tv PBS News Hour PBS April 23, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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captioning sored by newshour productions, llc >> nawaz: good eveni i'm amna nawaz. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, president trump's pick to be secretary of state, mike pompeo picks up lasnd support in the senate. then, it's polmonday-- we talk upcoming confirmation battles for the president's cabinet picks and the democrats strategy ahead of midtm elections. plus, a dire situation for india's agricu how drought and disease are changing farmers' lives and the way crops are grown. >> (anslated ): i don't really have any plans, i can't start a business, i just live day to day >> nawaz: and, searching for the truth-- after 20-year-old ricky boyd was shot and killed by police in georgia, his mother calls or body camera footage to be released. >> i'm three months into his killing and have yet to receive
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>> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewean like you. you. >> nawaz: scen of horror today toronto, canada. a rental van jumped a sidewalk and plowed into pedestrians on l busy street,ng nine and injuring 16. the van ove on, for nearly a mile, before police stopped it and arrested the driver. ambulances rushed victims to a arby hospital, and police said it will take some time to determine just what happened. >> this is going to be a long investigation, with multiple witnesses and surveillance cameras. at 1:30 p.m. there were a lot of pedestrians out enjoyid witnesses enjoying a sunny afternoon. we're urging everyone who saw rsyone, please call crime stopcall toronto police
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and let us know. >> nawaz: the canadian tevernment said it has not changed itorism alert level, in the wake of the incident. the manhunt is over in the waffle house shootings in nashville, tennessee. police say they've captured the wn who allegedly killed four peoph an assault-style rifle early sunday. they'd been looking for 29-year- old travis reinking ever since. more than 160 police, state troopers and federal agents searched door to door today in the suburb of antioch. detectives found reinking in a wooded area this afternoon. >> the suspect turned around and detective williams saw his face and realized that that is the suspect who we were looking ctr. at that point tive williams drew down on the suspect.sp the t proned out. he told him to get on the ground he got on the ground immediately, proned himself out. >> nawaz: police said reinking ad a gun in his backpack when he wested. they also said he had a history of "mental instability", and was arrested after crossing a white house security barrier last summer. reinking had to give up his
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weapons aftethat, but officials say his father later gave the guns back to hi north and south korea took new steps toward reconciliation today, ahead of friday's summit between their leaders. diplomats met at the border to work out details for the summi as they did, the south stopped blasting music and propaganda toward the north. the white house today pressed north korea for concrete action on ending its nuclear program. pyongyang promised saturday to freeze nuclear and missile tests. in yemen, shiite houthi rebels say their political chief, saleh al-samad, has died in an air strike by a saudi arabian coalition. it happened last thursday. al-samad is the highest ranking houthi official killed in nearly four years of fighting. separately, the rebels say another air strike hit a wedding party on sunday, killing at least 20 people. daesh violence in afghanistan a pair of taliban attacks killed er soldiers and policemen in a weprovince. meanwhile, families held
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funerals for some of the 57 killed in nday's suicide bombing in kabul. rid, they demanded better se. slatedr): the inciden which happened yesterday caused sorrow to hundreds of families. people are not optimistic about the government and this country anymore. everyonis trying to get out of this country but they don't have the wings to fly. people are fed-up wi current situation. >> nawaz: the islamic state claimed responsibility for sunday's blast, whicalso wounded 119 people. in belgium today, the lone surviving suspect from the 2015 paris attacks was sentenced to 20 years in prison. salah abdeslam is jailed in france, and awaiting trial in the attacks that killed 130 people. a belgian court convicted him, and an accomplice, in a shootout with police in brussels, in march 2016. they were eventually captured. deadly protests in nicaragua have prompted the u.s. state department to shut down part of its embassy operations.
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it's also ordering relatives of diplomats to leave the country. more than two dozen people have been killed in rioting over plans to overhaul the welfare system. nicaragua's government has now cancelled the proposed changes. on wall street, the dow jones industrial average lost 14 points to close at 24,448. the nasdaq fell 17 points, and the s&p 500 rose a fraction of a point. and, there's a new addition to , e british royal family. kae duchess of cambridge, gave birth today to a boy, her third child. just hours later, she and ftince william he london hospital with the newborn prince. he is fifth in line to the british throne. there's noord yet on his name. still to come on the newshour: iran's foreign mister warns the u.s. not to withdraw from the nuclear deal. what's changed, five years after a tragic fire at a bangladesh garment factory. looking to india's agricultural
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past to preserve its future, and much more. >> nawaz: french president emmanuel macron arrived in washington today to begin meetings with president trump. tomorrow, macron will be guest of honor at a state dinner and wednesday he will speak to a joint session of congress. but as nick schifrin reports, the pomp and circumstance come as a major deadline looms for the iran nuclear deal. >> schifrin: with the stars and stripes and the french tri-color side by side, macron launched what he called a critical mission. >> the important state visits, given the moment of our current environment. >> schifrin: macron will spend two days with president trump on
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what some have called operation save the iran deal. yesterday he appeared on president trump's chosen channel, fox news, and said atere was no alternative. >> what is the 'f scenario,' or your plan b? i don't have a plan b for nuclear against iran. >> schifrin: macron has met president trump three times and cultivated a good relationship. he'll try to convince president trump e deal is working, and that it's better to confront iran while its nuclear program is frozen. that argument will be echoed later this week during a visit by german chancellor angela merkel, who appeared yesterday on israeli tv. >> ( translated ): we believe it's better to have this agreement, even if it is not perfect, than to have no agreement. >> schifrin: but the trump adminsitration wants to remove the deal's expiration dates, expand inspections, d target iran's missile program. the administration also wants to confront what it calls iran's malign regional behavior. iran says there will be no re- negotiation. and foreign minister javad zarif warned if the trump adminsitration pulls out of the
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deal, iran will too. the rest of the world cannot ask us to unilaterally and one- sidedly implement a deal that has already been broken. >> schifrin: president trump is vowing to pull out of the deal an may 12th unless the u.s. and europe cix it. a u.s. official calls this moment the "last chance." >> nawaz: and nick schifrin joins me now. >> nick,ado the trump nistration basically set this up as the last chance to make the deal work for the u.s. meanwhile, the europeans are t working to try keep president trump in the deal. have t y madeprogress? >> yeah, there has been a little progress, and i think macron will come the white house with specific items that the two sides have been working on and the two grdes haved in general on, not so much specific text, but in general. and that includes inspe so the two sides have said, look, yes, if there is a legitimate inspection requesto iran and they refuse it, then that is a significant abrogation
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of the deal and we' allowed to reimpose sanctions. two, missiles. if iran test as long-range iles, the two1200 m sides can also impose sanctions together. on the larger regional concerns, the islamic revolutionary guard xirps, actions in syria, for example, ps like hezbollah, cyber threats, these e the things the two sides have general agreement opened and ma a chron will go to the whe ite hod say this is what we can do together to pressure tan. >> nawaz: what a sticking points? you didn't mention expiration dates. >> the sunsetause, the expiration date, that is the sticking deal and the most importanpart because that's exactly what president trump and the white house want the change. after eight years, iran is allowed to manufacture cedreasingly adv centrifuges, after 15 years they can increase their uranium stockpile and enri higher grade uranium. the u.s. says if they do those things, that will lowee breakout time under about a year
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for iran to get a bomb and we want to impose sanctions. europeans say, wait a minute, we agreed in the deal explicitly they would have the ability to do those things after eight years and 15 years. how can we abrogate the deal basically by saying they can't do those things? what maion will do is cam to the ite house -- come tohe white house and say we have some disagreements on sunsets, but can we take the things we agree on and is this enough? you know, president trump, is this enough for you to s, yeah, this is enough, let's stay in the deal. the europeans don't to do this every six months. they won't have a lot of faith to say this will work but we'll try. >> >> nawaz: we're watching closy and iranian officials will be watching closely and considering their options what if the u.s. backs out. what's been the resnse. >> the foreign minister you saw in the story came to new york and met with me, a o groupf journalists and n.g.o. types,
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trying to influence u.s. behavior. what he says, is look, there's no renegotiation, so any chance of regotiating the sunsets, for example, don't even try. and he says, if you leave the deal, we've got a few options, one is we'll go through the d process thl allows which is a 45-day debateirfter whic would be allowed to enrich uranium.n the second opt, we'll not wait for the 45 days, we'll enrich uranium immediately h. h admitted thereere nor drastic measures he called it. he didn't provide details but you can see this in bathe in the parliament in iran, in the media, incluindeclaring the u.s. army a terrorist organization and then a package of options which arehd wrawing from the n.p.t., nuclear nproliferation treaty, enriching higher-grade uranium and kicking out the inspetors and those options mean iran is racing toward a bomb and they admitted that's what they're considering. iran is not a monolith and i
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think president rouhani would be the first to say he wants to deal to work but he's under incredible domestic pressure. >> nawaz: turn with with me to north korea. how does u.s. action or inaction on the iran deal affection going talks with the northhi koreans. >>is important because in the next few weeks they will get a meeting between president moon and kim, the north korean and south korean ladders and president trump with kim next month or in early june, and what ir says, is look, why would the north koreans or anyone trust you if you're ing to pull out of a deal that we tookecious to negotiate? the u.s. resonse is interesting. mike pompeo went to north korea secretly to meet withkim jong un. after he came back, he was testifying to congress and saying, no, kim ds not care about any deal that came before th. so the administration, at least,
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believes that they can pull out of the iran deal a n have it affect the upcoming north korean conversation. >> nawaz: we'll see what happens then. nick schif good to talk to you. >> thank you. >> nawaz: tomorrow marks the fifth anniversary of what many consider the worst garment industry accident in history. the collapse of rana plaza, on the outskirts of the capital of bangladesh. john yang has this update on the disaster, in which more than 1,100 people lost their lives and more than 2,500 were g:jured. >> yanost of the dead were young women, garment workers who bbre crushed or trapped in the when the eight-story rana ataza collapsed. invests said the top four floors had been built without
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nsrmits, and the ground beneath the building was uble. they concluded that the collapse os triggered by the weight and vibratf power generators ed the top floor that kickn ring a power outage. >> ( translated ): my wife and i were working together as operators in rana plaz after the accident, i was rescued on the fourth day and in hospital. i have been looking for my wifey and after 11 di found the body of my wife. >> yang: bangladesh is the world's secondargest clothing manufacturer, behind china, employing millions of ople, in aousands of factories. the industry has hong history of lax enforcement of building safety standards and few worker protections. fires regularly broke out at factories. building codes were not complainedand worker about not being paid. the 2013 tragedy led to global pressure on western clothing retailers and their customers to
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take responsibility for those conditions. two coalitions, one made up mostly of u.s. clothing firms, the other, mainly european, suandsined forces to make the factoriepplying them safer. ne a report issued this week, york university's stern snter for business and human righd conditions have isproved: sprinkler systems and fire extinrs installed, srker training stepped up and building standarengthened. but the progress is not universal. factories that do not sell directly to jor retailers are not subject to their requirements. for more on what's changed and what hasn't, we're joined by paul barrett. he is deputy directohe new burk university stern center for ness and human rights and a former editor at "bloomberg businessweek" and the "wall street journal." or joiningks so much us paul, what has changed since that disaster? >> well, as your piece
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mentioned, the westdern bras and retailers have brought pressure, very effectively, on the ners of bangladeshi ctories with the threat if they don't make the factories safer they will lose their western business that tellective action has made factories safer is of electrical systems, in terms of fire prevention, sprinkler systems, alarms, that g,kind of thnd struck cure problems that had -- structural problems that had plagued a lot of the factories. along the way, a number of factories were shut down altogether because they were not something at could be salvaged, so that's the good news part of the story. >> yang: but these don't cover all the factories in bangladesh. >> that's the bad news tort of the , the western coalitions that formed to make factories safer had basically vemited jurisdiction. they didn't some 1,600 factories overseen by the bangladeshi government which is
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not mous for theigor of its regulation, and then an unknown number possibly in the thousands of smaller subcontracting factories that take sort of overthrow work from the larger factories and do a lot of work on clothing that ends up in the west -- europe and north america. v yang: your team from the stern centsited one of those subcontractors. what did you see? what did did you learn? >> actually, we visited a couple of them, and if both places, the owners were fairly forthcoming as long as we didn't reveal their identity or the location of their factory. in one the owner basically showed us he had purchased a fire safety plan that was necessary join a cerin trade association and, when we asked him whether he actually implemented e plan, he said, oh, no, he didn't have the money to do that, so he basically ught a phony fire plan to show people who came to his factory. the other one, the owner told us a government inspector had
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been by and left with him a list of fire safety requirements, but that he had lostthe list and had no intention of following through on it. so you can seet t, in these smaller factories, there's just no real expectation that regulation will take >> yang: and these outside inspections by this coalition of retailers and brands, thatt' sunsets, tgoing away. >> well, that's right. that's another limitation. these were set up to be five-year programs, and one with of them, the one that's dominated by american companies known as the alliance is set to of basically shutting down by the enhis year, and the other one known as the accord, dominateby uropean companies, has provisionally itsaid that tsll continue in six-month incrembut, eventually, that one will go away as well. in the long run, this ultimately becomes the responsibility of the bangladeshi government. >> which, as you say, is not
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famous for the rigor of their inspections. >>oues. >> yang:group as a prescription for a solution to. this what is it? >> yeah, it's a short run prescription to deal with the limitations of the sioafety coal that have been in effect. we're proposing a bangladeshi-led international task force that would use a concept known shared responsibility to raise funds and see that th are spent properly on safety improvements in those factories that have not been reached so far, and the participants in this would include the bangladeshi government, the western companies,rucially the western governments whose consumers adeshilow-priced bangl clothes, and international financial organizations like the world bank. >> yang: what's the price tag on that? >> we did a rough back-of-the-envelope calculation based on several variables we i estimated including a
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per-factory remediation cost of $250,000 and came up with a price tag of about $1.2 billion. 's ot an unsubstantial ount, but if t governments of various western countries got involved, it would be manageable. >> yang: what do you think the chances are of that happening? >> well, i think it's not a sure least.say t i think it's a long shot, but i think it's something that aa minimum provokes and catalyzes conversations and focuses on what has not yet been done in bangla so even if we don't get to the vltimate goal we set out, we will gnize attention in hopes that the bangladeshi government will step up and other entities will as well. >> yang: paul barrett of u new yoversity stern center for business, thank you very much. >> you bet, thank you. aw
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>>: stay with us, coming f on the newshour: the casecky boyd: we speak to the mother of the 20-year-old man killed by police in georgia. confirmation battles on capitol hill for key cabinet members. and one man's view on how poetry threads through our everyday lives. but first, we continue our leseries looking at the ches that india, the soon-to-be most populous country in the world, may soon face producing enough food for its people. speciacorrespondent fred de sam lazaro reports on one effort to combat the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. >> reporter: about two thirds of india's 1.3 billion people live on small subsistence farms, and icey've struggled amid unpredble markets and weather to eke out a living. frequently, farmers from across the vast hinterland have vented feir despair: last year, protestem the south,
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suffering after a record three- year drought, carried the skulls of farmers they said had committed suicide to a vigil in the capital, delhi. what did you hope to achieve by doing that? back at her small farm home, 54- year-old rani told me she'd hoped for some compensation or a uriver from crushing debt used to pchase seed and livestock, lyplea she said her husband had made loc to their bank. >> ( translated ): he told them there's been no rain, the crops have failed and we have no fodder. they said they couldn't do anything about it. you need to pay your debts. >> reporter: h husband, 58- ar-old radhakrishnan, stepped just outside the bank, began drinking pesticide and died. an average of 12,000 farmers have committed suicide a eoss india inh of the past several years, unable to bear the shame of insolvency says k.
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ayakannu, a farm activist in the southern state of tamil nadu. >> we are in poor conditions, to we are unablurchase anything, we are unable to send our children to school to study. >> reporter: farmers were left behind, heomplains, just as they began to propel the country into the modern age. in the 1960s, india's farmers were introduced to new hybrid seeds newly invented by scientists. this so-called green revolution transformed a country that had long struggled to feed itself into one with food surpluses. over the next half century, indian agriculture became highly commercialized. the country is now among the world's top exporters of wheat, cece and sugar. however, in years, yields from the new hybrids have abveled off, the crops often vuln to disease. that's driven farmers to use more and more chemical fertilizers and pesticides which in turn has seriously degraded
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gre soil. has thn revolution run its course? >> in terms of yield per acre, yeah. >> reporter: climate scientist jagannathan srinasan says the dern commercial seeds still orn produce abundant crops. but they require nl rainfall. d that's happening less anss. >> the real impact of climate change will come afterbout 30 to 40 years, with high temperature. india's population is going up rapidly still, and so the challenge is to produce more and more food for e population. >> reporter: one approach that's gaining increasing attention is a return, ironically, to traditional seeds that went out of fashion with the green revolution. so these are just some of the hundreds, thousands of rice varieties that existed at one point on the planet? >> yes. >> reporter: and you're trying to retrieve them?
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>> yes. >> reporter: subhashini sridhar is a plant scientist with the non profit center for indian knowledge systems. c.i.k.s. and other groups have dioured the farthest corners of south a's farm country to gather any traditional varieties of seeds that growers still have. >> c.i.k.s. is in a position to grow these varieties ooganically, so we are training farmers on growingquality apeds. >> reporter: r. man and g. bala subramanian are among some 2800 farmers who are parrters in the ef last year, they experimented, planting the old varieties in a small corner of their rice fields, which re otherwise seeded with the commercial hybrids. >> ( translated ): it was very dry, not a drop of moir:ure. >> reporhe drought singed the entire field, they said, wiping out the commercial plants in just 30 days. but the traditionaones stayed green for up to 70 days. so you think they're much more
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drought resistant? translated ): they ca withstand drought, they can withstand floods and they can withstand higher salinity. >> reporter: the center for indian knowledge systems has contract this task to 200 farmers in a pilot project to goduce more seeds. >> we hawn nearly eight different varieties, out of which six varieties are drought resistant. if they are going with the chemicals -- ch the commercial varieties are muigher yield. .> much higher yield that's the big hurdle. india needs crops to be drought resistant and high yielding. pein the end some ts say it will take a combnation of old varieties and new technology. but those efforts will take time and won't help farm families
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like ronny. she says she's broke and hasn't planted a crop this year and the rains in her area have been well below normal, she adds.' >> i d really have any plans. i can't start a business. i just liveay-to-day. >> reporter: ion't really have any plans, i cannot start a business, i just live day to day. >> reporter: for the pbs newshour, this is fred de sam lazaro in rural tamil nadu, india. >> nawaz: this story is part of fred's series, agents for change. his reporting is in partnership with the under-told stories project at the university of st. thomas in minnesota. >> nawaz: now, a fatal police shooting in georgia leads to questions about how officers reacted, killing a man in his family's front yard. 20-year-old ricky boyd was shot tside his grandmother's home three months ago today. the savannah p boyd was a suspect in a murder,
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wed, along with u.s. marshals, to the house to arrest him. they initially said boyd fired first, and was killed. l ther said he walked out with a firearm, which was eventually found to a b.b. gun. the family deny that boyd was involved with a murder and say he was unarmed. the b.b. gun, they said, was later found nearly 45 feet from the house. they are now asking the police department to release body-cam deo from the shooting. the police department, the state's attorney and the georgia bureau of investigatl would not comment on a pending investigation. we talked earlier today with boyd's mother, jameillah smiley, and her attorney, will claiborne.ja illah smiley and will claiborne, welcome to the "newshour". thank you for making the ime. ms. smiley, i'd like to sta by asking you about a key piece of evidence that a lot of people are focused on right now, that is the body camera footage. you want to see that released. you have seen footage from one d the officers who was on scene th. can you take a moment and
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describe for me what you saw in that footage? >> um, as ias long at the film on the laptop, they let me look at thisilm on laptop, and, um, i noticed my son was coming out of the door he was wiping his eye, and walked out, presented his arms out like he was srendering, turned to his left, and he was middle immediately shot. falling forward to the grond. >> nawaz: ms. smiley, the savannah police maintain your son had a bbgun in his arms that he confronted them with what they didn't know at the time was a bb gun. do you have any reason to
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believe he had one in his hands or was there one in the house he had access to? >> no, ma'am, he never had a gun in hisanded a all. >> nawaz: mr. claiborne,you are representing this family. you've accomplished a video now pullthg toge some of the questions you say still remain in the killing of riy boyd. o some of the photos you pulled out, one the authorities released showing what they say s the bb gun ricky was holding and a yard area, police tape cordoning the area off, cars lining the street, why is that photo significant? >> there were a lot of bullets fired by law enfor that morning, hand and the those bullets struck a neighboring house and car, and the neighbo stepped outside and took a photograph so he could show wherthose bullets had come from. when he looked at the photograph more closely, what he saw was a gun lying on the ground. we were able to take thatph
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photognd place the gun d where it the groun was found. you will note that in the gunghbor's photograph, the is laying on a bed of pine straw, same as the photograph release bid the g.b.i. from that placement of the bb gun, we were able to measure to where ricky boyd was shot and it's approximately 43 feet. >> nawaz: ms. smiley, today marks threaymonths to the since this incident in which your son was killed, what has that time be like for you? >> it's been really, really hard. just taking it day by day. i just really would like to have some answers about my son's killing. it's been really, really hard. >> nawaz: ms. smiley, i understand the police chief came to your home and promised you
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and your family that there would be a fair and trough investigation. do you believe that that will happen? mo no, ma'am. i'm threhs into his killing and have yet to receive autopsy, i have yet to receive any type of information concerning my son's killing. >> nawaz: and it's also our understanding police were there that day awrong with u.s. marshals to serve a want to your son, they believe he was involved in the murder of another young man three days earlier. do you or anyone your family have any reason to believe that your son was involved in that rder center. >> ma'am, the local detectives here also have been back toy home and, no, they have said that my son y- they know son have not committed this murder. so i don't know why they have not come forth and clred my son's name. but they know my son did not
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commit that murder. >> nawaz: you're saying law enforcement there have already confirmed to you they know your son was not involved in that murder, that was the reason thet came the house in the first place that day? >> one of the detectives that was on the case said it out of her mouth that she knows my son did not commit this murder. >> if i may. at nawaz: please go ahead. we requested infon about the january 21 homicide h d what we received back from the savanlice department was a letter indicating that was still an active and open investigation. we know and are confident that ricky boyd did not commit that murder, and the savannah police partment knows it. what they haven't done is told the citizens rear in savantnah that t murderer is walking free. they haven't made an arrest in isat case, and we have no real confidence at point that they are taking productive steps
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to address that murder. that's another family that deserves justice. e> nawaz: do you have any sense, a time liow of what will happen next in the investigation? >> we have been given no sense of a time line here, no idea when we'll get answers as to what happened to rick d we're being forced to simply wait which can only be agonizing for ricky's family. i would like to point out there is information routinely released in officer-involved shootings that hasn't been released. dwoant know who shot ricky, whether they're on administrative leave, nothing about their background. they're providing absolutely no meformation whatsoever. >> nawaz: lesk you about the body cam fajt, that's ntral in some of the questions, you wou like to see it released. when have they told you about when or if it will be released? yi that youall they are g is its an active investigation and as
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part of the investigation file ey won't release it. they did rase photographs to mave bb gun they claim ricky had and otheers from the investigative file but are clues chewing to selectively withhold this. tey need to show that video and allow the plsee what actually occurred. >> nawaz: this case certainly has caught the rest to have the even thes attention an white house has been asked about similar incidents with police-involved shootings. they have basically said these are local matters to be handled by local authorities. what do you say tthat? >> i guess the question is how do you tell this family to trust local authorities and that this is a local matter when the very first thing that happened that morning was for the belief to stand on the street corner and tell verifiable falsehoods about what occurred, to tell this family is a local matter and to trust local authorities to
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handle it whenhocal aorities have been lying from the very first minute is just inhumane. t nawaz: it's worth noting we requested comm interview with both savannah police and georgia law enforcement and they declined. ms. smiley, if you don't mind, i'd like to ask you, there's obviously been a lot of news, a lot of stories, a lot of reporting surrounding this one incident this one day. what can you tell us about son? what's not being said about him right now? ex what's not being said -- se me -- what's not being sann that he wascent, he was a good person and that he did not commit any of those things that these officers are saying. he never shot at a cop, he never committed a murder. and my li's son i tooken.
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>> nawaz: jamelah smiley and will claiborne, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> nawaz: president trump's nominee to be the next secretary th state, mike pompeo, squeaked ugh a key committee vote tonight. this, after several dramatic turns in just the last hour. our capitol hill correspondent lisa desjardins is here to explain. lisa, some drama at the senate foreign relations committee today. what exactly happened? >> reporter: this was a pivotal vote becaere was a question as to whether mike pompeo had the votes to get out of commttee. going into the meeting started 5:00 eastern a no, a republican no. minutes before the meeting, he ndid he flipped his vote said the reason why was a phonel ca from president trump which convinced him he thought mike pompeo would be on his side.
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here's a tweet from mr. paul.e he wro, i have decided to support his nomination to be our next secretary of state. rand paul is anti-interventionist. he said he was worried mike pompeo would put more troops and not be enough of a diplomat. he said he got guarantees that swayed him the other way. we thought, great, mike pompeo, we know what's going to happen, going to make it tou committee. no. turns out another republican johnny isakson was not in committee today, they needed his vote but he was speaki at a a memorial service. all this, cut to the chase, led to a very stasngewhere the committee chairman bob corker had to turn to democrats and ask them, will one of you vote present even though you oppose this nominee so we can move forward without having a late vote tonight? that democrat whodithat was chris coons of delaware and said he will do it out of respect for his colleague senator from
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georgia, cert isason so we will have a favorable vote. which is not what we expected. he moves to the full senate floor with the wind behind him. >> nawaz: let's talk about the basis of the opposition, because it was a partisan split, rand paul lining up with the democrats. atere were they kicking in? >> one, the sor ranking democrat on the committee said mike pompeo said two different things at different times. is he for human righs or against gay rights? mike pompeo said he does n support gay marriage, for instance. there are questions for how much he support diplomacy. that's where virgia senator cain came out and said i don't believe there this is a diplomat. there are also charges against the democrats that they're bng political. no one questioned mike pompeo's qualification force the job. he's a west point graduate, a c.i.a. director, served in the house of representatives, has presidentrump's ear, so there are questions of whether this is
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political or not. democrs say, no, we just don't trust the direction this man would take the dstateartment. >> nawaz: so moves ahead to the fu senate floor without the as n asterit to his name. is it pat san when it goes to full senate vote? >> not as partisan. three democrats voting yes. heidi heitkamp, joe manchin and joe donnelly all yes votes for mike pompeo breaking with- the - from the rest of their party. what do they have in common? a date with the voters in november and al in states that voted for president trump and there could be other democrats that vote yes as well. i think mr. pompeo will get somewhere between 52 and 55 votes on the floor, more than betsy devos, less than rex tillerson, but i think this shows drama could continue, expect him to make it out of thb senathe end of the week and that's important because there is a n.a.t.o. summit for
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foreign ministers in brussels friday, and are owning he can make it to that. >> lisa desjardins with the drama from the senate foreign relations committee today. our poiltics monday team pick it up with other confirmation battles looming and how vulnerable democratic senators are considering their votes. i'm joined by amy walter of the "cook political report" and eliana johnson of politico, welcome to you boh. >> nawaz: let's talk about the drama because mike pompeo is not the only one who will be facing some kind of battle, some opposition to his confirmation hearing there's a couple more coming up, ronny jackson, amy, edlk to me about what he is likely to faceesday when he goes before the veterans affairs commity. >> wn we look at what happened with mike pompeo and looking at somebody le ronny jackson with the v.a., two different stories. pompeo, dividing on political lines. rand paul, this is a big deal he decided to give his vote to
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pompeo. he was very critical of him when he was up for c.i.a. director, very critical of him when he was up for secretary of state. at the last minute, changes his mind. so because the president said i trust -- hfrs my iend, he's going to do the right thing, clearly, this is much more political and much less about policy, and people know who pompeo is. when we get to to ronny jackson, nobody knows anything about hill. they know him a the house physician but don't know anything about what he would be like as an administrator, what he knows about thv.a. it's a very big job, a very difficult job, a job that the former v.a. secretary took on bud got into quite a battle with the president, he was confirmed with 100 votes, he was obviously one of the only ones to get -- he was the only one to get unanimously conf this is going to be very different. >> nawaz: as you say, experience wasn't an issue with
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pompe but is with ronny jackson. democrats expressed some concern. senator moran said this week jackson doesn't have th experience you think would traditionally be required at the v.a., so how do we see this lining up around partisan nonpartisan lines? , when you look at the three 'am facings coming up in the senate, pomp o jackson and gina haskel, president's pick to run the c.i.a., you have the think pompeo would be the easy by. and will squea the problem with president trump is he is somebody who units democrats and democrs see a opportunity to perhaps excite their anti-retrump base if they oppose these nominees, but trump divides republicans, and, so, you see some republicans perhaps splitting on these ninees, ronny jackson is one where you see some republican criticism on him, and gina haspel, trump's pick for c.i.a., her involvement
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in torture and rendition in the bush area, we know little about her but know as a government employee when she was involved in torture and rendition, that's gotten criticism from rd paul but i think his turn on a dime tonight to supportpe po puts a no on paspitel. t a chance that republicans will split threatens these nominations. l> nawaz: the fact the hearings rereally matter, because we've not heard haspel defend herself in what she did or jackson. so if you want to talk about drama, tune in to the hearings you. normally don't say, well,' ls tune in to senate hearings but in this case we'll learn a lottw abou people we don't know much about. >> what is -- if they've expressed concern about the
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nominees, can they afford to break from the president when the president is clearly backing the nominees? >> we've h a couple of cases where republicans did actively split, susan collins and lisa murkowski on betsy devos where you had to have a tie breaker and the vice presiden to come do this, but with every republican who might break off, as lisa talked about, there are the red state democrats who do worry about their election prospects coming up, breaking with the president not quite as popular in west virginia for a democrat trying to hold on to his state. >> nawaz: in some of these owcontentious nominations with democrats lining up strictly in oppotion, what is the goal for them and what did they gain by digging if likehi? >> i don't think any voters will vote against a joe manhin o joe donnelly or heidi heitkamp because they oppose the president's nomin to be v.a. secretary and that's why perhaps ronny jackson is in the mt
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dangerous situation. but for gina who played an integral role in t war on terror and portrayed as someone who was doing her duty, i think democrats will be more likely to cave a line up in her defense because these are partisan, polical issues and president trump presented himself as a man of strength, i think he's far more likely to pound away at thatr and you'e more likely to see the red state democrats line up in h defense. >> the democotts whod for pompey voted for him as c.i.a. sector and about half of them who voted for him say they won't do it and they have the luxury because they aren't up for reelection or aren't in states fhat are as republican. for somethe democrats in the really red states, it's hard for them to come back and say i thought he was okay for c.i.a. but not so greats for ecretary of state. th it's a harder line to walk in
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e places. >> nawaz: both sides are considering how this will look moving forwardoruture reelection bids in. the republican party at least now there's a bit of a void fore who speaks for party, where the leadership is coming from. talking about mitt roey now, i want to ask you, because the fact he failed to win the g.o.p. nomination in the open senate seat there. what does that mean, for a man like mitt romney, where the republican party is right now, whatttoes that kind of stuer start mean for him and his future in the republican party? >> yeah, so utahas this very interesting process to get on the ballot there. there's a convention and also a primy, and in order to get n to the primary ballot you need to get at leas mt 40% toe it to the next level. the people who show up at these conventions, it's a very small percentage of thheelectorate. are very ideological and veryve anti-wha the establishment is, they don't like it. the current governor who failed
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to get 60% at his convention ended up getting something like 70% the replican primary vote. so that goes to show you that don't look at this group o people who are willing to spend an entire saturday sitting around and listening to speeches by a whole bunch of republican politicians or the kind of people that show up and vote on hiection day. what it does, ik the bigger question going forward, i think mitt romney is clearly the favorite both for the primary and then for the general election, is what kind of senator we're with going to expect to see out of him. since becoding a cidate, he has embraced donald trump much more. obviously, he's not a huge an of donald trump so made the campaign trail very clear. the president s endorsed romney. i think you will see that mitt romney is going to be the kind of senator that wve seen from some of these other western senators, maybe not the same exact frame as a jeff flake from arizona or john mccain from arizona or lisa murkowski from
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alaska. >> the first two are fairing well. >> they're doing great there in their chance forceeelection, but the real question, is you know, you can say -- and he's donehis before -- can i jus oppose the president on some of the stuff he does that i sagree with but make the case for him. >> well, also supprting the policy. i'll speak up and sai don't like what you're doing on x but not making it personal in the way he made it very personal in the campaign. >> i don't think it's that easy for romney to not make it personal after having been so personal. i think the only issue ithe republican party is where do you stand on donald trump and every politician is bei measured in relation to that. for someone like rom phi who said he doesn't think trump is fit toe president and thins he's a phony, i think it's hard for him to embrace trump and sou're seeing this from ted cruz in tex who where wro the time
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100 article praising him after being against trump. i think both are case studies in why trump is so he offered an authenticity where these guys dn't, the guys on the right and the left feel w uncomfortablh establishment politicians. >> strange bedfellows. amy walter, eliana johnsthon, ks for your time. >> thank you. >> nawaz: it's national poetry month, whereby poetry is lauded in schools, libraries and bookstores all over the country. poetry often gets a bad rap for being inaccessible, or too esoteric for most readers' tastes. but tonight, poet and author david gewanter shares his humble opinion on howin fact, we use etry in deeply important moments in our lives. di just the other day, i heard
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that poetry ha again. poetry, the critics tell us, is d-o slow for our wired, so bitten world. ei won't speak against th funeral directors of poetry. who knows, they might tell me ofm dead too. but little shredoems are lying alaround-like clumps of d.n.a. found at the murder scene, or some healthy virus passing when a body meets a body, coming throu the rye. you don't need to be much of a ctective to find it. we ary bits of song with us: tatters of prayers, movie lines or advertising jingles. we pocket them as souvenirs, to help us remember things, like" righty-tighty, leftie-loosie." some poem viruses protect us, sach as the sailor's rhyme, "red sky in morningor's warning." so, poetry may be dead-but poems don't rest in peace. they leave little twigs and thorns inside our heads, jabbing us awake. they witness our most
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moments. they warm our bedrooms, and cheer the birtroom. poems reliably show up for g, raduatioddings, and retirements, brimming with tearful homilies. and they never miss a funeral. poems also help us through the avosaic days. i heard a coupleg a heart- not-to-heart exchange, and thought of the two-liner from my teacher, thom gunn: ir relationship consiste ho discussing if it existed." years later, aftergunn died, i wrote this dream-poem about him walking by: "my teacher limps on his heavy bootthe heel broken off. a cobbler's shop appears, and i amy the black nails, the hr, glue and strapping. i work hard on it, bending there until he speaks and was on. but as he is dead, his voice and fep make no sound." poems help us mom who we
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are to who we want to become; they mix present life with our imagination and desires. like a seat-belt, crossing our hearts and loins, they define our position even as we travel down the road. so keep your poems close. the inner life you save may be your own. >> nawaz: former president george h.w. bush has been admitted to a houston hospital after contracting an infection. a spokesm said mr. bush is responding to treatment. this follows the death of his wife of 73 years last week. barbara bush was laid to rest 'sturday. and thhe newshour for tonight. fom anma nawaz. all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: la babbel. uage app that teaches real-life conversations in a new
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language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. >> and by the alfred p. sloan ngundation. supporcience, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more information at ♪ ♪
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