tv Charlie Rose PBS May 18, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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>> rose: well. >> glor: welcome to the programk i'm jeff glor, we begin this morning with politics with molly ball of the atlantic. >> there's so much uncertainty inside the white house, it's very chaotic. nobody, on the staff knew that this was coming. and they are-- they don't know what could be the next shoe to drop given that there seems to be, not to mix metaphors, a new can of worms opened everyday. you referred to it as damage control which is what we are used to here in washington but there is no controlling the damage 678 it seems very much to be out of control. they can't even put together a consistent attempt to explain what is happening because of the fear that the president himself will simply step on that rationale in his next tweet or his next interview and that yet another damaging story may be
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coming out that completely blind sided them. >> glor: we conclude with charlie's conversation with gisele bundchen, and environmentalist paul hawken. >> rose: you, for example, wore a sustainable dress to the met gala. >> yes, my friend asked me to be the cochair and i was like, i really want to make it about something i believe, right. and then i stalled stella, stella mccartney is amazing because she really is kind of like leading this movement of, like, conscience fashion. so how you produced it, the clothes, make sure that it has no negative impact on the environment. so it was a sustainable. dress. do you like it. >> glor: politics and climate change when we continue. >> rose: funding for charlie rose is provided by the following:
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>> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide. captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> glor: good evening, i'm jeff glor, filling in for charlie rose. we begin with a growing cloud of uncertainty hanging over the trump presidency. less than a week after the firing of fbi director james comey the white house careened into further damage control today following reporting that president trump asked comey to end an investigation into former national security advisor michael flynn's ties to russia. meanwhile the president faces increasing questions about classified information he shared with russian diplomats during a meeting last week in the oval office. joining me from washington is molly ballk a staff writer at the atlantic where she covers u.s. politics. we are pleased to welcome her
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back to this program. to bring us up to speed here, the president did speak today to coast guard graduates and complain he's being treated worse and more unfairly than any politician in history. >> yes, that's right. in an apparently scripted commencement address to the graduates of the coast guard academy the president complained about the way he's being treated. so it's clear, and i think sources inside the white house will tell you this too, that he's angry, he's lashing out but he continues to see himself as the victim here. and as the victim of an unfair process, an unfair media, an unfair bureaucracy, that he believes is out to get him even as he has, you know, more or less confirmed some of the most damning aspects of these allegations against him. >> glor: and unfair employees too as we speak about staff shakeups in the white house. >> that's right, there is so much uncertainty inside the white house. it's very chaotic.
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you know, nobody-- on the staff knew that this was coming. and they are-- they don't know what could be the next shoe to drop give thean there seems to be, not to mix metaphors, a new can of worm opened every day. you referred to it as damage control which is what we are used to here in washington am but there is no controlling the damage. it seems very much to be out of control. they can't even put together a consistent attempt to explain what is happening because of the fear that the president himself will simply step on that rational in his next tweet or inte view and what yet another damaging story may be coming out that completely blind sides them. >> glor: and i think one notion you seem to be hearing a little bit more often these days from mitch mcconel talking about dealing with a little less drama from the white house is that there is this notion ununsustain aicialtd that i think some are bringing up here and that this or the of continued chaos, just may not be possible to maintain forever.
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>> there is that sense. but on the other hand there is not-- nobody knows how this ends. nobody knows where this is going. it's hard to imagine all of the things that are now under investigation simply resolving themselves and going away but it's also hard to imagine something like impeachment or resignation. neither of those are-- seem to be in the cards. i was talking to some staffers on the republican side of the house of representatives today saying you know, does it feel like a damn has brokenment does it feel like something's got to give. and this person said no, you know, that's really overselling it. people are now still hanging on by their finger nails. i said how does this story end and this person who spent a lot of years working as a top staffer to the house republicans said this ends like reservoir dogs. everybody dead on the floor. >> glor: to start here, let's
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talk about james comey. it would appear that he is eager to speak publicly. when-- will it happen and how soon do we think it might happen? >> we really don't know. the house and senate intelligence communities now have both requested the actual documents that were referred to in "the new york times" story yesterday, this memo that the times actually did not physically have but had been read into and numerous other media organizations confirmed that reporting. so you have jason chaffetz chaffetz, the house and senate intelligence community all saying we want to see these documents, we want all the information. at this point they are just requesting the documents. and then you have chaffetz saying if they don't get what they want they are prepared to issue spps. comey apparently wants to testify publicly. apparently that was why he turned down the request to testify privately. but we don't yet know when that is going to happen as far as i
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know. >> glor: and these con temp rainious notes that james comey took as has been discussed, this is something he has done for a long time. so one would suspect as has been reported that there are a good number of them out there. >> yes. it has been reported that comey kept detailed notes on every conversation he had with the president, in part to protect himself if there were ever questions about presidential interference. and partly because of that fear of the a paryngs of interference,-- appearance of fear of interference he did not share these with members of the bureau but memorialized them in written notes and this is also some what standard procedure throughout the fbi. fbi agents' notes are considered admissible in court in many instances. and this is a widespread practice to keep an accounting of conversations so that they can be referred to later. >> glor: there is not one
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unified republican message right now. if i'm right. paul ryan spoke today, said you know, he wants to et go the facts but it's clear people are out to hurt the president. that is different than john mccain saying this is a scandal of water gait sized proportion. >> it is sort of every man for himself right now. republicans that i speak to feel that there is no leader they can count on. they certainly aren't seeing leadership from the white house in terms of messaging and someone that they trust to protect them politically. and so they're making different calculations. they're making political calculations. they're making personal calculations about whether or not they trust and believe these reports or whether or not they trust and believe in the president. and so you know, i would say there's definitely more skepticism of the white house in private and behind the scenes than has been voiced publicly. and there's definitely more on the senate side than in the house where i think there are more members who are sim pathetic to the president.
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but even among those members of congress who are troubled by the president's alleged conduct, many of them still feel like the best thing to do politically is to stort of strap in and fight, to say all right, you know, this is our president, this is our team. we have got to stand up for him and believing that that is particularly since he still enjoys the support of the vast majority of republicans, the base voters, feeling that that is the thing they have to do politically. >> glor: is there a sense though from the reporting that you have done from any republicans were standing in the sidelines to a certain extent and not getting on the record about some of this, that at some point they may need to stay more. >> well, i mean, they would like nothing more than to just be left alone at this point but we keep asking them, right? and i think every republican member of congress or senate is getting a call from their local
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press, or is being a costed in the halls of the senate by reporters wanting to know what is your stance on this. paul ryan, speaker of the house, as you mentioned, he was asked in his morning press conference this morning does he still have confidence in the president. he said yes and then sort of ran out of the room. he was done with questions. and he looked really uncomfortable. and anybody who watched his level of comfort with trump during the campaign recalls this particular pained expression on paul ryan's facial. so yeah there is a lot of worry that this is going to come down on them. there is a lot of worry that this is going to have political consequences, possibly up to and including democrats taking the house of representatives in 2018 and then being in a position to begin those impeachment proceedings. >> glor: because as all of this takes place, the republican agenda and the white house
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agenda is-- would seem to be partially stief eled here. >> i would say it's utterly stief eled. i mean there-- stifeled. there is really nothing else they can handle right now in congress. you hear things here and there about well, let's just get back to work on tax reform but i don't think it's realistic to think that anything else is going to get done. you certainly do in the have that health-care bill that's so triumphantly passed the house. you're not hearing a lot about senators just dying to get started on that legislation and put a win on the board that would take away from all of this. everything has just been pushed off the board by all of these controversies. you have the president taking his first foreign trip, starting this weekend, going to a number of mostly religiously significant locales, going to israel, going to sawed ree arabia for a speech about the muslim world, visiting with the pope, with whom he has had interesting encounters in the past. and so there is some hope that there can be something of a
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reset. that he can retake the narrative. the trouble is that so often donald trump is very good at retaking the narrative. he's very good at resetting the conversation. it just often tends to be in a negative way. >> glor: almost like chaos and paralysis at the same time right now in washington. on this foreign trip, so what, where does the white house want folks to focus right now? >> i think they would like the image to be of a president who is in control. a president who is going out there and impressing the world. he has a number of multilateral conferences on this trip. so it's a chance for him to be among other world leaders, to project a sense of stature in the world. and the original idea behind this foreign trip was to some degree to normalize a white house that was already on shaky ground even before the comey
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firing and all this stuff started happening. trump since he was elected has really set the world off balance in a way that i think some in his camp see as a good thing. but it has been disruptive and has caused a lot of doubts in the minds of our allies and enemy alike. so the foreign tripping was was seen as a way for him to take his right. place on the world stage, project a presidential aura, give assurances where they are needed, and then very importantly, since he is visiting these places of religious significants, to make a real policy statement about where this white house stands on these issues of religious freedom and religious tolerance. >> glor: and how much of this, and there was the kissinger meeting, right, which was the same day as the meeting with the russian diplomats. and much has been discussed about that, about what kind of
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presentation that was for the president. >> that's right. he has apparently been-- i, it is an unfathomable weird coincidence that henry kissinger was at the white house at the same day that the president had the meeting with the russians that has now come under such scrutiny. but this appears to have been part of his sort of crash course in international relations. he is attempting to educate himself. you will hear even from his friends that he is not a man with a large attention span and a man who fancies himself much more about the sort of big picture than a lot of minute details. so he can be a difficult person to brief. but he was attempting to get up to speed on a lot of this stuff that obviously never having been in politics, much less foreign relations before, he had really only seen through his lens as an international businessman. so kissinger and a number of
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others were coming to the white house and giving him advice. >> glor: molly ball from the atlantic, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> glor: gisele bundchen is a supermod e8, mother of two and wife of new england patriots quarterback tom brady. she is also a passionate environmental activist and advocate. she recently teamed up with author and entrepreneur paul hawken to spread the word about a if you book he has edited. it's called drawdown, the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. these are two people driven by a deep concern for the health of our planet and unfailing optimism that together things can change. charlie spoke with gisele bundchen and paul hawken earlier this month. here is that information. >> rose: gisele bundchen outanswerred all the world's models for more than a decade. she spent more than half her life at the height of the fashion world. the 36 year old mother much two and wife of nfl quarterback tom brady recently retired from the runway. she is now pursuing her
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long-held passion of advocating for the environment and her business career. she has teamed up with author paul hawken. his new book is drawdown, it explores solutions to climate change. paul, here's the book. drawdown, the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. edited by you. >> yes. >> glor: what is drawndown. >> drawdown is the first time in green house gases peak and go down on a yearly basis. >> glor: when does that happen? >> well, we don't know but the point we try to make in that book is that nobody is aiming for it. we want to name the goal which is drawndown. most if not all of the climate rhetoric is about reduction, mitigation, slowing, even stopping and stablization. but it isn't about reversal. so this is about reversal. >> glor: and you have-- . >> rose: and you have a hundred ways you can do that. >> what we did for the first time is map, measure and model the most substantive solutions to global warming. it has never been done before, charlie. not the top ten, not the top 20. we've done the math on what is
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going to happen if we don't attempt to stop the rise of green house gases. we've never modeled and done the math on the most substantive solutions to global warming. >> rose: gisele i know you as someone who loves the planet. >> yes. >> rose: and talks the planet. >> yes. >> rose: and cares about the planet. >> yes. >> rose: so how did you come together with paul. >> so i had the opportunity to meet, the pleasure to meet paul. we were with a group of friends that feel like we all-- friends that all feel like they have a responsibility in service, in using whatever gift that we each have to make the world a better place, i sayment to do our part. and paul came to one of these meetings, my friend pet ra-- working with paul brought him in and said listen, paul is going to make a presentation about drawdown. and have i to say he spoke with us for about two hours, and when he finished, i was so inspired, i was so, like i felt like i had
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received a boost of energy, you know. because you know, all we hear, it's about like we're doomed and it's the end of the world and it's like we know we can't fix it. and i just had come in years of living dangerously which is a documentary about, you know, climate and people are just focusing so much on the negativity aspect of things. and everyone knows that fear paralyzes people it is not something that instigates people to move forward and create change. what does that is inspiration, when we inspire, then we can actually create something. >> rose: so this book inspired you to have goals and for everybody else to have goals. >> yeah, i said oh my god, somebody is actually addressing solutions, someone is focusing on the solutions here, instead of focusing on the problem. because how we are going to change things is not focusing on the problem. is being aware of the problem but focusing and how we are going to solve them, that is what we need to put our energy too. because where we put our energy is what grows. and if we're focusing on the
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problem, then the problem grows. if you focus on the solution, the solution grows. and i'm a person who likes to focus on the solution. when paul offers the solution, he was like telling us the studies he has been doing in his book coming outk i was like how can i help, how do i sign up to help. and that's why i'm here. >> rose: because you impressed by the book and you wanted to share your enthusiasm. >> yeah. and i felt like knowledge is power. and i think this information needs to get out. the more people have access to this information, they can hopefully be as inpire-- inspired as i am and see that there is are wonderful, tangible solutions that we can focus on and we can really do this thing. we can really kind of, you know, make this happen. and i just wanted people to kind of feel inspired and kind of focus on real solutions that-- because i love life. you know. i love our planet, the only home we have, you know, i want to make sure that it is here for a long time, for my kids.
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>> rose: how did you come to that? this idea of getting involved in saving the planet. >> we are nature, we are not separate from nature, you know what i'm saying. we are humans, i believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. and i believe that planet earth is like, you know, a spaceship let's put it that way. we are a blue dot in the space. there are billions of other star systems and billions of other planets. and we don't know what other lives are there but we mow that we are on 24 planet. and we are all in this together. in this spaceship, live is very fragile in a way. because all the different beings that inhabit this planet, you know, every animal, every plant, every organism that is here on this planet is necessary to keep this spaceship floating the way it is and keep us all alive. >> rose: everybody reads this book that has the same kind of evangelical fer ver that gisele has. >> it is so interesting, no one is going to be gisele, she's unique in the universe. however, what has happened is
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that in the first week it was published it went to number nine on "the new york times" best seller list. no book on climate or the environment has done that in 25 years. in 25 years. now how did it do that. it didn't do it through publicity because it had none. the reason it did it is because people looked at the book and then bought two, ten, 20, 30, 400 books. people buy the book and evangelize. and that's something we've noticed. >> rose: and the reason they are doing that is because this book offers something different or they are waiting for some way to appear something optimistic that is not too late. >> it's what gisele is talking about. is that we have been inundated with gloom, with threats, with fear. and this problem has been restated and restated and overstated. >> rose: but there is a reason to have fear about what is going to happen to the planet. >> absolutely, problem statements are wonderful. but once you have the problem statement, we have very good problem statements from science, then what do we do. and i think the reason people are responding to it is because
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for once there is scientific, grounded corroborated peer reviewed lists of the hundred most substantive solutions. >> rose: give me, i want to say, it's like give me the five most important solutions you see. >> we don't see it, we are 240 people collaborating to map, measure and model them tment is not what i-- . >> rose: it's not a list in terms of priority. >> st, in terms of priority. i'm saying it came from the data. all the carbon data is from peer reviewed science, the other from the from international institutions so what we did was we gathered this data, our research scientists and were reflecting it back to the world what it knows so the top five are there, and i will be happy to talk about them. but it's not what i see, it's what we know as a world, as international agencies, as academics, as universities, as the u.n., as scientists. and so that's what it is, it gathered what humanity knows and reflecting it back to humanity. >> rose: is this becoming a
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crucial part of your life? >> yes. >> rose: is this something that you are becoming more and more as an advocate to do something. >> 100 percent. because you know what, i feel like, i always say its if not me then who, if not now, when. you know what i mean. it's like we have only a limited amount of time here on this body, i really believe we come back many times. >> rose: you believe we come back many times. >> i believe that we are having, you know, i believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. and if we look beyond just our humanness, we are having this experience. and when get to have this amazing experience. we get to have relationships and experience all the emotions that we get to experience. and eat the fruits from the tree and live on this amazing planet. and i feel like we-- i feel that it is my-- i want to be, i want to use whatever the tools that i have been given to me this far to, and all have i known this far is because we are always learning. we're going to be learning until the day we take our last
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breathe, all of us, hopefully. >> rose: certainly hope so. >> so i think the more i learn the more i want to share what i learn because i feel like if i-- i have a platform. so i think it's really my responsibility. i feel. and i think it's my responsility as a citizen, as a human being. and i want to make, you know, information is-- knowledge is power. and the more people can get access to information, the more they can make their own decisions about like what is truth for them or not truth. and if they, you know, i think everyone has to do their own words because we are all here, even though we are relating to each other, we each have our own process, you know, we each are doing our own-- we each are having our own lessons. >> rose: paul, how do you define yourself, environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist. >> i will take them all, yeah. i am always learning. and my father taught university of california and he said, he came out of the war and he noticed that the soldiers that came out of the war really knew what they wanted to do when they
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went to school. they weren't playing around having beer parties and so forth. they were focused. and when i was-- i grew up around the university and said your education begins when you leave school. i took him at his word and left school and have been educating myself ever since. one of the joys of writing books and being an author is actually you are learning. it is exactly what gisele was saying. u write. 500 pages every page so you are absorbing all of the information around this area and trying to coalesce it in a way that makes sense to a reader that actually enhances or inspires or reveals something that they didn't understand or no. so for me it's always been a base line i have been a wrair. >> rose: what is your central complaint about, it's been ten years, i think, since an inconvenient truth, the al gore film and book. >> yeah. >> rose: why haven't we done more? >> because the science, this is what i feel. the science is impeccable from the intergovernmental power and climate change. it's two and a half billion data
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points that inform the last assessment. it is the most magnificent scientific achievement humankind has ever achieved or undertaken. however, the communication of the science to the greater pop liss has been-- pop louse has been miserable because it is focused on threat, on gloom, the idea show that we'll get people to act if we scare the pee out of them hasn't worked at all. because you take threat, gloom and doom and then you shame people or make them feel guilty about what they are doing, not doing, how they live or don't live, you stir together real well and you get numbness, you get indifference and you get people-- . >> rose: but even you suggest, if we don't do something about by 2050 we're in a bad place. >> what i'm saying here is actually we are doing something. it says the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. two things about that, first of all, it's the first plan that has ever been proposed to
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reverse global warming. there has been no plan up until now. second we didn't make the plan. we found the plan. every solution in there that we modeled is scaling. is well enhandlessed. w-w granger, practical, we know how to do it. we know the costs. we no the profits, the losses from doing them and overall we make a profit doing this on a monetary sense. >> rose: what you asked are a series of questions including the fact of what is the cost associated with each solution. >> absolutely. when we modeled we modeled both the carbon, peer reviewed sceengs and we did the economics. and that is based on data, pay walls, bloomberg, everything. we got all the economic data we could get. and we looked at the cost and what would be the net savings over 30 years. and the fact is in these 80 solutions that we modeled economicically, the net saves over 30 years is between 50 and 70 trillion dollars to the world. there is no net cost. >> rose: just to take it off,
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you know, it's solar, it's wind. >> yeah. >> land views. >> let's go back, actually. because typically what we say is solar and wind. actually solar is not in the top five solutions but wind is. the number one solution to global warming is actually to manage our refrigerants. hfcs, which are thousands of times more powerful than co2, the second moses powerful of impactful solutions is actually on shore winds. the third most is to reduce food waste. these numbers to us, charl qulee, were such a surprise. we were shocked, we were stunned. we didn't have a horse in the race. we actually had the race track and we wanted to know how did it work out and this is how it worked out. >> rose: what is your role in this? >> i want to use whatever is the ability that i have to bring attention to something that is so, i feel, important as this book and paul's work because i feel like this is the kind of
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information that the world needs. you know, those kinds of solutions. we need to really implement them and how are we going to implement them if we don't know about them. so i'm here more really as-- i'm part of the advisory board but you know, i'm just learn sog much from paul and i just, as i'm learning i want to share what i learn. and there is why i'm here. >> rose: here is something about your native brass il, beef production has a responsibility with the deforestation in brazil. >> yes, yes, it does. in our home we have mostly a plant-based diet. >> rose: and why is that? >>, a, because we feel better and it is better for our health, our bodies are our temple and everything we put into our body has an effect on us. has an effect on our energy. >> rose: and your husband says, tom brady says, unless i have this plant-based diet, i would not be the player i am. >> yes. >> rose: and i would not have the career at 39 that i did. >> yeah, he's almost 40, right? i tell him that all the time,
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don't say that. but the thing is, he said, you know, he has been feeling so much better, i have to say, it's amazing, you know, the way he feels. he doesn't feel achy. he just feels so much more energy and we've beening to for ten years and we have been very conscience of-- we have, we have bees in our house, we grow our food. >> rose: was this initiative by you did you influence how your house and husband and children feel about planted-based diet and other things, does that come from gisele? >> yes, it does. >> well, they love it. >> rose: why don't you want to say that. >> well, it does. it has come from me because you know, i have-- . >> rose: so he has his career to thank you. >> no, he has to thank his commitment and his education to it because he still have to go and do it he can offer, you can offer that option to him but he still have to eat it. right? so and he loves it. in the beginning he was a little bit like you know, he
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never-- the beginning we were experimenting so i was also giving him a lot of raw foods and stuff because i like to eat that way sometimes. i like to seat eat seasonal so i only eat what is growing in local farms, you know, whatever is kind of close to me, that is one of the solutions. it's about eating locally and seasonally, right? so when we started with that, he in the beginning was like, it was a little, you know, different for him. but now he loves it and he wouldn't have it any other way because he feels better, you know. els that way.e so happy that he and makes me so proud that my kids go flt garden and can take a you can cum ber and grab it and start eating like that. that makes me so happy. because i grew up that way, you know, i grew up in a village in the south of brazil. and we never, you know, we go to the supermarket there wasn't fruits in the supermarket well. had frawt trees, guave peach, tangerine, and the earth gives us all this amazing richness that is what i am saying. we have everything to thank her for. so we only makes natural to me
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that we should honor her and respect her because she is giving life to us. so i want to teach that to my kids. of course that's very true to who i am, what i have been since i was a little kid so it is natural that i introduce that to my family. and i want to teach my kids to have that. and i remember being a kid and just climbing the tree and picking up the fruit. i used to put it in my t-shirts. the tang tang taj reens and go and if i didn't have the fruit i would go to my neighbors houde, sometimes you see a neighbor in you are why tree, we were all sharing that. and i want my kids to have that, even if tom didn't grow up that way, i want him to have that now. and he loves it, you know. >> rose: he's given a lot of credit to his diet. >> because, because he sees the difference. it really makeffen when you don't eat like that, like if i'm traveling and not eating, and sometimes you eat a little different when you travel, i feel a huge difference. i mean it's amazing.
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instantaneously, i eat something that doesn't agree with me. so it's been a wonderful-- he's been very supportive and he loves it and the whole family eat thation way. it makes me feel really good because not only we feel great, we feel really healthy and strong, but we are also a plant-based diet is so, addresses you know the problem that we are facing in the world because if people ate a plant-based diet-- now, exactly, we wouldn't have to have-- we wouldn't have you know the food waste situation. we wouldn't have this situation. it would be a huge. >> to your point, our plant-based diet is the number four solution to global warming. and it doesn't mean no meat but it means a reduction of protein overall. >> rose: reduction of protein. >> to a healthy level. you don't need 90, a hundred grams, you need 50 grams a day. the solution we model is reducing the protein content in the west where we overconsume, causing health problems and increasing it in those countries
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that are impoverished to the normal healthy level 50 grams and kal oric of 2500 calories, and even then it is the number four solution to global warming is a plant-based diet. doesn't mean all plants f you want to be a vegetarian, fine, you can do that, if you want to have some meat, that way, but it means really getting in balance. >> rose: characterize what the trump administration is doing on this front? >> well, what is trying to do is basically rolling back anything it can. first of all, it's cutting off science from noaa, epa, nasa, trying to cut the budget it did not succeed so far. it took down the climate change page on the epa the day of the climate march. it's trying to rollback the clean power plant under obama which is curious because it never got instigated so they can't roll it back, it's been in court ever since it was signed as an executive order by president obama. now he has ordered a review.
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that review will take a year, after that it will go back into court for two years so that is actually just a big stalemate. but what they are trying to do basically, to me it's like the sunset feskt the toes ill fuel industry. in other words it's the last gas paragraph and they show arranged to get their people into positions of power. it's actually put il. fossil fuels are dead, whether it's ten years or 15 years, they're not dead because of altruism, not dead because people care about carbon or don't care about it, they're dead because of costs. pure and simple. and they're too expensive. and wind now is the cheapest new form of installed electrical generation, solar is coming in 2 centss a kill o watt, in mid east ppa-- . >> rose: knowing that you have to be concerned about national policiment you have to be concerned about what the epa is doing or not doing. you have to be concerned about support for the paris agreement. >> yes. >> rose: is that right? >> yes. i mean i feel that, you know, i just like to, i'm an optimist so
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i believe that everything, there is a reason for everything to be happening. and i think you know, all of-- all of this noise is doing i feel is bringing more awareness. and i think people are much more kind of laid back about things beforement and i think now people are just more kind of feeling like you know, i have to take matters into my own hands. >> i have to get educated, learn, figure out how we're going to do this. i feel like in some ways it kind of really has the situation we are living today, it has really brought people more into action. it has made them kind of say okay, like i really, i am, you know, i have to do something here. like you know, i can't just sit back and relax on my couch and to be resolved.ything is going i think that people really-- . >> rose: you can't wait for government to act. i really feel that, i feel this is the energy happening right now, don't you? i really feel like people are becoming a bit more-- they're
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more interested for sure. now it's been than ever before. >> rose: you just look at the numbers in terms of the planet getting warmer like 2016 was the warmest year in history. >> that's right. three in a row. three warmest years in a row. but at the same time, we have to understand the federal government is not-- change on any of the solutions on this book. they can try to throw thumb tacks in the road, they can definitely try rhetoric and the congress has never been a supporter of the kyoto treaty or any of the protocols that were around climate change. >> rose: because of lobbying or. >> yeah. >> rose: the power. >> gerrymandering, lobbying, money, et cetera. we have to understand the federal government in the u.s. has never been a leader in this field ever. so the fact that we have somebody ignorant about this, and doesn't really change a whole lot the rhetoric is devicive, the rhetoric is astonishing in terms of its scientific ignorance but it actually dnt have a big influence. these solutions and drawdowns do not come from the federal
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government. they come from the private sector. they come from business. and business, i don't know one business corporation, i work with corporations who if they look at the trump administration and go huh, whatever. and they're five, ten year environmental plans haven't changed what iota because they have to plan for the future. and they see the future loud and clear, whether they see it in the beltway. >> rose: take two, wal-mart and google. >> yeah. >> rose: have pledged to reduce their carbon footprints and use renews newable energy. >> absolutely. and not only that-- wal-mart-- . >> rose: and announce that it supports. >> and wal-mart announced they were going to do a billion tons, a giga ton of carbon reduction in the supply chain t just announced that as well. i wrote, by the way, the-- for wal-mart i wrote that speech that declared what the goals of wal-mart were ten years ago for lee scott. so i know their goals very, very well. 100 percent renewable energy, zero waste, and completely
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sustainable supply chain. and they're working on it step-by-step by step. so this has not had a big effect on any corporation except and i will say there is an exception, the car companies. who made an agreement when they were bailed out to raise their mileage standards and now recounted. the danish government, the german government have done extraordinary things to accelerate renewable energy and progress around climate in those countries. so there you have that kind of meshing but you don't have it here. we never had it, though. >> rose: we never had what? >> the meshing of the executive branch, the congressional branch and these initiatives around climate change. that never happened here. >> rose: former mayor bloomberg. >> he has, the city, the mayors have been extraordinary. he has been extraordinary. i mean mayors and the cities are the sort of, what we call subnational entities, are doing extraordinary things in the united states. i look at the congress, go whatever. and they move ahead in these areas. look at seattle, 20 35rbgs 100%
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renewable energy. >> rose: don't you think we should be a cat list, if you disagree with government policy, try to change it. >> yeah. >> the way do you that is by bringing forward the information. because i think we are all learning, right? and i think it's like that's the process we are all on. and i feel like what we do is bring mortgage the information, the more we learn is bring forth the information and leave that that we believe, our condition is like in my situation, like we have a plant-based diet and have been having it for ten years, you know. and these ten years, so it is, i think, everyone really like having the information and then deciding if that information works for them or not. you know, but i'm telling you about the plant-based diet when you start eating that way and feel better, you don't want to go back eating another way, because you feel different. and who wants to feel, who doesn't want to feel good, i mean, i want to feel great. >> rose: have your performance be as good as it possibly can. so. >> you want to give your body
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the best you can give it so you can perform for you the best it can, right. >> rose: your husband said the other day that you wanted him to retire. he said that. not me. >> you know, the thing is -- >> rose: and that he was going to play as long as he felt as good as he does now. >> right. >> rose: now are you trying to get him to retire. >> i just have to say as a wife, i'm a little bit, you know, as you know it is not the most like, let's say, an aggressive sport, football he had a concussion last year. he has concussions pretty much, we don't talk about it but he does have concussions. and i don't think st a haley thing for your body to go through, you know, through that kind of aggression, like all the time, and that cannot be healthy for you, right. and if you do it for a long period of time, that's, i think, not very healthy in the long run. and i'm planning o on having him be healthy and do a lot of fun things when we're a hundred, i hope. so of course have i this concern because you know, i know that he loves what he doesment and i will always support him. and i told him, in my dreams i
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would like for him to, you know, maybe not do it for as long any more just because i'm concerned about, you know, i just want him to be healthy forever. >> rose: for you and for the kids. >> just so i think any person would feel that way. it's not like he is playing tennis, right. he's playing football it is a contact sport, very aggressive sport. but he knows i will always support him and i want him to be happy. and if that makes him happy and he loves to do that, then i'm always going to support him like i always have. so i want him to be happy and fulfilled. >> rose: you've changed him and he has changed you. >> yeah, i think we---- i think that is what we have done. i think relationships kind of, like we do most of our growing in relationships because we really kind of like, they see all of us, right. all the sides of us. and i think we have shall-- we've been growing and learning a lot from each other. so i think you know, it's a wonderful walk in this life with a partner where you can always grow and learn from it.
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it's wonderful. >> rose: are you more excited by life today than you have ever been? >> yes. >> rose: because? >> i'm always excited about life because i think, i just feel like really, i feel like life is such a gift. every morning i wake up because i wake up early, 5 a.m., a meditate. >> rose: so if i emailed you at 5 a.m. you will see it right away. >> at 3:30, you know i'm up early, oh, 3:30 that say little bit earlier than when i like to wake up. i like to wake up early because you see, i am so-- i live in such a present moment, like you know, i love, like i notice everything, right. and i love watching the sun rising. like just sun gazing to me, waking up when everything is quiet, having my watt we are lemon, you know, just honoring, being so grateful that i have this clean water to drink. i went to the largest slum in africa, and let me tell you, people don't have clean water so every time i open my water filter i'm like thank you, and
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have i this lemon, thank you. and i'm drinking the lemon with gratitude, i'm watching the sun, it's heavy. i have my warm watt we are lemon, everything is silent. can i meditate, can i have time for myself and honoring and be grateful. i think gratitude is the attitude because when you have that, everything this your life just kind of becomes like a blessing in a way, like everything, you know, everything. like eat-- every time i eat my food i bless my food because it's like, have i food. you know how many people don't have food. we take it for granted, things. because we live in such a country that we have, we open the top, the water comes out to brush our teeth. there is a lot of places on earth that don't have that. so i don't want to take anything for granted because i think that everything is a gift gift, so i live my life in that way. i feel like the older i get, having my kids, i want to raise them that way and i want them to see what a gift everything is too because i feel like life is more joyful that way.
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when you have, i think when you have this attitude t just like everything just works out. like you just, it feels like you kind of vibrating on that energy because everything is energy. >> rose: energy is a word you use often. >> because everything is energy. everything is energy. so and i want to be surrounded by and as a matter of fact, there was no more amazing energy than nature. nailt nature is healing, like you go, have a stresesful day, go walk in the park. take off your shoes and just put your-- . >> rose: feel the grass. >> just feel the grass. it changes everything. you can have the worse day, something happens you hear the birds, are you there, nature is so powerful, it's so healing. it's so, i'm literally in awe of nature, every day i'm just like thank you, here, teaching us what is possible. she is the most intelligent. talk about the most intelligent organism on earth is nature, wouldn't agree. >> rose: how do you engender among more people this sense of
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understanding that is within your own power, to change your lifestyle sph, having to do with your observe health, performance and at the same time, to contribute to the planet. how do you engender the kind of enthusiasm she represents? >> one of the things that you ask why she supports-- i don't think-- i think people know one side of gisele but at the don't know this side. and this side of gisele is who she is at the deepest core of her being, not the model who is gorgeous and beautiful and talented, this is the real gisele bundchen, this is the one that she knows and her husband knows and her close friends know. and the world now, it's time for the world to know gisele, who she is and what she stands for. because it goes back to her earliest upbringing hen she was-- before a teenager, this is not something new, this is not something that she is saying for
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convenience. this is who she is. and she is going to be, i think one of the most prominent spokespersons in the world for exactly that question. which is how do you see a life, how do you imagine life this integrated so that everything you do is actually for yourself, for those you love, those you served, those you don't know, who you want to help and serve. and the planet itself, because they're all the same thing. and so i just want to-- just acknowledge that. how do i do it? i do it by the same way which is to try to learn. have i taken care of pie body in the same way, eaten a plant riched diet since i was 20 years old. i had maz asthma from six months until i was 20 and i changed my diet and went away and i was actually kind of pissed off because i liked my junk food, wait a minute, this is actually the cause. doctors tried to cure me and they didn't so i went back to natural food, went away, went back to beer and hamburgers, came back did it several times i'm going wow, if can i get this, i think maybe i'm slow,
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the rest fltd world will understand that when they eat in a way that is actually healthy for themselves, the environment, and that it changes everything. not just changes your body, it changes farmlands, rivers, water, birds. i started an organic food company when i was 20 years old. and i remember going to louisiana and seeing dead pel cans, near my organic rice farm, growing organic rice and i said why are they dead. they are eating the rice 150eds they were covered with mercury. >> let me just come back to this do which nied a polit kalg discussion in this country about all of this. >> politics depends on the free flow of information for everybody. and what we had, especially in the last section is a complete disinformation about everything from debateses down to the internet, into the media itself, with very few exceptions. and so once you have that kind of in a sense cabbing of knee, chaos of information, then people kind of go to protecting
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themselves and go to superstition. they go to fear. if you vote out of fear it is a-- . >> rose: the argument some make about climate, global warming. >> bring it on w they debate how much of it is contributed by human beings. >> yes, they do. >> in terms of what they put into the atmosphere and a whole range of things that we know. >> yeah. they do that because they don't pay attention to the science. the science is well-known since 1896. the question is not, when i go to-- gsh i will ask everybody too raise your hand if you don't believe in climate science or global warming. raise your hand. nobody in my audience races their hand. i say that's okay. you can raise your hand. and still nobody races their hand. i said that was a trick question. you all should have raised your hands because science is not a belief system t is evidencery it is all about fact-based. >> it is fact-based. the true believers are deniers because they believe the climatic stability of the last ten years is going to persist
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for the next. >> some people say that he debate should be over because of what the science says. >> it's not because of what the science says, it's because the science is. >> rose: is, okay. >> it is science, and science is fact-based. evidence-based. two and a half billion data points in the last assessment of the intergovernmental panel on climate change. now you can debate whether the impact is going to be this way on oceans or that way. that is a complex system but the science about the mechanism of global warming warming is signed and delivered, about fixes, biochemistry on earth, nobody is debating that whatsoever. what they are debating is the rate of change and so forth. let's say you have-- were you told that there is a 70% chance or 98% or 97% chance that something bad is going to happen to you in the next 20 years. you say well, i think i will just maybe-- . >> rose: no, i wouldn't.
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>> you know, you have 97 or 3%, that's where we are talking about. we're talking about a very small number of people who are saying i don't think so. but. >> look at what is happening in terms of government policy. >> but look at the solutions. the solutions are no regret solutions which is we would do them if there is no. >> gisele when talking to me about this talked about the necessity of public prif at solutions. when we talked about this book, what you said, it was a first time that you read things that really gave you a sense of what? >> just inspired me, you know, when i heard paul presenting the book to us, i just felt so inspired. it was like that's it, you know, this is what we should focus our energy on. you should focus energy and solutions on what he said. yeah, it's great we can speed up the process but the truth is companies and corporations already know about this and will have to do it because if they don't have water to plant food because we have draughts because
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the temperatures are raising, we don't have rain as much as we used to have, that will be a fundamental problem for that i business the they won't be able to produce. they are really looking at this, okay, we have to address this. >> it became a necessity. >> because of the bottomline. >> because of the bottomline. if you don't take care, you know there is only a certain amount of natural resources on earth. and if we decomplete them, these people that have these companies they understand, listen, we need those natural resources to produce our products. if we don't take care of the natural resources we will no longer be able to produce products because we couldn't have, so they are-- they're going to continue those policies of reducing the emissions and really figuring out how they can continue to have the abundance of natural resources because their bottomline-- they won't have, they will be out of business, correct? >> yeah. >> so i think that is what, an that's not going to change, because you can't create more
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rivers. you can't make more soil, it's what we have, what we have. if you see what happens in the world, look at syria. the reason why everybody pie grated because the water finished there, there was no more water, everybody migrated. look what happened. there is a lot of different things that you know, it's like our health depends on the health of our planet. and we are connected to it. we are natured, nature is us. and the sooner we all can be aware of that, i think the better it will be for all of us. >> where would you put the super bowl victory in the great things that happened to your family in 2017? >> you know, it was a wonderful end-- . >> rose: emotional. >> very emotional. you know, but it was-- you know, i felt like it was-- i saw the victory as something much bigger than just a victory, of like a
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team playing another team. i thought there was an amazing message there. and the message was that you know, that it's not over until it's over. and as long as we are here breathing and we have the dedication and focus, we are on the game. and we can win the game. so i feel like it was so inspiring to, you know, that for me was more important than anything. and i was so happy that you know obviously i was happy for my husband because he worked so hard, so ed did kateed, so focused. he's so-- he gives his all. but i was, you know, i kind of saw that as a bigger for the world. for all the people who feel like, you know, when when they're losing like they give up. like never give up. if are you here, if are you standing, if you are breathing, there is a way, you know. and as long as we have focus and dedication and clarity of purpose, we're going to make it happen. >> rose: thank you for coming.
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>> announcer: this is "nightly business report" with tyler mathis broad rally. stocks rebound from yesterday's selloff as investors try to figure out what to expect in the months ahead. bucking the trend. walmart wants what a lot of retailers can't, get more customers in-store and more online. policy shift. why the company that started the remote working revolution is now calling employees back to the office. those stories and more on tonight's "nightly business report" for thursday, may 18. good evening, everyone, welcome. investors put money back into stocks as the market recovered from its worst drop of the year. early on it seemed that today would be another rough one. but that wasn't the
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