tv Charlie Rose The Week PBS October 21, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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>> welcome to the program. i'm charlie rose. the program is "charlie rose: the week." just ahead, former president bush and obama criticize our politics but do not name the president. a new book on the old master, leonardo da vinci, and coming to the theories, woody harrelson plays lbj. >> a new leader has emerge. >> you don't waste any time do you lyndon? >> rather not have it than have it this way. >> rose: we'll have those stories and more on what happened and what might happen. >> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by the following: >> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications >> rose: and so you begin how? >> a series of conversations. >> rose: is it luck? at all or is it something else? >> boom. >> rose: what's the object lesson here? >> i assume we do a lot of good things. >> rose: tell me the significance of the moment. ♪ ♪ >> rose: we begin with a look at the news of the week. here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. >> time is just about up for i.s.i.s. in raqqa. glus backed cushedz forces u.s.. >> democratic congresswoman for politicizing the president's call to a grieving military widow. >> didn't say what that congresswoman said, didn't say it at all. >> the president stirs controversy over goal star families. >> seems bizarre conduct.
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ftc >> more people are getting to go home in northern california. >> firefighters saying they are making progress but the danger is far from over. a. >> a former agency official says the agency's efforts to crack down on the opioid epidemic was derailed by the drug industry. >> nfl still allowing players. >> need for the collapse of the nfl. >> hearing for the first time from the hotel security guard who was shot and wounded by las vegas gunman stephen paddock. >> everyone gets together to help, best seller. >> hit three homers last night which meant lots of chances to dance. >> the bull pen back in their home run dance. >> start spreading the news, the yankees yes they are one win away from the world series. >> trying to say they have for the first time detected a collision of two collapsed stars. >> resulting in a huge shock
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wave that rippled across the universe. >> interrupting you. >> wait a minute. >> the many ta embassy. >> you know some might say curb your enthusiasm. ♪ ♪ >> rose: we begin with politics white house watch. we are joined by mike allen, he is co-found err of axius, and the axius news letter, great to have you. >> great to be here. >> rose: let me begin with general kelly, i thought that was a very, very emotional moment. >> we're hearing that inside a huge impact on the staff. one of the insiders of the white house saying that general kelly is looking like the moral core of the trump white house. that so many people watching his surprise appearance in the white house briefing room to say that discussions about conversations
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between families of the fallen and the president should be sacred. and of course, general kelly talking from very harsh personal experience lost a son, the greatest man that he knew, general kelly said, lost a son in combat. so he is experienced this, and charlie as your viewers saw, in the most clinical term, walking through what happens when a soldier is lost, how is he brought back? how is the family known? i should he is trying to shock both the public and the press into saying it is not a normal like punching bag partisan sport. >> rose: partisan politics. >> yes but who started? it was the president of the united states. it was the president of the united states who brought up the idea that perhaps general kelly when he lost his son had not been called by by president obama. and of course everybody goes to the press office and says was
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general kelly called when he lost his son and the press office said on background that he was not. so this is where the conversation began, but charlie, i got e-mails from my readers at axius am who said this was an unbelievably painful topic and i think it was a little bit about what general kelly was speaking to. we don't care who started it. this was causing tremendous pain but general kelly too to online that he didn't acknowledge that this had started literally in his house. >> rose: implication what are? >> implication are, charlie i've said how many times have we had this conversation nine months to the day that president trump took office. i could tell you there is going to be a fight that he's going to regret picking and i'm wrong every single time. the last time, i thought that picking on
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the female mayor of the san juan, puerto rico, when her island had just been devastated, he had tripled down on that, the president said as to grade, the administration's response to puerto rico, where 80% of people remain without power, one month on, you saw the president gave himself a 10 twice, he gave himself a 20. doesn't regret saying that part. this fight over the families of fallen soldiers, the gold star families, general kelly, among the various hats he wears, former four starl marine general, white house staff, gold star father, he may regret picking that fight. even too personal, for people who follow politics in most casual way will say why. >> rose: yesterday president bush made a speech. >> we've seen nationalism distorted into nativism.
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forgotten that dynamism that immigration has always brought to america. people of every race religion and ethnicity can be fully and equally american. it means that bigotry or white supremacy is blasphemy dispense the american creed. >> rose: didn't mention trump by name. >> didn't need to. everyone he was talking to, remarkable week, you and i were talking about this off the air, this is a hinge week, how did it begin? it began by senator mccain in philadelphia accepting the ward from the constitutional center from vice president biden, amazingly so, a former senator, there john mccain who knows his time is short so every word from him is very significant. and john mccain talking about half-baked nationalism. and walking away from the commitments that we've made, for
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three quarters of the century. so john mccain is making a lot of big statements. he's making good use of whatever time and all of our time is very limited. but you stack that with president bush as we mentioned, you stack that away president obama, he said he thought we were 50 years past some of these conversations and then just today speaker paul ryan saying to you, that identity politics had gotten out of hand. that is a remarkable run in five days. >> rose: is he going to be in 2020 the president, a viable contender for reelection? >> of course. >> rose: go ahead. >> i didn't want to interrupt you. but i know you agree with this just based on math and history you would say yes. say we get tax cuts and there's going to be an uptick in the economy. >> rose: there already is an uptick of the economy if you look at the stock market, just one indicia.
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>> the dow just passing another milestone this week, this beak -- week the 30th anniversary of black monday. the biggest percentage drop. so assuming that if the economy keeps picking up on paper, of course, very good chance of being reelected, now there's a lot of other intangibles that go into it but the reason i jumped in is that in the circles we travel in new york d.c. california, people think there's no chance of the president being reelected. they think he's going to be impeached tomorrow and you and i have to bring a little reality to those bubbles and say no that's not like what the history has been. and we see the very long reach that this president has. with his base. so on paper, like of course he's viable. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> rose: salvator mundy is the last known painting for leonardo da vinci that is privately owned. it is expected to sell about $wheurch million when it goes up for sale at christy's next month. leonardo his art and the science behind it is the subject of a timely new biography by walter isaacson. >> if you look at the back of the book, the back cover, an astonishingly good piece of science, the proportions of human, perfectly, but unnecessary beauty, that's leonardo, i think it's a self portrait, it's him standing in the earth, the cosmos and how do i fit in. >> rose: what did you go about in search of leonardo? >> one of the things i discovered is he has more than 7,000 pages of his notebooks
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that we can still find. bill gates bought one of the science notebooks that leonardo kept. and paper is a great technology. 5,000 years later, the last supper, a mathematical diagrams, squared the circle, old craggy warrior, people have written about leonardo, they usually roach him as a great artist, the 12 or so great paintings. nest i wanted to start with the notebooks and show the science the engineers, the lists, he had to do lists every day in his notebooks, things he wanted to fgure out why is the sky blue and why do people yawn? that's what i thought curious. go through the notebooks day by day week by week through his notebooks. >> rose: did you have access to material nobody else had? >> the windsor castle that's
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where his unbelievable anatomy drawings were. since my wife kathy goat to meet a curator there, we got time at windsor it was fun going in search ever leonardo. >> rose: he would go to the cadavers and take the skin off. >> he would love anatomy. he would take the skin off of the face because he wanted to know every muscle. how do the muscles touch the lip? which nerves come from the brain which nerves come from the spinal cord. on like the 10th or 12th page of one of these die sections of the human face, very light drawing up top of a smile and you see him starting the mona lisa smile, as he starts processing all of the art but all of the anatomy. look at the lips very carefully, the shadows turn up but the details turn down a little bit. it is because
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he has dissected the human eye enough to know the center of the retina, details the shadows of the retina, oversimplification but as the eye wanders across the face, flickers on and off, the -- she is reacting to it. and of course eye is so intent and so emotional, the mona lisa effect, the eyes follow you around when you move around the room. ♪ >> bluebird ♪ ♪ bring my baby back to me >> rose: robert plant is best known as the front man of led zeppelin, one of the most successful bands in rock history that last performed together in 2013. robert plant's solo career has spanned decades and 13 albums.
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>> something was going on. i don't know what it was but i was infatuated with the aid of some so manic device, it could be, i don't know, a glass room or something like that, i could hear something else going on outside of the spoken voice, outside of just singing on my bicycle. i heard this other voice coming through and yeah, i was infatuated by it, i guess. i don't know how i could have put it in any other shape. >> rose: but then people noticed too, then the more people noticed the more they would want you to figure it out. >> yeah, it's cause and effect. you begin your plan very naively. and for a guy who just sings at the sharp end of everything right, there is a lot of instrumentation going around you by people far more musically contaminanted than the front man. but the front man gets these great i don't know it's like a
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melange, i can pick out all the slide through it mimic it i can join in hold back. >> rose: they give you with the sound a place to carry it or maybe how to use it. >> in the early days of zeppelin, i found the whole thing of mimicry of following notation from the guitar or whatever it was to just trying to get in with some phrasing, some really rude scat from ofng ban junior, something which would have gave me something to do in some very, very long solos, i could just come in come out long sustained notes and flurries and sometimes gibberish. >> rose: and what about with carry far? >> well, that is a tough job but
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we always do it, a cause and effect that you leave around you. and you have to go back and some put some of it right and stuff that is right, you have to make it even more relevant and powerful. >> rose: i read where you said this were not many front is men left, you named three, you, mick and rod stewart. front pan, what you meant tbhai? >> the man at the sharp end. there are of course lots of other people around from here and in britain those two guys are around a little bit before me. but i'm just watching roger daltry from the who. there is a lot of us, i don't know why we don't have some annual get together of misery. >> rose: i think you should have a celebration. >> up the corner. >> rose: i'd like to come to
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that party. >> yeah, i'd like to see you buy the drinks. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> rose: mind runner is a new netflix series from executive producer and director david fincher. in the days of the government's attempt of criminal profiling. jonathan groff, interview mass murderers and serial killers. >> what it had to offer around the corner under the library and there's a life size wax or fiberglass rendering of hannibal lechter. as i was talking to the woman who was giving tour, i said is this you're the about silence of the lambs, i want to take that back.
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i don't want to talk about the gourmet opera expert, to me these are very sad people who have you know grown up under horrendous circumstances, this is not to overstate how much empathy or sympathy we should have for them. it's simply a fact. it becomes -- we have seen so much of this literary conceit of there is a very fine line separates the hunters from the hunted. and i thought it was time to sort of take that back. the reason we are fascinated with them is because we are nothing like them. >> why are you so tense? >> hmm? >> you're tense right now. >> rose: what is it about your character that made you say where is he coming from, the young agent who believes there's a better way of trying to figure this out? >> i think on the show we're trying to see if we can fake empathy in order to understand
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the impossible to understand. you and i any along the way, we glean forecast and the show takes place in the late '70s when all of this information and the idea of even doing this was very new, and they acquire systems of labeling and compartmentalizing the different kind of killers. but i think ultimately, part of the reason people are so fascinated with serial killers endlessly is you can ask as many questions as you want to and i don't know if we'll ever get an answer. >> rose: but when he comes talking about these ideas your character is what, you're looking at it with skepticism or kind of convince me, this is not my experience, you got to convince me. >> yes, when we meet bell tench the character i play, he is in a failing marriage, he has an adopted son who is troubled with whom he has a difficult relationship, that's creating a lot of problems this his
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marriage. he is somebody who is not interested in the bureaucracy at quantico is in a road school, he teaches the road school, he are travels around the country and he teaches the latest fbi techniques to the local cops. in a sense, he is running away, i think of him as almost floundering, he's forgotten why it was so important that he be an fbi agent. ♪ ♪ sneets ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> rose: lbj is the new film about the nation's 36th president. rob rei invocatorer directs. woodie harrellson. ring from vice president to
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president in the 1960s. >> we wanted to look at lbj as a complete person and if we were going to do a biopic of lbj you need ten hours to go from his childhood in west texas and his legislative rise to power and become vice president and then president. what we wanted to do is just if we could limit the -- you know it's like in greek you know drama, you try to limit the time frame so you can explore a character more fully. and that's what we tried to do with this. i personally hated lyndon johnson when i was young. i was of draft age during that time. >> rose: because of vietnam. >> because of vietnam, he could have sent me to my death. what i've discovered as times gone by, i've pent time in government, in politics, i had greater appreciation of what he was able to accomplish. i felt at that moment in his
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life as he assumes the presidency as he talks about the awesome power of the responsibility of the presidency that's when we could explore who he really was in that time of his life. >> rose: what was it that drew you to lbj's life? >> well you know it's interesting because rob and i are very similar in the sense that i didn't really like lbj. i was thinking to myself, this guy is such a -- you know what he did in vietnam is really hard to forgive, you know. and another friend of mine also named rob had tried convince me the play lbj movie and i just didn't think it -- i was like i don't like the guy. i'm not going to do it. he says well read this book. i read the book, it didn't change my mind but it softened my approach the him. then not long after that rob asked me and i was like well, if rob reiner wants me to do it i
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might have to play this part. the more i learned about him the more i knew about him i couldn't just qualify him as abad guy, i thought he did really good. >> that woman spends so much time this this house other than lady bird she's family. >> i think at the a lot of good things. >> the whole movie resolution around the civil rights bill, how did he evolve? >> i think it's very complex if you look at him. he came from a very poor area of texas, west texas, the hill country. he understood poverty, no question about it. he was raised in it, understood it, his greatly society was all about the war on poverty and trying to lift people out of poverty. so somewhere in there he knew that this was the right thing to be done. he also knew he was a legislator
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and he wanted to make sure he got things done. he viewed himself as a texan as a western and yet people talked about him as a southerner. he was more than happy to take that mantle and use it to be able to bridge between the south and the north in passing the legislation. and i don't believe he felt he could get it done when kennedy was alive and that's why he argues. you see he'll never become law. he knew it wasn't the right time. but when kennedy was assassinated he saw an opportunity to do something historic. and get it passed. and he was a cons malt legislator and politician. -- consummate legislator and politician. yes did he evolve? i don't know. i think he always had a bit of that in him but it never came out until he saw it could be a legislative win.
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♪ ♪ >> here's what's new for your weekend. tyler perry's boo too, a medea halloween opens in theaters nationwide. the formula 1 united states grand prix wons sunday in austin -- runs sunday in austin, texas. te rvetiongan and sarah begin that are conx shows in san diego and las vegas. [♪ singing ] >> here's a look at the week ahead. sunday the mark twain prize for american humor in washington, d.c. monday president trump meets prime minister li at the white house. tuesday is the opening game of the world series. wednesday is the day michael
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cohen president trump's personal attorney is invited to testify among the senate intelligence committee. thursday is hillary clinton's 70th birthday. friday, strange things on netflix. saturday, humanities festival. >> rose: that's "charlie rose: the week." for this week, from all of us here. thank you for watching. i'm charlie rose. we'll see you next time. for more about this program, and captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh >> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by:
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