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tv   Washington Week  PBS  December 2, 2016 7:30pm-8:01pm PST

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amy: the president-elect hits the road selling jobs, his america-first agenda and his i'm amy walter, tonight on week".gton president-elect trump: companies are not going to leave the more without any consequences. not gonna happen. amy: the president-elect his promise to keep jobs in america. is it the one-time deal or a come?f more to back in campaign mode, trump stands americans what he for and why he won. president-elect trump: we will end illegal immigration. we will construct a great and by the way, we are repealing and replacing obamacare. amy: as donald trump continues to pick his cabinet, the
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draining who boasts of the swamp taps two wall street insiders for crucial nominations. democrats aren't impressed. >> me is putting together a gold-plated and mahogany trump-style cabinet of wall bankers, billionaires, millionaires, friends, insiders, contributors, and cronies. amy: on capitol hill, nancy pelosi is re-elected house minority leader. >> never again will we have an there's any doubt in anyone's mind where the toocrats are when it comes america's working families. amy: but the lopsided win reveals many democrats are for new leadership. we'll get analysis from carol the "wall street journal," philip rucker of "the post," carrie budoff manu of politico and
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cnn. this is "washington week," funding is provided by. xq institute. isadditional funding provided by boeing. foundation, donating all profits from newman's own food products to charity and nourishing the common good. foundation. the ethics and excellence in journalism foundation. koo and patricia yuen through the yuen foundation, committed bridging cultural differences in our communities. the corporation for public broadcasting and by to your pbss station from viewers like you. thank you. washington, amy
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walter. amy: good evening. president-elect donald trump his transitionom duties to travel to battleground ohio to thank supporters for his election victory. president-elect trump: i am going to need you to fight as hard for these proposals as you fought for this great campaign of ours. thishat you put me in position, even if you don't help me one bit, i'm going to get it me, don't worry about it. amy: thousands turned out in celebrate with the incoming president and vice president-elect. earlier in the day, the stopped in team indiana to announce a deal brokered with the carrier will keep the company from moving to mexico and save hundreds of manufacturing jobs. make goodwas able to on his campaign promise to keep becauseamerica in part, vice president-elect mike pence is still the governor of indiana
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taxhe could offer incentives. phil, what is what happened this week with the carrier situation about the donald trump economic situation? are we going to have a case-by-case economic policy? philip: we might. i think he wanted to show the gate asout of president-elect that he'll champion working people. he's trying to help this company save jobs. it both sends a threat to private industry in the country that if you outsource your jobs, you'll risk the wrath of this powerful administration, but it's also an opportunity. people can say, hey, i'm going send my jobs to china unless you give me a tax incentive and it creates a bit of a slippery slope for the administration and for the state governments, as well, as they put together packages. amy: but it did save 1100 jobs. there are people who might have their job that now are able to stay in indiana. philip: certainly. take credit for it which he did yesterday. it looks like a big win. countryled around the the last two years saying i'm going to revitalize the economy,
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the jobs, i'm going to help forgotten men and women of america who washington is not looking out for. not evenng i'm president yet and i'm already looking out for them. >> phil mentioning the slippery slope. that is the thing he'll have to worry about in this case-by-case economic policy, if he continues to pursue this company by company. theking, you saw conservative "wall street lashal" editorial page this carrier deal because of concerns, the free market. speaking with members of the republicane house study committee and they said this is not necessarily the way we want to go for economic congressmanuding dave brad, member of the house freedom caucus. but paul ryan, i asked him if he had concerns about this and he defended donald trump. he's getting a lot of support from the leadership but some of the more conservative members, a little squeamish about this idea.
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amy: i know you don't write for editorial page but it was your newspaper that came out and called it a shakedown, what was doing with carrier. what is the concern that some how this deal was done, from a free market perspective, as well as the the bully pulpit as the president to make these sort of deals? carol: a couple of things. this is essential government notrvention which is necessarily something that republicans are typically for, so there's that piece of it. piece of, if you do this for one company, what are you going to do for the next company? is there favoritism? how do you play that. broaderd, is there a strategy that president-elect trump will apply to the manufacturing sector that can help it as a whole? is it a one-off? do the other company deals look like and what does this deal look like? broadly, is there a policy that will help the sector at
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large? amy: have we seen anything like that, that there is something that's going to be coming out that the administration is talking about, we're going to come out with something specific to address the issue of manufacturing? carol: no, not yet. you hear, though, the current saying that if donald trump were to do this 804 times, then maybe he would match record onobama's reviving manufacturing sector. but you haven't seen a broad a policy or blueprint from the trump administration-in-waiting. amy: i want to talk about the carrie.u tour, donald trump went to ohio. it looked like a campaign rally saw throughout the course of the year. he had prepared remarks but also veered in and out to attacking the media, attacking hillary clinton, talking about how great was in different states, saying people didn't believe in him.
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is this what we should expect to from a president donald trump for the next four years? these campaign-style rallies president? carrie: they seem to be indicating there will be. of advisers indicate he will be doing this. i covered president obama together. this reminds me a lot of him, thing, what he said in the clip at the start of the show, i need you to help me pass agenda in washington. this is exactly what president obama did, not very well. president obama was a great get love the campaign rally style events. he used the bully pulpit, country,around the you're going to help me pass my agenda. it's very, very hard to do that this.see him doing he's going to feed off of it but challenging. be carol: if you look at how president obama did it. did it tailored and narrowly. he campaigned before the
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but trying to rally support for stimulus in small rallies thatig came later where he would do those for healthcare and town to hisut prior inauguration, he was trying to sell one specific thing, different from what donald trump last night, which was he wants to sell everything. >> he was promising the moon to his supporters. he did not walk back anything said on the campaign trail. buildd they're going to the wall, they're going to make the country more secure, going thatt rid of isis, things will be very difficult to achieve in the short term and particularly the power of the president is limited even though he has control of both chambers of congress, he still does not have 60 votes to break a filibuster in the senate. he needs bipartisan support to get a lot of things done so he may disappoint supporters but he said people are fools to think we should limit our expectations. so his supporters are expecting a lot. >> one of his problems is he's
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govern a very divided country. the emotions are raw out there. we saw him in ohio. this is the first of a series of events he'll have over the the next few weeks. will he go to places that did not support him? go to denver, colorado, or an african american community like detroit or cleveland and to people whout did not support him and who have serious doubts about his leadership abilities? amy: i want to move to the other job he's doing, trying to staff up his administration. we have, -- so far among other names, elaine chao, former labor secretary under president george w. bush. she's been tapped to lead the transportation department. price, a doctor, will be the secretary of health and human services. republican charge to repeal the affordable care act. we also know that candidate campaigned as the ultimate outsider but has turned to
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washington and wall street to lead -- elites to lead the cabinet. what should we read into the picks made thus far? carrie: we wrote this week in stories, it was two honestly, of this cabinet. one is that he's picking extraordinarily conservative leaders in these respective education, someone who does not like public school, and wants to drastically change it. you have tom price who, you controversially than wanting to repeal bank of america is that he wants to privatize medicare. go down the line. there's a number of extraordinarily conservative taking over and then you have a group of wall street long-time wall street figures, that, in treasury and other places, that is proving to be -- that's controversial. that directly contradicts some of the rhetoric, a lot of the
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espoused on the campaign trail. i think the question with all of this -- there's a lot of about the very conservative picks. i think there's some backlash to the goldmantent on sachs, wall street elite folks, but i think we have to sort of check ourselves in terms of how supporters really care or really sort of are going to push back on this. i think that was a big failing of the media, i think, throughout the campaign, is taking him at his word all the time, that his supporters would take him at his word. a wildcard, as we talk about this, just what the impact will be. months or know like maybe years down the road. havemanu, these folks also to be confirmed. what can you tell us? you spent a lot of time on the hill, for what democrats are planning for the confirmation hearings. we listened to patty murray who platedit the gold cabinet. are they going to be
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aggressively anti-these picks? manu: i think so. will depend on who it is. you'll see a big fight over tom war overproxy healthcare. under fire vanuchin from the left winning of the democratic caucus. elizabeth warren and bernie sanders are already going after him. veryeff sessions, he's a conservative record particularly on immigration, civil rights issues. is the problem for democrats that they're almost powerless to prevent these guys and women confirmed because of their own actions in 2013 where they changed filibuster rules and now it's only 51 senators are required to confirm nominees. republicans, after the louisiana senate race is called, will have 52 seats. unless something goes drastically wrong where republicans start voting against will getdidates, trump his nominees. it may be a messy fight in some
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probably getll everyone in place by late january. amy: one thing i wanted to bring the secretary of state. that's one position that still has not yet been filled. floating around. you wrote about a dinner that had with donald trump. what's going on there? >> they're feeling each other out. donald trump reached out to mitt electionon after the to try to have a meeting with him, broker a peace for mitt was the face of the republican resistance to donald trump during the campaign but they had a meeting and by all hit it off.y there seems to be chemistry there now. he's seriously being considered for secretary of state. his people say he wants the job. it's a question of whether trump willing to ask him. there's a lot of resistance within trump's inner circle to romney.mitt they feel he should go with a loyalist like rudy giuliani, york. mayor of new and he's also intrigued by retired general david patraeus.
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trump has been dazzled by these generals. he loves their stories. conveys the power they and he had a productive meeting with patraeus earlier in the week so he's very much in contention, as well. amy: that brings up the other noton who's been necessarily officially named, although yesterday at his rally told us that the general james mattis will be picked as defense secretary. a lot of folks are raising concerns about this military-heavy cabinet. carol: the one thing i would add saying aboutwas the hill and the democrats' ability to caused heartburn for donald trump and his nominees, when it comes to general mattis for defense secretary, there is that needs to be passed to clear him to be able to serve in that position. you have senators like senator gillibrand from new york a procedural move to require 60 votes and that could
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or atially tie that up least allow democrats to vent some frustrations on this. are concerns people are raising about do you have the general as your national adviser and your secretary of defense and your secretary of state. that's a lot of generals. argument to that is that just because you have a general doesn't mean they're if you look at colin powell, he the bushhe hawk in administration even serving as secretary of state so it can cut both ways and people close to trump will say that he really and he will pick who he wants to pick and he's not influenced about this chatter about too many generals. it's also ironic because donald trump said he knew more than the the campaign.g issue.aeus has the other then there's patraeus, when we talk about concerns with hillary and her server, we obviously have general patraeus.
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carol: he was charged with leaking classified information ana woman he was having affair with, his biographer. irony,re's another right? because donald trump spent a lot of time in the campaign and up last night at his rally, hitting hillary clinton for mishandling classified information. can tell you, amy, talking to senate republicans yesterday, they do not want patraeus to be nominee for secretary of lead tocause it could those questions he'll have to respond to and cast a difficult and they'd rather seen bob corcoran, senator foreign nodtions chairman, get that instead. pick.orker is the safe nancy pelosi won re-election to her house minority position this week in a election revealing a deep post-election divide within the democratic party. nearly a third of the democrats supported tim ryan who
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challenged the 76-year-old lawmaker. pelosi wants to put a check on trump administration's agenda but what can she really secondber one, and the question, democrats had a bad election night and yet the rank and file stuck with the leadership. does that tell us? >> she has a lot of loyalty within that democratic caucus. an iron fistt with since 2003. she's raised a ton of money for members. and she's very progressive and this is a very progressive of them want to stick with her and they like her and trust her. hand, she did lose 63 votes. that is significant. time she had at significant challenge, 2010, she lost 43 votes. memberse 20 more defecting. there's a more outspoken, more unrest within the democratic caucus in the house than there has been in a long time. that's a real warning sign for forward and giving a platform to a little more
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-- type, rust belt time democrats but also others, too. marcia fudge, congresswoman, supporting tim ryan and incoming the c.b.c., senator richmond, would not say if he voted for nancy pelosi so there of concern about her leadership going forward. so she has made some changes to morease she's going to be inclusive, bring more members in. but what does she do differently? know right now. amy: what is the concern when you talk about in the rank and upset.hey're is it that they lost? or is it about the direction? personally?her >> it is all of the above. the way she's running things, she's too insular. it is about the direction, about we focusingg, were on the right issues and frankly it's about generation and age. she's 76 years old. there are a lot of younger members who are eager to climb the ladder and believe their voices need to be heard within
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the leadership and it's time for put a fresh face forward. a small section of the vocal, onecaucus but worth paying attention to. amy: and carey, -- carrie, the other side, they have the house, they have the senate. a lot of talk about rolling back but it's not as easy as it looks, is it? how's that going to work? not.e: it's there's a lot of debate right now on how to do it. thehave some members of senate republican conference that want to put forward something, replace obamacare before they repeal it. there's others who say we're it and withinl three years we will do a replacement and we're creating obamacare cliff, which means within three years, act or else it goes away, yeah, so it creates this pressure but we all know happens when washington does that. they don't meet it or they work or will hit the cliff. so it creates a crisis, really.
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there's a lot of division. there's agreement that they don't like obamacare but this has been the challenge ever passed.amacare and even throughout the debate, they don't know how to -- they a strategy that enough people can agree to. so -- and even on medicare, there's a lot of -- we have republicane senate conference who are not totally bought in to repealing medicare and they know what the numbers will look like and what the backlash would be and the wouldcal pressure they face from very, very important constituencies, senior citizens, forward with this and i think for the trump white house, they have to think about when and how they do that. come out of the gate first with a medicare repeal -- i'm privatization -- and we could see a repeat of what happened to george w. bush in 2004. privatize would social security and you lose an entire term because of the political backlash. promises thatof were made. it's going to be challenging for
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those.o navigate and in particular, with his own republican conference. won, it'sified, they the first time they're able to work with a republican president like democrats, in the last eight years, it is not that easy. i want to go to you because the obama administration has less than 50 days. through any push legislative priorities, executive priorities. and protecting his legacy. what can he actually do to solidify the gains that he's the administration trump takesn before office? carol: they're looking at place, sucheady in as the iran nuclear detail, the president's cuba opening and other foreign policy sorts of pieces. do --ey're looking at how how to make sure that the iran
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deal is as dug-in as possible, largely by trying to get the international banking functioning in a way that itbringing iran in in a way hasn't been. with cuba, it's pressing the government to stop sitting on deals with u.s. companies, to get them there because you can undo a diplomatic engagement but if you were to suddenly say, travelu, airline, cannot to cuba anymore, that could solicit lawsuits against the government. then there's this whole look at regulations. the idea is, obviously, if you do things by executive order, the next president can undo them immediately and president bush watched president obama do that in first 100 days of his presidency but they're trying to pass as many as they can to force the trump administration which ones do we care about and really want to roll
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back and this is everything from totecting public lands trying to deal with wall street in some way or to dealing with emissions. so we'll see. there will be a number of them then leaveeeks and it to the trump administration to prioritize which ones to undo. amy: we'll have a lot more to talk about. i wish i could talk to you guys night but that's all the time we have. the conversation will continue extra whereon week" we'll discuss how the president-elect trump plans to deal with the white house press corps -- a lot of these folks around the table -- and how a clash between the trump and manager showsgn how difficult it may be to move on past the november election. at can find that online take the you're there, washington weekly news quiz and test your knowledge of current events. i'm amy walter, good night.
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>> funding for "washington week" by --vided
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additional funding is provided xq institute. newman's own foundation, donating all profits from newman's own food products to charity and nourishing the common good. the ethics and excellence in journalism foundation. the ford foundation. koo and patricia yuen through the yuen foundation, committed to bridging cultural differences in our communities. the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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hello and welcome to "kqed newsroom." i'm thuy vu. coming up on our program, how will a trump administration affect undocumented immigrants. i'm talk with experts on both sides of the debate. but first, as democrats lick their wounds following the presidential election, there are many questions about where the party goes from here. vermont senator bernie sanders is wasting no time saying democrats need to stand up for the kind of working class voters who abandoned hillary clinton for trump. senator sanders sat down with kqed's scott shafer. >> senator sanders, welcome. >> good to be with you. >> i want to begin with the news. donald trump is off making a victory lap of sorts in the midwest. he stopped at carrier, the


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