tv Nightly Business Report PBS December 9, 2016 7:00pm-7:31pm PST
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♪ this is "nightly business report" with tyler mathisen and sue herera. record week. stocks have their best week since the election. will it usher in the return of the retail investor. >> shakeup. the ceo of coke steps down. now the new ceo must figure out how to tackle a number of major challenges. picking stocks. our market monitor says there are three companies whose shares could rise double digits for the year. he'll name them tonight on "nightly business report" for friday, december 9th. good evening, everyone. and welcome. the rally rolls on. not only did stocks close at all-time highs today, but the three major indexes advanced every single day this week. something that hasn't happened in five years.
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the gains extend a month-long rally as investors become increasingly optimistic, and look for stocks that could benefit from economic growth. here are the closing numbers for friday. the dow jones industrial average up 142 points to 19,756. it now sits just 1.2% from 20,000. the nasdaq added 27, and the s&p 500 was up 13. stocks turned in their best weekly performance since the election with all of the indexes gaining 3% or more. bob pisani looks at whether this wave of optimism will bring back the average investor. >> the markets keep roaring to new highs and that's impressive. is it enough to light a fire under the average investor? and get them back in the gain in 2017? everyone knows we lost a vast swath of the investing public after the 2008 financial crisis. and for the most part, they haven't come back, even as the stock market has come roaring
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back. how bad is it? it's bad. a recent gallup poll said americans invest in stocks, a record low. the high was 65%. and that was way back in 2007. and more and more stock ownership is concentrated in the hands of the wealthy. 8% of all stocks are owned by just the wealthiest 10% of households. but stock ownership has become concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. every rally we have had in the last several years has been met with outrightder rigs. people just aren't buying it, and many of them are just afraid of losing money. but there's a couple of reasons that this particular rally might be a little bit different than the other ones. the most important thing is that investor enthusiasm has shot up. cnbc's survey out today shows more folks are willing to bet on the stock market now than before
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the election. so there could be cause for a little bit of hope. wouldn't it be something if the largest source of demand for stocks in 2017 weren't corporations buying back stocks but individuals trying to catch up on a decade of indifference in hostility? for "nightly business report," i'm bob pisani. >> more evidence today that investors and consumers are feeling more optimistic. the index of consumer sentiment hits its highest level since january. respondents cited the potential positive impact of new economic policies and rising expectations that the economy and the job market will strengthen in the coming years. >> and that new-found optimism also evident in the cnbc all-america survey. steve liesman has the results. >> the election of donald trump brought a surge of optimism in the united states over the economy of stocks not seen in years. the cnbc economics survey for the fourth quarter finds the percentage of americans who believe the economy will get
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better in the next year jumped an unprecedented 17 points to 42%. that compares with results before the election. it's the highest level since president barack obama was first elected in 2008. the surge is powered by republicans and independents reversing their outlooks. republicans swung from deeply pessimistic with just 15%, saying the economy would improve in the next year to strongly optimistic now with 74% believing in an economic up swing. >> absolutely. republicans are pushing that optimism up. but guess what? so are independents and they are an important part of the country, too. for so long, we have had democrats being kind of the lone voice of optimism, and that tends to shift when you have -- when you have a change in leadership. in congress and in the senate, and in the presidency. >> the poll of 800 americans around the country has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points. it found a majority of americans
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say they are, quote, comfortable and prepared to support a trump presidency. 56% of respondents who now back the president-elect represent a sharp change from the 43% who are asked the question just before the election. >> coming out of an election that was as angry and bitterly divided as any of us have seen in our lifetimes, it is surprising, and honestly a little bit gratifying to see that a majority of americans are willing to give this new president a shot. >> the poll also finds 40% of americans saying now is a good time to invest in stocks, up ten points from before the election. again, democrats became somewhat more negative on stocks over republicans grew significantly more optimistic. the polls suggest the president-elect is on to something with his concern over jobs in the u.s. 40% of americans say keeping jobs moving overseas should be his top priority. it's the top choice for republicans, independents and democrats.
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for "nightly business report," i'm steve liesman. and to read more about the rise in optimism since the election, head to our website, nancy tengler joins us now to talk more about the enthusiasm driving wall street. and whether or not she expects to to continue. she is chief investment officer. >> good to be here. >> let's start with that basic question. i mean, this market run we have seen has been pretty dramatic. do you think it continues, or are you getting a little nervous with the types of gains we're seeing? >> well, if you -- i'm optimistic that it continues. i mean, it's not a straight shot to be sure. we'll see ups and downs. but the market is up about 4.7% since the election. i'm using the s&p 500. after reagan's election two weeks out, it was up 8.3, so while we have had a nice move, it is not unprecedented. and the s&p multiple is not too out of line. we're at 19 times expected
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estimated earnings, and i think if we get the corporate tax cuts and the things that we expect, earnings growth for the s&p will continue as it did in the third quarter in the double digit range. i'm optimistic. >> if i had money that i wanted to put to work, let's say i've sold a house or something, and i want to put it into equities, would you suggest i put it in very quickly to catch this rally, or should i dollar cost average in over a period of three, four, five months? >> hi, tyler. listen i feel so much better when i dollar cost average. all of the research says you just put it in and you do much better. because stocks go up more often than they don't. but i feel better when i dollar cost average. and that's what we do with our 401(k)s, and so it is a more comfortable way to invest. and we will get pullbacks. that is the nature. think of pruning a rose. you prune it back, it grows stronger. and more beautiful. so i do think that if you just
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want to take your time, you will get opportunities to buy some stocks at lower levels. and we have seen really dramatic sector rotation, so the pharmaceuticals are currently out of favor, right? so that's an area that looks a little attractive right now. and technology has started to come roaring back after president-elect trump sort of jaw boned some of the tech companies. so there will be opportunities. never be in a hurry. be disciplined. >> what would you stay away from? i know you've mentioned the s&p is not out of whack in terms of its p/e ratio. are there areas of the market you think have run a little bit too quickly to the up side? >> well, yes. the financials have certainly moved very quickly. and you're looking at zap morgue at $85 a share. it wasn't too long ago it was in the high 50s. so i -- however, the fundamentals are behind continued appreciation and financials. we have sold our holdings in
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electric utilities. we sold them earlier this year, because they were overvalued. we didn't move into reits when that sector was spun, you know, out separately. so i do think some of the super interest rate sensitive or negatively interest rate sensitive stocks like electric utilities and reits are areas you don't really want to jump into. >> on that note, nancy, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks, sue, thanks tiler. >> nancy tengler with hartland financial. the biggest beverage company is handing over the reins. the ceo will step down next year. investors seems to like the move, sending shares higher by more than 2%. sara eisen has the challenges ahead. >> a change at the top. at a time of great change for america's biggest beverage company. james quincy, a 20-year veteran of coca-cola taking over as ceo may 1st. kent will remain chairman of the board. he told me it is one of my proudest days in 38 years with coca-cola.
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my biggest legacy will be the success of james. the most orderly transition in company history. his accomplishments include global expansion into new markets, growing seven of coke's brands into billion-dollar businesses, including fuse and smart water, and turning around declining north american volumes and sales. but quincy will face some major challenges ahead. soda consumption has been declining for the last decade in this country, especially diet coke. rival pepsico built up the frito lay snack business. the global economy is weak and including the hot-growing emerging markets where currency swings and consumer softness has hurt coke sales. and finally, consumers have changed the way they shop, buying food and beverages increasingly online and on their mobile phones. quincy says it is one of his biggest challenges ahead, digitizing the company. for all of these reasons, coke's
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stock has underperformed the broader market since kent first took the reins back in 2008. but it has still climbed about 60%. one important investor is congratulating kent for a job well done, and backing this new change in leadership. warren buffett whose berkshire hathaway owns 9% of coke shares, saying, quote, i know james, and like him, and believe the company has made a smart investment in his future with his selection. for "nightly business report," i'm sara eisen. >> donald trump is expected to ask goldman sachs executive gary cohn to head the white house national economic council. this despite the president-elect's past criticism of the banking sector's power. john harwood is in washington for us tonight. good to see you, john, as always. how influential will mr. cohen be when it comes to formulating actual economic policy? >> very. this is going to be a
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administration like most recent administrations where power is concentrated in the white house. and gary cohn, who is the coo, as you mentioned, of goldman sachs, is somebody who is going to be very close to the president, trying to help him figure out how to finance some of the things he wants to do, like that big infrastructure program. and when you look at gary cohn at any sea, steven mnuchin, steve bannon as white house strategist, the firm that was demonized by not just bernie sanders, but also donald trump, has certainly got a big role in donald trump's administration. >> let's talk about rudy guiliani, no longer in the running for secretary of state and as of a few minutes ago, i saw a report he has taken himself out of the running for any cabinet position. tell me about that, and who is the leading candidate for state right now. >> well, we're trying to figure that out. first of all, on rudy guiliani, this is somebody who was all-in as a surrogate for donald trump,
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just like chris christie was, and it looks like both of them are going to be frustrated. chris christie wanted to be attorney general. rudy guiliani wanted to be secretary of state. he more or less openly campaigned for the job. donald trump might not have liked that. but he also faced resistance from reince priebus, the incoming white house chief of staff, who has been pushing mitt romney for this job. there were questions raised about rudy guiliani's past work for foreign governments in terms of his law firm and his speaking fees, things that might potentially pose conflicts and all of that added up to him with drawing today. >> all right. as of this evening, the senate is yet to pass a funding measure that would keep the government from shutting down. deadline is midnight tonight. so what's going on? >> looks like that impasse is going to be broken. we have been waiting to have joe manch manchin, senator from west virginia, who had been holding out for a longer duration for the health benefits for those
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coal miners. and mitch mcconnell, who also represents a coal state, indicated i'm with you in sentiment, but we've got to pass this bill with the four-month extension. manchin insisting on a dozen. but late this afternoon, manchin came out of his office and said my intention was never to shut down the government. looks like the ice might be cracking and might be able to avoid a government shutdown. >> john, thank you so much. have a great weekend. >> you bet. >> john harwood in washington. president obama ordered american intelligence agencies so investigate russian hacking and efforts to influence the election. the review dates back to 2008. the white house says it will try to make as much of the report public as possible. still ahead, looking for stocks to pie as the market rallies to new highs? our market monitor has some names he says can go even higher from here. ♪
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a new study shows that only about half of 30-year-olds are making more money than their parents. according to a team of researchers, that's a steep decline from the 1970s when more than 90% of 30-year-olds earned more than their parents did. some of the largest declines were concentrated in the midwest where manufacturing jobs have disappeared. portland, oregon, this week, became the first city to impose a tax on companies based on ceo pay. it's part of an effort to tackle income inequality. the measure says that if a chief executive makes more than 100 times its median workers' wage, a 10% surtax will be added to the company's existing tax bill with the city. the ceo makes more than 250 times, the surtax rises to 25%. the city's revenue department says more than 500 publicly
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traded companies could be subject to the tax. companies like walmart, ge, wells fargo. the head of portland's chamber of commerce says the requirement will make it more difficult for businesses to invest in the area and it will have virtually no impact on addressing income inequality. the dallas police and fire pension system voted yesterday to suspend all withdrawals and payments from its deferred retirement program. now that decision stopped more than $150 million in withdrawals from being distributed. today if those withdrawals had gone through, pension officials say the funds reserved would have fallen below the level needed to keep that fund afloat. since august, there have been withdrawals of more than $500 million. biogen's alzheimer's drug shows promise and that is where we begin the market focus. the company said patients experienced less brain swelling when they were given the medication in gradual increments.
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the drug also reduced plaque in the brain, compared with a placebo. biogen shares fell a fraction to $287.77. federal trade commission said at&t will shell out more than $88 million in the next couple of months to nearly 3 million customers who were hit with unauthorized charges for things like ring tones and wallpaper for their phones. it's a practice known as cramming. the refunds, a part of a settlement the telecom joint reached in 2014. shares fell 3 cents today at $40.38. general electric raised its quarterly dividend to 24 cents a share. this is the company's first dividend hike since 2014. shares were up a quarter to $31.78. retirement services company, athen holding raised just over $1 billion in its stock market debut. the company priced 27 million shares at $40 each, which was the midpoint of the expected range. that values the company at
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$7.5 billion. athen holdings shares surged 10% to $44.05. american airlines said it was lifting its unit revenue forecast for the current quarter, thanks to a rise in average passenger fares. unit revenue compares sales to how many seats an airline has, and how far it flies them. shares rose 3% to $49.64. and 21st century fox has reached a preliminary deal to buy the rest of british satellite tv provider, sky, for about $14 billion. fox currently holds a 39% stake in that company. fox shares fell 1.5% to $28.21. and now to our market monitor who has stock picks, he says could rise between 10 and 15% over the next year. that's pretty good. last time he was on in july 2014, he recommended cyprus semiconductor down 2%. intrasill up 92% and maxim integrated is 24% higher. don riddell, portfolio manager
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at ridge worth capital management. don, welcome. let's start with cyprus, still on your list. one of your picks this time. >> absolutely. the stock is underperformed because it went through an inventory cycle and there was some turmoil in the management levels. we've gotten that resolved. we've burned off that excess. a new ceo in place is going to restructure the business, and we think that over the next 12 to 18 months, as they continue to have some really great products for the -- the internet moves into your car, they develop a lot of the internet products for things for your car. and this company burns -- gets the inventory situation right. you're getting paid a 4% dividend while you wait for all of this. we think they could earn a buck 50 a share, still cheap to the group. and you've got a stock that will be in the low 20s and trading in the mid 11s. we think this is powerful.
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>> you also like cigna, in a deal with anthem. but you say regardless of whether or not that deal closes, you still like the stock. >> absolutely. cigna has not been buying back stock. they have been -- during this negotiation process, since the deal has been announced, they haven't been buying back stock, just building up cash in their balance sheet. and, you know, at the end of the day, whether this deal happens or not, this company is going to -- the deal happens, you're going to get a 30% pop on the stock in the next probably two or three months when we get this resolved. if the deal breaks, you're going -- they're going to get a big windfall of cash from anthem, buying back stock, and get back to executing their business model. you know, i think in 2018, we're looking at them earning probably, you know, $12 a share, if not more. and then, you know, again, put a 50 multiple just to be conservative, a $180 stock on your hand. and it's 130-something today. we think there is tremendous up side in that one, as well. >> so we started with chips,
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moved on to health care. we're going to close with paint. tell me about it. >> oh, yeah. man, we love paint. you know -- >> who doesn't love paint! >> sherwin williams -- i'm sorry? >> who doesn't love paint? >> exactly. sherwin williams is just a great company. i mean, you know, all of these companies we're talking about will benefit from some of the things that are very important to investors now with, you know, tax reform and the like. but sherwin williams is in the middle of a deal right now themselves. they're trying to acquire valspar. sherwin williams owns the paint distribution with their paint stores. they do sell in some of the big box, but are able to be price-setters and in their paint stores. the market ask a little concerned about the fact that the raw material for paint is going up with the price of oil. and they're able to offset that with price increases. volumes are increasing right now. if you get valspar done, be integrate -- we see this company in the, you know, up at least 15, 20% over the next 12 to 18
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months. and so we're very excited about paint, and, you know, it's a really good company all the way around. >> don, get out there and paint this weekend, okay? don riddell with ridge worth capital management. coming up, why the rise of fake news may be sending a shiver through some very well-known brands. ♪ and here's a look at what to watch for next week. on wednesday, federal reserve policymakers are widely expected to raise short-term interest rates. also on wednesday, donald trump is scheduled to meet with ceos from the tech sector. some of mr. trump's loudest critics. thursday, the president-elect
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will detail how he plans to separate his business operations from his job as president. and that's what to watch for next week. safety regulators want at the cadda to speed up its recall. the national highway traffic safety administration says the recall will ultimately affect about 42 million vehicles in just the u.s. new models are also being added to the recall list, including the tesla model s, the ferrari, the jaguar, land rover and mclaren. there is big money in fake news, and some of the most recognizable brands may be inadvertently funding the sites with false or misleading stories. julia boorstin explains. >> reporter: fake news stories are the latest evolution of click bait. juicy but entirely made-up stories designed to generate clicks. some users can't tell the difference, and neither can some of the algorithms that place ads. now the "wall street journal"
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and others are raising questions about the fact that fake news stories are sometimes paired with ads for big brands, such as this made-up article in a ad for ram truck, funding fake news sites. fiat saying until the technology gets more sophisticated, we must work individually on a site-by-site basis to exclude the growing list of urls and domains considered harmful. secretary hillary clinton just yesterday raised concerns about real consequences of fake articles after a man fired shots inside a washington restaurant that was falsely accused of harboring a child sex ring linked to the former candidate. clearly brands wouldn't want to be associated with those kinds of stories. >> it's now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences. this isn't about politics or partisanship. lives are at risk. it's a danger that must be
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addressed and addressed quickly. >> so how did these ads end up next to fake news? in part, it's due to retargeting technology. an ad can follow a consumer after he or she has visit aid brand page. and there are a number of middle men. companies help advertisers help place ads online, finding space on websites through several partners. and google, the leading digital ad company said it would stop placing ads on sites with deceptive or misrepresentative content. but google's trackdown hasn't been working. google saying, quote, worry in the process of implementing the new policy and these early stages have demanded increased human review. and facebook chief operating officer, sheryl sandberg weighed in, and the steps the company is taking. >> there have been claims it sweeped the election. we don't think it swayed the election, but we take that responsibility really seriously
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and we're looking at things like working with third parties, helping to label false news, doing the things we can do to make it clearer what the hoax is on facebook. >> brands like fiat are taking steps to make sure they are marketed in what they call brand-safe environments. for "nightly business report," i'm julia boorstin in los angeles. and that is "nightly business report" for tonight. i'm sue herera. thanks for watching. >> and i'm tyler mathisen. thanks from me, as well. have a great weekend, everybody. and we will see you on monday.
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michele: i'm michele norris. donald trump tapped another retired general and a couple of business tycoons to join his administration. and president obama launches an investigation of the 2016 election. look inside the trump transition tonight on "washington week." president-elect trump: we will have two simple rules when it comes to rebuilding this country. buy american and hire american. all right? american. michele: days after striking a deal that provided millions in tax breaks to keep hundreds of jobs in indiana, the president-elect threatens to with a 35%companies tax if they transfer operations overseas. republican leaders say there may be a better way to keep jobs here. the real solution down the road is
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