tv PBS News Hour PBS October 15, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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captioning spoored by newshour productions, c >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, esident trump tours a gulf coast ravaged by hurricane michael where long lines of people wait for basic necessities like food, water and gas. then, i sit down with the c.e.o. of cvs to discuss how their takeover of insurance giant aetna changes the landscape for the future of healthcare. plus, our fall films series contins with "22 july," a powerful movie that tells the story of the 2011 massacre at a norwegian summer camp by a righwing extremist. >> it's very, very important. i think that we don't close our eyes to what's going on in the world and we don't close our cinema to it, either.
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>> woodruff: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. tssf, the engine that conn us. >> consumer cellular understands that not everyone needs an unlited wireless plan. our u.s.-based customer service reps can help you choose a plan based on how much you use your, nothing more, nothing to learn more, go to
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fl woodruff: all over the ida panhandle, the long slog to recovery is under way, in the wake of hurricane "michael." the death toll stands at 17, and many survivors have with no power in their homes, or no home at all. president trump got a firsthand look today, as william brangham reports. >> brangham: for nearly an hour, the president flew over a land laid waste along the florida gulf coast. tiny mexico beach was left in ruins by winds blasting 155 miles an hour and a storm surge that towered 14 feet later, the president visited the town of lynn haven, marveling at what he had seen. >> these are massive trees, that have been just ripped out of the earth. we've seen mostly water. and water can be very damaging, and scary, when you see water rising 14 or 15 feet. but nobody's ever seen anything like this ily incredible.
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>> brangham: the psident also promised federal help in rebuilding, and he praised the response so far. >> everybody has been incredible. fema, and first responders, everybody. law enforcement. it's incredible with the power on this storm. >> brangham: bacexico beach, rescue teams and search dogs spent the weekend combing through destroyed homes for signs of life. today, the number of missing there dropped to just 46. >> we haven't had cellhone services in a couple days now, no power, no internet. no way to connect with people other than t walking arounding to find people. but this ithunbelievable. storm was-- catastrophic is not even the word for it. >> brangham: in some isolated areas, people are trying other means of communication. one homeowner in bay county, florida, uselogs to spell out their plea for "help." some 17,000 utility workers are trying to restore power and anad tional 2,000 are working to restore cell
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but, tho could be waiting at least another week for the lights to come back on. meanwhile, many are trying to figure out what to do next. >> i lost everything. i lost my clothes, i lost everything.ev wallet, creditything everything, i am at zero, i got to start from zero. >> brangham: all over fe panhandld and water remain scarce, and people are standing in lines to get basic supplies. evenell inland, the storm's fierce winds knocked down thousands of trees and damaged countless builenngs. the pressaw some of that damage today, as he flew from the flida coast and into georgia. last night, he declared ara fedeemergency in the state, and the national guard isad aldistributing water and other aid. all of this, as hurricane "michael's" explosive power has generated new alarm about climate change supercharging these storms. on "60 minutes" last night, the president said he no longer views climate change as a hoax,
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but he also expressed some ideas that are at odds with the facts. >> i don't think there's a hoax. i do think there's probably a difference. but i don't know that it's man- made. i think something's something'ging and it will noange back again. >> brangham: lasmber, the federal government's own climate report c view that humans are driving the rise in global temperatures, saying "there's no convincing alternative exanation." the report also dismissed thef ideamperatures cooling saain. instead, it id, they are only going up, including "more record setting extremes." but last night, the president also said he thinks many scientists have a political agenda. for the pbs newshour, i'm william brangham. >> woodruff: now, a new crisis point in the disappearance of saudi journalist jam khashoggi. reports swirled today that riyadh will admit he was killed at the saudi consulate in
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istanbul, turkey. cnn and "the new york times" say the saudis blame an interrogation gone wrong. turkish investigators entered the cons permission.with saudi it's unclear what they found.d, an in washington, president trump announced he is sending secretary of state mike pompeo to meet with saudi king salman. >> the king firmly denied any knowledge of it. he didn't really know. maybe--, i--, i don't want to get into his mind, but it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers. who knows?g we're go try getting to the bottom of it very soon. but his was a flat denial. >> woodruff: now, weto foreign affairs correspondent nick schifrin, for some insight on what's happened today. resident's talking about rogue killers. does this sound like something we're now going to hear from the saudis? >> it sounds like a lot like what we're going to hear from the saudis. according to the cnn report, the
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saudis admitted they want to interrogate jal khashoggi but there was some kind of rogue team or officer who went too fa lled him and "rogue" is what we heard the president say today. according to cnn, the statement will also say the saudis will admit wanting to bring khashoggi to saudi arabia from turkey. but the saudi and tukish experts say this is an attempt to have some kind of face-saving solution to this crisis, to admit some sdi error and to punish some saudis in way to try and avoid some kind of break if the u.s.-saudi retionship or the saudi-turkish walationship and a cruciay to make sure that the crown prince who is at the center of the controversy survives. the question of whether that wos is not clear. >> woodruff: nick, but given all the details that have been, again, sourced details that havn been c out, is this going to be credible?
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>> the saudi experts i speak say what is not credible is the idea 15 people would leave saudi arabia in two jets from riyadh, fly to istanbul, with associated or be ound the saudi consulate in istanbul without mohammed bin sale.n's knowle so what is statement will say, according to the cnn report, is mohammed bin salman may have been aware of the rendition but not responsible for the murder. that's the distinction tha steams to be going to make. the experts sayquhere is tions about the military operation in yemen, diplomati initiatives with qatar, lebanon and questions about human rights. so what these experts are saying now , is thateven if there is an attempt to have a facengsavi solution to this this crisis, bin salman's repution may be
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damage. two crown princes have beenpl ed in the past. most experts say some of his responsibilities may be taken away, at least. >> woodruff: we'll see what the response is. thank yovery much, thank you. in the day's other news, a cautious calm prevailed in s idlib province as rebe finished evacuating heavy guns and fighters from a thmilitarized zone. it's part of a dea prevented a syrian government offensive against the country's last rebel-held province. in damascus, the syrian foreign minister warned the nes is in the east, where u.s.-backed forces hold sway. >> ( translated ): to beonest with you after idlib, our target ot the east of the euphrates. it is up to our rs, whether they are tribes or kurds, to decide what they want in the future, b under the slogan of returning syrian sovereignty to all syrian territories.
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>> woodruff: also today, syria's main border crossing with jordan reopened, for the first time in three years. and, a crossing along the israeli-occupied golan heights reopened. british prime minister theresa may insisted today that her government and the european union can still come to terms on britain leaving the thsides are hung up on the future of the border between british northern ireland and e.u. member irand. but y told parliament that she remains optimistic, ahead of an e.u. summit in brussels this week. >> we cannot let this disagreement derail the prospects of a good deal and leave us with a no deal outcome that no one wants. i continue to believe that a negotiated deal ishe best outcome for the u.k. and for the european union. t i continbelieve that such a deal is achievable, and that is the spirit with whiue i will conto work with our european partners. >> woodruff: britain is set to oave the e.u. on march 29
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next year. bal in this country, a fede judge in boston began hearing accusations that harvard university discriminates against asian-americans. an anti-affirmative actionroup says the school limits how many asian-americans it admits, even when they sce better than other. tie u.s. justice department has opened related invtions of harvard as well as yale university. senator elizabeth warren released d.n.a. results today that support her claim of native american ancestry. they indicate the massachusetts democrat's ancestor likely lived six to 10 generations ago. warren is a potential 2020 presidential candidate, and president trump has mocked her claim, calling her "pocahontas." last july, he said he would donate $1 million to charity, if "you take the test and it shows you're an indian." today, he was asked abt his promise, and said: "i didn't say
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that. i didn't. you better read it again." later, he said he'll pay only if he conducts the d.n.a. test himself. and, on wall street, stocks gave ground for the sixth time in seven trading the dow industrial average lost 89 points to close at 25,250. the nasdaq fell 66 points, and the s&p 500 slipped 16. microsoft co-founder paul allen died this afternoon in seattle. a statement from his famly said he had non-hodgkin's lymphoma. allen and bill gas created microsoft in 1975 and went on to become biionaires anjor philanthropists. allen also owned the n.fse.l.'s attle seahawks and the n.b.a.'s portland trailblazers. he was 65 years old. still to come on the newshour: the c.e.o. of cvs on why he
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wants to change how we receive heal care. pressure mounts on the moroccan government to prosecute military personnel who opened fire on migrants. sears declares bankruptcy in the latest blow to the retail industry, and much more. >> woodruff: there's a major shift happening in the health care landscape that could affect tens o the largest health care players are merging and consolidf ing in a waveg deals, particularly between insurances compand the companies that negotiate prescription drug plans. when the dust clears, it could change where people get their care, how they get their drugs and how much choice they have. the biggest deal was just approved last week: a nearly $70 billion merger between cvs health and aetna, one of the country's largest insurers.
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cvs, in addition to owning almost 10,000 retail stores across the country, provides drug plans to morehan 90 million people. this came after the cigna insurance purchase of express scripts was approved for more than $50 billion. all of this as big players are watching the potential emergen of amazon in this sector. larry merlo, the chief executive of cvs health, came towa ington to discuss this today and he joins me now. larry merlo, welcome to the "newshour". >> thank you, judy.dr >> wf: so we can only assume that you and aetna think this is good for your business. why is it also good for american health consumers? >> well, judy, certaihen you look across the healthcare landscape, themany, many challenges today, and we have an opportunity to begin tond transform anstry that has gotten way too complicated. it's hard for, you know, patients and consumers to, you know, access, navigate the ystem, and we know
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we can do a better job in terms of helping people achieve their best health at a lower cost. >> woodruff: how doou do that? how do you get prices down, because, historicallve seen mergers in the healthcare industry have benefited thean cos but not necessarily the consumers. >> well, judy, there's a lot -- you know, you look at the landscape today and the incidents of chronic disease, just as one example, today about 60% of all americans have one or more chronic disweeases. now their names -- diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, asthma, mental mental illness -- those are healthcare conditions cost about 86% of the dollars spent on healthcare. at the same time, we can do a better job on improving the tcomes those patients ar experiencing. so we see an opportunity that, you look at aetna as a health insurer, they have a tremendous, amountou know, information
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about the members that they serve. you know, aetna describes it as orat's the next best action f that particular member? but they don't have a good way with whicto get that information to the member to, you know, create an ation, change a behavior. so we see this combination coming together wheroue,now, we can make that data actionable in terms of creating an outcome by, you knowthe face-to-face engagement of a pharmacist, a store nurse practitioner, just as a couple of examples. >> woodruff: so, in other words, information that aetna and insurance companies have can be shared with the pharmaceutical end of the business? >>f you look at an insurer today, the ways that they, you know, atmpt to create tt activation is it's a telephone call, it's a faceless phone call. its may be a letter in the mail. you know, we'll be able to utilize our pharmacies with which to convey what aetna is attempting to do either in a letter or, you know, a phone call by a trusted professional,
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someone that they know, the pharmacist they know and trust, and we have been able to demonstrate with, you know, some of the things we've done in terms e improving the adhe of prescription medications that we can, you know, ma an impact in terms of improving one's health. >> woodruff: and getting people to by the regimen that they have been given, is that it, and making sure they're taking a pill? >> in its simplest form, judy, yoknow, that is the crux of oe opportunity that, you w, we know there are many, many times the plans are not being followed, whether being adherent to the medications or the patient with diabetes making sure they're changing thateir known as a1 c levels. often thesn physician doe find it out until there's an unintended metical event and the person has to be hospitalized beuse their blod sure requires medical intervention. >> woodruff: so potentially h
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bettlth outcomes. wau made a pretty ambitious statement when this announced. you said cvs is going to lead the change needed in american heal kcare, but wenow prescription drug prices, as big as they, are are onlten% of the total cost of american healthcare. so ten%, it's not -- 10 percent is not insignificant, but that's not the whole picture. >> but, judy, it goes well beyond that. we're talking about we're seeing the consumers of healthcare and, you know, we have a lot of discussions about, you know, when is someone a patient of healthcare, when is someone a consumer of healthcare. there's no question, when you're in a physician's office or at aa hospno question of being a patient under the direct supervision of a physician, you are counting on he or she to diagnose, creata plan. but we're leaving too much up to
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the individual where they now become that consumer of healthcare, wher you know, they're now responsible for following that care plan, acssing, you know, the resources that they need, and that's where we see an opportunity to play, you know, an important role in terms of helping people achieve their best health and, in doing, so we know that woucan,now, reduce the cost of care today. >> woodruff: these questions i'm putbeting to you arng raised by a lot of folks who study the healthcare world, and they look at it and they say these mergers mean there are going to be fewer players, fewer choice for people. so they're expressing worry on cae part of ame that they're going to have the say that they need to have in their own healthcare and especially in the cost of healthcare. >> yeah, jdy, it's a very interesting dynamic in that, you know, the opportunities that weu see,now, available to us that we believe we can make broadly availa the market, you know, certainly cvs and, you
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ow, aetna create the scale with which we'll be able to, you know, make investments, you snow, to lead thi transformation. but, you know, we have every plan to ma many of these products and services broadly available in the marketplace. >> woodruff: and you make a projection in ter of how much prescription drug prices will go down in the nexrst five yeaten years? >> yeah, we have made, you know, a dent, you know, in that cost. therethere is certainly much moe ingy studies out there say people not taking medications as prescribed is cost our healthcare system about $300 billion extra a year because, you know, what the drur represents in of improving one's health and, when they're notaking it, y know, the unintended event. >> woodruff: larry merlo, c.e.o. of cvs health, about to
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be part of one of the majorin mergerhe healthcare world. thank you very much. >> thank you, judy. >> woodruff: over the past few months, libya has crdown on african migrants seeking to flee to europe. italy has also clamped down on migrants who make it to their shores. as a result, morocco has become the new jumping off point from the african continent for those who want to go to europe. one flash point is ceuta, a spanish enclave at the northern tip of the country. olspecial correspondent ma brabant recently traveled there and has this report which was thproduced in partnership he pulitzer center. >> reporter: this is tangier, a bustling port city in northwestern morocco. the country, ruled by a king
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with considerable power, is the latest springb migrants trying to make it across the mediterranean to europe.s portance has grown recently since italy began closing its ports to migatnts the north mo coast is less than ten miles from spanish holiday beaches. be recent days there have enft protests a smuggler's vessel heading for spain was shot up by the moroccan military and a 19-year-old moroccan student called hayat was killed. >> up until today, the only official comment on this tragicm incidetioned the suspicious behavior of the skipper as the reason why coastguards opened fire. they didn't mention any weapons. they didn't mention any imminent threat coming from the boat. and that would have been the only legal justification for shooting at the boat. >> reporter: ahmed benchemsi is a moroccan journalist and advocacy and communications director for human rights watch's middle east and north africa division. >> moroccan authorities pledged
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to investigate. k.ll, we really hope they do. and qu and we really hope they publicize the results as well. that's what we call them to do. end also we hope they hold of all those responsi accountable for the tragic death of that young lady. >> reporter: moroccan anger has been fuelled by this video on social media, which suggested it was shot on board the moroccan military vessel. but all is not wt it seems. this was not the moroccanat ck. the footage was taken from a youtube compilatn of americanan russian operations against pirates operating off the coast of somalia earlier this decade. we wanted to get more accurate deils about the story and drove towards the town of tetouan not far from where the atck took place. and doing our best to remain incognito. i'm having to be extremely discreet about filming here
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cause morocco is an authoritarian state, it doesn't welcome outside scrutiny, and there are police checkpoin all the way along this road in northern morocco. in tetouan, we found someone who frknew where the victim wa, and we headed up into a hilly district. but we didn't stay long. we came here to try to interview the family of the young girl who was on the boat that was going to spain when it was attked by the moroccan marines and they killed her. and we were hoping we would get the family's story. but there was a police guard on the home, we were advised there ldre secret policemen around there and we were to leavese for our owcurity and we've done that. and we pe we can get back to tangier with our film intact. what happened in these waters remains murky. the moroccan government says the navy was targeting the captain of the smugglers boat, and not the migrants on board.
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it says people be angry at mafia gangs operating in the straits of gibraltar, not the goveisment. moroccnder pressure from the european union to restrict ine numbers of migrants he across the mediterranean. this geographical a flashpoi it's the town of ceuta, which is a spanh territory on a peninsula of the north african coast. if migrants can get bend the fortifications surrounding ceuta, they have a foothold in the european union. and in late july some 600 africans did just that, breaching the border en masse. the tactic of the migrants has been to gather in sufficient numbers so they can overwhelm the spanish guards. normally in the past, scores of sub saharan africans could be seen along the road between
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tangier and ceuta making their way to and from camps deep in the forests near ceuta, waiting for an opportune moment to enter the spanish enclave. but now it's different. we are trying to find african migrants who are hiding out as they attempt to find a way through to get to europe. but the locals we've spoken to so far say the afrsaans have eared. back in the old town in tangier we found some lying low in a cheap hotel, where they ce constant eviction. we met a 29-year-old man from senegal, who didn't want to be identified. he said he feared being murdered. he was sharing a room with two fellow nationals. and had just made his way back to tangier after twice being arrested by police and bussed to the south of the country. >> ( translated ): they wanted whto take us, to put us soe, a long way from here. they wanted to take to dakhla they took us to tiznit i think, the algerian border.
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>> well of course europe wants morocco to keep people and the way morocco does it is not really of concern to european nations, specifically spain. and there were reports of ill treatment and harassment and raids on informal camps of migrants by security forces in morocco. there were also reports of racial profiling.le peeing arrested and moved to a place far away to the south just because they were black. >> reporter: bgo the moroccan rnment insists operations transferring migrants to other cities, are legitimate attempts to combat illegal migration. such operations, however don't deter the high school educated, coercial agent from senega >> ( translated ): i came here simply to go to europe. that is my objective. that's what i want. i need to stay here to earn a little m but actually to cross the sea is difficult. you need to pass without getting caught or thrown out. >> reporter: are you afraid of
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the sea? >> ( translated ): no i'm not ightened of the sea. i have no hope in this country. it's death or a new life. that's it. >> reporter: at du ,just as prayers were beginning we ran into some more sub-saharan afrins, some of whom were no afraid of speaking out publicly. but we only had the briefest of conversations because once again we were starting to attract unwanted attention. siafa ekolamu is 25 and comes from guinea in west africa. >> i tried to go to spain two times. the moroccan navy came around and catch all of us and take our boat and shove the knife inside and spoil the boat. >> reporter: earlier in the day before we were forced to leave tetouan we met a young man called abdoulaye doumbia, whto also asked urotect his identity. ha too came from guinea an been walking across africa for
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more than a year. he first tried to reach europe by taking the route from libya to italy. we went high up into the olde town by nnery to find a quiet place to talk. and as he explained, as so often happins, everything went sour by li >> ( translated ): me, wanted to cross as well. we left libya by sea, but the police, the coastguard, caug us there. they put us in prison for three months. then they freed us. i tried to go to tunisia, but i saw there was nothing there. and so i came here to morocco. >> reporter: despite the police crackdowns, and the dangers at sea, doumbia is not turning back. >> ( translated ): the only reason i am here to go to europe or spain. that's all. that's all. it's my dream. >> reporter: like so many migrants doumbia was oblivious to the notion that much of europe doesn't want him or h fellow travelers, and that hardship and prejudice may await hi should he make it acro
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the water. nations may place obstacles in their way, but dreamers believe any barrier is surmountable. for the pbs newshour, i'm malcolm brabant in morocco. ew woodruff: stay with us, coming up on the nour: tamara keith and amy walter break down the latest political news. we continue our look at fall films with the dramatization of the 2011 norway terror attacks. thor casey gerald shares his humble opinion of the american dream. but first, sears, one of the legendary names of american retailing, filed for bankruptcy protection today. the compy, which also owns k- mart, will continue to operate as executives try to reverse a downward spiral. john yang has our story.
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ti yang: for generations, sears lived up to its on advertising slogan. >> sears is where america shops. >> yang: it was a symbol ofre american cul and consumerism, home to some ofsthe country's iconic brand names. "craftsman" meant tools, "kenmore" meant appliances... and "die hard" meant car once the ns largest retailer, it was one-stop shopping for many households. >> why do i shop at sears? its easy for me i can pick up tennis balls, children's clothing, tourque wrenches, and a dish all in the same shop. he yang: until the 1940s, sears even sold houses telves, delivered in pieces. hundreds still stand. richard w. sears and a. roebuck began it all as a mail order business in the late 1800s to sell watches. thsears catalog quickly
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expanded into other products,ng brino rural america items once only available in big cities. the holiday "wish book," hundreds of pages thick, fueled christmas dreams for children. and adults ali the first store open1925. as americans moved to the suburbs after arrld war ii, moved with them, becoming a presence in shopping malls across the landscape. but as buying habits shifted to online shopping and e-commerce giants like amazon, sears began to slip. under billionaire c.e.o. edward lampert, it struggled th years of losses and the closure of hundreds of stores fore today's bankruptcy filing with $5.6 billion of debt. we explore sears' storied history and decline now with jerry hancock, a historian and high school history teacher who has written extensively on sears and its impact on american life. he joins us from atlanta.
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jerry hancock, thank you so much for joining us. given the changes in retail in america and the culture of america, was tod's bankruptcy filing inevitable, or could they have made other decisions and avoided this? >> um, i think this late in the game it was pretty expected. this has realy been a downward spiral since about 19 # 3, which is -- 1993, which is ironic, 1993 is the last year sears did their cat3 alog and 1 when wal-mart surpassed sears in sales. se sad parton the corporate level, i've spoken be many retirees who sa that many of the corporate leaders in sears never really considered wal-mart comeytition. considered wal-mart a discount store, and it was at a time when sears was sort of king of the kingdom, and it's sort of sad to watch it all happen. i do feel like some of the recent decisions have been very
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detrimental, and i also don't think that mr. lampart has quite the respect he should for the history of such an incredible company. >> some of the recent decisions made by mr. lampart made as c.e.o. or chairman, what are some of the decisions do you question that may have accelerated the filing? >> i think sears has been selling off itself for some time now, things like craftsman tools, that was a big one, you know. i think it was one of the biggest draws for their retail stores and online orders as well, when you can just go up the street and buy it at the ace hardware, i feel like they real shot themselves in the foot with that decision, not to mention some to have the real estate deatsions thad been going on, selling off properties piecemeal. een a good time coming, i e ink, and some of the moves
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that they've min recent years. >> isn't there some -- i mean, you talk about sort of thece e-commnd the online retailers, but, at the beginning of the 20th ctury, wasn't sears sort of taking advantages in changes in manufacturing,ge chof distribution in the same way that amazon an wal-mart have been? >> absolutely. sears started off, oly, as a mail order catalog and gained a lot of momentum. in the mid 1920s they hired a man by the name of robert wood, a ocurement officer for he supplies needed for this massive construction project. he eventually ended up working for montgomery ward, which was sears biggest dmpetitor, an he really saw the future of the automobile and the shifts in the way people shop, so he went to ward and said, look, i think next retail thing is our big move, and ward wouldn't jump on it. he said we're a mail order
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company and we want to stick with what made us big. he pushed so hard and they fired him from montgomery ward.r he went to ss sears and was red by their president and robert wood went to the president about the retail stores and they began making a moto radio, they purchased wls, world's largest store was the call letters, and stted opening retail stores across the country. atlanta opened i 1926. >> this reorganization, baruptcy filing for reorganization, they're going to try to turn things around. if they don't, what do you think sears' legacy will be? >> well, at this point, erviously, the nostalgia for older geions, sears is everything. i grew up in rural, south georgia, and those catalogs are everything to me. even if you couldn't afford them, it was sort of the
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tangible thing that uld dold in your hand. >> sears expert istory teacher jerry hancock, thanks so much for being with us. >> thanks for having m m >> woodruff: tterm elections are less than a month away and president trump continues to hit the campan trail. here to lay out where things stand, we're joined by tamara rith of npr and amy walter of the cook politicort. hello to both of you. >> hello. en>> woodruff: so the pres has been out, seems like, every single day out on the traivment he was in ohio, pennsylvania, kentucky, tennessee, tam, and he's headed out this week as well. is there a strategy here? what is the president hoping to do or is he doing? >> he has this western swing coming up where he's going to montana, arizona a nevada, and there's probably a different strategy behindach one of those stops.
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there are competitive senate races in arizona and nevada and montana, but montana may just be, one source told memay just be getting back at john tester jar what he did to go after ronnkson, the white house doctor, who was up for v.a. secretary. the impression i have been getting from a lot of people i have been talking toho are in republican campaign committees is that a lot of the preselent's tris based on what best serves the president, whe president wants to do, who he wants to promote, so he went to nsas because the candidate for governor there is someone who he feels close to, has a good relationship with chris kobach. so each stop is different, but he's going to el con, nevada, which is rural and less population but mucmore republican. >> woodruff: amy, we have been
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ealking about this in the senat races, the republicans seem to be holding their own, democrats have a better shot at house races. it seems conextradictory. ain what's going on. >> this election is taking place in two different countries, seems like. the race for the senate is take place or at least for control of the senate is taking place in prally red parts of america, states that thesident carried by more than 19 points in the 2016 election, so places like montana or missouri, north dakota. the house is running through suburban america, and, in suburban america, trump is very unpopular. some of these distrlyts he baon, some of them he arrowly lost, but he is certainly veryderwater in those suburban districts, much more sthan the places where he's going on the campaign trail. so watching where he's going, even when he goes to pennsylvania, he went to erie, pennsylvania, the one county
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that slipped from obama carrying it to trump carryi it and, notice, pennsylvania isn't on a targeted list for republican this year. the senate race looks not veryco etitive, democratic senator up there, and the democratic governor seems to be cruising right along as well. instead, it's just the places where he -- that are really deep red that he can go torque ose places that determined -- that he can go to, michigan, wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania that determined the 20 1/6on eleche's not spending as much time there, and democrats are doing very well there, at least statewide democrats. >> woodruff: and, tam, what's happened to this enthusiasm, whether it's a gap or not,ne what's hapwith that? at one point the democrats were t upd, the republicans cau a little bit. what are we looking at now? how much of a differencis it making? >> it's really unclear, right now, whher this was a shift that was related to kavanaugh,
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whether it is an ending shift, or whether it is a shift that was going to happen as the election got closer, people started paying more attention and republicans cae home. nnd i think that it's really hard right now tow exactly what it is. >> yeah, but it is -- i think that's right. when i talked to republicans, they just y onsistenll they just feel a lot better in theset cts that are sort of congenitally red, where they didn't see theen ergy behind their republican base a couple of weeks ago, now they're starting to see it comhome. now is it kavanaugh? is it just because republicans know that election day is around the corner?ch the reallenge for republicans right now though is that the democratic enthusiasm hasn't waned -- >> in, like, forever. they're just adetermined. spending a lot of time looking to where independent voters are
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going and, right now, trump is somewhere around 40% approval rating among independents. cme of the most ent pos that came out today, this week, the president is still not doing well with independents. then you ask the question about who do you want to vote for for akcongress, independents bng for democrats by double digits. that's where it gets very ngerous. one republican said to me, we're equal turnout withderms but if we're losing independents by double digits we're stilln big doo doo, and that's the challenge. >> woodruff: tam, today, there was this back and for between elizabeth warren for whom it was releas her dna test results were made public, turns out she does have some nativriamen blood going back six to ten generations. the president who, of course, challenged her to do this, to
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make a long story short, saying he would donate a million, now saying he wouldn't do itl ess unless -- does this go anywhere? are women voters paying attentiono to this? >> it's a little early for 2020, isn't it? >> it's a little early for 2020, but if you watch the video that elizabeth warren put out t go with theest results, there is no denying that that is a very slick campaign video introducing herself to america, or reintroducing herself to erica. one thing about elizaenth wa and president trump, this is a rivalry that goes back a very long wa on the 2016 campaign trail, when elizabeth warren was campaigning r hillary clinton, she had a unique ability toort of troll candidate trump, to get him to say things. g >> woodruff: s under his skin. >> and then along comes his term
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he keeps using for elizabeth warren, this pocahontas term, hich many people find wildly offensive, but, the end, president trump picks these feuds and fights with all of these people and, somehow, the people he feuds with end up being the ones that are sullied, and he just keeps going. >> woodruff: 20 seconds, amy.t neve early to talk about 2020, i guess. l >> of democrats whom i talked to today would like democrats not the talk about 2020 yet. they said we're doing really well, we've t our sights on 2018, national democrats dot start making this about you. keep the focus on 2018 on the issues we want to talk about, not the challenge to president trump. >> woodruff: we'll see if anyone pays attention the admonitions. amy walter, tamera keith, thank you both. >> you're welcome.
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>> woodruff: our fall films series continues witport on "22 july," about the events and aftermath of the deadliest attack in norway since world war two. jeffrey brown has our look. >> brown: july 22, 2011: 32- year-old norwegian anders breivik has set off a bomb at a government buildg in oslo and now, posing as a policeman, prepares an even more gruesome act. >> you hea about the bomb in the city? i've been sent to secure the island. where's the ferry? >> the ferry got cancelled. >> get it over here. i need it now. >> brown: the film a dramatization of a real-life horror story: a right-wing fanatic's massacre of young people gathered on an isernd for a summetreat.
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77 were killed in the attacks, more than 200 wounded. tho left a nation shocked t its core, and the world wondering where it might lead next. >> this was attack on ourme governnt and on our children. we are a long way from understandinwhy. but what is clear is that our nation has been attacked by someone who would see it changed. >> brown: british dictor paul greengrass ties it to a larger, ongoing rise of the exe right in europe and the u.s. >> i've got children and i think this is an issue that young people are going to have to resolve. they're going to have to choose how to respond tthese immense forces and fight for the kinds of democracies that they want to live in. and you know, these changes can be explored through journalism
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or history or documentary, but they also need to be explored through cinema. it's very, very important. i think that we don't close our eyes to what's going on in the world and we don't close our cinema to it, either. >> brown: greengrass is widelyow n as a director of action- packed thrillers, inuding three of the "jason bourne" movies. he's also takeon recent political events that have shaken and shaped the world, s" as his "united 93, about the september 11 attacks. here, he givess a gut- wrenching and up-close view of a man acting out his belief that muslims and other outsiders, aid by liberal elites, are poisoning his society. and then, the aftermath: an ideologue and, inevitably a nation, on trial. greengrass says his first duty was to those personally impacted.
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>> the film that i wanted to make was not about the attacks it's a what happened afterwards. it's about how the people of norway and the particular characters that we portray and the survivors of those attacks fought for their democracy. >> brown: the film is based on the 2016 book by journalist asne seierstad, titled "one of us." she joined greengrass for the screening at the toronto international film festival. >> it speaks to your emotions and your heart but also to your mind, because it also a very intellectual film in the sense that you actually do get to explore the mind of the masser murdthe terrorist. i think the audience is tting and thinking, okay, is he mad o is he, like thtle of my book, was he "one of us?" >> brown: in the film, as in real life, breiv c had his day rt.
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but the emphasis here is on the survivors, like 17-year-old anssen, played by jonas strand gravli, who confronted breivik at the trial. >> just say a few words, that's all. >> say what? >> what hah.ened. the tr >> that i cry in my sleep? that i can't talko strangers? that i'm frightened of dying? i'd rather not go, let him hear that. >> brown: in august 2012 as ers breivik dged to be sane and guilty of the mass murders. he will likely spend the rest of his life in prison th i came to the view that he was, acourt found, a political actor or a political extremist, right-wing extremist, but the film has to show what the process of coming to terms with him was, to explore the smily background, you know,
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whether he we or psychotic. >> brown: one of the interestins thbout this film and the trial itself, the actual story, is how much of a platform to give him >> correct. i definitely thought about it norway faced the challenge, whether or not to give him a platform, was the correct one. they camto the view in the legal process that it was important that he be allowed to speak. if we close our minds and eyes g to that it's nng to go away. it'll get worse. we have to, the democracies of the west have to win this battle of ideas and we're only going to win that battle of ideas by rknowledging what the arguments are from the faright side. what that worldview is. >> brown: "22 july" is available on netflix, with a limited ureatrical release as well. for the pbs newshoi'm jeffrey brown at the toronto international film festival.
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>> woodruff: more than 20% of african-americans and 18% of hispanics are living in poverty. that's according to the latest census figures. while those numbers are on the orne, they remain roughly double the ratehites. achieving the so-called american dream is clearly harder for some, than for others. tonight, casey gerald shares his humble opinion on what he calls ndthe myth of that dream aow its very notion can be destructive. >> i was born on the wrong side h the tracks. or, as george w. bid of me, "the other side of the river." we'd met on the buffet line at res presidential library, and he'd become fond olling his version of my story. and he wasight: most cities
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have railroad tracks to separate poor people of color from other citizens. in dallas, there's ahole river between us: the trinity. in all-black oak cliff, my neighborhood, i was raised by my grandmother, who worked as a domestic, and by my sister, who adopted me when our mother disappeared. i watched my father struggle myth addiction, and watche friends endure the same or worse. but that is not why mr. bush felt moved to share my story. at 18, i left my se of the river and traveled 1,600 miles away, to yale. i played varsity football. i interned on wall street. i worked in washington in the early years of the obama administration, and continued to harvard business school, where i started a nonprofit to work with small business owners in places like detroit, new orleans, and rural montana. i've seen, and lived, america from the very bottom to the very and so, in mr. bush's eyes, and
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in many others',im am the embt of the american dream. the sad thing is that th are right. the american dream, e, is a fantasy, a myth, that relies on stories like mine to distract us from the american machine; the conveyor belt that sendsng most yeople, especially from neighborhoods like mine, from nothing to nowhere, while picking off the chosen few, like me. yes, there is rah. there is sonya sotomayor. but the dream cannot compete with the american reality: that a kid in my neighborhood is expected to earn $21,000 a years han their parents were expected to make. that 13 million kids live in households with not enough to eat. at one in 30 don't have a stable household, at all. the stats only begin to make the tragedy plain. mien we highlight stories like , we send the message to kids that it's their fault if they don't succeed.
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even worse, we send the message to the rest of societyhat it's not our fault that this country has failed to give every child a fair shot. the dream makes the machine seem accidental, rather than designed. that, to me, would be a story worth telling. >> woodruff: and that's the newshour for tonight.dr i'm judy wf. join us online and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> and by the alfred p. sloan founda son. supportience, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century.
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>> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more information at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pie station fromrs like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh
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hello, everyone, and welcome to "amanpour and company." here's what's coming up. the yays are 53, the nays are 45. >> as midterm looms and the cr s-party divide widens, two governors from different sides of the aisle arerying to dial down the toxic rhetoric. i hear from democrat john hickenlooper and john kasich, former presidential rival to donald trump, on their unlikely teamwork. then, british actress and hollywood superstar keera knightley,atest movie on the revolutionary french writer colette strikes a cord with knightles campaign for women's rights. plus, scing one of america's most iconic monoliths without a single piece of rope
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