tv PBS News Hour PBS September 4, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight... >> brett kavanaugh to serve as associate justice. >> mr. chairman. >> woodruff: beginning with a brawl, the kavanaugh confirmation hearing kicks off amid protests, as democratic senask to stop the proceedings. we break down the key moments of day one. >> i tell people, "don't read about my judicial opinions. read the opinions. >> woodruff: then, lost history: a fire destroys brazil's national museum, turning priceless artifacts to ash. and, backing kaepernick-- why nike is turning to the face of n.f.l. protests to represent their brand. all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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>> woodruff: it's showdown time in the senate over supreme court nominee ett kavanaugh. his confirmation hearings opened today, with a donnybrook over documents and repeated protests. congressional correspondent lisa sjardins begins our coverage. >> desjardins: it took just ten seconds for the hearing... >> desjardins: get contentious. ri i welcome everyone to this confirmation h on the nomination of judge... >> mr. chairman... >> brett kavanaugh to serve as associate justice... >> mr. chairman... >> ...of the supreme court of the united >> ...i'd like to be recognized for a question before we proceed. >> mr. chairman. i'd like to be recognized to ask a question before we proceed. the committee ceived, just last night, less than 15 hours ago, 42,000 pages of documents that we have not had an opportunity to read or review or
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analyze. >> you are out of order. i'll proceed. >> desjardins: one by one, democrats on the senate judiciary committee derailed the planor opening statements an demanded more time to review judge brett kavanaugh's massive >> we believe this hearing irould be postponed. >> mr. cn, if we can not be recognized, i move to adjourn. mr. chairman, i move to adjourn. ( applause ). >> ...directly from judge kavanaugh. >> mr. chairman, i move desjardins: the mele continued for more than an hour. republicans texas republican john cornyn pushedack. >> how ridiculous it is to say that we don't have the records it takes to determine if this person is qualified to be on upotus when all the documents we've had ado more than we've had for the last five nominees. >> i would suggest that if this were a court of law, then
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virtually every side, every member on that side of the dais would be held in contempt of the court. >> at some point are we going to hear from the nominee? >> desjardins: all this, amidst a barrage of interrupting prottors inside the room... he is not the voice of the people! >> more women are going to be sent to back alley abortions! >> desjardins: capitol police escorted them out, leaving empty ats in the back and open thustrated republicans in front. >> franklye people are so out of line, they shouldn't even been allowed in the doggone room. >> desjardins: there were more rootestors outside the room-- this's outfits referencing the television show "the tsndmaids tale," a symbol of women's riand of the drama at the hearing itself. >> woodruff: and to our own lisa desjardins who was in the hearing room. lisa, it was not what everybody expected. >> no, it was not. it was really remarkable, judy. i've been to a lot of contentious hearings, especially
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in the last one and a halfd years, ais sort of out-ranks them all, and this is just day one. >> woodruff: that's right. yothink, starting from the beginning, asaw, the hearing barely got under way when the democratic senators -- and we knew that there was unrest among democrats about the failure of the white house meto release ocuments, a lawyer representing george w. bush, in whose administration brett kavanaugbuworked. what we didn't realize is that we were going to see all 10 democrats on the judicia committee ultimately express extreme unhappiness and call thr hearing to stop. >> that's right. they took turns. they were clearly unified. they had spent a lot of time strategizing, judy. and in the end, what they were talking about today most specifically werethose 40,000-plus pages of documents that they just got last night. bue really, the bigger iss just the massive amount of paper in brett kavanaugh'histo. democrats, especially, would like to see documents pertaining to the time he spent as white house staff secretary.
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that's when he saw perhaps millions of payments of documents cross his desk. he may have rung in on them or not. but they do not have acces that at all, and they're complaining about that. those documents will eventually be made public but they haven't yet. meanwhile, judy, testifying al contentious of course in the crowd and capitol police e-mailed us and said overalle they made s 61 removals from that room. that's really remarkable becaush e were just 40 seats for the public. so what was happening, protesters were coming in, being taken out, and the next people in line were often other protesters. >> woodruff: at one point it looked like virtually everybody who was there to watch the hearing was being-- wo i think that's right. >>ruff: ...was being taken away who wasn't part of the kavanaugh group or the press. so the day did move on. it moved ome to states by the senators, which was planned, and let's attack a listen to wt happened next. here's more of lisa's report. >> i think it's really important-- >> democrats pressed on specific sues, often the most controversial issues in american
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life. >> i want to talk a little bit about one of the bigions that we have the belief that although you tolsenator collins that you believed it was settled law, the question is really is that it's correct law- and that's roe v wade. the president that nominated you has said i will nominate someone who is anti-choice and pro-gun and we believe what he said. >> the n.r.a. has poured g llions into your confirmation promiseir members that you'll break the tie. they clearly have big expectation on how you'll vote on guns. >> you are aspiring to be the most decisive vote on the supreme court on critical issu. but over and above all of those things is this. you are th donald john trump.nt
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this is a president who has shown us consistently heco emptuous of the rule of law, and it's that president who has decided that you are his man. you're the person he wants on the supreme court. you are his personal choice. are people nervous about this? are they concerned aboutt? of course they are! >> desjardins: kavanaugh listened attentively, but silently. republicans tried to speak for him, were enflaming partisan emotion. >> i hope th week we can all take a deep breath. we're not doing very well so far. and get a grip and treat this process with the respect and gravity it demands. >> go ask anyone who practices regularly before the supreme court who doesn't have a partisan agenda and they'll tell you judge kavanaugh is exactly the kind of person we should have on the court. >> you are independent. you've written that, "some of the greatest moments in american
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traditional history have been when judges otood up to the r branches. everyone knows that you've served in the bush administration and yet when you ybecame a judge in only trs you ruled agnst the bush administration a total of eight times. for you it sple does not matter who the parties are. what we heard today from the 21 senaetors who ser on the senate judiciary committee. joining me now to consider this dramngic day one in the hear room are three people who have followed the supreme court and appellate judgeslike brett kavanaugh for years. newshour regular marcia coyle for the "national law journal." paul clement was the woodruff: also here to consider this dramatic day one in the hearing room, are three people who have followed the supreme court and appellate ardges like kavanaugh for years: "newshour" regulara coyle covers the high court for the "national law journal." paul clement was the u.s. and neyal. he served as the acting solicitor general under president obama. he joins us fromew york.
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all three of you, we say welcome. and as we've been saying, marcia, because you us for our live coverage during the day, the day g off to a wild start. it did eventually settle down, but what did that wild start tell us about a theosphere as brett kavanaugh begins this confirmation process a >> well, it very highly charged, partisan divide right now. d the democrats have seized on documents that they ould be relevant from the judge's time when he served as staff secretary to president george w. bush. that's what they want. they want to seehe t they're, apparently, not going es get them, in time at least for hearings, if at all. so that's what heard for a good part day's hearings, as o push thecontinued need for documents, even to the point of suggesting to judge kavanaugh that move to delay the hearings until those documents
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were produce >> woodruff: paul clement, haw justify read the demora in asking for what they say is something that would be provided under other, normal, ordinary circum, ances? >> we think there's a healthy debate about which documents are really necessary and relevant to evaluate supreme court nomination. there are certainly no precedent that says that every document that a nomie got anywhere near during their career that the committee would have. there are documents that justice kagan, when she was a staff tore senator biden, those weren't widely distributed. so there's room to debate about the precedentf where documents should be given and where they shouldn't be gin. but i don't really think, in some respects, that the documents are gointo make a big difference on this. and i think in some respects, the document fight is realy a broader fight and a broader frustration about kind of where the vote are, and how this
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nomination is likely to sort out in the end. >> woodruff: neal katyal,hat about you? do you see this document fight as significant, that it's going to matter in the long run? >> i do. and i mve friend paul, but i couldn't disagree more with what he just said. i mean, nobody is calling for every document to be released. with respect to justicega , you know, i had a firsthand seat to that. i was her deputy when she was nominated, and her documents sre turned over, except for a vell number. none of them got executive ndivilege which is what is being asserted here, not just for a couple of documents, 42,000 pages dumped last night. it was no leoss than senr grassley and senator cornyn who during the kagan nomination said, "we need to see th documents before the hearing." they complained about the hearing date. aise understand, the heariwa date pushed back in time for the kagan documents to come out. and, ye know, thrst part about this is that it really
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hurts judge kavaugh and it hurts the court. we should have an open debate about this with the documents re a and so thrican people can see them. >> woodruff: i just want to back to lisa desjardins who is still with us. lisa, do we know whether the democrats plan to pursue this again tomorrow? we don't know. i asked several democrats, including senator blume snthal, who t of one of the leaders here of kind of the opposition, whether they plan to, again, ask for a an adjournment, a delay, and they're not putting their cards on the table yet. i wouldn't be surprised if the hearing starts out in a similar way. it may not last as long because right now everyone is changing their miewndset getting ready for very serious one-to-one mental combat with mr. kavanaugh, if yoa democrat. they're getting their questions ready. cipate htrying to anti response. that's what they're focusing on tonight. >> woodruff: so, mash aback to you, as wh consider each senator had to say, i think for republicans it was uniformly-- they were praising brett kavanaugh, praising his record,
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asking how anybody could not consider this man qualified. for democrats, it was pretty much a list of their concourns him. >> yes, that's right. the republicans, theirrole in a hearing like this, where the nominees from their own party, they play basically defense. whatever the democrats will forward, they will be trying to push back against. today, sin it's early, they were laying grounork for all of his qualifications, trying also, as well, to show him more as a humanndeing and the k of person he is. on the democratic side, there's stalmost a laundry of issues that they are concerned about because they see ts seat that he will fill as-- it has been so pivotal in so many cases. it wajustice kennedy's seat, bortion,e heard about the second amendment, the enviroent, net neutrality, and on and on.
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and we will hear more of that tomorrow. woodruff: and before gi, once again, to paul clement and neal katyal, let'st listen o just a part of what brett kavanaugh finally did have to say when it was his time to speak to introduce himself to the committee. >> my judicial philosophy is straightforward-- a judgeust independent and must interpret the law, not make the a judge must interpret statutes dg written. a must interpret the constitution asritten, informed by history and tradition and precedent. in deciding cases, a judge must always keep in mind what alexander hamilton said in federalist 83: the rules of legal intpretation are rules of common sense. our independent judiciary is the crown jewel of our constitutional republic. in our independent judiciary, the supreme court is the last
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ne of defense for the separation of pothrs and foe rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitution. the supreme court must never, never be viewed as a partin institution. the justices on the supreme court do not sit on oppose sides of an aisle. they do not caucus in separate rooms. my law clerks come from diverse backgrounds and ints of view. a majority of my 48 lrkaw cs have been women. more than a quarter of my law clerks have been minorities. i see the day that is coming, not the day that is g. i am optimistic about the future ca.ameri i am optimistic about the future of our independent judiciary. i revere the constitution. if confirmed to the supreme cot, i will keep an open mind in every case.
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i am do equal right to the poor and to the rich. i will always strive to preserve the constitution of the united states and the american le of law. >> woodruff: so, paul clement, listening to what brett kavanaugh had to say-- and we just heard-- we were just playing just a part of it there-- does that give us a good sense of who he i and the kind of arguments--r rather, opinions that he's written as a judge? >> well, i think it gives you some insight into it. i mean, there are some things that judge kavanaugh said that justice sotomayor would have kaid at her hearing, and justice n would have said at her hearing. therthe two things that struck e about it that maybe you wouldn't hear from just any nominee, i don't think it's an accident that judge kavanaugh mentioned the separation of powers,
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because particularly on the d.c. circuit, where a lot of cases involving executive power and the branches of government are at issue, that's something that he's been very focused on. that's a subject he's taught at harvard law school. so i think that's one thing that's a little bit different. and then he did mention the number of his law clerks who were female or who were racial minorities. and that really is a striking fact about judge kavanaugh. i mean, i don't know how much you can really learn from a judge's hiring of law clerks, but it really is striking that he had so many female law clerks. i think he was the first judge in the history of the d.c. circuit to have female law clerks, basically have a whole chamber full of female law clerks. >> woodruff: neal katyal what, did you take away from bretts kavanaugatement? em well, this is the most consequential sucourt nomination in our lifetimes. and i guess i agree largely with what was said which is he didn't actually learn very much about judge kavanaugh today we didn't learn very much about the nominee at all.
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we learned very much about the minator, and maybe that was the democrats' is that gee, because this is an unusual nomination, just not because of the penchant for secrecy and hiding of documents that we've been talking about, but also the fact that the president has been fingered bw his on personal lawyer as under criminal yoinvestigation. are these kind of things that the democrats kept on returning to as themes and the anomaly of a president nominating someone to oues hicourt when that person may very well sit in judgment of him. 't you have these oddities. but, really, i dhink we learned too much about the judge. i feel bad for judge kavanaugh. he is a lovy man. he's been one of the most hardworking judges on d.c. circuit. but he has, in should sense, thi ortune of being nominated by this particular president at this moment in time. : mash ahow much does the fact that he was nominated by donald trump, being in thpoe controversiation that he's in at this moment in american history, how different
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is that, i want to as than the typical supreme court nomination? >> well, it's very diffeofrent becausll that is surrounding the trum administration right now. donald trump was not the invisible elephant in the room. i mean, he was the visible elephant in e room today. his tweets about the justice department, and the attorney general came up several times by democratic senators. i will say this, that very similar to judge gors itch's position, when a presidential candidate-- and we saw it from both in 20-- promises to appoint someone to the supreme court who will overturn certain very high-,profile decisio like "roe" or "citizens united," then whoever that president nominates is going totake into that hearing room the question of how independent that nominee is going to be. and that's going to be part of the questiing behind the
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questioning. there's a lot of suspicion on the democratic side as to how independent judge kavanaugh will . >> woodruff: so, paul clement, is there an additional burden on this nominee, onrett kavanaugh, because of the person who appointed him? >> i don't think there should be, and i think because of w judge kavanaugh is, in particular, i think at the end of thn' day, i know that a strategy of trying apply different standard becse of the president who nominated him is going to work. and the reason i say that is because judge kavanaugh is somebody who would have been on the short list of every candidate in the repubnlica primaries. he's an incredibly well-respected judge. i mean, if you had a nominee who was an outlyer and could have only been nominated by this president, then maybwould be a different situation, but this is exactly the cien of candidate you would expect to be nominate to the supreme court. >> woodruff: and just very quickly to you, neal katyal, how do you see the the president trump as he looms over these
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hearings? >> i think it's a huge deal. and we evenna saw tor cruz trying to make lemonade out ofay lemonsg this is someone who has been ratify effectively because in 2016, trump put out a list of candidates of people he wominate if he won the presidency. therefore, judge kavanaugh is ratified by the american people. the only problem with that claim is judge kavanaugh was put on the list in 2017 after the whole criminal investigation by eller and stuff. i agree with paul, this is a very qualiefiedon, deserves pa be on every short list-- as does, by the way, clement-- but the timing and the circumstance of this nomination are a bit odd. >> woodruff: neal katyal, paul clement-- who just received a very nice compliment from your friend-- and marcia coyle, thank you all three. and day, thank you o mucfor covering it for us from the capitol.
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in the day's other news, former republican senator jon kyl will fill john mccain's u.s. senate seat in arizona for now. kyl is a republican who retired .in 2012, after three ter he's currently guiding the kavanaugh nomination for the supreme court. republican governor doug ducey made the appointment today, and lauded kyl's experienc wanted to pick the best possible person regardless of politics. there is big work to be done in the united states senate. no one in the state of arizona has the stature of jon kyl. i asked and i'm grateful that he accepted. >> woodruff: mccain's term runs until 2022but kyl says he will serve only through january. arizona's governor would then have to name a new, interim senator until a special election in 2020. louisiana, mississippi and alabama are under states of emergency tonight, as the storm
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dubbed "gordon" comes ashore. it drove across the gulf of mexico today, growing toward hurricane strength. coastal residents in louisiana readied sandbags, wh mississippi's governor warned that even a minimal hurricane can be dangerous. >> we want people to take this very seriously. it's not time to be playing in the surf. it's not bwindboarding. it is time to take this as a serious storm and be prepared to react to it. >> woodruff: as a precaution, the coast guard today closed the ports of gulfport and pascagoula in mississippi, and mobile, alabama, until the storm passes. a typhoon ripped through the western coast of japan today, the strongest to make landfall there in 25 years. more than 700 flights were canceled after the osaka region's main airport ooded. and, strong winds blew a tanker ship into a bridge to the airpor the storm killed at least two people, clos schools and
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knocked out power to more than 1.6 million households. the united states is snding new alarms about syria. at comes as a government offensive against idlib province appears imminent. it's the lmaining rebel stronghold. the white house said today a syrian attack, backed by russia, cauld be a "reckless tion", and u.n. ambassador nikki haley warned chemical weapons could be used. >> what you're seeing is the president saying to iran, russia and assad, don't go there, we're not going to accept it, it's not okay, what you're seeing from us and the fact that the security t council wants to talk ab is, do not let a chemical weapons attack happen on the people of idlib. >> woodruff: moscow dismissed u.s. warnings, and russian warplanes carried out air strikes on idlib province for the first ti in three weeks. e founder of afghanistan's outlawe haqqani network has taliban announced today
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that jalaluddin haqqani passed away monday at age 71. he was once a u.s. ally against soviet forces in afghanistan, but he later joined the taliban. the u.s. branded his group a terror organization in 2012. back in this country, chicago otyor rahm emanuel announced today he'sunning for a third term next year. he did not addre rising criticism over gun violence, police conduct and race relations. instead, the two-term democrathi mayor said: has been the job of a lifetime, but it is not a job for a lifetime." >> through thick and thin we try to do right by our city's future. no matter how difficult the path we never wavered or shrunk from our responsibilities. i will never forget the honor it ics been to serve alongside you, the people of o. >> woodruff: emanuel had served
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as white house chief of staff for president obama, and before seat, three terms in the u.s. house of repatives. the u.s. environmental protection agency misspe5 more than $llion on security for former chief scott pruitt. e.p.a.'s inspector general reported that finding today. e office said the costs included travel for pruitt's 19 bodyguards. his predecessor had six. pruitt left in july amid scandals over his spending and other alleged abuses. and, on wall street, amazon briefly joined apple as the only mpanies valued at $1 trillion, then, retreated below that mark later in the day. overall, the dow jones industrial average lost pointso close at 25,952. the nasdaq fell 18 points,0 nd the s&p 50ipped four. still to come on t newshour: the ancient casualties of a museum fire in brazil.
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nike takes a risk by featuring colin kaepernick in its latest ad campaign. billie jean king's legacy on and off the court, plus much more. >> woodruff: there's a new book about the trump white house that useshe term "nervous breakdown" to describe what's chppened inside the executive brf government. it's just one of many elements that add up to ae,ritical pictn the book by journalist bob woodward, titled "fear." the award-winning "washington post" editor chronicles how a cabinet member removed documents from the president's desk so he wouldn't sign em and quotes the chief of staff saying, "he's gone off the rails. we're in crazy town." robert costa of the "washington post" and pbs' "washington week" has read the yet-to-be-released book and joins me now.
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so, robert, most of us have not seen the book yet, but you have. what would you say are the most important parts of the story? >> judy, it has so many anecdotes strewn through the book, but so many around president trump, like secretary of defense jim mattis, continue to try to rein e president in. you see it on trade polic cohn taking documents off the president's desk in the oval office, accordinotoodward's account, mattis at times ig >> woodruff: as you know, as we know, there have been several books in the last several months to come out about the trump white house, the trump administration. what's different about bob woodward's reporting? >> the white house's response today has been typical about how they've approached books like this. they say it'is fabrcations. they've contested aspects of the book already, but what makes
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this book different is woodward's credibility. when you read the book, as a reporter, you ecognize so many details are in the book-- time, who's in the room, dierent firsthand accounts. there's a different level of specificity in a lot of these exchanges and scenes that you don't see in oth books. >> woodruff: bob, as you said, ryou are aeporter, you've been covering this white house. give us a sefnts access bob woodward had that most of the day-to-day reporters might not have been having. >> woodward spent over a year working on this project very quietly. if you talk to white house officials, some of them met with him at his home.i others met him at their home. he did this behind scenes doing work on deep backgrounds. he tries to appellant a picture of different scenes by talking to people who have firstnd knowledge. so the whole book is based tho deep backgrounds and
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reflections. woodruff: bob woodward released, i think, the transcript of a phone call, enone conversation he had with prestrump. tell bus that. >> president trump called woodward to talk about the booe after ok was finished. this was just weeks ago. is and on the "washington post" websit you can listen to it and you hear president trump say he tried to do n ainterview with woodward, but woodward reiterates he paed an effort sit down with the president but it never happened. president trump did not speakth woodward about the book but he did call woodward to talk about the book. and he did say in the interview, the conversation wd,ith woodw that woodward had always been fair to him. >> woodruff: and, final bob, does this change the relationship, do you think, between the president and some of the people who are close to him, who are either quoted or appear to be-- have sources in this book? >> we're going to have to be on a wait-and-see basis with that question, judy, because secretary mattis said some very negative this based on toodward's reporting in the
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book, referrinhe president tionomeone who has the educa level of a fifth or sixth grader, how the u.s. is trying to prevent world war iii from unfoldffg. chief of sohn kelly has already denied calling the president an idiot, which is another detail in woodard's book. >> woodruff: some remarkable reporting tsounds like. we'll all be looking for it. robert costa of the "washington post," thank you vnky much. >> tou. >> woodruff: the raging fire sunday night that consumed the national museum in rio, home to 20 million artifacts, has led tn a profound, na mourning in brazil. but as nicfrin reports, the loss of latin america's largest collection of priceless treasures, also sparked anger t'd recriminations. >> schifrin: all tleft of
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latin america's largest natural destory museum is smoldering is. the burned-out shell of rio de janiero's national museum once held thousands of years of the region's and country's heritage. today, the losses are irreplacable and incalcuable, and a country is in shock. a student sat in the burned museum's shadow, having lost his entire master's degree work. the historian regina dantas looked into a building where she and worked for 30 years. >> ( ated ): it seems like p nightmare. i went to slinking it was a nightmare, that i was going to wake up-- >> schifrin: she couldn't continue. she called the collection thnrecoverable." e blaze started sunday night and engulfed the museum. 80 firefighters battled for six hours. but nearby hydrants didn't work, they failed to save a building where brazil signed its independence from portugal in 1822, and that was once home to brazil's royal family. >> (anslated ): i just saw a
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piece of my history, the house of the brazilian empire on fire, being destroyed. i see the history of my couny becoming ashes. it has no price. i'm devastated. >> schifrin: inside these walls were millions of artifacts, as seen in an old museum handout video. latin america's pre-eminent collection of egyptian mummies, including a mummy from 750 b.c., and a statue from 1500 b.c. countless american indigarous tifacts, from masks to a 1200-year-old funeral urn. the dinosaur maxakalisaurus, whose excavation took 10 years. a,and 12,000-year-old luhe oldest human remains found in the americas, whose discovery challenged the basic understanding of how and when humans migrated. today, museum workers managed to save some items, providing hope more could be salvaged. and one of the world's largest meteorites, on display since 1888, survived. but the fi's aftermath matched the national mood. a symbol not only of sorrow, but
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also dissent thousands of residents stormed the museum gate. police used pepper spray to keep them back. they marched through the seets and accused the government of negligence and losing countless royal artifacts, including from the family of joao de orlean and baradenca. ( translated ): it could have been avoided with a minimum most, especially compared with thy thrown out by the brazilian administration. are there guilty people? of coursthere are guilty ople, and they must be s nished. >> t symbolic of lots of problems brazil is facing right now. >> schifrin: pau sotero directs the wilson center's brazil institute, and says the fire is a metaphor for a public sector that's failing to deliver. >> people are angry for a variety of reasons in brazil, including the state of the coonomy, the state of uption, and crime, etc. >> schifrin: just a few years ountry was hopeful and construction was booming.
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rio hosted the olympics and created big new plazas, fancy new apartment buildings with beautiful views of the atlantic ocean, and expanded public transit, with new buses and trams. but today in rio, vias increased so much, the local governnt dispatched the military to secure massive slums, and masked, heavily armed policemen to conduct operations. and corruption charges plague the highest office. former president luiz inacio prison, silva is i dilma rousseff was impeached, current president michel ter stands accused not only of corruption but also failing to fix core issues. >> the country got itself into an illusion that it did not need to address its fundamental, basic problems of economic management, of fiscal management, to confront those issues. >> schifrin: and the museum failed to address its own inficiencies. accoto local reports it had no sprinklers, fire doors, t smoke detectors. the government m more,
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said museum director alexander kellner. >> ( translated ): it's necessary for all the authorities that have the resources, specifically the thderal government, to hel national museum put its history back together. we've already lost part of our brazil can't lose its history. chifrin: but today that what brazil felt it had lost. a brazilian mother posted photos of her son, thrilled and in awe during his last visit tohe museum. y that museum is largely gutted. it's a reminder, as the britith library puoday, how our shared, global heritage is precious, and fragile. for the pbs newshour, i'm nick hifrin. >> woodruff: the sportswear company nike just launched a new advertising campaign featuring former n.f.l. quarterback colin kaepernick. as william brangham reports, nike's move has triggered calls
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boycott, and reignited t debate over social protest. >> brangham: nike's new ad shows just colin kaepernick's face. mee words say: "believe in soing. even if it means sacrificing everything." kaepernick of course, does not currently have a job in the n.f.l., and its unclear if he ever will again. kaepernick came to national prominence back in 2016 when he was a quarterback for the san francisesco 49ers. prng what he described as racial injtice in america, kaepernick kneeled down when the national anthem was played before g here's how he explained why he was doing it. re there are a lot of things thatoing on that are unjust, that people aren't being held accountable f. and that's something that needs if change. one spally is police brutality. nere's people being murdered unjustly a being held accountable. cops are getting paid leave for killing people. that's not right. that's not right by anyone's standards.
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>> brangham: some fellow n.f.l. players followed suit, echoing kaepernick's protest. but kaepernick was also heavily crheicized, with many arguin was being unpatriotic, or was somehow denigrating america's armed forces. , st fall, president trump joined that chorsting these protests against police violence as an attack the american flag. >> wouldn't you love to see one of these n.f.l. owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a ( bleep ) off that field right now, out! he's fired! he'sired! i watched colin kaepernick, and i thought it was terrible, and omen it got bigger and bigger and started mushg. i'll tell you, you cannot disrespect our flag, our country, our anthem. you cannot do that. >> brangham: the minute nike's ad was released yesterday, some critics took to social mia, blasting the company and publicly destroying or defacing their n nike clothing.
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>> five pairs of shoes, and we're all going to let tm burn. >> brangham: for it's stood by its decision. a vice president for the company said this to espn: "we believe colin is one of the most inspirat generation, who has leveraged rle power of sport to help move the forward." e esident trump reportedly said today that ns sending a "terrible message" with this ad, but also said nike's ability to do what itants is "what this country is all about." for more on all this, i'm joined now by one of the country's great sports writers, john feinstein. he's a contributing columnist for the "washingtos post," and itten dozens of books. his latest, soon to be released, is about the nfl-- it's called "quarterback." welcome back to the show. >> my pleasure, william, thanks. >> brangham: the nike campaign, as we just heard, says specifically, "believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything." the clear implication there is that kaepernick lost his career in the n.f.l. because he spoke up, not because he wasn't maybe
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thtest quarterback? is that true? is that why he lost his job? >> 100% true, willia he was a starting quarterback in 2016 for the san francisco 49ers and actually had a pretty good year-- 14 touchdown passes and three interceptioad-- for a team-- but he was a starter. and then he became a free agent that march and couldn't get a job, even as a backup quarterback. teams went out and signed guys from arena leagues instead of signing him. and there was absolutely no way, in mye mind, that f.l. was going to allow him to continue to play after he hd led this national anthem protest. and as president trump said, it did grow, and that's what h set out to do. he wanted to create a dialogue, his words, a ndat's what happened. and the n.f.l. wouldn't give hem a job, and now they're facing a collusion case in front of an arbitrator brought by coli kaepernick. >> brangham: right that he's-- you clearly believe that kaepernick's case is legit, that the owners, maybe they didn't t the phone collectively and say, "hey, let's not hire
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this guy." but at's going to be a very hard case to prove. >> it always is, unless there's a smokin, unless there's a transcript of a conversation between the commissioner a owners. back in the 1980s, baseball players were able to prove collusion against the major league ownes in terms of contracts because they-- it came ,ut that the commissioner back then had sa "don't sign them to these big contracts." but it is very hard to prove. i also think, thoh, that the eric reid case may help kaepernick, because eric reid is a 27-year-old safety who was one of the best in the league, a teammate of kaepernick's, joined -aepernick's protest, became a free agent lasthis past march-- and doesn't have a contract, either. soou don't have to get on the 15 foen with people to collude not to sign somebody. >> brangham: speaking of the nike campaign, do you think that there is a potential downside to i mean we've already seen the tt,ckles of a boyco threatening people to burn their shoes. do you think there's adownside? th i'm sure they did market
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research befory made the decision to sign kaepernick with a new contract. ncehad been with them si 2011, and to launch this campaign. and, of course, they knew there was going to be backlash likei this att because this is a-- this is a veryan blacwhite issue to most people-- you're either on one side or you're on the other side. there are very few people who are in the middle. so what you saw during your piece there, people burning nike gear, the stock went down today ont.all stree but i'm sure they're convinced that long term, there will be bounce-back because of this campaign for them. i'm reminded a little bit in an ironic way of years ago when michael jordan was-- another nike client-- was asked by dean smith to campaign for harvey gant in the senate race in north carolina against jesse helms, one of the last segregationists in the senate and michael jordan turned him down and said to dean smith, "republicans buy shoes, too." i think niek fact right now that african
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americans by buyshoes, too. >> brangham: and maybe it' possible that nike wants to court a backlash. they've been tking heat from companies like underarmor. maybe they want to polarize the environment and drive young, maybe linl, maybe african american kids to buy their pricy shoes. >> well, it's very interesting because who is their most prominent spokesman right now? it's legron bron james, who has been very outspoke own social issues, who has engage with president trump in a give-and-take that's been very hostile. >> woodruff: glil and seemingly suffer not suffered because of it. >> maybe there are soccer players mo popular worldwide than lebron james. he's very diffent from micel jordan who never thed to take a political stance. serena williams has also spoken out on kaepernick's behalf just in the last few days. so i thin niek sebelieving, or
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hoping at least, that there will be people who say, "hey, you're on colin kaepernick's side. we want your product." >> brangham: to that example lebron and serena, is that simply a function of if you are early the top in your field, you can risk a political controversy, but if you're maybe on the bubble, you can't risk it? n aboutthere's no quest that i mean, if tom brady-- let's just use that as an example-- chose to neal for are the national anthem-- >> brangham: he's i've heard a decent quarterback. ,> he's had a few good years he's won five super bowls-- i think he'd still have a job. or to use african american example, cam newton wsht carolina panthers, if he had been the one whotoecideake this issue on, he wouldn't have ended up as a free agentwithout a job. but colin kaepernick was a good n.f.l. quarterback. a took the 49ers super bowl in his second year in the league, and it's been-- and has been a solid player. but a great player, no. is he going to the hall of fam
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no. and because of that, a lot of teams took the approach either, "we don't want them"-- remember most n.f.l. owners are conservative. at least seven of them gave more ion to president trump in his campaign. or "b" he's not worth theth troublt will come. because there clearly has been some backlashamong n.f.l. fans, especially since that speech that president tmp gave september of 2017. the week before he gave that speech, there were a total of six n.f.l. playe who nettl knelr the national anthem. that sunday, two days later, ther were more than 200,and three n.f.l. teams stayed in the locker room altogether, and the controversy is still ongoing, because the owners tried to unilaterally change the rul on the anthem this past may saying, "if you are on the field, you must stand." and the players association-- >> brangham: if not, head to the low, room. >> or stay in the locker room. and the players association
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said, wait a minute. this is a part of the collective bargaining agreement and you have to bargain us." >> brangham: john feinstein, the next book is "quarteack." i can't wait to see it. >> woodruff: and speaking of activism in professional sports, ish tonight with an icon who became well-known for her voice and advocacy-- tennis great billie jean king. jeffrey brown spent some time heth her in flushing meadows, new york for0th anniversary of the u.s. open, which continues wnis week. >> byou remember the feeling of being in a big tournament like this? >> oh, do i! that's like walking-- i told you, that light switch goes on. >> brown: the tournament just outside was the u.s. open, this country's biggest stage for tennis. it's an event where billie jean king won 13 titl, including four singles. and it's held at a place that since 2006 has been named for her: u.s national tennis center in
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flushing meadows, new yo. what do you feel when you walk through the billie jean king national tennis center, does that... t , yeah? doesel natural, ever? >> no, it never feels natural. the one word that i always think spout is responsibility. >> brown: sibility? >> i just feel like, i'm one of the lucky ones, that ia responsibility. i have the responsibility to the people in the sport, the people who try to make this world a beer place. >> brown: it's precisely thatcu fo in addition to her abilities on the ourt, that made king one of the renowned, influential and beloved athletes be our time. een 1961 and 1979 she won 39 grand slam titles, and was ranked #1 in the world in women's tennis for six years. off the court, she campaigned for pay equity and other issues on behalf of women athletes, and later for gay ri
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she receiv the presidential medal of freedom for her advocacy work from barack obama in 200 her awareness of injustice, she d >> i had an epiphany when i was 12, that i was sitti at the los angeles tennis club and i started thinking about our s littrt of tennis and my tiny universe, and i thought everybody who plays wears white cloes, white socks, white hes. and everybody was white, so i said, where is everybody else? >> brown: many years later, much has changed. today's leading american tennis player, of course, is serena williams. but not everything: recently, french tennis officials had criticized williams for an outfit she'd worn at the french open, a so-caed 'cat suit' williams said helped her blood circulation after a difficult liildbirth. billie jean king py defended williams.
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>> "just stop. erst move on. s more important things in this life." >> brown: serena williams on the cover of time magazine andhe's , lking about postpartum depressie's talking about breastfeeding. these are things, doestell you the world has changed a bit? >> yes, because you can actually say what you're feeling and thinking. and then everybody else goes, a iot of women who've been through similar situ go, "me too, i've been through that. i hear you. >> brown: do you think women have achieved what you wanted, what you had hoped for? >> oh, not yet! we're getting there. but one of the greatest things that happened to us in tennis is that we now, in all the four majors, have equal prize money, the men and wome >> brown: you mentioned that phrase, "me too." the #metoo revelations of the last couple of years, any of >> no, because we have technology now and you can share your story. but #metoo isn't about women, #metoo is about abuse. so that means men, women, or any gender can speak to their
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situation of abuse. #me too is fantastic because again are sharing their stories. they're powerful, but there's other people out there that have experienced the same things. they don't feel alone. >> brown: these are things that obviously were with us when you were starting out. >> i know and i didn't know about all these things. >> brown: but people dhen't feel likecould speak out? >> no, because you get shamed- based with a lot of things. and when you have shame, you ndually keep it very much to yourselfou don't understand it usually, you don't understand it, it's shame based, and you just don'to there. >> brown: another issue very much with us is activism by athletes. you tweeted recently, you were defending lebron james when he got into it with president trump chd you said "athlete activism can affect positivge and should be celebrated, not derided." >> one of the things i understood is i'm a tennis player. and what is tennis? tennis is all over the world. alhave an opportunity.
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and athletes shoulys be active. if they feel-- our job is to lead, our job is to not only lead within our spor but to help others. >> brown: sports today is such a big commercial venture. do you see eugh athletes speaking out? >> no, i wish more athletes would speak out. >> brown: you do? >> they're told not to often, by their associations, by their sponsors, and particularly by saeir agents, they tell them don'a word, just go out and play, get the check, you know, you're trying to sell ur products to everybody. i'm thinking, really? t t what, that's not being on the right side of history. here we have a unique opportunity. >> brown: king herself lost endorsements in 1981 when she was outed as gay. i asked about those earlier days. >> even if you though you might be gay, you didn't talk about it. even amongach other. i don't think people realized-- you just didn't go there. >> brown: but you had to deal with that in your personal life,
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but then under public-- >> we were tennis and i'm thinking i can't, anen if i'm having these mixed feelingsnot understanding who i am, i can't talk about it. i don't know where i'm going ith this, i don't know wh feeling. , it was just a very difficult now, if you're gu don't lose your endorsements. yes, that what it's about-- it's beer now. i can breathe again, because i see others not have to go through that. that's what is all about, making the world a better place. >> brown: all these things we're talking about, all these things you've been through, on and off the cot, i would imagine the one thing everybody still talks to you about is the battle of the sexes. >> yes, jeff, every single day since that match, that has come up. >> bhewn: in 1973: king beat t 55 year old former number number one and self-described "male chauvinist pig" bobby riggs in an extrrdinarily-hyped spectacle. it was watched by a world-wide audience of more than 90 million people, and dramatized
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last year in a film starring emma stone and steve carell. >> you talk to people and they go, "i had this bet with my dad, or my wife, or my husband,ou know." it's hilarus. one guy says he knows a friend of his threw his tv through the window because he made some big bets on it. >> brown: you hear this every day, huh? >> oh yeah, i hear it every day. but i just think, en i wake , because i still forget sometimes-- i wake up in a cold sweat and i'm like, i think ipl haven'ed this match yet. >> brown: really? >> oh, yeah. what if i haven't played it yet. yes. i go: oh, i won. thank god! thank you, thank you. i know, it wouldave been horrible! ve brown: you're still so acare you slowing down? are you ever going to slow down? >> no, no. i keep talking about i i keep yelling at all my people that i work with, you now in five years i'm going to be 80, and what are we doing? how are we going to make a difference? let's go.
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>> brown: for the pbs newshour, i'm jeffrey brown at the u.s.t.a. billie jean king national tennis center in flushing meadows, new york. slow down. that's the message to billie jean king. and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again here umorrow evening. for all at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. or >> major fundinghe pbs newshour has been provided by: >> the ford foundation. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwid >>
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arnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contrib station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media cess group at wgbh closed captioning provided by
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clifford law offices. (geoffrey baer) how did these ten buildings change america? this frank lloyd wright house might have inspired the design for your house. this new york skcraper just may have been the model for your office building. and pies of this boston landmark are probably y all aroundou. i'm geoffrey baer. in this show, i'll be criss-crossing the country,bu to visit 1dings that changed the way we all live, work, and play. houses, skyscrapers, a factory and an airport, even a shopping mall. just take a look. each of these buildings was revolutionary in its time, and then went on to bete a trendsetr. >>this building is not like all those knock-offs >> (geoffrey baer) we'll go inside these seminal structures, to see what makes them extraordinary. >>the most complicated piece to build is right there. >> (geoffrey baer) we'll meet the daring architects
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