tv PBS News Hour PBS November 27, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight: a gunman opened fire near a planned parenthood in colorado springs, wounding civilians and at least four police officers. then, a solemn remembrance for the victims of the paris attacks, and the lasting effects on those who survived. >> i saw four people's lives extinguished very, very quickly, right in front of me. and that obligation is to give something back to the people i meet in the course of my life. >> woodruff: and it's friday. mark shields and david brooks join us, to analyze the week's news. all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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>> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the world's most pressing problems-- >> the ford foundation. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change
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worldwide. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the newshour. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. aivment gunman is holed up inside a planned parenthood clinic in colorado springs tonight wounding multiple people and engaging in gun battles with police. police say they're trying to evacuate as many people from the building as they can. they haven't yet identified the suspect. lieutenant katherine buckley
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with the colorado springs police department briefed reporters a short time ago. >> there are an unknown amount of casualties at his point. we know that the siege will be going on the next several hours because there are items the suspect took with him to the planned parenthood building that we have to check out once the scene is stabilized. this is not a stabilized scene at this time. >> woodruff: thousands of protesters marched through chicago's rainy retail district today, voicing their anger against the shooting death of a black teenager by chicago policeman last year. >> what do we want? justice! >> woodruff: the magnificent mile on chicago's michigan avenue the day after thanksgiving. usually filled with holiday shoppers, today flooded with protestors. >> sixteen shots, we won't shop >> woodruff: thousands marched
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along the main artery, while others blocked store entrances, to take part in so-called "black out friday." their goal: to shut down the busy retail district to protest the shooting death of 17-year- old laquan mcdonald. >> we have to come together. and its power and impact when you touch the economy, and that's what we're trying to do. >> the police are murdering people in the city with no repercussions. they can't do that. you charge one officer and there are hundreds other dead with no repercussions. >> woodruff: today's demonstrations are the latest since the city's police department released video tuesday night of the shooting. it showed officer jason van dyke, who is white, firing at mcdonald, who was black, sixteen times-- most struck him while he was on the ground. mcdonald, who was holding a knife, had allegedly punctured a police car's tires. prior to the video's release, van dyke was charged with first-degree murder.
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but today many, including the reverend jesse jackson-- one of the event's organizers-- said protests will continue. >> we will escalate marches on michigan avenue until-- >> reporter: on michigan avenue? >> on michigan avenue until the city in fact those who are the beneficiaries of our largess are able to come to the table. >> woodruff: demonstrators are calling for the resignation of the city's police chief and one of its top prosecutors. in a separate chicago case today, police announced first-degree murder charges against a man suspected in the death of a nine-year-old boy as gang retaliation. police believe 27-year-old corey morgan and two others lured tyshawn lee from a park into an alley and killed him earlier this month. it was evidently to get back at the boy's father. chicago police superintendent garry mccarthy said the arrest was made possible by people coming forward with information. >> we got an awful lot of
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intelligence from the community. this was very clearly not a case of no snitching but there was a lot of fear, which is completely understandable if you have a monster who's willing to assassinate a nine-year-old, what is that person likely to do if they know a person is cooperating with the case, or detectives working on that particular murder. >> woodruff: one of the other suspects is already in jail on an unrelated gun charge. the other is still at large. overseas, belgian authorities said today they've charged an unidentified man with committing "terrorist attacks". he was taken into custody thursday in brussels, but it's unclear if he's linked to one of the paris attackers-- salah abdeslam-- who remains at large two weeks after he rampaged through paris. elsewhere in brussels, security was tight as a popular christmas market opened for business a day after the government lowered the alert level by one notch.
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there was an escalating war of words over the downing of a russian warplane by a turkish fighter jet near the syrian border earlier this week. today, russian foreign minister sergey lavrov announced that visa-free travel between turkey and russia will no longer exist. he said the move was necessary because turkey has become a conduit for terrorists. >> ( translated ): we have more and more questions about the real intentions of ankara, and its real commitment to eradicating terrorism, particularly in syria, and its interest in normalization of the situation in the syrian arab republic. >> woodruff: so far, turkish president recep tayyip erdogan has not publicly apologized for the plane's downing, although he said he's tried but failed to reach russian president vladimir putin by phone. today at a hospital opening, he expressed hope he could meet with the russian leader at next week's climate summit in paris.
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>> ( translated ): on monday, there will be a meeting in paris, i believe mr. putin will be there, attending. i would like to meet him there and maybe talk about this in a reasonable way. we are very disturbed by the fact that this issue got escalated needlessly. there is a big potential for co-operation between the two countries, and we do not want this issue to hurt our current or potential relations. >> woodruff: putin's foreign affairs adviser said the kremlin had received the meeting request, but wouldn't say if it was possible. a new round of air-strikes pounded northern syria today, killing up to a dozen people, including five children. they targeted the city of raqqa, the islamic state's de facto capital. syrian activists said they appeared to hit a school overtaken by isis. police in nigeria suspect boko haram militants in a suicide bombing on a shi-ite parade today. local religious leaders said at least 21 people were killed. a male suicide bomber blew himself up during the procession in nigeria's kano state, as
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shi-ite muslims were walking from kano to the city of zaria. a second suicide bomber was detained before he could detonate his explosives. pope francis arrived in uganda today, and told the gathered crowds that africa is a "continent of hope." he hailed the way uganda has opened its arms to refugees from the democratic republic of congo and south sudan. on sunday the pope moves on to the central african republic, where civil war has raged between christian and muslim militias in recent years. aids is now the main cause of death for african teenagers. the u.n. agency for children, unicef, reported that since 2000, aids-related deaths have tripled in children between the ages of 10 and 19. one reason: the global push to eradicate h.i.v. focused on babies, and not as much the
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second decade of childhood. and in china, a prominent human rights activist was sentenced to six years in prison, as a nationwide crackdown on dissent by the chinese government continues. 48-year-old guo feixiong was arrested for "gathering crowds to disturb social order" after a week-long peaceful demonstration outside a newspaper office two weeks ago. here in the u.s., shoppers packed stores this "black friday", hunting for bargains and door-buster deals. the national retail federation estimates nearly 136 million people will shop during the four-day weekend. that's up two million from last year. and in a shortened day of trading on wall street, the dow jones industrial average lost 15 points to close near 17,800. the nasdaq rose 11 points, and the s&p-500 rose one point. for the week, the dow fell a tenth of a percent; the nasdaq added nearly half a percent,
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and the s&p was nearly unchanged. still to come on the newshour: the latest on the shooting at a planned parenthood clinic in colorado springs; paris, two weeks after terror attacks cast a shadow over the city of light; keeping kids off the streets and out of gangs, and much more. >> woodruff: very tense hours in central colorado this afternoon, where an active shooter the suspected gun been has been taken into custody. hari sreenivasan has our report. >> sreenivasan: for the latest, we're going to mary maccarthy, the denver bureau chief for feature story news joins us by phone now from a media command center near the screen. mary, you just heard the mayor and chief of police.
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>> mayor john suthers spoke a moment ago and said remarkable turn of events. they did get the suspect to sur surrender. he had been barricading inside the planned parenthood with an unknown number of people for five or six hours since shortly before noon in colorado. active guns fired throughout the day, 11 people injured and transferred to local hospitals, five were police officer who were injured by what appears to be gunfire. just within the past few moments, it has come to an end. it is no longer an active shooter situation. it is now considered a crime scene. >> sreenivasan: this is a significant area around the specific clinic was shut down. you sent pictures to some of our staff and local businesses that were on lockdown. >> it was a tense afternoon for people in the shopping center, sort of a strip mall area where the planned parenthood was located. there was so much speculation
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all day was it even the planned parenthood targeted. we know now the gunman who has not been identified was targeting planned parenthood for what remain unknown reasons. it's also known he brought devices that could be dangerous. police are saying they need to take several hours to go in and check out the whole scene to see if the devices are safe or present a threat. so he did go there and well armed with the weapon he was using, other items, was targeting the situation and the nearby shops were, of course, on lockdown because there was so much uncertainty about who was actually being targeted initially and whether there could be peripheral damage and dangerous. a major security situation. >> sreenivasan: give us an idea of the atmosphere. the pictures we've seen are a number of different police agencies from local to national ones. >> that's right. they just gave a list of some of the agencies involved, the
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f.b.i., the el paso county sheriff's department, the colorado springs police department who have been leading the way and as far as we know it's their officers who have been injured. also the university of colorado, colorado springs, their police force was brought in and a number of agencies. united way got involved for a number of people to call or check in to say they're safe or to see if their loved ones who might have been out shopping, getting their haircut at the salon or worked at or were at the planned parenthood today which was open for business just like any other day, to make sure their loved ones were safe. >> sreenivasan: finally, this is a process that happened throughout the day. not everybody was released at the same time. >> that's right. and from the information coming out now, again the latest press conference is still ongoing. it appears that people are still inside is what i've heard and, again, the gunman had been removed, so it's not being treated as an active situation,
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but the officials said they needed to check and see if the people who were there were still injured which means that it's still a situation that's very much ongoing. >> sreenivasan: mary maccarthy, of feature news, joining us from colorado springs. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> woodruff: it's been two weeks since deadly terrorist attacks rocked paris. france observed a national day of mourning today to mark the somber occasion. president francois hollande attended a ceremony with injured survivors and the families of those killed in the attacks. on the streets of paris, memorials to the slain were visited by locals. the french flag was displayed seemingly everywhere around the city. those traumatized by the attacks have been offered psychological counseling. one therapist may have special insight: he was there during an
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attack on a cafe. special correspondent malcolm brabant caught up with him in copenhagen. >> reporter: back home after witnessing four people being murdered, psychotherapist mark colclough is deploying all his professional skills to minimize the anguish. two weeks on, how traumatized do you think you are? >> i can't scale that on a one to ten scale. i still have signs of trauma and shock. and post-traumatic stress is very much still there. >> reporter: can you describe the things that are troubling you still? >> sure. flashbacks of the gunmen. very clear-- there's been a dream that's recurring several times about me being in the hall of my house and looking down to the sitting room and i can see shadows on the wall, and i'm with my travel friend who was with me in paris and i turn round and say to him, looks like there's a break in. there are thieves in the sitting room, i turn around to look at him because i know he's behind me. in the dream i look back and he's not there. and i look forward again to the living room, and the gunman is right there shooting at me this time.
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that's where i wake up. >> reporter: do you think you are going to be permanently damaged? >> oh no. i don't think that at all. >> reporter: is that because you professionally and personally have the tools to be able to deal with this? >> yeah. i have been in and out of therapy since i was 19. it's always been in my interest, psychotherapy and psychology. so i'm aware that i have tools and i have quite a robust sense of self. >> reporter: so what sort of tools are you using to make sure you're going to heal? >> things that aren't stimulating. anything that's relaxing. so what i've done is to move most of my work around, so i'm working as little as possible for the next two weeks, and making sure i take things easy. i'm with good friends. walking rather than running. driving slowly rather than driving too fast. spacing out my appointments so i don't get agitated or stressed. >> reporter: so many people caught up in the paris atrocities were civilians. unlike members of the armed or emergency services, most civilians don't have the
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training or mental armor to cope with images of carnage. mark colclough's area of expertise doesn't extend to terrorism, and so he sought out a psychologist with experience of helping torture victims and soldiers. >> you're given a headphone and then you choose a sound that you like, then you choose a movement that you like and you choose as memory that you like. so you have a memory in your mind and a movement in your body. and you have an input from one of your senses, your hearing. and by combining those three you have a safe space, like a feeling of a safe memory. and from that safe space you then revisit the traumatic event which for me was the shooting. so rather being completely caught with my guard down as i was that friday night, i can then revisit it with my guard somewhat up again. because i'm aware that part of
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me is in paris, and part of me is in my safe space. and for me it's diving, i've done a lot of diving when i was younger. so i can see a dive site i went to often in egypt. and i was there. >> reporter: you visualized this. >> yes. visualized this, and you have a movement and a sound, that goes with it and makes it quite easier to have a safe space with me when i look back at the traumatic experience, the shooting. >> reporter: survivor's guilt is a common reaction amongst those embroiled in violence, disasters or other tragedies. but mark colclough is determined to maximize another emotional response, something he calls survivor's obligation. >> i think the obligation is to live. to live fully. and to give something back to the people i meet in my life. i saw four people's lives extinguished, very, very quickly, right in front of me. and that obligation to give something back to the people i meet in the course of my life, not only professionally, but
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also personally, and whenever i feel like relaxing or wrapping myself up in my own bubble and tuning out for a bit, then that's what i'm going to remember, four people i saw, no longer have the opportunity to give something to somebody else. could be a loved one, could be family, could be a bus driver. could be anybody, anyone on the street. a pedestrian, a random occurrence. and that will keep me in a more giving space, rather than a more reclusive closed-down space, if that makes sense. >> reporter: so is that something that all of the survivors have to do? >> again, that's an individual path i would say. all those people who weren't shot, but witnessed people getting shot, or similar things, they will each take home with them something meaningful from that event. and i really, really hope they take something with more meaning rather than less meaning in the occurrence. >> reporter: is there any justification in feeling guilty about surviving?
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>> it's a process. when i think people see other people getting shot dead, when civilians see other civilians getting shot dead, it's a process we have to go through, to figure out, should i have done more, could i have done more, but what if i had done more: what would my contribution have been then? i think these are very existential questions when you see people getting shot, right in front of you. >> reporter: colclough says he was impressed with the level of psychological support the french government offered to survivors in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. but he's at pains to stress, there is no broad spectrum path to recovery, and that every survivor must travel that road individually. for the pbs newshour, i'm malcolm brabant in copenhagen.
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>> woodruff: stay with us. coming up on the newshour: the rise of presidential candidates ted cruz and marco rubio; mark shields and david brooks take a look at this week's news, and reclaiming face-to-face conversation in the digital age. but first, tonight we have another look at "race matters solutions." pbs newshour special correspondent charlayne hunter gault is examining specific solutions to racial problems in our year-long series. as we reported earlier, police in chicago today announced murder charges against a man for killing a nine-year-old boy as part of what they are calling gang retaliation. charlayne's conversation tonight focuses on preventing gang-related black on black crime. she traveled to south central los angeles to meet naomi mcswain and learn about a solution that keeps kids out of
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gangs, and in doing so, is keeping them alive. >> reporter: this crime scene-- the result of a gang related shooting-- is not unusual here in south los angeles. and recently, police attributed 80% of the homicides in south l.a. to gang violence. no one knows this violence and its consequences better than naomi mcswain, once a gang member, herself. years ago, she was a member of the notorious crips, still today one of the largest and most violent street gangs in the country. but unlike many gang members, mcswain escaped, later finishing college and becoming a journalist who reported on gangs and looked for solutions. in 2010, mcswain became executive director of the 20 year old wooten center, founded by her late aunt, myrtle fayerumph. she set up store front havens to get children off south l.a.'s mean streets after her 35 year old son, al wooten was killed on one of them in a drive-by
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shooting. naomi mcswain, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. i think most of our viewers want to foe right away, how did you get out of the gang life? >> my mother. she intervened. she saw her daughter changing. i went from a practically straight a student to a practically straight f student. this was in high school. and i was doing drugs. she didn't know all that but she saw the signs of it. my belligerent truancy. she pretty much saw my grades and attitude changing but it was because of the gang activity and the drugs i was doing. >> reporter: what did she do? she did two things. one, she sent me to church. i was 16 years old and i remember her saying, those church people are the only ones that can help you. the second thing she did is enrolled me in a youth center named anti-self destruction. it was right here in los angeles and they paid us to come. we got minimum-wage, so it was a great incentive to go. and with the two of those, the
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church teaching me about morals and making me think about the things i was doing, and then the youth center giving me the practical, they actually helped me fill out my financial aid and college applications, they talked to me about my attitude. so between the two of those things, i changed. >> reporter: but it seems little has really changed -- not in your life, of course -- but there are so many gangs still in this area and all over the country. >> it's still not as bad as it was back then in the '80s and '90s. >> reporter: but still, right now, you have some of the highest rates of gang violence that you've had in the past -- >> i'm seeing a resurgence. >> reporter: why is that? i've heard stories. >> you know, i've talked to some of the young men, i've talked to police, i've asked that question, and what the police have told me is that some of the men coming out of prison, they're coming back and saying,
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you know, why haven't you guys been putting in work? you know, why haven't you settled these old debts? and, so, they've, you know, gotten somebody engaged in this. that's what the police have said. >> reporter: in an area like this, there are so few jobs, so few opportunities for young people, does that drive them into the gang life? >> the first thing i want to say is it's not simple. you know, there is no one solution. every child is different. but for the most part, the young men have told me, yes, we need jobs, education, those things. they realize they need substance abuse treatment, you know, because, for the most part, you're not working, you don't have any money, that's a great motivation to steal. i have one young man, he actually got arrested for a case at the liquor store. and he ran. he was hungry.
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he didn't have a job or money, and he ran in and stole something and ended up getting arrested for it. >> reporter: they say there is black on black crime and white on black people taking ownership. how do you see what you're doing with these young people affecting racism? >> well, we tell the kids that you're all brothers and sisters. you know, we're primarily african-american and latino here. we tell them that the city of los angeles was founded by mexicans and a number of them of african descent. so we say you're in a city born multicultural and you have no reason to fight because you're related. we get them to buy into the idea of family and they love that. >> reporter: how do you get children in here when there is so much temptation in the streets? >> the parents want their kids to succeed. just about every parent i talk to, they come in and say can you help my child. mostly because of education, they want tutoring, so they largely come for that.
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but the small number who says he's trouble, getting mixed up with gangs, can you help him, that's why we have our life skills programs. we deal with-- we have discussion groups with the young men where they talk about life. >> reporter: and what drives you? >> al wooten, and what happened to him. >> my cousin, he was killed. you see it in the news, but when it hits home, it really hurts. >> reporter: you share this with all the children. can can they handle it? it's not too traumatic. >> it's interesting, whenever we tell them the story, the room goes quiet. they can be talking and chattering and i say, you know, when my cousin was killed -- and the room goes quiet, very respectful. and i ask them, anyone in your family, has this happened the to you, anyone been shot? they raise their hands -- my uncle, dad, mom -- they have their own stories and it gets real emotional.
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and so i tell them, that's why we're here, we don't want this to happen to you. this is the greatest motivator. bringing it around, i say, you know, you will be educated, you will be able to get a great job and own your own company and you won't have to steal because you will have your own money. i tell them, that's why you do your homework because if you don't learn the math you won't be able to do it when you go to college so you need to learn it now. you break it down and explain it to them and they say, okay, and go do their homework. so it's real simple and i wish more people would try it. >> reporter: what's your goal at the center and how are you achieving it? >> academic excellence and good citizenship. the united way says there is a correlation between education and crime. people who are more educated
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don't commit crime because they don't have to steal a bag of chips in a liquor store. we're heavy on education because we want to make sure our kids can go to college if you want to. >> reporter: are you optimistic that you can overcome the challenges that so many communities like this face? >> god never called you to save the whole world. that's why he has people working in different places. you have to find your niche of the world and do your best at that and to support and partner with others the best you can. >> reporter: thank you so much, naomi mcswain. >> thank you, too. >> woodruff: and now, to the race for the white house. we're two months away from the critical iowa caucus votes. political director lisa desjardins reports on the next phase for the republican field. >> reporter: the campaigns are now eight months in. >> thank you, and god bless you.
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>> reporter: eight months since the race for the 2016 republican nomination kicked off with ted cruz's announcement, and followed quickly by 16 other republicans entering the ring. now those faces-- and the real horse race between them-- is starting to come into focus. >> i feel like i've been at the movies for way too long, watching way too many previews, and the main feature hasn't even started yet. but there is some gelling in the race. >> reporter: terry holt is a republican strategist and former staffer for president george w. bush. the past few months, candidates have dropped out-- first, rick perry, then scott walker-- and most recently, bobby jindal. now, holt says, the remaining contenders want to make a move. >> everybody thinks they're gonna get hit by lightning. and maybe someone will. the question is whether or not they can bottle that lightning and carry it through other races. >> reporter: a close look at the
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polls shows sparks, at least, of potential nominees. in late august, donald trump, in red, was soaring, but the rest of the pack was close together. october: ben carson, in blue, broke away. but again, the rest of the field was a muddle of dots. now this month, a few weeks of consistency: carson down, as marco rubio and cruz move up into spots three and four, and jeb bush holds onto fifth. for rubio and cruz especially, this is a critical moment. gop strategist leslie sanchez believes she knows why: increased concerns about terrorism, isis and national security. >> because of that, we are starting to see movement with ted cruz and marco rubio, who've been talking about foreign policy, isis, and what they would do at the white house. >> reporter: rubio's rise comes as he talks more about he would deal with isis.
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>> this is a civilizational struggle between the valleys of freedom and liberty, and radical islamic terror. what happened in paris could happen here. there is no middle ground. i approve this message because there can be no arrangement or negotiation. either they win, or we do. >> reporter: cruz is portraying himself as a strong tea party leader unflinching against isis and critical of president obama. >> i am leading the fight in the u.s. senate to stop president obama and hillary clinton's plan to bring to america tens of thousands of syrian muslim refugees. why? because the administration itself admits it cannot vet these refugees to determine if there are isis terrorists embedded among them. >> reporter: if those two stay on their current path-- moving into a head-to-head competition with donald trump-- it could force an even broader foreign policy face-off. >> i like the idea of building a safe zone in syria. >> we've had a fairly effective bombing campaign over the last couple of days.
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>> we have to deal with them from a position of strength. >> reporter: so think of this as the critical build-up to iowa and the early state votes. >> these candidates that have been propped up by the polls are going to have to start proving that they can get votes in these actual primaries and caucus states, and that's when the real fight will begin. >> reporter: it may not yet be the real fight-- but voters may be starting to separate out who has enough muscle to make it to the final round. for the pbs newshour, i'm lisa desjardins. >> woodruff: and that brings us to the analysis of shields and brooks. that's syndicated columnist mark shields and "new york times" columnist david brooks. gentlemen, welcome. and i do want to get to the presidential campaign in just a moment, but, mark, i want to start with a story we reported earlier this evening, the protest in chicago, about the shooting last year of a young black teenager by a white chicago policeman who's now been charged with murder. what does this and these other police shootings we've seen over the past year say about efforts
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to heal the relationship between police and the black communities? >> well, it's a continuing challenge and a terrible tragedy personally, judy, in this case. what we have is that age-old question who will protect the people when the police violate the law? and from every indication here, you have all the evidence pointing to a police officer essentially executing a 17-year-old boy and the authorities sitting on it for 400 days. the prosecuting attorney in the going forward. to me, beyond the tragedy, the other story you reported on was that of tyshon lee, a 9-year-old killed in basically retribution in a gang fight in the community, there is no tougher
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job in america than being a cop on the beat in a major city in this country, big and brawling, and the good cops, what happened in chicago they're calling an execution, and i think that's all you can call it, it makes the job of the cop on the beat, the kunz who are good, that much tougher. >> woodruff: david, you know, we keep reporting on these incidents and think we've turned a corner but then they seem to keep happening. >> we need structural change. since 2007, there have been 400 police shootings in chicago and only one ruled unjustified. that's just not credible. so you have to have structural changes. i understand why there has to be loyalty been the police force, basically loyalty within the criminal just system. i was a police reporter in chicago in a time when it was way more violent than now. it's tough and they want to
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protect each other and i get that and the situations are often murky, but you have to build structures so that when there is something that goes wrong that there actually is a prosecutorial force somewhere in the system, looking at the system from a hostile eye and saying, did something really bad happen here? and if they're exonerating 99.8% of the cops who are shooting people, that's probably not right. so there has to be a structure to really investigate these situations and, you know, i have been moving on the cop cam issue. when these things happened, i was ambivalent about cop cameras because i think they'll affect the civil-police relationship if everyone knows everything is being filmed, but the evident is mounting these cameras are effective and maybe cops should be wearing cameras everywhere. >> woodruff: mark, what about cameras, public opinion, the fact these things are getting attention in the news media, can that make a difference? >> i think the value of the
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cameras is demonstrated in this case and it's a great value to the honest cop, the good cop as well. david mentions the 400 police officers who have been charged in chicago, one shooting of which is called unjustified out of those 400. this is a city that has budget problems like no other city in the country, really, and they've paid out $500 million in settlements because of the shootings that we mentioned. so -- and it's a real problem no one can question. >> woodruff: david, i want to turn to this friday, two weeks after the horrible shootings in paris, the terrorist attacks. is there a sense that these efforts, you know, whether it's president hollande of france, president obama, anyone else, the efforts to put together some kind of effective coalition, effort to fight i.s.i.s., is any stronger today as a result of what happened?
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>> well, we've got a little clarity. what's the definition of effective coalition? to me, the definition of effective coalition does not involve vladimir putin tore or the russians because they want to keep assad and most of the rest of the world wants to get rid of assad knowing assad is the key source of the problems, leading the sunnis to radicalize and embrace i.s.i.s. so there was a myth in the early case we would have a global alliance including putin and at least the words coming out to of the kremlin today and the conversation russia is having with turkey, that grand dream which was a bad dream is falling apart. whether we can create a western alliance with the gulf states is another matter but the key is getting the sunnis. we won't put boots on the ground. if the reasonable sunnis won't revolt against i.s.i.s., nothing will happen, and they won't do it as long as assad is raining genocide down on them. so understanding the complex
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logic of the situation is the key, i think. >> woodruff: do you see any progress? >> i see real progress. i think there is been a galvanizing of sufficient supt - galvanizing of support and energizing, whether ms. merkel in germany and peaceful powers contributing to terrorist, it's prime minister cameron in great britain. i know up front what putin is, he acts out of self interest, but if he recognizes that assad's days are numbered and newshour for tonight. he's gone, then i don't have the problem with him hastening that departure, and i just really think that there is -- i feel badly for the president because he has a great ability to express passion and emotion in a public setting as he did in charleston, as he did in newtown and, in this case, his words
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have failed him. >> woodruff: why do you think that is? >> i think because he was elected in two wars, he's been committed to that. there is no question about it, it's a belief and conviction on his part. i think he also understands -- he becomes more nuanced at all times especially in matters of national security and foreign policy and engagement. i think he also understands the united states is not going to lead in this and to some degree there is an advantage to the other countries actually taking the military lead. >> woodruff: david, how do you see the president coming to this effort? >> listen, nobody feels good sitting by while genocide happens and doing nothing and that's essentially what he's been doing. bill clinton said many times since he left office his greatest regret was allowing the
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genocide in rwanda to happen and barack obama has sat by while genocide happening in syria, and it could have been prevented with the administration waging action early that may could have made a difference but he sat by and did nothing. so it's hard to wax poetic and self righteous about it if you don't feel good about it. >> woodruff: i want to turn to the presidential campaign. i want to ask you about rubio and cruz but first donald trump. mark, the story that really has persisted all weeks, the claims donald trump made that there were thousands of people in new jersey cheering after the twin towers went down. as far as i've seen and looked, there is no evidence that's come forward to support that, but he continues to insist it happened, he's not backing down. how does this fit into a presidential campaign?
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does it make any difference? does it change anything that a candidate says something that can't be substantiated -- at least it hasn't been, as far as i know. >> if we're polite, we say it's unsubstantiated. it's demonstrably false, its irresponsible and untrue. we have predicted nine times the demise and premature fall of donald trump on this broadcast. the same wise people who i think predicted republican voters would choose a governor, and you saw the first three people out were governors scott walker, rick perry and bobby jindal.
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but it's cumulative. when the republican voters focus and at some point they do on wanting to elect a president, they have to know somebody who is contradicted in basic facts as openly and completely as he is becomes unacceptable and unelectable. >> woodruff: david, how do you see the fallout of this? >> i'm doubling down on my demise theory. i think he will collapse. i think he'll be sitting and taking oath of office on january 1 and i still will be predicting demise. here's my stat of the week for why i think this will happen. every four years after the ohio and new hampshire votes, they ask the voters when did you make up your mind? they do it a week before, a month before, not three months before. so 8% of the voters are still undecided. nate silver had a chart where he said if the polls were reflected the real state of the race it would say 80% undecided.
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5% trump, 4% rubio, 3% cruz. people may say they're looking at trump but they're not there yet. i predict demise. >> woodruff: let's get to the point lisa desjardins made in her piece. mark, rubio and cruz as david just mentioned, they are hanging in there in the middle. what do you see them doing to distinguish themselves from each other? you have less than 30 seconds. >> well, 44-year-old cuban-american from the sun belt state, basically ted cruz who is an incredibly talented debater, i've never seen anybody better at presidential politics, but he's operating on a false premise that there are millions of voters who despite despising barack obama chose not to vote in 2012 and they will come out in droves if he's the nominee. wrong. >> woodruff: david, cruz-rubio. >> it's resentment versus hope. cruz is waxing eloquently
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against muslim, syrian refugees, talking about shutting down government, very anti-immigrant. rubio is more main stream on the party, hopeful on immigration and foreign policy. so we'll see which emotional tone the republican party is ready for. i suspect rubio, but who knows. >> i promise you will get more time to talk about this in the future. david brooks, mark shields. thank you. >> woodruff: now, are we still communicating in person, in our hyper-connected world? this is the major concern of our latest add to the newshour bookshelf. in "reclaiming conversation: the power of talk in a digital age," sherry turkle, of the massachusetts institute of technology, continues her exploration of the evolving relationship between technology and humans.
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she recently sat down with jeffrey brown. >> brown: sherry turkle, welcome to you. >> pleasure to be here. >> brown: it occurs to me we're having a conversation about the lack of conversations in our lives, right? >> yes, we are. >> brown: but you see some-- a very specific problem: a loss of empathy of our ability to empathize with others. explain that. >> well, it's very typical that when two people are having lunch, they put a phone on the table between them. and all the research shows that the presence of that phone will do two things to the conversation: it will make the conversation go to trivial matters, and it will decrease the amount of empathy that the two people in the conversation feel toward each other. that phone is a signal that either of us can put our attention elsewhere. >> brown: even if we don't look at it? >> even, even a silent phone disconnects us. and so it's that feeling we all are always potentially elsewhere that is cutting us off.
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and we're finding ways around conversation -- the kind of conversation that's open ended, where you give time for another person to sort of take a tangent and not go to a phone if there's a little bit of a lapse. and those are the kinds of conversations where empathy is born, where intimacy is born and those are the conversations we're not having with each other and with our kids. >> brown: i'm wondering if the instruments -- the technology-- >> yes. >> brown: --kind of plays, just plays to the sort of natural-- the natural human anxiety over talking to one another or the fear of human contact that we might have always had, and the new technology helps that? >> there's a 40% decline in all markers to empathy among college students, with most of it taking place in the past ten years. that's not okay. so even if, i mean, our phones do play to our natural
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nervousness about being vulnerable to each other, but that doesn't mean that we can't-- we can't pull ourselves together and say we need to talk to each other because it's in conversation-- the most human and humanizing thing that we do-- that empathy is born, that intimacy is born, that relationship is born. >> brown: do you see these new kinds of gadgets as sort of exponentially different from other technology? isn't also the case that new technology as it's come along from the technology of the book-- >> yes. >> brown: --that socrates was talking about or the telephone or the television, of course-- >> yeah. >> brown: --the couch potato-- the idea that we're just sort of focused. now we look at the television as something we almost share, right? >> yes, well this technology and the reason this technology took my attention so much, is that it-- it does something new,
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which is that we have the illusion that we're with each other, even as i'm going like this. >> brown: we're sharing, but we're not really engaged. >> yes. we treat as though it's an accessory that has no psychological impact. i just go like this, and i'm with you, but i'm also with my phone. >> brown: right. >> and actually that gesture has tremendous psychological effect, but because we're sort of with each other all the time-- it's an al-- it's an always on, always on you technology-- we can interrupt the flow of life but somehow not take it seriously. in-- in the latest pew study, 89% of americans said that they interrupted their last social encounter by looking at a phone. and 82% of them said that it deteriorated the conversation, so we're-- my favorite line in my book-- kind of author's choice-- >> brown: go ahead. >> --is technology makes us forget what we know about life. we know we're doing something that's-- that's not good.
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put your hand up in somebody's face and say "excuse me, i just need to interrupt this conversation for a moment." and yet we do it anyway. >> brown: how far do you want to push this in terms of turning off, tuning out, unplugging-- you know-- not multitasking? what do you want people to do? >> i want people to take action and reclaim conversation in the following ways. this book is not anti-technology. it's pro-conversation. if you're using technology in a way that opens out conversation in your family, with your friends, with people you care about, i'm for that. but if you're using technology to silence the conversations with the people around you, then you have to create sacred spaces in your home: the kitchen, the dining room, the car. for me, the car is ground zero in the war to reclaim conversation-- >> brown: you call that a sacred place. >> i call it a sacred space.
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at work, conversation increases productivity. and yet, people go into work, put on their headphones-- in one interview somebody called it-- they-- they become pilots in their own cockpits. they put on their earphones, they lay out their phones, they put-- open up their computers, and they convince themselves that their most productive when they're focused on their email. when really, they're ignoring the cafeteria, the water cooler, the meetings with colleagues, the times when really, the creativity and collaboration happens. create sacred spaces in the workplace as well. classrooms, five years ago professors would say "i don't want be a nanny to my students, they can do whatever they want." now professors are saying "put away that laptop" because studies show that it not only takes away the attention of the person who's on the laptop from the class, but everyone around them, is like a circle around
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that person, that's distracted and not paying attention. >> brown: are you hopeful? >> i'm very hopeful. young people realize that something is amiss. you know, there's a generation that fell in love-- that fell in love with their phones and-- and it's very hard for them to see that there's a problem. but young people are desperate for the attention of their parents, who are really not paying attention to them. that's one of the surprises in the research. that's it's not young people who are smitten with their phones, it's their parents who are not paying attention to them. >> brown: and teaching them that behavior. >> yes, and teaching them behavior. >> brown: alright, the new book is "reclaiming conversation: the power of talk in a digital age." sherry turkle, thank you. >> thank you. >> woodruff: on the newshour online: don't feel bad about your splurge today, it doesn't mean you will be out of control the rest of the year. we talked to a behavioral economist about people's spending habits on black friday, and why it's ok to indulge one
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>> woodruff: that's starting monday. and a reminder about some upcoming programs from our pbs colleagues. gwen ifill is preparing for "washington week," which airs later this evening. here's a preview: >> ifill: after you digested yesterday's leftovers, join us around our table as we gauge the american mood. we may have a lot to be thankful for but there is a lot of worry out there, too. we tackle it all tonight on "washington week." judy? >> woodruff: and that's the newshour for tonight. we will have updates on the colorado springs shootings online throughout the night. i'm judy woodruff. have a great weekend. thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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>> bnsf railway. >> the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh
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this is "nightly business report" with tyler mathisen and sue herrera. >> click till you drop, more shoppers go online rather than stand on line in the hunt for black friday bargains. the road ahead, why this weekend could pave the way for record breaking november auto sales. sizing up the consumer, stocks that may benefit from this holiday season, our market monitor names some names. all that and more tonight on "nightly business report" for friday, november 27th. >> good evening, everyone and welcome i'm tyler mathisen. sue herrera has the evening off. a mixed close on this holiday shortened trading day, but we begin tonight with retail. bargain hunters were out in force, especially online looking for deals. as the biggest holiday shopping season of e
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