tv PBS News Hour PBS May 18, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc d >> woodruff: gening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight:ot yet r school shooting, this time in texas. ten people, mostly students, are murdered at a high school near galveston. a 17-year-old is in custody for opening fire on his classmates. then, we continue our look inside yemen. tonight: howhe country's children are carrying the effects of war, from declining education, to their health. and, it's friday. mark shields and david brooks discuss president trump's new regulations banning abortion services, and the deadly aftermath of the u.s. embassy move to jerusalem. plus, the wedding bell economy. how the upcoming royal marriage is generating over a billion .ollars in sales for local british businesses e>> retail is a very emot sector.
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it relies on our emotions and our wants and our feel-good factor. so what the yal wedding does is create feel-good. >> woodruff: all that and more, on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> consumer cellular understands that not everyone needs an unlimited wireless plan. our u.s.-based customer service reps can help you choose a plan based on how much you use your phone, nothing more, nothing less. to learn more, go to >> babbel. a lauage app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language. >> financial services firm raymond james. >> leidos.or
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>> the fd foundation. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change gorldwide. >> and with the g support of these institus ons: and frie the newshour. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers likyou. thank you. >> woodruff: in southeastern texas today, in what seems to be an all-too-familiar pattern, students, teachers and parents went through the agony of a school shooting.
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at least ten people have died, mostly students, ten more were wounded, and a 17-year-old suspect is being held on a capitol murder charge. just as the day was getting underway, reports of gunshots at a high school in a mostly rurald area just ouof galveston. >> what's going through your mind, to know that this happened at santa fe high school? >> i don't know. i don't i way to-- i was thinking it was going to happen eventually. it's been happening everywhere.r >> woof: multiple fatalities wire reported after several rounds were fired what officials said was the suspect's 's shotgun and .38 calib revolver. >> i shouldn't be going through this. 's my school. like, this is my daily life. i shouldn't have to feel like that. i'm too scared to go back.
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>> woodruff: texas governor greg abbott said there was one person in custody, and media reports identified him as 17-year old dimitrios pagourtziz. h >> he gaself up and tomitted that at the time he didn't have couragommit suicide. he wanted to take his own life earlier. >> woodruff: he added there we two other persons of interest being interviewed. police also found expl devices at the school and nearby. f>> because of the threat these explosive items, community members should be on the lookout for any suspicious items and anything that looks out of plac >> woodruff: in washington,
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president trump said he was moniring the situation and i touch with governor abbott. >> to the students, families, teachers and personnel at santa fe high: we're with you in this tragic hour, and we will be with you forever. >> woodruff: the state's lieutenant governocalled on parents to lock away their guns, while the governor said he wants to see new gun laws: >> beginning immediately, i'm going to be working wi legislature and communities across texas. >> woodruff: the shooting comes as students were planning to celebrate graduation at that school this weekend, and jusths three mofter the deadly shooting at marjorie stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida. gail delaughter is with pbs station houston public media, and she is in alvin, texas. gayle, tell us what is knownt t this pointe shooter. any motive? >> well, what seems to be shaping up at this point is a portrait of an alienated young man. when we first got to earlier today, we talked to a
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father and son, the son kn te accused shooter well, and the first thing he talked about was a blk trench coat he used to wear to school. it's very, very hot here inn housght now, but this was just sort of his trademark, thi blench coat. he tells us about what happened this morning. he saw the young man in the trench coat, heard the shots ri out and students started running from the school at this point. they're findin writings this young man left behind. he gave himself up to police and inere was some expectation he >>uld die these circumstances himself. oodruff: gail, the the reporting is he was using his father's is that correct? >> where we are right now in alvin, they have the s neighborholed off and they're trying to search the home to find more information about the weapons usedbut that d the information that we're getting that he ho weapons that were owned by his father. >> woodruff: and, gail, i knowu re there earlier today when the families were being
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reunited with thereir chi tell us about that scene. >> well, we talked to one fathe and sond they told us about some episodes of bullying, they believe, that were going on at the school. it just seemed a lot of frustration on the father's part because he had known of bullying episode and he wasin wondif this was what was going on in this young man's life. but we heard people crying, there was relief, some of the students were able to get to the school to be reunited with their parents, other students were on lockdown. i ts watching as some of parents were going in. they were crying, on their, phonesrvous, just the emotions you would expect when you get the phone call that the unimaginable has happened and you finallget to hold your child again. >> woodruff: well, we know texas is a state where gun rights are respected, a majoritu of peopleport the right to carry arms. thy sense, gail, given what the governor said toda he wants to get people together to look at the laws of wat may
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come next? >> it seems to be at a point no ere is going to have to be some sort of conversation.ti it's inter to see at this point what kind of mobilization we're going to see from the students at santa fe high school, if it's going t be similar to the situation in florida. there were protests at the school along with the natnwide effort after the parkland shooting and one of the studes said, you know, i felt like this was something that was going tor happen long time, i just had a bad feel and, when it did happen, i was scared but i wasn't shocked. >> woodruff: so no real sense of how acive these students may be in the days to come? >> well, school is almost out for the year. this happened when kids were getting ready for commencement and their end-of-school activities. they're going to be out of school soon. it remains to be seen how the school district is going to act, are they going to cancel the rest of the school year, ar they going to move forward with
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classes. so there's a lot of questions at this point. i think everyone is just in the process of dealing with theirio em right now. it is a small community. you have ten people dead. i'm sure a loft people in this areare going to -- a lot of people in this area will be affected by this oreonow som or a family. so that's what's happening at this point, dealing with th emotions, and then from this point on, we'll see what kind of activism comes forward as a result of this. >> woodruff: certainly understandable. gail delaughter with houston public media. we thank you. >> thank you judy. >> woodruff: in the day's other news, a cuban passenger plane crashed shortly after takeoff today, killing over 100 people on board. state media reported that the three survivors were in critical condition. the boeing 737 was headed towaty the eastern f holguin, when it plummeted into a field just outside havana. cuba's president visited the scene and said officials would investigate the cause.
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back in this country, in a rebuke to president trump and g.o.p. leaders, a massive farm funding bill failed to pass the u.s. house of reprentatives. conservative republicans withheld their votes while they seek to gain levere in a separate fight with moderate republicans over immigration. far-right freedom caucus members have told g.o.p. leadership, they will not support te farm bill until they get a vote on a conservative immigration bill. a re-vote could come as soon as next week. president trump is pushing congress to approve bipartisan legislation aimed at reforming america's prisons. at a white house meeting today, mr. trump said he supported measures to reduce recidivism rates, and give former inmates "a second chance." topeka sam, a former prisoner herself, described some of the challenges incarcerated women face. >> women are victimized and traumatized, over and over again. you know, we've experienced sexual violence and abuse, and
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hathen we're subjected to ving male guards watch us undress, just because they want to. women who have children have to decide whether or not they're going to call their children at home, or buyoothpaste. and how do you expect the country-- how do you expect the children not to be id, in a way, when these things are happening? >> woodruff: the president's son-in-law, jared kushner, is spear-heading a prison reform bill making its way through congress. several prominent democrats on capitol hill oppose the legislation, because it lves out what they say is critical ountencing reform. kushner was asked those concerns at today's meeting. >> my observation was that the reason why this thing was stuck was because of the sentencing isform. so, we as an admation said, let's focus on the prison reform. if we can start showing that we the prisons more purposeful and more effective at lowering the recidivism rateim over then that may help the people who are trying to make the argument for these encing reform. >> woodruff: at the same event, president trump announced e s
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nomi run the department of veterans affairs: robert wilkie, currently its acting secretary. wilkie took over after the president fired his predecessor, drew shulkin, in march. president trump has also nominated navy admiral harry harris to be the ambassador to south korea. harris currently heads the u.s. pacific commt'd. the presideconomic adviser says the u.s. and china are urking progress during trade talks at the tre but there's no deal yet. larry kudlow said that china had agreed to increase its purchases of american products by $200 billion annually. earlier day, china denied it made such an offer. s a new repos that president trump pressured the head of the u.s. postal service to double shipping rates for online retail giant amazon. according to the "washington," pohe postmaster general has so far resisted the demands. mr. trump has accused amazon,
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and its owner jeff bezos, of king advantage of the post office, and operating as a tax shelter. in the democratic repuf congo, the world health organization says the risk of ebola is now "very high" but not yet a global health emergency. it has rushed more than 4,000 vaccine doses to the country, and plans to begistn admiing them by sunday. officials are racingo contain the virus after three new ses were reported in a major city yesterday. 25 people have died so far. chile's 34 bishops offered their regnation to pope francis today, a mass "mea culpa" for the church's handling of child sex abuse allegations.t it was the culon of four days of meetings at the vatican discussing how the church can chart a path forward after the scandal. pope francis has said that the chilean church is collectively responsible for "grave defects" in covering up child abuse by a
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priest. >> ( translated ): but most of all, we want to ask for forgiveness for the suffering w causede victims, to the pope, to the people of god and to the count for our serious errors and omissions. >> woodruff: the pope has not said whether he will accept the resignations. in the u.k., former russian spy sergei skripal has left the hospital where he has been recovering from a nerve agent attack. officials said skripal would .ontinue recuperating in an undisclosed locati the u.k. blames russia for the march poisoning that left the double-agent and his daughter critical condition. moscow denies the charge.od on wall street, the dow jones industrial average gained one point to close at 24,715. the nasdaq fell 28 points, and the s&p 500 fell seven. for the week, the dow lost the fell 1%. and the s&p 500 dropped 0.5%. still to come on the newshour: a proposal to ban federal funding for clinics that refer
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women for abortions. insi yemen: children bearing the weight, and scars, of war. ma shields and david brook analyze the week's news. and, the economics behind britain's yal wedding. >> woodruff: the trump ministration announced a plan that would strip planned parenthood and other family planning clinics of key feder funds for other services, if they provide abortion services or even referrals. we are going to break down the new regulations in a moment. as yamiche alcindor reports, it is a long-sought victory for many republicans. democrats and reproductive rights groups are warning of serious health consequences. >> stop murdering your baby! >> reporter: over the years, women have often faced challenges when trying to obtain
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a legal abortion. today, the trump administration proposed a new rule thatoul make it en harder for women looking for abortion services. clinics who receive federal funding for family planning will no longer be mandated to tell women about abortion as an option, and they will not be able to refer women to specific clinics for abortions, a change from current policy. on top of that, the buildings where abortions are performedly must be compleeparate from other women's health services. for clinics that provide abortions or referral services, like planned parenthood, that could mean no federal funding for those facilities. social conservatives praised the move. president trump has had his sights set on deunding planned parenthood since his time on the campaign trail. >> we're not going to allow, and we're not going to fund, as long as you have the abortion going on at planned parenthood. and we understand that, and i've said it loud and clear. >> reporter: currently, under what's known as title x legislation, family planng programs receive $286 million annually from the federal
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government. planned parenthood gets about $50 to $60 million a year-- and no of that goes to pay fo abortions. those are funded through private contributions. planned parenthood executive vice president dawn laguens called the move "a far-reaching attack and attempt to take awayh women's basic and reproductive rights. period." during the reagan era, a controversial rule went even further, barring family planning clinics from discussing abortion as an tion. >> i call america-- a good nation, a moral people-- to charitable but realistic consideration of the terrible cost of abortion on demand. let us unite as a nation and protect the unborn with legislation that would stop all federal funding for abortion. >> reporter: abortion rights supporters callegad it a "g rule," and even though it never went into effect as written, the supreme court ruled it was an appropriate use of executive power.
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it stayed on the books through geor h.w. bush's presidency, but just one day after being inaugurated in 1993, president bill clinton rescinded the rule. for the pbs newshour, i'm yamiche alcindor. >> woodruff: to help us break this all down a little further, we are joined byjulie rovner of kaiser health news. she has long covered the battles over abortion, familylanning and related issues julie, welcome back. >> thanks for having me. >> woodruff: so lay out for us what would change und these new rules. what's different from the way the law works rig now? > well, the way the law works right now, women with unintended pregnancies in fedal family planning clinics are required to be counseled on all their options whether to have theby where to get prenatal care, whether to give the baby up for adoption or whether to termate the pregnancy and hve an abortion and they are to ber referred abortion if they're
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in a place that doesn't do it. they said this rule lrepeal the requirement that women will be counseled on all their options. it won't go as tbar as the reagan era rule that said you couldn't even mention aortion. >>ey're saying there is no gag rule. oodruff: as of now, providers are required to tell women these are your options ans to them here's where you can go if you choose to get thos service ; is that right? >> yes, and that is a problem for some people who wish to become providers. >> woodruff: the change would be the person providing healthcare services could still say, here's your options, but they can't go any further,. e that's right. if the woman we say, i understand abortion is legal, e,ere could i go to get o they would not be permitted to tell her. when theuff: so administration, the white house is saying today this is not a reg rule, they're saying we' not going as far as president ronald reagan did, but the critics of this, the folks who
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support abortion rights areyi , but, if you can't give a woman that information, then you're essentially denying her the ability to move forward. >> yeah, it's a semantic argument. but basically, this is, you know, a broadeattempt to evict planned parenthood from the federal family planning program have many previous attempts. >> woodruff: let's talk about, julie, who is served by these clinics, whether planned parenthood or other family clinics. ostly low-income who are served? >> mostly youngs women, motly women, though 11% are men, which is up significantly. this is men going for their own contraception or s.t.d. testing and screening. but they are mostly younger women in teens and 20s and mostly low-income women. so i think two-thirds f people who access title 10 have incomes
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under federal povty line and something like 88% have in1 coms d a half times under the poverty line. >> woodruff: wou the federal funding change? >> not under these rules. the idea is they would take the money away from orgatanization lso provide abortion, i.e. planned parenthood, and give it ao other facilities. >> woodruff: youd this is a semantic disagreement, but it means -- >> well, the semantic disagreement over whether there's a gag rule. >> woodruff: but this is a significant disagreement or change in the eyes of plannedth parenthood ands who support these clinics and their ability to refer wmen for abortion. >> oh, absolutely. this is intended to be a largean . it is intended to, you know, kick out not just planned parenthood from the federal family planning program but anyr otheganization that provides both family planning and abortion services or that basically believes in abortion
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as a legal right. >> woodruff: you were telling me, julie, what happened today is the administration, th white house basically sent a document to th office of management and budget. this hasn't actually been enacted yet. >> it hasn't even been propos yet. it's going through the regulatory process, and the first part is a proposed rule. but before they can put out the proposed rule, they have to send it to the office of management and budget, and that's what happened today. we've seen summaries of what we were told is i it bt we haven't actually seen the rule yet. >> woodruff: do opponent critics have theility now to affect whether this happens or not? >> once the rule i published there will be a comme period and planned parenthood said they will submit many comments as will the other side. it coulde changed before it's made final. that did happen sometimes. hard to know whether it would a changed in athat planned parenthood would like. >> woodruff: but, cleearly, trump administration is determined to see this through. romise theis is a
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president made on a campaign trail and he's been urged verngy st over the last couple of months, when congress was unable to defund planned parenthood, he's been urged to go back to this rule that was fought about duri the reagan and bush one administraons up held by the supreme court in 1991, they presumably have the legal right to do it they're announcing they are going to do it, they just haven't quite done it yet. >> woodruff: we know abortion rates this country have been dropping, but the consequence of this, if it goes through, will mainly be to say to low-income bwomen there will not e the information provided in these clinics, if you want to know where to getn abrtion. >> the question is where the women will go for nonboion services, that's what this pays for, and whether there will be enough places, community health other clinics that will be able to make up the difference. >> woodruff: julie rovner wih kaiser health news, we thank
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you. >> you're welcome. >> woodruff: now,we return to our series, "inside yemen." in our first two installments, we drew the outlines of this conflict and how the war has forced this already-impoverished nation into collapse, with millions of civilians in dire need of humanitarian assistance. tonight, we meet and hear from the youngest and smallest victims, who bear thweight and scars of war, all the while trying to remain who they are: children. again in partnship with the pulitzer center on crisis reporting, speal correspondent rcia biggs reports. >> reporter: this is tne all over the southern port city of aden: srs that have not healed, from a war that will not end. eace ofid the relative aden today, neighborhoods sit frozen in wartime. >> "we had my room just over there," 18-year-old moawad tells
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as. his neighborhoodround zero in a battle between yemen's government and houthi rebels back in 2015. his home is still a pile oflu rubble, but ckily, he and his family were not home when the missile hit. but imad was not so lucky. he was just fe years old when his home was hit. he lost both his legs, but notir his sp. now eight years old, he's one of manyhildren being fitted with prosthetic limbs here at the prosthesis and physical therapy center in aden. but, he prefers to bound around on his hands. "i'm strong," he tells me, "and first in my class." then he sings me to me, his version of a saudi pop song playing on the >> when i se playing andsm ing, they missing limb, but still are smiling. really, they giving me support.r i'm ng from them. >> reporter: samah mohammed is
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his prosthetics and orthotics technician. she and her team build prosthetics here in house. but without access to new technology, their materials are rudimentary, old andh eavy. so, says, some of the prosthetics are barely functional, primarily cosmetic. th>> these are imad's prosics. they're very heavy. they weigh about ten pounds. that's a lot for an eight-year- old kid to have to carry around, much less learn how to walk with. understand why he doesn't want to wear them. are the new prosthetics,re they lighter than this? >> yes. mp reporter: and for a child like imad, whose aation left so little of his thigh, the prosthetic has to be locked at the knee, which means he can't bend it at will. walking is cumbersome and painful. he's had this pair of prosthetics for two years, andta he doesn't eve them home. he's exhausted after only a few moments. "these aren't my legs," he say "they're too heavy." for his mother, it's almost too much to bear.
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"no mother in the world wants to see her son in this condition. no mother hopes this for her son. but this is my fate, and i say thanks to god." in neighborhood after neighborhood, we saw the most vulnerable victims of yemen civil war. no million children in ye are suffering from severe acuten rition, which means they are on the brink of starvation. and for those not fighor their lives, the bleakness of everyday life in yemen becomes their biggest obstacle. out of the seven million school- aged children in yemen, fo n million are d of some assistance. >> of that foumillion, two million are completely out of school. >> reporter: that'tealmost a quarr of school-age children here in yemen.>> nfortunately, yeah. >> reporter: jamie graves is the field manager for southern yemen's branch of save the children, which supports temporary schools. >> 2 schools have been destroyed in the country, and another several hundred have
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been damaged. teachers are not getting paid by the government because the government is using its resources or it's-- for its war effort, and there's a x base to begin with. so you really have very little infrastructure services or human capital, as in teachers delivering education. >> reporter: thiis the rubble of an elementary school. it was bombed in it's beee years, and no one's rebuilt it. olnow, the kids go to schonth e tents. the principal says they're choking from the sand, and the heat is unbearable. but he says enrollment never changed. against all odds, they still show up. what do you want to be when you grow up? "i want to be a doctor," this fourth grader in a girls classroom tells me. "no, i want to be a teacher," another one chimes in. little khafitha wanted to practice her english. she had learned how to say "i love you" from television an aske my name. >> reporter: marcia. >> i love you, marcia. >> reporter: i love you, khafitha. >> i love you, marcia.
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( laughter ) >> reporter: when i asked the a rls about their classes, they said this isn't al school. sometimes the wind knocks over the tent., and as we leftey had but one message for us. "we want the school, we want the school," they chanted. one little girl said, "mitbe when you vs next year, we will have a real school again." but for the two million who i arenschool at all, options are even more limited. many are forced into early marriage, often for ec reasons. 14-year-old gamaa quit school last year, after her father died and her mother couldn't support. and two months ago, she married 16-year-old abdulrahman. at first, she would barely speak. then we asked the men to leave the room, so that we could talk more intimately. t i loved everything abou school: writing, reading, seeing my friends. but many days, i would go to school without food, and i'd see everyone eating. hateachers asked for moneyi didn't have. ou i had to drop out of school.
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>> reporter: dideel like if you got married you could help your family? >> ( translated ): yes, i thought that. i thout that if i left, maybe itwill help. but then i discovered that my husband doesn't have a job. >> reporter: a cruel irony, gamaa says, that while her new husband is kind, his family is just as poor as hers. do you wish you hadn't gotten married? >> ( translated ): yes, sometimes when i feel down, i think that. it's even worse for them now. my mom goes to work begging. my siblings stay hungry until she comes at night. one day she brings food, the other day she doesn't. >> reporter: do yowish you could be back in school? >> ( translated ): yes, but he won't let me. i know my husband. >> reporter: but here on the other side of town, it's a very different reality. these five childhood friends all graduated from university with engineering degrees. now, they want to bring their country back from the brink, one hand at a time.
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along with two other friends, mohammed, malek, mohammed, and shraf they make prosthetic hands using a 3d printer. so this is it. mohammed ordered the printer from china, and waited a month for it to arrive.go they'v through six different prototypes, running the printer day and night at his family's home. it's an arduous process in a country with failing infrastructure. >> sometimes the olectricity go while printing, but thankfully, the house, we switch off everything but the printer, so let it finish. >> reporter: so the whole familf is ditely sacrificing. >> sacrificing and suffering th me. even they are scared, "oh, the electricity is off, see if the printer is running or not." scary moments for sure. >> reporter: but they are invested. so far they have only mastered hand but they say they have big plans and owe it all to an american entrepreneur called john schull, who co-foundedut enabling thee, which shares prosthetic designs openly for those in need. >> it's not acally us. we give the hands to the
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amputees in yemen. who gave the hand is the guy who made this an open source. if it wasn't for open source, it wouldn't never reach aden, maybe any other country-- a third world country. >> reporter: at this stage, only six people have received their new prosthetic hands, and ali is one of them. he's just 15 yearsld, but he lost his hand last year, fighting on the front line, like so my boys his age on both sides of the conflict. he says he choseavo do this to enge houthi invaders. >> ( translated ): two of my friends died, and the other had his leg broken.d they dcause the missile fall near them. >> reporter: you lost a hand and you lost your friends? >> yes, i still feel sad about them till today. >> reporter: does the new hand help a little? >> yes. >> reporter: ali says he wants someday to be a doctor or a pilot, and dreams of travel. and the young men who gave him his new hand say it's their calling to give back to those
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wo have suffered during the war, and to show tld what yemenis can do. >> we hope that everyone seesve that whetechnology is new, something can happen here in yemen. you can ing it, you can deal with it. it's not this that we are lower than the whole world. no, we can do anything. >> reporter: but back at the prosthesis center, imad heads homeith his mom and sister, leaving his heavy prosthetics behind. and until those young gineers can produce better ones, his life is confined ta wheelchair, waiting and hoping for a better life. for the pbs newshour, i'm marcia biggs in aden, yen. >> woodruff: amazing story.wh young imad you saw in the story, and other children like him, were helped in a clinic supported by unicef, but the u.n. children's agency has temporarily suspended that program while it searches for better prosthetics to help the children. and on pbs newshour weekend, marcia bgs' reporting from
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yemen continues. tomorrow, food being used as a weapon of war. >> woodruff: now, back to political developments, both here in the states and beyond, with t analysis of shields and brooks. that is syndicated columnist markhields, and "new york times" columnist david brooks. welcome, gentlemen, re haven't all been together in a little while. it's great to see you. let's start, mark, with the story we led off as a segment earlier and that is administration moving to close down, essentially, close funding for clinics that either provide abortion services or refer women to clinics that do. it's the early phases of this, but it's something te trump administration seems determined to do. >> determined, judy, to make a political issue out of.
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i think that donald trump, if i'm not recalling correctly as a contestant, made the issuing of executive orders by barack obamh sog noxious, pernicious and to be avoided. that is when obma did issue executive orders, obviously. we had republicans controlling both houses of congress. donald trump has both houses,of ngress in his party. he tried and republicans did unsuccessfully in their attempts toeepeal and rplace the affordable care act to defund completely planned parenthood and to achieve these objectives. now he's moving -- all of these occurrences, i hnde to sou cynical, happened to occur in the election year, not siply with president obama but it did with president clinton, with president obama, with president trump, it did with president bush and it began with president reagan. the one rson who had clean political hands in this was richard nixon who, in 1971,
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invoked title 10 to provide healthcare and to provide family anning advice to poor women who couldn't afford it. >> woodruff: so it's become a political football, is that what we're talking about here? >> i'm not sure i totally agree with that. the election year has obvious political benefits for each party's base, but fr ronald reagan i believe it's a sincere belief taxpayers should not be paying for abortion. for bill clinton, i'm sure it's a sincere belief. i'm not sure where donald trump rtands in his heaf heart on this issue. i know he made a deal with conservatives that you're going to have to put up with lies and payos to adult film actresses but i will give you policy victories. this is a policy victory they've wanted for a long time and donald trump is handing it to them. so a lot of social conservatives who are willing to swallow his
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personal favors argoing to feel vindicated this is a deal worth making. i don't aghee, but iink social conservatives will say i yewe get wins for this for the good of the country andth humanity're willing to swallow a lot from donald trump. >> i'm not questioning the sinceraly of involved or they motives but i think there is a strong political eleitnt to it an has to be noted planned parenthood while it provid cancer screening a also healthcare, it does provide 330,000 abortions a year. so it's a major element in abortion providing. >> this tradeoff here planned parentho which does a lot of all sorts of health stuff also does the abortions. >> woodruff: an array of services. >> they you're a social conservative, you get what you want on the abortion, it's going to be harder to getbanortion and some will be less funding. in places where they've done this avend we'ow seen what happens when you do this, when you take people away fr planned parenthood, you see a
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sharp rise in pregnancies because cotraception isn't prescribed as much, you see deleterious health benefits on that side. on the plus side, people who want an abortion will ve to pay for it and on the other side negative health effects. >> woodruff: it is seen as maybe a favor to anther group of conservatives was the decision to move the u.s. erusalem.n israel to it was a big opening ceremony a few days ago followed by hugen protestse west bank, hundreds of people, youngeople including children were killed,o and, i think the question there is we know the administration -- the president says he believes this was the right move, he talked about it during the campaig but is the scene that followed in the west
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bank potentially going to undo any gain that he gets by moving the embassy? >> i'm not surk e. i the gains primarily, judy, are with the evangelical community in the united states who are strongly supportive. ehe had as the provider of the benediction at the ceremony aiverend john hagee, a man who john mccrepudiated his endorsement in 2008, after it was revealed he called the catholic church the core ofd babylon ccused the catholics of colluding with adolph hitler to exterminate jews, but he's right on the defense of israel and, you know, the supre zionist, thefore, they overlook to the point where it's a toal embarrassment he was involved in this ceremony. that aside, the political benefits to bibi netanyahu are
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obvious. it shores him up politically at home. anytime there's a threat to estiniansom the pal along gaza or anyplace else, it strengths the conrvative party. that happens in any country and i think the fact that donald trump had, in that american delegation no democrats, many of whom supported his moving the embassy to jerusalem and the only civilians he had were mr. and mrs. sheldon aidleson, the fllionaire benefactor donald trump and republicans and israel.ssman in i mean, to me, it was so transparent as a move, ind think it weakens the unitedat as any potential aent, coordinator of any sort of peaceful effort there.
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>> woodruff: how do you seeth political capitol? >> i thinkt's the right moe. jerusalem is the political capitol. it's the capitol of israel and every nation gets to pick where their capitol is. it doesn't buy us fuure negotiations because everything will be in west jerusalem which is always gog to be israel. presumably we'll get a two-state whenever that comes, the palestinian capitol will be in east jerusalem and they will ylit the city some wa. i think it's an honest statement of where the capitol is and we should be uashamed of that. as for the hag eeverything, i agree they did it in the worst possible way.v they could he gotten concessions out of israel in exchange for this move, the't diry to do that. as for what happened in gaza, i think one of the things we've seen, it was relatively quiet on west bank -- >> woodruff: you're right. i said west bak, i meant -- >> on gaa.
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to me, is the prblem 1967 or 1948? for the palestinian authority, traditionally 1967 has been the problero get israel tl back to the '67 borders and we will have peace. for hamas 1948 is the, probl the existence of israel itself. the final thing be said is that hamas started announcing what happened on the fence there in march. the israeli military had months to prepare and months to take most of the people who are coming across the fence and figure out a way tot no shoot them. they took noffort to do that. so that is to their debt and is an insult to a government that's gotten less clever and franklyre allous. >> woodruff: our reporter jane s nrg t hinboys tehere and the ones who survived, who didn't diebehad shot most of them below the
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knee, she said, so they couldn't -- >> to use nonlethaleans and is an indictment, no question. >> i just put it on the pler the troops that are there and full disclosure my son formerly served in the i.d.,'s back in the u.s. now, but there were actual armed terrorists in the group and they were trying to pick out the terrorists from the nonterrorists. they were in a tough situation with 40,000 people coming at them. the planning what i ult. >> one political point here, judy, and that is that donald trump, it's pretty clear what he's doing. i disagree with david on the timing or the logic of moving the embassy at this time, butdo ld trump is playing domestic politics here. >> woodruff: catering to the evangelicals? >> catering here in this h country and in the worst possible way. >> woodruff: an anniverthry week. we've only get a couple of minutes left, but, david, robert
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mueller started his russia investigation a year ago this week.we where arfter a year? it's all been behind closed doors. we've seen indictments, some pleas. policwhere does it stand? >> it's a pretty broad-ranging investigation, a lotrty businesses and guilty pleas, already, a lot of people brought under indictment. so it's a real investigation investigating what looks like real crimes.e as for t collusion charge we know there were many more meetings between the tru people and russians than we thought before. there was a meeting trump tower, so there's clearly more smoke there than we knew before a year what w't have is actarl ess of real collusion on the part of the president ufmself. >> woo we know he may be pursuing other charges as well. >> right. >> woodruff: mark. hat we do know, judy, is that the senate intelligence committee isomposed of
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grownups and led by senators who deserve credit. the house intelligence committee is ledy outgeous adolescents who are about as deep as a birdbath. same time, i think what we learned is the defense of donald trump led by himself and rudy giuliani is to savage and torment, denigrate, vilify and libel bob mueller. bob mueller happens to be an american who turned down an eight-figure income to be a major corporate lawyer d, instead, became a public servant. he's a man who volunteered and carries the wounds of battle from being a marine patoon leader in vietnam. he is a public servant. he has not said a word, he h not given an interview. he has nod leaked to anybody, and he stands vilified by trump and giuliani and thehir coorts
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and outriders. it is indefensible and they areh trying to exac same damage on the justice department, the f.b.i. and this country joe mccart t did state department which never fullyve red from his libelous attacks. >> i think if trump fired mueller tomorrow the republican party would back hime theyne thousands of surveys and investigations about mueller as a political operati operative. >> he's just one republican. >> woodruff: but they've worked hard to unermine the integrity of his investigation. gentlemen, thank you. david brooks, mark shields. >> thanks, judy. woodruff: thank you. >> woodruff: you have no doubt heard a word or two this week about a small get-togethern tomorrow old castle
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outside london. well, for many in post-brexit britain, the pomp and pageantry of the royal wedding that willce unite prarry and the american actress meghan markle is a reassuring balm in uncertain times. and, for an economy that could use a boost, it is looking like the wedding, and the industry built around it, could be worth a princely sum. so we sent our europe-based economics and garden partyal correspondent,lm brabant, to windsor on this hardship assignment. >> reporter: in classsedre britain, t is no greater social cache than having one's fah. emblazoned across kitsc if meghan markle ever doubts her newfound status, confirmation comes from plastic bags, tea towels, commemorative plates and mugs... ..and the smile on the face of shopkeeper malkit singh aujla. >> thank you very ody getting ready for wedding. >> we've got a little bell. tom likes bells. it's nice to keep. >> things are going very great now. it's more than what we were
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expecting. all the wedding stuff is going like hot cakes. >> bye, have a good day. >> and you. >> reporter: the memorabilia takes on a slightly more expensive hue further along the street oppite windsor castle. what's consistent is the enthusiasm. shop assistant alice cairns: >> it's a big deal very few people are untouched by the wedding. it feels very special. ere's a huge buzz. we've been talking about it for months, really. people are flooding in. we've sold out of loads of products. we've sold out of all our china range. also, people with houses overlooking the procession onute, they're putting the airbnb or and making thousands with that. >> reporter: in common with other windsor folk, hotel concierge tom felmingham has become a wedding economy analyst. he revealed that there's been some price gouging, or what his bosses might prefer to describe as an application of the laws of supply and demand. >> we've got three or four big hotels in windsor, obviously vying for the room sales. some of these rooms are going
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for thounds of pounds a night. and originally, they're like, 100 or 200 pounds. yeah, so is a massive increase on us, on the business and everything. so it's ally booming because of it and it's a really happy occasion. >> reporter: outsidehe castle where the wedding will take place, some visitors from ohio wereaught up in the good vibrations. >> i'm just buying some memorabilia, but i think it's a laally exciting time for e dali and it's history being made, and i happen to like meghan markle. it does give me pride, but it's not just because she's from an african american background. but she represents the people. period. americans and, i assume, british as well. >> reporter: but markle's social elevation is regarded differently 30 miles from windsor, in brixton, a district of london whose residents have a predominantly afro caribbean heritage. jackie otimpong is teacher.
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>> i would say it's a breakthrough in life, becauseat ths the highest place anyrs black could ever get to, when it comes to it wouldn't a thing. >> reporter: because? >> because they are in our world, and ware in our world. there is not going to be a crossfire. they wl be there. we will always look up to them. and we will always be in brixton doing our local thing. in their world, it's a perfect world. in our world, we are struggling. >> reporter: afterritain's decision to leave the european union, the government has been using the royal family to bolster the nation's image as distinctive. and so, in this time of brexit, the royal wedding is windfall for an economy that appears to be stagnating at present. and it isn't just windsor here at's benefiting. one bridal website estimates that britons will stage 8,000 stet parties to celebrate the wedding, at which 1.5 million
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cucumber sandwiches will be devoured. so it's safe to say thiss a moment of unrestrained joy in britain's cucumber industry. not to mention in boardrooms around the countrybecause the numbers have surprised the experts. david igh runs a consultancy that specializes in estimating the worth of a brand, and evaluating intangible assets. the reality is that since it was announced, there's been an absolute frenzy.wh we first looked at the impact of the wedding on the u.k. economy, we estimated it would have about $700 million of beneficial effect. we've now doubled that-- wethin. >> reporter: haigh says that a considerable portion of those earnings will come fm tourism. about 50 million people visit the u.k. each year, and haigh estimates that the wedding will draw in an additional 350,000 tourists, each spending anag avof between $1,000 and $2,000. this is musito the ears of patricia yates, who heads visit
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britain, the authoritybl responfor marketing the country as it enters brexit territory. >> we need to make sure that people come now. history and heritage will be here in ten years time, so i think an attraction like this i about romance brings that royal story to a newer and young audience who are the pwho are travelling worldwide. >> reporter: so far this year, as britain's divorce from europe approaches, retail spending and consumer confidence have been jittery, according to shoppingeh expert dianee, who expects a wedding-related flip. >> retail is a very emotive sector. it relies on our emotions and our wants and our feel-good factor. so what the royal wedding does is create feel-good. and so it adds buoyancy to a market.go it add feeling. >> reporter: the fascination with the british upper crust is understood by sophia money coutts, daughter of an aristocratic family famous in the u.k. for being the royal bankers.
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>> there's a he amount of love r harry, and i think for the past few years, there's been a lot ofressure on harry, when he's going to sen dttow friends to get marri when's it going to be his turn." and i think that's why there's erch excitement, that he's clearly in love, completely head ster heels with meghan. and so people are hrilled for them. they're just really pleased and excited about the big day. >> reporter: the festivities in windsor outrage british republicans, who argue the monarchy is a corrupt institution.e throyal family costs the taxpayer about $50 million a year. their defenders claim the additional earnings they generate is a compelling economic argument for sticking with the crown. inr the pbs newshour, i'm malcolm brabant inor. >> woodruff: thank you, malcolm. aland online, you can watcof the royal wedding festivities live, starting at 4:30 a.m. eastern tomoorow. that andis on our website, later tonight on "washington r
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week," tsia investigation hits the one-year mark. what is special counsel robert mueller's next move? and, a note before we go. in our reporting on the texas high school shooting today, we heard a young student say she wasn't surprised by what happened, because, in her words: "it's been happening everywhere; i've always felt it would eventually happen here, too." i was profoundly saddened by that, and i hope in our rush to follow all the news around us each day, we stop to think about what that means, and to ask if we've crossed a line, and ngether we owe our younger generation sometetter. it's something for all of us to think about. that is the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. have a great weekend. thank you, and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> kevin. >> kevin! >> kevin. >> advice for life.
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♪ tonight on kqed"newsroom," california officials that support sufficie-- support toug to gration policies went talk toonald trump and governor brown looks to crack down on the blackmarket for marijuana. we begin with politics. on wednesday, president trump and members of his cabinet met with southern california officials to discuss a shared view on immigration policy, maimlypposition to -- mainly opposition to californ policies. the president had tough words for dangerous individuals entering the country. >> you would not believe how bad these people are. these art
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