tv PBS News Hour PBS March 23, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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captioning spowsored by ur productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight: >> i will never sign a bill like this again. i'm not going to do it. >> woodruff: after threatening a veto, president trump signs a $1.3 trillion spending bill that sets a record for funding the military. then, mr. trump picks john bolton to be national security advisor, a veteran diplomat and conservative hawk who has called for military action against north korea and iran. mark shields and david brooksre are heo assess the latest turnover at the white house. plus, we escape to the waters off bermuda to see how technology is opening up ave treasure tf shipwrecks. ts how is it decaying? what other artifac are there?
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and en, at that point, because now we can tell a story about a shipwreck, which is an exciting one to tell. >> woodruff: all that and more,s on tonight's p newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> consumer cellular understands that not everyone needs an unlimited wireless plan.
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our u.s.-based customer service reps can help you choose a plan based on how much you use your phone, nothing more, nothing less. to learn more, go to >> entertainment studios. ri the ford foundation. working with visio on the frontlines of social change wodwide. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and friends of the nshour. s >> this program de possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you.
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thank you. >> woodruff: a huge bill to fund the federal government is now law, after president trump reluctantly got on board. he tweeted this morning that he might veto the measure..3 it totals rillion, with big increases in military and domestic mr. trump up signing the bill this afternoon, saying the ode thingsains ove that made him "unhappy." >> nobody read it. it's only hours some peoplt even know-- $1.3 trillion, it's the second largest ever.e it bec big because we need to take care of our military. and because the democrats, who don't believe in that, added things that they wanted in order to get their votes. >> woodruff: the president singled t the lack of more border wall funding that he wanted, and the lack ofou protection for,
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undocumented immigrants. he canceled the program that had protected them, last fall. the revolving door at the trump white house has turned aga. this time, it ushered in president trump's third national security adviser in 14 months, the latestddition to a hawkish new lineup. the president left the whitete hous this afternoon for a weekend in florida, with nothing more to say about the latest shakeup in his national security team. as of april 9, h.r. mcmaster is out as national security adviser. former u.n. ambassador john bolton is in. >> it's always an honor to serve our country, and i think icularly in these times, internationally, it's a particular honor. so i'm still sort of getting used to it. >> woodruff: bolton becomes the third person in the post since president trump took office. the first choice, michael flynn,
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resigned just over three weeks after the inauguration, over wvelations that he had lied about his contactsith the russian ambassador. army lieutenant general mcmastet took over,lashed with the president, who reportedly complained about being lectured to, in lengthy briefings. mcmaster even drewid public prestial rebuke last month, after he said there was "incontrovertible" proof that russia interfered in the 2016 election. still, white house press secretary sarah sanders insisted only a week ago that he sn't going anywhere. >> general mcmaster is a dedicated public servant, and hh e, not focused on the news stories that many of you are writing, but on some really big issues, things like north korea, things like russia, things lik iran. >> woodruff: then came thursday s ening's presidential tet announcing mcmastester. in it, mr. trump said the general, "has done an outstanding job and will always remain my friend."
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mcmaster, in turn, issued a statement saying he now plans to retire from the army, and thanking the president for the opportunity to serve. his successor is a long-time hawk on foreign policy, who has served republican presidents since ronald reagan, and has held president trump's ear as af commentator onox news. john bolton was under-secretary of state for arms control under president george w. bush, and advocated for ire invasion of aq. he later served as ambassador tn the unitions, but onlyy, temporaril as the senate refused to confirm his nomination. more recently, he has argued for pre-emptive strikes against nortkorea. >> more diplomacy with north korea, more sanctions, whether against north korea, or an effort tapply sanctions against china, is just giving north korea more time to increase its nuclear arsenal. >> woodruff: bolton also called
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isr bombing iran, back in 2015, when the obama admation was negotiating the nuclear agreement. since then, he has echoed mr. trump's desire to tear up the nuclear deal. >> i think the deal is inherently flawed. i think it's a strategic debacle for the u.s. u can always tinker around the edges-- the question is whether putting lipstick on a pig is really going to make a difference here. >> woodruff: in addition, bolton has at times shared the president's skepticism about whether russia meddled in the 2016 election. he once suggested the hack of emails at the democraticon na committee might have been staged, not by the russians, but by the obama administration. >> it's not at all clear to me, just viewing this from the outside, that this hacking into th computers was not a false flag operation. >> woodruff: bolton later walkem back those cnts, and has often been a vocal cri russia.
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but, he also appeared 013 video for a russian pro-gun group supported by the n.r.a. on economic policy, he applauded the president's imposition of juw tariffs on china. his arrival come days after the president fired secretary of state r tillerson, and named the more conservative c.i.a. di mike pompeo to replace him. in addition, the president'som chief ec adviser and communications director announced this month that they are leaving the white house. for more on bolton's career and views, i'm joined by jonathan landayf reuters. he covered bolton's tenure at the state department during the george w. bush administration and the run-up to the iraq war. jonathan landay, thank you for being with us. so tell more about who is john bolton? >> john bolton is a hawk. he espouses pretty belligerent views, and he has a history ofbe
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g add outs with the u.s. intelligence community, which exists to this day where he has written about a signicant violations by iran in the iran nuclear deal, where m thean he's going to be working with, the director of national intelligence, dan coates, last mont cold congress iran is abiding by the deal and the deal is working. lton had several clashes over u.s. intelligence where he was found to be exaggerating this intelligence, one of the incidents back in 2002, where hs madeeech about cuba having what he said was developing offensive biological warfare iprogram was dsputed by two u.s. intelligence analysts, one atth state department, one at the c.i.a. both men and their bosses say
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mr. bolton tried to have them firebecause of their arguments with him over the -- his interpretation of the intelligence. >> woodruff: how did his relationship with the intelligence community affect the role he played in the runup to the invasion, the war in iraq? >> well, from bolton was a major proponent of the invasion of iraq for -- because, you know, supporting the bush administration's contention that the late dictator saddamussein had weapons of mass destruction. that case was based on bogus and exaggerated intelligence, something i did ext reporting with my reporting partner warren stroabl. but mr. bolton support that case. at one point when he was up for confirmation hearings as u.n. ambassador, which he was neverfo confirme, he was -- i believe there was a written where he was asked if he had ever been investigated while at the state department. he said no, but it later emerged
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that, in fact, he was questioned by the statet'epartm inspector general's office about the sources of intelligence at the the busath adminisn used for its case to invade iraq. >> woodruff: twother qui things i want to ask you, jonathan landay, one has to do with arms control. how has he dealt with arms control issues? we know that could well be an issue in the next year or so. >> absolutely. mr. bolton has been a fairly strident opponent of many arms control agreements din particular, while he worked in the bush administration as theto arms control official at the state department, he was one of the peoo honchoed the bush administration, the united states' withdrawal of the anti-ballistic missile treaty with russia. >> woodruff: last thing i want to ask is what happened years ago when george w. bush nominated him to be the ambassador of the u.n.ry nusual, the republican
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majority foreign affai committee, foreign relations committee in the senate refused to confirm hm, and there was a lot of testimony about john bolton. ju in a nutshell, what happened is this. >> well, some of these cases i st brought up came up. there was also allegations that he went after a former u.s.a.i.d. contractor, a woman in moscow harassing her over a business dispute while he was out of business goverent. >> woodruff: you don't mean sexual harassment? >> no, not at all. it was aalontracispute. the committee sent the nomination to the senate floor, and he was not confirmed. he was put in the u.n. ambassador'sob in what's known as a recess appointment. >> woodrjof: all right, than landay, a lot to learn, and thank you very much for talking to >> my ple. >> woodruff: we appreciate it.
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in the day's other news, wallre skidded to its worst week in two years, over a possible trade war with china. the dow jones industrial average lost 424 points to close at 23,533, its lowest close since november. the nasdaq fell 174 points, and the s&p 500 slumped 55. for the week, the dow lost more than 5.5%. e nasdaq fell 6%. the s&p dropped 6.5%. a gunman in southern franceed attaolice, took hostages and killed three people today, before being shot dead.ot e showed officers outside a supermarket where the gunman holed up, during a four-hour standoff. police ultimately stormed the site and killed him. the islamic ate group claimed responsibility. protesters turned out again today in sacramento, california over the police killing of an unarmed black man. offirs confronted stephon clark on sundanight for
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shspected vandalism. body camera footaged police firing 20 times, after yelling that clark had a gun. it turned out to be a cell phone. last night, protesters blocked a highway, and prevented thousands of fans from getting into a pro basketball game. the u.s. justice department has announced criminal charges today against nine iraniansac sed in a worldwide hacking campaign. they allegedly stole science and engineering research f hundreds of universities, private companies and government agencies in the u.s. and abroad. justice offialsaid that they are serving notice to hackers everywhere. >> you cannot hide behind aoa ke halfway around the world and expect not to be held to account. gether with our law enforcement partners, we will work relentlessly and creativelp to the legal tools at our disposal to unmask and charge
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you. >> woodruff: the justice department says the hacking scheme was sponsored by iran's revolutionary guards the nine suspects remain at large and may never be brought to trial, since the u.s. has no exadition treaty with iran a u.s. n chinese claims in the south china sea today, in the lanast "freedom ogation" exercise. the ship came wiin 12 nautical miles of a chinese-built artificial island in the spratly islands. china called the operation a "serious political and military provocatio" the trump administration formally proposed rules this evening that effectively ban bump stocks. the gunman in last year's las vegas massacre used one. they enable semi-automat rifles to fire like machine- guns. the announcement camon the eve of tomorrow's mass march against gun violence in washington. in southern maryland, a 16-year-
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old girl has died after being shot at her high school. helynn willey was fatally wounded tuesday ex- boyfriend. the boy died at the scene, after trading shots with a deputy who was stationed at the school. another student was wounded, but is recovering. and, former twterm georgia governor and u.s. senator zell miller died today. he was a life-long democrat, with a fiercely independent streak. in 1992, he campaigned for de president, and keynoted the party's later, he d democrats of veering to the left, and ynoted the 2004 republic convention for george w. bush. ze. miller was 86 years old still to come on the newshour: stnents from around the nat prepare to protest against gun violence. shields and brooks on the many shake-ups at thehite house. how cutting-edge technology n reveal the rich history of bermuda's shipwrecks.
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and, much more. uf >> woo we return to the most recent shakeup by president trump of his national security leadership. what change will john botlon bring to the job of national security advisor? for that, we get two views. nancy mceldowney was a career foreign service officer. and ambassador. she served on the nationalnc security c staff during the clinton administration. she is now director of georgetown university's masterof cience in foreign service program. and, matthew kroenig worked forh office of the secretary of defense during the bush and obama years, and at the c.i.a. he is now a professor of govement at georgetown university. >> reporter: and we welcome both of you to the "newshoow". nancy mcey. to you first, what do you think of the choice of john bolton for
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this job? >> i think johnolton is a spectacularly bad choice for this job. he is a hard-line nationalist. he is someone with disdain for diplomacy. he has -- is almost a knee-jerk advocate for war whatever problem you look at from north korea to iran even to russia, he's talked ut war against all of these countries. and when you look at a white house that is already leaning in a very extreme direction with a president who seems inclined to make decisions that isolate the united states even further, john bolton is going to take us in the wrong direction. >> woodruff: matthew kroenig, what is your take onjo bolton? >> first, i would like to thank h.r. mcmaster for his sercoce to thntry. i think he was a very good public servant and national security aisor and i think bolton will be a very good nationanational security advisos ent trump. he has high-level experience at the state department and at the u.n. he understands the national security challenges faing the
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country as well as anyone else. he has a giod relhip with the president, it seems, which is essential to be successful d this job, ae has good ties with the republican eestablishment, and they nt an opportunity to heal some of the rifts in the party since the election, maybe bring in more traditional foreign policy hands into the process. so it's not getti the attention of some of the more negative coverage, but man republican foreign policy experts have been celebrating this appointment in the past 24 hours. >> woodruff: sound like, nancy mceldowney, the two of you coming from very different places. >> yes. o woodruff: whyu believe it's so bad given what mathew was just saying how he is more in the mainstream thanle peecognize. >> actually, i think he is so far from the mainstream, and i disagree both on policy but also on p hrsonality. e seen bolton, for years, advocate the most extreme, the most militaristic positions possible, a preemptive strike
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against north korea, a preemptive strike against iran, regime change in both countries, those are not things that are responsible policy course force our country to look at. secondly, hisso perlity. we can come back to this, but the role of the national curity advisor isomeone who is supposed to bring all policy options the table. that is not john bolton, he is very argumentative, vindictive with those who disagree with him, and the reason he was never confirmed as bus nominee to be the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. was becse of reublin opposition. >> woodruff: well, matthew kroenig, let's divide those in two. let's start with what nancy mceldowney is describing as someone who has adv focatr a more militariestic and aggrsive approach abroad. but you're saysting tharight
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approach for this country? >> the use of force has been an important tool of national diplomacy ging back, military force contributes to dilomacy. there's a bipartisan consensus in the united states that the united states needs to keep the military option on the table for iran and for north korea. so i think it's good that we have a national security advisor who's willing to consider all options to advance u.s. national security interests. when it comes to his role as national security advisor, i think there are two models, historically. one is the honest broker model that scrokoff opted for bringing all options to the president, and the second model is the strategist roll henry kissinger ayed and i suspect bolton will be more in the strategist role of having strong opinions and i think which one works best depends depends on the personalities involved and the needs of the president, so i
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think he can be successful in this role. >> woodruff: what about they idea, naeldowney, he's going to have strong opinions and that's what's needed now. >> i'm not advocating people nor stress a sg opinion, but having worked ton national security, the role of the person who whispers in the ear of the president, who is the most intimate advisor when the president is trying to deliberate, we know the direction bolton is going to go in, and we don't have to spe'ulate about whats going to do in the future because we've seen what he's done in the past. he was an ardent advocate for the iraq war. he still claims it was a brilliant decio so i think people need to be very worried about the policy choices this national security is going to advocate for.>> woodruff: matthew kroenig, what about that? >> well, you know, i'm a political scientist by training. there's some good political sciee research on how advisors influence decisions of
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presidents and what political scientists have found is that a actualisors are most influential when they argue tainst type. t's why colin powell was central to debates ovethe iraq war, people saw him as a cautious voice within the bus administration. so when he was even willing to advocate for the war, people took notice. >> woodruff: what are you saying that means. >> what that means for bolton is he's known for having tough views so i think when he argues for these tough-minded polatici, not going to come as a surprise. i think he'll be most influential when he argues for restraint, when even bolton argu for restraint, that' when trump is going to take notice. >> woodruff: i want to ask both of you finally, of course, alit's john bolton nati security advisor but there is going to be a new secretary of state. everybody assumes mike pompeo gets confirmed d whyou see in terms of how the two of them work together, nancy mceldowney?r >> it's cl me what donald trump is doing is assembling
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war cabinet. he's got pompey o very much a, hade a number of controversial statements while a member of coming and now coming in with a very sort of right-leaning, militaristic approach. bolton carg the same message from the n.s.c. and i think, with those two taken together, we are in for a very bumpy ride, even though we have very seniors of our military from the secretary of defense, the chairman of the joint chiefs advocating in favoi of a dfferent approach. >> woodruff: matthew kroenig, a war cabinet likely to take military action? >> well, part of the description there was a right-leaning cabinet and, yes, it is a right-leaning cabinet. there was election in the country and the republicans won, and, so, the republican officials. you know, the iran nuclear deal has been meedtis one of the controversial issues that pompeo and bolton don't support, but
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that deal was inrecably controversial. bipartisan opposition, every republican in congress and some democrats opposed it. only the oma administration and their supporters supported it. so the idea that the trump administration is taoking anothr t this makes a lot of sense. so, again, controversial it seems in some circles but many conservative foreign policy experts i've talked to are excited about this cabinet, one of the maybe strongest national security cabinets we've had ine. some t >> woodruff: we're going to watch it all unfold. matthew kroenig, nancy mceldowney. we thank you both. >> thank you. >> woodruff: demonstrators from across the country will march against gun violence tomorrow, in cities from new york to l.a., chicago to atlanta, and small wns in between.
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washington, d.c. will be where survivors of last month's deadly school shooting in parkland, florida stage their "march for our lives" rally. john yang followed some of the students as they prepared forth e big day. >> yang: 17-year-old high school seni stout has visited her sister jenny in washington before, but thisime is different. on valentine's day, liz was inch her a.p. psyogy class at igrkland, florida's marjory stoneman douglash school when a teenager armed with an ar-15 sault style rifle killed 17 of her schoolmates, teachers and administrators and wounded 14 other now she's in washington for tomorrow's anti-gun-violence "march for our lives." >> i've heard too often that we're too young to make a change. >> yang: she's haunted by what she saw inhat classroom-- witnessing the death of fellow
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student carmen schentrup. >> you know, i came to school that day to get an education. my teacher opened up a lesson on personality, and next thing you know, we're crowded on top of each other behind a desk, and we run out and she's dead. and it's still, even saying it still, talking about it, doesn't wrap around my head. but that's why i came up to d.c. because she deserved to live. >> yang: how are youoing? >> it's been rough getting a full night's sleep. i still can't finish a meal. because a part of me feels guilty running out of that room. i see a professional therapist, she's taught me meth concentrate in class, when i get iggers, how to calm myself down, how to sleep better. a >> yang: liz her sister made a special stop at the memoriallu to martier king jr. >> even with m.l.k. and theem civil rights mt, he was known for making a big change,
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and it was the young people who started vement. and it's like today, the young people are coming out starting a movement. they're threason why we're out here.ey e the voices for the kids in chicago who don't have the same platform that we do.g: >> yrom the capitol, all along pennsylvania avenue, organizers hope there will b about half a million people here tomorrow. in addition, there'll be similar demonstrations in about 800 cities around the naon and the world. what happened in parkland has turned thousands of students into activists-- including nate tinbite, who spoke at the capitol during last week's national school waout. >> yang: the 15-year-old son of ethiopian immigrants, tinbite i phomore at john f. kennedy high school in washington's maryland suburbs. h this weeand his classmates made posters for the rally. >> my parents came from an education system not as remotely close to ours, or comparable to
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t ours, yet they still didve to worry about their security and safety. and why should we? you know, our lives areor definitely more than weapons that we see out here today. >> yang: the students leading's tomorrally are using the foundation laid by groups like "moms demand action," formed after the 2012 sandy hook jennoppe is the deputy director. >> we have built up a grassroots my that really has the knowledge, the resources, and the toolthat, that now we are able to share all of those with students across the country. >> yang: for many kids in the's natiapital, the fight is personal-- friends and family have been killed by gun violence. 17-year-old aaron king and his mother patricia reardon-king a made posterst a local community center. >> i lost a cousin, his name was kevin, to gun violence. he was simply trying to help a friend, but ended up losing his life simply trying to protect him.
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i just didn't want to see that see happening again. i know that it could have been me. so i said, enough is enough. >> you know, we don't want to change the second amendment rights for individls. but we do want to kind of limit the number of guns that individuals can purchase, and make sure that students don'tha easy access to guns. where there emotional. and they make rash decisions and other people's lives. >> yang: stoneman douglas students and activists david hogg and aalayah eastmond stopped by. >> this affects everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or all of the above.e at the end of y, we're all americans and we all bleed same blood. some people have to livehrough this every day. that's unbelievable, and it's ngacceptable. >> it feels empoweecause douglas is predominantly white, but there are black kids there, obviousl so i didn't want anybody to feel like, you know, only white kidsf are fighti this.
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black students are fighting for it as well. >> yang: it's a fight that's crossing genational, racial and economic lines. with teenagers leang the nyy, they hope to achieve real change where so efore them have fallen short. for the pbs newshour, i'm john yang in washington. >> woodruff: online, we will have coverage of the march throughout the weekend, including reporting by members of our student reporting labs. that's at >> woodruff: we return to the white house, where the president left many people guessing if he would sign the massive spending nyll, or if there would be more high-level departures. yamiche alcindor is there to help make sense of these latest twists and turns. so, yamiche, the president said -- he tweeted this morning
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he's cnsidering a veto, thee went ahead and signed it. what was that all about? >> it's hard to say what motivated president trump to s reaten to veto this bill. political analyy the president wanted to make conservatives who don't likeet this bill feelter about it by telling them that he was really disappointed and was reluctantly signing it. the president said he was signing it because of personal duty. he said he felt a duty to kee america safe. he said the military funding there was going to ensure that america and thtroops got th money that they needed, but it's also pretty clear that president trump didn't want to shut down the government. t if he shut doe government and then he didn't sign this bill, it would have really been on him if the government shut down. congress tried really hard to keep this bill and to get et through, so it woavuld really been a problem for him. >> woodruff: well, he kept us all dangling for several hours there this morning. yamiche, the other thing i want to ask you about ishe chang at the white house, the surprise
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last night, the president tweeted that h.r. mcmaster is out, he's bringing in john bolton. we've just been talking about mr. bolton here on the program. there arehe or changes as well. this is just one of many. what do we know about the president's thinking here? >> the president, at least from my sources, tell me he reay wantto surround himself to people who are going to be loyal to him so as a ret we've seen a lot of staff change in. the last few weeks we've seen several people announce they were leaving, including communications direcpe six, financial advisor gary cohn, personal assis jntn mackenty, rex tillerson and h.r. mcmaster. republicans and democrats say that these people leaving makes this white house seem as though it's in chaos. >> woodruff: so, yamiche, the one other thing i want to ask you about is i guess what's been
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occupying a lot of news attentioin the last few days, an that is the former playboy model, karen mcdougall, she is one of three women sng president trump. she and another woman stmy daniels have said they had affairs with the president, and i want to show our audience just a quick, short portion of what miss mcdougall said last night in an intervicn onn about her sident.nship with the pre >> after we had been intimate, he tried to pa me. i actually didn't know how to take that.>> id he actually try to hand you money? >> he did. he did. and i said -- i mean, i just had this looi of -n't know, just -- i don't even know how to describe, the look face must have been so sad because i've never been offer money like that before, number one. number two, i sought, does he think i'm this foroney or why i'm here tonight or is this a normal thing? i n't know. but i looked at him and i said,
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that's not me, i'm not that kind of and hed, oh. he said, you're really special. i said, thank you. >> woodruff: yamiche, what else did ms. mcdougall have to wsay ant else can you tell us about the >> miss mcd said she had a 10-month affair with the president where they frequently had sex. she said she only brought up his wife melania trump once calling her intelligent. she said she bro it off because she felt guilty about him being married.'s ne of three women involved in lawsuits concerning president trump apart froher lawsuit involving the "national enquirer" and her right to tell her story. porn star stormy daniels also has a lawsuit. she was to get out of an agreement where she would have to remain quiet about her relationship with president trump. and a former "apprentice" participant is suing president trump for defamation,, essentially, and said the
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presidt sexually haassed her while a participant at the show. >> woodruff: so much to track of these days at the white house. yamiche alcindor. thk you very much. >> thanks. >> woodruff: that brings us to the analysis and, to the analysis of shields and brooks.nd that is ated columnist mark shields, and "new york times" columnist david brooks. i'm going back to what i was talking about earlier in the pogram, mark, and start with john bolton, thesident making news on his tone tweeting last night the surprise announcement that h.r. mcmaster was out, john bolton's in, and this on top as you just heard from yamiche, one change after another at this white house. what aree to make of this. >> is this first of all, i'd like to associate myselfh wit the remarks of nancy mceldowney who was on the show. i think shs absolutely riht about john bolton. john bolton is not just ideologically fixed where he's been. unlike hissa parent foes within the strags, jim mattis,
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secretary of at the fence and joe dunford, the chairman of the joint chiefs, he has never comforted anybody dying in battle. he's never written to a next of kin. he avoy ided militrvice himself, yet it's his prescription for virtually every situation that arises whether it's north korea or iraq, for which has never apologized, for which he was a relentless advocate, and wrong. so i just think, hemperamentally, judy, he is the worst possible oice that donald trump could make. he is brutal to people who work th him, and i just think what he is, he's a flatterer, and donald trump, we know, is incredibly susceptib flattery. >> woodruff: david what do you make not only of boltonuthe sequence of changes one right after the other.
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>> first on bolton, ideologically, trump should havm pickedirst. i think the president should have picked the sort of person who shares their ewrld viand if there is anybody in the republican foreign policy galaxy that shares president trump's world viw it's john bolton. in the administration, he was talking about america first lon before donald trump ever was. when he served in the earlier bush administratio he was a relentless foe of the republican establishment, the colin powells. he was relentless of the neoconservatives who believed in democracy and human right. heas an old style power vs. power kind ofse conative. i agree with mark, he was thought of as a kiss up, kk down kind of guy. he famously was thought as someone who did not looat intelligence honestly but came with a higoly ideical predisposition. i don't think he's the worst. he coares acrose a bot of
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issues that i think will a increahaps of militaryon ac in north korea and iran. he's not a goon, he just thinks we need to be morere powl than anybody else and threaten the power all the time, which when u combine it with a temperamentally unstable president, a dangerous combination. >> a dangerous combination. i think david suffers from an ss of charity i agree with his analysis up to a point. alnald trump, if you re ran on a foreign policy all by himself, that he had opposed the war in he was the only republican who had, just as barack obama was legitimately the only democrat in 2008 who had opposed the united states going inton iraq, e nomination and the presidency. i'm not saying it was the soleut reasonertainly gave him a uniqueness and distinction hefo claimehimself. hee evidence was not necessarily overwhelming thahad been
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from the outset, but he's the opposite of bolton and trump wanted a less assyertive milit presence, and i think the voices be restraint in this administration hav diminished and i think it's down to mattis and dunford. >> i think it's far from a suret thing t will be super bellicose, suer militaristic. the foreign policy bolton subscribes to goes back to ancient pre-world war ii republican history which is much mo heartland, much more isolationist, almost, but no sense oforeign policy idealism, no sense of we want to make the wor a better place or dignity or human rights. it's much more wein a great power struggle and they're tough and we're tough and that's just the way they see the world. 's an old-fashioned, more, as i say, pre-cold w style
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republican foreign policy, but it did tend to be non-adventurist. so there was some restraint even back in e early america first days. >> woodruff: so you don't see them being quick on the tri?gg >> more than with h.r. mcmaster and rex tillerson, that's for sure, ct not neessarily marching off to war. i do think trump's instinct is i don't want to spend blood andre treabroad. his constituency does not want to fight another war. i think he would be to commit troops aniy st by instinct. he's a domestic policy guy. >> john bolton's application for thjob was his most recent piece in the "wall street journa advocating the legal case for the united states attacking north korea preemptively and unilaterally. that is not pre-world war ii reppism, which was if anything isolationist. i mean, the national securityad sor, judy, has to be, to be kercessful, an honest bro between defense and easury and
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state and all the comting interests and present to the president the views and honest options that are advocated by his appointees. and there's no evidence at all that john bolton is equipped teeramentally or perientially for that role. >> i totally agree with that, he does not fit this job at all. the one fear you would add is not so much what you believe but a swirl of machismo. this is an administration whose masculinity is on high decibel while being very unstable. so the whipping up of the frenzy would be the part i would emphasize. >> woodruff: and yonu notly have all the changes, we heamird e talk about the lawsuits from these three women, two of whom say they hadn affair with the president and they're filing suit for different reasons.
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the third one having to do wit mething relayed, saying the president sexually or harassed her physically and s's saying that she was described as not telling the truth and she said she's been defamed and she's for tha ghmpleghmeanwhile, you have then investigation on. the president is rotating out some of his lwyers. john dowd the lead lawyer is out with the russia case, investigation. other lawyers may or may not be coming in. how much jeopardy could the presid ct be in when itomes to all of this? >> well, i hnestly don't know, judy, how much legal jeopardy he's i' what he's finding out, ahe limitation limitations of bg president -- i m when you're a billionaire in new york, real estate, and you've gotomebody who's going to bring a charge against you, there are ways of dealing with that, whether it's through veiled threats or powere
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or talking tple or money or payoffs, and those aren't available to you as president in the same way. so you end up with michael cohen, your attorney claiming unbelievably it doesn't pass the sniff test, the smell test,e visibility laugh attest that he came up with $130,000 out of his own pocket and the goodness of his own heart to get stoy daniels to drop any action or make anything public about her relationship with donald trump. i mean, you know, at sntme poi in this whole drama, the religious right has to confront itself in the mirror and say, you know, we're not asking thet presid be a paragon of personal behavior, but when hisp behaviorarently reaches the level of just total dishonest and deception and becomes a sham of the p'mises that hs made,
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then, you know, we have to withdraw our sport, and i just want to challenge theups, who besides jeff flake and john mccain out of the hundreds of republicans on capitolill is going to have the courage and integrity to stand up and take him on? >> i would have thought these evangelical trump spoers whowf left trump after the first six or seven deadly sins and now we're up to 800. i'm not convinced anything wil happen. maybe photographic evidence would change their minds. you look at the polling when the access hollywood tape came out, trump support increased. it didn't goown because they found themselves in tribal war. the dowresignation, that's a big event, because it really does signal --owd, one o the things, he was cooperating with mueller -- woodruff: lead lawyer. yes, john dowd. he wanted to play w professionalh mueller, and that's not going to go full-scale war.
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and his departure suggests full-scale war or somethingit closer to s coming, and the republicans are going to have to think about that. t and re's any shred that if he fires mueller and we get into this full-scale battle, ththat will separate themselves from donald trump, they better prepare thatemselves for th now because it's looking more likely today. >> hs right. at this point in the white house you need an i.d. card to say hellngto cabinet meer staff meeting, it's changing so fast. >> wdruff: or a nae badge. a name badge. for donald trump, said of a british politician, he treats the truth like a second he,ome doesn't live there all the time. eatsaw that on his idle th today about3vetoing the bill. we were told that general mcmaster was going to stay and then he's gone. we were toll as well john dowd and the legal team were in tact, and he's gone. and joe degeneva was coming inan
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now he's not. at this point, there has to be total chaos there. e>> woodruff: where do w look, david, 15 seconds, for stability in this white hose? >> the chaos is the stability. it's in the president himself. 's going to be like this as long as he's there. >> woodruff: all right. rd! >> woodruff: we het here. david brooks, mark shields, thank you both. >> oodruff: finally tonight, the second in our two-part look at how cutting-edge imagery isg helpientists to preserve centuries-old shipwrecks.we last nightook you to bermuda, where more than 300 ships have wrecked over th. last 400 yea tonight, jeffrey brown travels to san diego, as part ongoing series, "culture at
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ri." >> so, welcome tone of our walk-in virtual reality environments. o> brown: it's meant transport you across space and time. >> it's the world's highest resolution vtual reality environment. it's running at 500 megapixe, half a gigapixels worth of resolution. >> brown: called the "sun cave," it's an immersive, sci-fi-like f wonder-- hard ly convey on television-- driven by the latest advances in computer visualization and 3d imaging. >> so, it really gives us a mechanism to deliver, visually, very compelling representations of that environment. >> brown: it's all part of a project overseen by faulko kuester, a german-born professor of structural engineering at the university of california, san diego, one that puts high tech to work on behalf of cultural preservation. >> virtual reality is a very powerful mechanism that allows us to explore spaces, and environments, and scale, but on
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our own terms, in a controlled and safe environment. and it became somewhat natural think about how we can actually create a future for the past. >> brown: a future for the past? >> yes, can we make sure that g world heritas preserved? >> brown: all around the lab, the tools of the trade: specially-designed drones and cameras, computer viation programs, 3d printers, and the recreations made from them. it's an effort that involves scientists, engineers, archaeogists, and art historians, documenting and analyzing historic sites and artifacts arnd the globe. >> so what we have here is a adarter-scale replica of leonardo da vincation of the magi. our resear team had the opportunity to actually work very closely, intimately, with this painting. s brown: after scanning the original, kuesteam created a digital da vinci, allowing a whole new way to interact with the painti.
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we can actually, and it's these t azing stories which suddenly unfold, which makeciting for the younger generation to actually interact with it. you can become the explorer. tell me what's really happening on that staircase. can we peel away the pigment, which the curator reallywo dn't want you to do. >> brown: the san diego team has also visited and begun to digitally document sites as diverse as mayan caves in guatemala, and the baptistry of san giovanni and adjacent duomo cathedral in florence, hianlighting areas of aging teterioration. but last march, th decided to go deeper-- mucundeeper-- and ed an ambitious project to viually catalogue 100 underwater shipwrecks in bermuda, an island that has a history of wrecks dating back more than four centuries.
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>> what bermuda has given us is the ability to become uanauts. explorers under the water. >> brown: because everyone is interested in a shipwreck. >> rig, that area is truly a treasure trove of wrecks. >> brown: kuester teamed up with marine scientist philippe rouja, bermuda's "custodian of historic shipwrecks," who's been diving and documenting these underwater sites for years. >> it's not just the tragedy. i think it's the investment, you know, what a ship is and what it actually represents, and the loss of that, and then the romance of it sitting on the bottom and being this time capsule. >> brown: the project, called the "enbermuda 100," is cuy re-examining a pair of the island's most famous shipwrecks; the "montana" and "mary-ia
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cel" two confederate blockade runners sunk in 1863 and '64.nn >> blockade s have this mystique about them, because they are this tool that was essentially used to run goods into the confederate south during the civil war, the u.s. civil war. >> brown: over the last year, rouja has sent keuster hundreds of ahousands of still images videos shot underwater, capturing these wrecks fro every conceivable angle. >> suddenly, we're diving on wrec we've dove on for 30 years and it's like you're diving it for the first time. "oh, wow. i really want to caphat. oh, did you see the door? yeah, let's get a closeup of that part." >> brown: back in san diego,he team uses the data to digitally reeate the ships. >> what is left, what is its state of health. how is it decaying? what other artifacts are there? now we can tell a story about a shipwreck. >> brown: keuster is also keeping track of every artifact rouja finds.
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>> we see actually a masonic jar that was found on one of the shipwrecks. d interestingly enough, these were truly priceless artifacts. they were as valuable filled as they were empty, andwere actually being shipped back and forth to be refilled. >> brown: the result: three- dimensional models and videos that allow researchend amateurs alike to visit the sites from their own computersan mobile devices-- no wetsuit >> we ac have seen many of the sites in ways nobody else ever has. >> brown: the model shows the "mary-celestia" now rests on a flat, sandy seabed just 600rm yards off bea's south coast. at the "montana," it becomes clear how wrecks become part of the marine habitat, tslowing scientore comprehensive data on the current health of bermuda's coral res and fish
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populations. >> we're not just cataloging the wreck. you're actually capturta that people didn't even know they were collecting. you start to learn things about sea level rise, about coastal change. all these things suddenly come w into play inays that i never imagined. >> brown: that's the hope with the bermuda project-xplore and preserve in new ways going forward. and keuster and his team are thinking far beyond theseo waters, hopingplicate this work in ever greater scale. for the pbs newshour, i'm jeffrey brown from bermuda and san diego. >> woodruff: tomorrow's edition of pbs newshour weekend will have full coverage of e students march to protest gun violence. and that is the newshour forni t. i'm judy have a greeekend. thank you, and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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>> bnsf railway. >> consumer cellular.ta >> enterment studios. >> supporting social entrepreneurs and thei t solutions tohe world's most prsing problems-- >> the william and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporting institutions to promote a tter world. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the newshour.
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elyse: we're the history detectives, and we're going to investigate some untold stories from america's past. gwendolyn: thta week, do these ttered pages open the book on a president who built a nation even as his own son fell intruin? wes: what does this delicate silver spoon have to do with the largest mass execution in american history? elyse: and, in an encore presentation, is this piece of fabric a remnant from the first f transatlanticght eight years before lindbergh? not too many people get this view. wow. elvis costello: ♪ watchin' the detectives ♪ i get so angry when the teardrops start ♪ ♪ but he can't be wound h 'cause he's got rt ♪
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