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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  March 30, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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ge widespread outra over the sacramento police shooting of stephon clark is sparking t nwide protests and calls for police reform. also president trump takes on amazon as ses and facebook continues to stumble.k and a speaeek at films that take you to the supreme court. welcome to kqednewsroom. we begin with the controversial police shooting in sacramento.o we want warn you the footage you're about to see contains graphic content that y be disturbing to watch. last week police officers shot and killed stephon clark an unarmed 22-ar-old african american man in sacramento. the officers were responding to calls fbt car break ins when they confronted clark h atis
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grandmother's home.m they shot at 0 times saying they thought he had a gun. it turned out clark was holding a cell phone. the attorney said the office would investigate the incident at the request of the sacramento police department. stevante. the mayor wants to talk to me. the chief of police got my brother killed. he shows no emotion at all. >> and you all get mad at me for not crying on the news?rd >> yes mourners attended the funeral for stephon clark. rev ra al sharpton delivered theat euly the request of the family. >> the president's press secretary sa this is a local matter. matter. is not a local
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they've been killing young black men all over the country. and we are here to say that we'reg go to stand with stephon clark and the leaders of this family. we are putting aside our differences. it's time for preachers to come out to the pulpit. it's time for pligs tout come their office. it's time for us to go down and stop this madness. >> to discuss all of this further, i'm now joined by politics and government reportea ie who joins us from sacramento. lso a public policy professor jackser and a civil rights attorney john brew us. thank y for being here. katie, i want to begin with you. the fstily had req an independent autopsy. those results were releasedy. to what did that autopsy find?
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>> yes. their independents found that phon clark was shot eight times. five of those times he was shot in the back. he was shot once inhe side, and once in the dmek, and then -- neck and thnce in the thigh. >> who do the findings suggest about tce police ofs narrative about what happened that night? >> well, the attoeys for clark's family say that that suggests that the police officers' narrative is not right. we have been told they feared for his life, that he was approaching them. they thought he had a weapon, buto this reportd indicate that he was largely standing with his back turned awayom them. the doctor said that the first shot actually went in to his side while he was facing the house and it was so powerful it actually spun him around to his back was lly to the officers where he proceeded to be shot in the back and as he was either n the g to the ground or ground, he was shot in the leg.
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>> so, john, i b want toing you in at this point. you were involved in drafting a sacramento council mandate used in recent years to revise the policies on use of force. based on whatou know, do you think proper procedure was followed in the clark shooting? >> i do not. given my assessment of the facts, the big issue here'ris yo not supposed to be use force unless your life is in danger. you perceive that, was that reasonable? my concern is the officers appeared to leave a position of safety. the young man t walkedard them, and they seemed not to assess properly whether he was a threat to them or not. the real question is did they really have -- exercise prope judgment. you can have all the procedures you want. we can do a good job and i think sacramento has largely tried to do a good job in revising the licies, but you also to v to follow them. if you don't, you g a
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violation of the policies. you get what you get here. a number of shots. or me the failure to properly assess this young man is clearly in violation of the rules in terms of using ing excessive fo. >> professor jack, weren't there otheat rules weren't followed as well? did they identify themselves as police officers? did they get immediate help for stephon clark? >> as far as i, understa they didn't identify themselves which they are supposed to do, and it dlis seem they spent quite a bit of time waiting before getting help for him in the latest report i saw it was that it tk three eight minutes for him to expire after he had been shot.o so that'sg to be an issue. but i'm not a forensic psychologist, and i'm not really prepared to comment on the particular chase. i can say this the kind of thing we see. d agree with mr. sharpton.
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this is not a local problem. >> also one of the ises was when the other officers came up an officer says to mute their mike that's disturbing, because generally a person willell the truth about something immediately after it occurs. if you tell them to mute tir mikes, then you seem to be suggesting that you don't want to hear them tell the uth about what happened at the beginninbegi beginnibegi begin. that's disturbing to mha i don't knowan officer can justify shooting this person that number of times in the back give than he never saw a gun. they were never told that he hay kind of weapon that could be dangerous to them. at best, they were told that earlier that a person, and not even certain if it's that t person, mive been breaking into windows. there was no corroborating evidence that he, in fact,aas doing or that he had any type of serious weapon. >> this issue has, of course, drawn a lot of national attention. there are protests nationwide. when sarah huckabee sanders at
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the white house was asked, she said the president felt it was the local issue. you said earlier it is not a local issue. in what>> way? here are local aspects to it. local criminal justice officials will adjudicate it at the local level, but it's clearly a national phenomenon. it's not a worsening national f phenomenon, but we'reng beco conscious at the unnecessary fatalities at the hands of police officers at the evidence of body wornme s or bystanders. this is a national problemt in fact people are shot every year. i'm not going to say whether it's too high or low, but it's clear there are racial disparities among those unarpe >> i was going to say i had at least three shootings i'm looking at right n a where person, an african american male was shot in the back. in different cities.
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and not sacramento. i had a case in sacramento a couple years it does happen. i don't see this as an isolated event. i s as a mind set that officers in who n these areas. we talk about implicit, racial bias. that's engrained within a mental state. too quick to shoot. that's what i e. u didn't have to do. you were in a position of safety. and what officers are taught is how to deescalate a situation. advise who you are. let them know who you are. ou have time, distance and spac and plus when the person turned his back, did you not see it? those are the questions we have to deal with. >> and those are the questions for theommunity of sacramento. katie, you've been following this story all along, and the sacramento police department is now investigating. the state attorney general's office is overseeing the probe. is there any sense that that gives sacramento residents any
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more confidence in thearea? what is the mood like in the city? >> i've heard mixed things. some teople sayey are confident that this can be a g point for the cit there's a lot of hope, because the police chief is relatively new. he's been in his job for seven months. but he is african american. he grew up in sacramento. the pot was made that he had a job in a relatively affluent suburb north of rhere, eville, and he came back to sacramento. so there are people who see as a good sign. also he voluntarily aske the attorney general to oversee the investigation. but iid speak to some women who knew stephon clark' grandmother they're known her for 40 years. they said why would things change now? they recalled an experience 30 years ago when an afrisn american alking through a field and was shot by police. they did not hold out mucp
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i think it is depending on you talk to, there are post sides being represented. but the community has been active as you mentioned, coming out with protests, and really pushing for some substantial changes to the police force in sacramen happen again.n't >> i have worked with the sacramento police department and ing about change. i had a couple cases. i'll tell you the police chief as well as members of his staff and the mayor's office are equally interesed in bringing about social reform to the department and to the community. so this presents an opportunity for not only community and the together. kind of work you need someone on the community side who understands what policing is about. ively put n effe forth ideas that the police department can appreciate and, therefore, you can reach an accord. i've done that. i know they're available to do it, but you have to work at it and ha people whoare willing to take the time to work through the issues. >> one of the ideas that's taken
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off across the country is the idea ofas implicit b training and workshops. does it work? >> as far as we can tell, ere's no evidence training has effect on performance. i think implicit bias is real and i think it plays a role in the problems. i think very likely in this case the misperception of the object in his handas due to an implicit association between apons.nd that's been well demonstrated and carefully researched. what wut can do a it is an entirely different question. >> what can we do about it? >> i th tnk training has to be focussed on preventing the problems. as john was hsaying,e are ways to deescalate. you take time,ta de and cover so officers are not in a foot pursuit that's likely to lead to deadly force, or nondeadly force. there's a broader problem than deadly force. there's nondeadly force that's
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also racially desperate and at levels that are not necessary, and then there are even more seemingly mundane but nevertheless harmful things like stop and search and fri and arrest for minor offenses. >> this is a bader problem. the vast majority of the policing that needs to work is conduct.y out because that's what people are stopped. that's where cars are arched. there are people being treated disrespectfully. you can make a difference there. in terms of everyday communications and stopping. i don't know thatmplicit training helps on theshooting. that's the officer's perception of the danger. a lot of wo can be done. i don't think it's something we should throw our hands up and say ican not be looked at. >> there's plenty that can be done. earing sure we'll be more. the family is now filing a federal lawsuit as well. i want to thank you for your
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time. the professor, the ttorney, a also our own correspondent in sacramento. thank you all. turning now to tech, yesterday president trump attacked amazon in tweet saying the company doesn't pay enough taxes and is harming the u.s. economy. this comes amid a rough week for the tech sector. tesla issued a major recall. joining me now wh more is tech editor jeremy owens. nice to have you back. pr thank you for having me. >>. >>ident trump saying amazon pays little or no taxes to state and local government and has hurt the .econo is that true? >> not really when we looked at the effective tax rat in advance of the new tax law, amazon hadan effective tax rate of more than 40%. we go back furer we now have a calculator online where you look at acompany's s&p, amazon is at
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40 %. higher than its sector and for the s&p overcall. not much. theut average is a30%. >> amazon is collecting taxes in the 45 states with sales tack. > yes. the realestion is third party sellers on the amazon platform. are they collecting enough sales tax from wheatre doing, and is that on them or the small businesses sellin on their platform. amazon said we'd like a federal law. that wouak this the same across all states and make it easier to deal with this problem. but that law hasn't been passed. in fact, theat law t passed cut tax rates for corporations. >> why do you think amazon is caught in the pnt's cross hairs right now? >> you'd have to ask him. obviously the ceo of amazon owned "the washington post." >> jeff bezos. >> trump has not had a great lationship since he's become
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president. they're popular right now. a lot of people are talking about amazon. it could be him calling out a popular figure so he can get more publicity and look at that >> any chance he's trying to protect his friends with businesses who feel they're hurt by amazon? >> it's possible. i mean, trying to figure out at trump is doing is always an exercise in futility. but, yeah, it t seems likere are a lot of potential reasons for him. the reasons hes stated which they're hurting the post office and they're not paying taxes, don't seem to really bethat true. >> all right. let's move onto tesla. this week tesla orrecalled than 100,000 model s sedans made before april 2016. this is because it needs to replace bolts that hold power steering motors in place. they can become co-roaded and break. what are some of the other troubles the company is faces? >> it's been a rough week for tesla. there were e-mails that leaked showing they were doing everything they could to ramp up
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production to meet producti t rate thaey promised to do this quarter, and they're already way behind on what they promised to do previously. ehey had to pull them down. >> that's for model three. they're pulling people off of model f and x lines o to comeer and try to produce more model threes by tend of the quarter. they had a ruling against it in their shareholder lawsuit. it's just a lot ofstuff happening for tesla which was capped off by the recall which brings more of their production intoocus yet again. >> and moodies downgraded the credit rating. it's leading to questions about whether will the company have enough y company to sthroughout the year? >> it doesn't have enough money, elon can ask r more money. he's gone to shareholders, sold onds.
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the downgrade is focussed on the bonds which have not been trading well. city,tesla acquiring solar hey were in debt. the debt load is large. it will be interesting to see i he've to especially as he couldn'ts to ramp up production, but that's kind of where ramng up t production, if he can get the model threes out andet ore money in, that will help balance a little bit. >> okay. got to talk about still in the headlines this week. the company announce third down week it's going to roll out features and give users moreco rol over how their information is shared. will this be enough to ap the anger and anxiety among users andregulators? >> it depends on what users are talking about. faceboohas done thi before hen it's had privacy issues. weve a new dashboard. s the easier for people to see who has access and their privacy settings. this is another new product. right? and so we'll have to see if actually does -- if it makes users feel better to seeth at,
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i'm sure facebook is going to push it hard to get people to go in see who has access, what their privacy settings are. facebook did indicate that zuckerberg would testify in d ont of congress, but they are just nibbling aroue edges autotheir data privacy things. they got rid of third party data. they were giving the advertisers other things. >> much to track of. thank for joining , jeremy, with market watch. >> thank you. next week marks the start of the sf film festival in the 61st year. it promises a powerful lineup of films and documentaries from around the world the bay area. an oakland native studied film at san francisco state university. the director debut takes on race, humor and telemarketing. >> i just really needhi a job.
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>>is telemarketing. >> stick to the script. >> l? >> mr. davidson. sorry to -- ng >> i'm goi to give you a tip. you want to make money here? use ur white voice? >> my white voice? >> i'm notng tal about will smith white. like this guy. >> hi, mr. kramer -- [ dial tone noti] . n >> joining m are the executive director and great to have you both here. i love that greeting. well, the main character in the movie is an african american telemarketer who skyrockets toer success ae uses his white voice. how would you define this movie? >> it's anme absurdist dark with magical realism and it's called sorry to bother you.
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>> you were a telemarketer at one point? >> a couple of different points. >> how much of that experience is in this movie? >> i think that's the jumping off for a lot of ideas. and's i not a auto biographicalu movie, but y experiences from your life. >> and noah, why didou choose sorry to bother you as the centerpiece film? >>hisuy to my right is the main one. he's been an incredibly important fce in the cultural area. the city of oakland, and how it's developednd how wean talk about that in terms that are new ana fres really expressive. this film was part of our film house, and film granting programs at sf film. and we couldn't be more proud that something like sorry to bother you acome out of the
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programs. it speaks to the vibrancy and precision of what we're tryi to do here in making movies in the bay area. >> yeah. film house san francisco film society really sf film,ade it possible to do this. because they not onlyheave project money, but they gave me office space to sit and work. >> and you got into sun dance before congratuls on that. >> yes. >> but i also want to talk more about how the film wase. m you're from oakland. the film is set in oakland. the hero in the film is often torn between two worlds, needing to sound white for the job but act black, wanting to make mon but stayue to his friends and where he came from. how much of that resonates true with your life? >> well, i think that the sacrifices thate we h to make in order to just survive is something that resonates with everyone. the film is not just about that.
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the trailer actually doesn't reveal most of what theilm is about. >> there are quite a few surprises in the film. don't want to spoil it. >> yeah. and -- but i think that in my life i'm always trying to figure out whether i'm r doing theht thing or not. and i'm always constantly reassessing. so i think that's a, you know, very much a part of me in there. about noah, let's talk the festival more broadly. you have said the festival wants to highlight bay area values and among them diversity, innovation, social justice. one of the films is a documentary about supreme court jui justice ruth bader againstbergi. >> she's become such an icon. >> do y mind? >> i am 84 years old and everyone wants a picture with
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me. >> yeah. >> why did you chooseh film? >> we're here. we've been talking about boots riley. another icon for people in san francisco in the area ruth bader ginsburg. she's been a light during a dark polital time right now. and this is one of those standup and shout and cheer documentaries. it makes you feel like it's going to be better in the end. i think when we play this film during the festival, you'll see a real comfort for a lotf people, but i think also you'll see a lot of people standing up and cheering for this incredible woman. >> and something new you're doing this year is hosting discussions around certain films. for example, the cleaners. it's about who decides what we see online. let's look at a clip from that as well. >> facebook h a bigger population than any state in the world. and so when it sensors, 's in some ways as powerful as a state. ignore it.
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ignore. ignore. >> ifn' i d have social media, i wouldn't be able to get the word out. i probably wouldn't be standing here. right? i probably wouldn't be standing here. >> mark zuckerberg is now the front page editor for every newspaper in the wold, effectively. >> so you're partnering with the electronic frontierndation for discussion about this movie. what are you hoping to accomplish through that? >> i think what we're trying to do with sf film in general, because we're supporting filmke and we engage in educational programs. we're trying to channel what we call bay area values in the work we're doing. one of the most important things we can do here in the bay area is talk about technology its impact and how it's changedur society. without revealing any spoilers, one of the key aects ofsorry to bother you is an extremely sophisticated critiq of how the venture capitalism and technology has actually really
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altered how we view morality. i think what's been going on with facebook laer the couple of weeks reinforced we need to pay attention to this. t cleaners i a film that talks about this kind of farm of people in the philippines that scrubs theaninternet. so it goes through and finds porn graphic images or offensive speech, and these people who wve in a very different culture than what have in the united states are sort of subjected to the worst of c americanitalism in a way. what's great about theon elec frontier foundation is we have these incredibly interesting partners who can tually talk about the larger context around tse technolo concerns. >> it's a complex issue. >> complex >> how to balance privacy with freedom of speech. >> it's huge. we began working with them on an amazing documentary citizen 4 about edward snowden. and we've been engaging them on
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a fairly regularasis to come ck as guests of ours to actually continue to illumeate us in ay area. and kind of allow us to be leaders in this kind of crique of what's going on in the technology industry. >> okay. and boots quickly, any more movies for you after the first film? >> yeah. i'm starting to write stuff >> all right. >> yeah. this is just anxpansion of everything i've already been doing. >> we look forward to xteing your work, and sf film festival running from april 4th to the 17th. >> is there more othis vodka? >> whisky is up next, but thank you for enjoying the vodka. >> that's it? >> that's it. thank you very much. we'll send some home with you after the interview. that'll do it for us. you can find more of your coverage online. thnk you for joining us.
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robert: a standoff with russia.f talk pardons and another cabinet shakeup. i'mst robert inside the latest diplomatic showdown and a changest the department of veterans affairs, tonight on "washington week." >> russia is responsible for aat horror risk attack on the british citiznd his cedaughter. gain they have broken the kem cal weapons convention. robert: days afterhe trump administration announced it would kick out 0 rushes -- russians, moscow kicks back, telling the same number of u.s. iplomats to leave and shutting down a u.s. consulates and as the community you hhlights in to hold russia accountab for his nerve agent attacks, the russians announce a ne


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