tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS November 13, 2016 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> stewart: on this edition for sunday, november 13th: president-elect donald trump contemplates who will serve in his cabinet and on his senior staff. we'll look at what makes for a" peaceful transition of power" and the foreign policy challenges facing the next administration. also, will the national popular vote movement gain momentum? next on "pbs newshour weekend." >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. judy and josh weston. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the john and helen glessner family trust-- supporting trustworthy journalism that informs and inspires. sue and edgar wachenheim, iii. barbara hope zuckerberg.
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corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we're your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. from the tisch wnet studios at lincoln center in new york, alison stewart. thanks for joining us. as president elect donald trump prepares to assume the oax office for two months.ald trump white house chief of staff. reince priebus will get the job. according to a statement issued by the trump transition team. favorite candidate of house speaker paul ryan and senate
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majority speaker, mitch mcconnell. , steve banon willing be named chief strategy. trump said, i'm happy to have my very some team leading, with me, and led us to an historic victory. now i will have them both with me in the white house. earlier today transition team vice chairman newt gingrich, a potential cabinet member himself. >> they won the house, the senate, be be bl governor ships, most in history, if you look at the country there's certainly a shift towards republican government on a pretty big scale. >> trump campaign manager kellyann con way, said trump demonstrators, proposed policies, that account c, quote,
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this plan is our the. house speaker paul ryan said, be has not been draft evidence yet but he envisions a refundable tax credit a voucher to help people obtain health insurance. >> can you have this system without a costly takeover like obamacare that is make deducticals so high, that it doesn't, feel like you have insurance. >> deportation force to round up the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in united states. by contrast, mr. be trump said on an interview to be broadcasted on 60 minutes, he wants to deport and incarcerate 2 million people with criminal records. he might have knowledge l slight modifications to his wall along the southern border. >> are you building a wall?
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>> yes. >> they are talking about a fence in the republican congress. would you accept a fence? >> in certain areas i am. i'm good as construction. it could be seasonal fencing. >> for more analysis of the presidential transition i'm joined from santa barbara by jeff greenfield. jeff, mr. trump and mr. and mrs. obama have struck a gracious tone, but this is an ugly campaign season and seems like passion is taking a little bit of a break. do you think it is going to be these passions and ugliness will bubble up again? >> you're right, donald trump and hillary clinton had gracious statements but out going senate leader, harry reid, said he fueled his campaign with bigotry and heat.
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kellyanne conway said there might be a lawsuit at that one. saying there's an enemies list that they have and it's also interesting to me that the transition may get ugly or even within the republican party because of some hard feelings. trump has reached out to speaker palm ryan but newt gin gingrichs supposed to play a role in this be transition, pretty hard feelings not just between republicans and democrats, but even among republicans that i'm not sure have quite called down yet. >> stewart: well if the administration starts to take shape and we start to get clues about who will be in important positions how important is the stone in terms of being productive going -- tone in terms of being productive going forward and having an effective cabinet? >> the clue you get about what kind of administration the new
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president wants to bring, there's always tension between the campaign and the seasoned insiders on either side in washington who are look to play a role. that is particularly true in this case because trump's campaign was so much of an insurgent campaign. and ended both parties corruption. >> white house, representatives in the senate, would you think smooth sailing. >> well remember, when you hear that they now have control of all of the branches of government and presumably soon will have the supreme court in the political sense, the question is, what agenda's going to be pushed? yeah, there are clearly going to be big tax cuts, most of which will go to the affluent, and dismantling of obamacare, sit wholesale or will they keep some of the more attractive elements of it? if trump wants to launch a huge infrastructure program, that's got to be republican party is
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not sphonld of deficits, so even if they have control they have got to figure out who is speaking for republican party. >> stewart: if you are a republican, democrat, looking around, what do you think of the future? >> it's not often appreciated maybe it is now how much a disaster the democratic party ama who was elected twice withof the majority of the popular vote. they lost 11 senate seats, upwards of 60 house seats, they control state government in six states, the republicans control it in 24. the republicans have i think two-thirds of the governorships and democrats have lost 900 legislative seats. it's been a terrible eight years for democratic party. the only hope they, since the mid terms have bad for the party in power, i suppose they would atake heart by winning the plan
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vote by 2 million votes, that and a buck buys you a newspaper. >> stewart: things are not necessarily peaceful on the ground. is it time for some of the leaders on the left to say to some of the protesters, peaceful protest is fine but assaulting officers and damaging proceed is not. is it time for somebody often the right to say, you know what we won this election but there is no time for bigotry and hatred, a president elect or president come out and say we need to behave better we need to be civil. >> i think both those messages would be very helpful. when people are breaking windows in downtown cities because their candidate lost the race and they really don't like the new president it's kind of hard to figure out what message that sends. you know i think trump could take a note from bob dole, 20 years ago, in his acceptance
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speech, anybody supporting me, bigots or racists there's the door. if trump was asked, can some of his language he regrets, he said no, i won. which suggests he regards some of the rhetoric transitional. if it worked it worked. the fact he's about to become president of the united states we could really use a sign from him that he understands that when a president speaks every word weighs a ton and there's got to be a distinction between what some of his supporters embrace and what he really gleefs. >> jeff greenfield, thanks for joining us. >> stewart: in iraq today, government troops said they recaptured the historic town of nimrud from islamic state militants. nimrud, 20 miles south of mosul, is close to the site of ruins and royal tombs from the ancient assyrian empire dating back three-thousand years. isis had seized the town almost two-and-a-half-years ago, and then destroyed much of the treasured site with drills and explosives. a coalition of forces led by the
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iraqi army and supported by the u.s. military, have been advancing for four weeks on mosul, iraq's second largest city, which isis has occupied since 2014. colombia and marxist rebels are trying again to formally end their 52-year war, after their first attempt was rejected by voters. government negotiators signed a revised peace agreement last night with the revolutionary armed forces of colombia, known as "farc," at a meeting brokered in cuba. president juan manuel santos-- who won this year's nobel peace prize for his efforts-- is now urging his country to unite behind the agreement. colombians narrowly rejected the original deal in a referendum six weeks ago as too lenient on farc when it came to punishment and reparations. the government has not said if there will be another referendum. parts of new zealand today saw ocean waves up to six feet high as a result of a tsunami. it was triggered by a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake centered near the city of christchurch on the country's south island.
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the quake was felt strongly in the capital of wellington, 120 miles to the north, and damaged some buildings there. the prime minister says at least two people were killed. the world health organization is vowing to hold the tobacco industry liable for the health consequences of its products. this weekend at the tobacco control summit in delhi, india, delegates from 180 countries also vowed to ban or curtail the sale of e-cigarettes. with smoking-related deaths rising in developing countries, the w.h.o. estimates tobacco could kill one billion people this century unless stronger action is taken. the conference also resolved to promote other forms of livelihood for tobacco farmers. barack obama leaves tomorrow for his last major overseas trip as president of the united states. as he is heading to greece, germany and peru, european
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union foreign ministers met in brussels today to discuss the impact of the incoming trump administration. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg wrote in a newspaper article this weekend that quot"" european leaders have always understood that when it comes to security, going it alone is not an option." president-elect trump's stated positions on security, trade, and relations with countries like iran, are a departure from the policies of the past eight years under mister obama. joining me now from boston to take a closer look is "new york times" national security correspondent david sanger. david, you interviewed with your colleague mollie hiberman, donald trump a couple of times last spring, and he talked about foreign policy, 92n nato being e of them. >> his screw that nato ought to
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be focused totally on terrorism. he feels it's an obsolete organization, and he said nearly nothing about its role about helping to contain russia, once the soviet union. i asked him if some of the newer members of nato that were previously soviet states if they were invaded would he come to their defense which is required under the nato treaty. he said first, i would be check what their level of contribution had been to nato. and that's quite a departure, because the commitment of the united states and other members have are basically an attack on one is an attack on all. the question is, is this a negotiating tactic or does this indicate a fundamental rethinking of what nato should be? >> stewart: it's interesting one of the goals of nato for its
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28 members is that each will intend 2% of its gdp on defense and as of 2015 only five of the 28 countries had done so the united states being one of them. so in his mind is this tractional, you haven't contributed and so if you are going to depend on us we expect something from you? >> well alison i think you have gotten to the core of what one of the big differences between the trump world view and the conventional world view including his own party's that in the years or the decades since world war ii and since the creation of nato, more than 50 years ago, the concept has been that alliances are about more than any individual transaction. they are building a relationship, building a exon defense -- a common defense and that relationship you work on each year and you don't keep a strict ledger book. his view both in europe and in asia is quite different.
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it's that these are transactional relationships, that if the united states is running a trade deficit with a country which is also providing protection, that that trade deficit ought to get in line, so that we are not losing money. when he set that he would be willing to pull american troops out of japan and south korea, it was because in his view, they weren't paying all of the cost, they paid japan's case about half the cost of keeping troops there. it wasn't a concept that keeping troops forward-deployed was in america's own interest as well as in the interest of its allies. >> stewart: i want to read one more line from that op ed that u.n. secretary generally wrote, he wrote this is no time to question the value of the partnership between europe and the united states. what's the subtext of that? are we talking about russia, are we talking about syria? >> i think you're talking about
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both. i mean russia will be one of the first great tests and it will be a test in the debate over nato and it will be a test in the debate over syria. president elect trump gave an interview, brief interview to the wall street journal on friday in which he said that he would re-think one of the fundamental tenets of the american policy towards syria which has been to help arm and train opposition groups, to president assad. and in mr. trump's view and this is consistent back to the interviews we did with him in march and again in july, the united states should not be trying to knock assad out of office, or even encouraging a situation in which he would get overthrown, despite the fact that he's responsible for the deaths of nearly half a million of his own citizens. because in his view, the one goal in the middle east should be fighting i.s.i.s.
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and if assad is also fighting i.s.i.s. we ought to get together with him and the russians. what we haven't heard him fully explain here is, that would put us on the same side of the fight with the iranians as well and as you know he's got pretty strong opinions about iran. >> stewart: at one point david candidate trump said, dismantle the disastrous deal with iran. how could he do that? >> one railway he could do that is simply announce that the united states was reimposing sanction he in iran, nothing in the nuclear sphere, in fact, the iranians have abided to the deal, but putting sanction he on them for their support of terrorism, for their support of hezbollah, their action he in syria and so forth. if they did that the iranians might say hey look this is not within the spirit of the agreement, you took sanctions that we removed from the nuclear
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deal and simply reimposed them with another excuse. that's something the united states said it would not do during the obama administration. that would probably serve to unravel the deal, that it is probably the iranians who would do the first step towards doing the unraveling in that case. >> stewart: david sanger, thank you for your reporting. >> thank you, >> stewart: president-elect trump captured the white house by winning 29 states-- 30 if you count michigan, where he's ahead-- and the most electoral votes, at least 290, 20 more than needed. but hillary clinton won the most actual votes nationwide-- the national popular vote. she's currently ahead by 630- thousand votes, but that gap is projected to double when all the votes are counted. last week on this broadcast, new york university political science professor joshua tucker said this: >> if trump wins the election, there is a small but non-trivial
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chance that he would win the election without having received a majority of the popular vote. without even seeing a plurality. if he was elected where he won the electoral college but lost the popular vote, i think it would give a strong impetus to this move to national popular vote >> stewart: professor tucker joins me now for further discussion of the popular vote versus the electoral vote. professor in that piece we talked about a different system, a compact between states, as a way to make the popular vote count more. can you help us understand that a little bit more? >> the way the electoral college is set up is that it is in the constitution that the electoral college selects the president of the united states. however, it's also in the constitution how the electors are allocated to the states. but how the states pick the electors is statute law. that's not set by the constitution, that is set by the individual states themselves. so now what we is this winner
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take alt system, 48 of the state. you would see trump would get 50% and clinton would get 50%. what we have in 48 of the 50 states is whoever gets one more vote than all of the candidates gets all of the electors. what we were talking about last weekend is a plan that try to change the way that states allocate their electors and the idea would be to change the rules so that states would change their electors not to the person who got the most votes in their state but to the candidate that got the most votes nationally. the states have the power to do that. in fact, there are 11 tastes that have passed laws to do exactly this, conditioned on the fact that enough other states passing the laws that would allow some total of the staights to be 270 or higher or enough to elect the president. >> this has happened four times, twice in the past 16 years. what has that told you as a professor of political science?
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>> i've been teaching about this for years. you say this is a hypothetical possibility that in the 1800s this happened a number of times, right? that it's a hypothetical possibility, you could conceivably have this but it's been over 100 years that this happened. it's not something that resonates with people. then after 2000, there was a lot of talk, that people might want to change the electoral college. george bush got he elected, having half a million fewer votes than al gore. this is a lightning shot, really unlikely, something that hasn't happened for 100 years, maybe wouldn't hab for 100 more years and the country moved on and people forgot about it. this is twice in 16 years and more importantly it is twice in 16 years with the same party benefiting. >> let's talk about legitimacy, when this happened to rutherford b. hayes and it was decided in congress under political
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circumstances that he would be president, he was referred to as be fraud b. hayes. is this system almost unfair to the winner in some ways? >> that's an excellent question. again this is hypothetical until about 16 years ago, didn't seem real. now it seems real. there is another issue of legitimacy also, that the united states has been at the forefront of democracy proposition world over. we have been out there talk about the importance of having free and fair democratic elections. now when you have governments that want to push back and say hey we don't need this free and fair -- >> stewart: i read about this, a talk point in china to say look what the americans did. >> oh yes. the issue is when you have people agitating or pushing for democratic elections in countries that continue have them, holding up the united states as an example it becomes simpler now to say well you've
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got the united states that's a great example but even in the united states the person who gets the most votes doesn't win the collection. >> professor joshua tucker. thank you so much. >> thank >> watch an extended interview with josh tucker on our facebook page at >> stewart: today marks one year since the coordinated attack in paris carried out by islamic terrorists who killed 130 people and wounded more than 400. the victims had been enjoying a friday night out in cafes, restaurants, attending a soccer match and most grievously, in a concert hall. newshour weekend's christopher booker has more. >> reporter: only the dampened sound of their footsteps and the shutter clicks of cameras could be heard as french president francois hollande and paris mayor anne hidalgo approached the bataclan concert hall. they unveiled a plaque with the
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names of the 90 victims killed inside, the quiet interrupted only as each victim's name was read aloud. after a moment of silence last night, rock star sting reopened the bataclan with a somber performance before an audience of 1,000 people. victim's family members attended for free. this weekend's memorials began friday in the same place where the attacks had begun-- at france's national soccer stadium. there was a moment of silence died.
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the u.s. rock band that had been playing at the bataclan when gunmen stormed the hall attended a ceremony at the town hall in paris's 11th district, where most of the attacks occurred one year ago today. >> stewart: and finally tonight, rock 'n' roll hall of famer lien e-s leon russell has died. gospel infused southern boogie, he worked with frank sinatra and the rolling stones. elton jones called him his biggest influence. he was 74. that is all for pbs newshour weekend, i'm. >> stewart: amazon, good night.
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>> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. judy and josh weston. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the john and helen glessner family trust-- supporting trustworthy journalism that informs and inspires. sue and edgar wachenheim, iii. barbara hope zuckerberg. corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we're your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by wnet captioned by media access group at wgbh
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