tv KQED Newsroom PBS January 22, 2016 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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election? hello, and welcome to keek keek newsro -- qqed. super bowl and what a volatile stock market means for silicon valley. first, san francisco george gas con felony bribery and three former fund-raisers for mayor ed lee, zula zones and mohajer, $20,000 in bribes from an undercover fbi in exchange for political access. act in charge, david johnson spoke at this afternoon's press conference. >> no level of acceptable corruption, the violation of trust is the same as is the
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damage to the taxpayers. >> these charges stem from an investigation into raymond chow that also lee. ensely joins me now, alex, what exactly do these felony charges claim? >> well, they claim that this former human rights commissioner, former human rights commission staffer, and this political consultant who was everywhere, keith jackson, were collecting illegal campaign donations for, to retired ed lee's campaign debt, right. >> had is after his reelection or after his first election. >> yeah. >> so you mentioned keith jackson. he is somewhat well-known, political consultant, san francisco school board and indicted with lee, so how are these charges today different from what he pleaded guilty to several months ago. >> one difference is the court they're being charged in. they were announced in state
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superior court charges, prosecuted by the local district attorney, as opposed to other charges that keith jackson has now pled guilty to that are federal charges, and that's time to the chau case. these were sort of extras in an off shoot of that sweeping federal investigation. the district attorney did say today that, you know, it started with the feds, but authorities decided that this part of it should be prosecuted by local -- >> any sense of why that is? during the raymond trial, the attorney in that case released some of this discovery and some of the documents and wire tap evidence that they had gotten, and it seemed that the fbi wasn't interested. why is this of more interest to the district attorney do you think, george gascon? i realize you may have to speculate about that, but what is your sense of that? >> well, i mean, and i think the district attorney did speak to just the importance of public integrity an public trust.
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so i would point to those words as far as regardless of whether -- the federal case was criminal charges involving a lot of, you know, violence, nasty stuff, right. >> gun running and murder for hire sorts of allegations. >> this is a little bit more, i mean, and in some ways, a little tougher sell. it's lot less money. and it's, you know, political, how do politicians run a campaign, when do they become illegal. it can get into the weeds a little bit. the authorities take it seriously. >> these people as we said, connected to not only mayor, but former mayor brown. how concerned do they think they should be? is this getting into their relationship. what is the mayor saying about it? >> i think the mayor has definitely changed what he is saying about it. the initial sort of filing by raymond chau's defense team, he dismissed it. he said these are desperate claims from someone facing
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federal charges. his campaign staff. >> it's not true and it's a just a wild idea. >> yeah, yeah and an out defense theory which proved to be the case in the initial trial, judge brieier did not give it credence. but now mayor lee's office released a statement that basically walking that back and says he is deeply disturbed and urging the district attorney to pursue them. >> your colleagues have been working on this, digging into this for some time now? >> yeah, and especially colleagues, rebecca bow and john shut who looked into thousands of pages of court documents to try to tie together this wing of that federal investigation, this wing of the fbi looking into campaign donations that eventually made their way into ed lee's funds, right.
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>> and the timing of all this, talk about that, alex, the super bowl is two weeks away, the media from around the world is going to be here. i'm sure the mayor is not happy about the timing of this, either. george gascon, the da has been at loggerheads with him. what are the political dynamics here. >> i think that the police chief is appointed by the mayor. they have maintained a close relationship as it looks like from sort of an outsider looking in. but they do seem to be a very closely allied. the district attorney has always positioned himself as very independent. he doesn't have as clear political alliances in san francisco that i'm aware of. >> as an outsider, he came from -- >> arizona. >> arizona and spent a lot of time in the lapd and actually came here. i don't know if we're getting into ancient history, but police chief before he became the district attorney, and greg sir
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became chief. >> so a lot of tangled webs. what is the next steps here? >> these defendants in this local now criminal case are going to be arraigned at somt poi some point. we could see more defendants. we don't know where it will go. >> thanks very much, for more in-depth reporting, go to turning now to the super bowl. the kickoff at leavy stadium in the cell bracelebrates. estimated 1 million people are expected to pour into the bay area for super bowl week. that means a significant cash flow to businesses in the region. but there are also huge costs for the bay area to host the event. traffic control, transportation. talk about all that and economics of super bowl 50, we're joined by jason tremaux,
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from the host committee, santa clara mayor, jamie matthews, sports columnist, an killian and from the chronicle, chuck fne. vis. san francisco, of course, the events happening here. what is santa clara getting out of it. >> a lot. first of all, without san francisco, the host committee, and working with mayor lee's office, i don't think we would have been able to secure the super bowl. we're very excited about having the super bowl in the stadium. to have competed to bid for the super bowl, we had to take an entire year off of our construction schedule. this was a mahail mary for us. we're getting to have the game there. a lot of events. >> what about cash, economic impact. >> santa clara doesn't have a lot going on in february. this will be cash positive for it us.
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we worked closely with the committee to make sure our base costs were covered for the security and other things we needed to do. they've been a great parter with us. everything we get is which is pretty well nothing. >> jason, of course, san francisco does have a lot going on in january and february, maybe it's not quite as important to bringing new people to the city. one thing that's being criticized the fact is go to be on the hook for some of these costs, maybe $5 million for spfb reimbursements. what is your take on why the city didn't protect itself and get the reimbursement from the nl. >> i think the city benefits, the bottom line, how tells going to be full, on top of that putting the city on display, even as we put the whole region on display. the investment that the city is making and committed to and we bid to host this world class event in a world class city, i think is a tremendous upside to the city, and then we see it in a very practical way with the grant making and local
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businesses that we already are benefitting even before the tourists arrive. >> but the city didn't have an agreement with the nfl, like i believe, santa clara had something like that. >> we did when we put the bid in. because realizing it is a regional bid, we didn't have all the facilities and realizing the events will be happening in san francisco or san jose because we don't have the hotel space, we don't have what's necessary, we wanted to make sure that everything would be net positive for us. >> chuck, i think you had a column headaches everybody would like to have. >> they oh have, but it is very competitive. this is not a slam dunk for anyone. i said the other day, 15 cities that have hosted the super bowl so far, some of them have done it multiple times. how many have said that was terrible. zero. it's a great event to have at your city. city hall don't like free ice cream, so they're going to say it's a big deal. i bet you $0.75 right now.
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>> the nfl draws a hard bargain. minnesota hosting in 2018, the perks they demanded got leaked. free hotel rooms, police escorts, i kbes if you want the game, you have to -- >> i would kind of object to what chuck says. i think there are cities that have really cared less whether they hosted the super bowl. i think san francisco is one of those. for one thing, the game is not going to be here, it will be in santa clara. the traffic heads, huge traffic headache. the beauty shots going to be the golden gait bridge, stone's throw away from the stadium. it's not. i think many of the people coming to visit, including the hoards of national media who will be in san francisco will be surprised when they have to get up at 5:00 a.m. to get down to where the teams are in the south bay. i mean, i think it's -- san francisco is a world class city,
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showcase city, and -- >> weather oh not. >> it's not jacksonville. >> hosted the super bowl gee, i don't want to do that again, on the other hand, we've hosted the america's cup a couple of years ago, how much money the city was going to get. didn't really pan out. >> america's cup is a much different deal. that was 2010, and we will a million people, just like this. we had america's cubs, two playoffs games. we had a ton of events. there will be traffic, fwou honest, they closed howard street every year, twice for sales force, i know, because we have to go through howard street and/or cable. and frankly, how many of us are going down by the ferry building, not that many, and you're not supposed be driving your car on market street any way. i get the chicken little thing, traffic, but i don't think it will be that bad. at the emd of the day, we'll be glad we hosted it. >> i was going to say i think you're talking about a world class city.
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we're not just a world class city. we are a world class sports city. our region with oakland, we have the largest share of lombardi trophies than any other place in the country. to have this iconic game, but the 5 the 50th here. >> chicken little here, but there has been some criticism of the fundraising, of course, this has been a big fithing for the nfl, but the contributions have been dark money so to speak, they haven't been revealed, the do donors wanted to be anonymous. wouldn't it be better to have transparency. >> off the bat, we committed to telling you where everything dollar lahas gone. you can go on the website right now and see where every $5.2 million has gone. what they do, and why we invest it. >> where the money came from? >> so the money also on our
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website, we have two main sources. we have individual donors, lissed on the website and then our partners, corporate, $0.20 of those sponsorship, went to the 50 fund. that's ready available. >> do you think, ann, when you have these big events, the bay area tried to host the oe limb mix, is there a tendency for city officials to sort of, i don't want to say roll over, but maybe not drive quite as hard a bargain because they get kind of wowed by the whole process. >> i think especially with big sporting events. it's glamour and people get very excited, i think most of the numbers tend to get very inflated that you hear about, you know, coming into the region. it's kind of like what we see when people decide cities decide to build stadiums for teams. they get very excited about the idea of what that can be, and not necessarily the greatest economic benefits to the region. >> i have to disagree with that.
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we built $1.1 billion stadium, hosting the super bowl, barely completed. there is about $6.5 billion in around around the stadium within 15 minutes. right across the street, we have related companies proposing a $9 million shopping experience that are rival union square. anyone who says there isn't economic benefit social securs . we've taken the debt down in one year alone. >> jason, i referred a moment ago to the list of perks that the nfl demanded. 35,000 free park space, free police presidential suites at the hotels. are those the kinds of things that san francisco agreed to. >> i don't know the details of what our host committee, i wasn't involved with the bid committee when they bid. i do know that the nfl many
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years ago, they used to pick the cities. the earlier comments, now cities compete. they have to go out and win, and san francisco was fortunate through the region and matthew said, because of the partnership we need each other in santa clara and san francisco to win it over other cities. >> one parking space i'm looking for. let's look at san francisco. $10 billion a year in tourism. this a city that knows how to do this. we've done it before. they may find it to be a pain in a neck, traffic may be a problem. we have lots and lots of visitors. day in and day out. >> mayor, when the warriors were in the nba championship last year, there were complaints that the network and broadcast didn't show enough sort of the glamour spots of oakland. we're surely going to see the golden gate bridge and all these wonderful parts of san francisco. what are you hoping, what have you asked in terms of santa
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clara or san jose in getting those shots? >> obviously levi stadium as an iconic building. we have our mission, wonderful railroad, a lot of things that are available on the fap center is going to be -- south bay. santa clara will get plenty of coverage. every time they say where the game is being played, santa clara, california. >> all the netted works and espn will be set up with the backdrops of the golden gait bridge. everything is going to be here until the game. >> what's wrong with that? we're part of the san francisco region. we always have been. the city was built. we have a long history. we're all inner dependant on each other. the only reason it worked, we had a regional approach, we didn't look at the borders. >> when this was initially bid
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on, of course, there were hopes that the 49ers would be in the super bowl. i think that's not happening. but what difference would that have made in economically if the 49ers would have been in this game. >> i think obviously tremendous for our region to celebrate the 49ers being back, years after they won, which was at stanford stadium. a lot of -- grateful we've process processed. >> ann, does it make a difference, the 49ers have hired a marquee coach. >> january 21st, you know. >> how much pressure did they feel. >> tremendous pressure in large part because they're going to be in this inter national showcase event. they're the host. they needed to get someone strong, higher, that got some excitement going, and get it done before the super bowl,
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because they are going to be in the spotlight. they are going to need to answer questions. and you know, chip kelly is a big name. and drew a lot of headlines and talk billing. >> with baggage i think as someone pointed out. >> he did, but he is innovator. >> chuck, earlier this week, the bay bridge was shut down, mayor lee's inauguration was shut down. you've written about that. how concerned should the city be, the host committee that this is an outstanding opportunity to get some attention for your issues? >> well, it is. i think it's -- something is going to happen. i don't know what it will be. the security will be excellent. i don't think anybody will burst in roger goodell's press conference. the 49ers are an example that you don't want to be in disarray when the super bowl shows up. san francisco, i mean, mayor lee said we're going to get the homeless off the street. good luck with that. if we have a demonstration, as
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long as it's not violent, a lot of the journalists. >> jason, what keeps you up at night. >> i was going to say for every inconvenience, story of impact. they don't cancel each other out. we're trying to tell that story as well. the $5.2 million we've granted, $2 million more on monday. thousands of kids have benefited, were it not for super bowl, those moneys, those programs would not have those resources. i hope we can tell that story as well, and folks can feel proud. >> mayor matthews, traffic, weather, what else is on your list of concerns. >> we're going to be flexible to roll with it, but supported by every agency in the alphabet soup. a great event, our transportation partners have all stepped up as well. so we're really excited. we think we're ready to go. >> jamie matthews, thanks so much for being here. chuck from the chronicle and -- thank you all very much.
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>> thank you. >> governor jerry brown delivered his state of the state address this beak, and highlighted how closely california's economy is tied to global events. >> what happens far away can touch us very directly. a slow down in china or turmoil in iraq or syria, virtually any where can send the stock market reeling and put california jobs and state revenues in jeopardy. >> the governor's remarks came during a volatile week on wall street over concerns china's economy. bay area, keeping a close watch on tech companies, like twitter and apple, whose stock prices have been caught in the market's turbulence. marketplace correspondence molly wood. how concerned are silicon valley company as soon as. >> a loot of them seen china as a major growth opportunities. a lot of them are looking at india as a possible alternative,
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because any slow down in china massively affects things like consumer electronics. most is mostly domestic, chinese companies, so they are definitely scrambling for alternatives. >> are they already feeling like the downturn in orders for iphones and everything like that, or just anticipating the softening. >> i think they're anticipating the softening or more accurately they are assuming that the growth they were hoping for not happening at all. a lot of these companies don't have much of a foot print any way. apple, having no trouble selling plenty of iphones in china. >> should we really worry that jack dorcey, the multi-millil millionaire? >> companies like twitter, they haven't done well, they've been having trouble with investors and concerns about profits and lack thereof. so does this just make matters worst for them or does it really uncover some real weakness that
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maybe we didn't see before this downturn? >> i think it will do that. any time of a major avenue of growth is cut off for a company, they're concerned. a lot of them were depending on that future revenue and now will have to look for other ways to find it. i think it will absolutely show if they can't grow without china, good chance they can't grow. >> they don't have the alternatives that apple does of going to india or other larger economy. >> a lot of them do, that's where they'll be looking. microsoft, facebook, going into countries that are not china. india is the biggest of the bunch. but also seeing a lot of phone manufactures look at africa. >> what about some of the other mark marquee companies, are they better and worst situated to kind of ride it out. >> i think google is a very interesting example. they're starting to sea weakness, which is advertising.
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so it's going to be very interesting to see how google in particular weathers this storm. facebook has not had a problem with growth so far, and they have a very strong developing market strategy, but they're starting to see push back in those countries. >> push back meaning? >> free internet service in some of these countries, but dictating the terms. they're starting to get backlash. that could be a problem for them. it's a little come plitted, but people have a bad sense of the company. >> situation where we might see, you know, kind of a shakedown, you know, some mergers, acquisitio acquisitions, company transitioning in some way. >> i think we're almost certain to see that. there are a lot of companies right now who have been red hot. they've raised tons and tons of money. they'll probably start to raise a little less money in the future, and they'll have a problem retaining talent. employee moral issues. they may have future investment issues. i think we're going to see a lot of people have predicted some
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dead union corns, $100 million start to lose that valuation, or even like you say, consolidate, merge or disappear. >> well, you know, you've, i think when you say those companies, pet from the dot com, and then the market crashed, to what extent is that dotcom bust or similar from what we're seeing now. >> the major difference is a lot of those companies in the original boom went public. so when they crashed, they took the broader market with them. now we're more insulated from a crash. the current tech book, a run up in valations. no question. but if those companies go down, they're not going to take the broader, they're not going to take our pensions with them. and so it's possible that some of the damage would be a little more contained. now, unfortunately for us it, could be contained in the bay area, but it won't necessarily have the national and global
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ramifications. >> at this point any way, the dive is not nearly as steep as it was back then or even in 2007-2008, and the causes are different as well? you mentioned china and the softening of the economy there, but also oil is a big concern and the low cost of oil which typically you think of as a good thing. >> right. that is absolutely starting to have ramifications far and beyond what you would think it would effect. for example, what he will -- el jazera, unexpected correlations start to happen more and more. >> molly, just quickly. any potential upside in this downturn? we hear a lot of blame necessarily sometimes to tech companies about the cost of living and so on. any upside? >> i mean, i was here during the first tech bust, traffic got delightful. traffic got better, i don't
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think anybody would complain. >> although we do have the super bowl, but that's another story. thanks so much. >> my pleasure. >> that does it for tonight. before we go, we would like to mark the passing of sylvia mclaughlin, a local environmental hero. in the 19 '60s, mick claf lynn and her friends, worked tirelessly to protect san francisco bay from pollution as save the bay. in 2008. >> we koo see it going on a daily basis. dump trucks going down to the bay and filling the shoreline. also, the city of berkeley, they planned to fill approximately 2,000 acres of open water, essentially to create another city, doubling the size of the city of berkeley. >> she died on tuesday at her
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♪ and their buns are something i have yet to find anywhere else. >> i'm not inviting you to my house for dinner. >> breaded and fried and gooey and lovely. >> in the words of arnold schwarzenegger, i'll be back! >> you've heard of connoisseur. i'm a common-sewer! >> they knew i had to ward off some vampires or something.
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