tv PBS News Hour PBS March 29, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, a shakeuat the department of veterans affairs. i speak to now former v.a. secretary david shulkin abouts what led to parture and challenges ahead for the huge federal thenning and protest inam saento. an unarmed black man shot tool death ice is laid to rest, amid calls for justice. plus, a new museum exhibition draws attention to the role native americans play in our nation's identity. do>> for most people they t see or really think about indians, yet they're surrounded by indian imagery, place names, and have connections with indians on a kind of deep, emotional level. >> woodruff: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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major funding for the p newshour has been provided by: >> consumer cellular. >> entertainment studios. >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. suporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the aderncement of itional peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support
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of these institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pie station fromrs like you. thank you. >> woodruff: a feral today in a city on the edge. services were held in sacramento, california for 22- year-old stephon clark. pohe was shot and killed bce earlier this month, leading to days of protests. we'll have the full story, after the news summary. in the day's other news, russia retaliated for the expulsions of more than 150 diplomats by the u.s. and other nations.
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moscow tossed out the same number, including 60 american diomats. it's also closing the u.s. consulate in st. petersburg, after the u.s. closed the russian consulate in seattle. it follows the poisoning of a former russian spy, in england.e unerals today in the russian city of kemerovo. a shopping mall fireilled 64 people there on sunday. w 41 of the deade children. today, at a local school, teachers and classmates piled stuffed animals and hung pictures of those they'd lost. one woman accused officials of "washing their hanti of it and sh responsibility." familiesn venezuela are demanding answers after 68 people died in a fire during a jail riot. it happened wednesdain the town of valencia in carabobo state, 100 miles west of caracas.em familybers of inmates clashed with police outside the prison and officers fired tear
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gas. today, people were still angry. >> ( tranated ): there was a riot here inside. i came quickly. when i arrived here, the cruelest news we received was that they burned them, they killed them, they assassinated them because they were locked ue in a jai with a lock. they are not crazy enough to burn themselves. they were burned. they were kied here like dogs. >> woodruff: the united nations has called for a prompt investigation into the deaths. in egypt, early estites from this week's presidential election suggest incumbent abdel faah al-sisi will win 92% the vote. but as ballots were counted today, state media reported voter turnout was only about 40%. that's despite government payments and even nobel peace winner malala yousafzai returned to pakistan isday. it was her first since being shot by taliban militants in 2012, for promoting education for girls.
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she met with pakistan's prime minister in islamabad, and said she halonged for a homecoming. ): for last five ars i have dreamed that i can set foot in my country. whenever i travel in plane, car i see the cities of london, new york. i was told just imagine you are in pakistan. it was never true. but now today i see, i am very happy.f: >> woodrhe visit is taking place under heavy security, and is expected to last for four days. back in this country, a maryland appeals court agreed on a new trial for a man whose murder case was featured in theodcast "serial". adnan syed has spent almost 20 years in prison for the killing of an ex-girlfriend. today's ruling upheld r court that vacated syed's conviction, beuse his lawyer failed to cross-examine a key witness. d, wall street closed out a volatile week. the dow jones industrial average
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gained 254 points to finish at 24,103. the nasdaq rose 114 points, and the s&p 500 added nearly 36. the markets will be closed tomorrow, for good friday. still to come on the newshour: i speak to now former v.a. secretary david unrest in saamento after a controversial police shooting. the new orleans mayor on his new book about confronting the south's confederate past, and much more. >> woodruff: president trump's cabinet and staff pu continued yesterday, with the firing of veterans affairs secretary david shulkin. se. trump announced on twitter that his white hhysician, navy rear admiral ronny jackson,
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nominated for the job doctor shulkin held for three years. shulkin's ouster had rumored for some time. it came after an ethics investigation over some questionable travel and expense issues and after reported internal strife at the agency over the outsourcing of medical care to private providers. doctor shulkin criticized e administration this morning in the new york times, alleging he was fired because he disagreed with plans to privatize much of the v.a.'s functions. it is the government's second-es ladepartment with more than 300,000 employees and ange annual bof $200 billion. i spoke with doctor shulkin a short time ago >> i was simply told that he wanted to make a change and, of course, as a cabinet member, yoe serve atleasure of the president, so that's all that i was told. >> woodruff: and why do u think you were removed?>>
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ell, i think that the president has strong feelings about the way that he wants the cabinet made up, and this was a personal decision that he felt more comfortable going a different direction, and i certainly respect that decision. >> woodruff: you said in anr interview earlday with npr that the politicalp apointees at the veterans administration wanted to speed up, in effect, privatization, and they wanted to do it so much that they undermined what you wee trying to do in reforming the v.a. who are these people, and what exactly were they doing? >> well, i thido there's no t that, when i became secretary, i made it clear that the veterans aouinistration not be a political department, that it was important that we do things in a bipartisan way. i believe that's session fortunately ouratnal security to get things done. people that came on to the department of veteran affairs as
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political appointees after theel tion, i believe, wanted to see the department move further towards privatization and not remain in a bipartisan, moderate approach and, therefore, saw me as a threat to their political phdrosophy. >> wf: but you were already moving -- had moved the department in that direction, as you say. a number of th services provided by the v.a. were contracted out to private entities. what more did they want? did they want full privatization? can you describe what they're king for? >> absolutely. as you know, judy, i joined the administration under president obama and i have been consistent from the day i started that, in der to fix the problems in the department of veteran affairs, that it can't do it alne, it needs to work with the private sector, and i've consistently driven us towards strengthening the v.a. internally at the same time working closely with our
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private sector partners. what i think that the political appointe n wand to see was to strengthen the v.a. and just toc inreasingly allow veterans unfettered access to t private sector to be able to go there whenever they wanted it whi, of course,s a noble goal, but we have 9 million american verans that we're caring r and we haveo make sure we're honoring our responsibility to them and that means also investing and keeping v.a. a strong organization. >> woodruff: well, i guess some of thiss hard to understand because president trump has talked repeatedly about wting to strengthen the v.a., wanting better service force our verans. butou're saying, in essence, he's sided with the folks who you say are going to weaken what the v.a. is doing. >> no.i you know, i t you're right. the president has been very consistent that he wants to see the situation improve for veterans an believe i was following his instructions and we were making that progress. icalink that these met
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appointees have agendas of their own, and we' phing in a direction that didn't necessarily come directly from the president and, you know, this was a concern that i tried to address inside the lrganization, but, you know, i think that the itical chaos just got to be so much that the president felt that h needed to go in a different direction. >> woodruff: but he sided with them, didn he, in removing you? >> well, i think, ultimately, ey wanted to see a change in the secretary, and the president ultimately made that decision, but i don't believe that there was direct communication between these political appointees and esident. >> woodruff: do you think your success u- successor dr. ronny jackson, do you think he's going to be moviniin the drection the political appointees want, moving faster in the direction of privatization. >> i've never talked to dr. jackson about his policies
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but i certainly hope he is going to continue the work that i have been doing to move the department to transform it in a better way and i will do everything i can to help dr. jackson succeed in that role. >> woodruff: unclear to people who don't follow these issues closely is you referenced your ece in the "new york times" today, you said you're convinced privatization is a politic issue aimed at rewarding select people and companies with profits even if it undermines compare for veterans. so there is something underhanded going on here. can you name some of these companies or people who would profit? >> i just don't see privatization as a goo thing for veterans, and i think those that are really stickg to a political ideology are doing this for other reasons, like financial reasons, don't have the interes of veterans at heart, and i think you just have to talk to the veterans groups to hear that, and that's something that i did as secretary. i stayed very close to those who
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represent the 9 million americans who get their healcare in v.a. and the many more million veterans who get their services and benh its throa., and i think that the people that are pushingwa s privatization are really representing only a small o minori veterans in this country. >> woodruff: one other thing, david shulkin, and that is the inspector general at the veterans ainistration found that in that trip you took to europe last year that there were expenses that yoal bas made the government pay for that they said shoulhave been personal. you mentioned the chaos a minute ago. did your own actionscontribute to what happened he ultimately? >> well, judy, let's talk about that. this was a meeting that's been going on for 43 years that every v.a. secretary hasen attd with 40 hours of interaction with our allies who fight all the wars
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together and the only government expense was a single cochair affair for my wife who was invited to this conference. she's a physician. and that was approved by our ethics department. everything was done exactly as it should have. six months later the inspector geral found that a staff member had not done thepa rwork correctly, and when that report came out, i paid every penny of thato cach air fare back and i think this was about the politics and not the stance of the issue. >> woodruff: has president trump spoken with you since this happened? >> no. >> woodruff: david shulkin, the former secretary of veterans affairs. thank you very much. >> thank you, judy. >> woodruff: tensions continue to run high in sacramento,
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california today, almost two leweek after city police ka young african american man during an investigation into local vandalm. stephon clark was shot dead in the backyard of a family member's home. his funeral was this afternoon yamiche alcindor has this report. >> alcindor: gospel music echoed and tears flowed as family and friends gathered at stephon clark's funeral to say a final >> i'd always own to bug him and be like, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" he told me the only thing he ever wanted to be was a great dad. >> alcindor: delivering his eulogy along side clark's brother, reverend al sharpton pushed back ainst the white house's claim that his shooting was a "local matter." >> no, this is not local matter.en they have illing young black men all over the country and we are here to say that wear
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e going to stand with stephon clark and the leaders of this family. it's time for us to go down and stop this madness. >> alcindor: stephon clark's confrontation with police came on march 18. m e subject who broke some car windows, he's now hiding in the back yard. >> alcindor: after reports of a man in a hoodie vandalizing a rs, a police helicopter with an infra-red camotted the 22-yr-old. two officersone white, one black, confronted clark outsidei grandparents' home. >> show me your hands. stop! >> alcindor: their body camera footage showed them cornering nd shouting that he had a gun. >> show me your hands! gun! gun! gun! >> alcindor: all told, they fired 20 shots. t clark had been holding a cell phone, not a gun. the killing quickly sparked unrest that, at times, has brought parts of sacramento to a near standstill. >> stephon clark! stephon clark! >> alcindor: on tuesdalark's brother stevante marched into a
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pety council meeting and j up on the dais in front of mayor darrel steinberg. >> the chieff police got my brother killed. he don't care. he shows no emotion at all. >> alcindor:esterday, stevante clark issued an apology to the mayor. later, he was visiblraught at the funeral. >> i am stephon clark. >> alcindor: there have also been angry demonstrations preventing fans from entering sacramento kings' basketball games. in turn, the players on sunday donned warm-up shirts with slogans that saidil "accounty. we are one." and "#stephonclark." meanwhile, police chief daniel hahn announced california's attorney general will oversee the investigation into the >> our city is at a critical heint right now and i believe this will build- build faith and confidence in the investigation from our community. >> alcindor: sworn in last aust, hahn is sacramento's first black police chief. he took er as the city adopted major reforms after the 2016 police killingf joseph mann, a
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mentally ill black man. clark's death has re-ignited the national debate on race and policing and follows othe recenlet high-profiases. they include the deaths of eric garner in new york, michael brown in ferguson, missouri, tamir rice in cleveland, and samuel bo in cincinnati. in each case, police were either not charged, or charges were dropped. this week, the state of louisiana also announced it will not charge two white officers in th.shooting of alton sterli he died in a struggle outside a baton rouge convenience store in 2016. the white house made clear i yesterday thhas no plans to intervene. >> alcindor: back in sacramento, s ere have been appeals for calm, but officie bracing for new protests. for the pbs newshour, i'm yamiche alcindor. for more on all this, i am joined by njamin crump, the attorney representing the family of stephon clark.oi thanks forng me. at stephon clark's funeral today, his brother seemed visibly shaken. talk to me a little bit about this family's grief and theie
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of so many families that you've represented. >> well, yamiche is ver very emotional, as you would imagine having to bury a loved one, brother, son, grandson, a father who was killed in the backyard of the house that they all grew up in is just so etional, especially for his grandmother, who her bedroom is less than five feet away from where he wr grandss executed. so they're dealing with emotions and grieving if their own unique ways. >> reporter: and the city released video we just showed of stephon clark's last moments. there are some who have watched that video and said he should have surrendered to police nd followed their instructions. what do you make of them who ask those questions and what do you see from a legal perspective when you wtch that video? >> weon i watch the vii see, number one, stephon clark had no weapon, he had no gun, he eas no threat to the police, he was running from police.
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the police gave him no warning. they gave him n identification of who they were, andhey also gave him no humanity after they executed him. i mean, they shot him 20 times and, when you think about tha they could have done so many things differently that was within their policy than to use tie most lethal use of force possible, an exe. and, so, for those people who say, well, this happened because he ran from the police, well, what about otheran ins where non-minorities and alnon-african-americans ac murdered people in schools, actually put bombs in people's houses in austin, texas? the police followed them for hours, and, yet, they didn't shoot not one bullet, but an unarmed african-american man with a cell phone is unjustify unjustifiably and unnecessarily executed by police bullets. a reporter: this keeling has
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egg unitew national conversation about this. white house press sec sarah sanders was asked about this. she says stephon clark's shooting death was a local matter andhat such incidents should be handled by local authorities. what do you think of cor ents? >> i think they are very problematic and troubling. we need our leaders to see young african-americans especially african-american men as part of the american fabriand the fact that in the last two years 75 african-american men have been killed by police unarmed, now that's a problem not just here in sacramento, not just in chicago, illinois for quawn mcdonald's, not just tami rice i cleveland, ohio, not with terrence crutch who had his hands up on video with a helicoptu in tlsa, oklahoma, it is an american problem, and
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we have to solve this problem together if our society receiver going to heal. >> reporter: and you mentioned several different cities or amcidents where it happened. in sato, they released the video pretty quickly after stephon clark ed. the mayor there has also said he's going to look at policing actices and look police training. the investigation is still ongoing, but has the city of sacramento's actioall started to address the clark family's concerns? >> well, yes and no. they are very happy that the police tried to be transpare some way by releasing the video. however, you must reember the day of his execution thanks put out a narrative we believe is false that says stephon clark had a gun, that's why they had to execute him in the manner they did. then they walked that bac the next day, they said, well, stephon clark had a tool bar or crowbar and that's why they had to execute him. then they walked that back.
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finally, they came clean and said haphad no w at all, all he had was a cell phone. r porter: thank you so much for joining me. we'll definitely follow this case closely and we appreciate you coming on tonight. >> thank you, yaiche. i woodruff: city official particular the mayor and police chief, have been the focus of much of the public's outrage. hari sreenivasan has that perspective. >> sreenivasan: darrellnb stg has been mayor of sacramento since 2016 and joins me now. mayor steinberg, first to address the concern that mr. crump just ha, why the different narratives so soon after the shooting? >> well, the investigation is just beginning here, and, you know, i know sometimes, in the moments and days after an horrificvent like this, there's a lot of information that gets outma thaor may not be the case, but i want to tellou that we are no going to wait yo until the end of thee investigation any
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sacramento to do a thorough o revithe policies, the protocols and the training. it's one thing to not pre-judge whether or not these officersth acted the scope of the policy, the law and the training, but it's a whole another thing to ask whether the protocols and trainings themselves need to b corrected. we're going to be very, very aggressive about this ,cau regardless of whether or not there will be legal culpability here, the otcome was plain wrong. a 22-year-old young man like this should not have lost his y.fe in this and, so, we are going to be diligent. >> sreenivas: mayor steinberg, unfortunately, this is not a new occurrence. there are ties around ths country that have tackled this and tried to figure out what sorts of policy prescriptions they may make to recover and maybe prevent th from happening again.
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so what's taken sacramento song >> sacramento is in some ways on the forefront. we have one of the most progressive video release policies in the country. our chief of police released this video within three days of the shooting. a year and a half ago our polls s throughout th country are rarely if ever to release videos. we are one of the first citito ave all our officers actually equipped with body cams. we hve a lot mo work the do, there's no question about it. certainly, t question is is there not a better way? and the answer has to be, yes, there has to be atter way, and the better way is around deescalation, it's around le lethal force, of course it is, and that's exactly what we're going to pursue. >> sreenivasan: mr. mayor, if it wasn't fo the death of joseph mann, in that case twos yeo, you wouldn't have had this body cam video release poliow. i his is an ongoing investigation, but why did the officers in th particular case press the mute button on those
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cameras and why can't we hear what's on that tape? >> i don't know. certainly there's a lot of audio that you can hear, but it was turned off at some time, and that's a question that i have, that the community hs andill be answered in the investigation. certainly the question we'lle asking at our next public hearing is simply is it everat appropto mute a body cam? if the answer to that question is no i think we'll already have the answer, but we're going to is asquk thaestion, certainly, as one of the key troubling aspects of the case. sreenivasan: mayor, you've also said you don't believe your police are racist but you believe implicit bias might ha played a role in this, so are you willing to implement implicit bias training for your officers like indianapolis did after the shooting of aaron bailey there last year? >> we are starting and absolutely must intensify our implils it bias training. here's what i know. i have a 21-year-old son. i never wouo have thught
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having to tell him as a teenager to keep his hands in a 10-2 driving position if he were approached or stopped by af police oer while driving his car. that is what african-american mom and dads have to d with their kids and, from all strata of society, i hear thi from everybody -- implicit bias, of course, is real and to deny it is not to do everything we have to do to prevent this from uhppening. >> sreenivasan: d a 10-year-old kid testify at city hall that he was scared ofpo ce. he was pointing to this case in tears and saying 20 shots over a cell phone. how do you deal with that deep-seated problem? >> you take this moment and you turn it into a movement. you take the anguish, the traa and the pane, and you -- pain and you make real change. sacramento hs aonderful civic culture, and if there's any citc thld turn this horrific
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event into permanent realth change, it's capital city of california, and that's exactly what we intend to do. >> sreenivasan: mayor darrell steinberg of sacramento, th.nk you very m >> thank you. s, woodruff: stay with coming up on the newshour: big money in the sneaker business. american indian histor intertwined with our culture today. and a brief but spectacular take from the journalist behind the new york times hit pcast, "the daily." but first, we talk to another mayor who has had to confront a troubling history of racism in his city. mitch landrieu spearheaded the removal of four confederate monuments in new orleans. he recounts the cultural and political battle to bring them down in a new book, "in the shadow of the statues." we spoke earlier today and began with his response to the
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situation in sacramento. it's a very painfulmple, again, that we haven't gotten it right yet in the country. first of all, most law enforcement officers show upor work, they put their lives on the line, they risk their lives, t there have been too many examples over the years of police officers not being operly trained, trained to shoot first and ask questions later, and thenhere's a lot of grey area. but one of the things that's been universally true er the past couple of years that we have been dealing with is how to investigate these things so the community feels there's en an honest assessment of whether or not it was done appropriately. and i know they're gointhrough this in sam meanto. we used to go through this in new or hans a lot. ve under federal consent to grief aid for years, all ofur police officers wear body cams. every time there's a police involved shooting rea is cordoned off. we have independently folks not on the police department wh help investigate the matter so the public knows about it but clearly there's a rupture that existed between the police
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departments and the community and you have to work really hard to put that back together.uf >> woo when you came up with the idea after tking to wenten marsalis after taking down confederate statutes made an enormous contribution.>> fter new orleans suffered from cay trina, ike, gustov, and we were inthe midst of rebuilding the cities, as we rebuilt the hospitals and the river front we wondered how to get ready for the 300th anniversary. and the public space came into full view. when i asked wenten who is a greatistorian to help me curate the anniversary he said, you might think about taking the statutes down and because they don't reflect who we are and y ha ever thought about them from the perspective of the african-american community, and at set off an explosion in my
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head and i thought about why they were there and that began suggesting we take them down. >> woodrufey came down last year. it became a national discussion. >> correct. >> woodruff: the pent got involved in one point, said sad to see the history and great culture of our country ripped apart by taking them down. >> it's interesting because these confederate monuments were put up well after the civil war ended and arys evedy knows or should be able to acknowledge that the civil war was fought to destroy the uned states of america not to unit it, and it was fought for the cause of slaverand it shouldn't be hard to state. so what i say in the book is i make ai dstinction between having these monuments you have in places of reverence where we can revere these men for what they did because what they did was wrong and remembering what they did sowe never repeat it, and i think it was a very important step in th process the country has to go through for racial reconciliation. >> woodrf: yet, it's 150 years after this country fought that civil war, it's 50 years after the rights movement.
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>> correct. >> woodruff: why did it take so long? >> and a couple of years after we had an african-american president. druff: yes. e goes to the big point. the fact that the speech i gaves resonated acthe country means we have a problem that hasn't been reconciled and we not done a good job of it, so whether it's police-community relations or other particular issues we're confronting, we have to work through the issueac ofthat we obviously have not worked through very well. >> woodruff: the country k doling with it in different ways. >> well, the truth is we don't deal with it at all. we act like, oh, we had the civil war and civil rights, let's get over it and move behind. the african-american community says we have more to talk about and more to do. we have tons of examples of it. one of the things the book tries to do is cree open invitation for people to re-think their history andt refl whether or not the history that was told was actually the true history much less the whole hitory. i think when they do that they will recognize it as a country, ththe diversity is a strgth for
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america, not a weakness and people want to re-litigate that now and i think we need to restate it clearly so people know where we stand. >> woodruff: are peoplept acg this? >> we're certainly talking about it. i think a lot of people areh being moved tok about it because when you put yourf self--- yours somebody else's shoes you can think about esings differently. >> woodruff: the ent is very much against taking down the statues. how has he affected the conversation around race in this country. >> he is certainly not the cause of our problems but is a symptom of them and his unceful language he uses helps exacerbate it. he has givpeenople who are avowed white supremacists the feeling now is the time for the come out of the shadows and speak forcefully that whites are better than afican-americans and this national nativism that's manifesting itself is okay and i think whether you're a republican, democrat, conservative or leral, one of
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the things we should agree about as americans is there's no room for white nationalism in america. at has taken people invery dangerous places historically not only in this but other countries. we can argue whether to approacd the wohrough tax cuts and what opposition on war and has been, but the notion that whites people auperior to black or brown people, that's not who we e as americans or whowe aspire to be. >> woodruff: your term as mayor is up in may of this year. a lot of conversation about whether you will run for president in 2020. what is your thinking about it? >> first of all, i don't intend to do that. i'm co 30-year career and i have been blessed to in the last eight years to serven one of the great cities of all time and i'm thankful to the public to help us standnd cebrate our our 300th anniversary. i hear the chatter but eve is just desperate to think about what's coming next because i think people are tired of the chaos that we have. but there will be lots of other people who will do that.
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i don't intend to do that now.ol inics you never say never, you don't know what the future holds, but that's nomething i plan on doing. what do you think the pluses anf minuses ar a southerner, a southern democrat in 2020 coming off this administration? >> it's interesting, we always try to guess what comes next and everything is unpredictable. nobody could have predicted president trump or president obama, and you know as being a veteran journali h something wippen we don't have any idea about relating to a world crisis, manmade, and it will change the way people think. so i think it's way too earlyo try to gain that out at this thint in time. >> woodruff: wek you for coming in. mitch landrieu, mayor o new orleans. the book is "in the shadow of the statues," a white southerne confronts history. >> thank you for having me. >> wdruff: thank you. >> woodruff: now to the world of
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collectible sneakers whe buyers pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars for limited edition shoes. tonight our economics correspondent paul sol sn profiles tcalled "sneakerheads": one a major collector, the other ar. it's part ofis series "making sense" which airs every thursday. >> this is 3000 pairs of sneakers. >> reporter: mark "mayor" farese has been colleing sneakers for so long, he needs morehan this basement to house his hallowed 3600-pair collection. >> it's the storage unit, the apartment, the house. it's probably a million dollars >> reporter: at new york's sneakercon, we covered the billion-dollar secondary market for sneakers, 20,000 sneakerheads buying and lling rare kicks for hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. >> do you got change? >> reporter: we pointed out the drivers of this markbrand loyalty, alternative identity, aesthetics, and perhaps above all status. mayonfarese is a vivid case i
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point. >> i'm the imelda marcos of the hood, because you know she had all the shoes and i have all the snkers. >> reporter: mayor is an" influencer." people want what he pdorses. t because they drool over his collection. >>o there was episode on entourage one day where turtle wanted a pair of sneakers were unobtainable and they were online and he couldn't get it. and then vince made a phone call and he gotim a special shoe. >> $5000. >> for sneakers? not just sneakers, e. they're wearable art. >> i made you an even more limited edition. one of one. >> this is also the entourage shoe. but instead of turtle's name on it ,it has my name. it says mayor. this is real crocodile. >> reporter: crocodile? >> this is croc. this was the last time that nike ever used the exotic materials on a shoe. >> reporter: mayor's got 28 pairs. >> i have the only ones in existence. these are unobtainable. you can't get th. >> reporter: obtaining the unobtainable ups mayor's status in sneaker culture.
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how does he get them? from friends and connections who sell him limited releases at retail.bu nike and other brands also give them to him for free. >> the fact that i'm popular because of sneakers-- a lot of companies capitalize on that and they want to give me product because they know i'm going to post it on sociag media or i'm to wear it and i'm going to be seen in it >> reporter: at 45, mayor farese may seem an unlikely market adader for teenage sneaker but, he says... >> i became the o.g., i became the... >> reporter: what is o.g? >> original gangster, or original gentleman. whatever they call. it's a term of endearment for older people. i only have a 151,000 followers on instagram. m but,y 150, 151,000 followers are core. they're following me because i'm mayor and they love what i love. , i have a cult following. and that cult following means a lot to a lot brands. >> reporter: and it's not just sneaker brands that get exposure. s a louis vuitton supreme pillow. te yes. >> rep how much is this thing worth? >> they sold for $600. they're probably going for $2,500 a pop now.
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louis vuitton was not selling them to the general public, i wounded up with every piece in e collection. so, i pride myself on that. >> reporter: then there's his rolex collection. >> i like these nice things because i couldn't afford them as a kid. i grew up very poor. i'm talking cereal with water, not milk, mayonnaise sandwiches. wishing i had ham and cheese on it. i know my moms did what she could do, single paren and when i finally made something with my lifeand did something with my life, these are my trophies. >> reporter: and you always wanted them because it would b a sign that you weren't poor. >> it all started for sneakersy with me,ther brought me a cheap pair of sneakers called the mark 5. it's a division of spalding. it was a cheap, cheap sneaker. i thought i was cool because mya is mark. i go back to the neighborhood, i got ridiculed. laughed f the block. reporter: really? >> like, laughed off to the block to the point where i was fighting. i was so angry and crying, that there was fists flying. that's how ang i was.
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and i vowed that would never happen again. and at's where it became for me with my sneakers. >> reporter: how does he afford it all? >> let me show you the world's c best sneakeraning product on the planet. >> reporter: farese is a well- paid "brand ambassador"-- at sneakercon, for a sneaker- cleaning product called "crep protect." >> keeping your sneakers clean is a must in the sneaker community, because you always want to look fresh. you always want to look good. >> reporter: he also hosts digital videos, runs his own marketing firm, all gigs that ew out of his love of sneakers. >> power laces! all right! >> reporter: mayore ctually has ck-to-the-future shoe, the nike air mag. >> i think i paid $4,800 on thet auion. it's probably selling for 15,000 right now? >> reporter: and even that's not his most prized pair. >> this is a jordan 4 undefeated. this is one of the holy grails of sneakers. 72 pair in existence.
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$25,000 this shoe's going for. i've been offered 20,000 used off my feet.s i can take toe, bend it and crack it in half like this and somebody will still offer me 25, $18,000 for this shoe. >> reporter: which may explain why he was willing to let me try them on. can i just do it the way i do with normal sneakers? >> yeah. you can slip in there. go ahead. don'be afraid. >> reporter: well it's $25,000 sneakers. >> stand up and let me see. it matches your clothes! >> reporter: i tell you i swear i would wear those. but i wouldn't buy them. ng forundefeateds were g $55,000 at new york consignment shop stadium goods. and with that, meet the second ar of our story, sneaker seller young-run "z" john, a.k.a. "23penny."no those t lucky enough to be mayor rely on the likes of z, who got the reselling bug from his mom. >> she used to flip ipads. >> reporter: she used to flip ipads?r, >> yes, ecause there was a shortage of ipads being sent to china when it first released here in the u.s., so what we irwould do, we would go toit city, we would go there in the
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morning and then wait on the ipad. and then she would send all those china. >> reporter: z has bee reselling since he was 18 online, and w also from an showroom outside nashville which doubles as his warehouse. he sells almost $2 million worth a year. and where did these come from for example? >> i can't quite tell you that exactly, paul. >> reporter: because that's your trade secret? >> that's my trade sec yes. >> reporter: resellers like z are notorious for snapping up the latest sneakers as soon asor they get to stes, before the public has a shot, as zn acknowledged ia documentary. >> for the people who think i'm a villain i just wan let them know that i'm trying to be the best villain there ihy >> reporter:re you the bad guy? >> i'm the bad guy because while everyone else is wanting a chance to buy a pair of sneakers for retail price, i'm sitting hre with a good amount of sneakers that i've gotat other people might not really even h>>e access to. reporter: the sneaker market has created a technical
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competition of its own, featuring bots, for example, computer programs that complete an online purchase in the blink an eye. >> when joe schmo gets on his phone on at 10:00s o'clock, hping in all his credit card information digit by digit and his billing addrs, and the guy with the bot, he is inbuying 10 pairs at a tim matter of nanoseconds, and when joe schmo gets done, the shoe has already sold out. >> reporter: right. and this happens with broadway shows,or example. they're all these then counter algorithms to y to, are you a human as opposed to a bot? >> yeah. that's why we have reller like me who have access to a lot of the goods that people have trouble accessing and whatnot. so that way, they'd rather justa nothe extra and then it's hassle-free. >> reporter: but you're like thi person whoreselling "hamilton" tickets, but you got the "hamilton" tickets because
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you knew somebody who knew somebody who'd gotten "hamilton" tickets as opposed to hang a bot that bought up all the "hamilton" tickets on broadway for the next six months. >> right. so yeah, in a sense, i'mtill a ticket scalper, but my approach to that is different. >> reporter: a ticket scalper with a shoe for even the unlikeliest of customers. >> look at that. that's a carpeiem look right there. >> reporter: and i actually bought two pair, for a few hundred dollars. for the pbs newshour, this is economics correspondent paul solman reporting from nashville and new york. >> woodruff: now: history, mythology, imagery. a museum exhibition opens our eyes to the symbols of native american life and culture all around. jeffrey brown has our story. >> brown: 1948 indian brand motorcycle, one of the sleekest
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machines you're like to see. clothing with the logo for your local sports team. and perhaps in your refrigerator riest now, a box of land o'l butter. >> she's holding the butter, right. she's on her knees a's holding the box that she's on. so it recedes into infinity. so there's something reallyly profoueird going on. >> brown: even more profound, just how pervasive native imagery is embedded into the american subconscious. that's according to paul chaat smith, a member of the comanche tribe and co-curator of an exhibition at the national museum of the american indian: >> it's really this paradox. the country, 330 million people today. one percent of that population is native american. for most people they don't see or really think about indians, yet they're surrounded by indian imagery, place names, and have connections with indians on a kind of deep, emotional level.
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>> brown: whether we know it or >> wheou know it or not. >> brown: to that end thetl exhibition is , simply, "americans," and shoer us indians here, in all aspects of life: heerhead: a prototype of t tomahawk missile, on loan from the nearby air and space museum. on one large wall, clips from films and tv shows. a side room takes us through the strange history of pocahontas, lly known, byt r around thery, headdresses everywhere, in signs and advertising. the image of the native american or indian; the museum uses thete terms hangeably; as a symbol of ruggedness or bravery, but often with no discernible connection to the prodas in a over the decades for calumet baking powder. >> an indian in a headdress has
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nothing to do with baking powder. yet it sometimes works because think it talks about a kind of americanness and quality that people say, "ok, well that baking powder is prettgood, because there's an indian in a headdress in it."t and note t is a red, white and blue headdress. >> brown: a history of extermination and appropriation of lands, and yet an embrace of american indians as a symbol authentically american. >> there's certainly explicitly itcist imagery, but it's a pretty small minof it. because the whole way that have been objectified in the united states is about a kind of noble indian idea, which is a different kind of caricaturehan one that's explicitly vicious and that we're dirty and backward and unintelligent. but obviously it is, even though it's flattering in some way, it's still another kind of a stertype. >> brown: it's also, of course, about images and myths, and not about the actual people
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themselves. smit began in the late 19th century afr the protracted armed conflict between natives and settlers, and later the u.s. army, had come to an end. >> it was like there was a big meeting of the american collective unconsciosay, now we're going to freeze indians in the past. and we love indians, but the actual indns that are on the reservations in 1895 or 1910, or the actual indians who might living in l.a., living lives like other people in los angeles, they're not going to appear in entertainment. >> brown: one area ocontinuing contention: sports names and logos. in recent years some schools and universities have stopped using native american nicknames. earlier this year the clevelandn inannounced they will stop using the cartoonish chief wahoo logo on their uniforms. but they're keeping the indians name. moreoversially, the
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washington redskins are keeping their name. smith is a fan of his local te, but not its name, thou he understands the strong feelings. >> i havgreat empathy for fans, especially here in d.c. fans don't choose the name of the team, right. a rich owner chooses it and in the case of these names it usually goes back a century sometimes. i get why people don't, aren't pleased when someone like meay comes in and "you know, this name is a dictionary- defined slur," as it i d.c. but if you come in and try to take it away from somebody, i get that that's, you know, you feel attacked. >> brown: no one would name a team the redskins anymore, but not long ago victoria secret ikessed model karlie klose this, only to apologize after criticism. the museum wants people to think about the images around them and what theconvey.
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visitors are encouraged to write of their own experiences. and for the country as a whole, stul chaat smith says there's something more ae. >> there's this challenge to ths unittes idea of itself to have to acknowledge that the united states national project came about at great cost to native people. i did to african americans. so what do we think about that? that's what this exhibition is saying. how do we come to terms with t at? should americans jel guilty. i don't think so. i don't think anybody alive it's aboutll americans inherit this, how do we make sense of it? and a starting point is kind of looking at indians in everyday life. >> brown: for the pbs newshour, i'm jeffrey brown at the national museum of the american indian in washington.
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>> woodruff: now, our weekly brief but spectacular series where we ask people about their passions. tonight, journalist michael barbaro.e he is host of ew york times'" podcast, "the daily," which is currently among the tol three most dded shows on itunes. >> when i was a political rerter at the times, you'd have all these moments where yo wish thamera crew or a audio team were with you and it was 2011 and i was in the laa vegas hotel ofestate developer donald trump. his wife melania was in the nearby bedroom wearing a bathrobe because he asked me to meet her and she was feeling reticent about it because she was wearing a bathrobe, and he s jud some of the most extraordinary things. the one i remember best being that the way he thought about same sex marriage and whether he how he thought about whether to use the new kind on putter that ere using in golf. and he said, "i can't wrap my
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head around using this. i can't ke that change." and that was what he compared to his relationship with same sex marriage. he wasn't theryet. my biggest objection to the kind of contemporary forum of news and news storytelling is that it often feels like the story, whether it's a tv segment ornt radio news segr newspaper story, it's kind of beginning in the middle, there's a government shutdown. there's a crisis in myanmar,ti there's a ballmissile that's being tested by north korea, b in almost every case, the real story requires the clock to start way, way earlier. and what the daily does, i think uniquely, is say no, no, no, we are really going to start this story where you need it to begin to understand it. the thing we love to do is genuinely surprise people in the morning.
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so, you've had three or four days of coverage of president trump,f congress, of the shutdown. tomorrow you're gonna wake up, we're going to tell you 30- minute, operatic tale of tonyad harding r entire life.da the idea of thy was to change the relationship between the consumer of the news and the presentation of the we did an intethe night that thenited states started to bomb syria after it had determined that chemical warfare had been used the syrian people by bashar al-assad and we called up one of our dearesthe colleaguesne cooper at home while she was reporting the story, and we asked her a pretty provocative question, did these missile strikes on syria by the u.s., did they mean we're at war with syria? and instead of filibustering or etending that she knew the answer, helene said, michael i just don't know i don't have aer to. inevitably when you're transforming atory and making it human and generating all the intimacy of sound and letting
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someone really hear a journalist grappling with a story, you inevitably-you have a different relationship with that journalist. your bond with them changes. your understanding of their mind changes and that relationship deepens. so that's that not so secret, secret mission of the daily. i'm michael barbaro this is my brief but spectacular take on the daily. >> woodruff: you can watch additional brief but sctacular episodes on our website,ws on the newshour onlion, we follow uast night's segment on the overuse of antibiotics with an explainer on the costs of antibiotic resistance and where we go from here. bthat and more is on our site, and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again hereni tomorrow e with mark shields and david brooks. for all of us at the pbs
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newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> m tragedy has a way of defining people. >> what the hell happened, teddy? >> they're tating this like a crime scene. >> we tell the truth-- or at least, our version of it. >> senor, when can we expect some answers? >> we're in this deeper than i thght. >> these theatrics are not going to hold up in a court of law. >> what ve i done? >> chappaquiddick, rated pg-13. april 6. >> consumer cellular. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions
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