tv Charlie Rose PBS September 9, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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. >> rose: welcome to the program, we begin again this evening with politics and a conversation with a "washington post" dan balz in washington. >> the degree to which he tapped into kind of the resentment, the grieveances that they have, the fact that they have done far less well with this recovery than people better educated and certainly more affluent, and yet it's like it's flipped now. and he needs either a huge turnout, a bigger turnout from that constituency than we have seen in the past, or he's got to solve the problem with college educated. >> rose: one or the other has to be big. >> yes. >> rose: also this evening ian bremmer of eur asia talking about g20 and president obama's for en-- foreign policy legacy. >> there is no question that obama with the chinese have shown they can work together on areas of mutual interest and climate is one of those
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long-term areas. but i don't think you can say there has been big breakthroughs here from the americans, from the chinese or from the g20 as a whole. obama is going to have to look to other places for his legacy. >> rose: and we conclude with mike allen of "politico" talking about a new venture. >> "politico" is based on the inside out strategy. the inside out strategy is the opposite of what i did when i was at time or the post or "the new york times" there. i took what people like you were talking about, took what you learn-- i learned if my sources and translated it for my mom in wilsonville, oregon. "politico" did the opposite. they wrote with intentionally for the senator, for the chief of staff, for you. >> rose: charlie rose from washington next. funding for charlie rose is provided by the >> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by the following:
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>> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide. captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: we begin tonight with politics. a new president will be elected two months from today. the race appears to be tightening with polls showing donald trump making up ground on hillary clinton. the candidates squared off last night in a commander in chief forum about national security. clinton vowed not to bring troops into iraq ever again while trump said he would have a plan to eliminate isis in the first 30 days of his administration. the event was viewed as a preview of some kind of their highly anticipated debate later this month. joining me now in washington is dan balz, is he chief correspondent at the "washington post." and we are once again pleased to
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have him here. welcome. >> thank you, nice to be back. >> rose: of 0 days and counting. >> and counting down. and we had the first week after labor day. >> we have. and it's been an interesting week. the polls look tighter than they had in august. we have had the first semiencounter of the two candidates. an as you say-- a kind of a preview of the debate but not really because they weren't on stage at the same time. so it will be a quite different dynamic. but the race, always after labor day as much as has come before, things become engaged in a different way. we have seen hillary clinton out much more talking to the press which she hadn't been doing. >> rose: not a full-fledged presses conference but on the plane. >> she is more accessible than she has been. getting criticized for that. donald trump is trying to stay scripted with tel prompters. >> rose: is he better on the campaign trail in terms of what he has to do? >> i think he is. i think it's a function probably of the new team that he brought on last month. >> rose: kellyanne conway.
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>> an steve bannon. and now david bossi. and i think that what they have done is they have in one way or another calmed him down when he's out be the stump. he's less extemporaneous and therefore less given to saying things that have gotten him into trouble in the past. i don't know that he can keep that up for 60 more days. >> rose: but the effort is to try to get him on message and stay on message in terms of element-- elements of change and how he would be different from her. and make the issue her. >> yeah, they want to make this campaign about change. and if it becomes a campaign about change, he's in a much better position than if the campaign about him. almost everything we've seen up to now suggested that this was likely to be a referendum on donald trump an that's kind of the worst possible situation for him because the more that focuses on him, the more people are reminded of the things he has said and done over the last year and a few months. so if he can keep going after her, and if the focus becomes her, he's in a belter position.
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but we should step back from all of that. the electoral college is still difficult for him. he has fewer paths to 270 electoral votes than she does. so there are these kind of underlying realities that go along with what the candidates do as they perform. >> rose: and the demographics favor her. >> the demographics definitely favor her. and i think the biggest single factor that is different in this campaign and a real problem for donald trump if he can't solve it is white college educated voters. they have been a republican constituency. mitt romney won them with 56% of the vote over president obama four years ago. donald trump is losing that group at this point. we did a 50 state poll with survey monkey the online polling in silicon valley. we found that in most of the states, she is ahead among white college voters. and particularly among white college educated women. >> rose: and they are in the suburbs in part. >> in part in the suburbs and they're everywhere. it's not as though they are just
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in blue states. >> and that constituency, if he cannot make influentials into that constituency, he is unlikely able to put together a winning combination. >> what has been interesting, charlie, is throughout the primaries, much of our focus was on the trump constituency which is to say white blue clar voters. >> rose: right. >> and the degree to which he had tapped into-- . >> rose: noncollege educated. >> right. the degree to which he had tapped into the resentment, the grieveances they have, the fact that they have done far less well with this recovery than people better educated and certainly more affluent. and yet it's like it's flipped now. and he needs either a huge turnout, a bigger turnout from that constituency than we have seen in the past, or he's got to solve the problem with college educated. >> rose: one or the other has to be big. >> yes. and perhaps some combination. >> rose: and we don't know how to measure the discontent. >> no, we don't. we know it's out there. one measure is that you know, the right track wrong track
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which is a standard measurement in survey research has consistently been, people say we're on the wrong track. but that's been the case for years, for many years. and barack obama was re-elected with that. i think you have to take that measurement with some grain of salt. but one of the things we did in our 50 state poll is we asked people, do you think that this election will do anything to solve the political divisions that exist in this country. and in every state doesn't matter whether it is a red state or a blue state, people said very little. it will do very little or nothing at all to solve that. there is a sense already that this election is not going to resolve that fundamental problem that we've been talking about. >> rose: that exists in washington. >> the gridlock and the causes of the gridlock. the red blue divisions that have brought about that gridlock. >> rose: so this election will not perhaps likely to make a
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difference so that somebody come in, as obama came in promising that he could heal that problem. >> people will promise it. hillary clinton has talked about wanting to reach across the party lines if she's elected. >> rose: that she will schmooz more than obama did. >> right. and i think that that well might be the case am but she will start with a very difficult environment in which to try to do that. >> rose: when you look at how they did in this candidate's forum, it turns out bipolarring that trump does reasonably well with the military. and i think he beats her with the military in some polls. >> question. >> rose: are they voting for what? are they voting for strength? are they voting for leadership? what is it that makes them in a majority favor him? >> i think it is part a traditional republican vote, they have traditionally done better with veterans and military, than dem contracts have. i think trump has, everything that he suggests as a candidate whether it's on foreign policy or other policy is position of strength. make america great.
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america first. all of that message goes to a kind of a muscularity of leadership. now there are great conditions-- questions as we saw last night in that commander in chief forum. there are great questions about exactly what those policies are. does the policy match the muscularity of the rhetoric. i'm not sure it does. >> rose: there are also questions of whether he says what he believes is in fact true. whether he has always been against the iraq war. he did interviews at the time. >> well, we know he wasn't. and our fact checker gave him four pin oakia-- pin oakios last night saying he was always against the iraq war. >> rose: because there were interviews in which he said he did. >> right, and if he wants to say i changed my mind, i think fair enough. but to say i was always against it contradicts the public record. >> rose: but does that matter at this stage? does that matter. >> it's a great question, charlie.
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i mean these are two candidate was have been out in public, hillary clinton for a quarter century and donald trump has lived on television for the last 15 months. everything he has said has been parsed and examined and fact checked. we know all of the things that he has said that have offended people. we know all of the things that he has said that damaged his opponents in the primary. he's an open book. is he not unexposed. so when things are said at this point, i don't know how much difference they make, you have to think that most voters at this point have a reasonable idea of where they're going to end up on november 8th. but still because you know, we know that these are two unpopular candidates, one factoid from our 50 state survey is interesting. 95% of the people across the country think either hillary clinton or donald trump or both would be a threat to the well-being of the country. now when you have-- .
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>> rose: how many? >> 95% say-- . >> rose: they think they will be a threat to the well-being of the country. >> either they say that of donald trump or hillary clinton, i think it is 20% say of that both of so these are two candidates that people are going to vote for with some reservations. we know that. and we have tried to measure it in a different way and we came out with this fascinating, although you know, depressk kind of answer, that that is the view that people have. so people are conflicted. people are in many cases voting for the least unattractive choice. >> rose: and does that say our politics are broken? >> oh yes, i think there is no question that our politics are broken. but i don't know that they are easily put back together. i think there is a kind of, it's kind of pie in the sky to think an election is going to solve that. my pal ron brownstein has talked about this phenomenon more articulately than i do. but we're in the middle of a big transformation in the country. we know that dem graphically,
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culturally we're seeing things change at a rapid pace. there are some people comfortable with that, there are a lot of people uncomfortable with that. >> rose: those people not comfortable are voting with trump. >> the people less comfortable are in the trump camp and the people more comfortable are part of the obama coalition and with hillary cln ton. >> rose: part is the diversity of the country. >> the diversity and how that is affecting the which we live. and-- . >> rose: and how we work. >> and how we work. >> rose: or don't work. >> every corporation is dealing with this. every education system is dealing with this. the media is dealing with this. our pom particulars is a reflection of that. it's not simply that the politics is an ent-- absent or separate from that. the politics gets caught up into that. i think that is part of why it's difficult to solve this. so people are-- it's an unsettling time for a lot of people in this country and it makes the politics more intense. and also we know that the way politics is conducted today is much more add ver tair
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are-- add-- adversarial. it creates suspicions and fears about the other side in particular. people who are supporting hillary cln ton have dreat concerns about donald trump becoming president. and vice versa. so whoever becomes the president, there is going to be a reservoir of anti-sentiments on the other side that we've got to deal with. >> rose: you are saying some people look, not withstanding the fact that i don't like dn ald trump as i should like a presidential candidate, i would rather vote for him because i'm simply tired of the way the country has been run. >> that's right. >> rose: and i don't believe it's going to change unless something dramically different. and while he may not be my perfect vessel, he is a better choice than the opposition. >> and i think frankly that's one reason that you see the clinton campaign focusing so much on an effort to disqualify trump in the minds of as many voters as they can. i mean they know that the environment is not as favorable for the continue out or the
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continueation of the democrats in the white house. so they want to make donald trump unacceptable. >> rose: the-- is not in favor. >> exactly right, to win three consecutive terms for the same party in the white house is challenging. and we know that. and we know that while the stock market has done very, very well, we know that gross domestic product has been tep i had at best. -- tepid at best. the second quarter gross domestic product numbers were weak. we know there are a lot of people who, as i said earlier, have been left behind by the recovery. all of that argues in favor of a change. alan a bramo-witz a professor who has a forecasting model called time for change. it is not based on polling but fundamentals. his model predicts that donald trump will win the electionment now alan abramowitz is not favorable tor trump but his model says will within a far row victory. he hopes his model is wrong this
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time because he would rather see hillary clinton. >> rose: what is in his model. >> it is some combination of gross domestic product, an presidential approval and a couple of other things am but it's not based on current polling. now these-- . >> rose: not based on current polling and not reflect of-- reflective of current polling, necessarily. >> no, and there are a number of political scientists who do the modeling. some of them have polling in them. some don't. most of the forecasting that has been done shows that hillary clinton will win, you know, with 51 or 52 or 53%. >> rose: but not a landslide any more. >> no, but there are two models that say done all trump will win, allen's is one of them. >> rose: something, there is something called national polls and that is very tight, within two or three points, correct. >> and then there are state wide polls and where in certain state there is a margin of five to six for her. but it's a wider margin for her in selected states that determine the presidency.
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>> right, right. well, i mean, in a sense, national polls are irrelevant. >> rose: right. >> but we watch them. >> rose: yeah. >> because if the national polls move we know that state polls will move along with it. but campaigns, a big presidential campaign, they don't take national polls. they do not take a poll. >> rose: they look at electoral votes. >> they take a combined poll, battleground states and they do individual battleground state polls. now some of the battleground states have moved. i mean the state of wisconsin, the most recent polling in wisconsin is much tighter than it was a month or psychs weeks or two months ago. >> rose: what was it two months ago. >> well, the market law school poll had-- mar quet law school poll had it 15 points up for clinton and now it's within a handful of points. >> rose: so trump is gaining in that case. >> trump gained there. the polling that he did, that we just did this week or that we released this week show trump in
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striking distance in a number of the mid western states including michigan and wisconsin and actually ahead narrowly in iowa or ohio. >> rose: and those rust belt states are states that trump believes he has a chance because of who the constituency is in part. >> right, those constituencies are older. whiter and more blue clar. >> rose: right. >> and so those are-- but traditionally democrat in some cases. >> right. michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin have voted for democrats in i believe six straight elections. iowa and ohio have been consistently swing states and battlegrounds. so that is a region where he wants to, you know, where he has to do well. he has to win-- he has to win ohio. i think he has to win pennsylvania. >> rose: an she can win the election without winning ohio and florida. >> she can, yes. because-- . >> rose: but he has to. >> it looks as though he has to, yeah. he needs-- i mean his preferred route is ohio, pennsylvania and florida. if he does those three and holds
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north carolina which is a clear battleground, then-- and everything else stays equal from 2012. >> rose: an generally you can tell how the campaign sees these individual battleground states as tho how they spend their money. >> yes, well, although with donald trump, he has spent so little money, this is one of the great anomalies of this election. up to now, hillary clinton has had a huge advantage in terms of advertising spending. >> rose: and how much money she spent. >> yes. and also a huge advantage in laying the ground work for get out the vote operation in those key states. i mean she has spent much more thing in most of these states. he's beginning to spend now. and she has opened many more offices and put more staff and put more volunteers on the ground in those states but the advertising as we've seen almost throughout this election seems to have a smaller impact on voters than it sometimes has in
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the past. >> rose: now there is also a thing called ground organization. traditionally that has been very important to a candidaciment donald trump doesn't have one. >> well, he's counting on-- you know, an organic surge of voters. >> rose: the sheer use of the coverage of him at rallies and interviews. >> donald trump believes that the model he used to win the nomination is a model that can work in the general election. now they are beginning with the help of the republican national committee but also within their own organization to staff up in these states. but his view has been we do big rallies. and we attract a lot of people and we attract a lot of attention and that will generate enthusiasm and we have, i mean in an age of social media, charlie, general rating an operation is different than it was in the past. >> rose: exactly. >> you can reach people in different ways and you can
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communicate in different ways and you can perhaps get them out to vote. >> rose: and you can change coverage and headlines by tweets. >> yes. and that's been very important to him. but sometimes those tweets have gotten him in trouble. >> rose: indeed. emails. every time there is a disclosure it seems to affect her relationship and her polling. is that a fair statement? >> i think that's an exactly fair statement. >> rose: what's to come? what is the talk in washington as to what might be there? that might be damaging. the latest intonation, the latest revelation has to do with colin powell and what he may or may not have said to her. >> right, and colin powell had suggested that what he had said was sent to her much after she had set this up. there is thousand some further evidence that he has emailed with her early in 2009. and that you know she has always
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said she did what others-- in the past. i think that is an argument that can be waged from here until you know two years from now, and the general public will check out of mean i think that's a debate that most people are going to tune out. because they can't-- . >> rose: but you would think they would already tune out except there are new revelations that come out. >> i think part of the reason is that there is-- we know that people do not trust her. we know that there is, for her, the question of how honest and trust worthy she is has been a consistent problem. and i think that every time there's something that comes out that suggests it's different or contradictory to the public record as we understood it, she takes a hit from that. so what's to come, we don't know. i mean the fbi seems to have put out most everything. but you know, i draw an analogy to the clinton foundation. a few weeksogue the clinton foundation announced that if she becomes president, the foundation will no longer take
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contributions from foreign governments. i think they did that thinking that that with help to alleviate concerns. i think it had the opposite feblght. it generated a conversation about well, if it's wrong to do it after she's president, why was it okay when she was secretary of state. why don't they make the change now. why done they just simply disband the foundation. in other words, it raised a whole series of questions, that are difficult questions. and that i think that if she becomes president will have to be addressed beyond what they have already said they will do. >> rose: on the other hand, you now have a foundation issue with donald trump in terms of what contributions may have been made to the florida attorney general. >> you very much do have that. and david far enthold from our staff has been on top of the trump charitable giving case and story for months. and has shown how little donald trump has done in terms of charitable giving. this is a case in which the trump foundation gave a 25,000 dollar donation to an entity supporting the attorney general
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of florida. at the time the attorney general's office was considering whether to have a formal investigation of trump university. donald trump bragged throughout the primaries that he was able-- he gave money to people because when he did, they would respond to him when he needed help. >> rose: always a pleasure. >> thank you, my pleasure as always. >> rose: dan balz from the "washington post." we turn now to other news, other news in the politics of america. and there was plenty of it overseas. president o bma made his first trip to laos and final trip to asia before leaving office. not everything went as planned. ian bremmer joins me now from new york. he is the president of the global risk consult ansi eur asia group and i'm pleased to have him become on this program, welcome. >> g20, obama's trip to asia, how would you assess it.
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>> the big question is how does the united states get better outcomes when it is negotiating position globally is deteriorating. and obama yes, towards the end of this term, that's part of it. but it's broader than that. i mean china always makes it hard on the united states to get what it wants, especially in china's backyard. and that is is only getting more challenging. we saw it, obama leaving out of the bottom of his plane, and sort of you can only take one journalist along with you to a meeting. and all of these things that make the americans look weaker on the international stage than they have historically. the g20 itself, of course,s with not very much. but the direct by lateral meetings-- bilateral meetings, the rush arnes and the turks on the one hand having their bilaterals looking close, the americans also trying to work kurd, tur coeven if that throws the kurds under the bus. o bma and putin with a 90 minute
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bilateral meeting they looked stairing at each other about to get into a cage match and afterwards neither side particularly got what they wanted. this is not a united states that is showing up at the g20 and setting down the rules ansetting up the agenda and getting what it wants. >> rose: well, is it simply a case of the united states losing that dominating factor or is it realization that china is moving into that role? >> i think its a he a little bit of both. i mean there's no question that the transpacific partnership which you and i have spoken about at length over many years, it's the single most important foreign policy initiative that obama has been set up over the last seven years. and it now looks like he may well fail at getting it implemented. that is something that the chinese are looking forward to. and it's something that unnerves america's allies and asia greatly. see a failure of the much say we
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vawnted pivot to asia. and so but a big part of it, a bigger part of it in my view is that china is the dominant economic trading partner for every single country in asia. >> rose: absolutely. >> a bigger part is that their military is growing in much larger degree in asia than america's is. and these countries in the region are going to have foreign policies that reflect that. >> rose: and it's true also in latin america in many cases in which latin american countries certainly the emerging nations, their primary export market is china. >> that's true. although in latin america the more socialist oriented policies of many of those governments have been seen as failing and so you do have more political idea logical movement towards the old washington consensus, certainly in argentina. and we saw that with boo bama's
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trip to beuns airpodes in the last couple of months. certainly with the opening to cuba. we will see that in venezuela as maduro is just stump elling along, breathing his last and even in brazil with the successful impeachment of-- ricep. mexico is the only exception to that trend. but you are of course right that that is happening despite the fact that china's economic influence in latin america continues to grow by leaps and bounds every year. >> rose: and in africa. >> and in africa, the comien ease are the one country that is writing checks. so it's true that if you go to-- and look at the china built and financed african union headquarters, it's falling apart. door nobodies fall off, there is water coming in. it is not high quality build. and so people aren't happy about the fact that they are not necessarily getting grade a stuff. and yet when you ask african
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leaders how do they think about the u.s. government vees a vee china they generally say look, china is spending a lot of money. we would love to see the u.s. more in here. but they're really focused on the military. they're not as to us canned on building out our infrastructure. american corporations are doing a good yob in africa, the gates foundation and many others are doing a great job in africa. but the u.s. government is really seen as counterterrorism, intelligence and security. >> rose: there is this lead story in "the new york times" today. terrifying path of climate crisis weighs on obama. clearly the president would like to see part of his legacy, what he accomplished in climate change, and what he was able to do with the chinese and others. how well has he done? and will it be a commanding legacy of his eight years. >> i don't think so. in part because there are just other issues that are seen as far more urgent in a global
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economy that is moving towards secretary you lar stagnation where the growth is not what most people want it to be in most parts of the world w very little exception, especially with the inequality that's growing. the impact of displacement from global glaiks and technology. these are issues that are coming from many people in the world with power now. where climbate change is affecting many hundreds of millions of people now but they're people that largely done have a voice globally. the wealthier and even the most important emerging markets, climate change becomes a dramatic impact over decades, not over an electoral cycle. so there is no question that obama with the chinese have shown that they can work together on areas of mutual interest, and climate is one of those long-term areas. but i don't think you can say there's been big breakthroughs here from the americans, from the chinese or from the g20 as a whole.
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obama is going to have to look to other places for his legacy. >> rose: and where will that be? >> well, you saw, for example, obama clearly, he's very frustrated that on things like gun control, immigration, at home, that des poit-- despite the fact that it seems very obvious and he's sure is he right, he has vus not been able to get it done. so on foreign policy he's been willing to take some chances. look at the iran deal, look at the cuba opening. look at his trip to hiroshima. i think he is looking for other such things before he leaves office. he would like it to be the successful conclusion of the transpacific partnership at best, had say coin flip right now. but he's going to surprise us on international relations. i will tell you one place that i would the no be shocked at all if after the election and before obama leaves office he decides is he going to recognize pal stein. you know, he has been so focused on wanting to move the israelis
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to a better place. his relationship with netanyahu after a year and a half of kerry trying went nowhere. they're building, continue to build settlements. the two straight solution is dead. israel-pal stein is nowhere on the priorities of the middle east or the europeans right now. the sanctions process in yurp isn't really moving. here is a place where obama could do something that many europeans have already done. he knows hill roe or trump wouldn't do it. and he would have a legacy. i think he's going to do things like that or at least try to. i know he wanted to make a trip to iran. politically that's probably not feasible right now. but that's the kind of thing he's looking at before january you leave us with a tantalizing idea, thank you so much, ian bremmer, back in a moment, mike allen iseer, a fixture in washington political coverage for a number of years. he was at the "washington post."
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he was at the "new york times." he was at time magazine and then he was at "politico" where he had the very popular blog called playbook. he it came out every morning and was required reading from the white house and everywhere else in washington. he left that position and is now forming a new something, what are you doing and how did you make the decision and what should we kpt. >> thank you very much for welcoming me in. i'm a "politico" through the election. i'm honored to be with polit cocoverring the most exciting race in our lifetime, "politico" started with three people, john harris, me and jim van behind. >> robert briton made it possible and now 460 people around the world, newsrooms in brussels in albany, florida, new jersey, virginia rses. >> rose: based on the premise there was a deep interest in pollic particulars withness that's right, when we started
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people thought we were nuts they said we were the "politico." because we couldn't get "politico." so we were like the facebookment and people said "politico" what is that a spanish language website. nobody knew what it was. the gamble then that was contrary to what people said, oh there is so much political news t is overserved, too crowded a space, and john and jim and i said no, people like yourself your viewers are underserved that the coverage isn't fast enough, smart enough, conversational enough, tough enough, an very quickly it showed that there was a huge appetite for more. so i will be with political through the election. >> so you will be with political but back to "politico" because it will give you some indication as to where are you now. st was paced on the in the, also based on the idea that we will cover the political community lining it's not been covered. we'll tell but birth dice we'll
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all gre-- and do original reporting on our hoe, it grew into all of that. >> exactly right. "politico" is based on the inside out strategy. the inside out strategy is the opposite of what i did when i was at time or the post or "the new york times" there. i took what people like were you talking about, took what i learned from my sources and translated it for my mom in wilsonville oregon. political moved intentionally for the senator, for the chief of staff, for you. and the gamble at political was if he tell the white house chief of staff dennis mcduna something that he needs to know, that helps him do his job better. >> rose: you can get it in one place. >> if we are serving him, then around the country there is going to be this massive almost voituristic audience that wants in on that conversation. so charlie, that turned out to be true. "politico's" web traffic much more than 85% of it is outside the beltway.
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because we reach the people who are making the news and then smart, interested, people around the country wat to listen in. >> rose: this was very successful. were you very successful. then you decided, you and jim decided to leave, john harris stayed. >> john is running "politico." and jim is starting a new company t doesn't have a name yet because we don't have au rl. haven't had it worked out the trademark but the idea of the new company is that the smartest people in the world, your viewers, you, that the pedestriania more broadly beyond politics isn't serving them as well as it could. and so the new company is going to take the world, some politics but mostly over topics including business, including tech, including media trends, media consumption. and look at a smarter way to present and deliver news. a game changing hire that the
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new company has. and this week you saw the story in "the wall street journal." "the wall street journal" had a story this week saying that the new company which has been formed by jim and roy schwaltzer, who is the chief revenue officer of "politico," created "politico" pro, the crown jewels of the "politico" business, they have raised $10 million. >> rose: right. >> and are off-- have already started hiring, already working hard at their offices. >> rose: these are the people who provided the money like cannedlettera who backed buzzfeed, who backed huffington post. >> his firm leer hypo. >> rose: comcast have engaged in. >> nbc, andy lack, the president of nbc news and msnbc will be on the board. erica bow from leer hypowill also be on the board. >> rose: but your target audience is? >> the target audience is you, and your viewers and, i was starting to say the game
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changing hire that we had, "the new york times" had a fantastic r & d operation, "new york times" labs and we have been able to hire the two people who ran it. who are going to be our directors of technology and design. so matt boggy and alexis lloyd. and what is great about them, charl ye, and what will be so different about our new business is they have spent nine years studying and experimenting with the architecture of news, how do at are new ways to delivers. news. >> rose: what's interesting about this, it comes as at a time that the idea of how we present and come seum news in the broadest definition, not just about politics, and not just about current events but what is happening this tech and in fashion, and in business, an in sciensz, it all of those areas, great curiosity that has an impact on our life. the broadest definition, how we consume that and how it is presented, we know is an entirely new way of doing that.
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>> that is exactly right. this was the genius of robert who made "politico" possible. and the early band of about 30 people who were there whij "politico" launched ten years ago in january. and the gamble that there is a better way to present news, that there is a more useful way to cover news. as turned out to be true. and that's why political is thriving, "politico" pro, which looks at the policy areas of 13, after starting with health care tech. >> what is interesting too, i was talking to people, we had a panel about apple last night, a couple of nights ago. and everybody there was talking about how bad, for people including henry blojette from business insider who sold his company to axel spring are and who created a very successful company, is how fation he is moving to video. how individual qulo-- video as we look at what happened to "politico," you guys were also getting in video. you are also getting in the
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whole idea of presenting interviews, original content with news makers, as well as simply aggregating and doing everything else. >> that's exactly right. and part of the genius of "politico" and where news organizations, some are thriving and some are struggling is that "politico" always has stuck to journalism that we can be proud of. and that's never changed and john harris in charge of it now, carry brown who did such a great job of helping stand up "politico" europe and is now the editor of "politico," they are doing journalism you can be proud of. that because-- this is a mistake so many of our competitors make. because we have a strong business. because political has-- police koa always aligned at the business and journalistic interests, rather than just going for a big audience or a pot of money. >> rose: thank you for coming. >> treat to be in. thank you, sir. >> rose: back in a moment. catch me up on you, i mean are you now what, 80. >> 84. >> rose: 84. the tennis academy goes strong.
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>> yes, sir, imt academy is going strong. 500 acres, eight sports now, charlie. >> rose: eight sport, not just tennis. >> a thousand full time students. >> rose: men and women. >> men and women. >> rose: you have been inducked into the tennis hall of fame. i think that was 2014. >> yes, sir. >> rose: so what is the secret for you. >> excitement. i love life, i love helping children, charlie. >> to see a child go home with a smile on their face and say i can do it, and they want to come back and do things, being coach of ten number ones in the world, charlie, that is fantastic. but helping people, i'm with theu sca foundation now. giving hope to inner city children. concentrating on their education and character. i will like that. >> rose: how do you teach them? >> i teach them, charlie, first of all to know that you always say i will, i can and i will do
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it no matter what. but what most people do, charlie, most parents today, grade children by their grade. vince lombardi who helped me get started in my first camp said my teams never lost. we just ran out of time. so even though their score dictates the winner, effort can also make you a winner. and parents must understand that, charlie. not did you win, did you get an a. my grandmother when they came home from school said sonny, you a good boy today, yes, grandma. did you listen to the teacher. she didn't ask me how i did in school, charles. >> rose: yeah. >> but she asked me if i tried. and that's a message i think is very important. >> rose: the italians have given you some awards as well, haven't they. >> yes, sir, the italian hall of fame and this week the sons of italy ma made me the
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michelangelo of the week, is he, yir. >> rose: is serena the best woman ever to play. >> we can say graf and martina and christie but overall, charlie, because of her father, crazy richard williams who started the girls at seven and eight years old, he didn't let them play in the tournament. people said oh, you are afraid to bring them out. you need a coach, you need a coach. but carlie, when they came out, look what they did. and i was honored to be part of the williams team for years. charlie, they were taught to run after every single ball. and they said daddy, suppose the ball is out. and the daddy said there's no ball out. but the power, and-- . >> rose: but this is fascinating. he was not a tennis pro. >> no, sir. >> rose: and he didn't bring in tennis pros in the early. >> no, he didn't. he did it himself. and he had a rule, charlie, that when they left the courts, no speaking about tennis. and one time venus spoke about tennis. he made her walk home. the girls are fabulous. they're different players,
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charlie. venus is more beautiful and long strokes and graceful. and serena, i'm going to beat you up. one time we were at the academy, charlie. she got mad and busted a racket, started to walk off the court. i i said serena get your back side out here. she said not even my daddy talked to me that way. came out, but she was a pleasure, charlie. she just played with the men, her and venus, one time tomorrowee haa said oh, you girls got the number one court. so the girls said come on, we'll play with you guys. they went over and they held their own. >> rose: she has, serena, assess her game. >> she is strong. number one. >> rose: physically strong. >> physically. daddy taught both girls to stand very close to the base-line. and hit the ball up on the rise. and go for it. play very offensive. they developed a big serve but in the last few months, their coach or serena's coach has
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added a little defense to serena's game. what do i mean by that? showing a deep ball once in a while. but with serena williams, you hit a short defensive ball, it's all over. >> rose: she's going to kill it. >> it's all over. an her serve is -- but charlie. >> rose: you cannot hit a weak shot to her. >> no, you can't. can't do it. >> rose: give us a tennis primer here. what is it that most average week end players need to-- know, need to learn. >> learn how to read the ball before it crosses. >> rose: exactly. >> that's it, charlie. most people let the ball bounce. >> rose: what the other person is playing. >> do they have spin on it. like charlie, when you warm up with an opponent, you already know what you can do. hit a ball down the center. they take a fore hand, they take a back hand. now you know they don't have a weapon. see if they have pin spin on the ball or hit it flat. when they warm up, their serve, see what they do.
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charlie, you have got to know a little bit about the opponent of what type of ball that they hit. cuz you already know what you can do. >> rose: and what do you tell them about back hand? everybody's troubled by a back hand. most players, regular players, a billion players, a back hand is a trouble some shot. >> well, first of all, it's from the weaker side of your body. but charlie, it's the most natural side because you are hitting away from your body. so the question is do i play one hand, or do i play with two hands. i never say what to play. i look at the person. but the grips today for the one handed back hand, charlie, is no longer an eastern grip, it is way over, why? because you've got to be able to role and have racket head speed. >> rose: you have to do that. >> you have to roll it, man, you got to roll it. but today people say nick, are you teaching a one or two handed
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back hand. i look at the person, charlie. >> rose: and what do you say to them about a fore hand. >> charlie. >> rose: spin it spin it spin it. >> you have to deal of a balanceteri fore hand, baby. >> rose: what is that. >> be able to hit it flat. be able to hit it soon. and also great racket head speed. you cannot guide a fore hand. you have got to have quick hands on contact. and remember, charlie, your foundation is where you get your power and balance. that is why jokovitch is so good, their foundation. >> rose: you mean their core. >> their core, from the waist down, charlie. and when you have good balance and good weight transfer, the same as in golf, you have a chance o be a good player. >> rose: someone said to me once, in tennis people just don't appreciate how important, how important your feet are, and how important your body is. >> it's the whole thing. >> rose: your lower body. >> it's the whole thing. >> rose: feet get you there in participation and your body gives you power.
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>> when you don't have balance, charlie, the racquet head opens, closes. >> rose: but if you have balance. >> you have a chance. >> rose: and you have power too. >> absolutely. >> rose: to move it. >> yeah. >> rose: today are you teaching differently than you did when you taught agassi. >> yeah, i'm teaching more of coming in and taking advantage of any defensive ball. i am teaching differently. and i am teaching to try to play the whole court game today, charlie. not just one segment of the game. >> rose: most of us don't think much about strategy and playing it from, you know, from side to side to side to side. if you think about it, that's what makes the game exciting. >> that's what makes it exciting. that is what makes sports exciting. >> rose: what are you teaching them about serving? >> everybody trying to hit-- excuse me, the majority of people try to hit down on their serve, charlie. you have to be 6 foot ten with
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your arm and raqu et extended to hit down. you want to be fully extended and learn how to pronate with the palm of your hand to the outside. also remember, charlie, the elbow comes down last. >> rose: last, not first. >> rose: and when you come down. >> to follow through, you want a deliberate follow through, but also remember this, charlie, your weight transfer is important a lot of people when they serve are almost moving backyards-- backwards to protect. let your body go into the courted and then come back. do you hit balls much any more. >> i teach a lot but play a lot of golf, charlie. i teach about six, eight, ten hours at the img academy. i love teaching and it has just been fun for me all my life and working with my two new sons. it's just been a lot of fun. >> how many children? >> i have five biological, four grand children and two adopted children. >> you are a good man so what do
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you want people to think about in terms of the balleteri legacy. >> i made an impact on their life, people become a doctor, a lawyer, a god mother that i inspired them to do things that will leave an impact on their life, their children's life. not the champions, charlie. i want to be able to do something for somebody that helps them get through this life, build characters in young boys and girls to be away from drugs and alcohol and have a strong character ka and learn what discipline is, and learn what it takes to be successful. >> rose: character and winner's philosophy. >> absolutely. >> rose: thank you, nick. >> thank you, charlie. >> rose: back in a moment. stay with us. >> . >> a year before i was diagnosed, if you had asked me tell me about your life, i would
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have said blessed, remarkably blessed. and i could have told you a hundred reasons why, terrific family, a great job, working with terrific people, intellectual engaijt, good stuff. i quickly said i wasn't going to let the end of my life change the definition or change my perspective on how i looked at the rest of it. i wasn't going to let that happen. we are all going to face this, maybe not this disease but no one gets out alive. >> we haven't met them yet. >> we are all going to face it. and so i didn't. i-- you know, i hitched up my pants and said how am i going to use the time i have left. >> and your family went through this process with you? >> yeah. my two sons, each, both of whom are married have been terrific. one is a doctor and he gets it and engages. my wife, it's more of a struggle for her and it shows from time to time. look, i don't have to anticipate the hereafter, she does.
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and so-- . >> rose: she has to anticipate when you are gone. >> yeah, and just being blubt, being a young widow, no one anticipates being that way. i would say young. but she has to deal with that. i done have that burden. but so i can get very focused on what i have left. and so they have been great, better than great, more square than anybody deserves, really. >> rose: do you have hope. >> well, i-- not for myself. but by that i mean medical hope. have i no illusions that anything that is going on today will cure me. what i have hope for-- . >> rose: and no cure around the corner? >> no cure around the corner. >> rose: so you hope for. >> i want to leave a legacy. so i have asked myself any number of times, so i'm not deeply religious but i'm spiritual. how i define that is odd. why me? and once i get past the scientific dynamic which is random choice, stuff happens, i either have convinced myself
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that i'm being funnished-- punished for having been atilla the hundred in a previous life or alternatively, i was given this so i could help do something about it. >> rose: let's accept the latter. >> and we me too, that is what i have done. and so i'm engaged. i'm engaged with my time, my resources, my energy. but moving the needle along so that once i'm gone, people will say well, the couple of years that he had with us he used it so thoughtfully and productively. you can, you know, it happens every day. you wake up and it's tough to get ahead. it's not for the faint of heart. but once you are there, i have got a mission. >> you are a guy who grew up in the bronx. >> yup. >> didn't come from a rich family. >> father ran a printing press. >> rose: yeah, and what did you want to do? >> well, so i was by the way, i don't mean to demean running a printing press. my father paid the rent and educated the press by running a
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print, little tiny shop, i don't think it makes it today, tiny place. i didn't have the sort of growing up experience to truthfully to aspire to much. i know that may sound funny. but our world was pretty narrow. i wanted to get out of college and get a job and put food on the table. that was-- that was the mission. and you know, the fascinating thing to me is the connections of my life, and how things changed, how i began to perceive the opportunities that were out there and what i could do to access them. i may sound selfish that i what, but i went from being, i just have to get a paycheck and put o food on the table to gee, i can really do something. >> rose: i can be competitive. >> that was a big deal. >> that was a big deal. it took a lot of years before, you know, one of the benefits of having this disease is that i got nothing to hide. it's all out in. and so i went through a long
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period of time as a kid from the bronx, you know, who was i. and then i found myself years later now working for sandy weil and jamie diamon and bob lipp and i am a succeeding, much to my own surprise, by the way. meaning i had grown up thinking well gee, you know, i'm a book keeper. i'm an klt amount. i studied accounting and i find myself in this crowd. and the world began to change so much for me. >> rose: fascinating. in other words, you realized that, i want to say, i belong here because i have shown that i can do the same kinds of things these mentors can do. >> yeah. and it took, yes, and it took hooking up with the right people at the right time. i have had really good jobs before. and had been successful but it was of a different nature. when i came to work for that group, things really did change. i learned quickly what it felt like to go to work somewhere that felt good. that felt good.
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all the work i had done before that, were largely adversarial places. highly personally competitive. what sandy and jamie and bob created wasn't that way at all. and it got rid of all of that noise. all of that personal dynamic of am i good enough, am i smart enough. for more about this program and earlier episodes visit us online at and charlie captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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captioning by vitac, underwritten by fireman's fund announcer: the following kqed production was produced in hi-definition. ♪ >> yes, "check, please!" people. >> it's all about licking your plate. >> the food is just fabulous. >> i should be in psychoanalysis for the amount of money i spend in restaurants. >> i had a horrible experience. >> i don't even think we were at the same restaurant. >> and everybody, i'm sure, saved room for those desserts.
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