tv Charlie Rose The Week PBS November 6, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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>> rose: welcome to the program. i'm charlie rose. the program is "charlie rose: the week." just ahead, china meets with twi juan. the republicans debate over republican debates. and daniel craig is back as james bond in "spectre." >> mexico city. what were you doing there? >> i was taking some overdue holiday. >> rose: we will have those stories and more on what happened and what might happen.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications >> rose: and so you began how? >> networks that connect us. >> rose: is it luck at all or something else? >> the question is how did we get here? >> rose: what's the object lesson here? >> the more you do it, it's fun. >> rose: tell me the significance of the moment. >> rose: this was the week the leaders of china and taiwan agreed to meet for the first time in 66 years. republican presidential candidates fought over the rules for future debates. and the kansas city royals won baseball's world series. here are th are the sights and s of the past seven days. fred thompsonidize at 73. >> former u.s. senator and actor fred thompson has died. >> after a battle with lymphoma. >> i've done a lot of things. i was a federal prosecutor in the senate, made a few movies and traveled around the world. >> we believe there's a significant possibility that there was an explosive device on the plane.
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>> britain points to a bomb as the caution of the russian jet crash. >> air bag maker takata slapped with a $70 million fine for concealing its expiefses are prone to exploding. >> the first meeting in 66 years. >> investigators in illinois say joe glynn wits staged his suicide. >> the company behind the controversial keystone pipeline suspending its request for a permit from the federal the keystone xl pipeline would not serve the national interests of the united states. ( cheers ) >> rose: american pharoah goes out a winner. >> to boldly go where no man has gone before. >> reporter: cbs plans a return to the final frontier. >> the new ""star trek" tv
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series is coming in 2017. >> a newcomer made a big sweep at the c.m.a. awards. >> chris stapleton. >> chris stapleton! >> well, there's probably going to be a party tonight. ♪ i'm going to kansas city >> rose: kansas city wins the world series. >> downtown kansas city was nearly shut down as an estimated half million people turned out for the championship parade. >> the kansas city royal world champions. ♪ kansas city here i come >> rose: we begin this week with the ongoing investigation into the crash of a russian airliner in the sinai desert. several civilian carriers have suspended flights in the region until more is known about what happened on board metrojet 9268. investigators are looking at a number of possible causes, including mechanical failure, or terrorism. here is the latest on the investigation from cbs news.
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>> reporter: in his first public comment about the disaster, president obama told a radio interview that it could have been terrorism. >> >> reporter: british planes have begun flying the nearly 20,000 tourists who were in sharm el-sheikh after the u.k. suspended flights two and from the red sea resort on wednesday. sharm el-sheikh airport is under scrutiny as flight restrictions suggest airport security isn't up to international standards, despite the efforts by egyptians to show off its safety measures passengers have reported lack security, getting on to flights with liquids and one tourist even recounted pagan airport
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official $30 to skip security all together. >> he put the case on the conveyor belt, and the girl checked us in, and at no point did-- did my luggage go through any scanner. >> reporter: but egypt has accused the british of acting unilaterally, without waiting for the investigators' report that will detail why the plane went down. >> the reason we acted before that is because of the intelligence and information we have that gave us the concern that it was more likely than not a it was a terrorist bomb. u.s. intelligence has told cbs news they now view terrorism as the leading theory behind what brought down the russian plane, killing all 224 passengers on board and throwing this resort town do chaos.
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>> rose: we want to talk about politics 2016, and the primary season. no better person to talk to from washington, john dickerson. he is the anchor of "face the nation," the political director of cbs news, and he will moderate the second democratic presidential debate next month. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> rose: so where are we in this moment of this political season on both the republican side and the democratic side? >> all right, let's start with the republicans. there was a question around labor day whether the rule-- whether the rules of politics had been repealed on the republican side. you had donald trump who was saying all kinds of things what people thought would hurt him. would they eventually come to hurt him? they have not. would experience in politics help the nominee and would it, therefore, hurt those candidates who didn't have experience in politics, say, ben carson, would that hurt him?
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it has not hurt him. so what you have is in one lane of the party you have ben carson and donald trump kind of fighting it out for the top post but for very different reasons. when you look at the people who like ben carson, they like his honesty, his integrity. for donald trump, his numbers are very low on those questions but they like his leadership. that's what's happening in one lane in the republican party. in the second lane, the other lane, you have for lack of a better term would call the member establishment candidate. that would be marco rubio, chris christie, jeb bush, john kasich. in that group you're seeing interesting movement. you have rubio moving up, and all the work chris christie has done in new hampshire is helping him. that's the republican picture. at some point there will be somebody at the top of each of those lanes and then they will compute, and that's where we don't know when that competition will happen. but that's what it looks like it's going to head towards. on the democratic side you had a scare for hillary clinton over the summer. she spent the whole summer dealing with her bad answers on
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her private e-mail server. she seems to have recouped from that bad period with three good things that happened to her-- a strong debate, a strong about. ance by the likes of democrats in front of the benghazi commitet and decision by joe biden not to run. she has expanded her lead in places like south carolina, where she is up by massive double digits, and even in new hampshire, where she was kind of neck and neck with bernie sanders, she's showing some movement. and, of course, she's ahead in iowa. so things look very good for hillary clinton. >> rose: speaking of debates, who decides who the moderators are? >> it is a joint arrangement come to between the parties and the television networks, the campaigns have-- they make their views known. they hope that the the party works on their behalf. now the republican party is having its argument with its-- i should say the candidates are having their argument with their own partly about the format of these debates, who gets to be in them. >> rose: during every political campaign, you will hear the following argument from
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candidates, that all you guys in the press are interested in is two things-- one, the horse race, and, two, gotcha questions that somehow will be as important for your career as theirs. >> they are correct about both of those things. now, is it because-- why is it we care about the horse race? well, in part we care about the horse race because that's what everybody is talking about. if you're ahead in the polls, you're going to be getting the money. if you're ahead in the polls it means where you're going to be placed in the debate stage or if you'll make the big debate stage as well. in terms of gotcha, as far as people asking gotcha questions to advance their own career, there's no defense of that. but gotcha questions properly framed and asked are crucial because they get at the heart of something that's important about evaluating whether the candidates can handle the job they're asking for.
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>> rose: charlie savage is a pulitzer prize-winning journalist and a washington correspondent for the "new york times." his latest book is an investigation of the administration's actions during the so-called war on terror, and its justification for them. it is called "power wars" inside obama's post-9/11 presidency." >> this is a book about the obama administration's legal policy deliberations. obama is one of the most lawyerly presidents we've ever had. he's a lawyer himself, of course, as is joe biden, and they've surrounded themselveses in policy-making roles with people who went through law school. and as an-- a result, they have a very lawyerly way of looking at the world air, very lawyerly way of thinking about problems. they came in as tremendous critics of the bush bush administration. >> rose: they were going to
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close guantanamo. >> they were going to close guantanamo, fix the war on terror. obama came in as the liberal law professor changing the war on terror and he ended up acting, a lot of people think, acting like george bush. he used drone strikes air, massive surveillance state. he went beyond bush in certain respects, like overseeing a crackdown on leaks . >> rose: all of this call you to say obama is no dove on national security. >> he certainly is no dove but the question is how did we get here? what happened? something not as clear at the time of the bush years. there were two very different strands of criticism of what bush was doing and cheney was doing after 9/11. there was a rule of law critique and a civil liberties critique. the civil liberty critique says things like warrantless surveillance are inherently wrong. the state should not have the power to prosecute people in military commissions instead of traditional trials against individual rights. the rule of law critique is sort of agnostic about these policies, maybe except for torture, which is always
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illegal. >> rose: take the four lawyers profiled in the "new york times" having to do with osama bin laden. >> osama bin laden raised all these legal issues. can you violate pakistani sovereignty by using military force on its soil, far from the tribal areas, where there's a normal, functioning pack taken government, without asking their permission? you can you go in? >> rose: do we do that a lot? >> we definitely use force in countries where there is not a functioning government. >> rose: right. >> and one of the great controversies of the post-9/11 era, of course, is, first the bush administration and really the obama administration as well, have taken the position that the war follows our enemies when they go to these places. >> rose: is the essence of what you're telling me is that obama came in with certain reformist ideas and then he saw the hard reality of what the nature of the conflict was about and he went a different direction? >> i think that he came in-- well, he came in with a rule of law mindset. he accepted, which some on the
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left do not accept, that this was war. >> rose: where do you think the president has come on the question of this balance between security and privacy and freedom? >> rose: well, i definitely think that the obama that ran for office sounds very different than the obama who is president. the epigraph at the front of my book is, you know, captures that contrast as vividly as i can see. obama in 2007 is a senator. he's giving his big national security speech as he's trying to, like, present himself as someone to be taken seriously running for president, and he denounces the bush administration for presenting a false choice between our security and our ideals. "we can live up to the constitution and still be secure without sacrificing either," he says. in 2013 after edward snowden reveals the n.s.a. has been keeping records of americans, all americans' domestic phone calls air, program he decided to keep. is and i document in great detail the meeting at which he
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was told about it and decided he was going to keep it. this comes out because of the snowden leaks and he gets up to defend himself and says, "look, we have to make choices in society. we can't have 100% security and 100% privacy and individual rights. that's not reality." it's almost like he's talking to himself six years earlier and saying that was-- either that was political or that was naive but that's not the world as it is, unfortunately. >> rose>>is. >> rose: tom wheeler is the chairman of the federal communication commission. he has had a very busy year. his agency has already adopted net neutrality rules that treat the internet as a public utility, and it has approved at&t's takeover of directorv, creating the largest television distributor in the country. >> there is a basic
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responsibility that people who are providing internet service have, to make sure that consumers have unfettered access to the content they want to go to on the web, and that those who are creating content have unfettered access to consumers. and that's some basic things. there should be no blocking. you should not be able to say, "you can get through when you can't." there should be no throttling. you shouldn't be able to say, "well, your service, i'm gog allow to go as fast as another service." there should be no paid prioritization. you shouldn't be able to say, "you're a fast lane and you're a slow lane because you're paying me more." and then what you need to have in place is i think the thing that they're really most concerned about, and that is you need to have a referee on the field. you need to have a set of rules that say is this just and reasonable? and you need to have somebody who can throw the flag in it isn't. we don't know what the internet is going to become five years from now.
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i mean, think back five years and where we are today. what we don't want to have happen as a regulatory agency is to thwart innovation. but at the same time in time -- >> that's one of the awrpts they make. >> but we don't want people running the network networks too be the ones to provide permission for innovators and entrepreneurs to provide new services. so it's the concept of mebody to say, "does this make sense? is this just and reasonable?" >> rose: their argument is you inhibit innovation. >> but i think that is easily refuted by-- you look at the tremendous growth of investment that has taken place in entrepreneurial activities since we put the rules in place. you look at how the industry, the cable industry, the telephone industry, the wireless industry have unprecedented
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levels of investment since we put the rules in place. >> rose: what do you hope you accomplish while you're chairman of the f.c.c.? >> at the core, it is competition. you know, the consumers' best friend is a competitive market. and our broadband market isn't as competitive as it could be. so one of the reasons you have an open internet rule is to increase competition. one of the reasons that we turned down the comcast merger was to increase competition. one of the reasons that we have encouraged-- we preempted state-- let me just go back. one of the things that the big providers were doing was going to state legislatures and getting them to pass laws that prohibited city from building a competitive product if people wanted them to. we said no, that's anticompetitive. and we preempted that. and we have a whole series of actions saying how do we increase competition?
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you know, the joke around the commission is that my mantra is competition, competition, competition, which is normally said as competition, competition competition. >> rose: larry wilmore is the host of "the nightly show" on comedy central. the show, he says, is meant to give a platform to voices that don't always get heard. >> jon actually pitched this show to me, jon stewart. and he wanted to give a platform to voices that always-- that don't necessarily get a chance to be heard. and he wanted to do a show from the point of view of the underdog, and he said, "larry, i'll be honest with you, every important story in america has race, class, or gender hiding underneath somewhere. and we took that and thought okay that's a good point of view. we'll make that a show. and it's interesting how much those issues keep coming up
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again and again, you know. >> rose: whether it's in a shooting or in some-- >> it's amazing how much class has to do with so many of the things, too. even the pope talked about that when he talked about capitalism being the dung of the devil. he was really speaking about class and the importance of class and capitalism and income inequality. gender i think is probably the issue of our century the way race was maybe the last century. look at facebook, there are like 100 gender classifications for goodness sake. your head just swims with how fast the world is changing. five years ago, even marriage equality would have been unheard of as a popular opinion in this country, a popular opinion. and now it is a popular opinion. so it's moving at a lightning speed, which is amazing. and i thought all the good race stuff had happened before i did the show-- all the good bad race stuff i should say. look, did we overcome? what happened? oh, no, we didn't overcome. we shall overcome. >> rose: was this simply a
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nice, easy, natural transition for you? you had varied experience as a writer, on camera-- >> i've come a long way in this business. it was my evil plan years ago to be doing this sort of thing. >> rose: are you serious? >> it was. back in the early 90s, the reason why i started writing and produces was bawg i felt hollywood couldn't quite peg me as a performer. i did kind of political humor. i did ironics, sarcastic, that kind of stuff, observational. but hollywood at that time was going for the deaf comedy jam kind of black comedy and putting us all into that one box. they called it urban. >> rose: i know. >> if you didn't sound like you were from the ghetto you probably weren't going to get hired for something. so i figured i need to carve my own direction and make my own route so i don't have to wait for hollywood to find me. i can find my own thing, and
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that's why i started writing and producing. >> rose: the 24th film in the james bond franchise opens in theaters this week. "spectre" once again stars daniel craig as 007. it is directed by sam mendes. >> at the center of a big movie, it doesn't matter how outrageous it is. if you believe in the central characters, if you are emotionally involved with them, i just think you're going to have a better time. and i just think that he's flawed. i get a lot of stick for giving him stick. but he's flawed. he kills people for a living. he lives alone. he sleeps with of women. i find those all incredibly fascinating. that's what appeals to me about him. >> rose: and why is he like that? >> why is he like that? and i'm almost nearly 100% sure
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you've got to see someone who has weaknesses on screen. otherwise, they're two-dimensional -- >> and you want them to be three at least. >> at least three. ( laughter ) i'm looking for four. whatever that is. >> rose: people have also noticed there's a kind of serialization-- whatever that means-- you know-- >> with the four movies. >> happy accident. in a way. but by the time sam did "sky fall" it seemed to make sense. it came to do this movie and we wanted to tie up loose ends. they fitted well. >> we took some risks the last one. even daniel was uncertain about the freudian touches of the laf movie, seeing bond's-- seeing the reason for bond becoming bond as a child. really? are we going to get away with this? and i wasn't sure we were because, look, now looks like it was a given that it was going to do well. but actually, we were showing a character who is peredgely ageless aging, and everyone
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around him was saying, "you're getting old. look at you, you're getting too old." which daniel wasn't 100% about. and we had a character dying, which was unheard of in a bond movie. and i thought we might get hit with the, look, we want escapism. we don't want to be told that people are aging. we come to these movies to be told that we don't have to worry-. >> rose: there's no smart way to ask this so i'll try to ask it without asking it-- are you already thinking about doing it again or you'll defer that decision to-- >> i need six months. i just need six months to literally think about something else, just clear my mind. and i kind of don't want to sort of begin a debate because it becomes about something else. we've spent two years of our lives producing this movie. like i said, we are very proud of it. we want many people to see it. if all people are talking about who is going to be the next james bond, i'm going to keep my
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counsel. >> rose: here is a look at the week ahead. sunday is the opening night for the broadway musical "allegiance." monday is the day president obama meets israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house. tuesday is the 240th birthday of the marine corps. wednesday is veterans day. thursday is the day president obama awards the medal of honor to army captain flow groberg for gallantry in afghanistan. fridays is the day major league baseball's most valuable players are announced. saturday is the second democratic presidential debate. and here is what's new for your weekend. snoopy, now in 3d, is back in
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theaters in the penuts movie. >> the new kid is coming. >> she's pretty! >> she's not that pretty. >> she looked at me! >> oooohhh! >> rose: chita rivera, "a lot of living to do" premieres this weekend on most pbs stations. check your local listings. ♪ i like to be in america okay by me in america. ♪ everything free in america. ♪ for a small fee in america nothing is free. >> rose: and the mavericks have concert dates in northville, ohio, and royal oak, michigan. michigan ♪ ♪ >> rose: that's "charlie rose: the week" for this week. on behalf of all of us here, thank you for watching. i'm charlie rose. we will see you next time.
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steves: for a more lively way to enjoy paris and cap an exciting day, steve and i have hired a car and a driver for a blitz of the city's best nighttime views. and this isn't just any car and driver. this company employs a fleet of historic deux chevaux cars, and they're driven by local students. man: the different districts are like a snail,
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going around the island, the city. steves: the french raise flood lighting to an art form. and with a city as beautiful as paris, it's no wonder. les invalides, with its golden dome marking napoleon's tomb, is magnifique. the naughty blades of the moulin rouge keep turning, and its red lights tempt lost souls in pigalle. just to be out and about at this hour, the energy of the city is palpable. notre dame is particularly stately after dark. sightseeing boats enliven the river and its sparkling bridges. the pyramid at the louvre glows from within. and the eiffel tower provides a fitting finale for this victory lap through the city of light.
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we begin this evening with a conversation with bryan cranston, now starring in a new film called "trumbo." >> it's up to the citizenry to be able to stay vigilant and protect these first amendment rights that were fought over and blood shed to establish that as the foundation of our government. and the checks and balances were specifically initiated in the branches of government to prevent any one brafn of government from being too powerful, an it works. and at this point, they pushed that aside and took it upon themselves to be all powerful, and that's a dangerous position. >> rose: we continue with comedienne sarah silverman. >> i had a lot of resources including myself. i
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