tv PBS News Hour PBS August 9, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> brangham: good evening, i'm william brangham. judy woodruff is on vacation.ew on the nour tonight, huge fires continue in california as crews work around the clock ande evacuated resints seek shelter. then, after weeks of violent escalation along the israel-gaza border, egypt attempts to broken as the u.s. gets older, a look at the effort to provide better training for home health care workers. >> if they could do more they would be more productive, that would justify better compensation for them whichd woulan that more people would enter into the market and we will be able to avoid the shortages that we will inevitably fe as the baby boom ages.ra >> bngham: all that and moreon
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tonight's pbs newshour >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. babbel's 10-15 minute lessons are available as an app, or online. more information on oa>> and by the alfred p. foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> carnegie corporation of new
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york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the ement of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to yoom pbs station iewers like you. thank you. t >> brangha death toll from a powerful earthquake on the indonesian island of lombok has now soared to over 300 peopl as rescuers dug out more bodies today, the island was shaken by a third strong quake in just over a week.
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ckople jumped out of their cars as the aftershock the island. some tourists said they were almost getting used to the repeated quakes. >> we don't want anybody to panic, this was a smaller earthquake than the one before. so we're just going to go back to our hotel because we need to tell them that we're still okay and we were out at lunch when it happened and we're walking back. >> brangham: the red cross is still trying to get aid to about 20,000 people who are in desperate need of help. puerto rico's government now estimates killed at least 1,400 people after it hit the island inr septem17. that's far more than the official death toll of 64. the acknowledgment came in a report from the u.s. territory dsking congress for more f to rebuild. the storm caused widespread outages of electricity and water, which prevented many sick and elderly people from getting life-saving medical care. in yemen, shiite rebels say at least 50 people were killed
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today by an airstrike from the saudi coalition in the northwest. more tha70 others were wounded. the attack hit a busy rket in saada province. many of the victims were school children. bythey were rushed to a ne hospital, bloodied, bandaged and crying. >> ( etranslated ): the str happened in the middle of the market and it targeted a bus carrying children. oursshops were open and shop were walking around as usual. all of those who died were residents, childre.and shop owne >> brangham: the u.s. stat department today called for saudi arabia's government to investigate the attack. the saudis said ey were targeting rebels who had fired a missile into saudi arabia on wednesday, killing one person. the saudi coalition of sunni muslim countries, with u.s. tsupport, has been fighti shiite rebels in yemen since 2015. cit there's widespread cri that the air strikes often kill civilians. back in this country, new testimony today in the trial of former trump campaign chair paul manafort shed new light on his alleged bank fraud.
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a mortgage loan assistant from citizen bank testified that manafort lied to secure millions of dollars in loans on properties he owned in new york. the charges of bank and tax fraud against manafortred in the years before he led the trump campaign. the u.s. army has apparently u.s. appeals court in san francisco has ordered the environmental protection agency to bde a widely used pesti the e.p.a.'s own research found exposure to the pesticide, which is routinely sprayed on apples and citruscould cause developmental and brain disorders in children. the court ruled that the e.p.a. eand thn-chief scott pruitt had endangered public health by reversing an obama-era ban on the edia news, it's no deal for tribune media and the sinclair broadcast group. their would-be mega-merger, worth $9.3 billion, is o tribune has withdrawn, and is now suing for breach of contract. it claims the conservative- leaning sinclair failed to sl
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off some tv stations, as required to satisfy federal lair had wanted the merger to help create a rival to fox news. the trump administration unveiled new details today abous blishing a so-called "space force" by the year 2020.d if appro congress, it would be the sixth branch of the military, and led by a four-star general. the defense department hasn't yet calculated the cost. and stocks were mixed on wall street today. the dow jones industrial average lost 74 points to close at 25, the nasd rose three points, and the s&p 500 slipped four. still to come on the newshour: on the ground in california where raging wildfires have displaced thousands. the kremlin responds to the latest u.s. sanctions, and much more.
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>>rangham: california's mendocino complex wildfire became the largest in the state's history overnit. it's now burned an area nearly the size of loangeles. special correspondent cat wise is on the ground in norn california. >> reporter: a fire of unprecedented size, but scenes r striking familiarity: a thick haze ove entire region. homes charred, evacuees at shelters. the two fires that make up the mendocino complex, northwest of sacramento, are among almost 20 blazes burning across california right now. the state is poised to see its worst wildfire season ever. >> i hate to call it the new normal but unfortunately i think ar is the new normal. >> reporter: briann is the sheriff of lake county, california, where, at its peak, the mendocino complex displaced almost 20,000 people. >> this is our fourtiv consecyear dealing with
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major wildfires. some of the community members have been evacuated every single year for some members have been evacuated multrele times. weesilient we are strong but it is challenging. and it takes a toll on people. >> reporter: tamie hockett- l majesky had ve her home in lucerne, a small town on the north side of clear lake. she grew up in this area, moved away, and came back three years ago. we met her while sheas at this red cross shelter on the south side of the her homenharmed, but the stress is mounting. >> what's going to happen next year, what's going to happen the year after that. i was really trying to make it work this time around, but with these fires and cost of living goeg up and everything will affected by these fires so i want to move out of state. >> reporter: jeff baumgartner is the head of the red cross northwest california chapter. >> it's taxing to go through this year after year. i've met people who have lost multiple homes in last four
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years. our disaster cycle services team are bouncing from one event to the next >> reporter: and how's thatpa ing them? >> i think you do see some level ofatigue at times. we try to recruit folks from as close by and as people get tired, we bring people from further and further distances to i've been saying for three yearh e word "unprecedented" and we're in the fourth year of that so it's no longer unprecedented. >> welcome to the operational 9iefing for thursday augu d reporter: this was the scene at incident commanr theo mendocincomplex this morning. some00 fire supervisors received their orders for the day. they relay the information to the firefighters on the line. in all, more than 4,000 fire personnel are currently assigned hato this fire, and about lf of are on the fire lis today. firefighter travis lopes has been in the forest serviceor 13 years.
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the 32-year-old has two kids under the age of three and says he's lost count of how many fires he's been on this year. >> you're always loong for a good place to sleep and food and time to call the family. it's pretty tough to get a conversation with them because their bed time's and usually i'm back in camp after 8:00 or don't get a chance to call till after 8:00. sometimes in the morning, but most of the time it's justin tato my wife, not the kiddos. >> reporter: lopes, who says the fire activity has definitely gotten worse in recent years, traveled just a few hours to get here, from his home in challenge, california. but crews have come from 17 states, and as far as new zealand and australia.s barry ja the field liaison officer for the australian firefighters at the mendocino complex. >> it's a great opportunity for us to come over here and respond to a need. it's pretty devastating what's been going on and we're more than happy to dohehat we can to them out.
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>> reporter: the mendocino complex has charred mostly gged, forested land. so the injuries and property damage aren't as severe as others burning in the state. clt as peoe continue to build homes in more seuded, mountainous areas, lake county sheriff brian martinthey need to take note of the risks. >>em don't know if its a pro but it's something people need to be aware . when you choose to live in a rural area when you want to be out in touch with nature you give up certain thgs. when wildfire hits there are additional issues you have to be ready for. >> reporter: overall, the two fires are now about 50% contained. the smaller fire is almost fully contained today and crews are starting cleanup efforts. the larger fire to t north is and there's still a lot of active fire, especially up inna the mendocinional forest area. there's not many homes there, but there are several historic buildings that they're really
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trying to focus on today to protect. william? >> brangham: cat, as you reported, there are thousands and thousands of fir out there working in very difficult conditions. can you tell us a little bit about what it's like for them? >> reporter: that's right. well, you could perhaps see it smoky and hot here today at the incident command ceer. the last few days, the weather has actually helped there ghters in some regard. the smoke that you see around mh has actuallped them, because there's not been much direct sunlight on the ground and the sources of fuel for te fire. so they've been making some progress. t later today conditions are actually supposed to change fairly this high pre system keeping the smoke toward the ground is expected to lift. and when that happens, sunlight, the sun will come out for the first time in days and hite th ground and really start to heat up the ground. they're expecting that the firef will start tolare up again. so that's one of the big things that they're monitoring and
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watching out for today. >> brangham: i understand also that the air quality is really starting to suffer becausef these prolonged fires. nhat is it like there? >> well, i tell you, i am here at the base camp, and the hosest active fire from us here is about severurs away by car. and it is veroy sm even here. my cameramen and i were out about half an hour away today in a rural area, ad it was so smoky that we could hardly be mooutside our vehicle fo than a couple minutes. we were wearing our m-95 recommended mask, but it was really tough out there. regionally, the smoke has been hovering over much of northern california fothe past ten days. stretching all the way fm the sierra nevada mountains down to the bay are i spoke a little while ago to an official from the sacramento metro air qualy district, and he said that they have been
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monsterring really unhlthy air levels for -- since last friday. what that means is that individuals who don't have underlying health conditions could be suspectable to healthst impacts even jgoing outside for a few minutes, and especially pregnant women, oler adults, and young children, sta inside until tomorrow when that advisory is expected to be lifted. but it's been a big problem here in nora ern califorr a number of days now. >> brangham: all right. special correspondent cat winds, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brangham: just in the last few hours, the militant group hamas, which runs gaza, and israel, agreed to a tens had been running extremely high. militants in gaza have been firing rockets toward israeli towns. israeli jets have pounded
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rgets in gaza. in the last decade, hamas and israel fought three wars. for now, both sides have pulled back from a fourth. foreign affairs correspondent nick schifrin begins his story in gaza city, on a tense morning. (explosion) >> schifrin: in one of the densest places on the planet, an israeli airstrike hits a single building. on a busy za city street, massive bombs dropped s u.s.- made jshake the ground. since yestday, israel's unched more than 150 strikes on gaza. as hamas militants release video of rockets they fire from gaza into israel. hamas has fired more tn 180 of the often crude rockets aimed toward nearby israeli towns. it's been fourears, the last gaza war, since the ea has been this tense.
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in israel, the sound of those rocket and the israelis firing back, can be terrifying. fearful families wedge themselves behind dumpsters, and try to reassure frightened children. in sderot, one of the israeli towns closest to the gaza border, a city worker cleans up a sidewalk hit by a hamas rocket. another left pockmarks on the wall of this apartment complex. more than 25 israelis have beenu d. some gazans have launched incindiary kites over thebu bordering nearby fields, including alon, who didn't give his last name.u >> what e around us is the reality of our lives. everyday we have like tens of fires, erupting because of baoons and kites sent from gaza nd the message or the purpose of it is to terrorize our lives. >> schifrin: often, israelis try to find space in overcrowded, hardened shelters. in gaza, there aon no shelters. strike hit this house.
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the family who lives here says a 23ear-old woman and her daughter, bayan khamas, were killed. another strike targeted a car s d its driver, identified by both sides as a haader. his family said goodbye in the local morgue. and another bomb destroyed a water treatment facility. the huge pipe that used to help treat water, now replaced with raw sewage. 97% of gaza's water is undrinkable, and every day sewage flows into the mediterranean. there are only four hours of electricity a day. says gaza researcher for the humanitarian orgnaization gisha, mohammad azaiza. >> i can't describe th in my children when they hear the bombs. i can't describe the fear in my wife's eyes.
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it takes us back to what happened in 2014, 2010, 2009. we remember the crying of the children. we remember the destruction. is at we remember when we hear the airstri >> schifrin: but for israel, the barrage of hamas rockets, cannot go unanswered, says ambassador danny danon, israel's permanent representative to the n. >> our strikes are measured. >> schifrin: hamas is israel believes hamas is trying >> it will be quiet in israel. it will be quiet in gaza. that's what we told all those people who tried to mediate and bring tranquillity to the region. we have no reason to seek escalation in the region.
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we want the israeli children to enjoy their summer vacation. we want thealestinian children to enjoy their summer vaonca >> reporter: the long-term humanitarian crisis in gaza remains, by right now hamas and israel are focused on the shortg term, hoonight stays quiet to avoid having to fight a fourth war. for the pbs news he for s newshour, i'm nick schifrin. >> brangham: stay with us, cong up on the newshour: addressing the shortage of home care workers. a suivor of the nagasaki atomic bomb visits the very town where fuel for the ddly weapon was produced. and a book from two students whg lived ththe parkland school shooting. but first, the trump administration yesterday anunced new sanctions on russia. they're in response to moscow's use of a nervegent on a former russian double-agent, sergei
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skripal, and hisaughter. the attack occurred earlier this year in britain. russia has denied any involvement. daniel fried had a 40-year career in the foreign service. he served on the national security council staff for both republican and democrati presidents, and during the obama administration, he crafted u.s. sanctions against russia when it invaded welcome back tnews-hour. >> thanks for having me. >> brangham: so how big a deal with these new sanctions on russia? >> it's significant that we are making the russians pay a pri for their nerve gas attack in the sanctions themselves aren't huge. they're modest to moderate, and in the first rouwi. ther have to be a second round or probably a second round. d brangham: these are the ones that could eup being imposed right around our election day in november. >> yeah, the ay the la is written, the first round of nctions comes quckly, and
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then there is a three-month pause, and ifhe offending country has not stopped or given us assurances that it won't do it again, thea administration to apply new sanctions from the menu. that menu goes from light t very heavy. so the trump administration is ing to have a choice to make. >> brangham: so there i so flexibility they have to go very strong on these or to go softer on those. >> that's right. and the waiver provision in the ys the administration will not be boxed in and forced to do i think that they're going to judge the additional sanions based on what russia is doing, y.t if t it's a significant step. the russian markets took a hit today, because sanctions are a game of expectations. are they going up? are they going down? is the administration determined? i think the russians are beginning to realize that whatever deal or arrangement
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they thought they had or believed they might have with president trump, the u.s. administration is acting in this nrea and others to push back o russian aggression, which is a good thing. >> brangham: so is it younsr then that these sanctions will have an impact and actually change russian behior? >> that... i don't want to be extravagant and suggest that sugenly the russians are go to see these sanctions and retreat, but certainly it sho that the russian nerve gas attack in the u.k. is not goi to be ignored, that the united states stepped up ted in solidarity with the u.k., with the european allies.go that's a thing. and it's an important lesson to the russians that they don't have a free fire zone to start murdering their political opponents around the world while we stand by. >> woodruff:his, of course, is coming in the midst of a very uncertain relationship with the
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russians. even put aside ukraine and syria, put aside concerns ovepar meddling in our elections and perhaps future meddling in our elections. tis has got to be a very difficult moment fe administration to figure out how to respond. >> well, there are two levels of difficulty. one, it is difficult to knayw te besto push back against russian aggression, especially when its in so many eas. the russians invade their neighbor ukraine i they interfe our elections. they try to assassinate people they don't like around the world. they're engaged in various corrupt activities all over the place. sohard to know how to lork -- it's hard to figure out how best to deaith this challenge. but there's a second challenge. you have an administration which is acting one way and a president who is speaking in an entirely different way. and i have never seen this before. >> brangham: you're describing the sort of cleavage between the administration saying we'reg go impose sanctions, we're
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going to crack down, we're going to sanction the rusians, and yet the president seems completely unwilling to publicly say to russia, say to vladimir putin, stop. before that know or the -- notorious press conference in hempinki when president tru met president putin, president trump said publicly that the problems in the u.s.-russian relations were largely the fault of america. he blamed america first. i have never seen a presint do that ever. we didn't cause these problems, vladimir putin did. and to have the president go into his meeting with putin and throw rocks at his own country, it's something i have ever seen. i have seen divided governments, not a state department, defense department d everybody wrangles, sure, normal. but to have everybody lined up on one de and th president on
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anotheside, i don't know wht to make of that. it is let's say strange. >> brangham: daniel fried of the atlantic council.ry thank you uch. >> my pleasure. amidst the talk of sanctioning inssia, there of course remains the ongoing prob that country's interference in the 2016 election. and last night, we got a unique look at just how pitical that investigation has become. inbc acquired a secret recording of houel chairman, republican devin nunes, discussing the russia obe at a fundraiser: >> brangham: i'm joined now by our capitol hill correspondent lisa desjardins. so what are we supposed to make of this?
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devin nunes has been criticizing the mueller probe fog a l time. so on one level this isn't surprising, but still, this is the head of the house intel committee seeming to imply that his job is to protect the president from robert mueller. >> that's what stands out here. devin nunes, as you said, is the head of one of the most important committees of congress. his job is oversight of the most sensitive information about protecting this country that there is. that job has generally not been partisan. on the other hand, devin nun is also someone on the steering committee for the trump campaign. it's an isue of how he been balancing those two roles. in the tape, it makes it seem like his priority is to protect and reelect te president versus thinking about intelligence matters. clearly he's a person that can do both, but in that tape you want to thibout perhaps a onfferent trump administration official, jeff ses he's also in the trump campaign. ie decided to recuse himself when those two ngs came into conflict. that's why jeff sessions is notv seeing the russia
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investigation, rod rosenstein is. let me play another piece of tape from nunes about mr. roadsenstein about whether mr. rosenste should be impeached. >> that piece of tape shows he's making a policy decision and the timing of that decision is based on politics. he can be there's noagainst a member of congress being political, but in the high stakes of intelligence, it's something to scuss. >> yang:>> brangham: has nunes responded? >> hike spoerson said, "it is unsurpriseing to see the left-wing media spin chairman nunes routine observations as some nefarious plot. since the media outlets spins the last year and half out thing a non-existent russia collusion conspiracy." a lot in that statement, huh? the idea that the russia collusion charges are a conspiracy, that's deb but basically what they're
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saying is this is a media invention against mr. nunes. ly say there are broader questions within the house republican caucus, as well. seiste republicans handled t differently. with the house republicans, you see a conflict between their roles balancing out the executive branch. they are in charge of a separate and equal branch of government versus supporting a president whose policies goals they think they can help. we've en this with aker ryan who says he will not put issues on the floor that the esident will not sign. democrats have done similar, too, but it's a fair qstion right now. >> yang:>> brangham: does it sue you that nunes put this in the context of the cominged any tem elections? >> it's not a surprise, especially when you look at polling. look at the partisan difference over this issue in particular. for example, reuters asked just this month, should the mueller investigation be ending now? look at that 64% of republicans agreed that it should end now. just 18% of democrats.
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so what you see is they areh playing toir base on this. and really what's amazing william, even as themp administration tries the beat down on the mueller investigation, things haven't changed. republicans still have more douse. democrats have less. what is changing is independents are less sure about mueller. t ey by in large support the investigation, bally this kind of talk is about talking to the base, and that is exactly literally what devin nunes was doing in that fund-raiser. >> brangham: lisa desjardins, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> brangham: many of us say we gwant to stay at home as w into old age. but as economics correspondent paul solman recently reported, the country is facing a shortage of home care workers, the very people who can make staying at home possie. tonight paul looks at efforts to address that shortage. it's part of our weekly series "making sense."
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>> reporter: america homecare shortage is critical and growing. >> all right, tom. come have a se come sit down for breakfast. >> reporter: right now, 90% arp women, who hder adults and people with disabilities get through the daily tasks of living at home. the key drivers of the shortage, according to gerontologist clare luz: >> low wages, virtually no benefits, lack of guaranteed hours and lack of respec those are the big ticket items. >> reporter: the pay? a national average of $10.49 an hour. and that's not nearly enough to make up the shortage, says mitna ment professor paul osterman. have to find ways to mak these jobs for these home aides better jobs so more people are willing to do the work. >> reporter: on the demand side, the reason is obvious and pressing: the number of elderly and dibled in need of sistance is expected to double
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in the next 25 years. >> it's going to put tremendous pressure on unpaid family members to step in, but they're not going to be there in the nuers that we need. >> reporter: there aren't enough like hellen kwant, that is, who's en caring for the elderly since she arrived from colombia at age 22. you'reow how old? >> 87. >> reporter: and you're still doing it?d how the person you're taking care of? >> 87. (laughing) >> reporter: hellen's daughter martha is also a he care worker fo my mom raised us to car our elderly neighbors, so since we were knee-high to boll evils we were taking food and helping do this. >> yeah, we adopted like a grandma! de reporter: but, martha w if the rest of her fellow americans are equipped to take r in agiatives. >> as a society, we're not so go about having the patien as other cultures do to have family move in, or thave that person move in with family and soften the approach to that ledge and the fall. that's not something most
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americans are prepared to do >> reporter: so, what to do? in his book, "who will care for us?" osterman argues home care workers should be given more responsibilities, like managing chronic conditions, and especially more training. >> if they could do more they would be more productive, that would justify bett compensation for them which would mean that more peoplete would into the market and we will be able to avoid the shortages that we will inevitably face as the baby boom ages. >> i'mearing that off. m not touching my hand. >> reporter: at a recent session in grand ledge, michigan calle"" building training, building qua"y" or "b.t.b.q. experienced home care workers were learning how to train new employees." b.t.b.q." is a state-m nded pilot pr develop baseline training for homecare workers.
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the goal is to attract and retain more people. last yeathe industry had a median turnover rate of 67%. >> we're constantly looking for ways to retain our staff. >> reporter: participant alyssa lawrence thinks more training could lead to higher job sasfaction among her employees. >> we're trying to break that stigma you're just aome health aide so this way we're we're looking at trying to better educate them better train them and hopefully retain our staff a lot better. >> reporter: but here's thle pr more training in no way guarantees higher pay. >> i was gobsmacked on how little they pay for this! >> reporter: after wendy martin lost her automotive job she decided to run a home care agency with her mom. if your workforce is better qualified because they've gotten the training that you're learning how to give, are theygo g to earn more money? >> probably not. >> reporter: the reasostfor that is ong-term home care is paid for through medicaid. >> the financing system is aha tremendousenge. medicaid has to compete with education and public safety for resources.
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medicaid today caps what you can do for these acoes in terms of ensation. >> reporter: but, he says, if home care workers were better- trained and higher-pai medicaid and insurance companies would actually benefit economically because patients would avoid more expensive medical care. e >> fewrgency room visits, fewer readmissions into hospitals. secondly they will save money becae they could shift some work from higher paid folks, s.largely nurses to these and they will save money because they will avoid unneeded nursing home entrances. >> reporter: clare luz says the michigan b.t.b.q. prhas already provided evidence of cost-saving. >> we were able to demonstrate empirically an association between this comprehensive training program and expensive client outcomes, like falls and emergency room visits. just from an economic standpoint, a business orandpoint, it's foolish not to
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be looking at thisorce. >> your hair is very, very curly and pretty. >> reporter: henrietta ivey has many years of experience, but she says when workers likecaer re for clients dependent on government reimbursements in her native detroit, the pay is still a measly $9.50/hour. >> they tell you, get skilled, get trained d we do get skilled and get trained but that money has not changed, it hasn't. >> reporter: after talking to her for a while, i wondered: cater to private clients who could afford to pay more out-of-pocket to a loving, seasoned pro like her? maybe it's that there is a big entrepreneurial opportunity. >> you've got a good point there but say for example a group of "home care workers say, "y let's start a home care agency. if we don't have money saved,h wh don't, because we don't make any money to save anything to think on that level. those are our barriers. dsen you don't have that money for your basic nthose types of ideas are just ideas for us. >> we work, we sweat, put $15 in our check! >> reporter: so ivey has become an activist with the service employees international union
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to press for higher wages. >> somewhere, somebody is going to sit up and say, "you know what? we see the problem here now, it ain't at people don't want to work, it's not that people are not smart enough, we're not paying them enough." >> i like to hear that sizzle! >> reporter: and, says, paul ostermanif we want there to be more home care workers like henrietta ivey around when we need their services, we'll have to advocate for them too. >> we're going to need help and we're going to wonder where it is and why it's not forthcoming and we will complain. d there will hopefully be a politician who will see it in his or her interest to make this their issue. >> reporter: for the pbs newshour, this is economics correspondent paul sn reporting from michigan. >> brangham: a very unique museum in washington state tell
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the history of how america built one of the atomic bombs dropped in world war 2. as jenny cunningham of station kcts in seattleeu explains, thism recently hosted a very unique visitor. >> reporter: as part of the manhattan project during world war ii, the u.s. goverent chose an area near hanford, washington as the site where scientists would try to produceu plut the plutonium was sent to new mexico where it was used in the first test of an atomic bomb. >> when the bomb was dropped there was the expectation that it would be so horrible that it uld be the end of war. >> reporter: for a decade, the department of energy has offered public tours of b reactor, where workers processed uranium into plutonium to fuel me of the -trst atomic bombs.
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the popular behi-scenes look inside a nuclear site has attracted a new kind of visitore to eas washington. the atomic tourist. but hanford has never experienced an atomic tourist like this man. of the thousands of people who have toured the world's original large scale plutonium r, mitsugi moriguchi is the first person to do so. in jumpsuit.n-blocking it is a sttling sight that becomes less surprising when you learn why he's so concerned about radiation exposure. moriguchi is believed to be the first survivor of the nagasaki bombing-to visit hanford. when the bomb exploded-he was eight years old. >> there was a huge explosive sound. smoke started rising all over the city >> reporter: now 81, moriguchi wanted to see the place that fueled the bomb that destroyed his city.
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>> i came here because i wanted to know what the town th produced plutonium is doing today and what it plans to go on doing in the future. >> reporter: moriguchi has come to make a case that the stories of bomb survivors-should be part of a new national park created in 2015. the manhattan project national historical park preserves three world war ii sites where the united states developed the first atomic weapons. the park service is working on new content that will be l presented atos alamos, new mexico, oak ridge tennessee and hanford. >> yese learned that it was going to become a national park and we in nagasaki are quited. worrie was it going to become a national park to express pride?> eporter: moriguchi's visit was organized by two japanese-er an professors, and joined by a college student and a film
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crew from nagasaki.? moriguchi, himself a teacher for 4o years-was eager to tell students at richland high school what it was ke to survive a adly bomb. >> that makes us realize that you guys are real people and that you existed. >> reporter: he tried to explain to students why he was offended by their mascot painted on the gym floor. >> people walk oit! but under the mushroom cloud people died, so it is like stepping on the graves. i can't forgive that. >> reporter: students told moriguchi about the pride they feel in the school's two mascots: a mushroom cloud and "day's pay," a world war ii bomber paid for by hanford workers. what he doesn't understand is how much the day's pay and thero mu cloud mean to us. it means where we were and where
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we are i'm sure igs back some bad stuff but there you go. >> reporter: standing before this mural did trigger memories for moriguchi, including walking across nagasaki with his mother a few days after the bombing. >> there w nothing there! but there was smoke rising here and there. it was the smoke of cremated bodies of those who di.te >> repor the city of nagasaki, which helped fund moriguchi's visit, wants the suffering caused by atomic bombs b be part of the story to the national park, which is not the current narrative. tour guide john fox, who worked for decades as an engineert hanford, described b reactor as a marvel of science that saved lives, including his. >> it saved me from beingdr
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ted and participating in an invasion of japan and ending up there dead on a beach. >> reporter: kris kirby, the superintendent of the manhattanj t national park ,said the sensitive process of further developing the park will take years. that's okay with moriguchi-- he's a patient man who has spen the lastars telling people e out the aftermath of the bomb so that it won'ted again. the next time nacosaki survivors to hanford, he hopes they will find a national park that represents both americnd japanese points of view. for the pbs newshour, i'm jenn i cunninghamn richland, washington.
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>> brangham: next week marks six months since the massacre at marjory oneman douglas high school in parkland, florida. 17 people were killed that day. but out of that tragedy came a group of students dedicated to preventing future school shootings. two of those students, david and lauren hogg, describe their experience in a new book, "#never again: a new generation draws the line." hari sreenivasan recently spoke with them about their movement, and he began with the days immediately following the tragedy. >> i know for me i never thought i would go through anything like, this but those first couple days, you would think it would so painful, and it was, but if anything it was more my whole community was numb. were numb. we didn't feel anything. and that is almost worse than feeling something, because being numb is awful. i think it's worsehan actually hurting, because you're just so in shock that you dot know why you aren't feeling grief yet. that was the worst part of grieving so far. >> sreenivasan: you said one
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of the reasons of yr response was your inability to help her. >> yeah to, have somebody so close to you like my sister is to me and hear themthat much to the point they can't even speak for days on end, anid n't do anything about it other than just try to prevent other people fromving to live through the same extreme and cry the same tears and go through the same suffering, i couldn't just stand around and do nothing. i felt that i had to speak up for those that couldn't at the time. the people that you see on tv, a then't characters. they aren't numbers. they're people. they're friends. they're daughters. they're sons. they're parents. and they're suffering. it's the same suffering you can go through if we don't take action to end this. >> sreenivasan: your advocacy has also made you and your entire family targets. you've been called tons of names on the internet, a crisis actor, rt of a operation, coached by
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liberals. you've maged to laugh some of it off. you've targeted advertisers from very influential critics. what's worked best toet you through this? >> laughing it off really and being arou my family and friends and having their support, knowing that what i'm doing is not trying to take people's gun, because i wouldn't want to do that. on a personal level, i wouldn't like somebody that's trying to do that because i believe in the settlement. i just believe in commonense regulation. for example, you used to be able to smoke anywhere in public, however, people can still smoke, they cn go out and drink if they're not going to drive, you know, it's... there are ways to approach this where people's guns aren't taken away, and lives are saved. it's really mmon sense. >> sreenivasan: david, one of the things you mention in the book is th ae is certain, you know, part of this reason that people are paytiing att to this is that you are, you know,
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white, middle-class kids in florida. this has happened before lots of people and it's continuing to happen. and you point out that in the book that there's a disproportionate impact that gun violen has on porer communities. >> absolutely. i have now been to the south side of chicago and ferguson, missouri, and the oneing that amazed me most in both places was the strength and resilience and the love and compassion these peo have for each other and the community. it's so sad to see the amountf suffering they have to go through. since the beginning of this school year on the south side of chicago, over 150 kids, kids just like you were or i was or my sister is killed under the age of 21. and no voices are heard. in the meia, and in law enforcement, if you live on a block whe there are gangs, even if you aren't part of that gang, you get shot, it's automethodically attributed to gang violence. >> sreenivasan: one thing you and your brother write about in the book is this is aer genion
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that's grown up after columbine. you've had red alert drills your entire lif somehow we have normalized this behavior. >> i was born after columbine. i was mine when sandy hook happened. i have grown up waking up every morning it seems like and seeing these things on the news, andin the is, i never realized before this affected me, but these aren't things that just happen. ese things shouldn't be happening, and that's one of our main issues with the problem. we've grown accustomed to it as a nation. >> we are coming on the air at this hour with news of a school shooting in south florida. >> until it happens to you, you don't think is real. you don't think it's ever going to happen to you unless you live in some of theommunities. that's the problem.u i have grown p like you sai d growing through code red drills like every other month. i thought it was normal. inner really ught, i'm sitting in this corner because there's a chance that sommiebody t come to my school and murder me.
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>> sreenivasan: while you were there in that room with your friends waiting for the all clear sign, one of thquotes that stood out the you and to me was you spoke to a woman that said, "i even texted my sisters, "shooting at my school, i am fe. " they both responded to the pointhere "omg, lol, you are funy. ." >> yes, that's the point we're at, where people joke about school shootings. it happens so often. having one school shooting a week should not be normal. enivasan: you've had several legislative victories. you had a march where people all over the world took part. it's part of the tional conversation, but how do you keep this momentum going? >> the sad ing is, even if lauren and i completely stoppede right now, th still going to be more mass shootings. there's still going to be people dying every da on american streets because our politicians refuse to take action. they refuse, they want to sit
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become and n their complacency and take money from the n.r.a. >> sreenivasan: how are you going to measure your success in the long term. is it abo getting your peple into office in this mid-term thection? >> ink getting into office g at are morally justin. i'm in the talkinmocrats or republicans. i'm talking americans. they're not politicians. for god's sake, the best way for people to understand what it's like to go through these situations or lose somebody thak thw gun violence is close your eyes and imagine the person tat you love moat you hold closest to you. and how much youve them. now i'm going to imagine that persons murdered. and you can't do anything about it. and when you speak to you politicians, they say, i'm sorry, but we can't do anything about it. and thewhen you spak the people, they don't care because they didn't know them. america needs to learn empa and put themselves in each other's shoes. >>en politicians puts children and love and happiness
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over their pockeooks, i think that's when times will begin to change. >> sreenivasan: i think saddest parts about this book you chronicle from columbine onward so many different school shootiat have happened, but the worst part is yours wasn't the last one. even since then there have been multiple. we want to get to an era when that doesn't happen. >> i think larger than getting the right people into office and getting more people to vote, these movements have to be a cultural shift in america where we don't accept things like gun violence.on we accept our children dying every day on our streets. in the book i look at myself long and hard. i'm very honest about my past. i think america has to do the t saing, but about where we are right now. that will fix it. >> sreenivasan: david hogg, lauren hogg, thank you both. >> thank you.
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>> brangham: now another installment of our weekly seriet "briefpectacular." it's where people tell us about their passion. adam grant is an organizational neychologist at wharton bu school and an author, most recent of "option b", which he co-wrote with facebook's sheryl sandberg. in his new podcast, "worklife", grant goes inside some of the world's most unusual workplaces to discover the secr. to better wo >> so i read a study not lg ago which showed that highly creative adults grew up in family where their parents are argued more and not on argued more but argued in front of their children which as a dad, i just thoughtt was something you're never supposed to do, and yet, the more i read about this arch the more i realized that if you never disagree in front of your kids, they think thers one right answer to everything, whereas if they see you argue they realize there might be multiple perspectives on a problem and they have to learn to think for themselves. it'sot how often parents arg that affects kid's well-being, it's how constructively they argue.
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there are a few rules for good arguing that i like to follow. eone is to argue like you right, but listen like you're wrong. instead of arguing to win, you can argue to learn, and then y have to acknowledge when your opponent has a made a good point. i think most of us are terrible at hearing criticism.t think abat happens to you physically, your shoulders start to tense, your body tightens up, your heart raises and you just feel like yoalre being phys attacked. there's an experiment i love about how to give criticism so that other people really hear it and it only take about 19 words. you open by saying "i'm givingts you these commecause i have very high expectations of you and i'm confident you can reach th." it changes the conversation, instead of saying "oh no, this person's about to attack me." the person receiving the feedback says "oh, this person is trying to help me i spend a lot of time working with sheryl sandberg the c.o.o. of facebook and i've learned a lot from watching her lead. one of the things that shery sandberg noticed was that she climbed up the hierarchy in her career. people stopped giving herti ne feedback.
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sheryl's obsess with feedback in fact she's been told that she ask for too much feedback as a point of feedback. t one of tngs that i've watched her do in meetings is pen a meeting by giving herself negative feedback out loud. saying something like "i know talk too much in meetings and i'm trying to work on that." thother thing she often do is she'll open a meeting and go through the agenda and then go around the room and ask for every single person to give their viewpoint before she shares hers so that people aren't catering, you know, their opinion to what they think the boss wants to hear. when i was 26 i was barely out of grad school and i got signed up to teach half day class in motivation and after i committed, i found out it was going to be generals and lonels in the u.s. air force. i was half their age. like they were right out of the ltvie top gun. i walked in and i ike i have to establish my credentials. so, i talked about you know, all the research i'vdone, you know why i was qualified to teach the class and i delivered the class i could tell it was not going well. and when i read the feedback forms afterwards, it was even worse than i'd feared. there was one guy who that there was more knowledge in the audience than on the podium,
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there was angaher who said i ed nothing from the session but i trust the instructor gained useful insight. it was like a dagger to the toart and i wanted to quit but i already signed uo a second session. i shifted my approach d i walked in and i said "i know what you're all thinking right now, what can i possibly learn from a professor who's 12 years" ol then i heard a colonel pipe up, he's code name was hawk and he said "no no, that's way off, i'm pretty sure you're 13."an after that i delivered basically a carbon copy of theom same material efore but the feedbacks forms were night and day different. and i think what i learom that was sometimes acknowledging imr weaknesses uh you know, sort of admitting ourations can actually make us stronger. my name isdam grant and this is my brief but spectacular take on feedback. >> brangham: you can watch all our brief but spectacular episodes on our website, and that's the newshour for tonight. on friday, beyond
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charlottesville: reflections on how that violent rally hasun changed the coy and the country over the past year. i'm william brangh. join us online and again here tomorrow evening with mark shields and ruth marcus. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: wl >> kge, it's where innovation begins. it's what leads us to discovery and motivates us to succeed. it's why we ask the tough questions and what leads us to the answers. at leidos, we're standing behind those working to improve the world's health, safety, anden effi. leidos. >>inevin. >> kev >> kevin.
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>> funding for "bombs away" was proved by... additional support was proded by the following... [ buzzing ] >> man: this particular phonea only rings irious crisis. keep it in the hands of a man who's proven himself responsible. m : only rarely do you have an election that redefines one or both parties and sets d the tone fades to come. that's >> wan: daddy, he knew that therwere things that needed to be done in this country. e
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