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tv   Charlie Rose The Week  PBS  April 1, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> rose: welcome to the program. i'm charlie rose. the program is "charlie rose: the week." just ahead, the white house under siege. north carolina repeals the bathroom bill. and blues from the man called "the chosen one" guitarist gary clark ♪ bright lights big city calling to my head ♪ bright lights big city calling to my head ♪ >> rose: we will have those stories and more on what happened and what might happen. >> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by the following:
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>> rose: and so you began how? is it luck at all or is it something else? >> you gotta have your 10,000 hours. >> rose: what's the object lesson here? >> you don't have to be "wonder woman." >> rose: tell me the significance of the moment. >> rose: this was the week the senate intelligence committee began hearings on russia's influence on the 2016 election. the united kingdom formally gave notice that it is leaving the european union. and south carolina, u.n.c., gonzaga, and oregon advance to the final four of the n.c.a.a. men's basketball tournament. here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. >> in russia, massive antigovernment protests in cities from coast to coast. >> the search is on for anyone connected to a deadly shooting in cincinnati. >> brexit finally begins. >> this is an historic moment
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from which there can be no turning back. >> rose: the house intelligence committee cancels its hearing. >> reporter: why did you cancel the hearings? >> there is no-- nothing has been canceled. >> he blames you for saving planned parenthood and obamacare. >> we learned that washington was a lot more broken than president trump thought it was. >> a plane veered off the runway in peru. >> senate intelligence committee takes the reins on the russian investigation. >> the senate, the adults in the room. >> clearly, as his lawyer said, he has a story to tell and he feels will that he needs protections in order to do that. >> president trump turned down a chance to throw out the opening day pitch? ♪ take me out to the ball game take me out to the crowd ♪ ♪ see you later, alligator >> check out this bad boy roaming the course. i got news for you, when this guy wants to play through, you let him play through. >> hillary clinton speaking to
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business women in san francisco ♪ there is no place i'd rather be ♪ >> there is no place i'd rather be than here with you, other than the white house. >> if the president puts russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that's a russian connection ♪ are you serious >> the president put russian dressing on his salad tonight? that's huge news. trump ate a salad? ♪ are you serious or just having fun ♪ >> rose: on thursday, lawmakers in north carolina rolled back the state's controversial bathroom bill. that is the law passed a little over a year ago that required transgender people to use the public bathroom of the gender that appears on their birth certificate. the backlask to the law began almost immediately, and it has had both economic and political ramifications. by one estimate, the law would cost the state $3.76 billion in
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lost business over a dozen years. it is also cited as a major factor in last year's governor's race, which led to the election of democrat roy cooper. governor cooper joins me now from the state capital of raleigh. >> thank you, charlie. i appreciate it. >> rose: so help us understand this new bill. what was kept, what was kicked out, and why are some people complaining it is too muchave compromise? >> first, tbheefer should have been here in the first place. passing house bill 2, the super-majority republican legislature, and my predecessor, the republican governor, signed this horrible bill into law that discriminates against l.g.b.t. community and has hurt our state, has put a stain on our reputation. the first thing we have done is to repeal house bill 2. we've gotten rid of this horrible requirement that you have to go to the restroom of
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your birth certificate. it is not my preferred solution. it is not everything that i wanted. but it is progress, moving forward, and i believe strongly that we need to have statewide l.g.b.t. protections in north carolina. my super-majority republican legislature won't let me do that yet, but i'm going to keep fighting for that every single day. >> rose: as you know, many people have talked about over the last year or so the damage to north carolina's reputation, and so have you, and also the financial impact. did that have any impact on the republicans in the legislature? >> clearly, the economic impact on our state has been great. we've been boycotted by companies and by sporting events and it's because of their belief in people's rights, too, as to why they have boycotted north carolina. we're sending them a strong signal now that we're making progress, and we want them to
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come to north carolina. things are changing now. and we're going to continue to work for those changes. >change. >> rose: some of the those who did not want to see you compromise and simply wanted to see the bill repealed, period, seemed to say that things were going your way, that there's going to be more and more pressure, and if you had not compromised, you would have the ability later to do what you wanted to do. >> yeah. well, they didn't-- they weren't in the rooms with these republicans that i was dealing with. there was a hard opposition to changes in our law. there was a hard opposition to repeal of hb-2 at all. and you should have seen some of the things that theymented that i said absolutely not. they wanted rifra provisions, that would allow people tiewz their religious beliefs or their
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conscience to discriminate against other people. i said absolutely not. we're not going to do that in north carolina. we're not going to trade one bad law for another bad law. >> rose: you can see more of my interview with the governor on the nightly edition of "charlie rose." >> rose: it has been another chaotic and surprising week in washington. michael flynn, president trump's former national security adviser, is now seeking immunity, and the congressional commits probing russia's influence on the elections are considering that. meanwhile, the president is at odded with congressional members of his own party, notably, the conservatives of the house freedom caucus. joining me from washington is dan bals, here in new york, mike allen, the cofounder of axeias. i'll begin with dan balz.
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dan, where are we almost 70 days into the trump presidency, and a few days away from a powerful meeting with him and the president of china in florida? >> charlie, both th "the econom" and "the new yorker" have pictures or covers of donald trump, one in a sandtrap, and the other having knocked out almost every window in the white house from the south lawn with his driver. they think tells us a lot about the perceptions of where they are, which is they've hadd we said almost from day one, a chaotic start. they are still struggling to find their sea legs in the white house. they have yet to rack up one significant victory. >> rose: what's the problem? >> i think the problem is it goes to the president himself. the president came into this office without any particular experience in either politics or government. and i think that it has shown up. i think that they have not developed a clear strategy.
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i think that in many ways the governing approach to what they're doing went off track during the transition, and they've never quite been able to get control of that. >> rose: what would you add to that, mike? >> well, charlie, agreeing 100%. and this is the second terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week in a row for the trump white house. and i can tell you the republicans are really worried about it because as dan pointsz out, not only no wins, but no prospects of wins. charlie, they have not changed the math in any way that could guarantee them a win. and in fact, it's worse because now president trump bike, by tag on the freedom caucus, the further right part of the republican party, he's unified them. >> rose: should the president have started with tax reform and not health care, dan? >> you know, if you're a republican president with a newly empowered republican congress, you're pretty much obliged to start with something that's high on the list of the republican party's agenda. and so i think for all those
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reasons, i think inevitably they had to start with obamacare. and, obviously, nobody thought that it would collapse before it even came to a vote in the house. >> rose: now turn to the russians and what happened. chairman nunes goes to the white house. he now meets with two people-- at least two that we know about. >> charlie, it's so hard to explain. every time we go through the sequencing, it becomes more mysterious. he went to the white house to view some sensitive intelligence, which he concluded showed that there had been some form of surveillance in which trump officials had been caught up incidentally in that. and in some form or another, identifiable or unmasked. he then sought a meeting with the president of the united states to brief him on that. nothing of this makes any particular sense, other than that there was an effort to try to, if not exonerate the president for the tweet that
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said tha that president obama hd wiretapped trump tower, that it was an attempt to in one way or another muddy all of that, and to add to the diversion that's been created by the president's tweets. >> rose: and we know that the f.b.i. director said there is an ongoing investigation in his testimony, an ongoing investigation into whether there had been collusion between russians and members of the trump team. >> well, that's-- that's the big-- i mean, that's the big issue. that's what the f.b.i. is looking into. that's what the house and senate intelligence committees are looking into. >> rose: so when you look at this, do we expect that the senate intelligence committee will be able to do an effective job because there is evidence of respect between the republican chairman and the democratic minority leader? >> i think that that's right. and like so many-- like everything we have talked about from the beginning of this conversation, almost all of it
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is self-inflicted. so the other momentous development this week, mike flynn, the president's former national security adviser, asking for immunity from prosecution to tell his story. you know that the one rule about investigations is-- f.b.i. investigations is they never finish where they started. people who go there now tell me that now the west wing is like tv. they say the president is almost like playing a president in real life. >> rose: alisa mastromoncowent to work for barack obama when he was a newly elected senator from illinois. she followed him to the white house where she became the youngest woman ever to hold the title deputy chief of staff. her memoir about her time in government just reached number 10 in the "new york times" bestseller list. it's called, "who thought this
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was a good idea, and other questions you should have answers to when you work at the white house." >> so i wrote the book because i think there's a sort of preponderance of memoirs from the white house and out of government that are really serious and dense and don't necessarily give young people-- especially young women-- a path to government or to see themselves in government. dana perino actually did a book, but other than that, there aren't that many. so i wanted to write snag made the government and the white house seem accessible. >> rose: and a place that you could go and work and feel good about it. >> yes, and still just be a normal person. you don't have to be "wonder woman." >> rose: well, you were wonder woman, weren't you? >> well, i was, but i had my share of problems. >> rose: how would you define the relationship between the two of you? >> we're sort of like big brother/not much younger sister. that's what he would say. >> rose: that's what he would say. >> i'm not that much younger. >> rose: he also took an interest in your dating life dhe? >> he did. i think that he saw how hard we
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all worked, and that we were there sort of supporting him, and he felt responsible for make sure that we had personal lives. so he did try to set me up on a date or two. >> rose: you think he's going to end up spending a lot of time, the rest his life, as a writer. >> i do. i always thought in his core he's a writer. >> rose: what made you think that? because he writes good. >> because he writes really well. it's something, that seems to be, it seemed to me, the thing that he deeply enjoyed doing, that he really invested his time, that he really sort of got into. >> rose: he also had sweetch writers. >> he did. >> rose: there were some he wrote himself, like the speech on religion during his campaign. >> yes, the race speech. and there were some that were just so personal to him. his remarks at newtown at the memorial at newtown after the shooting, thing like that he felt he had to do himselfs. >> rose: he said that was the worst day of his presidency. >> i think we all felt that.
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>> rose: because so many young people died? >> it was a tragedy beyond description. >> rose: "the glass menagerie" is one of tennessee williams' most popular plays. set in st. louis st. louis in 1937, the play first premiered in 1944, and now a revival is once again running on broadway. it stars sale fields, joe mantelo, madison farris, and fen whittrock. >> it's about family and love and the complication of that, of trying to be-- trying to grow up and's from your family. and live through a complicated time and a complicated family. >> every time that you come in yelling that goddamn, "rise and shine! rise and shine!" i say to myself, how lucky dead people are. ( laughter ). >> and that it is auto
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biographical, and that tennessee really never did quite survive eye mean, he was a great ayerst, but the ramifications of leaving his sstayed with him all of his life. and tortured him. >> rose: you in part wanted to play it because you wanted to watch sam direct. >> yyes. that is actually the primary reason-- yeah. you know, i said to him early on, "your metabolism as a director is so radically different than mine, and i want to know what you know." and it's been an extraordinary experience, you know, from that part alone. >> rose: what does gentleman caller bring to the play? >> filling a void, i think, that was left by the father. he's totally a different person and incapable of doing that. and life isn't quite giving back to him in a way that he expected that it would. he was a star in high school. he was the-- the main guy on
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campus. and since graduation, things haven't-- he hasn't-- he's fallen off that ped stell. and so then he comes back to laura who still remembers him in that way, remembers the heroic side of him. and it-- it reminds him of that old glory -- >> remind him of his best years. >> yes. but also, then, i think the two of them in their scene have a-- an unusual-- it doesn't go the way that he expects it too, you know. i think he falls as-- as enamored with her, as in love with her, as she is with him. >> rose: is that what gets him to open up? >> well, i think so. >> yeah, i think it starts off by laura thinking she's going on a date with some joe schmo, and then she realizes it's the guy, the man. it's intimidating. it's scary, so much so that she shakes. but she rallies and she-- i
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think-- i think it's-- it's a familiar story of meeting someone that was-- big man on campus, and six years later, they're much more humble. ♪ ♪ >> rose: the greatest generation produced some of hollywood's greatest directors, and in the 1940s, several of them put their careers on hold to join the war effort. frank capra, john huston, william wieler, john ford, and george stephens, all joined us to document world war ii. five came back as a new netflix documentary series that tells their stories. it is adapted from mark harris' 2014 book of the same name. the director of the series is laurent buzureau. >> when i was working on the book, i became really interested
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in this era and in these world war ii movies. and when the book came out, i was surprised at the number of early readers who said to me, "it was fascinating to read about these documentaries. too bad most of them are lost." and i would say to them, are, the documentaries aren't lost. they all still exist. they're properties of the u.s. government." so i thought this is a real opportunity for us, as well as i could try to describe these films in a book, there's nothing like being able to show them to people. so that was the germ of the idea to make it a documentary. >> rose: and then the idea of to take five directors and explain each director. >> that was our director's big innovation. >> rose: tell me about it. >> i mean, we're trying to figure out a very innovative way of telling this story, and it was actually steven spielberg who said to me, you know, let's try to think of a hav very interesting way of telling those stories, and who better than directors to talk about
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directors." and so then came the search for five directors to speak for five guys. and it was-- it was great. we have a very-- we had a very short list. everybody sort of organically was available. it worked out. and we have -- >> now, what were they charged with? >> they were charged with being interviewed in the same way you're interviewing me, actually, right now. but they had to come in with a lot of knowledge. they had all read the book, even before we approached them, you know. and they also did a lot of research. mark wrote scripts for each of the episodes. and i would highlight exactly, you know, if steven spielberg came in to talk about william wieler, or the things pertaining to wieler. and so they were very well prepared. but, you know, they were so familiar with the movies, so familiar with their lives. some of them, you know, steven spielberg knew wyler.
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so they came with their own knowledge and their own appreciation. >> rose. >> rose: the movies were in part propaganda. >> yes, they were, they were. that was part of the task that the government gave these-- these five film makers, to silent war not only to, sell the war not only to the american public, but to soldiers who were 18 and 19 years old and who were coming in and really didn't know the reason we were in the war in t just to give them a reason, but to excite them, to inflame their patriotism, and capra was very, very good at doing that. >> rose: did any of them have resistance to that at all? >> i think they all wanted to serve their country. capra had the most directly propagandistic assignment. for the other four, they thought what they were going to do was travel the world to wherever the battle fronts were and document the war, you know, just to bring the truth of the war home to the public. so i think sometimes their
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impulses as film makers to tell a great story, and their impulses as patriots to, you know, sell the war and to, you know, make the case for our side, and their impulse as artists, they clashed with each other. ♪ this is something you can't touch ♪ this is something you fee feer some people it's too much ♪ for some people it heals this music is my healing ♪ >> rose: the blues guitar gary clark jr. has been dubbed "the chosen one." his fans include guitar greats like buddy guy, keith richards, and eric clapton. his new album is, "live, north
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america, 2016." >> that is something i'm starting to embrace a little bit more as i become older and understand really what i think my role is musically. i mean, i try to do a lot of things, but i've definitely been in spots and positions and been looked upon or called am by other artists to kind of carry on a tradition in blues music, music rooted in blues. ♪ ♪ and it's been a little bit overwhelming. and i try not to pay too much attention to it, not to get myself too wrapped up. i mean, i put enough pressure on myself. i want to be great. i want to be considered a great musician but, you know, i want to work on myself and understand my strengths and my weaknesses. >> rose: you had to struggle like anybody else. >> yeah. i maid choice, though, you know.
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i didn't do the school thing. and i moved out of my parents' house. didn't have much. and i was just like i'm going to survive. i played four, five, sir, seven nights a week, four hours a night, playing for tips, in smoky blues bars. i wanted that experience, and from all the stories and the legends and blues guys and all that, it's you gotta have your 10,000 hours, and you gotta -- >> oh, yeah. >> really put in your time and work and figure out what it means to be on stage and perform live and be a part of a-- of a unit, you know. everybody can get up and play. >> rose: my impression is that you're manufacture be live guy than a studio musician. >> yeah, it's an interesting record business. and that's part of why i'm so dependent on playing live, why i've been so focused on that because you never know. i feel like people will always want to come and see and hear live music.
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>> rose: now here's a look at your weekend. john mayer begins the search for everything world tour with concert dates in albany, new york, and montreal. ♪ love on the weekend love on the weekend ♪ i hate your guts gauze because i'm loving every minute of it ♪ >> rose: bob dylan has a new album out, "triplicate ♪." and alec baldwin, lisa kudrow, and jimmy kimmel provide the voices for the animated feature "the boss baby." >> what's all the racket? >> isn't he adorable. >> oh! i've got one for you, too! >>! >> bummer. >> dreamwork "the boss baby." >> rose: and here's what's new for the week ahead: sunday is opening day for major league baseball. monday is the championship gaivment n.c.a.a. basketball tournament. tuesday is the 49th anniversary of the assassination
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of dr. martin luther king jr. wednesday is the day this year's inductees into the country music hall of fame are announced. thursday is the 100th anniversary of the united states' entry into world war i. friday is the rock 'n' roll hall of fame induction ceremony at new york's barkley center. saturday is the national cherry blossom festival parade in washington, d.c. that's "charlie rose: the week" for this week. from all of us here, thank you for watching. i'm charlie rose. we'll see you again next time. captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh >> rose: funding for "charlie brought to you in part by:
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viewers like you, and you, and you, and you... ha, ha! thanks so much you're very kind. ♪ hey! ♪ what? ♪ come over here, ♪ the cat in the hat is about to appear. ♪ ♪ he's whizzing over to whisk you away ♪ ♪ on a fabulous journey today. ♪ ♪ he's coming! ♪ and now he's arrived in the thingamajigger ♪ ♪ the thing that he drives ♪ ♪ he's a cat and he's oodles of fun ♪ ♪ with his hairy helpers thing two and thing one ♪ ♪ instrumental ♪ instrumental


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