you. >> yes. and it's that calm satisfying in the human way of a god and i think this is just what one has to put up with. >> this book is really three books if you count the footnotes of the book. tell me about the other parts. >> although the second part of the book which is about guam and rota comes second, in fact i went there first and it started for me in 1992 by telling me about guam. there's a strange disease that is endemic there, probably has been for a couple hundred years, much more serious than the color bidness. and -- >> akin to parkin sons disease?
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>> one form of it can -- is a form of park kink and some of the patients like very much like those in awakens which is a reason that i was -- i had heard of this disease 30 years ago but i had no heard anything more and i -- i had never been to the south seas, i had never seen this disease. and i was interested as it had been ascribed to the eating of the seeds of the ficads, primitive trees all over guam and for which i have a great fondness for. so with the strange disease and my favorite plant and this is an reriftable junction. >> what is your favorite plot do to you? >> it turns me own. >> [laughter] >> it gets it. and turned on means -- it
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excites me by it's anxiousness, it's mystery, its beauty the fact that it was allowed long before the dinosaurs, the fact that it's a great survival and i think macads are a marvelous plant. >> what happened. >> flouring plants emerged, the im pertinent johnny come latelies and in the ninth part of the meso soak sort of went and i have a taste for the mess ozone. >> this is your other book, migraine, and a man who stood hon his hat, seeing 18th apologetic on mars. when do you write? >> hum. >> i've no systematic time. i am -- with this, it sort of
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really two years after the island, i started dreaming of the island. i think my unconscious was telling me -- >> you talk about the abuses at bray wood. >> when the warp broke out i was just he six and i was exacted to the school in the midlands and this was separation from my family for four years but there was also i think a very deranged head master with a passion for beating. and beating sort of tradition in english schools and he was over the top so thinks with a really a very bad time when we got starved and betten from family and a i think i was a little crazy myself when i came back too london at the age of 10. >> crazy? >> well, sort of deserved and frightened and anxious and
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rather distrust full. the head master would beat one for no reason and i think sort of discovering my chem street and finding out something which is solid and predictable was very important. >> in fact it was a way too shut out the abuse, wasn't it? >> yeah. and put one's self n. sort of more reliable world. >> did you share this? >> no, i didn't. in general, it's often paradoxically difficulty to tell absent the abuse. one tell us somehow responsibility or one feels guilty. i certainly didn't complain. others did complain and were taken from the school, but i sometimes felt i deserved it or gleafer why is that? it is this motion that always is there and you know more about
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this than i will ever know. people feel maybe i deserved it, you know? maybe i caused my parents to divorce. maybe it was my responsibility in somebody go something to mean. >> i knew i was a wicked little 6 years so i would be sent away and they -- i think i would have been taken taken away from the school and somewhere less traumatic. >> what difference would it have made in the man oliver sacks became. >> i don't know. >> well have you thought about that. >> yes i think i would have been better and worse off. i think probably the -- you know what doesn't kill you makes one stronger in a way. i think probably the very bad years, the part you're responsible for the very good years that followed. >> oliver sacks who died on
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. this is "nightly business report" with tyler mathison and sue herera. $20 oil? it is possible. the world is wash in crude. life saving information, that's how officials are describing a study on blood pressure. it could impact one in three americans and a major part of the health industry. and why one fund manager has big hopes for small cap stocks. all of that and more for this friday, september the 11th good morning, i'm bill griffith in font for tyler
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