tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS January 17, 2016 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, january 17th: president obama defends the iran deal, as american prisoners are released and many u.s. sanctions are lifted. 2.5 million syrian refugees in turkey. living outside refugee camps, struggling to begin again, and wondering where to go next. next on "pbs newshour weekend". >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: lewis b. and louise hirschfeld cullman. bernard and irene schwartz. judy and josh weston. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the citi foundation. supporting innovation and enabling urban progress. sue and edgar wachenheim, iii. corporate funding is provided by mutual of america--
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designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we are your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. from the tisch wnet studios at lincoln center in new york, hari sreenivasan. >> sreenivasan: good evening and thanks for joining us. president obama is calling the implementation of the nuclear disarmament pact with iran a "milestone" achieved by being unafraid to negotiate with adversaries. in remarks at the white house today, the president said the deal cuts off every single path iran had to build an atomic weapon. >> under the nuclear deal that we, our partners, and allies reached with iran last year, iran will not get its hands on a nuclear bomb. the region, the united states, and the world will be more secure. inspectors will monitor iran's
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key nuclear facilities 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. >> sreenivasan: today, iranian president hassan rouhani praised the deal as a victory for the iranian people and a model for resolving future issues. >> ( translated ): the people of iran proved that constructive interaction is true and is the right way. we can have interactions with the world that is in the interest of our people and definitely not at the detriment of others. >> sreenivasan: a swiss plane ar-and-half, was among the men with dual u.s.-iranian citizenship let go in a prisoner swap. rezaian's brother, ali, says his family's nightmare is ending. >> jason is a loving brother, son and devoted husband, whose life was unfairly interrupted when he was arrested for crimes he did not commit. jason's release has brought indescribable relief and joy to our family. reaction for and against the
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historic deal poured in today from presidential candidates here at home and from leaders around the world. >> i commend the moves by the governments of both countries to improve ties. i'm also heartened by the lifting of sanctions against iran. >> as president, i will enforce it, and there have to be consequences if iran veers away from what it has agreed to or what it has been mandated to do or prohibited from doing by the international community. >> when i am president, we will end the deal with iran. it will end when i am president. we're gonna re-impose sanctions, and if iran tries to build a nuclear weapon program, we will stop it. >> if i were president today, i would be meeting with every one of our allies around the world and saying, "we're going to monitor this deal and if they violate one crossed-t or one dotted-i, we need to slap the sanctions back on. >> i think the agreement to make certain that iran does not get a nuclear weapon was a huge step forward. the fact that we had this
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prisoner release today was a good, important step forward. >> ( translated ): it is clear that from now on iran will have more means to use for its terror and aggression activity in the region and in the world. and israel is ready to cope with any threat. >> sreenivasan: while many u.s. sanctions imposed on iran have been lifted, others remain in effect. just today, the treasury department announced new sanctions on eleven foreign companies or individuals for supplying parts for iran's ballistic missile program. joining me from washington to discuss the economic impact of the iran deal is bloomberg news white house correspondent angela greiling keane. yesterday we saw secretary of state kerry saying and the eu saying sanctions have been lifted. today we're talking about new sanctions still imposed on them. >> well, both had the benefit of being true. what happened yesterday was when the new clear deal reached its implementation day, the u.s. and the other parties to that agreement lifted the sanctions they had imposed because of the iranian new clear program.
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so those effective yesterday are off. however today, not unrelated to the timing of yesterday, the u.s. treasury imposed new sanctions on 11 iranian businesses and people, people that do business with iran, and the reason for those new sanctions is because of iran's ballistic missile program. since 2010 the u.n. security council has required that iran not develop or test ballistic missiles that could be used to launch new clear weapons, but of course, those tests have continued as recently as last montd. >> sreenivasan: so to clarify, for businesses in the united states, what happens? this isn't like opening or normalizing of relations with cuba. >> right, president obama used the analogy when he spoke today in the cab fet room of the white house, in is very different than cuba because while the u.s. does now have official diplomatic relations with cuba, it does not for iran. for u.s. businesses there is still a lot of caution and
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limitations. really the one sector that benefits most for the u.s. is of a yaitionz because the new clear deal that was reached last summer included a carve out for airplane production and airplane leasing and parts to service that industry. but other industries, particularly financial services are still extremely limited and have reason to be very, very cautious when they proceed with iranment because of the sanctions such as we saw from this morning, that are still in place. >> sreenivasan: what about the optics of it? for example iran says they are going to buy a bunch of planes, but from airbus, is boeing at a disadvantage that they couldn't sell nearly as fast but at the same time we have a presidential race that is happening. >> exactly. there is a lot of question marks. airbus did announce-- announce their deal with tehran yesterday and boeing still has to go through some hoops to be able to license to sell to iran. there are still plenty of opportunities for bowing. iran has dwreat plane demand. the average age of their planes is 27 years old for iran air.
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so there is more opportunity for aviation. but there are risks in part because of objects. iran is indeed not a friend of the u.s. and the a bomba administration made clear there are serious concerns about human rights, relations with israel and other allies of the u.s. in the middle east. and companies that want to do business with iran do have that concern. how good does it look to be cozying up with iran and then there is a question mark of what happens if a republican is elected to succeed obama, will the deal still be in place? will the agreement stand. hillary clinton the leading democratic candidate, of course, was president obama's secretary of state. so if she is to win the presidential election, there is little doubt that the agreement would stay in place because she helped negotiate the early stages of it. >> sreenivasan: iran also says that they were going to start production and i guess, selling 500,000 barrels of oil. right now the u.s. has very, very low oil prices. does that mean the basic
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economics, they increase supply, decrease demand, does that mean that the prices fall further or is it a real drop in the bucket when you think of global oil? >> no, iran is a major oil producer. they used to be the second largest producer in opec so the effects of the iranian production on the world oil markets could be large. and for iran, while it's a great opportunity to be able to earn more money and produce more, it really couldn't come at a worse time. the worldwide price of a barrel of oil fell below $30 at the close on friday. and you know, a few years ago we were looking at $100 barrels of oil to put that in perspective. so if iran is to increase production and therefore increase supply worldwide, basic economics tells you that that will serve likely to depress prices further. >> sreenivasan: angela greiling keane of bloomberg, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> sreenivasan: washington post publisher fred ryan say the
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newspaper is elated that its former tehran bureau chief, jason rezaian, left iran today after 545 days in captivity, adding, he looks forward to welcoming rezaian back to the newsroom. for more on that part of the story, i am joined over the phone by "post" executive editor marty baron and foreign editor douglas jehl. this has been a incredibly slow and painful proseses. there was a point last year in about october when jason was convicted by an iranian court. i mean does that take the wind out of your sails at that point. >> it was a below, one of many belows. i think it was clear from the very outset that the process of jason's trial before an iranian court was really a char aid and a cruel side show that ultimately his fate was going to be resolve-- and that is what happened this weekend. >> sreenivasan: what sort of access did you have to the process is? were you getting updated from the state department? or were you in touch with somebody in iran directly? >> no. we did not dpet updates from the state department about how the
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negotiations were going. we weren't part of the process. you know, obviously our reporters were reporting on it. as much as they could. but we were not involved in those negotiations or actually we weren't involved at all. >> sreenivasan: this also reminded the american audience that i mean jason had a lot of people pulling for him. he had an opportunity that is powerful in washington. you had editors and reporters from around the world making sure that his pliet was heard of. unlike the other iranian americans or other americans that quite might be in iran. >> you did have powerful advocates around the world. i do believe that the attention to jason's case also helped abadini and amir hezmati in calling attention to the fact that it was simply unacceptable for iran to be holding american prisoners in this way. >> sreenivasan: all right,
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doug jehl and marty baron, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> sreenivasan: an american is among the 28 people killed in this weekend's terrorist attack in the west african nation of burkina faso. missionary michael riddering, from florida, ran an orphanage in the country with his wife. he died when four al qaeda- linked militants shot their way through a hotel and nearby cafe in burkina faso's capital friday night. six canadians were also among the fatalities, as were the cafe owner's wife and nine-year-old son. another 50 people were wounded. when they stormed the hotel yesterday, government and french troops killedall four attackers, two of whom were women. they also freed more than 150 hostages. some guests returned to the hotel today to get their luggage. the group al qaeda in the islamic maghreb has claimed responsibility for the attack. burkina faso and neighboring mali, which suffered a hotel terrorist attack by the same group in november, today said they would partner to counter the threat. syria's government says militants from the islamic state group, or isis, have carried out a massacre in a city isis controls in eastern syria.
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the alleged attack on civilians happened in deir al-zour. a province adjacent to the isis stronghold of raqqa. syrian state-run news agency says isis executed 300 elderly people, women, and children in deir al-zour yesterday. the britain-based syrian observatory for human rights said isis shot or beheaded at least 135 people, and more than half were government soldiers. the human rights group said isis also kidnapped 400 people in the city. the syrian civil war has claimed more than 250,000 lives and caused more than four million syrians to become refugees. a pair of rare, winter tornadoes cut through central florida before dawn today. one twister touched down in the sarasota area, 50 miles southeast of tampa, and two people died when their mobile home was destroyed. the national weather service says the deadly tornado had winds of up to 135 miles an hour.
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>> sreenivasan: over the past year, we've heard and seen the images of syrian refugees make the treacherous crossing to europe, but most syrian refugees live in neighboring countries like jordan, lebanon, and turkey. in turkey, about 250,000 syrians live in refugee camps, but many more live outside the camps in order to find work to support their families. this week, the turkish government announced it would help some of them by issuing more work permits for refugees. turkey is also poised to receive aid from europe to pay for refugee support and to slow their migration onward. in tonight's signature segment, special correspondent mike cerre reports on syrian refugees in turkey, torn between returning to a dangerous homeland and struggling to start a new life. >> reporter: as fast as turkey's government could build the dozens of refugee camps along its border with syria, they were filled to capacity.
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turkey is about to receive $3.2 billion from the european union to help cover its refugee costs, and secure its borders with europe. turkey has already tightened its southern border to stem last year's overflow of refugees from syria. the majority of them are staying here close to the turkish-syrian border. nearly 2.5 million of them are here in turkey, the most of any country. but just under 11% of them are staying in traditional refugee camps-- presenting a whole new set of challenges for international relief agencies. jehan is one of several syrian refugees working with the international relief organization "care", helping other refugees. she served as my translator as we traveled with care's relief teams to see how the majority of refugees now live outside the camps, because they couldn't get in due to overcrowding, or
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because when they live in the camps, they are not permitted to go out and look for work. we agreed not to identify refugees by their full names or disclose their locations due to their continuing security fears so close to the syrian border. saddam and his extended family lost their homes in syria to fighters from the so-called islamic state group, or isis. they have been in turkey three months and now live in this abandoned shop with no plumbing or electricity that costs $50 a month to rent. because the only construction and agriculture work they can find is seasonal, their only source of income this winter is their 12-year-old son's job in a bakery that pays $2 for a 12 hour day. saddam told me that if the situation here does not improve, he will consider leaving for europe. most refugees living in these makeshift shelters that have
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sprung up in small border towns have used up most of their money and other resources just to get into turkey. they don't have the additional one to $6,000 per person smugglers would charge them to go onto europe, at great risk in a small boat or crowded truck. and going to the united states isn't even a consideration given the cost, distance from syria, and the u.s. immigration restrictions. salah, a former professional basketball player who fled syria after he completed his graduate degree in business studies, has the means and professional qualifications to emigrate to europe, but he doubts he would fit in. >> i can afford to go to europe. i didn't go there. so even for the people going there, they may be going there for three or four years, and then they are turning back. none of us can like, it's a totally different culture. >> reporter: salah is like some
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syrians with enough resources and skills to settle in the larger turkish cities near the border, like gaziantep. he wants to stay in the region so he can go back to his hometown, aleppo, as soon as it's safe enough. >> if you go to gaziantep, where i am based there, you can see all of the syrians from aleppo city living in gaziantep. like because gaziantep, it's really close to aleppo, like the same kind of food, the same, like, weather and everything else. >> look, they have syrian coffee here and all the trademarks are syrian. >> reporter: rana, who was an english literature professor in syria, is now a social worker helping her fellow refugees get food and housing. she believes many refugees' cultural ties to the region are holding them back from going to europe as much as the financial and legal obstacles. >> it depends on the mentality of syrian people.
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for example, if they find jobs, and they could be able afford living in turkey, i think they would rather stay in turkey, they don't need to even exert the effort to learn the language, and they share a lot with turkish people. >> reporter: that's especially the case for the syrian kurds like taksim and his family, who share a common language and culture with the turkish kurds who populate turkey's southeastern border. taksem sold his wife's rings to pay rent for their apartment in this unfinished building. >> inshalla aksi kobani. >> reporter: he says they're considering moving back to their hometown of kobani now that kurdish militias have retaken it from isis. the turkish government say it has spent more than $8 billion on the syrian refugee crisis. by law, all registered refugees
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qualify for turkish health care, education and with a permit the right to work. but these benefits and jobs are hard to find outside the major cities where most syrian refugees can't afford to live or in the smaller border towns which have fewer social services. since speaking turkish is a prerequisite, few arabic and kurdish speaking syrian children attend school here other than part-time schools like this one set up by syrian teachers. a typical job most refugees find is low-paying farm work. the lack of steady work matching their skills and education is the greatest obstacle to settling here. emad- a shopkeeper back in syria-- occasionally is hired for construction work but says he gets paid half what a turkish worker earns. he thinks more about going home
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to syria than going to europe. >> he is saying maybe if he goes to europe and, like, be far away, he would forget about syria. >> reporter: as the new head of care usa, michelle nunn went to the region last summer to assess the refugees' needs and how aid groups could best help the host countries. >> when i asked people how they were going to get through the winter, they said they didn't know. and what we want them to be able to survive and have the opportunity to start to rebuild and to recreate lives of meaning and purpose so they can think about going back to syria at some point and staying where they are and not risking their lives and the lives of their children to cross oceans and to emigrate. >> reporter: care is the
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organization that created the original care package first sent by americans seventy winters ago to european refugees after world war two. care has updated the concept to help syrian refugees. >> this could be described as the new care package. it's an electronic voucher. >> reporter: the food vouchers that care and other organizations manage work like debit cards. but they can be used only to buy food and household essentials. new credit is added monthly with funding from the united nations and large aid organizations. care believes the electronic vouchers are now a faster and more flexible way to deliver food and clothing, than shipping, storing, and delivering packages. >> these food vouchers started out with a value of $30 per month per person, until a shortfall in international funding today in turkey, this voucher is worth about $18 a month. that means 60 cents a day for food. >> reporter: in addition to food
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vouchers, care is helping refugees with other voucher cards to buy heaters, coats, and blankets to get them through this winter. >> by giving a voucher rather than a set kit of in kind donations, it enables the family to choose what's right for them and meet their own needs better. >> reporter: too scared to go forward to europe or back to war-torn syria, most of the refugees we met are resigned to the reality of living in turkey for the foreseeable future, especially if the international community fulfills its pledges of humanitarian aid. living just a few miles up the euphrates river from syria, these border towns are as close to home as they can be. >> sreenivasan: see how the story of one syrian refugee in turkey caught the attention of the creator of "humans of new york." visit:
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>> sreenivasan: scientists believe a species of dinosaur on public view for the first time may be the biggest creature to have ever walked the earth. starting this weekend, visitors to new york's american museum of natural history can get close up. the newshour's ivette feliciano reports. >> reporter: this 122-foot-long skeleton is called a titanosaur. when it roamed the earth 100 million years ago, it weighed as much as 10 elephants, or 70 tons. and its neck could have peeked inside a fifth floor window. this recently discovered species is so big, it stretches through two exhibit rooms at the museum of natural history. paleontologist mark norell is the curator. >> it gives us our first good, real picture about how we found them, about how big they were, about how tall they were. >> reporter: a rancher in argentina's patagonia desert
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discovered the first titanosaur fossils in 2012. two years later, paleontologists excavated 223 more bones belonging to six dinosaurs there. among the excavated bones was this thigh bone, measuring eight feet long. >> for a long time, we've known that animals may have approached this size, but they were largely just quite fragmentary remains, and we couldn't get a really good look at just how immense these creatures were. >> reporter: the real fossils are too heavy to mount. so canadian researchers used 3-d scans to cast lightweight fiberglass replicas of 84 original bones to create the giant skeleton now on view. norell says 3-d printers and other advances in technology help improve the study of these extinct animals. >> the discoveries just keep continuing and continuing and it's really been a great time to be a paleontologist. >> reporter: the species found in argentina will get is formal scientific name in the next few months.
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for more, watch "raising the dinosaur giant" on the pbs series "nature", premiering february 17th. $5 million in federal aid is on the way to help flint michigan deal with toxic tap water. governmenter in purchased the aid to help with bottled water and testing kits. the water became con tam natured when the city switched its main source from lake huron to flint river causing lead to reach from old water pipes. and sphienlly the newest panar cub made its public debut this weekend at the national zoo in washington. beibei was born four months ago, third surviving cub of his parents who also live at the zoo it will go to chiefna when he turns four. alysis of the iran deal and a review of tonight's democratic debate in iowa. i'm harry sreenivasan, have a good flight.
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>> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: lewis b. and louise hirschfeld cullman. bernard and irene schwartz. judy and josh weston. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the citi foundation. supporting innovation and enabling urban progress. sue and edgar wachenheim, iii. corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we are your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by wnet captioned by media access group at wgbh
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hello, i'm greg sherwood and i'm very pleased to be here with the founder of the healing mind, a clinical faculty member at ucsf medical school, a pioneer in mind/body medicine and a practicing physician right here in marin county, dr. martin rossman. dr. rossman, thank you so much for helping out with kqed today. >> it's my pleasure, greg. thank you for having me. >> it is such a delight. i'm so looking forward to chatting with you and i hope you will stay with us for the next half hour or so as we explore dr. rossman's methods of overcoming anxiety, worry and stress. he is going to explain how our
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