tv PBS News Hour PBS April 24, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> nawaz: good evening, i'm amna nawaz. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, president trump welcomes french president macron to the white house, with a decision on the otan deal on the line. then, her embattled nominee. mr. trump's pick to run veterans affairs faces scrutiny from the senate. plus, we begin a special series from bangladesh. tonight, the plight of rohingya refugees and their desire to return home. >> ( translated ): it is our country, and we have been livi t there for mon a 1000 years. and after years of slow genocide, we were finally forced to flee. >> nawaz: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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real-life conversatiin a new language, like spanish, french, h >> and witthe ongoing supportti of these itions: >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributionsur pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. b nawaz: a rendezvous at the white hous a confrontation lies ahead. esesident trump and french ent macron met today and discussed differences over the iran nuclear deal. their summit came as iran warned the u.s. not to break the deal. yamiche alcindor begins our coverage. >> reporter: with a 21-gun salute and a militarband in revolutionary dress, president trump welcomed the leader of america's oldest ally.
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>> the beautiful friendship between the united states and france, forged in revolution has changed the course of history. >> reporter: mr. trump and french president emmanuel macron lauded u.s.-french ties, and their own personal bond was evident. >> we do have a very special relationship. in fact i'll get that little piece of dandruff off-- we have i make him perfect. heperfect. >> reporter: macron hoped to build on that good will in ging mr. trump to maintain the lian nuclear deal by a may 12th de. in the oval office, their differences over tt deal, the jomprehensive plan of action, were on clear display. >> we have the stability to preserve our alliance region and what we want to do is contain the iranian presence in the region and j.c.p.o.a. is f this broader picture. >> it just seems that no matter where you , especially in the middle east, iran is behind it, wherever there's trouble, yemen,
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syria. no matter where you ha it, iran is behind it. >> reporter: presidentrump called the nuclear deal "insane" and argued that iran's balliic missile testing is a violation. he also dismissed warnings from rean that the regime would me enriching uranium, if the u.s. pulls out. >> it won't be so easy for them to restart. they're not going to be restarting anything. they restart it they're going to >> reporter: the two presidents ld what they called fran discussions on the subject. and, at a joint news conference, macron said the u.s. should remain part of the nuclear deal, but added that there should be talks to improve it. >> ( translated ): is not about tearing apart an agreement and having nothing. it's about building something new that will cover all of our ncerns. >> reporter: macron said that includes blocking any iranian nuclear activity until 2025, completely ending its ballistic missile activity and finding a : ph
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only way to bring about stability. >> reporter: mr. trump, in turn, he wants an entirely ne agreement. >> i think we will have a great shot at doing a much bigger maybe deal maybe not deal, we'll find out, but we're going to some people expect, whether or not it will be possible to do a new deal with solid foundations, because this is a deal with decayed foundations. it's a bad deal. >> reporter: still, iranian president hassan rouhani declared today that withdrawal from the existing deal would be a betray. foreign minister javad zarif followed up this afternoon, in new york: >> we believe that if the united states were to withdraw from the nuclear deal. the immediate consequence in all wlikelihood would that irld reciprocate and withdraw from the deal. >> reporter: russia and china, both of which signed the 2015
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agreement, also sought international support today for keeping the u.s. in the nuclear deal. >> nawaz: on the other side of pennsylvania avenue, senators announced today that they will postpone a confirmation hearing for ronny jackson, presidentpi trump' to head the department of veteran affairs. lawmakers' concerns about ckson, and his time as white house physician, first surfaced news reports last night mr. jackson, who has served under three presidents, responded today: s>> i'll just say that i looking forward to the hearing tomorrow. i'm kind of disappointed that it's been postponed, but i'm looking forward to it being >> nawaz: the president was asked about ronny jackson's anomination this afternoo said this: >> if i were him, actually in ma ways i'd love to be him but the fact is i wouldn't do it, i wouldn't do it. what does he nd it for? to be abused by a bunch of politicians that aren't thinking nicely about o country? i really don't think, personally, he shouldo it, but it's totally his. i would stand behind him.
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totally his decision. nd nawaz: our correspondents yamiche alcindorisa desjardins join me now. welcome, you guys. lisa, let's start with you. we're talking about these tions that have recent come up that senators are now looking at about ronny jackson. what do you know about the >> well, we know about as much as the senators themselves. i spoke tora sevesenators on the committee who themselves have not seen the direct source of these allegations. the committee chairman and rank member apparently has seen them. also senator sherrod bwn o ohio who told me and other reporters that this involves double-dig numbers ofle who know mr. jackson in our military or are former mility. we know what mr. jackson said to one senator we met with today, anat's senator moran of ksas. senator moran told us that one allegation is refuted or that he denies, that he never had a drink on the job. that's from mr. jackson today, but the rest of it is very murky. i think top of these unknown allegations that we haven't seen
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yet, there is probably even larger concerns about his leveil of expe. this is a man who has not run a large organization yet. >> nawaz: so where do these nominations stand right now? we saw he was meeting with senators on the hill. what is he saying to them? >> there are very sear coilthouse concerns on the, but the senator he met with today, moran of kansas, told me he saw man who was confident, who says he wants this job, that is looking forward to the confirmation process, but we don't know where that's going to start. the hearing is now delayed. it probably will not happen this week, amna, and the senate is on recess next wee t that weeks of time that could be good or bad for mr. jackson. >> nawaz: yamiche, this was president trump's personal pick .or this spot what do you know about what the president believes, especially based on what we just heard him say there about ronny jackson's nomination. >> it was really hard to watch otat press conference and think that the president was trying to speak directly to dr. jackson and drop hiin at, hey, maybe you can back out of. this he says, "hey, i told him,
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this is going to be hard, do you want to go through with this? are aren't there other thgs you could be canning. if this was me, i would probably back out. these are signs he is probably telling him he should probably bow down. he said he was a great doctor. he said he was an extraordinary person. i'm understanding thewhite house is still backing him. i talked to white house officials who say prhaident trumbeen in directed contact with dr. jackson. so they have been talking. the have beeno word from the white house saying we don't want this guy to be v. a. secretary anymore. so as it stands this this moment, he's still a nominee. of course, the trumwhite house changes things minute by minute sometimes. >> nawaz: so that's the view from the white house. strong views coming from the president. what about congress? where do they stand on all of this? >> i thi there are real doubts about this nom neerk but i was surprised, i heard from sevepurl icans who have met with him who said he's more impressive in person. he comes across as confident. he comes across as someone with wants this job, and he makes a pitch that he's non-partisan and
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that he's connected to veteran froups as an admiral, as hims a veteran. they found that appealing. there's a lot of spticism about him, but in person apparently he's doing well, at least for now. >> nawaz: you raised the question about the vettin process at the white house, why some of these allegations didn't come out sooner. whato we know about that process, especially based on what past nominees have been through? >>t of people say this white house's problems started november 11, 2016, en president trump fired chris christie, who was heading up the transition team. the reports say that chris christie had a long list ofop who were really experienced in different agencies and that once the president let him go, things went awry. w we can look at a long list of people, i was making a list before i came on here, ben carson who faced real issues on whether or not he was ready to run hu, betsy des have had a lot of pushback to be education secretary. you had andy pudhiser becaus
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ex-wife alleged domestic violence in their relationship. you had rob porter who had to be let go or fired or regni. a lot of people say different things at the white house. the point is he also was not vetted properly most people say because he had domestic violenc. abuse issu this is a pattern of white house nominees having real issues. of course, president trump saysh that allse people are great people, that some of them are treated unfairly, but the m is too harsh on them some the white house narrative is they pick great people and they're picking people outside of the box. when people voted for president trump, they didn't want government offie als. but the some real issues here. >> nawaz: a lot to watch there. the the moment he's still nominee. >> for the moment. >> nawaz: yamiche alcindor,sa esjardins, thanks. >> nawaz: in other news today, president trump praised north korean leader kim jong un, and said he hopes they'll be meeting "very soon." he spoke during his summit with the french president, and said
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d sitting down with kim co a "great thing for the world". >> we're having very gooddi ussions. kim jong un, he really has beene veryand i think veryve honorable fromthing we're seeing. now, a lot of prommaes have been by north korea over the years but they've never been in this position. >> nawaz: that marked a major shift from president trump's past comments about kim jong un, leom he's often called "li rocket man." in afghanistanoday, taliban attacks killed at least 11 more soldiers and police in a wave of violence this week. separate attacks hit checkpoints in two provinces in western afghanistan, and one in the eastern part of the country. this follows sunday's bombing in kabul by the islamic state group that left 60 dead. the suspect in the rental van rampage in toronto was charged with 10 counts of muer today. a judge ordered alex minassian held without bond. meanwhile, people gathered at
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the site of the attack to lay flowers, as investigators steered clear of naming ave mo >> all doors are open, everything will be explored, you guys are looking at one particular aspect of investigation, there are going to be many more layers, there are a lot of judicial authorizations, there's a lot more video edence that has to come >>: police did say the driver posted a cryptic message on facebook just before the attack. in previous posts, he celebrated a mass murderer who killed x people in santa barbara, e lifornia in 2014. both men raged onlout rejection from state lawmakerennessee today honored the man who wrestled a rifle from a gunman at a waffle house. four people died in tack in nashville last sunday morning, but police say it could have been much worse. today, james shaw junior arfully told state house members that he wasn't trying to be a hero when he intervened. >> i didn't do save peop i did it just to save my life.
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so in me saving myive saved other lives. that's probably one of the greatest things you d cou >> nawaz: a nashville judgere todaked the $2 million dollar bond for the accused gunman, 29-year-old travis reinking. w thl be considered in a hearing tomorrow. the re-trial of bill cosby, on sexual assault charges, is now in the hands of a jury in suburban philadelphia. in closing arguments today, the defense called cosby's chief accuser a "pathological liar." the prosecution said cosby drugged and assaulted her. the 80-year-old comedian arrived at the courthouse this morningn joed by his wife camille for the first time. his first trial ended in a hung jury. former president george h. w. bush is said to be responding and recoveri from an infection that spread to his blood. a spokesman said today the 93-ar ld mr. bush remains at a houston hospital.
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ng was admitted sunday mor a day after attending his wifera barbara's fu d wall street today, a sell-off in the industrial chnology sectors sent stocks plunging. the dow jones industrial averag plumme4 points to close at 24,024. the nasdaqell 121 points, and the s&p 500 dropped more than and, aering british suffragist, millicent fawcett, is now the first woman to ha her statue erected outside parliament. hool kids unveiled the monument to fawcett, who helped drive the campaign for voting rights for british women, starting in 1918. prime minister theresa may spoke at the ceremony, praising fawcett as a trailblazer. >> history has many authors. in our all way we each help to shape the world in which we live, but few of us can claim to have made an impact that is so
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significant and lasting as dame millicent and it is right and proper that today she takes her place at the heart of our democracy. >> nawaz: fawcett's statue now joins those of 11 men in parliament square, including those of nelson mandela and winston churchill. still to come on the newshour:w tails and new doubts about president trump's pick to head veterans affairs. i sit down with white house legislative director marc short. the uncertain path home for hundreds of thousands of rohingya refugees, and much more. >> nawaz: we reported earlier, ronny jackson's pathway for all that i'm joined by white house director of legislative affairs marc short. thanks for being here. >> amna, thanks for having me.
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>> nawaz: let me ask you abou what the president said today. he suggested that mr. jackson potentially drop out from thisna noon because of ugly allegations that have been coming up. why didn't any of those allegations come up during the white house vetting of mr. jackson? >> well, a couple answers to your question there. one is the president did say he would certainly understand, but he also said i'm going to stand behind him. i think that dr. jackson has every opportunity now to make sure that those accusations are proven to be false. dr. jackson is a great story, small-townexas kid, goes off to medical school, volunteers to serve our country and rises al t the way o admiral, has treated soldiers, men and women er combat. he'sed multiple presidents, republicans and democrats. he's a great pick for this role. and we look forward to him oving his day in frothe american people to make his case. on the vetting process, keep in mi, to bome admiral and to work in the white house, there's plenty of background checks that happen all the time. in this case, there is also an f.b.i. background happens before the nomination is
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sent forward. none of the accusations cam forward on this. additionally, there's also a financial element with the government ethics. it's the office of government ethics that's set up to dofi ncial de-conflicting that happens before the nomination is forwarded. so in all of that there werno red flags raised. a couple people have come raforward who havsed some accusations to the ranking member on veterans afs aat we think are false and we think that admire jackson will do aea job. >> nawaz: so none of these allegations have come up in previous vetting at the white house. so are you urging the white house to make a decision quickly? >> i think he's stll looking forward to his opportunity. i think the quesion came from senator isaacson and senator tester. they wanted more opportunity to review late-arriving information. that's the reason for their delay. >> nawaz: and ifhere is any concern either from you or anyone else at the white house that t longer this decision-making process goes on, the v. a. doesn't have a leader.
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>> well, we do have an acting secretary in robert wilkey. he's worked at the pentagonro before hed over, but, of course we're anxious to get dr. jackson over there. >> nawaz: can i ask you about another confirmation hearing gina haspel that's coming up, the white house nominee for c.i.a. directo recently more than 100 former military officials have come forwarto protest her nomination. what's your response to that? >> gina haspel is another good nominee. she served 3 years in the c.i.a., a devoted career firm. he's not a political appointee. she's a devoted official stationed in the most dangerous places across the world. her confirmation has been endorsed by jn brennan and multiple others who served in democrat administrations fromto clto obama. she's someone who has an incredible record. we look forward to being to talk to her. more declassified documents will come forward t show the leadership she's had. >> nawaz: at the same time, the basis of thosprtests was
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on her involvement in interrogation politics, and there have been some rublican senators who have expressed concern, as well, senator collins. senator mccain has said the torture detainees in u.s. custody during the last decade is one of the dkt chapters in american history and said ms. haspel needs to explain that. >> she was not a participant in enhanced interrogations. what she did at that time was fully in compliance with the law. that's been supported by even democrat officials in the department of justice and c.i.a. who said everything sh did wa in compliance with the law. >> nawaz: it was in compliance wi the law, but declassified c.i. memos that she was absolved for respusonsibility beshe was following orders, but in confirmation hearings, it's about your ethical charter and your moral come pus. does that open her up to questions on whether or not she would act unethically if she were asked to do so? >> she served 33 years
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selflessly all across the globe. unfortunately what's happened today is that the nominations process isredibly partisan. we just saw that in committee vote for director pompeo, who we hope gets confirmed as secretary of state later this week. throughout the process democrats nty, i know state depart needs you. i know you have great credentials and graduated numonr in your class at west point, graduating with honors from harvard w school, the job you've done at c.i.a., but i can't vote for you. the rationale is that they're under so much pressure from the bernie sandinista crowd that they're being hell hostage. it's no longer -- it's become tirely partisan. >> nawaz: even with the pompeo vote, it took senator trumte ening to get senator paul the change his vote. >> keep in mind therwere 49 out of 50 republicans who were supportive and now we have 50f 50 republicans supportive. i do think the politicisatio
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has been more on the left. >> nawaz: something else related to the haspel nomination because part of that includes waterboarding of alkhanshali -- al qaeda suspects. president trump floated the idea of bringing backwaterboarding is. that something we mighint see the white house? >> i think this white house anel ms. haill comply with the law. i think you'll see us continue to abide by the law. >> nawaz: let me ask you now about the syria strikes. earlier this month 88 members of congress sent a letter to president trump reminding himeg thatly he needs to seek their permission before launching u.s. military strikes. he didn't have that perission, so what is the white house's legal basis for the strikes in >>ar powers act provides syria? the president the ability to make sure the natonal interest of the united states, he has the ability to conduct these strikes inch this case, if you have rogue nations that are basically using chemical weapons in areas where we're fighting a war
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against isis, we think it's in america's interest to defend ourselves. >> nawaz: so ifs the preident didn't get authorization for congress before launching the strikes in syria, does he still have authorization? does he need authorization before launchi strikes in north korea, iran? >> nawaz: it would depend upon the circumstances. keep in mind some of the same people thasigned that letter were supportive of president obama striking libya. so they didn't bring that to congress some much of this is print -- politicized. >> nawaz: marc short, white than you. >> nawaz: as we reportedac earlier, ronnyon's pathway to confirmation as head of the veteransffairs department, remains all but clear. we take a deeper look now at tho agency and theems it's faci with lisa rein of the
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"washington post." lisa rein, thanks for being here. we talked a lot about the people in charge or potentially in sharge of the veterans affa department tell me what they would be in charge of. give me a sense of the department, its scope, its size, and what they're facing right now. >> so it's the federal government's second largest agency. ab to pentagon is bigger it is really unique to the government. its mission, of course, is y braced by so manericans caring for veterans. but it has a sprawling healthcare system of abot 1,300 medical clinics and hitals, massive benefit system that is now plagued by baclok in people who are veterans seeking appeals of their denials of claims, and a smaller cemetery system that is respsible for, you know, burying millions of veterans. and the agency is always in some sort of scandal. it has lost two sretaries
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since 2014, most recently david shulkin, who left, who was fired by president trump in the end oc >> nawaz: so let's talk about the current nominee right now. i'm curious because you taled to people inside the department, veterans groups who work closely with them. when ronny jackson's name was first announced, what was the response? how did people view him? >> so the rnse from the veterans community is we've never heard of this guy, and so there are various stake holders who have very passionate goals for where veterans care should be going, and the concern was, hmm, ronny jackson, i don't know sswhere he stands on theues that are important to us. this was what the large veterans groups like the american legion and the veterans of foreign wars were saying.ou and then had conservative groups who were saying, hmm, we don't know where he stands on our issues. so ita ws just who is ronny jackson? the last we knew was thate was
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fawning over the president's health after his annual physical, but no one had a idea and still doesn't really where he stands on the key issues that are facing thisow agency right >> nawaz: privatizing healthcare is one of them, as you mentioned. that was part ofthe reas, right, that david shulkin was forced out. he clashed with the haite house onissue. >> that's right. i would say that's actually the biggest isue that is facing v. a. right now. so v. a. has historically been a very apolitical agency. it still is of course a bipaveisan agency, andry nominee to run the agency to be secretary has been approved by the senate 100-0. that was the case with dr. shulkin. but here it's become very politicized in the trump era, partly because the trump administration wants to refrm what they consider to be problems with, you knowem, oyees who are involved in misconduct. they want them to be fired faster. they want more transparency.
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in terms of how metrics on how long veterans inse the system have the wait for appointments. the biggest issue, though, ish how mue v. a. should be outsourcing medical care to the private sec: tor. >> nawowing that outsourcing that healthcare seems to be a priority for this administration, is it fair to say that any nominee that they supportard would be in of that, and what would that do to the v. a.? >> i think any ninee from this administration, yes, is going to have to support more private care.ho the problem,h, is in the senate, you have democrats and you have moderateepublicans, including johnnie isaacson, the head of the... the republican head of the veterans affairswh committeare not advocating no private care. they see a much more moderate approach because they bereave if you have more doctors from outside the system who are getting paid, you're sort of siphoning resources from v. a. and that's huge deba that has become, you know, just
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hugely political. so what happens is trump may nominate someone who is in favof ore private care, but that nominee has to walk a very fine line between, younow, supporting the president and also supporting the huge veterans organizations that still have political clout in congress who are wary of more private care. >> nawaz: lisa rein, thanh you so mr your time. >> thank you. >> nawaz: last august, hundreds of thousands of rohingya muslims fled their native myanmar for neighboring bangladesh, joining tens of thousands already seeking refuge. they escaped a campaign of murder, repression and rape by myanmar's military, and militant buddhist monks. now, they await the political deal to allow a return to their homeland, in myanmar's rakhine state. but will it happen? tonight, from cox's bazaar, bangladesh, and in partnership with the pulitzer center on
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crisis reporting, special correspondent tania rashid, and videographer phillip caller, bring us the first of three reports. and a warning, images and accounts in this stoill disturb many viewers. >> reporter: these roh refugees came out to show how tired they are of living in uncertainty. it's been seven months since adey fled for their lives from myanmar into banglh. they are fed up and have come oueto protest for their saf return to myanmar. >> ( translated ): everyone stand in a circle. come join the protest. you std over there. before we go bstk to rakhine e, we demand to be recognized as myanr citizen. >> reporter: it's rare to see protests like thiswith many camp leaders fearing backlash from the bangladeshi authorities. >> ( translated ): we want justice for our sisters and mothers who have been raped. we want juice! >> reporter: salahuddin is a fled rakhiner,
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state with his family six months ago after his village was attacked. >> ( translated ): it is our country, and we have been living there r more than a 1,000 years. and after years of slow genocide, we were finally forced to flee. >> reporte close to 700,000 rohingyas fled into bangladesh from rakhine state to escape a bloody campaign of murder and rape by the myanmar military and buddhist vigilantes that followed attacks by muslim rohingya militants. >> ( translated ): we don't want to stay here longer, this is not our country, our country is rakhine and we want to go back, but before we return, we mustou gerights.r: >> reporteow more than 1.2 million rohingya live in the world's largest refugee camp ini cramped and sqconditions on the edge of cox's bazar. the repatriation was meant begin two months agobefter a deal tween myanmar and bangladeshth anbangladeshi government is keen to speed things up.
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as they fearmohe upcoming oon season could devastate the camps. abul kalam, bangladesh's refugee relief and rehabilitation coorissioner, is responsible coordinating the repatriation. >> repatriation will happen based on the agreement on two governments lateast year. as we are doing our part they are doing their part. >>ayeporter: but he couldn't when it will actually start. >> difficult to mention a time but we hope it will begin sooner or later. >> reporter: recently myanmar's social welfare minister win myat aye visited the kutupalong refugee camps. he told a group of new arrivals that he wants to start the repatriation process as soon as possible if the returnees agree to be registered as bangladesh migrants, a term the rohingyas
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reject. they want to be recognized as citizens of myanmar before theti repatrias starts.d his visit sparprotests when demonstrators tried to block his motorcade entering tamp. this was the first visit by a myanmar minister to the camps since the crackdown last year. although talks on theia repaon are continuing between myanmar and bangladesh, rte rohingya refugees themselves do not have any f formal representative. mohi bolluah, a community leader, used to have a well paic job as school r in myanmar. now he lives in the kutupae ng camp whereganizes meetings with block leaders and activists to discusshe latest updates on the repatriation. he's also been gathering evidence on the number of people rapd, killed, and property damage. so when the rohingyas fled myanmar, they carried whatever valuables they could fd on their backs, but what mohib bullah, a community leader in
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the kutupalong camp is telling me, is that he collected all these documents to discredit the myanmar authority's claims that they are illegal immigrants from bangdesh. the rohingya community have drawn up 13 demands that they want to be met before they agree to return. >> ( translated ): for the repatriations to go ahead, first thing we need u.n. peacekeepers to come with us as the myanmar secondly, the myanmar government must give us back our citizenship rights. we are not asking for a newit nation we have thousands of proofs that we used to haveon myanmar natiity, the myanmar government must compensate us for everything we lost. we cultivated our land and built our homes with love, with our own hands. so we must be lowed go back to r own homes and villages. >> reporter: but the prospectsur of rohingyas rng back to their villages and homes is looking incrsingly unlikely. the myanmar military is bulldozing rohingyvillages to make way for more military
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bases, helipads, fences d roads according to satellite images released by rights groups. and the myanmar government is setting up temporary repatriation housing camps in rakhine state that human rights watch has condemned as open air prisons. all of this makes the prospect of return less and less likely. in the meantime, bangladesh has been submitting lists of rohingya they say have agreed to be repatriated. to get aid handouts, every refugee is fingerprinted and photographed by the bangladeshi authorities and issued with an i.d. card. as more refugees continue to arrive, this database is regularly updated with the helpm of localleaders. it is also being used to draw up the names for repatriation. many in the camp worry they will be placed on a list and forced cato return. leaders like pharmacist mohammad yusuf was killed after being suspected of putting people's names on th repatriation list. he left behind his wife jamila ghatun. what happened the your
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husband was murdered?ed >> ( transl ): a group of around 20 masked men with guns came looking for him.te >> rep the gunmen force their way into the house, easily overpowering jamila. >> ( translated ): one of them pointed his gun at my husband e ady to shoot. i tried to grab n, but he fired. the bullet passed between my fingers and hit my husband in the forehead. as he was shot my husband shouted "oh allah," then tgay shot him ain in the mouth and he fell to the ground. >> reporter: who do you think did it? >> ( translated ): they are arsa from myanmar, they kill educated people and people they think are close to the myanmar government. >> reporter: arsa is the islamist militant group responsible for last years attacks in myanmar that sparked the bloody counter insurgency clamp down. who did they say they were when they came to your house? >> ( translated ): my husband asked them "what you want, why are you doing this to me?" they said, "why did you make a list of people for the repatriation for the bangladesh army?"
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but actually the list was not for the purpose of repatriation. camp leaders made lists in every camp. >> reporter: but the future looks bleak. the two countries are yet to reach a deal on the repatriation. at this stage its looking increasingly unlikely that the rohingya will go home anytime soon. for the pbs newshour, i'm tania rashid in balukhali camp, bangladesh. wi nawaz: tomorrow, tania ll report on the epidemic of forced child marriage among the rohingya. >> nawaz: now, a historic f transpla a soldier who was injured in afghanistan and one nsthat could potentially trm his life in important ways. jeffrey brown speaks with a key member of the team behind the surgery about its potential impact. note for some viewers: o conversation is focused on sensitive issues involving the
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male anatomy. >> brown: they are horrificin physicalries that affect self-esteem and identity and are rarely even discussed. between 2001 and 2013, more than 1,300 men fighting in iraq and afghanistan suffered devastating injuries to the genitals from bomb blasts. today,urgeons at the johns hopkins school of medicine in baltimore announced the most complex transplant to date, of a penis, scrotum and part of the abdominal wall, from a deceased donor to a wounded soldier who has chosen to remain anonymous. the surgery was performed in eomarch and involved 11 su. one of them, dr. richard redett, joins us now. welcome to you. doctor, first, why did you and your team feel this was important to do? >>weell, you know, et our patient for the first time about five years ago, and we evaluated him and examined him. we realized that the losses of tissue was veryanignif it involved part of his abdominal wall, his entire penis crand hisoam scrotum, and he
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had other neighboring injuries that made conventional reconstruction almost impossible for him. at the same time we started doina penis transplant, we had a great candidate, aeat person, and it made sense. >> nawaz: these types of transplants has been done before, but what made this one unique? >> there have been three prior penis transplants we know about, two in south africa, one in boston, and those we partial or complete penis transplants, but what makethis so unique is it involves the entire penis, the scroas um and part of his abdominal wall. when these soldiers sustain these type injuries, they get a big blast to the pelvis and lose a lot offish t shiewsm we were able to replace exactly what he had least with the donated tissue. >> brown: i was reading connecting artery, veins, nerves. he's expected to be releed from the hospital later this week.
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is the hospital of a return to urinary and sexual function? >> we are confident that he will be able to urinate like a person would and resume normal sexual function eventually. >> brown: what is his status now? >> he's in the hosp he's doing well. he's up walking. we're monitoring him for signs infection or rejection, none of which he has. we're sorting out his dications that he'll take for his immunepp sression. he's in good sports. >> brown: you mentioned immuness suppn. that's a big issue, whether the body would reject the ansplant? >> correct. >> brown: that means he'll have to go through therapy for along time, which goes to ethical issues raised here. t. rig five years ago, one of the common questions we would get is: how can you coider doing a penis transplant and placing a young man on immune know supression, but until you meet t one se guys, and you
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realize what they've given to w their countrt they've lost, it doesn't make sense, but when you meet them and sit down with them and talk with them, it all makes sense. you know it's the right thing to . one of the things we've done here is when we procured a graft from the donor, we also take the very teen ral column, the bones that make up the spine. we extract bone marrow and stem cells and infu that into our patient about two weeks after surgery. that allows us to redce pretty significantly the amount of immunosu on for the rest of his life. it's our plan to send him home noon three medications but only on one medication. >> brown: i gather tt other questions, ethical questions came up about the cost, about the necessity of something like this. the hospital covered the cost in this case.d how far ahee you and your colleagues thinking about this kind oref procehow routine it might become one day? >> well, you know, i thnk the
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thing that holds us back right now is the immunosupression. and i think as we do more of these and we're seeing this with hand transplants and face transplants, it will become more acceptable and considered lessnd experimentala little more mainstream. >> bror : and the donos not identified nor was his cause of death, but the famly issued a statement in praise and saying in his honor of what happened. explain what you know of that? >> i think the family has someon militaryections, and when they heard we were doing this on a soldier that gave so much for his country, i think it was a littleoasier for them to d it. because there haven't been many penis transplants done in the united st, it's a difficult ask when you approach the donor family. >>rown: and more tha 1,00 men in various cases like m this -- 1,3. can you see wider procedures? >> i can. i can see doing more of these in
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wounded warriors, servicemen that have been injured overseasl but even we'll expand toin ude people with other conditions, as well. the boston gnup did it o a patient that had removal of his penis for cancer. a lot ofmen with significant birth defects may benefit. as we get more experienced we'll expand. >> brown: dr. richard redett of the johns hopkins school of medicine, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> nawaz: facebook remains at the center of attention right now over conrns about data privacy and sharing. it's also been hit repeatedly for how it determines which content should be taken down off the platform; what's been allowed to stay up, and whher hateful content may have been used to incite violence against groups or people.y, toacebook disclosed for the first time how it makes
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those decisions. we've spent quite a bit of time exploring some of these concerns. tonight, john yang zeroes in on some of the specific challenges facing students, educators and schools. it's the focus of our weekly segment, "making the grade." >> yang: a dozens of topics that could lead to posts being taken down and users banned.ey nclude: hateful speech, graphic violence and terrorist propaganda; child nudity, sexual violence and sexual exploitation of children; depictions of crime as well as sales of firearms and drugs; and intentional or targeted buling and harassment. facebook acknowledges that context matters, and that some posts may not be clear cut. the company will create a new appeals process for challenging its decisions. all of this comes as schools wrestle wifa how they use book and what data is shared. ben herold is cors education technology for our partners, "education week." he joins us now from philadelphia.
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ben, thanks for being with us. let me ask first about these guidelines that facebook announced today. do these -- how do these help schools and students?jo >> welln, many of the problems and challenges you listed are things that schools have been dealingith for years, whether it's shooting threats oe cybr bullying, racist speech, hate speech. all of these social media challenges have been an issue for schools for some time. i think anything that a big platform like facebook can do to make its criteria for flagging and removing content clear and for making the process by which you report that content in ordel to get it downbe seen as a win by schools. >> nawaz:>> yng: let's turn to e other issue about data mining and which data is vulnerable. first, how do schools these days use facebook? >> i think schools in many ways are just like the rest of us. they view facebook as an essential part of modern life. it's a communications tool. they want to share good news
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th.ut the student mo or who won the big game, or if they have a crisis or tragedy and they ne i to getormation to the public, they turn to facebook to do it. i think what the recnent scadals and controversies surrounding facebook have done is started to raise a biser quetion. facebook is very interested in having this conversation focuse on how we use facebook, but what we're starting to see is privacy advocas here in the u.s. and regulators in other parts of the world starting to flip that and and say, how is facebook using us, what kinds of datya are the collecting from us, who are they sharing that information with, and hois it being used? >> yang: and to that point, irc know one resgroup, the national education policy center, deleted its facebook accounooand is urging s to do the same. how likely i that to hapen? >> we have not seus a bigh to delete accounts. again, i think facebook is seen as an integral, necessary tool by my schools and many users.
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privacy advocates suggest schools take basic steps and precaution, review their settings and privacy policies and try not to mandate at students use facebook to share homework or participate in an online cla discussion. and, you know, i think that it raises a bigger question and bigger challenge around the deal we all make with not facebook but other technology platforms that are such a big part of our life now, where basically the deal is they provide us with free onlinice se that millions of people put a tremendous amount of value on. in exchange, we give them a tremendous amount of personal information. for years think peole have distrusted the process that was in plates, that that wouldnd happent would be okay. some of the recent scandals and issues and challenges that have made headlines have started to o make schools aers say, hey, maybe we need to actually reckon with thisde original and say, is this worthwhile? >> yang: ben,t's not just schools worrying thaishts data being exposed, but it's also students' data being exposed. how does that affect how schools
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are approaching this? >> that's right. i think there are millions of teenage users or facebook, and for most part the company treats them in the same way that it treats adults, particularly when it comes to the types of data it collects from them that. n include everything that a student uploads from facebook to photos and posts and updates, yverything they like, egg t click on. facebook also knows what kind of phone you're using and when i you're usi. it can collect location data showing where you are and what kind of cell phowene trs and what kind of wifi access points are nearby. they can track our browsing history in many case, not only r facebook users, but for people who don't log into facebook or don't have a so there is a growing push within schools to try and do what they can to make sdents aware not just of their own practices, being good digitalyi citizens and t to be responsible with what they post to social media but understanding this broader context in which data is collected and shared and used for all manner of purposes by all kinds of parties in ways
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that are often invisible to us. i think the more both educateors and students and parents can understand that, the better off they'll be. >> nawaz: ben herold of education week, thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. op nawaz: and speaking of all these facebook devnts, tomorrow miles o'brien will begin a special series on the serious problems of false news and he'll start with an inside look from facebook itself, and e problems of stopping i >> nawaz: when a family from indiana created an instagram account for their bunny, few could have imagined its popularity would lead to writing a children's book, or that the book "marlon bundo's a day in the life of the vice president" would cause a cultural stir. but that's exactly what happened from the collaboration of the vice president's wife, karen pence and daughter, charlotte. judy woodruff recently sat down with them and began by asking
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charlotte about how ot started.t >>ally all started with marlon. when we moved to d.c., we got an instagram page for him after he got kind of popular in the press because they kind of liked that we had a bunny, a we wanted to do a children's book. so i thought, you know, it would be really cool to have my mom illustrate it, but also for it to bduancational book that teaches kids and parents and educators about the role of the vice president. >> woodruff: is that howyou envisioned this, mrs. pence? >> that's how it started. i always knew chard lotte wo an athunderstorm because she's been a storyteller since she could talk. so to be able to collaborate on her very firsbot publisheok was really a privilege. >> woodruff: so this was all about bidding up your husband's profile, teaching people about the role of the vice president. >> the role of a vi president. >> we actually talk about other vice presidents, too. we have a little bit in the about the bidens.
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>> woodruff: the book is about following youritather to the house and following him throughout his day. how often does marlon do at? >> well, it's a little bit fictionalized. he hasn't actually been to a couple of the place, but he has been to the eisenhower executive office building where marlon goes with my dad in the book some he has been there for an event with military families. but he has not been all over the white house yet >> woodruff: as understand it, he's your bunny,. >> right. >> woodruff: but you're in california. so you lefhim in the custody of your parents? >> he was with me in college for four years, and when i proved, we had him stay in d.c.c sine he's the botus, so he has official duties in d.c. >> woodruff: as both of you know, there is already another book out there b the comedian john oliver about another bub named marlon bundo, but this bunny has a life of its ow
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leats let's hear a clip of john oliver. >> our story is about marlon bonn doe falng in love with another boy rabbit because marlon bundo is guy. >> how did you take john oliver trolling your father as looking at your father's view for guy rights? >> i saw it that we have two bunny books ving money to charity. i am proud of the book we put out. it's educational. eat fun. it's supposed to be for everybody. and, you know, our books are also giving a portion of the proceeds the charity. >> woodruff: do you share your dad's views? >> i'm not going to talk about my political views, but we have animated debates in our house and we all have our own opinion, but i think it's important to kind of come together and i think that our book really brings people together. >> woodruff: mrs. pence, you have said you want to direct the proceeds of the book to art therapy, which is something you have spent a lot of time doing.
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tell us out that? >> well, i chose organizations where i'm on the board. tracy's kids is for children with cance, and they're ones who first exposed me to what art therapy is in006. and the other one is riley thildren's hospital in indianapolis, an have an art therapy program there, as well. >> woodruff: charlotte, you directedded the proceeds to human trafficking. why did you choose that area? >> a lot of people don'sst neily realize it's also a big problem in the united states. th they do a lot of awesome work to reach out toe people. >> woodruff: mrs. pence, one ouof the other causes have been interested in has to do with military families. of course, your own son, charlotte's brother michael is in the marines. >> uh-huh. >> woodruff: i think you said in an interview, you said from observing his wife, sarah, your daughter-in-law, you have learned more about what military families are going through. can you expand on that? >> my office is doing a lot of research right now working wit
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some other agencies to see how we can help military spouses ans fami it's a difficult life. and so we're looking to see if there are thiweng can bring awareness to that maybe can help their plight a little bit. >> woodruff: your son is an active marine right now at a time when th united states is involved in figuring out its role in a number of conlicts around the world. how does that affect your life? >> you know, it's inntere whn people went into the marines, it just seemed the right thing to me.s thisere he's supposed to be. i see these members of thd military, t seems like it's a calling. and hebsolutely loves being marine. >> woodruff: i do want to come back to the book, because it describes a typical day in the life of the bunny of the united states, botus. and yet we're in the middle of a presidency that's anything but typical. it's not even comparable to the time you were in washington when your husband was serving in
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congress, is it? >> when you're in politics, this is part of it. i mean, you know, charlotte and i were joking earlier, we said, this really is the day in the life of a vice president. you always have conflicts wh you go back in history. so i think that's part of it wet like to say th what freedom looks like, when people have a chance to disagree and you get both sides talking. so i think that's a good thing about a demcracy. >> woodruff: charlotte, do you see this experience as being vice president and second lady of the united states change your parents in some way? what do you see about them? >> for us it's always been -- this is my dad's b or my mom's role. it's not -- i mea, we're the same as we were before and we'll be the same after. cl're a verse, tight-knit family. i think we've all gott a lot closer through this. >> woodruff: mrs. karen penc second lady of the united states, charlotte pence, author t the book "marlon bundo's a
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day in the life vice president." thank you very much for copping in. >> thanks, judy. >> nawazand that's the newshour for tonight. i'm amna nawaz. join us online and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. >> the ford foundation. working with visionaines on the fres of social change worldwide. >> carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security. at
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>> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. >> this program was made possible by thcorporation for blic broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioneacby mediss group at wgbh
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enrosenthal: look out, people. it's romance time. bonsoir! it'styot just the beauf paris that keeps calling me back. i get direct calls from pastries... - it's a bombe de vanille, it's a vanilla bomb. rosenthal: and chickens. to you and to chicken. there are still great chefs i haven't met yet. yeah! and lots of food that hasn't met me. cheers! g so let's it's all next on... it does not disappoint. there were thiows i never tasted g up, like food with any flavor. in our house, when i went into the real world, i was like a man coming out of the desert. then i started writing comedy and traveling to other lands to t.
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