tv PBS News Hour PBS December 19, 2016 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, tragedy in berlin: at least nine people are dead and many others injured after a truck plowed into a christmas market. also ahead, escaping a nightmare: after days of delays, evacuations resume in the war ravaged syrian city of aleppo. then, protests greet electoral college voters as they gather at state houses across the country to finalize president-elect trump's win. our politics monday duo analyze the latest in the transition. plus, a rare look inside bruce springsteen's personal studio. the rock legend opens up about his creative process. >> most artists i know consider
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committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: it's been a day of horror in the capital cities of germany and turkey. first, berlin, where a truck drove into a crowd of christmas shoppers, leaving the street full of dead and wounded. we get more now from ira spitzer, the berlin bureau chief for feature story news. a warning, some images might be disturbing to some viewers. let me start with ira spitzer with this comment we just saw crossing the wires and that is the german interior minister
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saying for information now does seem to point to an act of terrorism. what do you know? >> well, the berlin police have confirmed that nine people have been killed in the scene of violence earlier in berlin, and one of the dead was a passenger in that truck. in addition to the nine who died, at least 50 others are injured, some seriously. so the -- as you mentioned there, the german interior minister saying there are signs here that point to a terror attack. no one has come out and explicitly said that this was intentional, but we also heard from the white house issued a statement not long ago, and they also referenced that this was possibly a terror attack. so investigations are ongoing here in berlin, trying to
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uncover what happened, but an important piece of information here, the suspected driver of the truck has been taken into custody. so much, of course, will hinge on who that person is and what they are able to uncover from him. but at the moment, police have asked people to stay off the streets in berlin. there is an ongoing rescue operation that's happened at a christmas market right near the heart of berlin, so a tragic situation unfolding right now. >> woodruff: ira spitzer, tell us a little bit more about where this happened. you describe it as a christmas market. what exactly was the location, the situation? >> so this happened in the district of sharlottenberg right near a famous landmark here in berlin. it is a church where they have not repaired the steeple from world war ii, so it's visited by many tourists throughout the
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course of the year, and this christmas market is someplace where thousands of people good congregate in the month before christmas to eat and do christmas shopping. so christmas markets are a very much loved tradition in germany and there also has been a lot of speculation in the past few months that perhaps a christmas market could be the target of a terror attack. so they've stepped up security across the board. however, at these open spaces, it is, of course, very difficult to predict and then to prevent an attack from taking place. now, again, we don't know 1 h hundred% that this was an intentional act. however, the authorities are treating it as such now. >> woodruff: ira spitzer watching this unfolding story in berlin for us. thank you very much.
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hours before the berlin incident, the russian ambassador to turkey was assassinated by a lone gunman in ankara. andrei karlov was addressing an art exhibition when a turkish policeman in civilian clothes opened fire. he shouted slogans about syria, where russia's military is heavily involved. the gunman later died in a shootout with police. russian president vladimir putin and turkish president recip tayyip erdogan condemned the attack. in the day's other news, here in the u.s., the electoral college confirmed that donald trump's victory in the presidential race. he was on track for 304 electoral votes, losing two defectors in texas. and hillary clinton lost four electors in washington state. otherwise, it went mostly as expected, despite a day of demonstrations. john yang reports. >> yang: election day, part two: in some states protestors urged electoral college voters to dump
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president-elect trump. in pennsylvania ... >> i'm here today because i feel like it's the last chance we have to really save this country. i mean, hillary clinton won the popular vote. i'm hoping we can make some kind of difference in the electoral college. >> yang: the outcome didn't change, but controversy still swirls around evidence of russian cyberattacks aimed at influencing the election. >> there's no doubt they were interfering and no doubt that it was cyberattacks. the question now is how much and what damage and what should the united states of america do? >> yang: senator john mccain and fellow republican lindsey graham have now joined with democrats chuck schumer and jack reed to call for a special senate committee to try to find the answers. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says existing panels should handle the investigation. clinton campaign chairman john podesta suggested the trump campaign may have colluded with moscow. >> what did trump incorporated
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know and when did they know it? were they in touch with the russians? i think those are still open questions. >> yang: mr. trump's incoming chief of staff said the president-elect isn't convinced russia was behind the hacking. >> i think he would accept the conclusion if these intelligence professionals would get together, put out a report and show the american people they're actually on the same page, as opposed to third parties through the "washington post." >> yang: mr. trump is spending the christmas holidays at his mar a lago resort in florida. for the pbs newshour i'm john yang. >> woodruff: also today, the trump transition team announced he's naming businessman and veteran vincent viola as secretary of the army. state legislators in north carolina appear ready to repeal a law that curbs protections for transgender people. the democratic governor-elect, roy cooper, announced it today. republicans who supported the law said they're open to repeal, in a special session on wednesday.
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the law has cost the state major sports events, concerts and corporate expansions. the head of the international monetary fund, christine lagarde, was convicted today of financial negligence. a special french court found she should have blocked a huge arbitration award to a business tycoon in 2008. lagarde was french finance minister at the time. despite the guilty verdict, the court opted against any punishment. that left lagarde's lawyers questioning the point of the proceedings. >> the result of this last five years is nothing. which leaves us kind of in a complicated or strange again, situation. we have an unusual court, with an unusual hearing, with no accusation and no sentence. so where are we exactly? >> woodruff: the i.m.f.'s
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in south korea, the extortion trial of choi soon-sill opened today. she's the longtime confidante of the now-impeached president park geun-hye. choi appeared in court in seoul, wearing white prison clothes. she denied using her ties with park to make big companies give millions to foundations she controlled. park has received extensive immunity from prosecution. she, too, denies wrongdoing. cities in the north of china were engulfed in a choking haze today, and the government issued a red alert for a third straight day. hundreds of factories and schools were closed and restrictions on driving were in place. people in beijing wore face masks to try to keep the smog out of their lungs. >> ( translated ): i think it's very inconvenient for going out. i really don't like putting on the face mask. i can't go to the supermarket or take my child to play outside. my child and i spent the last
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two days at home over this weekend. >> woodruff: china's severe air pollution is blamed on its heavy reliance on coal and emissions from older cars. back in this country, the u.s. interior department set final rules to limit damage from coal mining. they'd protect some 6,000 miles of streams by barring mining within 100 feet of the water. industry officials warn the regulations will kill jobs, and the incoming republican congress could well vote to block them. the city of new orleans today announced settlements in fatal shootings by police after hurricane katrina. two people were shot dead on the danziger bridge, and a third at a strip mall. the settlements in those killings, and one before the hurricane, total more than $13 million.
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>> the city is here today to try to the extent that is humanly possible to bring closure to this dark, dark, dark time and to pledge that it shall never happen again because as i have said change is going to come. >> woodruff: the settlements are with 17 plaintiffs who sued over the killings. in addition, 20 current or former new orleans police officers were charged in federal civil rights investigations after katrina. a number of them were convicted or pleaded guilty to criminal charges. president obama today pardoned 79 people, and shortened the sentences for 153 others. it's the most in a single day by any president. mr. obama has focused mainly on drug offenders. the white house says he has now pardoned or commuted the sentences for more than 1,300 people-- more than any of his predecessors. wall street managed modest gains today. the dow jones industrial average was up 39 points to close at
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19,883. the nasdaq rose 20 points, and the s&p 500 added four. and, zsa zsa gabor died sunday in los angeles, after years of ill health. the hungarian-born actress was known for her glamorous image and multiple marriages including to hotel mogul conrad hilton in the 1940's. and, she made divorce an art form, once quipping, "i am a marvelous housekeeper. every time i leave a man i keep his house." zsa zsa gabor was 99 years old. still to come on the newshour, evacuations resume in eastern aleppo after delays and dangerous conditions. protests greet electors casting their vote for the next president. our politics monday duo take on today's political importance, and much more. >> woodruff: the united nations
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security council demanded the syrian government and other interested parties allow the u.n. to have unhindered access to aleppo so that monitors can watch those trying to flee the war ravaged city. it was a welcome sight for thousands of syrians trapped in eastern aleppo, waiting in the cold. evacuations resumed overnight, after days of delays, under terms of a fragile cease-fire. >> ( translated ): we were very hungry. god will take revenge on our behalf. hopefully, we will return to aleppo. >> woodruff: 47 children trapped in an orphanage were among those rescued, but the u.n. children's agency, unicef, reported some were in critical condition. the evacuees were being ferried north, to idlib province, widely expected to be the next front in the government's offensive. at the same time, buses evacuated civilians from two shiite villages in idlib,
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besieged by rebels. the syrian army and its allies demanded that evacuation, in exchange for letting thousands of civilians and rebel fighters leave eastern aleppo. many of the evacuees were taken first to the rebel-held town of al-rashideen, west of aleppo. they received much-needed food, water and humanitarian aid, and, by nightfall, they huddled around fires to stay warm, and recounted the horror they left behind. >> ( translated ): we left aleppo to escape the relentless shelling. all the houses were damaged, not a single one remained undamaged. we left because of the heavy air strikes. >> woodruff: late in the day, turkish officials estimated some 20,000 people had been bused out of eastern aleppo so far. for more on what comes next for aleppo's evacuated civilians and what u.n. monitors will be able
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to do i'm joined by former british foreign secretary david miliband. he's now c.e.o. of the international rescue committee. david miliband, welcome. i think it's pretty self-evident, but why are these monitors necessary? >> the simple reason for the monitors is aleppo has not just been a site of terrible death and destruction over the last few months, it's also been the site of the destruction of basic norms of international humanitarian law, not just the besiegement or the randomized bombings of civilian centers including a hospital supported by the international rescue committee, but also door-to-door, cold-blooded murder by militias working their way through the city, and i think it's important there are people on the ground that by threatening to bear witness to what's happening try to put a stop to it. everything we're seeing and hearing from people who fled the
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city, the fear levels are terrifying levels. >> woodruff: can they put a stop to it by monitoring? >> i think the monitoring is only part of the answer. obviously, there's got to be a decision from the syrian government, the russian backers and the hezbollah militias that have been working their way through the city about what they're going to do next. obviously the russians voted for this resolution in the security council today. some people were surprised by that. if it does mean a halt to the terrible scenes weave seen in the last week in aleep, so that's obviously a step forward. the people we're meeting 20 kilometers to the west of aleppo in id lid are concerned they're moving from one sloane to another. the fear is the attacks used in aleppo are now deployed in idlib which is 1.9 million people.
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the danger that flows with the people through the west. >> woodruff: is it understood the monitors will be in a position to stop whatever indiscriminate killing or what other terrible things are happening to these people as they leave? >> at best, they can bear witness to it. they're obviously not in a position to intervene militarily. it's not a u.n. peacekeeping force, it's a group of monitors who are unarmed and there to monitor the conduct of the security and other forces and report on it. now, it is right and better for there to be some degree of international presence, but, obviously, that is cold comfort to very, very scared residents of aleppo who have been the subject of this brutal assault not just over the last few weeks but last few years. >> woodruff: to the point you were making a moment ago, david
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miliband, the place where these evacuees are going, idlib province, is reported to be the next front in the government's focus. whey are they any safer there than in aleppo? >> well, i think that the words of the people fleeing say we had to get out of hell, and they don't know whether the place they're going to will be better, but there is a chance it might. idlib has a different population composition and a different group of rebel fighters who are dominant there. it's an area that combines a large government with idlib city, which is a confined urban area like aleppo. it's going to be a much tougher military effort, i think, on the part of the syrian and the russian forces. and the great plea -- and i'm afraid it is only a plea from the international community at the moment -- is the tactics of bombardment, besiegement and door-to-door murder are not deployed in idlib. and in the absence of
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international military support, then it can only be a diplomatic plea that the way this war takes its next turn is going to be critical, whether any stability comes back to syria in the future. you reported yourselves that i.s.i.s. have been resurgent in taking palmyra. >> woodruff: right. e know from history the way wars are concluded is absolutely necessary to whether there is any peace to be kept. >> woodruff: is there an expectation of what the monitors are doing to aleppo, if they could be moved to idlib to prevent the same thing from happening there and on to the next place where the government is moving in? >> well, the terrible truth of the last few weeks is there is plenty on social media and elsewhere explaining what's going on in aleppo but it's not been enough to rally any diplomatic, political or other
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pressure on those taking part in these activities to prevent the kind of horrific scenes you broadcast last week and are feared in the future. this is now a real test of whether or not the russians and the iranian backers are serious about winning a sustainable peace in syria, whether they are serious about taking on some of the rebel elements affiliated with al quaida or whether this is simply a pretend center, a fig leaf for widing attempts to drive large sections of the syrian population out of their homes as part of a bloody attempt to restore order. >> woodruff: finally, do you believe they are serious, based on what you know? >> well, i've had, over the last five years, the rescue committee between 1200 and 2.5000 local staff on the ground through this, and it has been the most appalling descent into hell for all the people who work for us. all of the norms under which
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international humanitarian organizations work have been violated. never did i think i would see the day of u.n. convoys being bombed. never did i think we would be in the days of no accountability to the most go desk abuses of human life, no matter human rights. so for me to tell you i'm confident about a future, i would be wrong. this is a desperate situation in syria and i have my own staff on the line and we're hoping for pressure to ease the plight of the civilians to rete us get on with our work. >> woodruff: david miliband, c.e.o. of the international rescue committee, we thank you. >> thank you very much. >> woodruff: back in this country, as we reported earlier, president-elect donald trump is now one step closer to officially sealing his victory. but, the debate over the value
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of the electoral college has intensified this year, in part because hillary clinton won the popular vote by nearly three million votes. william brangham has our report. >> brangham: at the maryland state house in annapolis today: a rare sight for our cameras: members of the electoral college gathering to cast their official votes for president and vice president. >> hillary clinton... >> brangham: after a simple roll-call vote, maryland's 10 electors have spoken and certified the official results for the state. hillary clinton swept maryland on election day, and as expected, she received all 10 electoral votes. in just 40 minutes, more than a year of presidential campaigning comes to an end. but it's not just here in maryland. across the country today, electors from all 50 states and the district of columbia gathered to do the same-- from pennsylvania and virginia... to michigan and colorado... and even bill clinton is an elector in new york. now, in most years, no one pays
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much attention to this process the electoral college vote is something of an afterthought. but this time, electors had been under a lot of pressure. some even received hate mail and death threats because some voters wanted them to change their votes, and deny donald trump the presidency. we all know the white house hinges on that magical 270 number: that's the simple majority of 538 electoral votes. it's a number mr. trump clearly reached on election night. >> woodruff: the associated press is calling wisconsin, so that puts him over the top. donald trump is the next president of the united states. >> brangham: that's the theory, at least. because most states have laws that bind electors to cast their vote according to the popular vote in their state. if they don't, they can be replaced or punished with a fine. but some states do allow for what's called "faithless electors," and they can vote for whomever they want, regardless of how their state voted on election day. "faithless electors" are pretty
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rare: there have only been 157 in history, and they've never flipped the outcome of an election. to upend trump's victory this year, it would take a total of 37 electors to change their minds, and their votes, and that's highly unlikely to happen. there have been a handful of would-be defectors this year, including ones in georgia and texas. they chose to resign as electors, rather than vote for mr. trump. they've been replaced today by trump supporters. but only one republican has come out publicly to say he'll be a faithless elector: chris suprun from texas. >> i am not voting for donald trump because i don't think he's the right man for the job. >> brangham: and harvard law professor lawrence lessig, who briefly ran for president as a democrat this year, has also >> our goal is to let the electors exercise their judgement. the electoral college was made for this election, precisely. >> brangham: but trump's incoming chief of staff reince priebus says these efforts are just sour grapes >> it's about democrats that
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can't accept the outcome of the election. it's about delegitimizing the american system. >> brangham: as they've done in elections past, the states will now send their vote totals to washington d.c., where congress will tally them in a joint session next month and officially announce the election results. for the pbs newshour, i'm william brangham. >> woodruff: as we reported earlier, one additional reported electorate in texas voted against donald trump, bringing his number of defectors to two. stay with us, coming up on the newshour: building a memorial for victims of lynching in alabama. and an intimate look at what makes bruce springsteen a rock
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legend. but first, it's time for politics monday with tamara keth of npr and amy walter of the "cook political report." and welcome to both of you. a lot going on today. >> yes. >> woodruff: namely, as we just saw in that report, amy, that donald trump is over the top, the outcome is not surprising, but there were a lot of protests, a lot of noise made around state capitals around the country. is the electoral process in any danger? >> no, i don't think so. there were a lot of protest bus at the end of the day there were nor defectors on the democratic side than the republican side. one in minnesota, one in maine who wanted to vote for bernie sanders. state law doesn't allow that. they ended up both casting an alternative clast for hillary clinton. but for in washington state, that she carried, that voted for someone other than hillary clinton. i don't think we're seeing a breakdown of the electoral
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college but any measure, but uh electorates are using the focus to make a broader point on the democratic side much more than the republican side. amazing how wing brings people together. at the end of the day, the democrats are the ones who lost. they had more of a stake in making a bigger statement than republicans who won, and they just simply want to move on and get the republican congress and the republican president in office. >> woodruff: tam, this is a reminder, though, that this election, a lot of people are not content just is to let the election sit, that they will protest even though they knew the odds were long, that they would change anything. >> yes, this was one of the things where people felt they had to try. mostly people on the left were contacting electors who wanted to do something. a handful of electors wanted a briefing about the alleged russian meddling in the election.
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that didn't happen. the person who won the electoral college on election night won tonight and it will be officialized in january. >> woodruff: amy, you have senators commenting, donald trump, the people around him has commented, the intelligence community is united in saying it does look as if not only did the russians hack the democratic national committee and john podesta but did it to help donald trump. where is the political fallout? >> the it mr. is fallout is difficult because it's hard to separate, at least in the minds to have the political community, the difference between russian meddling, which the intelligence communities grease on, and russian meddling to help donald trump which gets into the political and partisan debates. whereas you have four senators, two democrats, two republicans, john mccain and lindsey graham on the republican side and two democrats with them saying we
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to get to tams point it would be highly charged at the end of the day, i think the folks in the white house and in washington believed that hillary clinton on the election night and the the issue brought up post-election would be less contentious than in the middle of a campaign. >> woodruff: i'll turn to what we are learning in the last few plants, donald trump has put out a statement and has been tweeting about the incidents in europe, in turkey. he is lumping together the assassination in turkey of the russian ambassador and the terrible incident in berlin with the truck driving into the crowd and the christmas market, there was also a shooting in an islamic mosque today in zurich switzerland. i'm quoting from his statement, he condemned the berlin attack, said the islamic state and other islamist terrorists are
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slaughtering christians as part of their global jihad and said the civilized world must change its thinking. we don't have clear evidence yet of what was behind these attacks. he's assuming that it's all an islamic -- or an islamist motive here. >> and the civilized world line came in a tweet. this is not new. what is new is that donald trump is now president-elect. donald trump turning to twitter to declare that something is islamist terrorism before the broader security community, before the white house, before others have been willing to declare that, before investigators have been willing to declare that, that is not new. he's done that before in past instances. >> woodruff: we saw that during the campaign, amy. do we expect that this will continue when he's president? >> absolutely. and then the question becomes what do we do about it once he's in office and here, of course -- and hear, of course, the broader dialogue from him and the people around him. >> woodruff: well, we are --
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we have been waiting ourselves to decide or to know what exactly we can say because the german authorities, the turkish authorities were only putting out so much information. but it appears that donald trump has already drawn these conclusions, and, so, we report them. amy walter, tamara keith, thank you both. >> you're welcome. thank you, judy. >> woodruff: next, of the stains left on our national heritage by the country's history of slavery and jim crow segregation, perhaps the least discussed is the practice of racial lynchings, executions of african americans done outside the judicial system and often intended to subdue black communities into passivity. hari sreenivasan looks at a plan to help bring that conversation to the fore.
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>> sreenivasan: the plan is to commemorate victims of racially- motivated lynchings, with a memorial in montgomery, alabama. the design calls for some 800 columns, which, upon closer viewing, reveal themselves to be suspended from above in a way that mimics a hanging. each will bear the names of lynching vover 4,000 in all, as well as the date and location of their deaths. a companion courtyard will hold duplicate columns which will be moved to the county of the lynchings each commemorates, once that local community accepts it. a recent $10 million dollar donation from sibling philanthropists pat and jon stryker brings the project closer to its planned 2018 opening. for more on all this we turn to bryan stevenson, the founder of the equal justice initiative, which created the concept and is overseeing its completion. bryan, thanks for being with us. first, why do we need a memorial like this? >> well, i think we're still haunted by our history of racial inequality. we are really burdened by this legacy and i don't think we've acknowledged it adequately.
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we terrorized african-americans attend of the 19th century and through half to have the 20t 20th century. the demographic geography of this country was chained by racial terror and lynching. the black people who went to chicago and detroit went there as refugees in exile from terror. i think we need to live up to it. it took is ten years to build a 9/11 memorial and it's important to remember what happened that day, by it's equally important we acknowledge the history of terror that still undermines our ability to be free, just with one another and shake the burden of racial inequality that still undermines us in many areas. >> sreenivasan: this is part of a longer project. you documented 8,000 lynchings and grabbed jars of soil from these sites, why? >> the american south is
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littered with the iconry of the confederacy and the genocide has not been recognized. lynchings provide an opportunity for us to go to specific places. many acts of terror took place on courthouse lawns, in front of schools, in front of churches, in front of places that still exist today. so we have been asking people in the community to engage in acts of truth-telling and acts of recovery, reconciliation, reparation. i think we need that in this country. in south africa, you've seen that, in rwanda, you've seen that, in germany you've seen that, i think there are healthier communities because they've acknowledged th the atrocities of mass violence. i think we're less healthy because we haven't talked about the genocide and slavery and lynching. to get there, i think we'll have to take these steps. and the community involvement and the soil collections are part of that process.
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>> sreenivasan: the countries you mentioned didn't get there quickly. there is resistants. there is resistants in the south in the united states when you bring up the idea of this memorial? >> i think there is certainly a reluctance. we've denied this history for a long time. we've become such a punitive society, the highest rate of incoarse regulation in the world, people are afraid to talk about slavery and segregation because they think they will be punished. we don't have an interest in punerning america but we don't feel we can be free until we acknowledge the history. history of police violence and racism are rooted in an absence of truth telling about our history. so we have to persuade people there is something about powerful and positive and beautiful that can come when we acknowledge these histories, however painful, and make our way forward. germany is a nation we trust today because they don't have
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statutes to adolph hitler and celebrate the nazis. rwanda is healthier because they acknowledged the legacy. so is south america. i think america has to replicate that to be truly free. >> sreenivasan: what are you hoping that people take away as they walk through and visit the space? >> i hope people will begin to think differently about who we are and what our past is. you know, this donation comes from john and pat stryker who are honoring their father who understood the importance of civil rights, and i think we have to create spaces. the holocaust memorials are very powerful places. you walk through them, understand things, you come out and say never again. i think we need to create spaces in america where we begin to confront this history of racial inequality and we walk out and say never again. we want them to be sober places, we want them to be informational places but also places where there's beauty, where there's hope, where there's the chance for transformation, and i think
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we can do that, but we can't do it without spending more time creating the kind of cultural infrastructure that i hope this memorial will contribute to. >> sreenivasan: is there a true line or a legacy of lynching in the criminal justice system today? >> oh, absolutely. you know, at the end of the civil war, we didn't really deal with the great evil of american slavery. the great evil of american slavery was an involuntary, the evil is because we didn't address it in the 13t 13th amendment, i think it just evolved. what's we did in this country is we began to criminalize black people in the late 19t 19th century, convict leasing was a new kind of slavery where we put black people in jails and prisons and then released them to do the same work they would have done as enslaved people and
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that idea of criminal that was behind lynching, even though black people were lynched for not using the colored entrance, asking for better wages, for scolding children. lia woman was lynched for asking children not to throw stones at her. they challenged the narrative of racial difference. we use the narrative of punishment to carry out lynchinglynchings and when lyncs were shut down because of federal pressure, they moved indoors, and we have still a criminal justice system that operates when there are presumptions of dangers and guilt that are assigned to black and brown people. the overincarceration of people of color, the disparities of sentencing are rooted in the history of criminalizing and demonizing people of color made most dramatic i in this era of lynching. i think as you understand it,
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we'll do better in understanding it. that's why the projects on slavery and elevenning for me are so critical. >> sreenivasan: bryan stevenson, equal justice initiative. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> woodruff: he was proclaimed rock's next big thing in 1975, and became the real thing with albums like "born to run," "darkness on the edge of town," "born in the usa" and many more. now, bruce springsteen tells his own story. jeffrey brown paid him a visit to hear first-hand. ♪ ♪ >> brown: in his new memoir, bruce springsteen looks back at his young, struggling and then little known self and writes:" i was not modest in the assessment of my abilities. of course, i thought i was a phony.
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that is the way of the artist. ♪ ♪ but i also thought i was the realest thing you'd ever seen." >> that's right. most artists i know consider themselves to be phonies. along with the feeling that just something that you're doing is essential, essential to communicate, and deeply, deeply real. ♪ ♪ >> brown: springsteen has been rocking his way through marathon, arena-sized concerts for decades. a kind of working-class rock ¡n roll hero to millions of devoted fans. in the recording studio he built at this rural new jersey home, we talked about becoming bruce springsteen the story he tells in his book, "born to run." >> it was a very different type of writing from songwriting. >> brown: in what way? >> a pop song is a condensed version of a life in three minutes.
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whereas, when you go to write your prose, you have to find the rhythm in your words, and you have to find the rhythm in the voice that you've found and the way you're speaking. >> brown: what about that voice, though? because in songs-- i think of writers i've talked to, or poets, and there's always the question of how much of that is you, >> i'd say, in your memoir, it's you. i think that when you're writing your songs, there's always a debate about whether is that you in the song? is that not you in the song? what's the answer? >> every song has a piece of you in it. just general regret, love. you have to basically zero in on the truth of those particular emotions. then you can fill it out in any character and in any circumstance that you want. if you've written really well, people will swear that it happened to you. >> brown: springsteen grew up in the working class town of freehold, new jersey, of italian and irish stock, adored and
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spoiled by his mother and grandparents, ignored and denigrated by a brooding, drinking, distant father-- a figure who would obsess him personally and musically. >> initially i had my conversations with him through my music. that was the most effective, not the greatest way to do it, but it was certainly, it was the most effective for us. >> brown: i mean, but you write early on, "when my dad looked at me, he didn't see what he needed to see." >> yeah. >> brown: well, you're going yeah now, but, i mean, that's hard when you're a young boy. >> it is hard. it is hard. i think that it's a natural thing for parents to look for reflections of themselves in their children and feel a certain pride there. so if your child is very, very different, or perhaps if he's very, very similar, it makes you uncomfortable. there was a lot of that when i was young, and it took a long time to get through. ♪ ♪
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>> brown: reconciliation would come later, along with an understanding of the role of depression in his father's and his own life. from the beginning, though, the young springsteen, showed a ferocious drive and sense of his own mission. first, as a king of the bar bands in central and south jersey. i started to make a list of the clubs you played early on. these are not high rent places, right? the angle inn trailer park, cavitelli's pizza, the i.b. club, surf and the sea beach club, long branch italian american club, the pandemonium club. you probably remember each and every one of the, right? >> i remember those a lot more than some of the madison square gardens and other things. >> brown: is that right? >> of course. they were all so distinctive in their own way, and they all drew their own little clique of kids. it was such a formative moment
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in your life that, you know, you were just coming into being. >> brown: you write about your voice. you say, "about my voice, first of all, i don't have much of one." >> yeah. >> brown: but you worked at it. >> initially just sounded awful, just so terribly awful, but there was nothing i could do about it. i just kept singing and kept singing and kept singing. i studied other singers so i'd learn how to phrase, and learn how to breathe. the main thing was i learned how to inhabit my song. >> brown: which means what? >> what you were singing about was believable and convincing. that's the key to a great singer. a great singer has to learn how to inhabit a song. you may not be able to hit all the notes. that's okay. you may not have the clearest tone. you may not have the greatest range. but if you can inhabit your song, you can communicate. ♪ ♪ >> brown: the early songs, though, are what i would call word drunk. they're so many words in there
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that you're barely catching your breath as you're singing them. ♪ ♪ >> well, i was influenced by dylan very intensely, i had a rhyming dictionary. a man armed with a rhyming dictionary is a dangerous man. the words came fast and furious. >> brown: a dictionary and, more important, a great band: the e street band, which includes patti scialfa, springsteen's wife since 1991. >> i had no credit cards. i had no checks. i was cash only till i was probably 30 years old. >> brown: but the boss is what he became, deciding early on that to endure, he would have to treat music like a business. >> that's right. well, that has to happen. if you're a band leader, you need that type of discipline and
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dedication in the guys you're playing with. we came from where professionalism was not a dirty word, as i say. we worked like the old soul bands worked, very intensely, and very methodically, in great detail. >> brown: you even call it a benevolent dictatorship. >> that's what it is. >> brown: that's what it is. >> small unit democracy, i found early on, didn't work for me. the band contributes enormously. i wouldn't have gotten anywhere near where i was without them. but it's basically, the buck stops here sort of situation. >> brown: but are you a control freak? that's sort of the what-- i think you say that. >> yes, i am. probably less now than i used to be. i think when i was young, because you're insecure, you really, you're very controlling. now i'm moderately controlling, i would say. >> brown: but you use that word insecure, because, frankly, i'm reading this thing, and it's
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such a mix of insecurities and sense of self. >> that's the artist's way. >> brown: that's the artist's way. explain that to me. >> i always say, most of the artists i know had one person in their life that told them they were the second coming of the baby jesus, and another person that told them they weren't worth anything, and they believed them both. you go through the rest of your life in pursuit of both of those things, proving that both of those things are true. i think the intensity of, you feel like the burden of proof is on you. it doesn't matter what happened last night or tomorrow night. it's all about what you're doing with this audience right now. insecurity, natural part of being an artist. >> brown: it is always there. >> along with a driving, driving, driving ego, a vanity, and the self-confidence. so you've got to have both of those things. that's what makes it interesting. that's what makes someone, that's what makes you want to watch someone, or want to listen
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to someone, are those particular complexities. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brown: my conversation with bruce springsteen continues tomorrow night with a look at his lifelong bouts of depression, his love of reading, and the election of donald trump. for the pbs newshour, i'm jeffrey brown. >> woodruff: now to our newshour shares, something that caught our eye that might be of interest to you, too. every december, hundreds of tuba and euphonium players gather in cities around the world to perform holiday tunes. we recently spoke with chris quade, one of the organizers of 'tuba christmas' at washington,
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d.c.'s kennedy center, about what makes the events so special. ♪ ♪ >> my name is chris quade. i'm one of the coordinators for "tuba christmas," and i'm also the emcee. ♪ ♪ the original tuba christmas was in new york city, and that was in 1973. and in 1974, they started the d.c. tuba christmas ♪ ♪ people thought of the tuba as a back row instrument. shouldn't play too soft, because it can't. shouldn't play too fast, because it can't. to me, tuba christmas represents breaking out of the tuba stereotype. ♪ ♪ it's been the same music for 43 years. the arrangements work. they are interesting enough to hold the attention of the players. they are simple enough to put
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together in one rehearsal. they lay in a good range, they have in the right amount of fast and slow. i think the magic of those arrangements is really what makes this work. ♪ ♪ it's great because it is timeless. we can't play top 40, we'd have to change the book every year. and it's tubas, top 40 doesn't really work. ♪ ♪ it's kind part concert, part educational experience, part reunion. i think every year i imagine, 'come on, they are going to traipse in from miles and miles away into the city and come up just to do this?' it's a pain. right? and they come all the time, and there are so many young players. that's the thing that gets me every year. they're excited by it. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ this is fun. if you have children come here, and they've got a book of music in front of them, and everyone is very somber, they are going to be much more nervous about what they are doing. if you've got lights on this tuba, and garland on that tuba, and this guy's got reindeer antlers, it creates an atmosphere where you are just trying to have fun. ♪ ♪ tuba christmas: 300 tuba players, and it's a beautiful sound. >> woodruff: on the newshour online, what was the best book you read in 2016? our staff at the newshour share their favorites with you, whether you're looking for your next good read or shopping for holiday gifts. all that and more is on our web
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site, and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us online, and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more information at
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