tv Charlie Rose PBS November 17, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we begin this evening with a transition plans of president-elect donald trump and we talked to david leonhardt of the "new york times." >> now i get that donald trump is not a normal candidate but i also don't think we should blythely assume oh he didn't mean those things because they seemed really bad. so i really would like to see signs from him that he is going to respect civil liberties, the rule of law, basic constitutional rights and i think it is very important for people in wosh, including republicans, primarily republicans. >> rose: we continue with james fallow a new back called china great leap backward. >> in the 45 years since china is opening under chairman mao and richard nixon thieves constant revolution with the rest of the world and any intervul you could look back
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five years and say certainly it's freer now than five years auto and much more than ten years ago. in the past five year that's changed. china is much more controlled than five years ago, it's much more difficult for international businesses to do business there. so the question is, has the trend really changed and if so, does the united states need to change its approach. >> rose: and we conclude with mar grow price. her new al gore is mid west farmer's daughter. >> when i set out to write this album i had given up trying to write pop songs or rock and roll songs or whatever i had been doing on the last four album. i wasn't worried about if the hook was good enough or if it was melodically catchy enough i want the lyrical content to be there. >> rose: leonhardt, fallows and price when we continue.
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>> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by the following: >> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide. captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: we begin this evening with a look at president elect donald trump's transition team and the aftermath of the election. it has been one week since trump scored a toning victory against democratic rifle hillary clinton. he has denied reports of chaos in his efforts to fill staff position in his new administration. rudy giuliani is plead to be a leagd contender for secretary of state and schumer was elected as the next leader of the senate democrats. he's now one of the party's most influential counter weights to the trump administration.
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david leonhardt joins me now and i'm please to do have him back at this table. welcome. people are looking at what happened here and the surprises d pollsters, pundits, press fail or simply did things happen that made this impossible to accurately entertain. >> i think this is an important moment for self reflection from everyone, from journalists and pollsters. the interesting thing to say here is everyone missed this. if you remember back in 2012 people close to mitt romney thought he was going to win. >> rose: including mitt romney. >> including mitt romney. had he won i think it would have been important for democrats and people in the media to be self reflective why the romney campaign was right and they were wrong. this was different. trump himself expected to lose. the republican national committee expected to lose. hillary clinton expected to win. there was no media source out there saying look, the polls show that he's ahead.
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>> rose: you kept asking how large is it, we asked the question often how large is the trump vote. is there a hidden vote. we asked those questions. >> right. >> rose: you just doesn't know the answer. >> the polls were wrong. on the one hand the size of the error of the poll was not historically large but it was historically important because what it did was it shifted by several points in precisely the states that trump needed. and i think we are going to need some time to sort through why that happened but i do think that we shouldn't abandon polls. but i think after an election like this, we have to look at them with more humility than we before because the fact is poll response rates have gone way down and there really is a chance they're backing less accurate this time. >> rose: did donald trump did something in his team we can now look at and say they were blinlt in the way they analyzed the possibilities. >> they did something right when no one else thought it was right.
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i think the key thing is that democrats persuaded themselves that, and to be clear, many other independent analysis including many of us in the press, thought this was correct. trump's team thought it was correct by the end. democrats persuaded themselves that the rising demographics that leaned democratic have gotten large enough to carry the day. latinos, asian americans, millennials. i don't know if you've seen one of those maps that shows how millennials across the country voted and i think hillary clinton won 40 states. those are real trends but we were mislead about how important they had become. by taking the white working class vote for granted, the democrats essentially alienated that vote and by trump running a campaign unlike any republican has run, a much more nationalist, ethnocentric pap list campaign was able to bring people out of the woodwork. and the combination of those two
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things what led to this truly as you said stunning result. >> rose: do we now understand with happened site what it was that propelled the people who gave him his victory. >> i think it w s a lot of things. i think that establishment candidates fared extremely badly this year. not just hillary clinton, but jeb bush and the other republicans anointed by the establishment like scott walker. >> rose: people who have been around politics for a while. >> people who has been around politics for a while. that's right. look, bernie sanders clearly lost the primary to hillary clinton. i think about 55% to 45% of the democratic vote. however, bernie sanders is a socialist from vermont who wasn't a member of the democratic party until recently. the reason he got 45% of the vote in fairness because the real sign in just how weak the
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establishment is. in hillary clinton you had a candidate who really had a lot of flaws. two you had trump really getting out this vote in a way that didn't seem possible but actually happened. >> rose: with that kind of an organization behind him. >> without an organization behind him. >> rose: you rallied with his emotional push. >> that's right. look, what i have said is i think the central problem facing the country in addition to climate change is the great stagnation. it is the fact that for a very large more than of this country life isn't getting better but it's gotten marginally better over the last generation. and that breeds a lot of cynicism. think about this. as americans we like to talk about how much our lives have gotten better and we don't think about ourselves in relation to our grandparents. we think about whole muni tease, about italian americans, how your ancestors came over and worked are hard and how you now enjoy this great quality of life. this is a deeply american story. now imagine in large parts of this country by some estimates
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it might be a third of the country or close to a year and-a-half. all that hard work would feel like it had broken against you. i am not defending at all the bigotry that we have seen connected with the trump campaign. we can talk about that. i find it deeply alarming. but i do understand why it has found a greater audience in this time of stagnation than it has been for a long time. >> rose: when you say stagnation is this what larry summers called secular stagnation. >> yes a version of it. >> rose: which is a restriction on traditional growth rights. >> yes. it is two things, is it that growth has slowed down and inequality has written. for most people the amount of their share is growing is very very slow. you look at net worth for a typical family it's lower than it was in the 1980's. that is shocking. you look at income gains. yes. lower. for the mid 80's so call it 30
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years. look at incomes they've grown for the working class extremely slowly. you look at family formation. for college graduates divorce is a lot less dhun. for people who haven't graduated from college going up in a family only for one pairment, many more people are in jail than used to be. drug abuse is much worse. there's the same study that came out in the last couple years showing that for large groups of whites without a college degree. life spans have not gotten longer. and so when you think about this stagnation and despair, to me it helps explain some of what happened here. now, i am frightened about where we now go because trump does not have a platform that it seems to me addresses many of these issues. and i'm deeply worried about the civil liberties issues. >> rose: let's talk about that. who is it that worries you because a lot of people look at
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the alt right in the presence of mr. bannen. what is it that worries you and others in terms of civil liberties. what might happen that someone ought to raise a red flag and say that's be careful and village length enough in the protection of individual rights. >> there are two issues and they overlap but i think of them somewhat differently. one is a basic respect for rule of law. there were multiple times during the campaign when president elect trump said things that did not show a respect for the rule of law, right. he suggested that a judge could not be objective simply because it is. >> rose: in fact he didn't come from mexico he was born in indiana. >> he was born in indiana. he said his opponent should be jailed and he meet not accept the votes of the election. he went on and on. we have values in this country and we never in modern times ever had a presidential candidate who ran essentially opposing many of those
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democratic values. now he didn't just run, he won and he's going to be the president. so i think there's a very big question about do those values wake weaken. does that mean when president trump gets a ruling from a judge that he doesn't like, does he try to circumvent that ruling and have that judge impeached. i were e about that because if you take him at his word -- >> rose: there are a lot of people whoization i -- who say, people opposed to donald trump took him literally and not seriously. people who voted for him took him seriously and not literally. they didn't agree with everything he said and didn't take it literally. that it was as they understood it just to be campaign tactics and rhetoric and strategy. >> i certainly hope that's the case. i would much rather have hypocrisy on his part than some
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kind of move toward authoritarianism. i think it's a big mistake for us just to assume he doesn't mean it all. people run for president saying d they win more often thaning not. >> rose: obamacare being an example. >> tax cuts. >> rose: spending money on national security by ronald reagan. >> the list goes on. i don't think we should blythely assume oh he didn't mean those things because they seemed really bad. so i really would like to see signs from him that he is going to respect civil liberties, the rule of law, basic constitutional rights and i think it is very important for people in washington, including republicans, primarily republicans to put real pressure on him to do that. people like rand paul and people close to him. the other issue the surge of hate. the on-line racism, the real life racism we've seen in recent days, the on-line semitism. it is true that much of that --
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>> on-line in terms of web cites and things like that. >> yes. whether it is students at college campuses being targeted with racist stuff, whether it is graffiti, not on-line, whether it is people being talked with anti-semitism. it is true that for the overwhelming bulk of that does not come from anyone in the campaign. but it's been on the website bright part run by steven bannen who is now going to be senior advisor. he has not distanced himselflf from that. he has not said hey i reject this that's been on my website. >> rose: what he has said is look, he has said nor should i necessarily be held accountable for all of it because i didn't write it. >> yes. but it happened while he was the executive chairman of it. and i am concerned about that wink and nod about a lot of that stuff. mayor deblawz went and visited with donald trump today and said look people are frightened and you have a responsibility to make them feel more comfortable. i do think that is a deep
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responsibility and i think if the president elect doesn't live up to that responsibility, it is absolutely vital that the institutions of our civic society, congress, the courts the media, we do not change our standards in what it mans to live in pluralistic society under the rule of law. >> rose: when barack obama says look i think he's been sobered by the whitehouse, we need to give him an opportunity to what he's going to do and says i think he's more pragmatic than not. is that what you say >> that's right. president object is doing it right here and it's hard for him to come out of election and speak badly about the president elect. the people have spoken. obama is trying for a smooth transition. as obama said he had this line gestures matter. you got the sense that he was saying that, that while he was talking about the president
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elect, he was also talking about himself. that he was saying gestures matter and what i want to try to do here is lower the temperature and try to get us back to some of these democratic values that are so important to this country. >> rose: thank you for coming. >> thank you charlie. >> rose: david leonhardt from rose: jim fallows is here, an observe are of china and japan and other places. his new magazine china's great leap backward and he argues that the country almost at one point of 4 billion people have not been this repressive since the cultural revolution. i am pleased to have him back on this program, welcome. now we're talking about this talking about president elect trump and this is where your article the great leap backward comes. china is more hope and belligerent than five years ago, even ten. it's become repressive in a way
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since the cultural revolution. my china optimist considers a darker future and asks what a more dangerous and more adversarial china would mean for the united states. especially when we look at the change in government here. in. >> indeed. i wrote this article before the election because that's the reality of magazines with their lead times. in the assumption was united states have been thinking calm me and rationally the way they deal with cheese changes which i argue makes china more difficult to telewith for everybody starting with the united states. how the united states will approach this under the leadership of donald trump is a whole, adds a whole different area of complexity. >> rose: what's happening in china with xi jinping. >> it's internal expression and external blagojevich --
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billergencp. at any interrule you could look back five years and say well certainly it's freer now than it was five years ago and much more than ten years ago. in the past five years that's changed. china is much more controlled than five years ago, more of an anti-foreign, it's much more difficult for international businesses to do business there and the question is has it trend chilly ranked and if so does the united states have to change their approach. >> rose: there are a couple things xi jinping said he had to do was corruption and pollution. >> we could look at the international history. the paramount point of u.s. chinese cooperation right now is in climate and environmental issues. it was interesting that xi jinping publicly said to drawd after the election we don't want you to pull out of this paris climate pack that really matters to us. to the extent there's international hope on climate issues, it depends on the u.s. and china working together.
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but yes xi jinping came to power knowing there were lots of things chie you know was less successful inside than outside. >> rose: where is he more belligerent. >> when you try to sort of build up domestic support by plexing your external muscles. i think there's a combination of arrogance and insecurity. the arrogance may stem from the recommend informants of the 20078 financial collapse in the united states which made china feel our time has really come. the insecurity is xi jinping's realization of how many things threaten china's future from pollution to a sort of topping off of the economy's growth to the resistance and hostility of many of his neighbors. so one way to we've seen in many countries is sort of you stand up to the japanese. you stand up to the americans, you stand up to the filipinos. >> rose: nationalism stirs your own political survival. >> exactly. know very well the anti-japanese feelings in china are very easy
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to revv up. i think we discussed this before. let's a deep feeling by a lot of china's leaders that the united states finally does not wish them well. the united states would like to bottle them up and hold them down despite american president saying the opposite for many years. so this is a way to prey on the united states. >> rose: are they write about that in any way other than the fact we clearly do want to have relationships and we want to be a pacific power and we want to have relationships with countries who worry about china. >> yes. i think there are, there's a layer at which the chinese fear in my view is completely unfounded but they'll never believe it. which is that from the time of mixen onward, the american policy really habits better for us if china prospers than if they stagnate because difficult as they are, prospering, they would be worse if they were going down. i think there is, we don't see as much of it right now in some recent past of people feeling china's overtaking us, the
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united states is threatened. there's certainly that potential in the american psyche, a theme i make in the articles related to gram ellison trying to avoid this becoming a vicious cycle of each nation becoming so fearful of the other that it brings out it's administrate. >> rose: are they building up. >> they are building up but from a very low base. also the united states. the saving grace is the chinese military is fully aware of how dominant the seventh fleet is in that part of the world, how much stronger the u.s. is in military means. but it does relative to vietnam, relative to south korea, relative to the philippines they are becoming relatively more prominent especially in south china. >> rose: the question has always been that china has not shown any desire to ben't imperialistic power. it has not. but people wonder if at some point, it continues to become a larger and larger economy. if it continues to have a greater role that world, if it continues to see institutions that he wants to be part of, and
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that he can play a role in, it might change. >> yes. certainly from the chinese point of view, what might be construed as imperialism looks like the national extension of the core interest. for example all this island building in the south china sea and also trying to change some international institutions. in the absence of the tpp, china's going to be setting up lots of trade deals for all of its neighbors which will be kind of a chinese regime for placing an american centric regime. >> rose: that's an argument for tpp. >> in my mind, yes, i think that for any complaint one might make about it, the alternative is going to be worse for almost any constituent american group you can think of, consumers, workers, companies, anybody. >> rose: the central thing about china for me, i've always believed and i may be wrong, is the thing that's most important to the chinese leadership is the control of the chinese communist
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party. >> yes, it is true. and they've now been in office for 67 years something like that. they're nearing sort of the longevity of the soviet communist party. it's hard to maintain this control in the long run and i think they're aware of that. >> rose: the economy. no know there's a level of over capacity. >> yes. they are exporting their stem - steal at everybody causing losses around the world. they are managing a longer term one which is more troublesome to them. short term ones are layoffs. that's going to be a million or two steelworkers and coal workers will lose their jobs in china. there's no demand. steel industry has overcapacity so the same problems every country in the world has with laying off manufacturers. >> rose: less building with less steel used and there's less demand for their product. >> they can find ways to sort of ramp them up by building new
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stuff the the longer term one is that the chinese economy, it's made it from peasant tree to manufacturing supply chain. the question is can they ever have their own top line companies, their own apple, their even mist be see, their own general electric. that's what brings into question, can you have a first-rate internationalized economy if you're all controlled. >> rose: as soon as you say that, uber went over there and thought they would be successful and they weren't because the chinese uber took -- >> exactly. i guess what i'm talking about is sort of international either technology-based or manufacturing based grand names the kind we associate with germany or with japan or south korea or the united states. china has become increasingly dominant in its own market. the question is the next level of sophistication can they do that with a repressive internet
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controlled sort of foreign or hostile environment. >> rose: can you have an effective competition if you don't have freedom and all the things that have been part of what allowed america to develop technology and the lead that it has. >> and all sort of successful small b bourgeois lib wul democratic societies they do have this kind of liberal societies. they have free press and elections and things that china doesn't have. >> rose: they made a commitment. whether they can achieve it or not to have great university. it's a goal to have two of the top 20 by whatever. >> that is a goal but it's easier to build the building than it is to attract the best scientists or the best students. so here's the silver lining, another one. that a china that's able to achieve these things will be an easier china for us to co-exist with because it would be less e repressive and more like the less developed world. >> rose: the question is too,
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is there paranoia. >> i think that's an excellent question. i think among the chinese population in general as you well know i think they're basically at ease with americans and all the rest. i think among the leaders there's a paranoia towards the united states that we say we wish them well but really what do we think in our hearts. there's a real paranoia about their own control. why else would they keep the nobel peace prize winner locked up all these years which just gives them back publicity. if they were confident they wouldn't crack down so hard. >> rose: that's one reason they're not competent. what would they fear coming from a non-imprisoned nobel prize. >> there's the example of the blind disdent that came to the united states a couple years ago if they get out of the country they have less and less traction inside china. it would be smarter and more kind of savvy to just let all the distents go but there is something about the appearance of strength and control it seems to really matter to them.
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>> rose: are they showing a great interest in being a participant in big global issues. clearly in climate because it has served them and cuts them. goes to the heart of their well being. do they want to play an important role in the world. do they want to go and follow the russians in the security council. >> of course it's a giant diverse country with many different impulses. increasingly they would like to be seen as a global leader. for example they are part of the iran deal and it matters they are part of sort of international compact. that's one of the sources the leverage the united states has. china would like to be seen as a more responsibility player than they sometimes are. >> rose: this was a question posed a number of years ago do they want to be and act like a stakeholder or not. you're saying they are moving more towards that. >> i'm saying there's contradictory movement and part of the united states strategy even in this next administration is to make it more attractive for them to do that and less
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attractive -- >> rose: i'm going right to the little. the great leap backwards. are they leaping backwards or are they showing insecurity. >> probably calculator the letter of insecurity but it's been long enough now that it's longer -- like teen men square after a year or two things were back on a path. this is three plus years after tightening up. >> rose: one additional with yours is how to win the war with beijing talked with henry kissinger. does henry kissinger believes there would be a war with china. >> he says that's catastrophic and low probability but there's no alternative to continue engaging with them because it's the most important relationship we've had. >> rose: it's always an historic that they continue to do something about rising powers or principles. >> avoiding that trap is a very important goal whoever is our
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leader. >> rose: jim fallows, thank you so much. >> thank you charlie. >> rose: margo price is here the national singer songwriter is making herself known beyond steely city. there are greats like dolly pardon and loretta lynn. she was record the in three days at the studio in memphis. it is called mid west farmer's daughter. rolling stones calls it a diary of striking out and living hard. here is margo price performing all american maid in our studio this morning. ♪ woke from the movie, got to party and heading on the top.
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made ♪ >> rose: i'm pleased to have margo price at this table for the first time. well come. >> thank you so much for having here. >> rose: thank you for performing for us. >> of course, that's great. >> rose: how does, you obviously are flattered with these comparisons to loretta lynn. >> yes. i admire her so much and definitely see similarities in what we do. >> rose: what are the similarities you see and that people see. >> i love that she was not afraid to be bold about, you know, women's issues and really she was a unique songwriter. she wrote her own songs and that really appeals to me in an industry for a lot of people have other folks write their songs. that's definitely one of them. but you know, i guess the other similarity is in life are that
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i've read that she's color blind, which i also am a little color blind. she had twins. i had twins. and she's an aries. she doesn't like to be told what to do from what i heard. no, i don't. >> rose: the kind of music you play. >> i try to you know keep true to tradition. but i would like to think i'm not just spinning the same wheel. you know, obviously like classic country music but i like soul and funk and blues and rock and roll. i try to bring that in and paying it my own. >> rose: is it easier to do that today because so many people have bridged all those gaps as well. >> yes. i feel comfortable, you know, bringing those elements in because i think it does make something original and that's the main goal for me. >> rose: did you begin just wanting to be a songwriter or did you always say i want to
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write songs myself and i want to perform them and i want to perform them on stage. >> yes, that was the plan. i think when i first moved to national 13 or 14 years ago. >> rose: you were how old. >> i was 20 years old. i definitely had that ambition but from a what i saw the direction that country music had went, i didn't feel like there was a place for me to coexist with that kind of music because it was so glossy and because the image was a certain prototype i had come to see. >> rose: you couldn't see yourself as that. >> no, no, i didn't think that i physically fit the mold. so i kind of went more the folk direction for while. and i always want to write song that had substance and so i very
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much love joany mitchell and bob dylan and neil young and really gravitated towards that. and the kinks, i got very interest the kinks for a while and started playing rock and roll. and did that for quite some time. had a soul band that had like three back up singers and a horn section. and before i knew it i was singing over 14 people and wondering if i had got i too much. >> rose: today. >> today i've got a six piece band, petal steel and piano and when we can visit. i'm very happy with my band there, the same guy i can play on my record. i didn't get session musicians, i want people who want to be part of the band so when we go to play live shows it sounds nt like a record. >> rose: is it harder for a young girl than a man.
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>> i hink in the music business, yes. i think it may be. i have found that it is maybe more difficult to be a woman. people, when i go and play festivals and stuff, when i look at the line up, five to ten percent of the names are there are women or female bands. >> rose: it's not part of the politics. talking about the events of this week. do you feel strongly, or what do you feel about the results, was it good and what it meant to you seeing a woman as president, history being made. >> i was very much looking forward to saying madam president. it's been a hard week. >> rose: been a hard week for you.
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>> yeah. >> rose: a lot of conversations about it your friends and people. >> yeah. i think if we can try to find a silver lining in the events that have gone on, maybe people will really begin to be proactive and organizations they believe in. and really getting back to getting into the politics of our world. i think people can be so distracted by social media and by, you know, the day to day distractions of the world that we've gotten away from growing own our food and taking care of the environment and really being turned on. >> rose: those are the kind of issues that appeal to you most. >> yes, they definitely do. >> rose: environmental questions. >> my father and my grandfather and all his brothers and all their sons they had a family farm and the whole farming crises in the early and mid
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1980's came about. they lost everything and they had a huge impact on me. >> rose: where were they from. >> they were from a little town called buffalo prairie, illinois. we had soy and cattles. it's something i hope to do when i'm not on the road. >> rose: your own farm. >> having a little garden at least, i think if everybody does a little bit, it will make a difference. >> rose: are you as strong a melody as you are on lyrics. >> i definitely thing a strong melody is important. when i set out to write this album i had kind of given up trying to write pop songs or rock and roll songs or whatever i had been doing in the last four albums. i wasn't worried about if the look was the good enough or if
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it was melodically catchy enough, i just want to the lyrical content to be there. and i think i achieved some of that. >> rose: when you thank you about some of these songs, this is hands of time. >> yes. this is a six minute song, yes. everyone kept trying to make it my single and i don't know if america has six minutes of attention span. we got 140 characters most of the time. get your point across. but i'm happy that i went ahead and kept it and a third man was very adamant with me about having it kind of be the kick off to the album because i feel like if people can get through that and a they're going to know who i am and kind of what i've been through and be able to enjoy the rest of the record because it's not as heavy. >> rose: i'm about to find out. >> yes. i'm about to find out.
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i wrote about an acquaintance who is a bit of a sociopath pat. it's funny how songs change meaning over time. it seemed to be fitting for the privileged and the separation and the classes that we're dealing with today. >> rose: is this album in part some say about sort of giving the finger to the musical establishment. >> yes, definitely. especially in the ways that i have been treated as a woman. when i was first in national, first moving into town, i experienced people who kind of tried to take advantage of me. and i feel like when i was younger, i didn't think that there were people like that out there. i was just very trusting and very open. i didn't think that there were
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people who would try to do that. but i had a very bad experience with an older gentleman who had a studio and want me to write some demos for him, for more of the pop country world and we spoke a little bit but then at one point, i was doing some writing out there with him and another guy. and i went to the restroom and i came out and i was having a glass of sangria and i began not to feel well and i asked them if we put anything in my drink and they said tonight worry we put vodka in there because we didn't think you were having enough fun. that immediately put off a light in my head, you know. my mother's words were we got to get out of there. it was before technology was quite so savvy. i had a little flip phone, it was dying. luckily i got out of their unharmed but that was the first of experiences where i think people -- >> rose: trying to take advantage. >> they want favors and expect,
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you know, expect you to do something for them if they're going to help you out. i don't think that that's the music. >> rose: because they believe in i your -- >> not only things like that but publicists take a large amount of money and never giving me a press orthopedic of what they did or managers who want to be on retainer when i don't really have an extra $250 a month to give. but you pay for what you get. i definitely learned the hard way how the music business works. >> rose: it's hard on you too. >> yeah. got a little chip on my shoulder now. >> rose: you do it with a sense of humor too. >> yes. humor takes the sting out of a lot of things. >> rose: you did this in three days. >> two days. >> rose: you pawned your wedding ring.
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>> yes. >> rose: you did what else. your car. >> my husband came into the kitchen one day and said that's it. there's no way we'll have enough money. we were selling microphones and guitars and music gear that we had acquired, mixing boards. reel to reel machines. we like a lot of the old up log ways of recording. >> rose: are those days behind you? >> yeah. we're doing well. we still only have one car. we never bought another car because i'm on the road so much. but i think i'm going to buy an old truck here soon. >> rose: a pick up truck. >> i'm going to buy a ford pick up truck. >> rose: tell me about the rest of the songs. one is tennessee song. >> yes. kind of just a song about enjoying the outdoors and also the history of the where america used to be and where we are now. >> rose: and the next one is you put me down, since you put me down. >> since you put me down.
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that's a song since you put me down i cover it with my husband. he started writing. he maybe had a different direction that he was going but i definitely used that to kind of write a scorned love letter to an old manager that did me wrong. people might think it's about love. >> rose: did you call to say this is for you. >> no. but the funny thing was that once i started getting some success he sent me an apology and then asked me. >> rose: what did you say. >> i said i'm sorry, i don't think i can do that. but i'm not holding a grudge. ♪ anymore. i can't keep -- ♪ >> rose: four years of chances. >> four years of chances i wrote after our conversation with a
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girlfriend of mine who was going through a difficult relationship, and we were just having a conversation. she said i gave him four years of chances. >> rose: you heard a song title right there. >> i said yes i'm going to write that song and i went home and it came out in just one piece. i was writing about her relationship and past relationships also and i was really saying good boy to my old band. i was with them for four years. when i had to break up with them it very much felt like a relationship. >> rose: does writing come easy? has it always? >> i still feel very inspired. i'm dying to get back in the studio. we're going to go here in december and we are full of songs. >> rose: you're full of songs. >> yes. >> rose: as she said those words four years of chances, did
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you want to write it down there or did you say that's nice if i can come to writing a song -- >> i scribble it down somewhere a or you lose it. or you're laying in bed at night and you're drifting off and those last moments you're falling asleep and those song ideas i'll remember tomorrow, no you don't, you got to get up and write it down right then. >> rose: it's confessional too. >> yes. i gave myself the humility to become a little self deprecating. like you said trying to find the humor and the bad situations. i had a weekender is about a weekend i had to spend in the davidson county jail. >> rose: why did they want to put you in jail? >> i made some bad decisions. >> rose: what did you do. >> i was really struggling a lot with depression after losing my
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son. i've been begging god really to put me in a mental home. i just wasn't feeling safe for myself. i was drinking quite heavily. i went out one night and had so many drinks and i called the cab but the cab never came. i had a little accident and yeah, that was definitely the kind of turning point where i realized, you know, i don't want to be in an insane asylum. that's what it felt like in there. >> rose: i didn't want to lose control. >> yes. i realize i had a son at home. he's the most important thing in my life and i knew i needed to get it together. so i went and got therapy. it was a long time getting clear
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headed. >> rose: how are you today? >> i'm great. i'm a little exhausted. i'm working so much but i feel yes.dy when you began.ed by couldn't get a manager, couldn't get a publicist, couldn't get a label. couldn't barely book any gigs. kind of the turning point was a writer from rolling stone came and saw me in a very tiny dive bar in nashville. that was my first glimmer of hope. they said where's your album we want to review it. i said i don't have one. i'm trying to scrounge up the money. i started writing to all these producers and these labels and sent them a memo saying i'm going to be a great country singer. but i didn't hear responses. so i sold the car and did it anyway. >> rose: there's a lot of hype about it now. >> i never expected it would go this far in a million years. >> rose: you're ready to go back and record the next one. >> i am. that was recorded quite some time ago and several of the
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songs were around for years. so i've got all sorts of new things to say and now even more to write about. >> rose: it's great to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> rose: hope you come back. >> i will. >> rose: as soon as you get that album. come by here. >> thank you so much charlie. >> rose: it's a pleasure. here it is. you get vinyl now. look at that. >> it's an actual thing that will hold in your hand that won't disappear when the internet collapses. this was a film photo that my friend took and it was on a lomo film so that was all green. it was during the summer. and the film turned it purple. got poison ivy and all sorts of bug bites. >> rose: it was worth it. >> yes, it was. i can't tell you what an honor it is to sit here and talk with you. i'm such a fan. >> rose: margo price.
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tell all i want to do, make a little cash because it went so fast, i busted my ass. want to buy back the farm, bring my mama home. come back ♪ hands will shine. when i hit the setting, i joined the band, i started singing in a bar, running with the men. but the men they brought me problems, and the drinking caused me grief, but i found a
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friend that i only ♪ when i settled down with a married man, we had a couple babies, started living off the land. when i first born died, and i cried after dark, anybody out there looking down on me. at all. all i want to do, make something last when i can't see the future, can't change the past ♪ ♪ buy back the farm, bring my
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