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tv   Charlie Rose The Week  PBS  January 22, 2016 11:30pm-12:01am PST

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captioning sponsored by rose communications >> rose: welcome to the program. i'm charlie rose. the program is "charlie rose: the week." just ahead, fear and loathing on the campaign trail. new lines in urban design. and broadway hosts a history play that shakespeare didn't write, "king charles iii." >> again, it is the same, shrouded lady walking through walls. you are not real! it cannot be! go! now! >> you will be the greatest king we ever had. >> rose: we will have those stories and more on what happened and what might happen.
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>> rose: and so you began how? >> do what i want to do. >> rose: is it luck at all or is it something else? >> rose: imposition and yielding. >> rose: what's the object lesson here? >> you live in her wisdom. >> rose: tell me the significance of the moment. >> rose: this was the week oil prices hit new lows, bringing new concerns for the global economy. sarah palin returned to campaign for donald trump. and allegations of match fixing overshadowed the world of professional tennis. here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. ♪ you know we got it easy >> eagles cofounder glenn frey, dies at 67. 67. >> along the way, we really rocked. ♪ take is easy.
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>> deadly attack at a university in northwest pakistan. the pakistani military says the attack is over, and at least four gunmen have been killed. >> a british judge says vladimir putin probably played a role in the killing of a russian spy 10 years ago. >> rose: oil prices hit new lows. >> turmoils in the world's financial markets. falling oil prices drag stocks down. the dow fell more than 550 points. >> rose: michigan's governor in hot water. >> growing outrage over contaminated water in flint, michigan,. >> there should be duct tape around the city because flint is a crime scene. >> donald seems to be a little rattled. >> donald trump and ted cruz battling it out for first place on the republican side. hillary clinton and bernie sanders for the democrats. >> her campaign says they always knew it would be close. >> yeah, right. >> rose: the bbc accuses professional tennis of match fixing. >> match-fixing allegations overshadowing the first major.
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>> some of the biggest names in tennis reportedly throwing matches. >> rose: 2015 goes down as the warmest year on record. >> that's in noaa's record the largest leap from an existing troard a new record that we've had. >> our story was a new york cow marked for beefstakes making a run for it. >> there's a cow coming down the block. >> rose: palin endorsed trump. >> are you ready for a commander in chief who will go kick isis' ass. >> while trump literally has given me so much material to make jokes about, nobody compares to the original material girl. ( applause ) ♪ just the two of us >> rose: we begin with the latest on the 2016 presidential race. sarah palin is back and campaigning for donald trump. that's just one of the big developments coming out of the run-up to the iowa caucuses and the new hampshire primary.
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mark halperin and john heilemann are in new hampshire. they are the managing editors of bloomberg politics and the cohost of "with all due respect." tell me where hillary clinton stands today in new hampshire, and what she can do to change that dynamic? >> well, she's well behind. you know, there's a poll out this week that showed her 30 behind. no one thinks that's where she is, but she is behind. iowa has gotten worse for her as well. she has to do i think three things at once. he has to stop sanders' momentum. she needs to started having good news days and a closing argument that's a positive one and a negative one. she's in trouble in both those states. if she loses either numerically or in terms of perception, both iowa and new hampshire, there's not a political analyst in the world who can tell you just how hard that will be for her going forward but it will be hard. >> rose: that seems to go against what i've read before, that she's built a firewall in
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the south, starting with south carolina. >> well, i think, charlie, the problem is, that's static analysis. she is stronger right now, today, with african american voters and with hispanic voters by far than bernie sanders. but as we learned in 2008, when barack obama won the iowa caucuses, the calculation changed, and african american voters who had been split pret much evenly between him and secretary clinton looked at him in a different way. if bernie sanders wins the iowa caucuses and the new hampshire primary, after the african american voters and hispanic voters will look at him again. >> if you look right now at the two closing argument ads that the campaigns have put out, yesterday, secretary clinton, a minute-long ad, that stressed her experience, her readiness for the perez desperate, her time in the situation room when president obama decided to take out osama bin laden. and then today, bernie sanders putting out a one-minute ad, his
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closing argument ad, which has no policy in it, has no credentials in it. it is an inspirational ad set to simon and garfunkel's "america" with faces of his supporters and inspiring images. it is 2008 all over again. >> rose: let me turn quickly to the republicans, first in iowa. where does that stand? is ted cruz going to win? >> most of the recent polling has shown either the race tight or trump doing better, cruz doing worse. it's a battle for first. barring a huge unexpected, it's one or the other. the tale between the two of them will be hard fought over the next two weeks now that you see we can-- eye week and a half, rather-- now that you see trump is engaging with trump, cruz is engaging back every day, and it's impossible to say who is getting the better of the exchanges, but i will say trump has a strong message that he's driving hard, the fact that the governor of iowa has now made it clear he doesn't want cruz to win. sarah palin will help trump in iowa. he's planning a lot of visits.
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if i had to bet today, i would bet on trump. >> rose: we focus now on the news that a british government inquiry has implicated russian president vladimir putin in the assassination of a former russian spy, alexander litvinenko, who died in london from radiation poisoning in 2006. two russian operatives are alleged to have put polonium in his tea. the report found that putin probably ordered it or knew about it. the eurasia group. i'll begin with you cliff, what
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do you think about the center of the british inquiry? >> when an official british inquiry comes out with an allegation that prime minister cameron takes seriously, says-- reconfirms his suspicion of state-sponsored action by russia, calls it an-- that action an extraordinary breach of international law, that's something we have to take seriously. look, i can't pass judgment on what mr. putin did or what he didn't do, but this is a serious finding which the international community has to take seriously. >> rose: what do you think about this? you have met the two operatives that are accused of having committed the crime. >> well, the report by sir robert owen, who is, obviously, a brilliant lawyer, is basically a brief for the prosecution. it make makes some very solid p. it speck laits the connection with putin is pure speculation. what is missing and what
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disturbs me the most is he has not established the crime scene. >> rose: and doubt in your mind that he was poisoned by someone, and it killed him? >> there's no doubt in my mind that he took a poison. i don't think he committed suicide. it could have been accidental. it could have been-- we do not know. we don't have a crime scene, we have no witnesses, we have no facts. we basically have theories, and robert owen's theory is pretty good, although i don't know how-- the way he connects it to putin i think is ridiculously. >> rose: cliff? >> look, a brief for the prosecution? i don't really think so. this is an independent british inquiry, independent british body. and moreover,un, look, prime minister cameron is not somebody who goes around town pulling firealarms. the u.k. establishment isn't looking for a fight here. they got this report. it has a lot of circumstantial
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evidence. >> rose: tell me your theory of the case. >> basically a man is dead. he is dead because he injected the poison. it wasn't just the russian, lugovoy. >> rose: one of the people accused of doing this. >> i saw him on the ninth anniversary of the poisoning and we discussed this, but others had a motive. >> litvinenko was investigating the russian mafia, the ukrainian mafia, spanish corruption. he was a whistleblower but he was a whistleblower where a lot of people would like to silence him, including the russians, so i don't think you can make that leap. >> rose: rem koolhaas is one of the most influential architects working today. some of his most notable projects include the headquarters in beijing, the seattle central library, and
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casa de musicico in portugal. in the past two two more of his buildings have opened, the garage museum of contemporary art in moscow. some people suggest you work more like a theorist or a conceptual artist than an architect. do you say, yes, that's right? >> i would say that we operate in a very wide range of things -- >> the world of ideas is where you start. >> yes, but i think at the same time, you see that in the world around us, kind of fewer and fewer professions can retain their previous identity, and that there are many streams are getting blurred. and i'm benefiting from the fact that currently, people are willing not only to consider a predefined profession or a predefined territory or a predefined role, but are willing to kind of experiment and kind of see how things can be
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combined or redefined or reinvented. >> rose: you have also resisted the idea of a single aesthetic. >> i've tried to. >> rose: i mean, some would argue that's what frank has done, and others have done. they have a single aesthetic. you may disagree with that, but some would say that. you resist that, even allowing anybody to think that. >> we think that architecture is a very interesting combination of imposition and yielding. >> rose: imposition? >> and yielding. you yield to an environment. you yield to a context. you also impose, but anyway, you also absorb givens from it, or you absorb kind of certain needs that exist in a certain place. for this reason, i think there is maybe a kind of subtle tee that means we need to be different in every case because every case is different. >> rose: if i went to beijing with a group of architects and i shows them, would they
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say that's koolhaas. i know that's koolhaas. >> that was a huge challenge and i tried to accept every part of the challenge, and, therefore, it isa the kind of building that has not only one dimension, it's not only a shape. it's also an organization. it's also a kind of feat of engineering. it's also -- >> it is a feat of engineering. >> it's also an identity that is not stable. it's also a building that looks completely different from every side. so it's a very complex entity, and perhaps people would recognize that complexity as a characteristic in the end. >> rose: lauren groff is the author of "fates and furies." it is her third novel, and according to the "wall street
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journal," it made more year-end best-of lists than any other work of fiction. president obama called it his favorite novel of the year. it revolves around two very different views of a marriage. >> i don't have any secrets. i'm an open book. but i resist the idea that in a healthy marriage, everyone knows everything about the other person. i think -- >> i think you're absolutely right. >> it's not healthy. it's not good. one needs mystery within one's self in order to be a functional human being, i believe, things you don't tell other people. >> rose: including your spouse. >> uh-huh. and in fact i think intimacy is much more interesting when there is something held back a little bit. right. you can actually reach a different kind of intimacy when you have your own autonomy. so i guess i was resisting the idea that in order to truly love someone you have to truly know them completely. i don't like that. a lot of this-- a lot of this
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book was resisting the idea -- >> you resist the idea in order to truly love someone you have ow them. >> completely, yes. >> rose: you can love someone you hardly know? >> i think so. i think every time i open a book and read charles dickens, i love that man and i've never met him. so i started this book thinking, you know, i was going to write my own narcissism, and matilte-- >> let's talk about your own narcissism. >> we all have it. >> rose: your greatness. >> no. i have no greatness. but then matilde would be some character i didn't know. and what happened was aides started seeing elements of myself in matilde, that frightened me, frankly. she had so much rage, right, so much rage, and i see this in myself and i see this in a lot of my glendz what could you have rage about? name one thing, one thing you have rage about? >> it's not so much that i'm
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unusual in my rage. it's that women are not necessarily allowed access, open access tour fury. >> rose: wait, wait, stop. >>. >> women are not necessarily allowed open access to their fury. >> right. >> rose: tell me what that means? >> i will tell you an anecdote. so i sat at this table-- not this one, but a different one-- with my friends. we were out having drinks -- >> what were you drinking? >> wine. it's always wine. and i looked around -- >> i thought it would be more interesting than that, exwut butt go ahead. >> champagne. and i thought, you know what, all of you, you are all just boiling under with rage, with so much rage. and as-- as i said this, they all turned on me and they said, "that's so not true." so they got furious they even mentioned their fury. >> rose: and you knew you struck gold. >> and i knew i struck gold.
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because i think we get boxed into these perceptions of femininity. if you scream at someone you conclude b.c.-- i can't say the word. >> rose: yes, you can. >> can i say bitch? >> yes. >> roseis there yes.>> you get . there is so much shaming for female rage. we are human beings like men, but men can yell at other people. >> rose: it is the tale of a british king struggling to keep his throne, a play written in blank verse with lines spoken-- no, it is not a lost work of shakespeare. it is "king charles iii," described as a future history play, and won the olivier award for britain's best new play of 2015. it and its london cast are now
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on broadway. >> he's taken a whole bunch of very commonly held popular perceptions of who these people are, and created the situation of making charles king, and when you read the play to begin with, you think this is quite amusing and quite clever for about 10 minutes, and that's when you think something needs to happen, and that's when charles has the first scene with the prime minister, and you discover that charles is somehow interested in defending the freedom of of the press, and that's a great, dramatic coup. you know, from that point on, you think, this is a play! >> rose: how good a father was prince charles to prince william? >> actually, the two boys have a terrific relationship with their father. i think people like to engine that, you know, they were their mother's children, and that their mother was cruel ripped from them, and their father is this kind of cold, detached,
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bumbling guy who cares more about architecture than his own family, and i just don't think that's true. they think they-- from all the impressions i've gotten and from everything i've read and from people i've spoken to, they're a super close family. charles has been a terrifically supportive and loving father. they absolutely love and adore him as anybody would their father. >> rose: knowing what you know about the life of a royal, would you have liked to-- can you imagine-- would you have any satisfaction in that kind of life? >> goodness, oh, no, no. to me it's like-- it seems like the nightmare. i wroit on instagram, a picture of, "if you play kate for long enough, what point are you kate, will squatter's rights kick in?" my friend wrote back and said, "you can go home in three weeks. kate can never go home." i am the kind of personality to find that very frightening, to wake up in the morning with that sense of vertico, i'm up here
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and i am never going back down. >> rose: my sense would be-- yes-- my sense is that, you know, william, he can do a lot of things. >> yeah. i have huge admiration for him. i didn't think about the royal family very much before this. i was not a particular monarchist, and i'm certainly not a republican. but i've developed a huge sense of respect for the monarchy, actually, particularly our monarchy, it's so specific, and for william particularly. i mean, the way-- you're 14 or 15 years old and your mother dies in this sort of horrific, public, diseks. the grace with which that young adolescent dealt with that situation in the public eye, i mean, it's extraordinary. i mean, i would be in the desert suck peyote still. >> rose: for seven seasons,
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chelsea handler shocked and amused late-night television audiences as the host of "chelsea lately." now she is on netflix, where she is launching both a new talk show and a new documentary series that explores everything from racism to robots. called "chelsea does," it premieres this weekend at the sundance film festival and on netflix on sunday. >> distand up for many years. that's what gave me my career. it was entree into the world of, you know, what i did fair long time. i don't see myself ever doing stand-up gain. i kind of put that hat down. for me, that went with the show and it was two things that kind of worked together. i don't really see myself doing stand-up anymore. i'm not interested. i feel like i did that. i got great at it. and now i want to get great at something else. >> rose: and that something else is film making or-- >> well, i'm doing these documentaries. they're going to be used as kind of a bridge to my new show which will be on netflix in the spring and may, and i wanted to do something tonally to introduce my audience to where i'm going and the direction i'm headed in. do you think this is going to be
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your legacy besides music, thatture brought marijuana to the masses? >> i think it might be one of the funny ones. >> it is good, right? and, you know, it's not a late-night show because it's netflix, and the beauty of netflix it's on whenever you want it. as soon as it's valuable, you can watch it in the morning, in the afternoon, and night. they're available in 190 countries. >> rose: so netflix gave you the opportunity to do documentaries? >> yeah. i went into netflix -- >> and you said to ted-- >> ted, exactly. i said, "ted, listen up." >> rose: "listen up, i'm here." >> i need you to finance my college education because i didn't go. i want to do these four documentaries. go get me great documentarians. >> rose: oh, go get somebody to do it for you. >> i wanted to do it, but i wanted somebody to use the muscles and not be autonomous. in my show i controlled everything. >> rose: do you need to control everything? >> no. are you listening? >> rose: yes. >> okay, tune in.
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>> rose: gut butt you can control gifted film makers, too, if it's your show. >> of course, you can. >> rose: of. >> rose: the fact that you needed outside talent doesn't mean you don't want to control everything. >> all right, pipe down. you're not prong wrong. but i did want them to steer me. steer me in a way that you're challenging me and pushing me because if i was left to my own devices i wouldn't go out and say meet with my ex-boyfriends from 20 years ago in one of my documentaries, or go on a blind date to explore the notion of marriage and dating services. i wanted to put myself in situations i find cheesy and embarrassing. so i actually did rely on them to force me to flex my muscles in a way i was not comfortable flex ago where i had no muscles to flex. >> rose: so you found new muscles. >> di. i found new muscles and i found out working with people who are really good at what they do was a huge license for me to really enjoy a different medium of what i do, to enjoy kind of being create 95 a completely different format.
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so it was a great exercise for me. it was a great, interesting thing, and i got to explore subject they say don't know anything about, and subjects i do. and i'm really proud of it. it's the first thing i've been proud of in a while. >> rose: here's a look at the week ahead. sunday is the first day of paris fashion week. monday is the day congress returns from the martin luther king day recess. tuesday is australia day celebrating the landing of the first fleet in 1788. wednesday is the day iranian president hosan rouhani visits france. thursday is the day that candidates meet in des moines for the seventh republican presidential debate. friday is the 80yth anniversary of major league baseball's hall of fame. saturday is the day the descreen actors guilds awards are announced in los angeles. and here is what's new for your
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weekend: the 2016 grammy nominees album is released this weekend. ♪ don't believe me just watch don't believe me just watch. ♪ don't believe me just watch, hey, hey, hey ♪ >> rose: the new england patriots host the denver broncos, while the arizona cardinals meet the carolina panthers in sunday's nfl conference championships. and david decoff me and gillian anderson return to fox on sunday night in the revival of the "x files." >> where is he! this is just the beginning. >> rose: that's charlie rose the week for this week. on behalf of all of us here, thank you for watching. i'm charlie rose. we'll see you next time.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we begin this evening looking at the n.f.l. conference championships this weekend. we talked to peter king. >> the one thing that really hits me, this will be the first time that they've played, first time, where one has a distinct, huge advantage over the other one. even when they first played, when brady was making his first start in the n.f.l., i think the difference between the two guys was not as stark as it is right now. manning is wounded. he's 39 years old. he's riding off into the sunset, trying to get one last, huge hoorah, and what he needs to do is he needs to rely on the other 52 guys on his team. for 15 years, the other 52 guys relied on him


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