tv PBS News Hour PBS August 17, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by ooewshour productions, llc >> woodruff:evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonigh more than 500 migrant children still tsparated from their paren three weeks after a court- ordered deadline to reunite them. then, time is running out for a brexit dea pain of the u.k. leaving the european union. >> british consumers have become used to getting the food that they want, the quality that they want, at the price they want when they want it. and the problem we have is... is e at a no-deal brexit would put thosnsitive supply chains at risk. >> woodruff: andmat's friday. shields and david brooks analyze the president's decision or revoke the former c.i.a. dire security clearance, plus the rest of the week's news. all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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of these institutions: and friends of the newshour. >> this program was made rppossible by the ation for utblic broadcasting. and by contrns to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: president trump says a current u.s. justice ndepartment official may t to lose his security clearance. bruce ohr had contacts with a former british agent who compiled a dossier on mr. trump's ties to russia during the 2016 campaign. the agent was hired by the firm fusion gps, where ohr's wife worked for a time. today, as he left washington for the weekend, the president
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brought up ohr's security clearance. >> i think bruce ohr is a disgrace. i suspect i'll be taking it away very quickly. i think bruce ohr is a disgrace with his wife, nellie. for him to be in the justice department and to be doing what he did, that is a disgrace. >> woodruff: mr. trump already revoked the clearance of former c.i.a. director john brennan. he said today that decision got what he called "tremendous response." but last night, 13 forr ranking intelligence officials of both parties deunced it as a clear attempt to stifle free speech. analysts signedletter of their own saying former officials should be able to speak freely "without fear of being punished." ige president also defended his former camchairman paul manafort again as a good man. a deral jury in alexandria
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virginia, has deliberated two m ys on bank and tax fraud charges against thout reaching a verdict. mr. trump would not say whether he'd pardon manafort if he's convicted. a dispute between the u.s. and turkey heated up a president trump warned of new action after a turkish court refused to free an american pastor being held on terro charges. the u.s. already imposed higher tariffs on turkish metals, but turkey's trade minister argued the trump policy is misguided. >> ( translated ): we are witnessing the united states mixing political issues and economic cooperation issues without regard to sensitivity. and this not only is negatively affecting growth of the american economy, but also the global ufonomy. >> woo today's renewed tensions sent the turkish lira downgain. it's lost nearly 40% of its value against the dollar this year. the u.s. has slapped new
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financial and travel sanctions on myanmar's security forces over a violent campaign against rohingya muslims. today's announcement accused the buddhist nation's military of massacres, rape and other abuses. it targeted two military army units and four commanders. more than 700,000 rohingya have fled to neighboring bangladesh in the past year. itthe state department say redirecting $230 million meant for stabilization efforts in syria. the money had been frozen and under review since last march. a state departmentpokeswoman said the cut was offset by increased contribuons from coalition partners in the fight against the islamic state and she insisted the u.s. was not "lessening" its commitments in itria. iraq's my says it killed 28 islamic state militants in a pair of airstrikes inside syria yesterday. the targets were near the iraqi border. security officials say one of
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the strikes targeted a gathering of would-be suicide bombers who planned to attack iraq next week. in genoa, italy, officials now safive people are still missing after a deadly bridge collapse. 38 people died in tuesday's disaster. funerals began today at the town's convention center. noa's roman catholic bishop said the city is struggling. >> ( translated ): this bridge belonged to our everyday life for us genoese. we would cross it every day as it used to link the two parts of the city. today, for example, i went to buy the newspaper, went to church to pray, to a coffee shop with a friend, and edy talks about what happened. so, it really is a wound for the whole community because it is a part of us. >> woodruff: a state funeral for the victims is scheduled for saturday. back in this country, the pentagon says there won't be a military parade in washi fton, d.c., thl, after all.
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last night's announcement followed news that the parade could cost $92 millione times the initial estimate. in a tweet today, president trump criticized what he called "ridiculously high" costs, and he blamed city officials in washington. they called it ourtrageous. on wall street today, the dow jones industrial average gained 110 points to close at 25,669; the nasdaq rose ten points to close at 7,816; and th500 added nine points to close at 2,850. still to come on the newshour: why hundreds of migrant children are still separated from the families; the vatican speaks out about allegations of systemati sexual abuse; what's at stake if the u.k. can't make a brexit deal; and much more. f:
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>> woodr story we've devoted to a lot of time in the past weeks, the plaight of children taken and separated from parents at u.s. border officials as they enter the u.s. amna nawaz has the update. >> reporter: the latest numbers filed yesterday in court by the trump administration showed that of the 2,654 immigrant children separated from their fat the border, 2,089 are now reunited with their parents or with sponsors; 565 other remain in government custody, 24 of whom are under the age of five. also the parents of 366 of those children have alread deported. many had crossed the u.s. border illegally, others had come seeking asylum. lee gelernt is t lead attorney for the american civil liberties
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union representing the separated families we invited the department of health and human services to us for this conversatio they declined our invitation. thank you for being here, mr. gelernt. you heard the numbers i was reading off. gi was listenin to the hearing earlier. roiefly, are you satisfied with the pace ofress so far? >> generally speaking, we have not been satisfied. ght now, i think it's moving a little quicker than it would have been, but -- i'm sorry, i'm having trouble with my mic. the judge has made clear that the government needs t move quicker, so we're hoping at this point things move quier. up till now, things have not moved at a pace we have been satisfied with, and, inul part, we believe the government may have been sitting on the phone numbers of these deported parents for weeks or months, and we should have had
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those much earlier. hopefully, know that the judge made it clear that the government can'stall any longer, we will find the parents. >> i want to ask you about the 366 phone numbers and the contacts for those parents who have already been deported. i heard earlier in the hearing the government said they have contacts for most of those parents. you also then said to the judge, you've only been able to contact about 50 of those parents.ha why is? >> we have bee fracally calling. we are getting inoperative phone numbas from the government i lot of cases. you know, we don't know exactly what's going on, but itppears that a lot off the phone numbers are not operatgin anymore. there also may be correct phone numbers, but parents have gone into hiding. so thiis not going tobe an easy task, but we will go back to the government and make clear that a lot of these phone numbers don't appear to be operating, and we need additional information to track these parents down. we're going too everything we
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can to track them down in. addition to calling them, we have people on thground in central america looking for them. one way or the other, we just need to find these paren t because federal judge put it, we cannot have these children orphaned becse the government separated them unconstitutionally and sent their parents' home without them. >> you had to file a joint reunification plan. i want ton focus in one part of it. as part of that outreach effort on the groun listed putting a hotline number on u.s. embassies' web sites, other outreach like posting notices, advertisements and billboards, a lot of peoplwill find it hard to believe that it's come to thisfhat in order tr a parent to know they can get their child back, they have to drive the right billboard at the right time? w is that it's come to? >> yeah, you're absolutely tright. i means is a rough situation. we're hoping that we'll find the parents with other means --
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phone numbers, addresses -- but we don't want to take any chances, so we are going to as the government to do everything possible, including billboards, psas, a hotline number. but you're absolutely right, i'm not going to sugar coat it, this is a bad situation. ce we reunite all these children, the truth is it's not over for these children because atized for theaum rest of their lives. one family i dealt with, the four-year-old child is back with his mother after months of separation, but for a whie he was continuously asking his mother, are they going to come and take me away again? so we'll do everything we can. if it means billboards, we're going to use billboards to get these kids back, but then i think we need toe rmber these children need help and we're hopeful we can get them traumaa help as well. >> once yove found the parents, and i'm focusing on these because these are the bulk of the children who remain in custody, their parents being out of the country, already. once you have found the
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parents, though, sounds like parents have to make a choi, either i decide to have my child brought back to me to my country of origin and the child ges up claims of asylum in the u.s., or we continue to be separated so my child has his her claim adjudicated in the united states. is that the choicthese 366 parents will face? >> you're absolutely right, that's the choicthe govenment wants fat them to. what we said to the federal judge today at the hearing is we colieve that if parents want to back to the u.s., they should have that right. the judge said he will listen te thrguments. so we will likely go to the government and try to work it out, but, if we can't, we may be going back to the judge and explain why we believe the parents have a right to come back here, that goesy especia for the parents who may have been misled or coerced int believing they had to accept
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removal to their home country wiyout their children if t ever had a chance of seeing their own children again, so the parents gave up asylum claims thinking that was the only way they would get their children back. to the extent that happened, it's inhumane, and we will try ig get the parents back. but you'ret, there's no guarantee the judge will allow that and thee parents willput to the tough choice of either having their children giving up their asylum claims or the children staying by themselves, and that will be a decision the family and chid will have to make with counsel, but we'll have to explain to theamilies all the options and tough choices they may have to make. >> tough choices, indeed. lee gelernt of the aclu. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> woodruff: we return now to the subject of child sexual
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abuse in the catholic church and the extensive, disturbing grand jury report ma public in pennsylvania this week. while past investigations have focused on the actions of individual priests, this probe also looked closely at how much church hierarchy-- the bishops-- knew about that behavior and to what lengths they went to cover it up. among other findings, the report concluded: "priests werraping little boys and girls. and the men of god who were responsible for them not only did nothing; they hid it all." of the six pennsylva whose dioceses are covered in ethe investigation, only agreed to testify in person before the grand jury: lawreo e pers the diocese of erie. he joins me now via skype. ryshop persico, thank you much for talking with us. these are such devastating findings. how seriously is the churche taking? >> they're taking them very
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seriously because we realize, after the report came out, how bad things were. >> woodruff: meaning that you and others were not aware of the depth of the problem before this? >> we weren aware throughout the whole state of how bad things were. obviously, i knew some of the situation in the diocese, since ,'ve only been here six year but when you see it all together and you see how bad it is >> woodruff: as we just said a moment ago, this is a report that focuses, yes, on the idual priests,iv but it also focuses on the actions of the leadership, the bishops and paints a disturbing piure of the inaction of bishops actively either ignoring or doing nothing about chares, claims that were brought to them. >> that's true. there was a failure of
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leadership. that definitely is pointed out in that report, that many bishops did not handle it well. th woodruff: and why do you k that was? >> well, that's a good question. i don't want understand myself what they were doing, but i think because they were trying to protect the institution and they were more concerned about that than about dealing with this with law enforcement, as we would do today. >> woodruff: and how do you explain that, when you think about the vow that a prist takes, leaders of the church, taat they are devoting their lives to, to put an institution ahead of human beings, how do you explainhat? >> there is no explanation for it. it's regrettable, but, unfortunately, that's what happened in the past, and we as the leadey rs todast
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demonstrate that we cannot have that anymore. moving forward, there has to be a resolution to handle thi correctly. >> woodruff: well, you were singled out for praise by the pennsylvania state attorney josr shbecause you were, as we said, one of the only six bishops whose diocese were being investigated here to show up in d rson to testify before the grry. at the same time, you have been accused by a former i prie erie, a man named james bolusiac, of ignoring his story. when he came to you, said he had several conversations with you about his own abuse by another priest when he was a teenger. how have you responded to that? >> well, thise first time i've heard that. i don't remember the multiple conversaaons. he did sto me once about it
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it, and there were other issues ing on with jim, and i was trying to address those issues. t had informed me that he had report abuse that he received from monsignor martin prior to my arrival. so i thought that it was dealt with, and i was more concerned about the fragile state that he was in at the time, when we were taking. >> woodruff: have you or do you plan to take steps to talk him further? >> well, quite frankly, when he left the diocese, i had reached n t to him a number of times, writm letters, called him, but there were no returne calls. certainly, if he wants to reach out or speak to me, i will be more tha happy to. >> woodruff: you, bishop persico, have focused in your statements -- iust reading them again this afternoon on behalf of the the
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diocese -- on wanting transparency, as you said, focusing on help for the victims, but my question is is there enough focus on the people who are accused of makin these -- doing these terrible things to these children? do you think there is enougs h fo going after the wrpetrators? >> well, we at we're able to do. civilly, if the crime th still -- i can be arrested by the authorities, that's fine. but i do take action by canon law to remve them from ministry, they're not by function to present themselves as priests. i'm not sure what we could do outside the law enforcement, if they can do something there, that's about it. >> woodruff: i mean, referring them f prosecution, and what
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about supporting what th the ste intorney general says when he should happen and that's abolishing the tatute of limitations so that no matter when the abuse occurred the perpetrator can be prosecuted? >> well, again, that would havei to be - know what the challenges are, or the four proposals that the attorney general made, however, those proposals, we have to review them or in the process of reviewing them. >> woodruff:o you personally think there should be any limits on prosecuting individuals who are accused >> i don't have a problem with criminal prosecution, no. i think that's fine. in fact, i wish we could. >> woodruff: just a nal question, bishop persico. do you believe tlit the catho church needs to re-think its fundamental tenets when it comes
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to young men who go into the priesthood, the celibacy that is a part ofhat responsibility? >> well, certainly, in a situation like thist would raise the question, but just by way of an exampnle, here ihe diocese of erie, we published a list of clegy and laity. we have men and women in clegy working in our institutions. some of them are marriow. i don't f you could say it's just because ofi cbacy these men acted out, or even these women and laymen acted out. so i don't think we could just kcus it on celibacy. i think it's whd of review we do when we bring candidates in studying in the seminary. >> woodruff: it's an important atudy and i know we will
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continue to lookt. bishop lawrence persico, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> woodruff: just over two years ago, britain voted to quit the european union, and the day is fast approaching when a deal to leave must be struck. now, british foreign secretary jeremy hunt is warning of chaos sothat could be caused by called "hard brexit" if britain leaves without an agreement between london and the e.u. and just today, london mayor sadiq khan asked the british disaster preparation agency to evaluate the effects of that possible "hard brexit." special correspondent malcolm brabant has been examining some of the potential consequences. : >> brabawn in brixham, south western england. one of britain's key fisilng ports and trading is
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underway. brixham market has britain's rtggest fish sales. ian perkes, who exto europe is reaping the benefits er the brexit vote. since thenling, the british currency has weaked by 12%. perkes buys fishunn british pods and sells in euros. but there have been dire warnings that britain leaves nithe tariff free europeanon without a deal, in a so-called hard brexit, fish will end up rotting on the dockside. >> a load of old tosh. there is nev going to be any fish left on the dock. every fish here for the last 30 years is sold. nothing is ever left. there'll be no fish left rotting on the dock, i can assure you of that. >> i think business will continue and we will thre, which is why i voted out. >> brabant: brixham's awlermen are staunch brexiteers because they regard europe's fishing onotas as unfair. of the world's most bountiful fishing grounds is
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esclose by, yet 70% of cato to foreign fleets. barry young runs brixham market. >> i don't believe the english fishermen are naive enough to believe that they're going to have 100% of the quota. but we'd just like a little more of the natural resource on england's doorstep so wet an have a decving. >> brabant: brexit has divided modern britain like never before. ten miles from brixham in totnes, so called remainers have launched a rear guard action. they have declared independence from britain andre issuing passports that proclaim loyalty to brussels. >> you must read the oath which you've got on the back here. >> i affirm my allegiance to tho an union and promise to abide by and promote the universal values upon which it. is bas >> i'm so proud to have these. >> brabant: retired psychotherapist fiona green repes other pro-remain areas will follow and thllion will bear fruit. at>> i'm kind of outraged this brexit nonsense which is going to affect so many british
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peop especially, the poorer working class people has gone through on a tiny minority vote. >> congratulations and what shali put here? >> rob hopkins please. from my perspective brexit has been something that has caused unnecessary divisions. it's taken the lid of a pandora's box of xenophobia and tionalism that i thought we'd really moved beyond. >> either way it's going to be an economic car crash. >> brabant: human rights lawyer jonathan cooper is the architect of the independence movement. >> the european union has been this amazing mechanism for prosperity and peace and it has injected fundamental vinto the heart of european citizenship that we're also going to lose. >> brabant: every passing day brings a new warning for this damp collection of british isles and their traditionally stoical inhabitants. there have been reports of stockpiling of food and medicines by the gov prime minister teresa may.
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st this is not just about kpiling, that concept. haat it is, it's about making surewe'll be able to continue to do the things that are necessary once we've left the european union, if we leave >> brabant: may tried to convince the european commission in compromise deal, but it was rejected outright by the e.u.'s chief negotiator michel barnier. this has left may caught in a vice between europe and britain's hardline brexiteers led by former foreign secretary edboris johnson who resignn protest at her compromise proposals. political analysts say johnson and his supporters may soon try to topple may ov brexit. >> order. >> let us again aim explicitly for that glorious vision: a strong, independent, self- governing britain that is
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genuinely open to the world. not the miserable permanent limbo.go >> brabant: thrnment is also under pressure from big business. lucy thomas was once a prominent campaigner for the remain movent, and now advises entrepreneurs how to prepare for brexit. >> the government hasn't made all the prepations that one would need in order to be ready for a no deal brexit. they haven't got enough customs officers. there are it's suddenly impossible to move baings across borders. >> b: the port of dover, 26 miles from calais in france, is the main freight gatewaybr betweeain and europe. it handles business worth $142 billion dollars each year and up 's 10,000 trucks a day. the e.ree movement of roods rules mean it only takes two minutes to pss a truck now...ut without a brexit agreement, the reimposition of customs and other border checks could cause major diuption as dover warned in this video. >> even if it took an extra two
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minutes to process a lorry it would cause queues o 17 miles at dover. and there would be similar chaos in calais and dunkirk. the slowed movement of goods wouldn't just impact ports, it would impact the whole supply chain. >> brabant: dover claims highways could become parking mats. some british supet chiefs have warned there could be food shortages, and one even claimed civil unrest might break out. but william bain, a rmer lawmaker who represents the retail industry would not go that far. >> i think the key thing is that british consumers have becomein used to gethe food that they want, the quality that they want, at the price they want when they want it. and the problem we he is is that a no deal brexit would put those sensitive supply chains at risk. >> brabant: time is rapidly ivnning out for there to be an amicablece settlement. a recent poll shows that that most britons are completely fe w h the painful negotiations and just want the whole process rv be completed. another showed that there
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r re about 100 parliamentary constituenciesstricts that voted in the referendum to leave would opt to remain should they be given a second opportunity. but the chances of there being a eferendum are miniscule. >> brexit wouldn't just mean severing trade links. eume fear britain could leave thpean police agency europol, and lose vital intelligence at a time of international terrorism. civil commissioners who hold britain's police forces to account have told the government that the public could be put at risk. >> brabant: matthew scott is the commissioner in kent, the coun where dover is located. >> there is potential for both british and european tiganizations to lose access to infr about very dangerous people. and we're trying to emphasize that if there's no deal on security both sides stand to lo. >> brabant: back in brixham, fish exporter steve farrar britain, but hopes cool heads
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will prevail. >> everybo's got too much to lose in the long term. you might get chaos for a little while. i think the's a lot of scaremongering going on. at the end of the day it's a hy'sthetical question, but l ulst answer it hypothetically. yeah, it probably be a bit omkward for a while. but fish anddities and cars and everything else that's created in different countries either europe or britain or elsewhere have to be bought and sold. the products will follow the money. ey'll follow the money. easy as that. >> brabant: as he takes his tu to offload the "mary ann"'s catch, skipper nathan old fears a compromise when negotiations between britain and the e.u. resume. >> i'm not worried about brexit, i just know the fishinstry will be the one they sacrifice of keep deals. the house lords, everything it's landowners. they don't care about fishing in this country. >> brabant: the pro european lobby claims that britain has most to lose from the divorce.
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but brexit is a body blow to a deeply divided europe, and if it's a success, anti-e.u. movements in other countries will be emboldened, further threatening the concept of a unified europe. for the pbs newshour, i'm malcolm brabant in england. e>> woodruff: we turn to analysis of shields and brooks. that's syndicated columnist mark shields and ew york times" columnist david brooks. good to see you both. let's start with the president and security clearances. he is moving, david, this week to take away the security clearance, he did, of former c.i.a. director john brennan, says he doesn't like what he's been saying and he's threa to take away another one from a sitting, a current justice department official, and he seis this has been well received, buthat we're seeing, is frankly, a
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flood of criticism, sagreement from the intelligence community. and, including a letter from 15 top-ranking officials yesterday, 60 more tonight. the navy aedirable retiwho ran the osama bin laden raid, put out his own statemen call a defending john brennan whose clearance was take away and offering to have his own security clearance. givehat up for the president. what has donald trump accomplished by doing this? >>ell, i mean, he's politicized something that probably shouldn't be politicized, but i confess, i have trouble getting my knickers in a twist abouthis one. a lot of us don't have security e.earances, doesn't seem to be a problem in l the reason they put people on security clearance after their time in office is so th can offer advice, and i think, frankly, it's a little vanity thing that people get to say i still have my security clearance. so when it's taken away, but john brennan wasn't given the trump administration advice
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anyway, so the idea they have tt liveout security clearance after they have been out of office doesn't strike me as ones of donald truost massive transgressions in office. doesn't strike me particularly as a free speech issue. john brennan, the rest of usth t security clearance are perfectly free to have our speech, and i i guess thes some career disadvantage to people who may be younger, but of the top 5,000 trump transgressions, i would not put this high on the charts. >> woodruff:ot a massive transgression, mark? >> i disagree with david. i beginil with wam mcraven, the former commander of the u.s. special command, who did lead the raid that took out osama bin laden in 2011, w is a retired admiral, who is not, lett be noted, a talking adhundred television, ner has been, he's not someone who comments. ty has been the chancellor of the univerf texas. he is known as bull frog because
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that's the senior member of the navy seals and he was the senior member to have the navy seals. he was a professional. he emerged and not only defended johnan brennwhom donald trump made it quite clear he's attacking -- he's attaking because to have the russian investigation,e blames hi y,st as he got rid of james cohich he admitted simply because he wanted to get rid of him and because heeared him, not because of the rod rosenstein memo on comey's less than dispassionate activity in the hillary clinton matter. so what you have is somebody, mcraven, saying the following, through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children humiliated us the world stage and worst of all divided us as a country. nobody has a right to a security clearance, but what donald trump has done is he's politicizedit
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and this has never been done before. security clearances are lost because of alcoholism, because of drug use, because of behavior that compromises your position with with that kind of invasion. there was no leaking of confidential information. if there had been, donald trump, who's not ve caref about his charges, remember the bther dispute, certainly would have raised that. >> woodruff: so, david, what about mark's point, politicization, a chilling effect, which is a point that others have made. >> i agree. i said right at the beginning i think he' politicizing something, and the whole ethos of the whole tmp administration has been it's like a family business, and the norms and standards of ourrn gont are things they walk all over for the pursuit of donald trum own perpetual feuding, whoever he happens to be feuding with. so i de 't want to emerg the great defender of donald trump on this, i agree with the m statemene against him, but it just strikes me as -- you
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know, it's -- will it have a chilling effect? i can't imagine anydy of conscience, which i take brennan to be, would inhibit his own statement of the trutuse he's going to -- as a retiree, he's going to get his security clearance taken away. so, again, i don't want to seem like i'm defending trump, i just don't think -- it doesn't rise to me to the leve hh crimes and misdemeanors. >> woodruff: mark, the other person the president is attacking this week from a different direction is a woman who was very clo to him, worked for him as an associate going back to the days of "the apprentice," the realtime tv show he did for many years, goes wmck almost 15 years omerosa manigault n. she's written a book critical of the president. she's produced audio recordings to back up the book and we've learned there are video
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recordings as we. when i interviewed her this week, she talked about it being a multimea show. does either side of the story come out? l did wern something, i guess is the question, from this nge exchetween the president and somebody until who, just earlier this year, was a good friend of his? , in a white house where most to have the people are recent acquaintances of the president, she goes back longe than anybody except the president's daughter. she goes back 15 years. she is a donald trump protege and product. her record for integrity is spotty at best. en donald trump madeis famous announcement, announcing running for president, sheaid this will go down in history as the greatest announcement fores ent in the history of american politics. when asked about donald trump's iting of mexican-americans, ine said that's just donald donald. but what she does, obviously,
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like elizabeth warrhe gets under donald trump's skin, and she has said things that, you know, may be subject to fact check, but the reality is she has tape, she has tape of donald trump groveling before her,en prng that he didn't know that john kelly had the day before brought her to the situation room and said this isn't -- i'm just surprised, which theres fore confie suspicion widely held that donald trump doesn't have the stomach for confronting people whwork for him, that he lies. you can see that he, obviously, is absolutely upset by her, and she's got everybody in the white housry male quaking in his guccis about those tapes, i can tell you that. >> woodruff: so she's gotten under his skin, david. where do we go from here with this? we're waiting to see what else she has. >> what'sou interesting her is she plays by reality show rules, by trump rules, and most peopleho go against trump
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don't play by his rules and she does, which iso rules, do whatever you can, doesn't matter what the norms anndards are. taping somebody in the situation room is a rather serious offense and, to me, a great betrayal of how any whiteorouses. >> woodruff: when she was fired. >> right. if we're walking around in the hallway taping each other, that's a betrayal of how normal life should happen. >> is this being taped? (laughter) >> so she said they're going to lie about me and screw me, soy i'm re and she played by their rules. so we're getting a lesson in what reality tv morality looks like and it is turnng into just a reality tv show. so i think they all look bad, frankly. the serious part is that it's -- especially the allegation whih she says with great conviction that hoe used the n word on a videotape back in "the
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apprentice" days, and if that's used answer october surprise, that puts race at the center of our electoral politics, and all sorts of signs are pointthing in direction that we're going to wind up with an election where political divides largely overhappen with oual divides, and that's just a ruinous prospect that pple are basically going to be voting, when race is a hot button issu with a man who has a history of bigoted comments, and voting along those lines. >> woodruff: speaking of midtermctions, mark, this week we had several more primariesvoting, and i gues one of the pictures i merging from this on the republican side are the candidates who lash themselves closer to donald trump in the republican primary seem to be doing bert and, on the democratic side, you're seeing more diversity. what are we headed for here? si mean, are te models of candidates who are going to do well in november in thegeneral election? r> i would say right now that we're heading towd a
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aditional midterm election, a referendum. republicans are terrified. of the 236 house republicans, 16 of the seats, more than 70%, are hoheld by peopleave never run for election with a ican in the white house they have been elected since 2009. they've only run with barack obama where they have been on the offensive and the democrats have been on the defenfisive. fot time, they will be in hee election where donald trump isssue. the reality is that the democrats are energized. we saw it inaw the turnout, we it many in minnesota, wiscoerns, democrats in both parties had controversial hot races with great tension, yet the democratic turnout is greater and enthusiasm is hiring. in eight special elections, the democrats, every one ran ahoveyd hillinton from her numbers
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in 2016, and seven of the eight republics have runbehind donald trump. i say that because donald trump got 46% of the vote, and that isn't enough. that's fine f electoral college victory but not enougifh ou're fight ago two-way race for election to the house of representatives. >> woodruff: what about on the republican sth the candidates closer to donald trump doing better? >> it's not only republican voters like donald trump or tolerate donald trump, but they enthusiastically demand loyalty to donald trump, and, so, minnesota tim pawlenty, the former governor, made critical comments about trump after the access hollywood tape and has since got upback, voted for trump, and he was punished, he got st. we saw that with mark sanford. so the messageeen sent, not only if you are a republican primary candidate, ve to be firmly on board and, in kansas, case after casemo, the firmly on board has won.
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so we're going to get candidates of that flair running against a much more diverse democratic field which looks more le the country, and that's why i think the issue will be diversity and demography, and at will be an issue with donald trump at the time. >> woodruff: we've got a e uple of months to figu out. david brookk s, mields. thank you both. >> thanks, judy. >> woodruff: next, we turn to a special installment of our weekly "brief but spectacular" series featuring one our mos popular profiles, flose lewis. tonight, it is not so brief, but we wanted to show this eerpt of a documentary that will be screened next wednesday at the commonwealth club in san francisco. a former teacher >> getng old is a state of mind. now, i'm 91, i'm badly crippled.
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but i still think i'm 15. will this go viral >> this? we hope so. >> accepting the fact that the body is going to go but the personalitdoesn't have to go and that thing which is the chrdest to admit is that acter doesn't have to go. i'm flossie lewis and this imy brief but spectacular take on growing ol >> goldbloom: welcome to this special episode of brief but spectacular, i'mteve goldbloom. the clip you just saw of flossie lewis first aired on pbs
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newshour in 2016 and, as she predicted, it did indeed go viral. more than seven-million viewers watched her take on gring old and living well, with thousands of comments coming in from flossie was a little overwhelmed by all the attention. she called me and asked if she was expected to respond personally to each of the of comments on facebook. i assured her that she was not. flossie's video struck a chord with millions, but one of the responses caughtur attention. it came from author daniel handler, a.k.a. lemony snicket, h o wondered how we managed to track down his hhool english teacher. we soon heard from other bay area residents who passed through flossie's classroom, and not just passed through, but who described the experience as having a profound effect on their education and their appreciation of poetry. she was is best english teacher. she demanded excellenc had a gravidas about her. i think she has the ability
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to startle. >> she has no time for your bull (bleep). >> so based on popular demand, we took a deeperso >> goldbloombased on popular demand, we took a deeper dive with flossie. we spent some time with her in her retirement home in oakland, and we organized a reunion to take place inside her old assroom. we invited many of her former students, some of whom, she hadn't seen in 40 t ars. flossie ght to work. she prepared a lecture for the occasion owhether or not bob dylan was worthy of the nobel prize for literatu. that's all the context you need for what you're about to see. let's start with an introduction. tell us, where you were born? >> i think i was born in bensonhurst, which is a section of brooklyn.a. i received my rom brooklyn college 1945. in the jewish community of brooklyn in the 40's a girl was expected to be married and the worst thing that could happen to her would be spinsterhood and
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what was my fate? to be a spinster. so i got on a greyhoun i went with a friend and it took us five days and constipation to get to berkeley. teaching was the one thing that a woman could do. i could command the ion of a class. ofhad a voice. i had that kinersonality, ivat did not seem teacherly but was provoc well, you couldn't be in charge of the weather. we should have done this yesterday. >> goldbloom: i think this works well. >> well, my philosophy is that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. let's hope for the best. >> goldbloom: okay.
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>> now steve, are we on ocean ave? i think we are. are we on ocean ave driver? >> not yet. >> because we used to go down ocean ave and we'd be there by is time. so when you go back go back by ocean ave please! >> okay. >> i think i was intim by her name. flossie is a ver>>unusual name. etite woman who always woreun very clothes. >> she called me once when i was in college, i was very ill. i had just come out of the hospital and she read to me from kafka's diary. she said this will cheer you up. i said, "but it didn't go well for kafka though did it?" and she said "no, no it didn't." >> she changed the direction of my life. because of flossie i became a writer. all throughout my life, flossie s been there for me. everyone else said no to me and she said yes.
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>> my wheelcha is in place? goldbloom: it's in place. >> this is the absolute ( bleep )! that's all i can say! it ain't no fun, but i'm delighted to be here and thank you for coming! oh, jesus, how lovely. okay, ready. the trivial task before us is to decide whether bobby dylan is worth the laureate for literature. defend his work. or, open my eyes to something that i haven't seen and we don't have to go up and down the row, but speak! >> what is wrong with dylan, flossie? i mean, he's just puout the questions.
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>> so he makes a search? >> for some people. >> rena dear. you're on baby. c how many roads must a man walk down before yl him a man is a rhetorical question. >> yes. i see what you're ying. >> i will not dispute anything that i've hearow i ou love him. i happen not to love him, but that's not the point. he speaks for your generation. how do we decide who represents poetry? hone speak. >> whether he's a poet laureate. the question for me is compare to what? >> put him next to someone that also merits this kind of consideration and show me how he wins and then we can give dylan >> we used to fuss when the landlord dissed us no heat. we wondered by christmas missed us. birthdays was the worst days,
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now we sip champagne when we thirsty. i like that so much more for what it does for the english penguage. onally am unequivocally opposed to dylan being chosen at the nobel laureate, but that doesn't mean that i'm opposed to the views that i've heard here. that's what was wonderful about your classroom, flossie, was it wasn't just your voice. you would bring us all in. >> i rem sonnet from shakespeare and you said "it's no good!" ( laughter ) and that was amazing. that was amazing. >> thank you for remembering. >> i remember so clearly. >> i remember my first composition i wrote for you and your comment was "im concerned by how drab your verb are" ( laughter ) >> when i was here in high school and coming out, i was depressed i was coming out i was veybe suicidal. i tell people i his english teacher who i think maybe saved my life. thand, i think you did, sok you and i love you.
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>> you poetry.ntroduced me to i've gone on to become an architect ani have a really strong affinity for classical greek architecture. you have made those buildings come to life for me. and shown me that architecre can have poetry. thank you very much. >> okay, guys. the class is over but i hope it will never be over and i hope that even if the answers are blowing in the wind, that maybe havingswer that is too certain can destroy us also. ( applause ) ♪ ♪
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bye, honey. oh, the cab is here. t goldbloom: the cabbie's here. it's same man. >> tell him to go on ocean aven. >> goldbloom: oh, boy. you touched a lot of people, flossie. >> a lot of people ted me. two y street. imagine tehing those kids. he's going to go the way he wants to do if it's not ocean avenue, what the hell. ♪ ♪
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>> woodruff: once again, our bay area viewers can watch the annger version of this episode you can watch the original flossie "brief but spectacular" online at and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. have a great weekend. thank you and good night. >> mor funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> kevin. >> kevin! >> kevin. >> advice for life. life well-planned. learn more at raymondjames.c. >> babl. >> consumer cellular.
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>> supporting social entrepreneurs and their s to the world's most pressing problems-- >> the william and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world. at t and with the ongoing support se institutions: and friends of the newshour. captioning spoored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh >> you're watching pbs.
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narrator: today, we have europe to ourselves. we are all modern humans but when we first it was already a home for our cousins-- the neanderthals. we used to think we were so much more advanced that we killed them off, t that may be wrong. that we killed them off, lity, we were so similar, we could interbreed with them and share our dna. man: the old story has collapsed, and we've got to begin to tell a new story about neanderthals and modern humans. different man: the power of genetics is that the data will stare you in the face
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