tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS October 30, 2016 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by wnet on this edition for sunday, october 30: just over one week to go. the presidential candidates press their supporters to turn out and make their arguments over the fbi's probe of hillary clinton's emails. and in our signature segment, florida's youngest voters: how the millennial generation rates the race for the white house. next on "pbs newshour weekend." >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. judy and josh weston. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the john and helen glessner family trust. supporting trustworthy journalism that informs and inspires. sue and edgar wachenheim, iii. barbara hope zuckerberg.
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corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we are your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. from the tisch wnet studios at lincoln center in new york, hari sreenivasan. this is pbs newshour weekend. >> stewart: good evening and thanks for joining us. with nine days until election day, democrat hillary clinton and republican donald trump are making their closing arguments to supporters and any undecided voters left in the battleground states getting most of their personal attention. but the specter of the revived fbi probe into clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state is looming in the background. speaking at predominantly african-american church in fort lauderdale, florida, today, clinton did not address the email probe. she did, however,
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promise her policies would stay the course of the obama administration. >> and i'm going to defend president obama's legacy. ( cheers and applause ) especially his affordable care act, which gave 20 million people the chance to get health insurance! >> stewart: the clinton campaign is pressing fbi director james comey to share more information about a trove of emails discovered on a computer belonging to the estranged husband of clinton aide huma abedin-- former congressman anthony weiner, who's under federal investigation for allegedly sexting with a minor. today, democratic vice presidential candidate tim kaine cited other news reports saying the fbi didn't obtain a warrant to read the emails before disclosing their existence to congress on friday...and that the fbi doesn't know whether any emails contain classified information. >> as far as we know now, director comey knows nothing about the content of these emails. we don't know whether they're to or from hillary at all.
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>> stewart: trump addressed the controversy while campaigning in nevada today. >> we never thought we were going to say thank you to anthony weiner. ( cheers and applause ) in u.s. elections, the term" october surprise" has come to mean an event in the closing weeks or days of a presidential campaign that could affect-- or even alter-- the outcome. the developing story about the fbi reviving its investigation into hillary clinton's private email server could qualify. for more on the "october surprise" phenomenon, i am joined from santa barbara, california, by "newshour weekend" special correspondent jeff greenfield. >> jeff let's give this a little bit of historical context. when has an october surprise affected the results of a presidential election? >> well, can you go back to 1960, whether john and robert kennedy got martin luther king out of a rural georgia jail where his family feared for his life. king's father had endorsed nixon, there was spike in big
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cities and very close states like new jersey, il90, might have changed because of that event you could quoth henry kissinger, nixon was probably headed for a landslide. the use of george w. bush's youthful drunk driving arrests, his camp, and 2004 hurt him. the most on point example of example was back in '92 when a special prosecutor, looking at reagan's dealings this iran, pointed a finger to george bush who was up for reelection, citing he might have known, he was very angry about that. we never know with had those october surprises could have made a difference but those are plausible candidates. >> there are contenders, and
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could there be october surprises this time around, plural? >> you know you can start with that access hollywood tape. you can talk about the wikileaks drip drip drip that seemed to raise questions about the be clinton foundation. certainly fbi director comey's statement so close to election could qualify. but who is to say we couldn't have november surprises? we have a week to go. >> revealing e-mails on uma abedin's computer, not much more than that. what position did that put candidate clinton in in terms of her response? >> it puts that campaign in an extremely difficulty position. they don't know what they're dealing with. apart from raising the temperature on their criticisms, they're demanding for a full account of these e-mails immediately. but it's less so much what happens to her, hard to imagine
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if somebody would change their minds if they thought about voting for clinton before. what this does is to encourage the trump campaign. because republicans looking at polls, we could go with thinking maybe i won't bother, looks like it's all over. what she has to look is less erosion of her support than increase in trump' trump's supp. >> let's look at the down ballot races, which ones stand out to you? >> well, the half dozen senate races literally from one end of the country to the other, from new hampshire to pennsylvania to north carolina, wisconsin, missouri, nevada, i might be leaving out one, the croafl of the senate in my view is just about as important as who wins the white house. there is one way down ballot in mayomaricopa county, joe arpaioe
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has been the sheriff for 20 years and looks like he's trailing badly. the loss of that election by joe arpaio would be very disappointing or very gratifying. >> stewart: he is looking for a seventh term as sheriff, he is 84 years old. >> that's the one. congressional rations, darryl issa, in california, that was another one if he were to lose it would not break a lot of democratic hearths. >> and wisconsin has gotten surprisingly tight, correct? >> all along the assumption was that senator johnson was going to lose to the man he defeated six years ago, wes finegold. for some reason the campaign has been putting a lot of money into that state, i believe secretary clinton is visiting that state. the one in new hampshire between
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governor and the incumbent senator, any one of them could tip balance of power, affecting everything from the supreme court to the new president's legislative agenda. we may be up late election night. >> stewart: all right i'll get the coffee. jeff greenfield, thanks so much. >> thank >> stewart: the vast pool of eligible voters now 18 to 34 years old are part of the millennial generation-- the roughly 83 million americans born between 1982 and 2000 who are now america's largest generation. in tonight's signature segment, newshour weekend's christopher booker went to the perennial battleground state of florida to find out how millennials, who could determine the winner there, are reacting to and participating in the presidential campaign. >> reporter: at the university of south florida, in tampa, it would be difficult to find a young person who hadn't been told by candidates, canvassers, or a fellow students that their votes are needed and that their votes are important. >> if you are interested you can go to website and they send you emails when they
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are in town or at the event. >> reporter: usf and its 40,000 students are on the receiving end of a relentless political courtship, occurring at college campuses across the battleground states. both donald trump and hillary clinton have visited. both knowing millennials in florida now outnumber baby boomers. there are over a quarter million millennials registered to vote here in tampa and surrounding hillsborough county. they are not only the most diverse voting bloc in florida, they are also the most independent. while 38% are registered democrat and 23% are registered republican, a sizable 35% of voters 18 to 35 are registered independent, what florida call"" no party affiliation." >> we've had record numbers of voter registrations on campus. there's been at least, at one point in time, five organizations trying to register people to vote. >> reporter: marianne mendoza is one of those registered independents. 2016 is her first time voting in a presidential election. >> reporter: what's the political mood like on campus? >> it's really divided. i would say... >> reporter: mendoza, a junior majoring in political science,
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helped distribute and collect ballots for the university's final straw poll organized by student government and other campus groups. clinton received 53% of the vote and trump, 25%. the remaining 22% went to either libertarian gary johnson, green party candidate jill stein or other candidates. >> to say that they don't like the two-party system as it stands today is putting it mildly. >> reporter: susan macmanus is a political science professor at usf. >> the biggest question mark of millennials, there are two, actually. one is, will they turn out? the second part is, will they lean as heavily democrat as they have in the last two elections, where president obama was a candidate? >> reporter: on this campus, the outreach by the democrats is a bit like a hybrid automobile, a combination of old fashioned campaign canvassing and new communication technologies. >> tactically, there's really, like, no special sauce. there is no secret. we just want to make sure that we are talking to young people wherever they're at. >> reporter: kunoor ojha is the national student organizing director for the clinton
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campaign. on the final day of florida voter registration, the clinton camp enlisted actress danai gurira, best known for her part on the hit tv show "the walking dead." >> obviously voter registration is super, super important. but we're also making sure that we're communicating online, where young people are getting most of their news. >> reporter: ojha, who worked for vermont senator bernie sanders during the democratic primaries, says she joined the clinton team, because it adopted issues central to the sanders campaign, like a $15 an hour minimum wage or free public college tuition for middle class families. >> it really is about the issues. this is the most progressive platform that the democratic party has ever seen. part of that was because of negotiations between senator sanders and secretary clinton. but a lot of that was, you know, driven by young people. they were a huge part of his base. and the fact that there issues were, you know, codified in the party platform really, really meant a lot to them. >> reporter: we reached out to the trump campaign about its efforts to appeal to millennials, but no one was made
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available. usf college republican chairman chris happel says the very nature of trump's candidacy is attracting young voters. >> well, i think he's brought a lot of people who would not even consider voting republican to our side. they understand that washington is broken, and they want someone who can go in and not just be like, the typical politician, who will go in and say hope and change during the election, and then just sit in office and do nothing. they want someone who they can believe will go in there, and try and actually do something. >> reporter: while happel supports trump, he concedes that he struggles with the republican party label. >> i'm more economics and foreign policy and immigration, that's kind of how i vote. i don't like identifying myself as a member of a party, 'cause i think i have a lot of mixed beliefs within being a conservative. so like a lot of millennials, i really couldn't care less about
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what happens with gay marriage, because i just don't think the government should be involved in general, which is different from the national republican party. >> reporter: what do you think the republican party has to do to evolve in order to grow? >> i think we have to do a better job of reaching out on social media, and just appealing to that voter block rather than, like, the typical party member, who's a baby boomer and votes republican every election. the democratic party has been doing it really well for a long time, and hillary clinton's doing it again. i mean, every time i go on youtube, it's a hillary clinton ad before the video that i'm trying to watch. >> reporter: but unmatched social media might is of little concern to registered republican and first time voter noel cantrell. do you think your decision to support donald trump was driven more by the candidate or by the issues? >> by the issues, yes. he caused me to get involved in politics, because he's an outsider, and that's one thing i really do like about him is that he is he
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matches up with more of the republican values than, you know, liberal values. we need to focus on america. and we need to help ourselves first, because our country's going down lately. it's just, like, if you think about it with an airplane, how they say, ¡you need to put on your oxygen mask before you put on someone else's.' >> reporter: have you found yourself having to defend him and your support for him? >> yes, i have. yes. >> reporter: and so what do you usually say? >> from the other students. i tell them, ¡you know, i can't defend everything he says. he's not the best candidate, but he's the candidate we have. so we need to support him.' >> reporter: if donald trump loses, what do you think happens to you as a participant in the political process? >> i think right now if hillary clinton wins this election, next election there will be even a bigger movement, because it's been the same-old, same-old for a while. and people are ready for a change. >> reporter: usf graduate ahmad saadaldin says he's not willing
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to wait until 2020. he's voting for green party nominee jill stein, as neither the republican nor the democrat appeal to him. >> these cannot be our only two options. when we go to the grocery store, there are a hundred brands of cereal. there's a cereal aisle, okay? but for president, it's like we only consider two brands, red or blue. and i think that's, that's done for. americans don't, you can see it in the polls, americans want a change." >> reporter: no one from the gary johnson campaign responded to our requests for comment. >> so that brings me to a good question that y'all should discuss. >> reporter: each election cycle, professor macmanus requires students to volunteer at least 20 hours for a local, state, or national campaign. >> any candidate who comes in, or a candidate representative that comes in and wants to make an appeal for volunteers for my class. if they don't talk about issues, they're out of the picture. >> reporter: sara guerrero, a sophomore in macmanus' class registered as a republican earlier this year to vote for
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home state senator marco rubio in florida's presidential primary, and she interned for the state republican party. >> i really did not think trump would win the nomination. i went to my boss and i was, like, ¡hey, like, look, like, i love this job. i love organizing events. i love talking to people, you know. but i cannot do this. like, i morally cannot support a candidate that just i in no way agree with on absolutely anything.' so i quit that job, and it was funny. he says to me, he goes, ¡you know, good luck, you know, in politics you're never gonna find a candidate that you agree with entirely.' and i'm, like, ¡okay, well it's not trump so.' >> reporter: trump's promise to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants and build a wall along the us border with mexico drove her from the republican party. guerrero moved from colombia to florida when she was three, and then she and her parents became us citizens. >> hillary clinton was not my top pick it's strategic voting at this point. i'm dedicating my entire life to either undoing what trump does with immigration or furthering what hillary clinton does. socially, like that's what matters to me now. immigration reform, that's it
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for me. >> reporter: do you think there's anything the republican party could do to bring you back to the party? >> not alienate, like, an entire minority. okay, me as, like, a latino, female, millennial, it's hard for me to even explain why i would be a republican. i mean, why would i? but i feel like i morally lean democrat and then, like, economically lean republican. so we'll see. >> stewart: central italy has been shaken again, this time by the country's strongest earthquake in 36 years. today's magnitude 6.6 quake further damaged buildings in the mountainous region that was also struck by a major earthquake in august that left almost 300 people dead. no fatalities are reported today. today's quake was centered near the historic city of norcia and destroyed the 14th century basilica of st. benedict.
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itn's olivia kinsley has more. >> nuns still wearing their slippers come running from within the narrow streets of norcia. their escape just after the earthquake hit was recorded live on italian television. one woman has to be carried to the safety of the square. >> still things have been collapsing through the morning leaving clouds of dust arising above the tree tops. it's a disaster, one man cries, looking up to the huge hole in the front of this ancient building. he says, it's the end of the world. more and more people emerge from the alleyways but carrying what they can. this man was treated for a cut to his hand and around the region others have been taken to hospital. local authorities say that so far six people are known to have been injured.
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this region of italy was already reeling from a series of large quakes including two on wednesday and it is also just two months since 300 people were killed by a quake that leveled several small towns. this one will leave many people homeless. in his weekly angeles prayer, the pope had a prayer for those affected. this morning there was a strong tremor he said, i pray for the injured and for the families who have suffered damage. and for the people involved in rescue and assistance. at least 100,000 people are expected to be evacuated from the affected areas. the italian government has already promised to rebuild the worst-hit towns. in norcia those trapped in the square will need outside help to removal rubble and create safe pathways out, until it comes
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they wait and they pray. >> see photos see photos of italy's strongest earthquake in 36 years. visit >> stewart: the european union and canada have signed a landmark free trade agreement that could set the stage for a similar deal with the united states. the "comprehensive economic and trade agreement" was signed in brussels today by european leaders and canadian prime minister justin trudeau. it is meant to remove almost all tariffs the e.u. and canada impose on each other. the e.u. predicts the pact will increase trade volume with canada by 20%. the deal has been in the works for eight years and required unanimous approval by all 28 nations in the e.u. but it still needs to be ratified by e.u. rope's national and regional parliaments, to take full effect. opponents say the deal gives multinational companies too much power and could jeopardize environmental safety standards. european officials say talks over a similar trade pact with the u.s. will wait until president obama's successor takes office.
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native american leaders in north dakota are vowing to camp out through the winter in protest of a new oil pipeline. though the pipeline would run outside the "standing rock sioux" reservation, it would run underneath its water source. tribal leaders also fear it would threaten sacred burial sites. about 200 protesters staged a peaceful prayer vigil yesterday near the construction site where police arrested at least 142 people on thursday and friday. since august, native americans and their supporters have campaigned against a planned $4 billion, 1,200 mile long pipeline that would carry crude oil from the bakken region of north dakota to refineries on the coast of the gulf of mexico. the iraqi military said today 40-thousand soldiers, police, and shiite militia members have joined together to encircle the country's second largest city-- mosul-- and liberate it from control of isis. in the continuation of a two week offensive, militias fought southwest of mosul aiming to block isis fighters from retreating to strongholds in neighboring syria.
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in baghdad, five separate explosions today targeted predominantly shiite neighborhoods, killing at least 17 people and inavg dozens wounded. there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, which struck several markets. a joint crew of american, russian, and japanese astronauts is back on earth after 115 days on the international space station. their space capsule parachuted into a remote region of kazakhstan today. american kate rubins of nasa and her counterparts were taken out of the capsule and examined while they readjusted to gravity. their four-month mission included installing a docking station for commercial space vehicles in the future. a new team of astronauts led by american robert shane kimbrough arrived last week for the 50th expedition to the space station. this is "pbs newshour weekend" sunday. >> stewart: tomorrow is
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halloween, when american children-- and many adults-- dress up in costumes , but the reach of halloween continues to grow around the world. berlin this weekend saw its eighth annual zombie walk. tokyo turned a shopping district into a pedestrian zone last families could revel in their costumes. there was at least one donald trump. >> i want to build a wall! >> stewart: then there was mexico city, where the traditional "day of the dead" occurs later this week. the celebration had a twist. more than a 1,000 dancers, acrobats, and actors paraded through the streets of mexico city yesterday in elaborate costumes in a case of life imitating art. last year's james bond movie," spectre," opened with a "day of the dead" parade featuring floats, puppets, and skeletons. the sequence, filmed in mexico city, became the inspiration for yesterday's parade. it's part of a campaign by the government to bring tourists to mexico for the ancient aztec" day of the dead." traditionally, mexicans set up
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altars to the dead each november 1 and 2, and pay tribute to lost loved ones. to some in attendance, intermingling "day of the dead" and halloween was inevitable. >> of course, it is being confused with halloween. but it depends on us, the mexican adults, to revive this tradition and make them (children) understand it. >> stewart: to others, incorporating halloween and new traditions comes at the expense of older rituals. >> people wear wooden masks, dance across the city, make arcs at the gates of the house, cook 'zacahuil' (a form of tamale) and all of that. it is really cool, very traditional, super mexican, but no one has heard about it. >> stewart: tens of thousands of spectators watched the parade - many in costume which featured props used in the james bond movie. >> returning to our lead story the associated press and washington post are reporting
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the fik knew a few weeks ago about atrophy of e-mails that be james comey says appears reivet. the wall street journal journal is reporting, version vectors are preparing to scour, for links to clinton's server and if any e-mails contain classified information. belong to uma abedin, former wife of anthony weiner, accused of sevmentin sexting captioning sponsored by wnet captioned by media access group at wgbh
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>> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. judy and josh weston. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the john and helen glessner family trust. supporting trustworthy journalism that informs and inspires. sue and edgar wachenheim, iii. barbara hope zuckerberg. corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we are your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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narrator: over 10 weeks, 12 of britain's best amateur bakers tackled 30 challenges, testing their baking skills to the limit. mel: all you have to do is impress our lovely judges mary and paul. on your marks. get set. bake! narrator: they had to confront cakes... whoa! mat: little fear. cake fear. mel: you have 5 minutes. narrator: battle with biscuits... oh, i've just snapped it. let's do it again. narrator: and prevailed over patisserie. ian: could all rest on the placing of the icing. narrator: each week, one rose to the top... mary: that is sheer heaven on a plate. paul: that is superb. oh... congratulations. narrator: while others curdled under the pressure... ohh! mary: the pastry is not done underneath. narrator: proving once again that things never run
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