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tv   Charlie Rose The Week  PBS  January 29, 2016 11:30pm-12:01am PST

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captioning sponsored by rose communications >> rose: welcome to the program. i'm charlie rose. the program is "charlie rose: the week." just ahead, donald trump upsets the republican debate. new worries as a virus spreads through the hemisphere. and the documentary that shines a light on the criminal justice system, "making a murderer." >> steven avery spent 18 years in prison for something he didn't do. >> 18 years. >> 18 years. >> d.n.a. had come through indicating that he had not committed the crime. >> law enforcement officers realized that they had screwed up big time. >> rose: we will have those stories and more on what happened and what might happen. >> funding for charlie rose was provided by the following:
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>> rose: and so you began how? >> we're still evolving? >> rose: is it luck at all or is it something else? >> it released it from history. >> rose: what's the object lesson here? >> is society going to step up? >> rose: tell me the significance of the moment. >> rose: this was the week the republican presidential candidates debated without donald trump. authorities cracked down on the armed occupiers of an oregon wildlife refuge. and novak djokovic beat roger fedder in the australian open. here are the sights and sound of the past seven days: syrian peace talks opened in geneva. >> there's confusion over whether opposition forces will attend. >> the zika virus is spreading explosively. four million people could be infected by the end of the year. >> the level of alarm is extremely high. >> 24-day standoff between an
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antigovernment group and the f.b.i. came to a deadly end. >> one protester is dead. the f.b.i. said group leader ammon bundy was tape into custody. >> rose: donald trump skips the republican debate. >> i was not treated well by fox. they came out with this ridiculous p.r. statement, it was, like, drawn up by a child. >> everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. now that we've gotten the donald trump portion out of the way... ( laughter ). >> a record amount of snow must be removed. >> one the biggest snowstorms the eastern u.s. has ever seen. >> rose: the texas grand jury undiets of makers of the planned parenthood video. >> instead of an indictment against planned parenthood, the people who made the videos face years in prison. >> the resident of this apartment complex in northern california ordered to evacuate as this cliff keeps falling into the ocean. >> the navy flying planes that broke the sound barrier. from new jersey to new york, the sounds of sonic booms. >> the house was shaking. >> i was the best thing that ever happened to bernie sanders.
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>> the worst thing that ever happened to bernie sanders is still static. >> can you get me off the hook? for old time's sake? >> can't do it, sally. >> reporter: abe vigoda dies at 94. >> in film and on television for decades, character actor abe vigoda died at the age of 94. >> i only do movies that i know i'm going to have fun. ♪ don't stop believing >> rose: michael bloomberg reportedly considers a presidential run. >> bloomberg's advisers and associates say he cannot believe donald trump's dominance and is troubled by hillary clinton's stumble and the riles of bernie standards. ♪ ice, ice baby. ♪. >> rose: a snow day at the national zoo. ♪ice, ice baby th politics and the 2016eek
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campaign. monday marks the first voting of the election year with the iowa caucus. bernie sanders continues to worry hillary clinton, and donald trump threw another curveball into the race by skipping thursday's republican debate and holding his own event. mike allen has more on that and the week in politics. he is the editor of the playbook blog and politico's chief white house correspondent. mike, let me read, as we begin this-- and welcome. >> thank you. >> rose: let me read from polit tow. donald trump and ted cruz agree on one thing-- if trump wins iowa he might be unstoppable on his way to winning the republican nomination," and they are not alone. >> charlie, monday night we're going to learn two big things from the. the. iowa caucuses. one, is donald trump for real and are polls for real? will trump voters turn out? are they real or are they just-- do they just exist in soundbites. those are the things we're going to see monday night. and the worry, charlie, among
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the republican campaigns that i talked to is that if trump pulls off a win in iowa and after a long stretch of ted cruz strength there, he's showing weakness there. if donald trump has a big night monday night, it it might be very difficult to stop him. you know, charlie, what a momentum-driven process this is. >> rose: so if donald trump wins in iowa then wins in new hampshire, he has momentum going into south carolina, and then he goes into the areas in which he ought to be strong. >> very well put, charlie. i think we might start to see very quickly where things are headed. if these polls are accurate, it's over. >> rose: okay, let me turn to the democrats. as we look at this now, february 1 is monday. if we look at this now, where does the democratic race stand? >> well, the way it stands on paper and academically,
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intellectually, secretary clinton should be fine. but here's the worry, charlie-- barack obama has talked about campaigning in proez, and campaigning in poetry. and people are excited about bernie sanders. he's campaigning in poetry. and he's caught people's imagination, and people are talking about him >> rose: world health officials are convening an emergency meeting on monday to combat what they call an explosive health threat, the mops-borne zika virus moving rapidly through the americas. while its symptoms can often be mistaken for the flu, it is widely suspected of causing birth defects in some and rare cases of paralysis. estimates are as many as three million people could be affected by next year and it may reach the united states by the spring. dr. anthony fauci runs the national ?iewft allergy and
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infectious diseases. >> the critical question is will there be local transmission within the united states? and by "local transmission" what we mean is if i'm in south america or the caribbean and i get bitten with the mosquito and go back, let's say to the southeastern part of the country-- florida or texas or what have you-- and a mosquito bites me and then bites somebody else, and then you get a chain of transmission, that's called local transmission of the virus. that's the thing that one is concerned about. but we feel, given the history of what we have seen with other similar viruses like dengue, that although it is likely we will see these mini little outbreaks, we feel that it is unlikely-- not impossible-- but unlikely that we'll see an extensive, explosive outbreak in the united states the way we're seeing in south america. and, again, you don't want to be cavalier about it. it's not a guarantee, but history with these types of virus tells us it's unlikely
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we'll see an explosive outbreak. >> rose: and what is the history that teaches that you? >> well, for example, take dengue, charlie. dengue has been in south america for several years, as well as chicken gunya in the caribbean. there are millions of cases of dengue. the same mosquito that transmits dengue transmits zika. zika and dengue are of the same class of virus. yet, over so many years of these viruses lapping on the shoarlz of the southeastern part of our country, we have not had major outbreaks of dengue. they've always been contained and controlled by vector control-- namely, addressing the mosquitoes. so there's no guarantee that we're going to have that situation with zika, but it is likely that we'll see the same sort of thing. >> rose: dr. margaret chan, the director general of the world health organization said, "the level of concern is high, as is the level of uncertainty. questions abound.
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we need to get some answers quickly." what are the questions and what are the answers that we need ton? >> well, the first question that's really a very important question is what is the nature of this relationship between infection of pregnant women and the birth defects that are clearly temporally and geographically associated with the major increase in zika is a major increase in seeing these birth defects. whether or not there's cause-effect there, that's one of the big unknowns. is it zika alone that's doing it? is it something else that's doing it, along with zika being there and it has nothing to do with zika? or is it zika virus sinner guying with-- synergizing with something else causing it. that's the big unnine because if you put aside the situation and the problem and the issue with pregnancy, when you're dealing with a pregnant woman, that's where the real concern, is but that's also where the big
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unknown is. >> rose: so with all this scare and concern and risk of spreading, what does someone, "a," who is pregnant, or someone who is concerned do? >> well, that's very clear with regard to pregnant women. because of the fact that there are unknowns and this very strong association with developmental defects of the brain in fetuses of women who are infected during pregnancy, the recommendation for our c.d.c. and their guidelines is that if you are a pregnant woman or thinking of getting pregnant or are not sure that you are pregnant, that you should seriously consider putting off travel if you intend to travel to the involved regions in south america and in the caribbean. so the recommendation is to hold off-- travel and not put yourself at risk until this is straightened out.
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>> rose: "fighting isis" is a new special report airing this weekend on hbo. it takes viewers to the shattered country of iraq, to the front lines of the fight against isis. and we hear people making an argument that iraq is a bigger threat to the united states today than before the american invasion. ben anderson is the correspondent. jackson fager is the cinematographer. >> if you captured me or either of my friends what, would do you? >> he said it with utter conviction. and i said to myself, i'm not going to shake hands with these guys at the end of the interview. i didn't with the first two. he got up and shook my hand and said, "i wish we had more time to speak," very politely, but i have no doubt that he would have killed me. >> rose: what happened with the maliki government that so
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infuriated the sunni tribesmen in the anbar province that they were more willing to deal with isis than with the maliki government? >> well they, got nothing from baghdad after being essential in the fight against al qaeda. >> rose: right. >> and not only did they get nothing. they got persecuted. i mean, people talked to us about regular raids. if something happened, the young men would be rounded up and sometimes tortured by the baghdad government, so they were wide open on isis. and isis' rapid and easy spread wouldn't have been possible without such a huge chunk of the population being so disenfranchised. >> rose: they had to see the threat of isis. >> the christian refugees we interviewed said they were great to begin with. >> rose: to begin with? >> "they were very polite to us, "said hello, then their true colors started to show. young girls began to be abducted and that's when people started to flee. >> rose: what's the status today on the ground in iraq?
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>> you have the kurds who have had success against isis and fighting for their own independent states. you have the iraqi government controlled areas, controlled by the militias, and created and funded and sometimes commanded by iran. and they put out a joint statement saying if the u.s. returns to iraq, we will fight them. so not only is there no coordination. they are openly hostile to us. >> rose: there is no coordination through the iraqi government. >> the iraqi government is giving them all of the stuff which we give to them. so we're indirectly supporting and arming the militias who are often guilty of the same crimes as isis. there are a lot of people talking about what is happening in iraq. there aren't actually a lot of people going there to see it. >> rose: you used to do this alone, taking your own pictures. tell me how you two work together as a team, jackson. >> there was a lot of pressure on me because ben goes to these places alone. right off the bat, i was like, man, he can do this by himself.
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i better make this good. i handle the camera and sound work and try to make it as easy as possible for him. >> rose: and do you come out when something is really great and say, "did you get this?" >> i mean the most important thing is-- ( laughter ) we got it. we definitely got it. >> i hate that question. i hate that question. >> rose: "did you get it?" >> yeah, especially when i didn't get it. >> rose: "i just did my job, did you do yours in? >> i can't overstate the importance of which things are happening and it's chaotic, knowing you have someone next to you covering the sound as well as the pictures and that's vital. >> rose: arthur miller's "a view from the bridge" is once again on broadway. it is the tragic story of eddie car bone, a long shoreman on the brooklyn waterfront. over the years the role has been played by many but this time it's played by mark strong. >> it's hard to say why a
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character speaks to you. it's instinctive. it's something i just felt. i knew who this guy was. i knew how i wanted to play him. i knew from what i had read what kind of a guy i thought he is, and them i read. it. i had never seen the play. i had read it at university, but them i lobbied into it, and i realized he's played one way, but i read something a little bit different and thought i'd really like to have a go at that. >> rose: you described this as a slow-motion car crash. set up the play so we understand why it's a slow-motion car crash. you're a guy who works on the docks in late 40s, early 50s? >> yeah, it would be early 50s. he's a longshoreman. he is married and has his wife's sister'sister's daughter, who hs been bringing up since she was a baby herk niece. and they live together in a tiny apartment and it's been going pretty well. when we meet them, the girl is now 17. she is kind of on the cusp of
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womanhood. and we learn that two sicilian immigrant, cousins of his wife, have been invited to stay in the house because they have been brought in by the syndicate to work on the doks illegally. one of the young men and the girl fall in love with each other and all hell breaks loose. it was originally called "an italian tragedy "this play, so the italian element is very strong. the idea that eddie wants respect, needs his name at the end of the play, but more importantly, that he's an italian catholic who promise aid dying woman-- and he says it three or four times during the play -- >> the mother. >> the mother of the girl, that he's going to take care of her. and into their lives come this boy that he captain quantify. he works on the docks with guys who don't really speak to each other. his friend lewis says to him at one point-- one of my favorite lines-- "i mean, what the hell, you know?" and eddie relies, "sure." that's how men talk to each other on the doks.
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they don't come talking about buying records and jackets and all the plans this boy has. "you okay? i'm okay? is that heavy? yeah, see you later. they literally didn't really speak with each other. and this articulate boy arrives in their house, has an interest in the girl -- >> he's an illegal immigrant coming in and they've given refuge to him to keep from anybody knowing. >> and the alarmbles go off in eddie's head that he is not right. he is not right for the girl. it is not what he promised her dying mother the kind of guy she would end up with. he might as well be a martian, this guy. >> rose: the internet as we know it is changing and may never be the same.
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the worldwide weap is splintering as countries around the globe look for ways to both control their citizens' access to information and protect themselveses from cyber attacks. that is the premise behind the book "splinternet." it's author is scott malcomson. >> there was no other state that could develop it the way the u.s. could. what happened later and what is happening now as as the internet become so economically and politically and militarily so important, so threatening, the largest states reasserting their authority. >> rose: what impetus about the edward snowden revelations add to this? >> snowden, i believe, at heart, is a geek, and geeks don't want want internet divided. but the effect of these revelations-- one major effect of it-- is that the internet is being divided because russia and china and india and the europeans feel justified in
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taking a much more active role in trying to shape the internet for their own communities and for the world. >> rose: the head of n.s.a., mike rogers, will make the case, i think, what china does that we don't do is we're not acting in the interest of private companies. whereas aspects of the chinese government will encourage and be in favor of corporate espionage, or espionage for the benefit of chinese corporations. the chinese deny that, but that is a deeply felt concern among american companies, and i think the american government. >> i think that's absolutely true. but i think the bigger concern now is chinese companies doing things to benefit the government of china. alley baba is not a tiny little company, or 10 cent is not a tiny little company. it puts all that information into a system which the government controls, which was done at the behest of the government by thyself these companies. the chinese government couldn't do that on its own.
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>> rose: do you think apple is right? >> yes, i think apple is absolutely right, absolutely right. and mike rogers came out in favor of the the other day. he said these arguments over end-to-end encryption not happening, there needs to be end-to-end encryption. >>... said he attacked apple's encryption efforts saying it was not up to silicon valley to decide whether encryption is the right thing to do, that that should not be the decision of silicon valley. >> a corporation has a motivation to make sure that encryption doesn't happen because they have a commercial motivation. the political motivation to censor and do all kinds of things can be extremely powerful. i mean, if you're going to have a plebiscite on every single piece of technology, it's just simply not going to happen. >> rose: at the end of the day, you were saying, rather than trusting the democratic process to do this, i trust a few corporate executives to do
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this. >> i trust a worldwide geek culture that's demonstrated its commitment to open communication across borders for decades. >> rose: in 1985, steven avery was wrongfully convicted of sexual assault and attempted murder. he served 18 years in prison before he was exonerated by d.n.a. evidence. then in 2005, shortly after filing a lawsuit for his wrongful conviction, avery became the prime suspect in the murder of theresa haubagh. his prosecution and eventual conviction is chronicled in a netflix documentary called "making a murderer." the directors are laura ricciardi, and moira demos. >> well, back in november of 2005, we were graduate film students at columbia university
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school of the arts. and steven avery appeared on the front page of the "new york times." and the headline read, "freed by d.n.a. now charged in new crime." and we recognized steven as this potentially unique window into the system, as somebody who had been failed by the system in 1985, and now found himself back in it 20 years later. >> rose: and when you looked at it and looked at his conviction the second time? >> so, at that point he had really just been charged in the murder of theresa haubaugh. so as laura said, this idea that this man who had been failed so terribly by the system and really failed for 18 years-- you know, there had been opportunities for the system to correct itself, and it hadn't. and now he was stepping back in 20 years later, and, you know, in that 20 years, there had been advanced in d.n.a. there had been legislative reforms. there was a lot of talk that wrongful convictions don't happen anymore. this is a thing of the past.
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and we didn't have d.n.a. back then. you know, it was an opportunity to sort of test that theory. so at that point we decided to go into production and we went to wisconsin. we moved there and then documented this new case this, theresa haubaugh murder case, as it unfolded. >> rose: what's the biggest question you have now, having gone through all this, having seen it become a sensation, or much talked about in terms of media conversation? >> i guess a major question i come way wae with is, you know, to what extent are we as a society going to step up and try to -- >> that's what i thought you'd say. in other words, what's it going to take to change the system? >> that's right. and a big part of that is trying to recognize an injustice as it's happening. and to try to interrupt that. because, you know, if we don't do that and if it leads to a wrongful conviction, that also necessarily leads to a wrongful
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acquittal, which means an innocent person is being locked away while the guilty person, you know, is left free. and we see that in the first episode with steven avery and gregory allen, who went on to attack women for 10 years while steven avery was in prison serving gregory allen's term. >> rose: right. >> so i would say-- my biggest question is how can we-- how can we come together on this, you know? because i see a lot of talk in response to this series, people taking sides, debating guilty and innocence, when that's actually not what this series is about. it's about failures within our system and why those are happening and how could we do better? and there is so much that we could unite about or unite over about this. as laura mentioned, a wrongful conviction is a wrongful acquittal. i mean, you don't have to care about the person going to prison wrong flee lee. you should care about, you know, the ill-doer on your streets.
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>> rose: here's a look at the week ahead. sunday is football's pro bowl in honolulu, hawaii. monday are the iowa presidential caucuses. tuesday is groundhog day. wednesday is the opening day of the santa barbara international film festival. thursday is the day president obama welcomes colombian president juan manuel santos for a working visit. ed from is the first dave carnival in rio daniel narro. saturday is the eighth republican presidential debate in manchester, new hampshire. and here is what's new for your weekend: kevin costner and octavia spence rer in theaters in the cuft drama "black or white?" >> louise needs more love than just what her grandfather can give her. >> what she needs is stability,
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especially now since she's lost her grandmother. ( clears throat ). >> one of her grandmothers. >> rose: cary underwood begins her 2016 tour with dates in jackson vm, florida, and duluth, georgia. ♪ standing in your shoes in your bare feet." >> rose: and just ahead on pbs, "american masters" profiles mike nicholss. >> he said to us, "don't try to laugh." to make him laugh was one of the great pleasures. >> directed by his comedy partner, elaine may, take a loving look back at the career of mike nichols, an american master. >> rose: that's "charlie rose: the week" for this week. on behalf of all of us here. thank you for watching. i'm charlie rose. we'll see you next time.
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we begin, of course, with politics because the iowa caucuses are on monday. and we talked to matt dowd, carol lee, al hunt and dan balz. >> the problem for theis, is thd wins the nomination, and hillary clinton clinches the nomination you'll be having people running who are distrusted and not liked by the majority of the country. you pick between the two you really don't like or trust. that opens up the avenue for a third party candidate. >> rose: we continue with scott malcomson talking about the future of the internet. his book is called splinternet. >> there was no other state that could come close to developing it the way the u.s. could. what happened later and what's happening now is that gradually, as the internet


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