tv PBS News Hour PBS October 10, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsor by newshour productions, llc i'm amna: good evening nawa judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, a monstrs storm makes landfall. hurricane michael lashes the gulf coast with category four winds and daerous storm surge then, president trums demands answom saudi arabia after a prominent saudi writer goes missing. plus, farm to table: miles o'brien continues our look at the fight over regulating pesticides. >> we need farming that doesn't poison the workers. we need farming that doesn't results in toxic residues coming home in everybody's grocery baskets and ending up on the plates of their children. >> nawaz: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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>> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the world's mosts- pressing probl >> the lemelson foundation. committed to improving lives through invention, in the u.s. and developing countries. on the web at >> supported by the john d. anac catherine t.thur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more information at >> and with the ongoing support
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of these institutions: >> this program was possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> nawaz: its the strongt storm ever recorded on the florida panhandle, and the strongest anywhere on the u.s. mainland in nearly 50 years. hurricane "michael" made landfall today with winds of 155 m.p.h. and a storm surge of 14 feet. the waves built all morning, and the wind grew stronger by the hour, bending trees in half and blasting rain sideways. then, early this afternoon, theh center ostorm came ashore east of panama city, near mexico beach, with sustained winds at 155 miles per hour. f percharged by abnormally warm waters in the gulfxico,
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the storm was just shy of a category 5 hurricane, the most powerful on the scale. still, some of the 375,000 residents ordered to evacuate, ose instead to ride it out. >> i love my little house, my fish and my boat so we're going to try and keep an eye on it. probably a stupid thing to do. but i have done dumber things. >> nawaz: but federal, state and lotl officials alike warned might be too late by then. brock long is the director of fema, the federal emergency management agency. >> those who stickround to experience storm surge don't typically live to tell about it. >> naz: others did heed the warnings.rn and by this g, more than 5,000 evacuees were seeking shelter in tallahassee, the state capital. >> understanding that this storm might be a little bit more intense than the others so i think its a good idea if people are concerned that they have an option, come here or some of the other shelters. >> nawaz: as the hurricane roared through the day,vi ans and officials alike could only hunker down. but florida governor rick scott
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had already said the state was gearing up for what happens after the worst of "michael" has passed. >> we will to make sure that roads and bridges reopen as quickly as possible.we ave trucks loaded with tons of food, water and other criteal supplies ready to mov in. >> nawaz: the storm is also on a path to ploss georgia and then, through south and northti carolina, both recovering from last month's hurricane "florence." >> winds will be strong enough to rip tarps from roofs on homes damaged by florence. winds will be strong enough to bring down trees weakened by florence, especially with saturated ground. >> nawaz: fema, already coping nith the aftermath of "florence," is w that recovery from "michael" could be slow. >> this is, here again a i keep saying this word far too much, is unprecedented. the power is going to be off for multiple weeks and you need to get your mindset set on thatcand do what yoto prepare to overcome that.
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>> nawaz: from the oval office today, president trump promised fullederal aid to storm victims. he said he will probably visit florida, to see the damage, on sunday or monday. >> nawaz: and for the latest on hurricane michael and where it's headed over the next 24 hours, we're join again tonight by ken graham, director of the national hurricane center. he joins me from miami, florida. mr. graham, thanks for making the time. tell us now, we're talkingu to little after 5:00 p.m. eastern. what's the latest that we know about the strength and thein nsity of this storm? >> yeah, we got some brand-new information th just came in. we're looking at still winds of 125mph, which is incredible since we'relready inland. so you still have some of those hurricane-force winds. m we're looking ement. still about 16mph. so it's speeding up mat ties. luckily we're not getting some of those high rainfall totals, but we are having some issues, of course, with the wind. being inland like, that we still alpect hurricane-force winds to stretch into cenortions of georgia, so not just a coastal
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event. you'll get some trees down and some power outages even stretching into central georgia. >> nawaz: talk about those hurricane-force win eve further inland. a lot of people were talking about this being a worst-case scenario storm. is that still the case? where does most of the danger lie?f >> a lot o it was, of course, the winds when you have a system this strong, you're going to have winds that are jus absolutely destructive. once we started seeing some of the damaged areas, you'll see e structural damage, collapse buildings and rooftops and treee down, outages for weeks. what always scares me in these events is the storm surge, because half of the fatality in these tropical systems is the storm k rge. if you l water in general, including the inland flooding, you start getting 90% of the fatalities. we've had reports of very large storm surges. we just upueated these vala little bit ago. you push all this water in with all this fom ce froe hurricane-force winds, ander little channel, every little river fills up well inand new
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york some cases ten to 15 miles. it takes time now that the win relaxes. it takes time to drain all of that out there. so the valueayare going the st high. the water is always the most dangerous part of these. >> nawaz: and tell us about the path now. where does this storm hea?d ne >> yeah, next we're looking at continuing to move to the northeast, and if you think about this, it's interesting. so at some point we' continue to be a hurricane and eventual lay tropical storm, continuing to be a tropic storm through the carolinas and actually exiting back into the atlantic. so it's an interesting case here. you think about the flow around michael, you have some on-shore flow. we have tropical storm warnings from georgia and the carolinas. so this is becoming an atlantic issue, too. >> nawaz: ken grham at the national hurricane center, thanks for your time. >> you bet. >> nawaz: now a closer look at the impact of hurricane michael so far. panama city beach is getting hit hard. i spoke with mayor mike thmas by phone this afternoon as the storm was making landfall.
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>> there's damage. i think we're going to get less than i was expectg with the etrength of this storm and all in panama city bach. i think panama city and mexico beach and st. joe are going to get a little worse. it jogged just a little bit tore the east beit hit us, and the winds are horrible right now, the squalls coming through, the surf was up real high, but all all we're in pretty good shape. >> nawaz: tell me a bit more if you can. many people have never been threw a storm like this. can you describe what you're e eing? >> well, ke-up of a hurricane is amazing. whenouhe bands come thr, one minute it will be blowing out the front of you. the next it's blowing from behind you. it is amazing the way, the dynamics change. on the other end of the hurricane, i was lookinover in apalachicola, running in the tainedtreets, the sus
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winds will just take your breath away sometimes. >> nawaz: this is looking like an historic storm potentially. what are you most concerned about in the coming days? >> this thing happened so quick. it came out of the caribbean, and one minute they were talkinl about itttle bit, and the next minute it came. they did a good job. they warned evbody ahead of time i our state. our local people have offered everything they got and warned everybody ahead of time. some people are just concerned about leaving. and when you leave and everybody leaves, there's no hotels around, there's gas around, and it's difficult to persuade somebody to leave and make them feel good about it. >> nawaz: what aout the people who chose to ride this out? g e you concerned about them? and are you gette response that you need? >> i worry about people trying to get bactoo quick.
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power lines are down. thers still a lot of dger out here. these gusts are still pretty strong. and i've been thugh a bunch of them. i've lived here all my life, and i'm getting very old. but it's just something you have to use common sense about. i hope everybody will. >> nawaz: mayor mie thomas, thank you. >> nawaz: a financial storm sent wall street to dramatic losseshe today,orst in eight months. the dow jones industrial average ounged 831 points, or 3%, close at 25,598. the nasdaq fell 316 po4%, and the s&p 500 gave up 94 points, also 3%. for more, we turn to hugh johnson, chief investment officer atugh johnson advisors. kingjohnson, thanks for the time i want to ask you about something the president just said moments ago. he called what we're seeing here a crrection we've been waiting for for a long time is.
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that your ad on what we sw today? >> yeah, you know, amn everybody is going to have a very different opinion on that. the real question that's being raised is is this simply a oncorrection in anoing bull market or a bull market that has further to go, or, you know, this has been a very long bull market, so many are asking the question: is this the e of a bull market and the start of a bear market that will be accompanied by an economic recession? my answer to that question is essentially in agreement with the president that based on everything that i'mooking at, this looks to me as a correction and a severe correction in an m ongoing burket. from that point of view, amna, i guess yo have to say thas a silver lining behind the dark cloud of what happened stocksetting to levels that are starting to make a lot more sense from a alue point of view. >> nawaz: help us understand some of the elements behind th drop today. tech companies were particularly
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haus hit. they'rlly a hot sector in the economy. what happened there? >> that's a real good exaocmple. the market itself, of course, has been such a long bull market, and everybody instinctively says it's been that long a bull market, maybe should c or sell a few stocks to reduce my exposure to the equity markets, and they say that in particular about technology, because technology, the technology stocks, things like facebook and apple and netflix and google, they have wed a big run to the up side. their valuatione very rich, so they're really not only talking about the broamarket ing a little bit pricier, having had a long bull market,l but we're king in particular about technology stocks and the worry, of course, is that we're going to get a slowdown in the earnings there. but basically they got to levels which everybody worries about, that they're too hig and therefore that's a real target for reducing your expi exposure or your stocks or your equity
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exposure. >> nawaz: the prident mentioned the federal reserve tightening its monetary policy. what ainut tighteninerest rates? does that contribute to the decline we saw today? good point. the federal reserve has been raising interest rates for a while. longer-term interest rates in responseso that have alo been going up. i think what's happened, amna, what's really concerned everybody is everything has been pretty gradual, but the rate picture got a little bit more severe in the last three or four days when we saw what might be called a spike up in interestra s, and that alone was really sort of part of the catalyst along witothencerns acted technology stocks. those two things together got a lot of everybody that was sort of edgy abouthis market, it got them off the fence and got them selling. that started to feed on itself. no question about it, interest rates, the hgh level of technology stocks, those .ombined to be the catalyst to get people selli >> nawaz: very briefly, there has been a lot of talk about ade tension, specifically
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tariffs between the u.s. and china. how did those play a role in today? >> they played arole because you have a lot of companies now that are starting to feel or see thea on their operating profits from those tariffs. they're telling us abt. so the concern there is that companies are not going to post the kind ofrarnings we e hoping for or expecting, and trat's largely because of the impact oade and tariffs on their earnings. we're tarting to see lots and lots of reports to that effect. >> nawaz: hugh johnson, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> nawaz: in the day's other arws, rescue crews in indonesia spent a final day ing for earthquake and tsunami victims, before that effort officially ends on thursday. the confirmed death toll now stands at 2,045, but authorities say thousands more could be buried under tons of mud. some 10,000 workers, with the help of excavators, have been gging through mounds of debris and earth. and some say they'll keep going. >> ( translated ): we are hopin
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thatn find more bodies that are buried underground. there are many more victims that are buried, but what can we do? the rubble makes the job complicated even with the aid y. heavy machin we will try our best everyday to find all the victims >> nawaz: meanwhile, the indonesian governmen it is turning attention to rebuilding those communities. more than 82,000 people lost their homes in the quake and tsunami. in kenya, 55 people were killed early this morning when their bus plunged off a road and down a slope. police officials said the bus was not licensed to operate at night, and the driver lost control. nine children we among the dead. pope francis condemned abortion today, comparing it to a hired killing. ke during his weekly audience in st. peter's square, and insist there's no excuse for taking a life. >> ( translated ): a contradictory approach allows maalso the suppression of life in the mother's womb in the name of safeguarding other rights. i ask u: is it right to hire a
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hitman to solve a problem? you cannot, it is not right to h killan being, regardless of how small it is, to solve a problem. >> nawaz: when he first became pope, francis argued that roman catholic teaching against abortion was clear, without him speaking about it. but church conservatives have urged him to be more vocal. back in this country, the secretary of homeland security warned that china is waging an intensive campaign to sway u.s. public opinion, ahead of the midterm elections. kirstjen nielsen testified at a senate hearing today, and echoed claims made by president trump last month. but she also said there's no evidence yet that the chinese have tried to compromise registration rolls or voting machines. at that same hearing, the director of the f.b.i. confirmed that a supplemental background check of brett kavanas limited. its focus was on sex allegations against the u.s. supreme court nominee. wray testified today t white house set the limits, but he suggested that was not unusual.>> ur supplemental update to
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the previous backgroundat investn was limited in scope and that that is consistent with the standard onocess for such investiga going back quite a long ways. i have spoken with our background investigation specialists and they have assured me that this was handled the way that is consistent with their experience and the standard process. >> nawaz: wray declined to give specifics, or say if the f.b.i. had investigated whether kavanaugh lied under oath. the supreme court heard arguments today over detaining immigrants convict of crimes. the case centers on people given green cards, and allowed to live and work in the u.s. permanently. the government says if they break u.s. laws, they can be held indefinitely, pending deportation. the green card holders say the deserve hearings to argue for their release, while their deportation cases proceed. president trump is stepping up attacks on docrats over a universal health care proposal known as "medicare-for-all". he wrote in "usa today" that it would "eviscerate" existing benefits for seniors.
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democrats argue it would igcrease coverage. the president alsod legislation aimed at cutting prescription drug prices. and, the justice department gave initial approval to letting pharmacy giant cvsealth merge with health insurer aetna. the move is valued at $69 billion. the companies say the deal will cut costs by encouraging patientso visit walk-in clinics at cvs outlets. some could limit choice and drive up prices. under the deal, aetna will sell its medicare part d drug plan business. still to come on the newshour: questions remain in the disappearance of saudi dissident jamal khashoggi in turkey. the president announces a major change in ethanol gasoline rules in an effort to help farmers. rohingya refugee women struge with the burden of children born from rape by the myanmar military. plus, a look at the health and onomic risks associated with banning a controversial pesticide.
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>> nawaz: the case of a missing journalist is now threatening to impact the united states relationship with major ally saudi arabia. jamal khassogi has not been seen for more than a week. saudi arabia says it doesn't know where he is. but turkish officials say he wal killed in istand are beginning to release grisly details that are leading to mann questionashington. nick schifrin starts our verage. >> schifrin: the last time jamal khassogi was seen alive, he walked into saudi's arabia's istanbul consulate thinking hesa wa. the 59-year-old prominent journalist hadold friends not to worry. his fiancee waited outside, expecting him to emerge withrs pallowing them to marry. but just hours before, 15 saudis flew into istanbul as, what a turkish ofcial told local media was a hit squad.os a newspaper clto the government reported the men had
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connections with saudi miligary and intece, and it also published their vements, including one of the planes they used to arrive that morning, and leave that night. turkish officials told inernational media the men likely killed khassogi on orders from saudi leadership and dismembered s body with a saw. >> thank you all for coming. >> schifrin: khashoggi useto be a saudi government advisor, and always supported modernation efforts led by saudi crown prince mohammad bin salman, known as mbs. >> he is doing what we demanded of him to hy am i being critical? simply because he is doing the right things the wrong way. very wrong way. >> schifrin: he opposed mohammad bin salman's tactics, whati khashoscribed as a crackdown on criticism, including female activists who've been arrested. khashoggi said mohammad bin salam stifled dissent. >> the environment in saudi arabia does not allow for constructive criticism, or constructive debate, a discourse, about lively matters,
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matters that are going to affect us in the future. >> i've never been more disturbed than i am right now. >> schifrin: republicanve lawmakers raditionally declined to criticize u.s.-allya i arabia. otedr leading senators trigg a process that automatically imposes sanctions on saudi arabia if it murders khashoggi. >> all of us are taking itery seriously and urging pretty dramatic steps to be taken. >> schifrin: capitol hill skepticism has been rising with civili casualty reports from yemen, where the u.s. supports a saudi arabia-led coalition fighting iran-backed rebels. but the reports aboul khasoggi are pushing lawmakers to increase pressure on the administration. the administration is beginning to respond. a white house statement id national security advisor john bolton, senior advisor jared kushner, and secretary of state mike pompeo talked with mohammad bin salman and "asked for more
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details and for the saudi government to be transparent in the investigation process." and president trump increased thpressure on saudi arabia when he said he wanted to meet khassoghi's fiance. >> we are in contact with her and we want to bring her to the white house. i have to find out who did it. but, people saw him go in but they didn't see comeas they understand it. and, we're going to take a very serious look at it. it's a terrible thing. >> have you spoken to the saudis?ou >> i rather not say, but kee answer is yes. >> schifrin: we deeper look at what this could mean for u.s. and sauations with senator chris murphy, a democrat from connecticut. he sits on the foreign relations committee. senator, thank you so much for joining us today. the chairman of the senate foren relations comittee, the ranking member, and you have been working on a letter that has just been released.
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what does that letter say? what kind pressure are you trying to put on the administration? >> so under existinglobal human rights law passed by the congress and signed by the president, the ranking democrat and the chairman of the senate foreign relations comttee have the ability to ask the administration to come to a finding on a potential gross violation of human rights abroad, and that's whast thi letter asks, for the president to make a determination aso t whether jamal khashoggi was indeed executed by the saudis, as has been alleged. now, i think you have to take this letter with ain of salt because it is asking the administration that has shown very little interest in getting to the bottom of this story, to come up with a definitive finding, which they may be unlikely to do, butt least it requires the administration to now go through a process by which they will have to do some fact-finding to discover
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whether, as we believe, the audis executed this journalist. >> schifrin: thocess last about 120 days. as i understand it, do you expect or perhaps do you hope that sanctions will be imposed on saudi arabia to show them that there are consequences if indeed jamal khashoggi was murdered? >> if those sanctions have to be triggered by a presidential finding then my expectations are low. i thinthe trump administration has not shown much interest in trying to figure out what happened here, and, of course, we know that there is this deep and unconditional bond that has en created beten the trump administration and the saudi royal family that i imagine the administration is not going to be interested in breaking. so if we are o impose sanctions o have some consequences for the potential murd this journalist, it's probably going to have to be congress acting on its own. so i'm glad this process is taking place. i was glad to sign a letter, but i also dovet haigh
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expectations that the administration is going to trigger sanions. >> schifrin: this letter demands additional sanctions, but do you think i meantime or in addition the u.s. should, for example, cut omff ars sales to saudi arabia? >> i think it's time for us to cut ofarms sales. i'll be honest, i've argued that we should do that separatand aside from the allegations concerning this journalist. but we're going to have to send some signal in the short term that the deliberate targeting of a journalist, a u.s. resident journalist, i unacceptable. it may take a long time for the administration to work through sanctions regime. we can take the immediate sep as congress of suspending arms sale to the saudis. i think that would be -- i thinh 's worthy of discussion in the foreign relations committee in the upcoming days ad weeks. >> schifrin: let's talk about ihe region and u.s.-sa relations. the u.s. administration's priorities in the middle east are to counter iran, counter
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violent extremism to, get to some kind of attempt for anel isthe palestinian peace deal. saudi arabia is critical for all those three things some why do you have some criticism o the administration for leaning on saudi arabia, for using saudi arabia as a linchpin across the regier? >> well, is no doubt that saudi arabia has been key in creating a detente ithe region between the sunni nations and israel, but on our other two objectives, the nature of the a u.s.-sauiance today is running coulter to our stated goals in the region. by backing the's saulay in yemen, for instance, we're making iran stronger, becauseh the longert civil war goes on, the deeper iran gets involved in the restance there. we're supporting the saudis that
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fund tupe extremist groaround the world. our relationship with the saudis run contrary to mny of our goals in the middle east. >> schifrin: i've asked manyh officials indepartment of defense about the war in yemen. they say, look, saudi arabia isn't perfect. course there have been civilian casualty incidents inside yemh, butey are our ally. we need to stand by them. and they are on the same side as us when it comes to yemen do. you believe saudi arabiais on the same side? >> no, i don't think they're on the same side. i think thy've been misrepresenting the nature of the war inside yemen. they have been telling us they're not trying tt civilians when the evidence is to the contrary. the evidenceells us that they are targeting civilians, that they are targeng civilian infrastructure. it's not that they're missing their targets, it's that they're actually hitting their targets. and i think if it turns out that they've been lying to us overe
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the lastdays about the murder of khashoggi, which i would argue they probablhave been, then i think that's further evidence to tell us that they are also not telling us the truth when it. cost to the way in which targeting is conducted inside yemen. all the evidence tells us they have been trying to hit civilians and they havbeen succeeding. and we should withdraw from our military partnershipnside yemen, because we should never be part of any militaryen campaign, f it's with a named ally new york which civilians are the target. >> schifrin: senator chris murphy, democrat fromec cocut, thank you very much. >> thanks. >> nawaz: next, the subjt of energy production was front and center during a caaign-style rally president trump held in council bluffs, iowa last night. john yang has the story. >> yang: in the heart of corn country, president trump made good on a campaign pledge
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farmers. >> my administration is protecting ethanol. >> yang: the president told a council bluffs, iowa, rally that he is directing the environmental protection agencyl t a ban on summer sales of gasoline with 15 percent ethanol, known as "e-15." >> today we are unleashi the power of e-15 to fuel our country all year long, not eight >> yang: the move is a boon for corn farmers squeezed by low prices for their crop and byn foreriffs. ethanol is a biofuel made from corn. since 2007, it has been blendedn with gasol most gas today contains some ethanol. it was once touted as a greener fuel source. but increasingly environmentalists oppose expanding its use. they argue the effects of growing more corn offset ethanol's benefits. also again the move: oil companies. they have long opposed ethanol
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and say high-ethanol fuel can damage engines in olrs. d e trump administration's e.p.a. has waivesome rules requiring ethanol's use in gas at the behest of oil procers. >> i made that promise to you duri the primaries, remember i made that promise. promises made. promises kept. >> yang: politically, the president's move is seen as an effort to bolster farm-state republicans in tight races this fall, including some he singled out during tuesday's rally. in addition, allowing year-rounh sales h-ethanol blends has been sought by iowa republicangr senator chucsley, who successfully shepherded the confirmation of supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. mr. trump said the admistration would move quickly to have the new rules in place by next summer. for a closer look at how the fortunes of corn factor into nearly everything in farm country, particularly during an election year, we turn to grant gerlock, a reporter with harvest
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public media. he's based at net news, in lincoln, nebraska. grant gerlock, thanks for jon ing us. expl us the pressures that corn producers are facing right now and how big a deal is this to expand t use ofeth -- of >> well, corn prices have been down in the dumps for a few yearsw, and farm income has been on a downwardr trend fo several years in a row. you mentioned the stress from the tariffs and those disputes with china and mexico canada, and so farmers have been looking for any kind of good news that might point tow signs that maybe prices would increase and that incomes cou come back up a little bit. so they look at a e-s something that could use more corn, because that's the mostha common thingethanol is made from.
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and if e-15 is widely used in the u.s., and that would take a lot of work, it could use more co that would be more demand for their corn that they sell. and it would elp prices and all those things down the line. but it's just good news when there's been a lot of bad news coming their way. >> yang: explain to us wy e. >> 15, why these higher ethol blends were banned in the summer months. >> well, e-15 wasn't even approved as a motor fuel until 2011. the e.p.a. approved it fo most cars and trucks built after 2001. when they did that, they kept this restriction for about three and a half months over the summer from june to mid-september, and the reason they did that was because of smog. that's t concern. e-15 is more volatile tha regular gasoline, and so it's a bigger risk for causing ozone pollution. many parts of the country where smog is a problem during the m
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summnths, if there's smog pollution, it can be bad for your health, especially iyou have asthma or copd, other iratory illnesses. so they try to keep that smog down. that's one reason e-15 was not allowed to be sold during that time of the year. but the trick, especially when you tk to ethanol groups about this, is that during those summer months when you can't buy e-15, you could still buy e-10, the 10% blend of ethanol, which has about the same impact on ozone and those smog issues. so they saw that more of ali techni. the reason e-10 can be sold in the summer and not e-15 is because e-10 was give an waiver, ane-15 did notave that waiver. that's what they're looking for the e.p.a. to do. that's what the president is directing the e.p.a. to do. >> yang: as we said in the taped piece, this is an ikly alliance between environmentalists and the oil industry against the president's proposal. you mentioned the increased smor
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e-15. there are other..nm envitalists have other arguments against this. >> well, onear thing thegue is that ethanol was supposed to be the lower carbon fuel, and in their noew, it has t measured up to that promise. now, the e.ap.a. snds by the finding that ethanol made from corn is still a reduction in greenhouse gasses compared to regular gasoline, but there have been a number of studies thates raise ons about that, especially when it comes to looking at thempact on land use. when ethanol was first being built up, the industry was beilg up, a lot of farmers saw this as a great opportunity ,ecause prices were going up and so they took land that was in use for other things, like making hay or a pasture, and they staed farming corn on that land. that came with a release of carbon when those grasslands
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were plowed up to raise corn for ethanol. there are other ings that come along with that, habitat and tha impact or quality if there are issues with fertilizer running into the water. so those are things that environmental groups look at. they would like the cou eract some oose effects that they see from increased production of corn to produ ethanol. >> yang: quickly, the oil industry says this would damage older cars. what's the argument there? >> yeah, it would damage older cars. they talk about that a lot. the broader issue for oil companies is that if you're using e-15, you're using 5% more ethanol in your gas tank, and that's 5% of ethanoouthat y're using instead of gasoline made from oil. and this is at a time n consumption of oil for gasoline has been on a doesn't ward trend. so you've got a shrinking pie here, and they're not looking to give another 5% away to the ethanol industry. so they've really stringently
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opposed this kind of expansion of ethanol production and consumption, and youthat in the people who support it and oppose it. ted cruz has been one of the biggest critics of e-15 expansion year round. some of the big supporters have been joanie ernst from iowa. so you have a oil state many texas and a corn state in iowa on o tposite sides ofhis issue. >> yang: grant gerlock of net in nebraska. thank you very much. >> you got it. : >> naw begin now with a strong warning: this story and interview, which lasts about 10 minutes, contain graphic descriptions of sexual violence that will upset most viewers. last friday, the nobel peace prize was awarded to two people who fight the use of rapwaas a weapon o one, a survivor; the other, ao physician eats them.
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but this horrific tactic endures, nowhere more prevalent than myanmar, where the ethnic cleansing campaign against the rohingya musm minority has seen an explosion of rape. judy woodruff will explore some of the larger issues at stake he, but first, from the refugee camps of bangladesh, where the rohingya have fled, special rrespondent tania rashid reports. >> reporter: this four-month-old baby has no name. her 18-year-old mother, whose name and face we concealed t protect her identity, doesn't know what to call her. every time she holds the little girl, she says she is reminded of the violence that brought her daughter into being. of being brutally raped by members of myanmar militaryrc last year. the troops murdered her mother and sister in front of her, then kidnapped her and kept her for 10 days. six men stole her virginity, and gang raped her, repeatedly. >> ( translated ): the military took us to a buddhist village,
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threw us inside of a sool and kept us there. there were three of one nigh went out to dinner, and the wife of one ofld the rs helped us leave. >> reporter: she managed tond escapeled to bangladesh along with 700,000 rohingyas muslims who made the same trek last year, walking through the jungle with no food or water. >> ( translated ): i noticed some changes in my body. i wa't getting my period. i realized i was pregnant. >> reporter: she g this sweltering hot dark hut with the help of a rohingya woman. both she ander baby are malnourished. >> ( translated i feel really weak and restless. i've lost the energy to hold my child. since i've been here, i haven't been able to get a proper me. i eat very little, i have no energy. i'm not ppy with my life. >> reporter: she says shfeels deeply ashamed and has nothing to live for except her child. >> ( intranslated ): who is to look after me?
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now i have this baby, nobody will marry me. if i was married off i would have a child legitimately, not a baby out of rape, like i do now. >> reporter: cases like this aro on throughout the bangladeshi refugee camps. this woman is one of thousands who were sexually assaulted during a bloody military crackdown by myanmar military forces and armed vigilante oups last year. the u.n. says military leaders involved must face genocide charges. these overcrowded refugee camps are among the largest in the world, where close to a million rohingya refugees seek shelter.p rape as a of war and persecution is not a foreign concept for the myanmar military has used desexual violence for decas. many are aware the women are victimized. in traditional rohingya muslim culture, rape is seen as bringing dishonor o households local healthxperts here say
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the survivors carry double the trauma, first from sexual asults in myanmar. then in the camps where they are isolated and excluded from society. they even face further sexual assaults from locals in the area. according to a u.n. security councireport in march, humanitarian organizations have provided services toore than 2,700 survivors of sexual violence in the camps. the united nations populations fund has set up women friendly spaces to help survivors with ycho-social and medical, support. but the reach has not been strong enough. though cases of rape are coming at alarming rates to medical facilities in the area it's hard to trace to actual number of women who were impregnated. many are afraid to come forward due to shame and rejection from their family. rsey turn to community hea and leaders instead. amy garrett, who works as a midwife with doctors without borders has seen this first hand
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>> often the women are given blame for this happening w tch is crazyo think. the women have the blame, its their fault and if they had been perpetrated by sexual violence if they are pregnant for that if they continue with pregnancy and they are unmarried, it brings shame on their family and they willever be married. d in my experience, and what the women have told me, if you are an unmarried woman then life sometimes isn't worth living. >> reporter: to avoid being disgraced and exiled from herhi community,15-year-old girl, whose face we concealed at her request, made a difficult choice: she aborted her pregnancy at four months, while carry cg her rapistld. >> ( translated ): the doctors gave me two injections and some medication. i took the medicine for three days. then the fetus came out of my womb. the medicine increased my heart rate. i felt really sick. i felt like a dead person when it happened. >> reporter: months later, she says her whole body still aches from the pain of the but she t regret the
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choice. >> (anslated ): people don't like hearing about women who are raped and pregnant from it. they will not see us in a good light. if people find out i had a baby without a husband, people will harass me, and nobody will want to marry me. i'll be seen as a whore. >> reporter: but in her community, she is still widely known to have been raped. she spends a lot of time alone hiding in her hut, and riskssm sexual hart from men and boys in the area. nurul bashar, is one of the fe"" majees," or camp leaders, in the area working to helpsu ivors of sexual violence. he helped take six women to get abortions last year and continues to keep an eye on the girls. >> ( translated ): as a majee, it is my duty to help these women. i hope men in our community will not look at them in a bad way. i want to keep these women safe. it is e world's responsibility to help them. as a majee, i have to help them a lot. >> reporter: he says women in th acamps remain vulnerable, their best protection is marriage. even then, the risks remain.
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>> ( translated ): men will only marry rape survivors if the women have money, and if the girls can't provide any cash, then the men will leavthem for being raped. >> reporter: with a community that views them as dishonored and unequal, survivors of sexual violence continue to live in hiding. until those cultural stigmas around rape and sexual violence shift, thousands of girls will continue to suffer, toward an urcertain future. for the pbs newsi'm tania rashid, in cox's bazar, bangladesh. >> woodruff: now, for more on the rohingya andelated issues, including an award being given to those trying to stop such acts of inhumanity, we turn to "washington post" columnist david ignatius. david, thank you for talking jth us. what we've seen st unspeakable, unimaginable, and we knew thta the myanmar military was doing, this didn't ? >> we did know.
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part of the shock here is thathi these terribles were happening and nothing really was done to stop them. i was luky enough to meet am rohingya mus lawyer who, after spending 12 years in pron, devoted himself to trying to save as many of his people as he could last jue. w an extraordinary meeting and a person who is a real-life hero trying the save these desperate people. >> woodruff: in fact, david, we know the reason you met him is because you were part of the procesof awarding a prize to him. it's a prize that's been given every year to people who are speaking out and working to stop these sorts of terrible, inhumanitarian things look we've seen in myanmar. why does -- does shning a liggett on these things make a difference? >>udy, this prize i hope does
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shine a ligdht an celebrate heroism in our time. it's called the aurora prize for awakening humanity. it was created by an armenian and two other armenian, the heads of carnegie foundation in new york and a businessman here in america. own family is armenian originally, so this had meaning for me. tharmenians i hope people know suffered from a terrible genocide themselves in 1915. the idea of this prize waso honor those who in our time try prevent horrors like this from happening. this is the third year that this ize has been given. this year's honoree, mr. cho, attempted to stop the genocide that's been taking place against the rohingya mlims in myanmar.
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the idea of is prize in a simple phrase is gra ititu action, gratitude from those who survived, whose families survived, gratitude to those today who are trying to save others. >> woodruff: david, it's an uphill battle, isn't it? >> yes, these unspeakable crimes take place in our world, but i have also met the people who with incredible bravery are trying to stop these horrors, to meet these people who arer heoes does give you some hope even as you are reminded of the horors that go on around us. >> woodruff: you're so rightwe ave to have hope, because it is again to watch what has happened to, watch these young women, the rohingya young women who are faced with such a horrible choice, one has to be filled with despair. so knowing there are people working to end this kiof
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thing has to give us hope. watching the story of the people in that camp, those women who have been victimized so much, you think of their bravery. you think of the people who ar t tryihelp them, the t midwif camp guide, and you think of all the people who, you knowin this nightmare, illustrate this aurora idea of atitude in action. >> woodruff: david ignatius with the "washington post," and tgain our thanks to tanya rash rash -- rasheed fot remarkable reporting. thank you, dade. >> thanks, judy. >> nawaz: finally, the risks of potent pesticides long used incu aglture. miles o'brien looks at why these pesticides are considered a kerm weapon in a 's arsenal, despite real health concerns. it's our weekly look at the
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"leading edge" of science. >> reporter: it's always harvest time in california's central valley, the nation's fruit basket. but little else is certain here. just ask grower bob blakely. >> i mean if you had a million dollars, you'd be better off going to las vegas and gambling it than you would be going out here and becoming a citrus grower. >> reporter: growersclear a high bar to achieve success. the fruit has to be perfect. quality of the orange, if it doesn't look pretty sitting on the supermarket shelf, they're not going to rurchase it. orter: which puts them at odds with these little guys: cousins of grasshoppers called a katydids which do a lot of damage to crops. to kill katydids, many growers turn to a class of potent insecticides called organophosphates, the st widely used is chlorpyrifos, ntmanufactured by dow dupo chlopyrifos works how fast? >> pretty much within minutes or
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hours.te >> rep oh, okay. >> yeah. >> reporter: some serious stuff. >> yeah. >> reporter: entologist beth grafton-cardwell is director of the lindcoveesearch and extension center. here, they grow citrus trees, deliberately subject them to an onslaught of pests, and then try to figure out the best way to kill them to save the produce. sometimes, the solution is an organophosphate li >> because they're nerve poisons and broad spectrum and they're general, they'll kill the whole array of pests. >> reporter: but for the same reason organhosphates are very good a killing katydids, they are harmful to humans,hi especiallyren. >> so, our kids continue to tu exposed by vof living near agricultural spraying. >> reporter: u.c. berkeleyso profand epidemiologist brenda eskenazi is researching teempact organophosphates h on children who live near the fields. she begastudying 600 pregnant
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women in the salinas valley nearly 20 years ago. eskenazi found pregnt women with signs of organophosphates in their urineave birth earlier, had children with diminished i.q.'s, a more: >> attention problems when the kid was school age, lower i.q., in middle school age, poor executive function, a little bit later, and now we're beginning to show some signs of poor social cognition which is kind of related to autism like symptoms. >> reporter: claudia angulo heves beside the fields in central valley with her four children. her 12-year old son has a.d.h.d. she is convinced it is caused by exposure to chlorpyrifos while he was in utero. >> ( translated ): well, as a mother, knowing about ate pesticide aused this in my
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child worries me. i'm also worried that my children continue to be exposed to this on a daily basis. >> reporter: in august, a ral court ruled the e.p. must ban all uses of chlorpyrifos nationwide by the end of november. th promised two years ago it would put the ban in placerch of 2017, but president trump's p.a. shelved that idea t allow further study, keeping chlorpyrifos on e market. the e.p.a. has appealed the 9th circuit court ling. meanwhile, growers say theare trying to employ an alternative approach called integrated pest management. one of the primary tactics: make the enemy of their enemy their friend. that is, insects that prey on the crop damaging pests, so- called beneficials. the approach makes chlorpyrifos less attractive for growers. >> chlorpyrifos is hard on some
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of o beneficials, so we don' like to use it. if we want to maintain ourma integrated pesgement program, we'd rather use something that doesn't harm our benefials. >> reporter: but growers are changing their strategy in the face of a growing threat posed by invasive >> in the first 15 years of my job, i had virtually no new invasive pests. it's escalating because there's just more peopleut there ving more products. >> reporter: she spends about 90% of her time focused on the biggest threat of all: the asial citrus p, which spreads the bacteria that causes a disease lled huanglongbing also known as "citrus greening"" it first hit florida in 2005 and has since decimated much of the citrus crop there. but sohuar the dreaded glongbing disease has only appeared in some backyards in greater l.a., not in any commcial groves. california citrus growers say
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they need to keethe pesticide in their arsenal. they say it might come in handy as they try to avoid a repeat of the devastation in florida. >> we have to be more aggressive because we're basically fighting for survival. if h.l.b. or huanglongbing becomes established, we won't have a citrus industry. it will kill the citrus industry because that disease kills the ees and there's no cure. >> reporter: but while the e.p.a. was considering a ban on chlorpyrifos, its scientists concluded there are safer alternatives to the pesticide. miriam rotkin-ellman is a senior scientist at the natural resources defense council which has sued the e.p.a. hoping to force it to follow the advice os its own scie to ban chlorpyrifos. >> it's important that we take action where the science shows t us we need tget chemicals off the market. we also need investment in non- toxic farming. we need farming that doesn poison the workers. we need farming that doesn't r results in toxidues coming
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home in everybody's grocery baskets and ending up on the plat >> reporter: indeed, chlorpyrifos is detectable on conventionally grown produce so in the grocery stores. washing fruit helps, but theon guaranteed way to avoid the chemical, is to buy organic. so why isn't that the preferred means of pduction? >> but in terms of supplying the vast quantity ofedruit that we it would be very difficult to do it organically. i have nothing against organic. a lot of people prefer that. just the product that grow on my own home are usually organic because i don't use a lot of pesticides around my home. >> reporter: no such luck arouni clangulo's home, nestled near groves in the central valley, she doesn't have a choice. >> ( translated ): we are living in a place where the economy is fueled by agriculture. so if i go farther north, or fartr south, that will still be the case.
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and i don't have the resources to move to another state. that worries me, and that is why i'm fighting for a change. >> reporter: the long fight over chlorpyrifos has now moved to into unplowed legal ground. it's a battle between a federal court and the federal agency charged withrotecting families like claudio angulo's. for the pbs newshour, i'm miles o'brien in valley.ia's central >> nawaz: and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm amna nawaz. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. f >> majding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> consumer cellular understands that not everyone teeds an unlimid wireless plan. our u.s.-based customer service reps can help you choose a plan based on how much you use your nsumercellular.tvo nothing
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hello, everyone, and welcome to "amanpour." here's what's coming up. democracy and rule of law in crisis. an urgent warning from hillary clinton in my exclusive interview at oxford university. nikki haley resigns. as the u.s. ambassadore united nations. as a diplomat, we delve into the poison story engulfing the u.k., and we ask our hit job on phenomenon?a growing and then historian jill lepore on the root of political tribalism, can political vi cility be renewed to rescue our democracies?
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