tv PBS News Hour PBS December 1, 2016 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. >> sreenivasan: and i'm hari sreenivasan. >> woodruff: on the newshour tonight: the future commander- in-chief strikes a deal to keep factory jobs in the u.s.-- what this early push for the manufacturing sector could tell us about the future trump administration. >> sreenivasan: also ahead this thursday: we join the medics on the front lines against isis-- a look into the lives of american volunteers helping bandage and heal the victims of the battle for mosul. >> woodruff: and, america's forgotten government investment: a look at why the nation's infrastructure and productivity are getting slower by the century. >> every major component of your iphone is a result of public investment and development:
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g.p.s., the memory processors, touch screen technology, even that annoying voice that doesn't >> sreenivasan: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: lincoln financial is committed to helping you take charge of your future. >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology,
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and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> supported by the rockefeller foundation. promoting the well-being of humanity around the world by building resilience and inclusive economies. more at >> carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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>> woodruff: president-elect trump made his first public speech today since the election, on a trip to indiana to tout a deal that he said made good on a campaign promise. mr. trump met with carrier workers on the floor of their indianapolis plant today. many of their jobs were saved because of the deal he helped broker. >> so many people in that big beautiful plant behind us-- which will be even more beautiful seven months from now -- they're so happy, they're going to have a great christmas. that's most important. but also i want to let all the other companies know, we're great for business, there's no reason for them to leave anymore. >> woodruff: word of what was in the deal filtered out today. carrier's parent company-- united technologies-- will get $7 million in indiana state tax breaks, over ten years. in exchange, the company is
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investing $16 million into its indiana operations. that means its indianapolis furnace plant will stay open, saving 800 jobs there. another 300 jobs in the state will also be spared. but it's not all rosy: 600 jobs at the indianapolis plant will still be outsourced to mexico. the parent company is also sticking with plans to close a plant just two hours drive away. late today, mr. trump left indiana for an evening rally in ohio, kicking off what his team calls a "thank you" tour. earlier in the day, there was transition work. robert gates, the former defense secretary, was spotted in trump tower. while on capitol hill, his education secretary pick-- betsy devos-- met with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. senate democrats pushed to require nominees like devos to release tax returns before they are confirmed.
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>> if they have no shady business dealings or records of taking advantage of the middle class, they should be happy to have us take a look. >> woodruff: and in wisconsin, the recount requested by green party nominee jill stein began, although it's not expected to change the outcome. meanwhile, hillary clinton's popular vote lead has now surpassed 2.5 million, with ballots still being counted. and late today there were reports that president-elect trump has decided who will fill a major cabinet job. "the washington post" and cnn reported he's chosen retired marine general james mattis as his secretary of defense. but a trump spokesman said no decision has been made yet. we'll have a closer look at the carrier deal in indiana right after the news summary. >> sreenivasan: in other news today: the smoke is clearing from days of wildfires in tennessee's great smoky mountains, and recovery efforts are in full swing.
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the death toll from the blaze rose to ten people today as search and rescue crews fanned out around the eastern city of gatlinburg. sevier county mayor larry waters said authorities were making headway on dozens of missing persons reports. >> we're pleased with one aspect of it and that is that a significant number of those leads, we found people where they are, and we hope that that trend continues as we move forward. >> sreenivasan: officials said they expected search teams to finish combing the fire-ravaged areas tonight. >> woodruff: french president françois hollande said today he won't seek a second term, citing historically low approval ratings. during his time in office, france has grappled with high unemployment rates and terrorism. the first round of the french presidential election is set to begin next april. >> sreenivasan: colombia's congress has ratified a long- sought peace agreement with the leftist rebel group farc, after
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years of negotiations. that comes after colombian voters narrowly rejected an earlier version in a referendum last october. lawmakers voted last night, clearing a final hurdle to the deal's implementation. now farc rebels will have six months to turn over their weapons to u.n. monitors. >> ( translated ): we are committed to working very quickly on the amnesty law for members of the farc who have not committed atrocious crimes, non- admissible crimes. that is perhaps the first thing we have to do. >> sreenivasan: opponents of the deal in congress boycotted the vote, calling the accord too lenient on the rebels. >> woodruff: the u.s. senate today unanimously voted to extend sanctions on iran for another decade. supporters said it will give congress the ability to punish iran, should it violate its landmark nuclear deal with the u.s. the measure had already won approval in the house. now, president obama is expected to sign it into law. >> sreenivasan: the united nations is out with its latest tally of the world's population. it offers a staggering look at the struggles facing young women today. the planet's population grew 1% this year, to 7.4 billion people.
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89% of the world's 125 million 10-year-olds are living in developing countries, where girls face obstacles to equal education, quality health care, and safety. >> woodruff: there are new signs the u.s. manufacturing sector is starting to rebound. factory activity hit a five- month high in november, due in part to an increase in new orders and production. even so, stocks were mixed on wall street today. the dow jones industrial average notched another record high-- climbing 68 points to close at nearly 19,192. the nasdaq fell 72 points, and the s&p 500 slipped seven. >> sreenivasan: still to come on the newshour: what's in the deal to keep carrier manufacturing jobs in the u.s., life-saving efforts on the front lines of mosul, the latest scientific advancements to prevent and cure aids, and much more.
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>> woodruff: president-elect trump's trip to the carrier plant in indiana was a moment to celebrate the jobs that were saved, but it's also led to more questions about whether this kind of deal could be replicated and to concerns about the state of the industry. to break it down, i'm joined by scott paul, of the alliance for american manufacturing, which represents some leading companies in that field. and greg ip of the "wall street journal." and we welcome both of you to the program. greg, remind us, first of all, why was carrier going to move these jobs to mexico in the first place? >> cheap labor, basically, in mexico. they can pay workers $24 per day and benefits and in indiana they were paying $34 per hour. they were coming to the same conclusion so many other manufacturers have come to that it's cheaper to make the product elsewhere. >> woodruff: scott paul, what's your understanding of why
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this company changed its mind? >> i think it's clear there was a whole lot of pressure exerted by the president-elect of the united states and the vice president elect of the united states who happens to be the governor of indiana. trump had started tweeting about this in february and talking about it consistently, wanted to make, i think, a point of holding a company accountable for offshoring. it's something he said he would do during the campaign, and i think there was a convergence of factors that made carrier the right case in which to make some progress. >> woodruff: it's been reported today the 6 million, 7 million in tax incentives that the state of indiana is offering carrier is something that was offered to them before and carrier turned it down. so what's different now? >> well, i think what's different now is there was no one in the state of indiana who was in a position to offer both
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carrots and sticks, and whether it was directly or indirectly, certainly the knowledge that there are billions of dollars in defense contracts, that there is the ongoing exposure that the president of the united states is going to focus on this company is not helpful and probably causes their executives and their board to say let's see if we can work something out here. >> woodruff: greg, is there any precedent for this kind of move on the part of a president or president-elect? >> you can see elements of it in different walks of life. in the '60s, for example, as inflation was beginning to be a big problem, presidents kennedy and johnson would often publicly brow beat companies for raising prices and threatening to move federal defense purchases to different countries. we see in brazil and france have a long history in intervening in business decisions to protect local jobs. we don't see as much evidence that in the long run it makes
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much difference when the economics are pushing the other direction. >> woodruff: scott paul, can this be replicated from company to company around the dismount. >> rex nard plans to offshore, and there are many plant closures related to trade in the last two years. it's impossible to work through the list. an intervention like this sends shock waives through the board rooms. they're making sourcing decisions, considering the labor cost factor, and also considering the risks that would result from exiting the united states and whether there could be consequences. >> woodruff: and consequences is a term greg ip that the president used. he said there will be consequences when other companies announce they are leaving and moving jobs out of this country. what consequences could there
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be? >> he hasn't been specific but if you go to the campaign rhetoric, the bully pulpit, publicly shaming the companies. that is not new to trump. in 2004, john kerry was making noise ant benedict arnold's c.e.o.s, and that's got a long and gloried position. it's a possibly dangerous precedent. when the pentagon has very specific guidelines and when it does procurement. you don't want them buying a jet engine that's inferior to another because that other company outsourced jobs. the final thing trump could do is impose tariffs on any products imported once they have been op outsourced to another country. it's not clear how they could do it. the real authority is somewhat murky but not question he could do it if he wanted to. that's why people worry we end up with a trade war as a result
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of the tactics. >> reporter: is that a concern for the manufacturing sector, scott paul? >> i think a full-blown trade war is unlikely. there are a lot of safeguards this place to prevent it from escalating in that point. a lot of domestic businesses argue we're in a trade war with china now. we haven't pushed back all that much and again, the signal it sense to corporate america and trade partners is we'll drive a tougher bargain. i don't know we've always done that and depending on how it's managed, it could yield returns for american businesses and workers. >> woodruff: that's what i'm trying to understand, greg, on balance, is this move today and maybe a few other moves down the road likely to alter the health of the american economy and well being of american workers across the board? >> no question protectionist or moral persuasion efforts can make a difference on a
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case-by-case basis. we've seen it in the past. it will save a few thousand, possibly more jobs this time. the economics are saying this is an expensive place to produce stuff, it's hard to see that turn around. that's why i think it would be useful to focus on other points mr. trump is making about making this a better place to manufacture, and that's not about threatening or bribery which is what incentives really are, it's about lower tax rates, less regulation and better education. there are 300,000 manufacturing jobs that are vacant right news because employers are having trouble finding the right skilled workers. back when carrier announced it was made earlier this year the union said they got a phone call from boeing saying we need 60 skilled workers, are your guys available? unfortunately, very few have the skills necessary boeing was looking for. >> woodruff: interesting. so scott paul, again, same question on balance, is something like this -- if donald trump is talking about tax
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reductions for corporations, talking about doing away with a lot of regulations, is that going to create an environment where many american companies will decide not to send jobs overseas? >> yes, i think greg is right, that the macro environment is going to be critically important here, and it's a combination of the corporate tax code, the strength of the dollar which is very important to our exporters, the workforce, the investments that we're making in our infrastructure, because labor, quite honestly, is becoming a smaller component in the cost of manufacturing. energy, the materials make a big difference. the other factor is these countries compete for business with us by offering these subsidies all the time. if they see the united states is in the game of this, it could change the equation. >> woodruff: scott paul, greg ip, we thank you both. >> thank you.
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>> sreenivasan: the six-week long battle for the isis-held city of mosul has become an increasingly tough urban war for the american-backed iraqi forces; up to a million civilians still live in the city. the front lines are often too dangerous for international aid workers, but two young american volunteers are there, saving lives while risking their own. from mosul, special correspondent jane ferguson and producer matt mcgarry filed this report. a warning-- viewers may find some of the imagery disturbing. >> reporter: crying in pain, a tiny patient is carried into this basic treatment center in mosul. his name is karam, and at just five years old, the agony and fear are too much. "hawa" says his father. "mortar." his leg was shattered when it was hit two weeks ago, it was operated on, and is now infected.
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his father tries to comfort him. for parents, war brings a terrible fear of loss. two american medics are helping karam, they have been at this post for about a month, treating civilians injured in the fighting. how many of your patients are children? >> too many. >> at least a quarter. >> reporter: injured by? >> everything. >> car bombs, mortars, snipers. >> reporter: karam is lucky, he managed to find treatment from isis doctors. it's crude, but at least he'll be able to walk again. he probably won't lose the leg. where would he have gone for the surgery? >> he went for it in mosul-- there are still operating hospitals there. >> reporter: inside isis territory? >> yep. >> reporter: these two american volunteers-- both just 27 years
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old-- are the first and only point of help civilians and iraqi army soldiers get this close to the front line of fighting in mosul. pete reed is from bordentown, new jersey. after two tours in afghanistan as a marine, pete came to iraq to help. derek coleman is from san diego. he was a machinist in a factory with some medical training before coming here as a volunteer. >> i don't have any kids, girlfriend, wife, nothing like that. so i wanted a little adventure, and see isis as an evil enemy, and saw good people fighting against it, and thought i could help somehow. and medical work seems to be much more important than carrying a gun and shooting at people. >> reporter: other charities are miles back from the front lines, wary of putting their staff in harm's way.
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because of isis suicide car bombs, the civilians of mosul are banned from driving cars. many of the injured would not survive if pete and derek were not this close to the fighting. >> the location is everything with what we are doing. n.g.os and other organizations can't get close to where we are. so what we are doing is we are stopping bleeding that would kill someone in five minutes, we are stabilizing patients that hopefully will survive the trip to the closest hospital. even with us, the hospitals are so far away at this point we are afraid of how many patients we lose on the road. >> reporter: but being this close to the front puts derek and pete at risk. they are always short on supplies, so pete has gone out to search for any other medical aid stations to ask for more. derek just begins telling us about missing the holiday.
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>> thanksgiving was interesting. thanksgiving was when i left last year. that was close. >> reporter: when bullets start flying and we have to run for cover. this is normal? this kind of gunfire going overhead? >> yeah, it's pretty normal. our proximity to the front line, it's bound to happen. >> reporter: derek calls to warn pete to be careful-- the fighting has intensified around us. >> hey buddy, how are you doing? we have had quite a few rounds pass really close to our c.c.p. here-- worse that yesterday. so i just wanted to give you guys a warning as you are pulling up-- just checking in with you. >> reporter: in the mean time, derek prepares for the next patients, which will surely come. the conditions here are harsh, but they have learned to manage. >> as you can see i'm kind of bloodied here and i don't have time to always clean it all off, so i just try to not look like a i came out of a butcher shop as
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best i can. >> reporter: pete arrives back empty-handed. his search for supplies unsuccessful, just as more patients are brought in. the center is also the first point of treatment for many iraqi soldiers, their bodies brutalized by the urban warfare that rages just down the road. we are not allowed to film the injured and dying soldiers who arrived at the center. iraqi special forces medics are here too, some trained by the two young americans. they often treat civilians-- many transported here by the army in war-weathered humvees. soon, one pulls up, and a child wrapped in a blanket is lifted from it-- a soldier races her into the center. her aunt stays outside, hysterical with fear and grief.
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>> hold her [bleep head, somebody! >> reporter: the small girl has been shot in the head by an isis sniper. incredibly, she is still alive. pete and derek fight hard to save her life. >> tell her to stay still, stay still. >> reporter: they manage to bandage her head. >> plaster, plaster, sticking plaster! >> here. >> reporter: despite brave efforts by all, the little girl died. based on what you have seen, are isis targeting civilians? >> yeah. they are shooting people with white flags. they are shooting kids. last week we had two kids in a row who had been shot in the neck or the head by a daesh sniper because they were fleeing
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mosul. not accidental grazing fire or anything like that, proper sniper shots: head and neck and face. yeah, they're purposely trying to kill these people who are running away. >> reporter: being in the crossfire and tending to death, his family are worried about him. >> yeah, they worry a lot, probably for good reason. who wouldn't worry? it's not like i'm a ski instructor in wyoming. i'm on the front line of the battle for mosul. they are really, really supportive. they're just terrified of what i'm doing. >> reporter: are you changed? >> gosh, yesh. you can only see so many dead kids in a day so many days in a row, before you are going to be changed. people see one dead kid or one traumatic thing happen and it affects them for the rest of their life. i've seen a couple hundred. i'm
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doing okay. >> reporter: inside, spirits are high because karam-- the first child we met-- is feeling better. a little tenderness and some candy have helped. he has been fortunate to cheat death in this violent place. for the pbs newshour, i'm jane ferguson in mosul, iraq. >> woodruff: stay with us. coming up on the newshour: the link between distrust of government and crumbling infrastructure, and an author's take on changing how society thinks about marijuana. but first, today is world aids day. while the death toll from aids has dropped dramatically, the virus still claims over a
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million people every year, and nearly 40 million remain infected. william brangham has an update. >> reporter: with the growing use of medications to treat and prevent the spread of h.i.v., some say ending the aids epidemic is within sight. but aids is still the number one killer of reproductive aged women, and, in many places, those life-saving medicines are barely available. scientists are also seeking a vaccine-- a new trial is underway now in south africa-- but many are skeptical. i'm joined now by "science magazine's" jon cohen, who's covered this epidemic for nearly 30 years, and was a collaborator with us on our recent series about h.i.v./aids. jon cohen, welcome back to the "newshour". let's start off by talking about this vaccine trial in south africa. you wrote the book about the hunt for an h.i.v. vaccine. what is happening in south africa now? is this as promising as some think snts. >> the aids vaccine is the holy
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grail, people can get shots, be protected for life, that's the dream. in 2009, a vaccine being studied protected people with a 31% reduction in risk. that's extremely low but it was something, the first glimmer of hope. the vaccine trial in south africa is building off that thai trial. the results from the thai trial were extremely controversial. there are people who wonder why that vaccine strategy moved forward in south africa, and there are south africans who argue strongly this is a great hope for them and even if they get some protection in addition to other protective measures, it could make a big difference. >> brangham: more broadly, where are the successes currently in the fight against h.i.v. and where are they happening? >> clearly preventing mother-child transmission is one of the easiest things to do in prevention and some countries like south africa reduced it to
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2% or below women infected passing the virus. that's a great success. treatment scaled up from basically being zero from poor countries around the world in the year 2000 to 18.2 million of the 36.7 million infected people. phenomenal success story. people who are treated and stay on treatment suppress the virus and rarely transmit to others. so that leads to hope the epidemic can stop petering out. >> there are high h.i.v. rates among populations throughout the world. what are the other big challenges facing aids? >> one big challenge is only half the people who need treatment are getting treatment. that's an enormous challenge. the other one, there are a lot of young people getting infected. 2.1 million people are still getting infected every year and that number isn't changing much. so something needs to be done particularly to reach young
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women in much of sub-saharan africa who are highly vulnerable and it is unclear in many places like south africa why they're becoming infected at such extraordinarily high rate. >> brangham: unicef put out a stark warning saying if prevention efforts weren't ramped up we would see real spike in incidences amongst adolescents. are you hopeful we can nip that in the bud? >> it's one of the most vexing problems. there are a few problems. one is adolescents are risk takers. i any of us who have adolescents know that. they don't perceive themselves as being in harm's way even when it's clear h.i.v. is in their community. other adolescents are infected at birth and they only though when they get to be teenagers and get sick. they have trouble staying on medication because there is resentment about the fact
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they're infected and no one told them the truth about how their mother died. so the combination creates a big problem with no solution. >> brangham: what about the issue of funding? as we traveled across south africa, we heard repeatedly funding is the issue. what is the trendline looking in that regard? >> the world is short $7 billion a year according to u.n. aid. where will it come from in countries and domestic sources are strapped. countries like zimbabwe have had success keeping people suppressed and on treatments, but this will lead investors to think this is worth it and to put money into controlling it once and for all. >> reporter: you can find additional reporting on aids
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from a series that aired last summer, on our website: >> sreenivasan: now, infrastructure investment may be moving back front and center. president-elect trump plans to push for it-- through the private sector. democrats in congress remain interested in great public investment. our economics correspondent, paul solman, takes a trip on the rails to look at how attitudes have changed over time. part of his weekly series, "making sense." >> attention, please. this is the last call. >> reporter: mid-morning at new york's penn station. >> reporter: throngs rush to the 10:00 a.m. acela to washington, d.c. ridership is up-- and these highish-speed trains are at or near capacity-- as business travelers chug up and down the northeast corridor. >> amtrak conductor 2153 to the head, all station is complete, >> reporter: but they're hurrying up in an america of
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slowed-down productivity. the amount of output per hour of work rising at just 1.3% a year since 2007, compared to more than double that rate from 1947- 1973. one cause: america's crumbling infrastructure, like our passenger rail system, some of which dates to the civil war, causing delays that hamstring the economy. wick moorman worked his way to the top of the norfolk southern freight railroad before retiring last year, returning to work recently, at a dollar a year, to steer and revive amtrak. riding the acela back to new york, he insisted it's not just our railroads that need work. >> when you look at the state of our highway system today-- which we all get out and drive on every day-- in terms of congestion, in terms of the surface conditions, in terms of the fact that we're seeing that more and more bridges have to be closed to rehabilitate. it has to be an economic drag,
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right? highway congestion alone costs this country an enormous amount of productivity. >> reporter: so why aren't we investing in infrastructure of the kind that "made america great" in the '40s, '50s, '60s. government investments that hiked our economy to unheard of heights of productivity? so asks yale's jacob hacker. his answer: >> we've forgotten the incredibly important role that government plays in our prosperity. >> reporter: and thus the term "american amnesia," hacker's new book, subtitled: "how the war on government led us to forget what made america prosper." because, in the 19th and 20th centuries, prosper we did. >> we went from being from a relatively poor, relatively undereducated and relatively unhealthy society to being the richest, the most well educated and healthiest society that the world had ever seen. after world war ii, that we see
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the blossoming of this really active, investing state that's investing on both non-defense and defense technology and really sowing the seeds for the productivity revolution that occurs during this period. >> reporter: government outlays of land for railroads, say; subsidies for airports and waterways that helped make the country one market, speed goods and labor from coast to coast. think of republican president eisenhower's interstate highway system. >> the estimates are that it accounted for something like a third of productivity growth in the u.s. economy in the late 1950s, and around a quarter in the 1960s. >> reporter: and what's true of hard infrastructure is true of what were once america's greatest soft productivity advantages: health, and education. >> if you look at older americans in the united states, they're the most educated older citizens in the world. but if you look at younger
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americans, we've fallen to the high teens in terms of college completion rates. so in a new economy that's based much more on knowledge, and technology, we're not investing adequately or correctly to get kids through college the way other countries are. >> reporter: in short, claims hacker, we forgot what made us great, and instead adopted a "profound skepticism about government." >> as we've seen government become weaker and lobbyists more powerful, americans have also become less trusting of governments. >> reporter: and yet these days, government investments may actually be the most productive ones available. >> if you look at how our economy has suffered over the last 15 or 20 years. it's in significant part because we haven't done the investments in research and development and infrastructure and other public goods that are necessary for our growth. and unfortunately, we're going to be feeling that overhang for
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a long time to come, because it's the investments we made in the 1950s and '60s and '70s that result in some of the greatest technological breakthroughs that we enjoy today. >> reporter: such as? >> the iphone. we have an iphone here? >> reporter: i've got one. >> every major component of your iphone is a result of public investment and development: g.p.s., the memory processors, touch screen technology, even originated in public research projects. >> reporter: as we neared new york, the lack of investment in passenger rail was hard to miss. the acela decelerated, cars on i-95 whizzing past us. that prompted a question to amtrak's c.e.o.: why had we slowed to a crawl? >> because there's a new jersey transit train going into penn station ahead of us, and we have exactly two tracks under that river. and, we get this kind of congestion all the time.
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>> reporter: moreover, those rail tunnels, now more than a century old, were flooded by hurricane sandy four years ago. >> and i think that the day is coming when this nation is just going to be forced to invest if we want to, you know, maintain our place in the world. >> we are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. we're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. >> reporter: on election night, president-elect donald trump touted his plan for rebuilding america: $137 billion in federal tax credits to private investors who would then be incentivized to finance toll roads, toll bridges or other projects that
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generate their own revenue, unleashing a hoped-for trillion dollars of infrastructure investment over ten years. and if it works, says jacob hacker, a democrat... >> he's the nixon-goes-to-china of infrastructure spending. but i also think he has a very good chance of putting through massive tax cuts. they're going to take away a lot of the public funds that we need to do that kind of infrastructure. >> reporter: furthermore, some private infrastructure investments like toll roads have failed in recent years. as for private investment in amtrak? well, says its new c.e.o. >> i'm skeptical. you fund private investment, as you know, in the highways by things like tolls. well, that's harder out here. >> reporter: not going to have a toll at wilmington. >> no, i mean every time the train goes through with an easy pass and you know you kind of click off another one.
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it's just harder for me to see right now. >> reporter: you're a guy who went to harvard business school. you're not talking as some kind of left wing democrat who's always for more and more spending, more and more taxes. >> no, no. i'm just a person who looks at the country and what needs to be done and says: this is what we do in the business world. we fix this. why can't you fix it? >> reporter: good question, to which we'll all be waiting for the answer. for the pbs newshour, this is economics correspondent paul solman, reporting aboard amtrak 2168. >> woodruff: the united states and iran have been at odds for 37 years, a standoff that continues even as president obama signed on to a deal this
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past summer that sharply limits iran's nuclear development. just today, as we reported, the u.s. senate voted to extend sanctions against tehran. margaret warner recently sat down with "wall street journal" reporter jay solomon to discuss his book, "the iran wars: spy games, bank battles, and the secret deals that reshaped the middle east," the latest addition to the newshour bookshelf. >> reporter: jay solomon, welcome. >> good to be here. >> reporter: what struck me about the book was your trail of president obama obsessed with iran and getting a nuclear deal from the beginning. where did that come from? >> i think when he came in, he saw the need to stop, diffuse the iran weapons program, and the need to kind of avert another u.s. war as converging. we didn't know at the time that he was sending secret letters to the supreme leader, that he was really kind of setting up a diplomatic track and was just hoping the iranians would bite.
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so it really was a campaign issue that became a driving vision for him in his first year. >> reporter: so president obama got his nuclear deal but he did pay a really big diplomatic price, didn't he, on many fronts? >> when i was doing the research, it did dominate so many different factions of his policy. the negotiations with the iranians started in secret, which basically behind the backs of the israelis and arabs, which really has continued to this day to serve as a big source of tension with the obama administration, because they say there was no connection whatsoever between our syria policy and the decision not to use airstrikes and our iran policy. but we've seen kind of since 2013 when obama backed away from airstrikes almost kind of the u.s. moving increasingly toward the policy that's in alignment in some ways with both the russians and iranians, and president obama has sent
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messages to the supreme leader in letters and to the pentagon that basically we're not targeting assad. >> reporter: in fact, iranian initials let officials know that could screw up the talks. >> the diplomats involved were saying if we want to keep this diplomatic track open, if you start bombing the assad regime which provides iran strategic depth in the middle east and its closest arab ally, it will be difficult for us to continue. >> reporter: we have this conversation with what has turned out to be $1.7 billion in cash the u.s. paid to iran in the last several months. it's about a separate negotiation at the hague, but is it or is it not connected to this nuclear deal? >> well, i think it all did kind of converge. on january 16, the agreement was basically implemented. the next day we had a prisoner swap and the payment of this money, so i do think it was tied to the nuclear negotiations in
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this way. so i think you've seen a cycle of the obama administration trying to put -- trying to pass conflicts behind that were brewing with the iranians, but it's also raced a lot of questions, because if you give that much money in cash to the iranian government, there is a real fear this money went to the elite military unit, the revolutionary guard. it's very hard for them to move money around the middle east to fund hezbollah and lebanon, the assad regime. if you give them that much cash, you can move that cash to these types of regimes, and i think that's part of the reason this cash payment has become so controversial and political. >> reporter: and of course it can't be traced. you spent time talking to american and iranian officials and getting to know them well. after these two years, do you think any sort of trust developed in these negotiations that they will survive it? >> i think it's significant there was so much engagement
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between john kerry and foreign minister shareef. i think the progress with iran was a dual system. the wells was talking with english speaking diplomats in the foreign ministry but the policies are chosen by the supreme leaders and the revolutionary guards and there is still virtually no contact between the u.s. side and the hard cmp that really runs the country. so history will show whether there was a narrowing but the rhetoric coming out of the supreme leader has not softened at that raises questions whether this was another transactional part or whether it leads to approach one on some level. >> reporter: future presidents will have to deal with it no doubt. jay solomon, "the iran wars: spy games, bank battles and the secret deals that reshaped the middle east." thank you. >> thank you so much.
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>> sreenivasan: we'll be back in a moment with one author's perspective on the evolving culture of marijuana. but first, take a moment to hear from your local pbs station. it's a chance to offer your support, which helps keep programs like ours on the air. >> sreenivasan: next: new songs from an american classic. folk legend judy collins has been making music since the 1960s. now, decades later, she is still going strong, this year collins released her 51st album called "silver skies blue." jeffrey brown visited the artist just before her album was released, and has this encore look at her career from its award-winning heights to its tragic depths. ♪ >> reporter: judy collins has been making beautiful music since the early 1960s, and,
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since 1967, writing her own songs. in her new york apartment recently, she played a new one for us. >> ♪ i really thought of myself not as a singer in the beginning. i really thought of myself as a storyteller. >> reporter: oh, really? meaning that it was all about the story. >> it was. >> reporter: many years later, at age 77, the stories and songs continue, and for her latest album, titled "silver skies blue," collins has taken a new step: co-writing an entire record with another artist, 36- year-old ari hest. collins grew up in a musical family. her father, blind from age four, was a singer and radio host who inspired her with irish ballads, rodgers and hammerstein, and much more. she studied classical piano, and then discovered, and became part of, a growing folk music scene that was infused with social activism.
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>> i learned to sing along the way. so, the songs provided me with a living, with entertainment, education, singing lessons, and adventure throughout my whole career, really. >> reporter: one of the things that you, of course, became so well-known for is bringing songs that other people wrote to the attention of a general audience. >> i was desperate to sing great songs, the kind of classic songs that i had been raised with. this is the burgeoning of the great folk music revival. and i was in the village. so i learned woody and i learned pete. i learned all their great songs. and when i came to new york, i was... >> reporter: woody guthrie, pete seeger, and on and on and on. >> that's right. i was sitting in the middle of this incredible burgeoning of beauty and art and fantasy, and also politically and socially important songs. i just would walk around the
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village, and tom paxton would come along and say, "oh, hi, i just wrote this song, bottle of wine, fruit on the vine. why don't you sing it?" dylan was just starting here in '61 here in new york. and i went to hear him at town hall, and said i have to sing "masters of war," and i have to sing "the lonesome death of hattie carrol," one of the great songs to come out of that era. ♪ amazing grace >> reporter: over the years, she'd become renowned for her versions of classics such as "amazing grace," sung here at dromoland castle in ireland and, ♪ isn't it bliss? >> reporter: at the metropolitan museum, stephen sondheim's "send in the clowns." ♪ how do you think of what it is
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that you're doing when it's someone else's song? >> you have to apply the same criteria to the songs that you write, as well as the songs that you sing of other people. they all have to somehow become- - they have to become judy collins songs. >> reporter: your song. >> yes. you have to make them into that somehow. and that's magical, and also which songs you choose is magical, because you don't know what-- it's falling in love. if you're falling in love, you don't know why. i mean, sure, he has blue eyes or, sure, he has green eyes, but you don't know what it is that really is the chemistry. it's the same thing with a song. >> reporter: can you give me an example? >> in the early things, so things like "turn, turn, turn," of course. i heard that and immediately wanted to sing it my whole - ever since i heard it as a 15- year-old. ♪ ♪
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>> reporter: there's been great success, including four gold and two platinum albums. but over the years, collins has also faced well-documented challenges: depression, bulimia, the suicide of her son, a long fight with alcoholism. >> i'm a recovering alcoholic. in fact, today is my anniversary, 38 years. >> reporter: wow. >> when i have troubles, i have been able to go into my music and my writing to be able to find my way through those things. ♪ >> reporter: but that, too, was threatened when she developed problems with her vocal cords that eventually required surgery. >> it was terrifying. i spent a number of years just horrified with, what i was going to do if i couldn't perform? >> reporter: i see you do a lot of speaking on the subject of healing, the healing power of art and music. >> i would say that my own life
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has been very impacted by the fact that i'm a working musician. so, i'm involved with music, with writing it, playing it, practicing it, performing it. and it really does-- that two hours when i'm on stage is a meditation, in a way. you can't do a lot when you're singing, except to be present. ♪ >> reporter: still on stage, judy collins and her new musical partner ari hest are now in the midst of a national tour. from new york, i'm jeffrey brown for the pbs newshour. ♪ >> sreenivasan: you can find more of jeffrey brown's interviews with notable artists on our arts page. that's at:
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>> woodruff: now to another in our brief but spectacular series. this past election, multiple states legalized the use of marijuana for recreation or medicinal purposes. tonight, author joe dolce provides some historical context on the substance. >> when my mother was upset that i was writing a book on weed i pulled this out, which is an unguent made of cannabis and i said, "mom, do you have any pain?" she said, "yes, my legs are hurting me," and i rubbed some on her and in three minutes her pain was gone, that was a pretty easy way of changing her mind. i know why weed gets such a bad rap because the u.s. government -- in addition to many other governments-- has been
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disseminating a lot of negative information about it for or since 1937 really so over 70 years. even the name marijuana was an attempt by the u.s. government to sort of racially stigmatize a plant that had here to before known as cannabis. what happened was there were a lot of mexican workers flooding over the border, and a very clever bureaucrat named harry anslinger figured out that he could demonize those workers, at the same time demonize this weed. so what he did is he actually changed the name from cannabis which was in medicine chests to marijuana, which became known as "loco weed." they demonized it, he passed legislation, he kept his job going because he ran the federal bureau of narcotics so he had something to do, and he arrested people like anita o'day and jeane cooper, he arrested musicians for smoking it. the war on drugs in america started when richard nixon had a very clever idea of associating the hippies and disorder with
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marijuana. when ronald reagan came into office in the '80s he turned that war nuclear. he was spraying fields with paraquat, he was raiding people, he was arresting people, we had minimum drug sentencing laws, i think we're at a tipping point right now with the legalization of cannabis. labeling is going to change the world of weed. in the same way you know that a shot of spirits equals a six ounce glass of wine equals a 12 ounce bottle of beer, you're going to be able to dose, you're going to be able to understand the standards that we intuitively understand about alcohol. as a matter of fact in california-- where there's been a medical program for 20 years-- a recent study showed that parents are more happy for their children to use weed than to begin drinking. that's an interesting societal change and i think it's going to have a big effect going forward. my name is joe dolce and this is my brief but spectacular take on weed. >> woodruff: and you can find additional brief but spectacular episodes on our website: also online, we look at two
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potential medical uses for other "recreational" drugs. a synthesized version of the substance naturally found in hallucinogenic mushrooms shows promise in treating anxiety and depression in cancer patients. meanwhile, the f.d.a. approved further research into ecstasy as a treatment for post traumatic stress disorder. all that and more is on our website: >> sreenivasan: tonight on "charlie rose:" she has been called the joni mitchell of her generation, singer/songwriter regina spektor. and that's the newshour for tonight. on friday: one week after castro's death, our correspondent on the ground reports on cuba after fidel. i'm hari sreenivasan. >> woodruff: and i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again here tomorrow evening with shields and brooks. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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lincoln financial is committed to helping you take charge of your future. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh
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