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tv   Amanpour Company  PBS  September 21, 2018 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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hello, everyone and welcome to "amanpour & co." and here is what is coming up. she's in a league of her own when it comes to the team of rival of presidential historians. dorris kearns goodwin joins me talking about her new book. the unlikely global success of haifa al-mansour, the best known movie director of saudi arabia. also, tonight, the united states spends far more on health care
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than any other developed country. yet, the lowest on results. taking to prabhjot singh about how the health care begins at home. >> uniworld is a proud sponsor of "amanpour & co." when bee tollman found a collection of boutique hotels, she had bigger dreams, and those dreams were on the water. a river, specifically. multiple rivers that would one day be home to uniworld river cruises and their floating boutique hotels. today that dream sets sail in europe, asia, india, egypt, and more. bookings available through your travel agent. for more information, visit >> additional support has been provided by rosalind p. walter. bernard and irene schwartz. sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the cheryl and philip milstein family.
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and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. welcome to the program everyone, i am christiane amanpour in new york. the struggles continues to play out. dr. christine -- who categorically denies all her allegations. so far, president trump is staying mostly on the sidelines. not blasting ford, but also calling the treatment of kavanaugh unfair. in this turbulent moment defined by an apparent vacuum of leadership, doris kearns goodwin brings us a timely reminder of the great test faced by previous
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presidents, her new book "leadership in turbulent times aircratimes," is a vivid account. she joins me now. it is great to see you, this book couldn't come at a more timely time. is there a vacuum of leadership or is it leadership of any means. >> if you define leadership by a mark of -- the ability to communicate with people and move them forward and unify the country, we are not seeing any of those traits exemplified. there is a vacuum of leadership on all sides of our government. >> i am interested in hearing you put all those qualities into
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a bag. what would you say is the crisis facing us right now. let's take brett kavanaugh and the hearings. how do you think given this new information, true or false, how should it be managed through the process? >> the most important thing for the senators to feel, their powers to advise and consent is one of the biggest powers that they have. if they can't be trusted, if they are not going to have a hearing that works itself out. what is going to happen if they put a person on the supreme court and people don't feel that person was put on the right way, then you lose trust on the presidency, and our supreme congress. it is more important than we define ourselves out. hopefully make the process, change that process.
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>> so two branches of government, the executive and legislatives, have fixed term. the other, the supreme court is pgovern for decades.ife and can to that end, clearly you understand that president trump want this particular nominee to be elected and potentially shift the balance of power in the supreme court. i want to play a sound bite from president trump and it is all about the federalist society and it goes to the heart of how he was nominated to take the candidacy. >> right. >> i was getting criticized, they say what happens if he appoints justice that we don't like. so i went to the federalist society which is the gold standard. and i went out and said i am going to pick ten judges or 11 judges and we'll see what
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happens. and i picked 11 gotten from the federalist society. >> so you have examined all of these presidents and it appears that the federalist society is pushing back on laws that they feel is too liberal. >> what is worry somewhat he said, what happens if he appoints a person we don't like. when lincoln had a vacatecy for supreme court he appointed chase as a rival. he said means things about him. his friends said how could you appoint chase for this position? he said he was the right man for the job. doesn't matter what he thinks about me. and he became a supreme court
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justice. that is how you should appoint somebody. >> the first time this kind of condition was presented to a presidential candidate. but, how abnormal is this given what you have been writing about in this particular book and in the past? didn't fdr himself discuss expanding the number of judges that he could pack the court with to get the new deal through. presidents have wanted to have tons of supreme court justices up there. >> they can at some point. it is not a fixed number. there could be 12, there cowl be six. but fdr made a terrible mistake in the sense he wanted to preserve the new deal and that was understandable. but then what he did was he didn't prepare the congress ground for it. instead he had this clever thing when they turned 70, then they are going to retire and it
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happened that conservative judges turning 70 and it backfired. >> you talk about leaders and the different eras and many people are asking now, do we get the leaders for our time or does the time, or is it backwards. is it inevitable that at that time, teddy roosevelt came to power, franklin roosevelt, and today donald trump. >> the time creates an opportunity for a great leader to come around. think of what lincoln had to face when he comes into office and this country is already split apart. and yet he was the right leader for that time, patient and persistent and merciful and merciless. teddy roosevelt comes at a time when the industrial revolution has shaken the economy. more so than today. there is a fear that capitalism isn't going to be able to exist and what does he do, he
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introduces a square deal. he is a fighting character but the square deal was for the rich and the poor. fdr comes in at the height of the depression. and because he came in at his own depression, paralysis because of polio. and he had that confident optimism that he could project onto the country at large. lbj comes in when the civil rights movements comes. so they open an opportunity for these people but unless you can deal with t hoover was there when the depression was there. and buichanans he was unable to deal with it in the 1860s.
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>> and mr. trump comes around. and it does seem to be mostly them, concerned about not only their place in american society but also their place in the work place, the decline of america's role of the sole industrial super power. >> i think the workers and the people who voted for mr. trump felt a sense that america was passing them by much in the 20th century when the industrial revolution. telephones, telegraphs, et cetera. and this is what people were feeling before the election and he seemed to make people think he was on their side. that is fine for campaigning. and he won the election because of that. but once you become president, you have to be president for all the people. when teddy roosevelt became
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president, he took a train to all the states where he lost and he won. so that, you don't make that transition. in so many ways he hasn't. lincoln never spoke extemporaneously. so he could have spoken extemporaneously any time he wanted but he said once i am president, i have to be prepared. words matters, trust matters, the reason is when they said something, people believe their word. we have alternative facts, and people lying and people not trusting anything. that is what a leader has to do, the value of their word. >> let's talk about style of leadership. president trump and he said it to bob woodward, i am going to
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read you that. speaking to bob woodward says real power is through respect. real power, i don't even want to use the word, fear. and that is the title of bob woodward's book. and we have seen how president trump goes to the mat on his negotiating style. whether it is ceos and other world leaders. we saw lyndon johnson, gets in their face. that picture, it is pretty aggressive. i am sure some of them were quite afraid of him. there is a similarity there. >> well, i don't know, real power may be fear. but leadership is something different than fear. it has to be a combination of fear and something that is going to be good for you at the same time. when he was convincing dirkson, to go along with him.
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at the same time he is saying dirkson, you bring republicans with me to get the bill passed and 200 years from now, school children will know only two names. so he was able to mix charm and fear, that is a good thing. leadership can't be just one side. one of the quotes that president trump has made is good deals that deal with both sides that is not the kind of deal i like. actually he said that is crap. the good deal is when i win. >> you said that leadership, maybe campaigning is about playing to the base, but leadership is about enveloping every member of the nation. and i am going to play a lovely piece of interview from lyndon johnson about how he learned that. and it was before he became president. >> my first job after college,
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was as a teacher in texas in a small mexican-american school. few of them could speak english and i couldn't speak much spanish. my students were poor. and they often came to class without breakfast, hungry. and they knew even in their youth the pain of prejudice. they never seemed to know why people disliked them. but they knew it was so. because i saw it in their eyes. i often walked home late in the afternoon after the classes were finished. wishing there was more that i could do. but all i knew was to teach them the little that i knew.
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hoping that it might help them against the hardships that lay ahead. and somehow you never forget what poverty and hatred can do when you see its scars on the hopeful face of a young child. i never thought then, in 1928 that i would be standing here in 1965. it never even occurred to me in my fondest dreams that i might have the chance to help the sons and daughters of those students. and to help people like them all over this country. but now i do have that chance. and i'll let you in on a secret. i mean to use. >> so he's telling that story in
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a speech to congress trying to get the voting rights act passed. it is profound. >> what's so important about that is that was the moment at a young teacher, he taught these mexican-american kids and his empathy was awakened and he never forgot it. and to be able to say i have power now and i want to use it for this kind of thing. that is what you want in a leader. that is when his personal ambition gets transformed into something larger. those are my favorite things. similarly when he first came into office after jfk is assassinated and they are advising him, don't go for the civil rights bill, you will lose the election. and he said what the hell is the presidency for. >> i know you worked for lbj,
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and so did your husband. and that is where you met. you whispered that your husband wrote that speech. >> and the only time president johnson bothered him that day, because he knew you have to leave the writer alone, he said i want you to talk about the experience i had in cattoola. he had a massive heart attack. and after that he came out of his depression and he said to himself if i were to die now, what would i be remembered for. and then he went to civil rights in the congress. and he knew his legacy had been cut in two by the war in vietnam, and he said perhaps if ever i am remembered it is for civil rights. >> and we saw the lovely picture
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of him and your husband in the oval office. the fact that lyndon johnson just suffered as you said from depression. lincoln had manic depression you wrote about. and then what makes all of this so abnormal, because people have brought up whether president trump is fit for office for all sorts of reasons. but others had reasons as well. >> the difference is that all of the other guys, i call them all of my guys because i have lived with them for so long. lincoln almost had a suicidal depression, but he came out of it. he said i don't want to live now, but i have not done anything to make any human being remember. teddy roosevelt lost his wife and mother on the same day. and he came out of it and became a larger leader.
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fdr's polio set him into depression. but he became a larger leader. the real difference is do you learn through loss and the difference between president trump, is he has said the reason he has the best tell me pra meant is because he has never lost. unless you can reflect on your losses and absorb them and be stronger, then you stay static. >> lincoln respects -- whether it is crowd sizes or speeches were well-written about. like the gettysburg address, even lincoln's gettysburg address was castigated which
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wasn't true. >> he was telling the people, do you remember he was a republican. he is one of us. and it is wonderful to have heroes and i wish all my guys can come back and talk to him. so many lessons they can teach him. even president obama and his relationship, you can learn from the people who went before. why not look back on them and get advice from them rather than you feel like you have to best them. although sometimes they get in there and think about the history books and that is crazy. you have to do the best job you can and let history take care of itself. >> all of them want to do something. >> that is the transference, instead of just getting power from myself, you begin to feel the fulfillment. the civil rights bill, he didn't want to stop there.
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he wanted medication reform, housing reform. that is what you should be going into politics for, when you have that, it is the best. >> and instead, you can't help but realize and feel sad that those great steps that johnson took, civil rights and the votes rights and all of that, there has been such a continuous backlash against all of that at its height, president obama, the idea that a black man was president of the united states really riled a lot of americans and today, you have got this dreadful resurgence of racism. >> we thought we had come to a platform it seems to me, in these last ten years, and it shows how fragile the country can be. we have to awaken the activism of this people who want this country to be that country that was built on equal rights. and that is the exciting thing about seeing women running for
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office today. they have to realize you can't sit back now, it is an activist time if you are going to protect all of these things that have happened in the last 50 years that are in danger of being taken away. >> and how a president, how any leader communicates is nearly 99% of their success or failure. you have written about how lincoln did. how he would write the angry letter and not send it. we know from your book lyndon johnson was a communicator to the extent that he had the switchboard button on the float in the pool and president trump has his iphone or whatever it is and tweets a lot and has used that communication method to unparallel success. >> for him, but not unifying the country. no one was better at it in his time than fdr.
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there is a story of a construction worker who was hurrying home one night. and his partner said where are you going? my president, he is coming to my living room, i have to be there. suddenly thousands of letters come in, we are okay now, you are in there, we trust your word. only three out of ten union soldiers at the beginning were fighting for slavery. they wanted to just fight for the union and not to end slavery. after he communicated with them and they believed his word, they shifted their mind. words that create action. and all of these guys use the technology of their time. it would be published in the newspaper and you can read the speech. and read it outloud. fdr has the radio and jfk and
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reagan had television. trump mastered this narrow world. but it is not unifying our country. >> and given that we are in this me too moment and this whole issue of women's rights. you writing about, when you went to see lyndon johnson, and you were alone and it was near the lake and a checkered table cloth, and he said to you, doris, of all the women i have ever known. >> he said you remind me of my father. that experience will forever stay with me. it was what made me study presidential history. now i could ask him so many questions as a historian, but you waste that time, but you
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don't really. thank you so much indeed for joining us. >> thank you. and in 1945, fdr was the first u.s. president to meet a saudi king launching close relationships which remain strong today. donald trump chose saudi arabia for his first presidential visit overseas. but now, as america itself is struggling with how women should be heard, serious reforms of women's rights are underway in saudi arabia. three months ago for the very first time, women were permitted to drive, attend sporting events and two to the movies. in 2012, she directed its first oscar nominated film wadjda
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about a young girl. al-mansour is now out with a new film on netflix called nappily ever after. and when i spoke with her here in new york, i asked her about breaking new ground at home and around the world. welcome to the program. >> thank you. >> you are an exotic species. you are the first saudi film director and happen to be a woman. how easy was it for you to get here? >> well, a lot of people think it is brave and whatever, but i always say i am more crazy than brave and really, i never thought i would be the first saudi female film maker. really, what i wanted to do was to have a hobby or exist.
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i felt so invisible and this is the way that the culture is. and i just wanted to have a place to vent and have my voice and be heard and film was the thing that gave me that. >> and yet to be fair, when you were growing up there was no saudi cinema, you couldn't go out to the movies, and your first film was called "wadjda" about a little girl who wanted to buy a bicycle. how much of that did you draw from your own life. as a girl there, were you allowed to go out to the street and ride a bike. do the things that we think are normal for kids? >> i grew up in a small town in saudi arabia. but i had liberal parents. i never felt like there was something i can't do and my
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brother can. i felt it was important to make a film about mobility and about freedom and that culture. but still i wanted to make an intimate film and i don't like to be confrontational in that culture. i feel it is important to touch people and make a story that is sweet and hopefully changes their heart. and i feel that change needs to come from the heart and slowly and creeps in. >> we are going to play a little clip where she goes into the shop and tries to warn the shop keeper to make sure that she is the one that eventually gets the bicycle.
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it is really poignant. and it is a parable that people can identify. in a country that doesn't have film or cinemas how were you able to shoot the scenes? i mean, outside? how did you manage to get it done? >> well, we have tv. we have a little bit of tv, so we have some kind of infrastructure. we had to bring a lot of people from the head of production, from germany. and shooting in the street was problematic at the time. it has changed.
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i wasn't able to be in the streets and be the crew. and i had to be in a van. >> so you had to roll it, cut, action, all from walkie talkie. >> and a monitor. which is frustrating to me. as a director, i wanted to be with them with the actors. but i think the situation has changed a lot. i am going back to shoot a film. >> what i read about it, it is another ground breaking element of saudi culture where women can, i believe run for very local offices is that correct? >> yes. >> they are allowed to now. >> yes, they are. >> and why do you want to do that film. >> it is important to encourage women to take position in public and i think a lot of women in saudi arabia and the least in general are shy to be under the spotlight. we are told since we are little it is better to stay at home and
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the role for women to be a mother and that is the ultimate kind of like whatever position in life. and i felt like it is important to change that message. to take more to be a little more out there and put themselves out there. it is hard to put yourself out there and explain your view to the world. but it is important as we move on and as we progress as a culture. so i don't prefer to be in a van. >> you want to be outside on the street directing. fast forward right now and you are about to debut a new series on netflix called "nappily ever after." >> yes. >> and i read it is a romantic comedy about race and hair of all things. >> it is an amazing film. i had a great time shooting. and it is about a woman who
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falls in love with herself and learns how to self-accept her hair and who she is and i think it is an important message for a woman because we are all like, beauty standards are not universal and we need to agree on that. >> what is a particular beauty standard of this community. you are talking about violet who is the protagonist, an african american woman, what is the problem? >> i think she learned from an early age that she needs to straighten her hair to fit in. not accept the natural state of her hair. i learned to blow-dry my hair since i was 10-years old. >> violet of course has a major confrontation with her mother who is constantly trying to get
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her to straighten her hair and she can't go in the swimming pool because that there frizz her hair again. and there is one poignant clip which is about her plea to her mother, we're going to play it. >> so you're okay with that for me to just go out there any which way? >> what is your point? >> when i was ten, we went to some company picnic for dad at some park. and i jumped into the pool, do you remember that? my hair turned to a little fist and all the kids were laughing at me. you yanked me out of the pool and shoved me into the car and we left. >> and? >> i wonder who i would be if you had just hugged me and told me i was still beautiful. >> you obviously deliberately say those last words who would
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have i have been if you would have told me i was beautiful and hug me. >> it is about teaching kids to love themselves and i, it is when we are a child, we should have, especially girls have the moment to enjoy yourself it is not about image. it is not about looking perfect as much as go get dirty and play in the streets and have fun and build character. and if you tell girls all the time, you need to brush your hair and look perfect. it affects their self-esteem. boys don't care. they have never been subjected to the similar rules growing up. so yeah, i want my daughter not to worry about her frizzy here and jump in the pool and do gymnastics and every kind of sport and be who she is.
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>> the crown prince has famously lifted the ban on driving and cinemas, you can go see film, music. how much of a change will this bring to saudi arabia? >> it will bring a lot of change. it means a lot to bring in music and art into our culture. that means we are changing its heart. and saudi arab fia, for so long we didn't appreciate long. and it was excluded from the public space. people were dry. entertainment was not part of who we are and that is not healthy and creates a very like angry situation and you don't want that in our society. you don't want that in a culture and it is amazing to have music
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now. you have concerts in the street and see young people enjoying life and saudi arabia is important to the muslim world. and once saudi arabia celebrates art and cinema, that will definitely find its way in different neighborhoods and neighboring countries and hopefully we see more peaceful nations around us. >> i was fascinated to read, because you said your mother was, you know, quite liberal relative to the rest of society. even though you were living in a pretty conservative village or town, yet your mother didn't believe in covering her face and she wore quite a shear abayia. >> my mother, never wore the
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militant, full coverage. she wore it the same way she grew up wearing it. shear and beautiful. and she didn't care how people perceived her. as a kid, of course, when mom comes like that, she would just come, she is like a star. and yeah, i was really embarrassed and not embarrassed, but as a kid you want to fit in. and of course the teachers didn't like it and they take it out on me. and it was about defiance. maintaining who you are. i learned to appreciate later. >> you learned defiance from your mother. some of your female relatives were caught up in the first major driving protest during the
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gulf war during 1990. some of them were arrested and swept up in the crack down. >> i feel it is important for women if they want real change to believe in themselves and work very hard. and things will not change overnight and i am saying even here in hollywood. where female film makers feel like they are not represented enough don't get enough opportunity or equal pay which is frustrating for educated people. and they still don't get the same opportunities and the same similar like you know, not appreciated in the same way. and it is going to change. it just needs hard work and need to believe in ourselves and not to be aggressive or angry, but assertive and keep on working slowly. and towards a goal. >> how did you get exposed to film? >> as a kid?
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>> i read you were eight of 12 kids. >> we saw a lot of films through video stores. they wouldn't allow women at the time. but my father would go. >> so video store was considered immoral. >> yeah. my father would go get us movies because we were like to keep us busy and to keep us quiet so he could drink a cup of coffee and read the paper. to see the world through cinema and to see we are a part of a bigger world. watching movies was like a bridge that my sibling and i formed with the rest of the world. we thought we were part of like colorado, the mountains, and all of that. and it was touching when we were kids to be in that space and
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watch a lot of films. >> you obviously know there is still a lot of backlash against women in sawudi arabia. you know there is a big controversy of the patriarchy and the guardianship law. and the whole human rights situation. you say you want to show the world and life unfolding but in a gentle and slow way. do you think you will be able to get to the heart of these kinds much more controversial and difficult issues to broach in your country? >> yeah, i think i could. i think it is very porpt timpore way you approach things and important to understand that the change does not need to come slow because it needs to come slow. it needs to be real and genuine. and how people think you, you
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cannot impose it on them overnight. people need to believe it is coming from themselves and have to be it is something part of the culture. and that is why change has to take its course, its due course. but i think women in saudi arabia have achieved a lot. and i think yeah, it is very frustrating for me when i travel, i have to have permission from my father or husband. and i really hope that will change. but i think it will change when women put pressure on their brothers and families. and within the families they understand it is not as a culture, we don't want it. and it needs to come from that small cell of society and that is how change will happen. once people see it is not how we are and part of our identity, it
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is going to go away. so that is where we need to reach and that is why you need to make films and show movies and have art and music and hopefully that will slowly people will understand what this means. >> haifaa al mansour, thank you. >> health care in america is still a privilege and inaccessible. new york mount sinai hospital. dr. singh tells hari how it
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happens. >> what do you we see today in the united states that most people watching wouldn't know about? >> one thing i have been alarmed by is watching for example in south texas, the rise of parasitic diseases that come in soil into the feet of kids. hook worms and other sort of parasitic worms, tropical diseases that as a nation we eradicated. >> we are fighting this overseas. >> former president carter who has put a huge amount of effort in eradicating these diseases in west africa. and as we are doing that, we are watching it rise here in the u.s. these are diseases of poverty. and the lack of basic essential health systems and social support. along with that, we are seeing
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rises in maternal mortality, moms dying, particularly african-americans. and in some groups, white middle age males drop in life expectancy due to alcohol, suicide, opioid use and as you start to see this picture come up, it is a deep reminder that we have to really rethink how we are building our health system. it isn't all just about payment and access. it is actually about how we are designing our relationships. and addressing our challenges. >> did you ever think when you were coming up through med school that you probably heard of doctors volunteering their time overseas, that it could be
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happening here in the united states in west virginia and new mexico? >> i grew up in kenya and we came to michigan when i was young. and if you told me this was happening in the united states, i would have not have believed you. but as i have gone through training, and as i have seen fist hand now the need for basic health care essential health care which includes basic social needs, it has been eye opening, it has been concerning and it is also, we have to level set, that's where we are. >> give me examples of lessons you are learning from places developing countries that are doing things better. >> if you go to liberia or you go to rural settings where you
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have trained community health worker with a mobile phone equipped with a diagnostic test in their backpack, they go to a household where there is a kid with a fever. all of us with kids are wondering should we go to the doctor? should we wait this out? they are able to go to the house and use the rapid diagnosis test. and they are actually treating with antibiotics people on the spot and then referring them to the hospital. and what is amazing is that this group, this network of community health workers is connected by mobile phones has their quality assessed on a regular basis and is often put on a map where you can see how all of these mobile networks of community health workers are working and where they are working and are they affected and what is the
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quality. you look at these systems and think why don't we have things like that here in the u.s. and in some ways when you like at liberia and uganda, they have been pressured to build these things and they have pushed that energy, that innovation into building these flat networked community based mobile systems and frankly, i think they are better than what we have in the united states. and i hope that we can bring them in to our own work while we are still exchanging the advances that we are making here in the u.s. >> there has also been programs in the united states that remote access, medical, reaching out communities in appealachia that
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is totally under served. >> i am constantly blown away by remote here in america. this was a group started in order to take care of people in amazon and liberia. and now they set up camps, but here in appalachia and new mexico doing the work that they would have been doing abroad. but the demand is so high for free medical care, they have people that line up thousands of people that come to these camps in the middle of america in order to get health care. first of all, i think it says, it is amazing that they are doing that, god's work and should be supported. and it says that we have a huge hole in our health care system and there are a lot of them and people come out by the thousands when they have the opportunity to access high quality care. >> how do you make sense of this? how do you reconcile this. here we are blocks away from some of the best medical facilities on the planet, you
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know, fanciest gadgets, the smartest people, the most accomplished in their fields and you are describing parts of our country where we are seeing diseases that the developing world has almost beaten and we are getting now. >> i find if staggering. i feel as a country we are so blessed and drowning amongst riches. people can see what the best looks like in this country and yet it is not getting to where people need it the most. and i think that is a question of organization and design and where we just realize the work is at the front lines in communities where we need to focus our efforts. and until we just realize that, all the smart people, all the policy makers and the inventors,
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the makers and designers, as that attention shifts to where the real challenges are, at the person level, at the community level, we will start to make progress. and until we see the mental shift, we will be saying what is going on. >> right now a system doesn't allow a lot of time where a doctor can stay with a patient. >> if you just received a prescription again, whose price is just shot through the roof over this last decade and you say i would like you to take this insulin and eat better and good luck to you which is how a lot of the conversations feel on the other side. what with y what you are going to be missing is somebody potentially saying i can't afford the insulin.
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or someone who says i want to eat better. or i can't even ask the questions i need to navigate the situation so i am going to be quiet and just go home. when that happens in the old world, health systems still get paid. in the world we are moving to steadier, if they don't get healthier, there is no payment, but more importantly, we are deeply understanding that nobody is better for that situation. >> when you start to look at some of those peripheral reasons, you are starting to pick at class, social inequality, race, gender, lots of other things that we don't associate with health care, so how would a doctor or nurse be on the front line to tackle those significant challenges that put that person where they are today.
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>> what is becoming very clear is that health care must be an advocate for the challenges people are facing. let me give you a practical example. if you are noticing that you see a lot of african-american young children with asthma that happens in all cluster in a building, public housing and they are coming in frequently, it is incumbent upon us as people in public issues. and we have to be proactive in saying let's work with the housing authority to get it done because no individual may have the power to do that. >> if people google you after this, they will find your ted talk and find articles that you were a victim of hate crime.
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how did being a victim in that circumstance get you to rethink or influence how you thought about people who go through the health care system about either thaer physical health or mental health. >> in 2013, i was attacked by men where my jaw was fractured. i was thinking about the big picture arena of community health across the world. and for me, that event in 2013, precipitated a huge shift professionally for me. i said i wanted to move closer to doing work actually in the communities where i was working or living. and i wanted to focus much more on what is happening in the front line in the united states. so in short, you know, the incident was i think was
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traumatic, and it was also revelatory, one of my favorite writers, says grace changes us and change is painful. and you know, i look at that incident and i say wow, my eyes were opened up. and i was able to see also where i lived in a different light. and professionally, i said oh, i have to change what i am doing. and what i hope is that as we have these tough social questions about race, gender equity, and class in america, we in health care have to realize that we need to engage these questions, and it is going to take a long time but the best way to do that is to actually go with and start to say how do we redine how we interact. >> thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> exposing america's fault line
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and tomorrow, i will talk to the comedian and social critic who makes it his serious business to examine this country in different shades. and how he teamed up with our late colleague anthony bourdain. thanks for watching "amanpour & co." on pbs and join us tomorrow. >> uniworld is a proud sponsor of "amanpour & co." when bee tollman found a
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