tv KQED Newsroom PBS August 4, 2018 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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trump ministration's plan to uh do air pollution rules and how ca is responding. the week in politicsncluding electi security and facebook's ongoin struggle to police its own platform. what might a border wall look like. weead toan diego to look at the pr hello and welcome to kqed newsro we begin withli cs. this week the trump admini announced a plan to slash regulations under presid t fight air pollut cars. it was rolled back and rules requir auto makers to double the fuel economy of cars to about 50 mile per gallon in 2025. are targeting the states like california toiret thwn
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standa govern brown fired back saying califo will fight this stupidity in every conceivable way possible. as wildfires continue to burp in shasta county and mendocino and yosemi national park, lawmak are considering what can be done to cope are danger fire seasons. joinin me now witherspective on the issues is congressma john gar mendy who sits on the house armed services committee. you just toured the areas will ffect by the devastating mend seeno complex fires. they are stillaging in many areas under mandatory what struck you the most as you toured area? >>. the courage of the people that were evacuated. they are in a very, very diffic situation. one woman had just been to the hospit and got the news and i said what happened. she said i don't have twins. i'm going to have triplets. she got up with a happy smile and went to dinner knowing she
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may not have atu home to to. enormo courage and the red cross workers and the firefi in a very, very danger situation that goesac right to the first question you raised about vehicle mil standa pollution and climat change. these tied together. >> governor brown said they are tiedin and anticipates more fires the future costing billio fi rt andair the damage what do you thin needs to be done to plan and address this new reality? >> change congress. you have got to change congress. if you don't change congress, this will continue on. the repubcans are enabling the stupid of the trump admini they are not pushi back. and they won't push back because trump controls the basef the republ party now. so that may seem to be politi if you want an answer to the question, congress has to change. o go onthis is going and we will see the roll back of
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the regulations and nobody in congre sentit. they are not willing to stand up stop it. >> that aside, is there anything that can be done in the meanti what about from a state level? what policies would you like to >> sue. sue thene attorney l. maybe if the administration pursue this is on the regulatory side, it can slow it dow with lawsui the rest.or lef it gets past that, congre will en it. >> you mentioned auto emiations. another big issue we are hearin about. what di you think about rolling back t era regulations. >> trump is in with the koch brothe the petroleum indust he believes the a is such thing as clean coal or talks about it as though he believes l it. r of that is the auto
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emissi standards that were in place obama admini would consume less petroleum and create less carbonid di and less pollut and trump is going in the opposite direction. tr>> his adminion claims that those standards under obama would increase traffic deaths by encour peopleo drive more and forcing auto makers to build lighte cars. >> think governor brown used the correc word to describe it. it'sstpid. just plain stupid. it's as though this man, the presid has never driven a car and doesn't understand that vehicl mileage saves people a vast amount of money. if you want to continueto buy gas from the petroleum industry, reduce the stanrds so you can not have a car that has more than 10 miles per hour. that's grat for the petroleum indust terrib for the climate and air qualit trump is simply going te wrong wayhis is plain
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stupid his comments were that. >> let's switch gears and talk about foreign affairs. you said on the house armed servic committee, what are the bigges teats to u.s. securi >> donald trump. i keep coming back to the fundam problem. it's the president. you look at the way in which is refusing to protect this nation from ssia's involvement not only in the campaigns, but also in the infrastructure. know from confidentia hearin that they are able to get into our electrical power plants including nuclear power plants his people were out ju yester o thursday, saying that there is a threat the russia are the ns are engaged in the electi and the infrastructure. three hours later the president said russia is not a problem. come on we need a president, we need this man to protect the nation.
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that's his oath of office. russ is not only attacking our democr they are attacking our critical infrastructure and much, much more. e president has to stand up for america. >> on that topic, the president also this week tweeted basically a call mueller to end his russia investigation. is thats obstruction or simply frustration like the white house said? >> what's the difference? ntin frustration about an ongoin investigation of his campai and involvement with the russians andhehe says end it, is that obstruction? i beli a jurys going to be sdhag question and quite possib that question willome to the congress of the united states in an impeachment hearin we are not there yet. it may come to we have the mueller invest we will see what comes of that. whentthe presid of the united states speaks and it has been are i his twee
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fact his policies. whethe he is venting or not. >> real quickly, we had an extrao instance where the nation top security officials came and said that russia and it is our democracy is in the cross hairs. are yo the securi and the integrity of the upco election? >> absolutely. in my own tweet account, 300 accoun were deleted just a month ago as the company went throug trolls and delete 300 in my own account that were accesng our account. >> it's astonishing. >> it is. it's a very re problem and this issue about abolish ice has come from russian trolls that are pushing tha issue forward. they are definitely involved. and where is the federal govern now we need a psident that is willin to back it up and make it
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happen. >> congressman, thank you for being here. >> in other political news, the tax ev and bank fraud trial againul manafort began this week. he is accused of failing to pay taxes more than $60 million he earned working for ukrainian iti it's the first to stem from robert mueller's russia invest the manford charges are not tied to collusion. facebo said it remov 32 fake organi pages and accounts being used to influence american politi this come amid ongoing criticism that facebook failed to detect the accounts to interfere in the electi joinin me are political senior writer carly and shawn walsh and market watch's jeremy owens. welcom to you all. at a rally this week, president trump said getting along with putin is a good thing
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advise said russia is a huge ecngoin threat to theity and integrity of our elections. as long as the president advise are taking the threat seriou does it matter whates said? >> it'sli le strange to hav your advisers out of with wha your president said the president asked these folks to come in to saysay the words he had to pompeo is criticiz them and i'm hopeful he is getting hisle seas and realizing that the policy needs to be much more aggres for dangerous threats agains the united states. >> while they come out and give the administration policy, doesn' the president undermine them with his tweets as he did with pompeong say what a great guy ki was and at the same t pompeo was saying you are not following our directives on the issue >> it's not helpful from
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rhetor perspective, but the people making sure they are not being physically interfered with at the state level and doing their jobs, i will take it as a win. >> speak of monitoring comput there are continuing threat of foreign interferenc online and in the elections. this weekfacebook said they delete 32 inauthentic facebook pages accounts. how mu influence did theseh accoune? >> it's just the top four had out 10,000 people following them. they w aimed at ethnic groups or the left. ere one aimed at mexican americ and oneat aimed african-americans. what people don't seem to i reali this attack is meant to just sew divisivenes and push people to the political edges get them out. they a creatut 30 events trying get people out in the real world where they can be videoe and filmed being angry.
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that is what enemies of the u.s. want to see. they not there to support the right or the left, but push americ towards the right and the left and have them yell at each other. >> create tension. >> create tension and diybsi that evy sees and they feel either i need to get on one side or theor other i don't care and i don't vote. that's the thing that they want to see people angry. >>. all over facebook and twitr andhe google,were supposed to be created for good. rememb google's motto, do not evil. we are past they can acknowledge they're being used for digital warfare here. they don't seem to be acknowit. >> google's motto is no longer do no evil. they di they created the platforms and saw the great and di not prepar for the bad.
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alex stamo wrote th memo. the chief security officer. we need to watch out for this stuff. even when they do, it's between a rock and a hard place. they saw twitter break down and they getcsed of trying to get ri of the follower accoun try to get rid of the influence and bots and anyone there to spread informs. they try to push it off and they g it from people who are on the platform who feel that changi that's difficult f >> this is nothing new. this has been going on since the revolu the russians now are using the techno to their advantage. >> the technology is neig t? fairly new. it's possible for them to aify their message that much more. >> in the 60s andhe 70s, they
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funded a lot of leftist activist groups rye now they are funding right wing activis groups because as karla said earlier, their goal is notce narily to pick one side or the other, but to sewhi divisi w democratic societ bolster. russia is a third world economyf with arst world military. this is what they a helped years and will continue to do. we have to call them out on it. >> the are being reactive instea of proaceyve. pent $11,000 on ads in the past year putting thi in frontn of people they are now having it and taking them down. how ma more are like that? >> it's impossible to know. >> they will go for something else. they haven't figured it out. >> what are is the incentive for facebo how mu motivation to change? we saw that market crash th happen recently and lost $120 billio in value in one day.
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even so, it remained the fifth most valuable company. >> now it's worth a trillion. >> apple is worth a illion. have these companies like apple, google fa sbook become big and powerful that you can't really hold them accountable? >>. facebook got held accoun they lost $120 billion. they w held accountable financ they have to held accountable by government and see regulation come through. they are not going to regulate themse they will figure it out and regula themselves. they are hiring 20,000 people hafor security on platform. that's hurting their profit margi will hurt them financ >> her something important. standa oil was untouchable until congress got if in. he railroads were untouchable until congress got wasn i flew in this morning from washin we met with two
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senato the attitude with gard these larger tech compan not what it once was.ot the fear is there. they are watching what's happen europe and if they don't the problems, i can guaran congress and the regula are going to do someth >> does congress have thenow how or does anybody know how to deal with them? >> when zuckerberg smoke before re do they understand the dosues enough to regulate them? even people who understand the issues can't comeegup with goodations t going to stop them from happening. do they understand them well enough they understand the law better than people in silicon valley lookin for ways to i keep from happen something do they unders tech well enough? >> sadly, i don't thinke unders the issues well enough to regulate. it can be from the environment to technology to etc. whethe they do or don't, they l.
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wi i thank time is coming. >> i'm glad you brought up the enviro that provides a great segue to auto emissions. heavil criticized the trump administration's position on this to roll ba vehicle emissi standards. how else is this playing ou politi in california and other >> thi a throw down between califo and the trump admini wh have jerry brown and arnold schwarzeneg calling this a stupid policy and utoma and environmentalists questi the effect it's going to have on consumers and on the vironment. ou have a problem. talking about roll adopte in the obama admini and talked abou upping the fuel efficiency on tlm vehicles ant doubling down and youbtalkt doing
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away with cafornia's ability de their own rules. it datesa to the reagan admini govern reagan. >> you are suggesting it could resu in a patch work of differ regulations around the countr automa are worried about this and consumers are worried, too. >> with thead trump inistration, th they are stating. thet classic state ri argume califo is so big, what califo does as far as a regula perspective warp the entire country. you ha two competing interests that areard to warp and disrup the economy. califo has telir own f standa and low-carb on emissi should thatbe the standard for the rest of the country? maybe yes and maybe . should one state dictate and warp from an economic perspe you ca put the policies allro
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board. you ha to decide what is in the national interests that now you get a small state like nebras and california dictates someth they can't aord and don't need. there a public policy debate and saw governor schwarzenegger's comments that should investigate and examith what's right role for the federa government and the state. >> let's talk about something else attracting a lot of attt in california democr socialists,lexandia ocasio with two sold out fund-r she defeated her indum bent, joe crowle she is ol >> this is something to watch. i was at that miion district fund-raiser and it the gills with excited millen voters. 28 yea old, she was a barten last year. she got up in front of this
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group and really electrified them and delivered a message democr a looking for. we need to communicate with workin class people.he didn't mention trump once. she talked abou getting nonvotback into the mix. the problem for the democrats is that socialist label. is that their own party orare they part of the mainstream and if so, the republicans use that label to painthe democratic party as extremists in the coming election. >> and they decided on the n roots conference where a bunch of democratic activists gtting to and they are going hard left and said we are going do what we are going to do. nancy posi beamned and the democr establishment be damned the last six primaries that happen for republicans, almostll he republican establ have gone down. you ha these activistsutside the business types. the democrats are going left and
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the republics are being disrup here that ends up favors the democr going the selection. there a lot of motivation. >> you saw that this she sold out her fund-raisers the excitement and the energy, ifhe can energize the young voters that's a good thing for thecratic party. >> the designation by 7 percen points favoring the democr that means prably if the trends continue, the republicans lose minimum 25 seats and upward of 52 seats. it's a problem. >> a full week of lots iofues to discuss. thanks all of you. we will leave it there. shawn walsh and senior writer karla and bureau chief jeremy ow ns. aeasure to have you. >> thank you very much. >> to immnration , president trump threatened to shut the govern down if democrats don't approve funding for the
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wallalong theus-mexico border. 30-foo prototypes have been built and tested. we will he fm a u.s. customs and patrol agenter about whe the current system is working and we will see the prototypes l up e. julie small report diego.>> ere we have the prototypes. four concrete and four alternate materi this i solid concrete a you can see how tck it is on the bottom probab three feet of solid thick concrete. 30 feet tall and the bottom is about twoeet ick. this w poured in place. they d gon at least six feet. this i probably the first 10 or 12 feetnd has an anti-climbin plate in t middle about four feet. next one has a littlei more o esthetic feature and
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a stamped concrete a look an anti-c fence that is angled towards the southside. not a lot of people are going to climb this. people will still climb it, but it wil take more time and that's a benefit for us. >> they say the wall is actually two fences stretching for only 14 miles. they w 90s and tn be cu through or climbed ver in a matter of seconds. >> when this was built, it was effect because it would stop people take them longer t jump up and over. they can get through and cut this in about 30 or 45 seconds with the tools er operated saws and that's why it's time to replace this with something like the protot we saw earlier. >> roughly 2,000 agents like this patrol the california
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border for smugglers at por between tijuan and saeg >> it's the busiest land port in the world. they deal with 100,000 people a day. as you can see behind me, they are going with a huge expansion, increasing the number of vehicle lanes pedestrian lanes. >> the constructio going on on the southside. we had imposters, aliens coming ss and they dress like constr workers and we have a numb agents close to keep an eye on that. >> thi agent joined the u.s. custom and border protectiont ei years ago and he was drawn to the job by a personal connec >> myfe grandfather was a retire agent. when met her, he work out of the el cajon station and hearing his stories like the camaraderie betwee agents, they bragged about him and how good he was. as farcutting, a that large our job.
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follow footprints. tracki trackipeople, tracking footpr or disturbs t in ground whethe it's the imprint of the shoe or now they use carpet square type of booty. i want to be like that one day. he first group of illegal aliens tracking them from the border for a couple of hours and make that apehension the first time it was like nothing else i ever felt. that puts a ymile onr face and made you proud like you are making a difference. making apprehensions at the check point and rescuing people stuffe trunks pleading for water. that's gratifying as well. you don't know how t would make it if they got past you. >> so far the border patrol appreh28,000 people, up nearly 10% from 2017. the trump administration's zero tolera led to the
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widely criticized separation of thoa of migrant children. the policy since ended. >> sometimes you have toap eh family, little childr how do yo handle that? is it difficult? >> not necessarily. it's a partjof the you kind of have to understand where are coming from they a trying to better themse they haver the pon to enter legally. whethe that's difficult or not feasib my job is to stop the illegal entrie that's what i do. a wanteher can be crimin or have a bad rap sheet. you can't ge complacent and comfor but you feel for them. there right w to enter and wrong way. >> our tour along the border ended the last parts of the fence into the pacific ocean. we stood near friendship circle here for a few hours on th weeken visitors on either side
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of the border can gheak thro a metal fence. the fight over immigration in the u.s. is testing the bonds friend with mexico like never before. increasing scrutin of border polici and the people who have to enforce them. >> there are more eyes on em than tmedia. we can handle that, but on the field, i think the gals and girls in green adapted well ann n to do their job. >> even if a new border wall eventuets fund and built, it remains to be seen if a barrier, no matter it stop people daring or desperate enough to cross the border. >> that was kqed immigration report julie small. that will do it for you ca find coverage at ro thank
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>> raucous rallies. deaant tweets. ooming showdown with the special counsel. i'm robert costa. august is anything but quiet. tonight on "washington week." [chanting] u.s.a.! u.s.a.! robert: just hours before president trump hosted a rally in pennsylvania, his national security chiefs were sounding the alarm. >> our democracy, itself, is in the cross hares. free and fair electio are the cornerstone of our democracy cand it has becomelear that they are the target of our adversaries. robert: a stark warning from the white house. russia used and continues to use cyber weapons to interfere in american campaigns. >> the intelligence community continues to be concerned about the threats of upcoming u.s. eltions. bothhe midterms
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