tv KQED Newsroom PBS June 3, 2016 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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♪ hello and welcome to kqed newsroom, with the primary election just a few days away, we are devoting most of the program to key california races. and later, kqed editor chloe will join us with her top picks for art offerings. but first, this happened in san jose last night. a trump rally turned violent. trump supporters were attack by protesters. trump said that the disturbance was caused by a small group of thugs. and also making swings through are the democratic candidates.
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polls show hilary clinton and bernie sanders are neck and neck. >> it does not get better than being introduced by barbara boxer in oakland, california. >> i have spoken to 137 californians, and by the time it's over, that number will be well over 200,000. >> joining me now to discuss what to look for is scott sha schafer, and debra saunders and professor james taylor. welcome to you all, thank you for being here. well, scott, you know, hilary clinton was supposed to be campaigning in new jersey this week, but she and bill clinton having as many as 30 planned events in california. what happened here? she was expected to easily win in california and now she is struggling a bit. >> she really is. and four polls are showing it's
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a dead heat. it's a diverse state and for many months, the wisdom has been that blaafrican-american votersd latinos would be in her camp. but bernie is ahead of her in latinos and among asian voters and that is really what happened. it's not about the math anymore, it's about the psychology. she is going to be the nominee, you don't want to limp across the finish line. you want to win. and have a victory lap. so, that's why they are going all out in california. >> why is it for example latino and asian voters are going toward bernie sanders, those were two groups that she won eight years ago during the first run for president? >> there's the same generation divide that we have seen in other groups. they are excited about the message that bernie sanders has
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on income inequality and student debt and all that kind of stuff. they see him as an authentic person. the clintons are old in california. they have been on the ballot three times. he is the hot ticket. >> he is the donald trump of the democrats. >> i mean, everyone is expecting hilary clinton to win the nomination and democrats don't like hilary clinton. they didn't like her in t2008 when she was supposed to win and she didn't and now that she is just about to close the deal, people are looking at bernie and saying, he voted against the iraq war, he didn't. he wants to go after the big bank, she is scripted and he sounds real. that is why hilary is in california instead of taking a victory lap. >> i agree. hilary realizes that california will be the narrative after she leaves.
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if she crosses the line here, she can convey that she won a large diverse state with democratic, you know, strong base, jerry brown on down to the, you know, down the ticket, the especially dids are strong ear in california. you know, she'd be able the sort of catapult herself in the national campaign from california and saying i am the person that can defeat donald trump, because i won big states. diverse states. west coast states and the latino vote will be important. the woman's vote is going to be very important. and the african-american vote, i think will all be very important in different places throughout the country. >> let's take the reverse of that, what happens if she doesn't win california, as scott mentioned, it's a psychology game at this point. >> i think, one of the clinton insiders recently wrote an article on the "wall street journal" that hilary clinton could be the nominee. and bernie sanders could come
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out on top, if she crosses over and wins in new jersey, she will put the best face on that. but in the meantime, she limps out. the thing that he does well, is draw attention to a flaw. that's the only thing he does well. and he does it so much. any mistake that hilary's campaign will make. donald trump's campaign will jump on it. >> it will help bernie fight up to the end. they are beginning to consolidate votes and get behind hilary clinton. that said, i think that after the convention, california's primary, whatever happens is going to be quickly forgotten. >> who ever would have thought it would be this close with the especially dids instead of the republicans. nobody proteedicted this. >> i want to make sure we get to the republicans, too. trump is the presumptive nominee there and you did a story about how his candidacy is affecting
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their efforts to broaden their base. let's look at the excerpts from that. >> a california republican convention gets little if any med media coverage. but when they gathered recently, it got the attention of journalists and hundreds of protest protesters. >> this country is by diversity and racial justice, it's not about white supremesy and it's not about hating muslims. >> most of the demonstrators are here to protest donald trump's message, he is the key note speaker at today's lunch. >> this is my donald trump piniata, it was full on friday, and it's empty. >> the gop has been struggling to line up behind the apparent nominee. >> here's the washington post today, the time has come to
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admit that they want donald trump as their nominee. you see that? >> not everyone agrees. >> he is taking a detour around barriers to get inside and trump joked about illegal immigration. >> that was not the easiest entrance i have made. my wife called and said, there's helicopters following you and we did, and we went under a fence and through a fence. oh, boy, felt like i was crossing the border, actually. >> trump was not the first choice of the party elite and mainstream members, he is striking accord with many rank and file voters. >> i'm a woman and i support him, i think his rhetoric will change once he gets to the national nomination. >> bobby mcginnis, said that trump will rebuild america. >> he has not been perfect about everything that he had to say, but i feel women in the end want somebody that will bring back america and bring jobs back. >> okay, scott, how is trump's
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candidacy affecting the cafe gop? >> when we did the package it was the end of april and before the indiana primary. and there was a robust stop trump movement in california and you will the air went out of that balloon, there's a lot of grinning and bearing what is going on for the most part, they have accepted that he will be the nominee. where is all the energy going? there are people in the infrastructure of the republican party, operatives and others that will not support donald trump and are very dismayed about the fact that he will be at the top of the ticket. i think they will now turn to protecting vulnerable republicans at the congressional level and legislative races in the senate and the assembly. they will, you would put a face on uniting and i don't think -- i just don't think there's going to be uniting for the republicans at all. >> paul ryan stepped in after weeks of reluctance. >> and at the same time, mitch
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mcconnell comes out and criticizes his criticism of the governor of new mexico. >> scott was talking about what that weekend was like in burling game when donald trump came, and the trump people were victorious. i talked to the people at lunch. they were latinas and muslims and a lot of white people too, but they really are excited about him. and then, all of a sudden, indiana, indiana hads and ted cruz gets out. and kasich, he did not have a chance of winning delegates and he got out that. there's people not happy with donald trump, but what are you going to do? he is the top choice of the voters. i know i'm waiting until october to decide to wait for trump or gary johnson, the libertarian. >> maybe some republicans and some democrats go for the
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libertarian ticket. the former governor of new mexico is there. and it's going to be interesting, it will be the ralph nader of 2016, perhaps. >> if we end up with donald trump and hilary clinton on the november ballot, which most likely be the scenario. how likely will voters from either party will cross over and vote for another party in protest? >> i was thinking of a scenario where that would happen. i don't see a lot of cross ticket joining if you will. but if you look at the numbers of hilary and bernie compared to trump, it seems that if anything, there's a segment of trump voters that will jump over to bernie and that don't support hilary, in other words, if you put hilary and bernie up against trump, there's a segment of people that seem to go over to bernie, that, that are not there for trump later. so, about 10% points that seems like, bernie does 10% points
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better than hilary. >> can i say, it would be fun to see a trump/sanders race, if they were the nominees, that would be interesting. >> probably not going to happen. that would be a stark choice. i actually think bernie sanders has gotten something of a free ride. bernie is not attacking him and hilary is not attacking him for different reasons. the republicans would love him to be the nominee. >> he came to the chronicle, he came, to his credit, and hilary clinton did not and either did donald trump. but his answers are under wom underwelming. he does not have answers for what he will do in the white house. i think most democrats will come home, i think -- and this is a killer, as a republican, this is the year when there was so many good candidates in the race, and hilary clinton is not really popular. she is vulnerable. the party could have just walked away with it.
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>> she lucked out. >> she did luck out with donald trump. >> or ted cruz as the second choice. >> exactly. >>. >> how desperate do you have to be for him to be the second choice. >> let's talk about voter turnout. according to recent data the number of voters that are stating no party preference is increasing. this year, 23.9% are declining to vote as republicans or democrats, declining to register we should say. that is up from 21.3% in 2012. nearly quarter of the voters do not want to side with either of the parties. what does that tell you? >> i think the number is low. if you watch the way people are turning on parties, it's spriedsisprieds i -- it's surprising that number is not larger. >> some polls show it to be as
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high as 40% nationally. and it's been 36 democrats, 31 republicans and then the rest undeclared. >> the california, nonpartisan, nonparty voters lean toward the democratic party. if you look at the field poll, 65% support hilary over trump and 33% are sanders over trump. they are not affiliated as a party, but they lean toward the democratic party. >> it speaks to a two party system that has to be discussed. people are frustrated with the system. bernie and trump are a symptom -- if they are symptoms of other things, it's a symptom of giving limited options. >> what does it say about the two parties. the two worst people running in the race. i mean -- i'm sorry. >> hilary clinton, if anybody
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had said that these would be your choices who do you like? they would be really low on the list. so, the parties really have failed. >> i would disagree on hilary, and agree on trump. and he was able, because it was a large field, he got his segment of the vote and there were enough people in the race long enough that he got the nomination. clinton, let's not forget, she began with a favoritable rating. it has been going down because of the e-mail stuff and trust. she has a big problem with trust. >> and there's a reason she has a problem with trust. and the fact that she could actually possibly lose california tells you everything. that obviously, if people -- i think if people had it to do all over again, i like the idea of a do-over by the way. >> what would happen if california was in february or march? >> the presidential race, big deal and in california, we have the senate race going on, we will talk about that as well. and let's take a look at, what they said recently in a debate,
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and scott, you were on the panel for that. beginning with what some of the candidates said about the issue of imgragz. >> i support comprehensive immigration reform, and a crucial component of immigration reform. vast numbers of american workers are under wage pressure because of 1.3, 1.4 total immigrants coming in. >> here's what i would do, pass comprehensive immigration reform. secondly, invest in education. s.t.e.m., the arts also, but without putting on that student loan debt on our kids. and so, free community college. and infrastructure. transportation. conveying water to all californians. >> i don't support minimum wage that makes people unemployed.
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there's people on the stage that do. the minimum wage that was done in california, it's a raise for unions and unemployment in the central valley and other places where it's too high. >> scott, you were one of the panelists at the debate. how much will the competing messages resonate with the voters? >> they are competing with the presidential stuff, and the sharks and the warriors, it's not getting through at all, really. you see it in the polls where there's large numbers of undecided voters, they tend to be republican, and a third or more of the voters have not made up their mind. the republicans are not well known at all and their message is not getting through. >> there's no a-list for republicans. there's not been a republican holding statewide office in how many years? >> in 20 years. >> there's not any named candidates out there. the biggest names are in washington. mccarthy and royce, they have leadership positions that they worked decades to get, they are not going to work away from them.
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>> and because of that, they can't raise money. if you are not raising money, and you are not on tv, you are nowhere. >> another reason that people have not made up their minds, it's which liberal democrat will win the race? you have loretta sanchez, she is rayon, she is orange county, and she is a little more loose lipped. and then you have three republicans that are running against each other, they are all great guys. but they are all single digits. and i think that it's sort of hard for people to get really excited when you know that two like-minded people will run against each other in november. >> i want to take a moment and go back to the debate and hear what they had to say about the issue of gun control. >> not at the federal level, i would leave it up to the states to decide what they wanted to do, and here in california, they have the second toughest law of any state in the country and i think the laws, if we implemented them would do the
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job. they said that for the $24 million asked for, she'd get guns out of the hands of criminals and people with mental disabilities. she is failed to do the job. >> it's unfortunate that we are playing with facts. the department of justice has taken 10,000 guns out of the people who are illegally prohibited from having them under my leadership. and we have brought real resources and put special agents on the street to take guns out of the hands of those prohibited from doing that. let's not play around with real human lives when we are talking about these issues. >> james harris has been criticized for not moving quickly enough on officer involved shootings as attorney general. could that hurt her? and how do you think she is viewed by voters? >> she is viewed favorably and has been for some time. especially liberals and progressives. conservatives absolutely not and
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law enforcement back here in san francisco, going back to the killing of the officer, absolutely not. she will not be hurt in the long run. she is a democratic darling, she's the female barack obama. the way they pitched her. it plays well for her. >> the two democrats will be in the run-off in the fall, if you have trump at the top and no republican on the ballot for the senator, if i were a down ballot republican in a vulnerable district, i would be worried about turn out. >> i think you will see a lot of republicans voting for loretta sanchez in november, if they pit harris against sanchez, people look at harris, she is a very visible, very visible democrat, barack obama said she is the hottest attorney general in the country. people think she has the white house in her dreams when she goes to bed at night. this is a chance to tstop harri.
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>> a lot to watch. thank you all. ♪ [ opera singing ] san francisco opera kicks off the season with a modern and edgy take with a aubeloved clasc car mond carmon, these are shows that the whole family can enjoy. chloe is back with her top picks. hi, good to see you. >> nice to see you too. >> good to see you, let's start with san francisco opera, those that love the classic, this is not the carmen they remember. >> it's not your grandmother's
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or any elderly's version of carmen. it's paired down, and hyper sexualized, and created for the stage by a bad boy director. and in fact, we have a clip for our viewers to watch. let's take a look now. [ opera singing ] >> so this version of the opera focuses on sort of male sexual aggression against women. at one point, there's a flag that is hoisted on a flag pole and the flag comes down and suddenly there's a woman up there that has been hoisted up there, it's pretty powerful stuff. >> and in fact, there's male nudity in this, which is rare for an opera. >> a few moments, but you don't often see that on the opera stage, for sure. >> carmen, a gritty version of it. >> a gritty version absolutely. it's a wonderful version.
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if you don't get to see it at the opera house on july the 2nd, you can see it for free at the ballpark. it will be simulcast there, it's a lovely time, you can enjoy the opera in the open air. >> it's a popular event. >> speaking of nontraditional performances across the bay in oakland, there's a walk through music event with all kinds of musicians and sound artists doing a lot of things all at once. >> yes, this is the garden of memory event. it happens every mid summer night, been going on for many years. it's a tuesday night, the 21st, and audiences can wonder through this beautiful, historic and witness a bunch of different artists in different nooks and crannies, experimenting with sound and music. let's take a look and listen. ♪ yeah, this is really a fun
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event, and there are many dozens of different artists involved each year, many come back year after year, and then some just once or twice. >> what artists should we look at? >> they make all the instruments themselves. and there's going to be a performance by dylan mattingly, he is a 25-year-old composer and he is local and he is doing really great things. the moment he is playing imp improvised solo cello, i believe. >> and we have an exhibition at the water's institute and lora owens took over the space. she embedded ten paintings behind the incredible handmade wall paper. so -- >> we are looking at it now and you cannot tell where the wall paper starts or ends or where the canvas is. >> so you are wondering, where
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is the work of art? is it the work behind the wall paper or is the wall paper that is the most important to look at. there's cell phone numbers that are embedded in, and you can text a question to the wall paper and it will answer you. i texted will donald trump become president and a male voice came out and said, it's going to be a tight race. >> that's pretty funny. >> all right, if you are looking for a sense of community. head to the south bay, mountain play has the perfect combination of classic musical play in an awesome setting. >> it's morin, it's a wonderful company, mountain play that has been putting on productions for 103 years and a classic 1957 musical, westside story, they are doing this production. it's the second time in the company's history that people have been able to see this show. it's a lively production. it's got some seasoned pros in
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it and up and comers and it's a great time. you can hike up there or take the bus if you like and enjoy the sunshine, and of course, bring your sunscreen. >> bring something for a picnic too. >> all right, from a big stage to a big public performance project, we have got the local band loop, it has something massive in store. >> they are a fantastic local dance company. and they are collaborating on a project that will bring to life an enormous wall on the wall of the law school. you will see dancers, jumping off the side of it and dancing on the vertical plain, there's going to be visual art and spoken word poetry and music, it's about the mid market neighborhood, and looking at the change of the neighborhood. >> can you imagine the body strength and finally i want to talk about it quickly. if you are in the mood for a comedy, a funny song writing duo will be coming your way. the night of the concord, they
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are a great comedy pair. they are swooping on the bayier as part of the tour. you can catch them on the 27th of june. they are going down to the shoreline on the 28th. >> and they are charming. geeky and charming and fun to watch. >> one of my favorites. >> chloe, our senior arts editor, thank you very much. >> it's a pleasure, thank you. >> does it for us. thanks so much for watching. for more of the arts coverage, go to
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