tv PBS News Hour PBS August 1, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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captioning sponswsed by nehour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, zimbabwe's post pridential- election violence-- police and military open fire on opposition supporters as the country waitso for the fina tally. then, an internet conspiracy group surfaces during a trump rall. inside the online world of q-anon, and what their presence armeans for the republican. and, with many residents still not connected to the power grid, the debate over the future of energy in the navajo nation. plus, telling monticello's history beyond thomas jefferson. new exhibitions reveal the complex legacy of sally hemings anslavery in early america >> we as americans don't address some of the more complex issues of slavery, of sex, of power, of ownersp.
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and that is what is really interesting about sally hemings and her story >> woodruff: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newsur has been provided by: >> knowledge, it's were innovation it's what leado discovery and motivates us to succeed. it's why we ask the tough questions and what leads us to the answers. at leidos, we're standing behind >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language. >> supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the world's most pressing problems--
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>> the lemelson foundation. committed to improving lives through invention, in the u.s. and developing countries. on the web at >> supported by the johne . and cather macarthur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more information at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: president trump is under fire tonight over histo latest demannd the special counsel's russia investigation.e in a this morning, he said: "attorney general jeff
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sessions should stop this rigget witch hunt row." in fact, sessions has recused himself from any role in the prob and the tweet drew criticism from both parties, especially democrats, including senator richard blumenthal of connecticut. >> this tweet strikes me as very close to obstruction of justice. if it isn't a criminal act self it's certainly evidence of intent to obstruct justice. the president has no legitimate power to stop a lawf investigation by a federal prosecutor and especially when it's of himself. >> woodruff: utah senator orrin tch and several other republicans made the same point about the presidt's powers and said the mueller investigation needs to run its course. later, white house press secretary sarah sanders insisted the president did not actually direct sessions to do anything. >> it's not an order.
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it's the president's opion. and it's ridiculous that with all the corruption and dishonesty thas gone on with the launching of the witch hunta the presidenwatched this process play out. but he also wants to see it come to and end as he's sted many times and we look forward to that happening. look the president is not obstructing. he's fighting back. >> woodruff: special counsel rogrt mueller is investigat alleged obstruction by the president, and whether his presidential campaign cooperated with the russians. meanwhile, it was day two in the criminal trial of former trump campai manager paul manafort. he's accused of tax and bank y fraud in trs before his campaign role. earlier, the president suggested manafort has been treated worse than al capone, the chicago mobster who went to prison in the 1930's for income tax evasion. mr. trump is also unhappy with the justice department, over 3d- printed guns. justice had dropped efforts to
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block online instrucons for making the plastic weapons. the white house said todayhe president never approved dropping the case, and that he's gl a federal judge has now barred release of the blueprints fire damages are still climbingr inern california. officials said today the carr fire has destroyed more than 1,000 homes and 440 other buildings. it's been burning west of redding for more than a week, and has killed at leas people. thousands of firefighters have only been able to contain 35% of the fire so far. and governor jerry brown said the state is being pushed to its financial limits. w ve got the money now, but i would say that things will get much tighter in the next five years. over a decade or so, we're going to have re fire, more destructive fire, more billions that will have to be spent on it, more adaptation, more prevention. so all that is the new normalfa that we have t.
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>> woodruff: yet another fired igniernight, in mendocino county, north san francisco. it threatens another 60 homes. a federal appeals court in san francisco ruled today t president trump's threat to withhold funding for sanctuary ties. the court said only congress mac stop funding fies that refuse to enforce immigration laws.o it aid a lower court must hold more hearings before it tries to ban t president's order nationwide. the presumed remns of dozens of american war dead, from the korean war, headed home today. a ceremonyas held at south korea's osan air base, where 55 boxes arrived trth korea last week. then they were flohawaii for d.n.a. analysis. itollows the june summit between north korean leader kim jong un and president trump. in all, some 7,700 americans are still listed as missing from the korean war.
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in mexico, investigators began examining the wreckage of an aeromexico jetliner. it crashed tuesday in the northern state of durango. all 103 people on board survived, but dozens were injured. tv images showed thereckage engulfed in fire. a witness reported hail, and durango's governor said high wind slammed the plane as it was taking off. >> ( translated the ground with the left wing, losing both engines on that ftng. the aircvershot the runway and stopped approximately 300 meters from the runway in a horizontal position, which allow the activation of the escape slides and a timely evacuation of the passengerbefore the aircraft caught fire. >> woodruff: t governor said that in addition to the weather, mechanical failure or pilot error could also be thctors in crash. back in this country, former prident obama has made his first foray into this fall's
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mamid-term elections: he fy endorsed 81 democrats. they inclu candidates for congress and governor, but also for state legislative races. he said he's focused on young, diverse candidates to build the party's future. the trump administration says it may impose even larger tariffs on $200 billion worth of imported chinese goods. officials today said tvy may be 25%, instead of 10%, asla originallyed. beijing called it "blackmail" and insisted it won'. wells fargo will pay $2.1 billion in fines, for its role in the subprime mortgage meltdown a decade ago. the u.s. justice department announced it today. wells fargo is one of the last big banks to settle charges that it understated the risk of b-prime mortgages. the federal reserve is keeping ort-term interest rate unchanged for now. but it also indicated, again today, that more rate hikes aree
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in the near raon wall street, the dow jones industrial a lost 81 points to close at 25,333.e the nasdaq r points, and the s&p 500 slipped three. still to come on the newshour: violent protests in zimbabwe as election results come in. da in innerg cities. a conspiracy theory gain s some traction, and much more. >> woodruff: at least three people were killed today as demonstrators took to th streets of zimbabwe's capital to protest what they see as theri ing of monday's presidential election. the sitting president and ader of the zanu p.f. party, emmerson mnangagwa, ran against a number of other candidates, includingle the leading cher, nelson
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chamisa. in a moment, william brangham will talk wi a reporter from zimbabwe, but first we get the latest from the capital, harare, from jonathan miller of independent televisionews. >> reporter: "if you sell out," they chant "yowill see that we are very dangerous." it's a threat, directed at the head of zimbabwe's electorate atmmission whose promised the will of the people will not s subverted. they think that'lie. well you can see what's happening here. there's a lot of anger on the streets and the result of the presidential election hasn't even been called. so far, with the parliamentary results coming it, it looks like a zanu pf landslide. if these people are denied what they consider their victory, itl e chaos. should you not wait until you have an actual result? >> no, no we are not going to wait for that.
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>> reporter: the movement for democratic change already smells a rat. mugabe stole elections. they are not going to let that happenhis time and are convinced the results are rigged. we moved with the surging crowdo s were thrown into the compound of the ruling zanu pf party and this was the response. (gun shots) get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, behind the tree. (gunfire) i s potentially disastrous for the new zimbabwe. this way.ur nalists, can we go? journalists, can we go?li journa! journalist! ray come with me! this country so desperate to shed piah status. this is now an extremely dangerous situation. a lot of live fire going one,
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but this crowd will not be debdued. they are still outhe zanu pf headquarters here and they are so angry. elsewhere in har protesters caught by the army were severely beaten. this scene haunting reminiscent of the violence that characterized mugabes despotic as the afternoon wore on, the crackle of automatic fire could be heard sporadically across the city. riot police fired tear gas and soldiers were deployed as armored personnel carriers and water carriers cruise the streets. and an army helicopter kept watch from above. thisvening, streets of this capital had be emptied. it's spookily quiet and it's tense. no word from either presidential contender other than on twitter, nelson chamisa, the challenger, still claiming victory. emmerson mnangagwa, the
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incumbent, calling ironically for everyone to act peacefully. the results, we're told, will be announced tomorrow. >> brangham: for more insight to what's going on with theec on results, i'm joined by jonga kandemiri. he's a reporter who files foric voice of am he's based in zimbabwe. jonga, thank you very much for being here. could you give us a little bit a moreense of what is driving these protests? >> what's driving ese protests, william, is the slowness by the electoral commission. thepposition members think the commission is manipulating the results by announcing t election results within the metropolitan constituencies. instead, they started announcing from far away in rote areas, and thesere are dominated by
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the ruling party, and i think this is what triggered the demonstrations that took place this afternoon. p brangham: sople's concerns seem to be that, because it's taking so long there seems there is foul play going on, thaio the ele results are rigged somehow. >> that's true. also, they are saying thean presidentialdate that's the advocate nelson chamisa, they think he won resoundingly, but the bilateral commission is to announce the ptle results. what it did did yesterday was to nounce national assembly results from remote areas and only today did they announce the results from theities. >> brangham: i understand there were also complaints about the leadup to the election with accusations of voters being coerced and pssure being exerted. what are election observers in zimbwe saying?
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>> they give presentments on what they found or dngiscovered duhis electoral process. in a way, they endorsed the election as peaceful, but they have recommendatio which they sent to the bilateral commission, and one of to allow enough time for the inspection and verificationf the voters' roll.e that is f the areas voters were complaining that they only got the voter's roll in electronic mode two days before the nomination. >> brangham: we saw three people have already died in these protests. what is it like thereow and is it your sense that the tomorrow?ill continue >> i think the protests will continue tomorrow, but there's heavy presence of anti-riot police officers and the military on the streets. i tried to stroll down the streets to check on the conditions and the situation on the streets.
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the army andhe police were p chasing out teople. so i'm not sure those who are demonstrating will be able to gather in the city unless they gather outside the city and then they me and demonstrate, but i think the police and the military are ready to deal with that. >> brangham: jonga kandemiri, thorchg for your time. >> you're welcome, william. thank you so much. >> woodruff: president trump's history with race is complicated, to say the least. critics have long-accused the present of racial insensitivity, from demanding president obama produce his u.s. birth certificate, to blaming" both sides" after last year's white nationalist rally in charlottesville turned violent,e yet today, in ing with a group of mostly african-american pastors, the president was praised as perhaps the "most pro-black president" in recent
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history. yamiche alcindor beginlook at the president's commitment to communities of color.>> lcindor: it's a data point that president trump has raised >> the african american unemplment rate has achieved the lowest level in recorded history. t rican american unemploym the best it's ever been in the history of our country >> alcindor: and as a candidate, president trump made this pitch to african-american voters, a pitch that was seen as both blunt and controveial. >> look how much african american communities have suffered under democratic to t say the following: what do you ve to lose by trying something new like trump? i say it again, what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs.
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>> alcindor: today at the white house several black pastors said he had helped improve life in inner cities. as part of his plan for urban areas, president trump put ben carson in charge of the department of housing and urban devepment. it's a role carson has used to edok into tripling rents for poor tenants usingal assistance. he has also slowed an anti- segregation initiative and saide poverty is a sf thoss have angered some who see his policies as hurting people of color. critics of the administration ha also pointed to the department of justice led by attorney general jeff sessions. sessions has pushed for longer tesentences for those convof federal crimes. and he has disco aaged the use irmative action by colleges and universities. still some say president trump
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acs been eager to embrace leaders.he ad a group of h.b.c.u. presidents gather in the oval office. and today, he said he was eager to keep his door open. bishop harry jackson was one of the pastors who met with president trump at the wftte house thisnoon. he serves as pastor of hope christian church in beltsville, maryland. bishop jackson, thanks for joining me today. you re two seats away frothe president. what was the most important thing you heard from the president about improving inner ?ities and urban are >> well, i heard h he had commitments for 4 million jobs, and with t unemployment rate already going down, he's got co 4itments fillion jobs but also a commitment to returni citizens from prison, and themi overcllization of the black and hispanic communities are a part of a problemhat is generational. so i heard good news. i believe that hisy legll
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be huge if he actually doesth sog, but most politicians just talk. >> well, housing secretary ben carson sd poverty is a state of mind. he's also moved to raise the rent poor tenants who are using federal assistance. he also said he wants to slow anti-segregation initiatives. what do you think about these policies, especially as we know, yes,he unemployment rate is at historic lows, but a wages also very low. does it help people to raise rent at a time like this? >> well, i think what's needed, to your point, is cash infusion. one of the things he talked about are opportunity zones ores busineoming to give higher wages. i'm trusting mr. trump as opposed to carson's approaches, though part of the administration, are going to take a long time to kind of work themselves out.
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i thin that what mr. trump is going to do is going to be much more decisive, much more effective in the short term, and that's what i'm counting on. i trust that ben carson has thought the long game out from his perspective, but your point is people are hurting right now. >>ou say you trust in the president. >> yes. of course, ben carson works for the president o so a lof the policies it sounds like you'resn some w concerned about are things president trump has supported. but i want to tn to the department of justice. attorney general jefsions say people should have longer federal sentences, he also said he doesn't want colleges an universities to be using affirmative action. when you looks at this, how d this specifically help african-americans when he know african-american are disproportionately serving prison times and convicted as other people of color? >> well, i can't defend mr. sessions at all. i don't agree with y anything just said from his perspective.
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>> these are all, of course, things that president trump supports. i think there's a little dissidence between trump vision for america and maybe sessions walking it out.n' i speak in much more detail, except that part of the urban plan has reentry jobs as a partf the thin so, again, i'm thinking people who haveso phiical direction in the administration but maybe not the compassion and the heart as the president himself has, i'm hoping i can partner with phome every citizens we're startg a program called "bring dad home for the holidays." >> i want to get pac back to the idea president trump ran as a law and order president, he supports more policing people think will hurt african-americans. f ems like you're separating attorney general jssions with the president, but the president is the one supporting
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these policies. y >> well, i thi can be for keeping the law and still be pro people. >> that's how you see the president? >> i see the president himself like that. talking to him today, he had a bunch of democratic pastors in the room, a few conservatives, but i think he won our hearts with, a, his sincerity but also by his action. >>he last thing i wantto ask you about, the naacp has said that the president is a racist. he also, after the lottesville, there was a young woman who died protesting nazis, he said there was blame on both sides. has this president done anything you see as racially discriminato both in words or in policy? >> well, i would say this -- i believe thathere's a spin some media has put on. some of our african-american friends and others, we're hypersensitive -- >> but what do you think? have you specifically evereneen the pres do something that
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you thought was racially derogatory o discriminatory in policy or practice? >> no. you haven't specifically? no but i've talked to him eyebalut to eyeball a race and the needs in america, and the guy whose eyes i looked in is not a racist. and i do belie, though, if we're going to fix america's 400-year-old black-white problem starting with racism, you can't just blame 45 for the problem and think that makes you okay as whentizen or a legislator you're not doing anything to change the situation of african-americans and others. >> well, thank you so much for joining me, bishop jackson, i really appreciate it. >> you're very kind. thank you for having me. >> woodruff: stay with us, coming up on the newshour: residents of the navajo nation
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living off the electricity grid. expanding health care plans with limited coverage. and giving new voice to sally hemings, an enslaved woman owned by thomas jefferson. last night, president trump spoke at a rally in tampa. the crowd was visibly angry at reporters who werehere to cover the event, and weren't afraid to show it. (shouting) > >> woodruff: also in the crowd, people who believe i"q anon" conspiracy theory. c q laims that a shadowy cabal within the u.s. government is at war with president trump, and that the president will soon purge the nation of these enemies. for more on this conspiracy and
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how it's spread, i'm joined by newshour's p.j. tobia. he's been following this. p.j., first of all, what is k anon? >> so this -- q anon? this all started last fall on an o anonymousine message board. last fall a use calling hself q anon began mosing nuggets information, q is one of the highest security clearances in the government.o q claimse highly placed in the government and has visibility into a kind of conspiracy of globalists, permanent criminal government that's been running the u.s.or government decades, this includes the clintons, the obamas, george soros and many others. e conspiracyoes on to posit president trump will team up with the u.s. militarru andsh this kabal by throwing them all in jail starting with hillary ufinton. >> woo do they have any evidence this is going on, that the obamas, the clintons are
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trying to overthrow >> so what they're claiming as evidence are q's post on four chan and migrated to eight chan. he calls them bre crumbs because that's what they, are they're clueless, watch for this, look for that, and people take them and unpack these bread crumbs and read into it kind of what ty will. things like president trump's tweets where it's well known he misspells things oasionally or maybe uses improper grammar, he says those are actually clues,pa of the actions that the president is about to take to crush this kabal. >> woodruff: so who's on board with this? who are the people who are following this? there were people at this rally last night in tampa wearing t-shirts or holding signs saying q anon. who are these folks? how many of them? >> when it comes to conspiracy theories or fringe groups on the righor left, it'hard to quantitntqy -- quantify and get
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numbers, but youtube pages where q anon's bread crumbs are unpacked and discussed have hundreds off thousands hits, twitter accounts with tens of so a lot of hits, folks are engaging in this content online. some experts who watch conspiracy theories and groups say it's probably not nearly the nuer of people who say believe the moon landing was fake or lieve in the conspiracy about the j.f.k. assassination, but still prominent trump supporters have tweeted and said thingtis poly about the q anon conspiracy. >> woodruf one of the people believe in this showed up at the hoover dam in june? >> in june a young man showed up at the hoover dam, resulted in an armed standoff with law enforcement. he had a sign that said release the oig report referring to thet dent of justice report into hillary clinton's use of a
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private email server. the report said the real report hadn't been released and there were other reports more critical of mirkt and the democrats and culled resulted in them getting arrested and that's what he nted released. >> woodruff: does this go -- where does this go? do authorities watch? there is knotting illegal about it, is thereot? >> no,ng illegal at all, they're just talking on social media. as this appears in th real world, we will be watching. the bottom line is it's a conspiracy to prott trump. things that might seem like bad news as the mueller investigation they look as part of trump's grand strategy. he wanted to make it look like he was colluded with russia on purpose so robert mueller would be hired so they could team up together to investigate thecl tons and the rest of the deep state and their global pedophile se p>> woodruff: so that takes a lot of thinking to get that far.
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>> and a lot of talking. they spill a lot of digital ink online about this stuff. >> woodruff: p.j. tobia who has been following anwill continue to follow it. thank you, p.j. >> thank you, judy. >> woodruff: in the navajo nation, many residents still live off the grid, making it challenging to live their day- to-day lives. speciacorrespondent fred de sam lazaro recently traveled to the sprawling reservation, which is spread across parts of new, mexiizona and utah. it's part of our weekly segment on the leading edge of science and technology. >> reporter: neighbors and visitors are few and far between in much of the navajo nation in noheastern arizona. so grace white was eecially happy to get a recent visit from melissa parrish, who works for the navajo electric
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75-year-old whsurvives and even speaks much like heror ancedid, living in a mud hogan, with neither electricity nor running water >> ( translated ): i use kerosene for lighting and wood to heat my home. fresh food doesn't last more than a day or two. so for meat, i dry it in the sum e jerky. >> reporter: for more than 60 yearshe and her family have tried to get connected to the electrical grid. they've even built a more modern building on their homestead with light fixtures and electrical outlets just waiting to be hooked up. but it would cost more than $40,000 to do so. that's money she doesn't have. one-third of the homes in navajo nation, about 18,000, have no access to grid electricity
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back in the 1930s and '40s, the federal government provided loans to utilities to connect rural and remote areas to the id under the rural electrification act. however, the navajo nation, like many reservations, was bassed. utilities didn't typicallydserve native lnd opted not to expand into them. the irony is the navo nation is a huge exporter of electricity. the biggest coal fired plant west of the mississippi is located here, churning out power that is sold to millions ofs custom arizona, nevada and california. what the navajo nation did get from the plant and a coal mineis that fed imployment: more than a thousand jobs. but now, even that could soon be st. the plant's phoenix-based owners plan to shut it down next year >> it's challenging and frustrating. >> rorter: navajo council speaker lorenzo bates says the unemployment rate as it is, is
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50 percent on the reservation, which stands to lose not only the jobs but many people who held them. >> it's either take a transfer or you're out of a job. the breadwinners of the family, are literally forced to someplace else to work.ep >>ter: he says the mine and power plant pay some 30 to $40 million in annual taxes and royalties which are needed by the tribe. >> youth programs, any social services. >> repter: tribal leaders are trying to find a buyer for the plant to avoid the shut down. it won't be easy.y many eneperts, including the plant's current owners, say cleaner burning natural gas is cheaper than coal. others see a new opportunity. with its wide-open windblown spaces and abundant sunshine, many here in navajo country see the solution to its energy needs in renewles. and the first major installment of thoses called the kayenta solar project.
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a massive array of collectors that's big enough to power more than 13,000 homes. plans are already underway to double the size of this array, and within five years it is expected to generatemeearly the samount of power as the navajo generating 23-year-olalala says solar is the only way ard. he helped build the this solar field, which also launcaed his er. >> i learned everything from the bottom up. from the piles in the ground to installing the hardware. managing my own crew, to actually setting up communications here that go back to the control center. opleeporter: nearly 300 were employed during the construction of the array. most of them, like tasala, were navajo. >> having these jobs open up, it's really opening a lot more doors for the younger generation, kids or even people in high school >> reporter: however, once construction was done, few jobs remained.
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tasi malala was hired by the impany that built this array. but much of his wooff the reservation, from south carolina to georgia and nowalifornia working on new installations. and that's the problem that tasi's father,eorge malala, has with renewables. he says coal has been a reliable source oenergy and stability. >> for me, coal is long term years of employment, it employs a lot of people compared to natural gas and solar. h >> reporteis a mechanic in the coal mine which will likely close down with the power plant, tearing apart community an lifestyle, in his case the popular hobby of rodeo. >> it's families that are going to break up. there won't be nothing but ghost towns. or've seen it through hist. >> reporter: there's a classicid generational dhere. coal has brought a good living to the father, solar promises a good one to his son.
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but few people argue with protesting employees and theirpp suters that nothing could sooneplace the economic impa of n.g.s., the navajo generating station but large solar fields won'ty bring electric people living far from the grid. so the tribal utility has begun installing off-grid home units. about 3,000 panels have been installed so far but the utility's resources are limited and many more families are on the waiting list. 78-year-old glenda ashley recalls what it was like to live without a refrigerator. >> we bought meat, we had the old reigerator, freezer and we leave it out there overnight, because its colder out there. >> reporter: but you couldn'tst e meat for more than a night? >> no, no. s >> reporte years ago she got an off grid solar system that now powers a refrigerator.
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it has broug convenience and huge savings from fewer trips to the grocery store, the nearest one is a 45-minute drive >> it really is help. >> reporter: she still needs t conserve to keep the appliance going. too many lights on or too much tv on could drain theimited power stored in the unit's batteries. limited as it is an off grid system would be a huge provement for grace white. but the utility's parrish couldd only promise se back soon, no fixed dates, with a solar installation. it could be months or even years away. for the pbs nehour, i'm fred de sam lazaro in the navajo nation. >> woodruff: fred's reporting is a partnership with the under-told stories project atsi the univ of st. thomas in minnesota.
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>> woodruff: today, the trump administration took anothe dstep towang so by changing rules that would allow consumers to buy cheaper insurance.a but as lsjardins explains, there are concerns the plans could be harmful to consumers with health problems who could find themselves stghk without enoverage. >>esjardins: the president says there needs to be more affordable options than some of the insurance available through the obamacare marketplaces. the short-term plans will likely offer much lower premiums. but insurers would not have to cover pre-existing conditions, or offer the same benefits as required by the affordable care eot. currently,e can only use short-term coverage for three months. lobut the new rules would people to keep those plans for a year, and potentially renew it for a total of three years. julie appleby covers this for kaiser health news. and joins me now. julie, let me just start off right away, while the trump
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administration says these are good options for people, encheaper, opp say they're skimpy and risky. just elain what the plansy. >> stheers short-term plans that armeant to be a stopgap between maybe you've lost your job or between jobs and need coverage, so they're meant to be a stopgap, they have been around for a long time. they are, currently, asou mentioned, available only up to 90 days, so you have to renethw every few months. the trump administration is changing the rules on thato make them available for up to a year. they have some similarities to wh we're used to as job-based insurance, but there are major erences. they're less expensive because they cover a lot less. they can be choosey about who they pick. if you are sick or have a pre-existing condition, you may not be able to buy one of these plans. >> i was looking at what one of the plans may look like for someone like me and the deductibles were huge. you would p everything up to $10,000 but your premium is much le b.
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who wouldenefit from this? who would be the winners of this change? >> so the folks f that mightd these appealing are generally hiyounger and hea people. those folks who don't have a dition because those folks won't be able to buy insurance, this might appale to them. it's also for folks struggling to pay for an affordable care act plan because t don't get a subsidy. the affordable care act pvides subsidies for people who earn up to about $48,000 for an t individual. you don't get a subsidy, some of the premiums cane very excessive. the trump administration says they will offer the plath, will be lower cost, but the caveat is they cover less and may have high deductibles. the other thing, the short term rans don't have to follow the affordable care aces so they could have annual orim lifetimes which are barred in the affordable care act plans. >> catastrophic disease plan?
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some patieocnt ay group will be concerned that some of these people who are sick or become sick buy them and don't realize they don't cover a lot things or have high deductibles. >> you may have cancer an the hook for a lot. >> yes, folks ally have to read the fine print on these plans. the trump administrationein new rule that came out today said that they are going to require insurers tout sort of a little box on their plan andse say t plans may not cover everything, read everything, it might not cover ion or emergency room care and to read the plans carefully before you purchase.a >> almosrisk warning for your insurance. >> right. i want to talk about the scope thereof. let's look at the numbers about short-term plans. right now, there are someooks like 122,500 people who use theselans on the individual market. the white house has said in the
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last day that they think this change will change out substantially to 600,000, almost five times as many, and that in three years there will be almost more than 1.million people who use these short-term plans. that's a huge change for these plans, but what does that mean in terms of individual markets and how is this going to effect the health of obamacare? because, obviously, this is the president trying to go tethe affordable care act. >> right. there's been a number ofow estimates onany people buy these plans, and yo -- and i thk until they offer them it's hard to know how many will sign up. the government expects # hundred thousand people in the first year, din 2019, think about 200,000 of them will be those who probably d't get a subsidy so might jump to one of these. the concern is this will raise premiu s for those whoy in the affordable care act because it siphons out the younger and
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healthier folks,so the premiums may go up in the affordable care act place. if you're getting a subsidy, your subsidy is also going to increase. so folks who get a subsidy may not see that much of a fference, but the very people struggling to buy coverage righl now, those buying it on their own and don't get a subsidy, they may see a premium increase as a result and some may not able to buy a short-term plan because they have a pre-existing condition. >> so while this isn't a huge market, it will grow and could have ripple effects. >> it could. there's about 14 million people in the affordable care act now. 200,000 of those leave. t over time that could grow. >> julie appleby with kaiser health news, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> woodruff: a new chapter has b recentn added to the story about one of america's most historic leaders. jerey brown visits thomas jefferson's home and explains how a visit through the st now
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brings with it an updated understanding. it's the lest in our race matters series. >> brown: sally hemings: no e portrasts, so we don't ttow what she looked like. but now this silhoand a new exhibition here at monticello bring a largely hidden story into the open and make a definitive public statement about her decades-long relationship with thomas jefferson, the man who owned her and this plantation. nia bates is monticello's publif historialavery and african-american life. a >> we ricans don't address some of the more complex issues of slavery, of sex, of power, of ownership. and that is what is really interesting about sally hemings and her story. we want people to see now that sally hemings is a real person. cyd that she had a real le >> brown: monticello, built between 1768 and 1808 in charlottesville, virginia, waso
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homefferson, third clesident of the united states, writer of the deation of independence, enlightenment thinke slave owner of more can 600 people. visitors have loe here to see and admire his mansion and fos many wonders. the first tour to s on the enslaved people herey began in 1993. but over the last several decades monticello has slowlynd exed the story beyond jefferson, throughesearch and archeological work, to include the vast majority of those who lived and worked here. at a site about a half mile from the main house, studentsn a summer program dug trenches, sifted dirt, and found ceramics, nails, and other artifacts of slave life. fraser nman is monticello's director of archeology. >> it's kind of the undeniablei rens. it's kind of the undeniable physical remains of the people who were the vast majority of
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resides. they didn't leave behind the tens of thousands of letters that jefferson did, but they did leave behind tusands of pieces of trash and artifacts that we can begin to learn a little bit mo about their lives. >> brown: the restoration of" mulberry row" beginning in 2011 opened a window onto the workplaces and houses of enslaved artisans and domestic workers. >> i think monticello is a microcosm of the american story, right. how willing have the american people been to acknowledge slavery as their history and not someone else's history? >> brown: leslie greene bowman is president of the thomas jefferson foundation, which owns and operates monticello. in 2000 monticello published report on d.n.a. and other evidence of jeffersonof's paternitemings' six children, four of whom survived to adulthood. that and wngork by lea scholars helped bring public acceptance. some douers remain, but experts and monticello itself now consider this a settled
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matter. >> monticello says he's the father of her children. q >> brown: stion. >> no question. >> brown: this summer the o foundationpened six new exhibits, including the plantation's first kitchen. the archeology uncovered a stew stove of the kind jefferson found and admired in paris, where he served as u.s. amssador to france in the 1780s. sally's brother james hemings was trained in french cooking in paris and used the stove here at monticlo. but the main new addition, in what until now was a public restroom for visitors, is a display on the life of sally hemings, in one of the two rooms researchers now believe she lived in. part of her story is told in the words of her son, madison, who gave an oral history of life at monticello in 1873. sally hemings was just 13 or 14 years old when she went to paris as a maidservant, and the relationship with jefferson,
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then 43, began. when jefferson returned home, she could have stayed in paris as a free woman, but negotiated terms for returning to monticello: that her future children would be freed at age 21. >> what we're trying to do here is to give our visitorser hing that we know. so we've given the basic biography, her birthday, her death day, the days that shine s aris, what she was doing, the type of work, where she lived.e but weso been able to have some of those more complex conversations. again, about the nature of the relationship. was it consensual? was it love? we don't actually know the answer to the question.ts >> brown: e the room, a plaque asks, without answering: was it rape? >> it absolutely had to be ked. there's no way that we could talk about sally hemings and thomas jefferson and not talk about e power dynamic between the two of them. he did own her. and it would not be acptable for us to tell this story and not address that power imbalance. >> brown: an oral hi
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project called "getting word" has been another k part of the new effort here, bringing in descendents of the hemings andsl other ed families. 70-year-old diana redman is a direct descendent of sally hemings and thomas jefferson. andrew davenport, 28, is thet- great-great-great grandson of sally's brother, peter. >> when i look around monticello, i see the labors of the enslaved community, and what they were able to do. jefferson might have had thee vision, but slaved community operated, acted upon that vision and built the vision. building this edif had been part of everything that is monticello. knowing that i had enslaved relatives, who were herewho were involved in the carpentry, who were involved in the cooking, and the gdening. red so was born, this is w my ancestors lived and labored. it made it feel different for me.
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>> brown: can you describe the difference? what did you feel? >> i won't say it was a sense of ownership. it was a sense of being. >> brown: a sense of being? >> yes, being where my ancestors had been before me, gave me that sense of, okay, we're part of this coury we're part of this growth, we're part of a bigger idcture, and i can lay hands on things that theythe places surely i'm white, as well, but this is part of our story. and i would be denying a significant part of history, and our history, if i didn't own up to the fact that, yes, i mayt pass as a man, or whatever you see in me, that's up to you, but i have to identify as having african-american history, and this is my story. brown: how do you see both the injustices to and the contributions of your ancestors who were here? >> that's the hope, that we can begin to share these stories
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with a wider world, so that we undetand, regardless of the institution of slavery, individuals thrived, personally within their sphere. and they made life and love here, too. so this is as complex as it gets. >> brown: what about when you k in that room? >> i see the image, and i would love to know what she looked like. but that's not meant to i be. anink that's a sadness, vet that's a sadness for many descendants of ens families. >> brown: monticello oials are also hoping the new exhibits will help attract americans of all races to view their commor hist for the pbs newshour, i'm jeffrey brown at monticello in charlottesville, virginia. >> woodruff: online, whave an tended conversation with the monticello descendants we featured in our story. that's on our web site, finally tonight, a unique program that teaches urban youth
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how to build boa and in the process, grow their communication skills and self- confidence. the story is reported by student anthony rivera and comes to us through our student reporting lab at theu school" in iladelphia. >> reporter: high schooler saviel veras nunez is becoming an expert in a field that some would consider unusual for a teen living in nor philadelphia: boat building. >> we try new stuff every day, and we build different boats and there comes the day when we've got to gand try it at the water. >> reporter: saviel is part of a apprenticeship program at the philadelphia wooden boat factory. t founded in 199 organization provides after hool programming for urb youth living in some of the city's toughest neighborhoods. emma bergman is a social worker and served as the organization's clinical director for two years. >> many of the young people who come to us who are recruited through their different school communities have experienced some kind of trauma as a rult
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of living in areas where there are high rates of poverty and also community violence. and so our programming is designed to be a trauma informed program where we support young people by engaging in corrective experiences >> people that work here treat us like family. they always there for us even when we go into the good times and the low times >> reporter: the organizationki balances boat-ng programs with social and emotional peer and counselor-led support. former executive director bret hart says the objective is to arm young people with the skills to pblem solve any challenge >> so having social workers on r staff, and having those supports in place for the young people whongage and then being intentional about the social emotional health and aspects of our program build a sustainable model for apprenticeship for teenagers who are in a crazy hectic moment in their lives to
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>> reporter: clarence thomas rkaduated from wooden boat factory and now as an engineering aide for the city of philadelphia. the program helped him overcome ine disappointment of not able to play professional football. >> i literally had all my goals set on footbaln' you know i dcare about anything else. when i came here it was like, hey, you know there's just there's something else out there that you can also be interested in. >> reporter: perhaps the most visible impact can be seen in the feeling students have when they finally get to put their boats in the water. >> it was amazing. i can't explain it because it was an accomplishment that i don't know a lot of people that have built a boat befo and to put on the water. but sailing on the wxper. it was uinable. this program impacted my le by me physically and mentbely use i would break down and go "i can't do this." and you know you have to figure it out because that's the way you going to build the boat gthat's the only way you'ng to progress. >> reporter: for the pbs
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newshour student reporting labs, this is anthony rivera in philadelphia, pennsy. w druff: and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us onli and again here morrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> consumer cellular understands that not everyone needs an unlimited wireless plan. our u.s.-based customer service help you choose a plan based on how much you use your phone, nothing more, nothing ess. to learn more, go to >>abbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, likepanish, french, german, italian, and more. th
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