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tv   Amanpour Company  PBS  November 21, 2018 12:00am-1:01am PST

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hello, everyone, and welcome to "amanpour & co." here's what's coming up. the north korean threat is over. that's what president trump tweeted after this photo opp. but new images show just the opposite. a top expert explains. plus, george soros is a favor target for conspiracy theorists and anti-semites. so why did facebook get on that bandwagon? and from the middle east to southeast asia, journalists are under threat. we hear from our man in myanmar where two reporters are sentenced on trumped up charges. also the larger than life story of the mother of black hollywood.
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i'm christiane amanpour in london. there's no doubt that president trump considers his brand of personal diplomacy the way to neutralize even the most vexing of global challenges like, let's say, north korea's nuclear and missile program. but now comes open-source satellite imagery that reveals the extent of the country's secret missile bases, more than a dozen of them. these images were taken in march but analyzed and just released by a major american think tank. they're no secret to u.s. intelligence, but their being made public underscores the difficulty of even getting to the starting blocks of denuclearization. kim jong-un's right-hand man, kim yong-chol, who had come to the white house in june, was meant to talk again with secretary of state mike pompeo earlier this month but the meeting was abruptly canceled since the president told america there is no longer a nuclear threat from north korea.
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we're going to get a status report from victor cha. he has served on the national security council under president george w. bush, and he was on the short list to be president trump's ambassador to south korea. his newly updated book is "nuclear north korea: a debate on engagement strategies." welcome to our studio. . . >> t. great to be here. >> this was quite a big report that came out and sort of knocked everybody sideways in terms of what they thought was possibly under way between the united states and north korea. so just tell us when president trump says the nuclear threat or the threat from north korea is over, is it? has your report and findings changed anything? >> i don't think it's over. you know, you try to interpret what the president's saying, and i think what he's trying to say is it's better than where we were exactly a year ago today when there was a lot of talk about war on the korean peninsula. so in that sense, it's better. but what i think the report we did showed was that even though
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north korea is putting forward certain things that they want us to inspect, there are many other things that are operational that would remain real threats if a deal came through in their second summit between kim and trump that did not include these sorts of things. >> let's just sort of get the whole context. president trump and kim jong-un, the leader of north korea, met in a one-off ever historic summit between the leaders of those two countries. that was in june. it was in singapore. we were all there. they pledged -- or at least we were told that the north koreans had pledged denuclearization. so the very first question is what is the first step that they would have to take to make the world and u.s. sure that they were going to do that, and have they taken that first step? >> so the first step would be a conservative declaration, an inventory of everything related to their wmd programs and their ballistic missile programs. that would be the first step because you can't denuclearize that which you don't know or
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that which they don't admit. so that's the first step, and thus far they have not taken that step. >> do you hear -- i mean you're really plugged in. do you hear that the administration thinks it will? i mean is the trajectory positive or is it negative? we said certain high-level talks have been called off. >> i think the administration is hopeful that because of this high-level, you know, leader to leader interaction, which we've never seen as you've said in 25, 30 years of negotiation, even negotiations i participated in ten years ago, we never had that sort of interaction. so there's a hope that if they speak leader to leader, they can get kim to commit to this declaration. instead, what the north koreans are doing is providing piecemeal confidence-building measures, saying you can look at this nuclear test site, or you can look at this satellite launch site, but not reallying getting at the heart of the program, which has to start with a declaration. >> okay. but still as you say, what they're doing is better than what they used to do, which was test ballistic missiles, test nuclear devices, which they
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haven't been doing since before the seoul olympics, the south korea olympics. so now let's get to president trump and his claims and what you've discovered. what exactly new is it that you've put on the table with this satellite imagery? what have you discovered that we didn't know before? >> so i think for the general public, what we discovered is there are three belts of operational missile bases arrayed on the northern side of the peninsula that can fire anything from scud missiles to medium-range ballistic missiles that have never been a topic of discussion in any of our negotiations with north korea, in part because it's always been focused on the nuclear program. but now their ballistic missile program has developed tremendously over the last ten years, particularly in the last year. so our point is simply to say, look, these bases are there. they're operational. they're not potential or developmental bases. these are operational bases. >> still today? >> still today. they have been working on t. the imagery we have on it is from
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march. but they were still working on these bases. i'm sure if we saw images today, if we had another pass of the commercial satellite, they'd still be working on it because these are untouched by any discussion right now. >> and are you sure because as you know, people have said, well, the administration has said, hang on a second. this stuff that victor cha and the think tank are putting out, this was two months before the summit or more, and this is what the president has said in a tweet. the story -- of course it was picked up by "the new york times," concerning north korea developing missile bases is inaccurate. we fully knew about the sites being discussed. nothing new. nothing happened out of the normal. again, he goes on, just more fake news. i'll be the first to let you know if things go bad. so address that. nothing new. we knew that. >> well, he may have known it, but it was never a part of the singapore declaration. it was never a part of any previous talks or negotiations they've had up until this point as far as we know. the focus has hargelargely been the nuclear weapons program, but
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the delivery systems are also important. we're not saying that the administration is at fault at all. all we're saying is if president trump comes back and says i've got the plutonium reactor and i've got a couple of test sites, we're showing that there's a lot more to this threat than simply those three things. >> so just put in context again ua, why haven't you had another pass at these? is it because the satellite hasn't gone over? and, b, what is the significance now of these ballistic missile sites? can they reach the -- what is the significance of them? >> so on the first point, i mean it really depends on the imagery. you have to get it on a clear day, no cloud cover. so we really don't have a lot of control over that. by if we do have more ifnlgs, we'll do more analysis of it. in terms of what these sites can do, they can fire -- most importantly they can fire mobile missiles, which means they're very difficult to defend against because you cannot target them. you can't preempt them in advance. and they can range anywhere from the 22.5 million in the
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metropolitan area of seoul to u.s. forces in korea and japan all the way to tokyo, perhaps even farther. so this is not an insignificant threat. >> so the interesting thing is that that is what caused the amazing public rhetoric from president trump. when american intelligence people like yourself and the intelligence agencies realized that it was no longer just nuclear devices but delivery mechanisms like these intercontinental ballistic missiles, that's when everybody got really freaked out and really worried. however, have the north koreans demonstrated that they have perfected that missile delivery system? do you know -- from what you know in the public sphere or with intelligence that they can deliver a nuclear warhead onto the united states? >> so i think the general assessment from the expert community is that they tested two missiles last year. they clearly had the range to reach the continental united states. there was also an assessment prior to that. they have an ability to
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miniaturize a nuclear warhead and mate it with that ballistic missile. of course they haven't actually tested something at range. they haven't fired something at california. but they test them basically straight up into the air, and then they land about 750 kilometers from where they take off, and you just -- you can just flatten out that missile path, and you can see how far they can reach. so, yes, i think most people -- this was something that most people thought would not happen for another five years, and they did it within two. so it's real. >> okay. so now i want to go to the personal diplomacy of president trump, and he's had it major league with the north koreans. let us just play a sound bite which was not too long ago during the midterm campaign that he's telling a rally about his relationship with kim. >> sure. >> and you know the interesting thing? when i did it -- and i was really being tough, and so was he. we were going back and forth. and then we fell in love, okay? no, really. he wrote me beautiful letters,
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and they're great letters. we fell in love. >> what's wrong with that statement? >> well, i mean, so it's something i never would have expected the president of the united states to say. look, i mean you have to give the president credit. i mean there's no other president that was willing to take a chance like this. bill clinton was at the very end of his administration considering it. but to start out a negotiation after a year when we looked like we were headed for war -- i mean we really looked like we were headed for war. to start out a negotiation with this high-level interaction to really make that personal connection, you got to give him credit for that. that's a very unconventional play, but now he's really vested in it. president trump doesn't like to fail. so that's the danger. the north koreans may take advantage of that because they know he wants this to subcceed. >> so, now, what is the next u.s. play, then? we understand there's meant to be a second summit, but there's no clarity on when, if, or what. preparatory talks seem to be
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stalled. what, as an expert, do you want to see happen to prepare a secure situation develop? >> so i think we're starting to see that in the sense that the second summit has now been put off to sometime next year. in the meantime you have working-level people like steve biegun and then the secretary himself trying to do meetings to set up that summit. i think, you know, the singapore summit, as you said, christiane, basically that lay theid out a path, and this is where the rubber hits the road. now they have to grind out, look, you're going to give up these sites. we're going to lift these sanctions. this is where it gets really difficult. >> because the north koreans, kim jong-un wants the sanctions lifted and he wants a peace treaty. just a personal question. you know, obviously you were on the short list to be president trump's ambassador to south korea. ey're now saying north korea has destroyed ten guard posts around the border. that's probably pretty good
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news, not nuclear-related. but is it because you were sort of against the president's then bellicose rhetoric that you were taken off that short list? >> well, i was against it, and i wasn't the only one who was against it. there were lots of other people in washington who were pretty tough on north korea that thought the answer was not some sort of military strike. the white house -- the president gets to choose his own people, right? so they chose me in the beginning, but they change the their mind. it's their decision. i'm happy with where i am. >> and presumably happy with the trajectory because it's no longer this militaristic trajectory. >> absolutely. this is a much better path to be on than where we were a year ago. >> with all the challenges, that's at least some good news. victor cha, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. >> so north korea is not the only area of american foreign policy where politics and reality don't always line up. after a much ballyhooed claim of a migrant invasion of the southern u.s. border, it seems
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u.s. troops who have rushed to contain it will likely return to base in a few weeks. that's according to politico. this was president trump's main midterm campaign issue and featured fake news conspiracy theories linking the migrants to liberal mega donor george soros. soros is a familiar target for conspiracy theorists and anti-semites. so it was a real shock when a bombshell "new york times" report revealed that the beleaguered social media giant employed a firm to discredit its critics in part by linking them to george soros. in a scathing letter to facebook's chief operating officer, sheryl sandberg, the president of soros' foundation wrote, and i quote, your methods threaten the very values underpinning our democracy. he is the former u.s. ambassador to south africa, and he's joining me now from brussels.
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thank you very much for joining me. let me ask you, ambassador, i mean this is a pretty -- >> thank you for having me on on this important subject. >> yeah. a tough intervention. i mean that language, and there was more that you used to address sheryl sandberg, who is essentially the face and the p.r. face, the policy face of facebook, means that something very bad is going on as far as you're concerned. >> absolutely, christiane. and i think that a tough intervention was absolutely called for in this regard for two reasons. one, george soros not only had nothing to do with the funding of groups that were using their first amendment rights to ask legitimate questions about facebook, but we have seen a pattern that's been used and abused by the right wing in the u.s. and around the globe to distort the good work of george soros and our foundation to make a caricature of our work on human rights and to use it to
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distort democratic outcomes. but it was important to have a really strong response here because facebook is one of the most powerful entities that exists on the earth today. you earlier were interviewing a gentleman who talked about myanmar. myanmar is a place where the military use facebook over the course of five years to spread a virulent campaign of hate against the rohingya population that led to genocide and the mass evacuation of over 700,000 rohingya from that country. we saw in the ukraine the russian government used, again, distortions on facebook to manipulate outcomes in the ukraine as well. we've seen it in the u.s. elections of course where russian interference again on facebook distorted outcomes and democratic practice. so we had to raise objections not just for george soros, not just for the open society foundation and for civil society, but because of the
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threat that exists as a consequence of social media platforms that are underregulated in the u.s. and elsewhere. >> okay. there's obviously a major growing movement from yourself, from george soros, from even tim cook, the ceo of apple and others to call for government regulation in terms of privacy and other such things on all these social media giants, facebook included. but i want to just get back to the issue at hand just on this particular issue. now, facebook apparently hired the republican opposition research firm called definer, and that was the firm that targeted george soros with what you call a prong campaipaganda . i just read a quote where you said that facebook by doing this kind of thing is undermining our very democracy, that which underpins our democracy. again, this is incredibly important because facebook has always claimed to be the force for good, to be the networker, to be, you know, sort of the
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democracy energizer bunny if you like. and you've said that, you know, what it's doing is promoting these distortions which are beyond the pale. so you had a conversation with sheryl sandberg. how did it go? did she reassure you that this time they understand that it's beyond the pale? >> you know, i appreciate that sheryl sandberg responded immediately to my letter. i appreciate that mark zuckerberg in his press conference expressed some admiration for george soros. but you can't in one instance express some contrition and then immediately move to a space of contest with your critics. sheryl sandberg told me they were firing that group, and they did so but without any admission of wrongdoing. she also took up my question about whether or not facebook would support an independent investigation and review of this black opps false flag operation that they funded. she said they would take that
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into consideration, and i appreciate that. but i also appreciate the fact that the new incoming majority in the house of representatives is asking some very tough questions. some procedures have already been filed with the federal trade commission, and the issue of monopolistic control of the internet is surfacing in a way in our political discussions that i think bring some much needed interrogation to the issue. >> well, boy, oh, boy, you are laying down the gauntlet there. you're talking about congressional oversight and accountability potentially happening. the question here is you said that they have fired definers, but they told you and they've said publicly, both sheryl sandberg and mark zuckerberg, that they had no idea definers had even been hired. does that sound credible to you? >> well, you know, i understand that it's a large company, but i find it hard to believe that one would go after someone like george soros, who as you said,
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is a figure of some note, a figure who recently received a pipe bomb in his mailbox as a consequence of these kinds of virulent, hate-filled campaigns. it's difficult to imagine that a firm would make a decision to go after george soros and our foundation without some clearance at the highest levels of the organization. the first four words of facebook's mission declaration is "give people the power." there was a sense at some point that facebook and other social internet platforms would be a decentralizing power in our democracies that would lift up citizen voice. but instead we're seeing a centralization in a way that threatens freedom, that threatens expression, and threatens at the end of the day our ability to have the kind of citizen solidarity and cooperation that's necessary for a vital and healthy democracy. so we are going to continue to ask these questions, christiane,
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and hold facebook and social media writ large accountable not just for this, but for the instances that i've already cited like i atrocities that occurred in myanmar where criticism was raised. warnings were lifted up, but action was not taken. >> and we're going to bring that up. obviously with the president and ceo of reuters in a second. but i just want to go back to sheryl sandberg who said in a facebook post, i have great respect for george soros and the anti-semitic conspiracy theories against him are abhorrent. but george soros started bringing up the power of this social media giant a long time ago, including about a year ago at davos when he said the following. so let's just play this. then we're going to talk about soros. >> they claim that they are merely distributing information, but the fact that they are
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distributors make them into public utilities and should subject them to more stringent regulations aimed at preserving competition, innovation, and fair and open universal access. >> so we talked a little bit about that. he does want them, and he wants a level playing field. but let's just ask you to now sort -- how is it that something like george soros can be used and attacked with all these anti-semitic tropes with the notion even that the president of the united states alluded to, potentially he was, you know, funding this migrant caravan all the way from central america to the southern border, which actually hasn't even materialized. others have said he was paying for the women who confronted senator flake in the elevator, you know, during the kavanaugh
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hearing. i mean how does that even develop in a country like the united states? >> that's a great question, christiane, and i would tell you that there was a time when i would have laughed at those kinds of accusations, but that was a moment before george soros received a pipe bomb by someone who clearly was incentivized by that kind of weaponized distortion and language. george soros is a philanthropist who since 1984 has used resources that he earned in the free and open market to first contribute to democratization in the former soviet union and to then take up the plight of south africans during the height of apartheid and then as a consequence of lessons learned through that philanthropy, made a decision that he was going to cede the open society foundations to help build robust institutions of democracy throughout the world and.
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he's been doing that work for over two decades now, and the criticism that you heard him lift up about facebook in those remarks is in keeping with that philanthropy. there are authoritarians like the prime minister of hungary who have used george soros as a convenient scapegoat when they feel threatened by their civil society who's are asking important questions about corruption and transparency and the integrity of elections and academic freedom. i'm here in europe right now, christiane, in brussels. i just came from the european union, which not that long ago moved articles against hungary for the repression of rights. so it's only natural that the victor orbon's of this world, and regrettably now apparently the president of the united states would use old tropes of puppet mastery, anti-semitic tropes against someone like george to distract against some
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of the most repressive acts we've seen in the 21st century. >> i just want you to come back full circle because it all depends on how the ceo of this massive giant that has billions of users, facebook's mark zuckerberg, can actually get control of his own company because they keep saying they don't know that this is happening, and they will investigate it. so i would like to play for you a sound bite from zuckerberg which was all the way back about the russian stuff. let's see what you think afterwards. >> what we see are a lot of folks trying to sow division, right? so that was a major tactic that we saw russia try to use in the 2016 election. actually most of what they did was not directly, as far as we can tell from the data that we've seen, was not directly about the election but was more about just dividing people. what i can commit to is that we're going to make it as hard as possible for these adversaries to do that, and i think we're going to do a much better job. >> okay. so, you know, that was a long
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time ago. i think we're going to do a much better job. i've got very little time left, but how much faith do you have in that pledge? >> you know, we need -- we need more than words now. we need action. we've heard from facebook time and time again that they're going to do a better job, and then we end up in these kinds of circumstances. so we need independent review of what just occurred in facebook. we need congress and the u.s. to play the kind of regulatory role that the eu is playing much more assertively in europe, and we need facebook users to have the opportunity to manage and own their own data and to have a degree of privacy that is not afforded to them today. facebook can be an important democracy tiezing tool. we've seen that, and we need them to live up to that potential and that promise. >> and it affects everyone. ambassador, thank you so much indeed for joining us from brussels. so as you just heard, facebook has come under serious scrutiny for allowing its platforms to be used to incite
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ethnic violence in myanmar in southeast asia. the government there has waged a brutal crackdown on rohingya muslims and kept the press mostly away. a few brave reporters have managed to dig out the truth, and for that they've been caught, tried, and sentenced to prison on jumped up charges. for this look into press freedom and safety, we begin with our matt rivers, who got rare permission to visit myanmar. here's his report. >> reporter: this girl is only 3 months old, but she's only met her father once so far because her dad is one of two journalists from myanmar sentenced to seven years in prison. "i want my daughter to know how her father loves her, she says. the journalists were convicted of possessing state secrets in a trial widely regarded as a sham. >> they have no evidence. if you read the judgment, you'll
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see what a farce the whole trial was. and they had no intention to harm the state. they were not spies. they are acting as journalists. >> reporter: activists say they were targeted for investigating illegal killings in rakhine state, implicating the military. it's an area where the u.n. says the burmese army and others committed genocide against the rohingya people, a muslim ethnic minority. seven members were later convicted and sentenced to ten years. now, only the remains of the rohingya side of town are left. all the houses burned down. but innocent or not, the journalist sits in prison, and his wife sits at the home. "i feel like this is the moment i'm struggling." the wife is stoic. she says she's proud of his defiance and calls for press freedom, but her daughter has been sick lately. talking about the hospital trip, she cracks. "others are with their husbands,
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but for me, i'm alone." she didn't tell her husband angel was sick. putting up the charade can be exhausting. this woman's husband is the other journalist in prison. "i really want to tell him about my feelings, but i can't," she says. "i just try to smile all the time." it's just her and her daughter now. she's 3, loves mango. her dad used to cut it up for her. when she saw him in court during the trial, she'd tinker with his handcuffs. she used to use her fingers as a key to try and unlock the handcuffs. myanmar's civilian leader argentina san suu kyi has --. she's a happy kid, and angel is a joy even if she doesn't sleep
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enough. her mom hopes that one day soon after a nap like this one, her dad will be there when she wakes up. >> it's really heartbreaking, let's talk more about the reuters journalist and the rising threat to the press in general. after all, this is the year that one of our own, jamal khashoggi, met the most brutal end, murdered and dismembered inside the saudi consulate in istanbul. now, president trump today released a statement pledging to stick with his strong alliance with saudi arabia and on whether or not crown prince mohammed bin salman knew about khashoggi's murder, the president said, quote, well, maybe he did, and mant he didn't. stephen adler joins me now from new york. stephen, welcome to the program. >> thank you, christiane. >> so just heartbreaking imagery. that little child using a finger to try to unlock like a key the handcuffs of the father there. what more do you know about the fate of your journalists? after all, vice president pence
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was recently there -- or he recently red the riot act to aung san suu kyi, the de facto leader. >> just today the high court accepted our appeal -- accepted to hear our appeal, so at least we hope to be able to go forward on that. what we really want to happen is for there to be a pardon, which is really in the hands of aung san suu kyi, because a pardon can happen immediately, and we just want to get these wonderful journalists out. they've been in prison almost a year. they're entirely innocent. ese were people who were just reporting, just doing their jobs. and we just want to see them out. >> and i wonder what aung san suu kyi said to vice president pence, and what has she said to you about this? they really have sort of epitomized sort of the ongoing problems and dangers that journalists face. and i mean i can't even imagine what it must have been for them in a facebook era where we heard that anti-rohingya statement has
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been ginned up on these platforms by these groups on facebook. >> yeah. we did a report that found a thousand instances of hate speech against rohingya muslims on facebook in myanmar. and at the time i believe facebook had four burmese speakers monitoring, i think, the 7 million people who use facebook. essentially in myanmar, facebook is the internet. so that's been a real challenge for us. but also we're really focusing on free press. aung san suu kyi has talked about democracitization of the country, has talked about the importance of the free press. when she first came to power, she said that she wanted to get prisoners of conscience released as quickly as possible. and we view our journalists in that category. they were reporting on a massacre of ten muslims in rakhine state. they had photographs both of the people about to be massacred and then photographs of them in a mass grave having been both
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hacked to death and shot to death. and that was why they were arrested. they were arrested to try to prevent us from running that story. and we went ahead and ran the story, and they ended up -- the government ended up recognizing that it was true and, in fact, arresting the people who were responsible as your report showed. so our view is it's in the interest of aung san suu kyi and in the interest of myanmar to release them. it will show that they care about democracy, that they care about due process, that they want to be part of the global community. it will help their economy. it will help their relationships with the rest of the world. so we think a pardon would be both beneficial to aung san suu kyi, beneficial to the people there, and of course would get our people out of prison because they're languishing in a prison for almost a year. >> most right-minded people would agree with you, but there are a lot of people who just don't like the press right now. do you know what aung san suu kyi has pledged to do? she was confronted by mike
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pence. you have directly asked her for this pardon. what does she say? >> well, i don't really want to go into the private line of conversations. >> okay. >> we're still hopeful that there will be a pardon, and we do think that would be in the interest of her country. >> okay. >> i do want to point out that our journalists are burmese, and they're patriots. they care about their country. >> i know. i can see you trying to protect them and trying to lobby with this interview, and you want to be careful about what you do. but everybody has got their eyes on them. you're a member of the board of the committee to protect journalists, as am i. tonight in new york where you are, you'll be attending the annual gala, and there will be all these statistics about the dangers to journalists just this year. >> right. >> those who have been killed, those who have been imprisoned, those who disappear. and there will be people who accept their awards. i guess one of the questions to ask is how difficult is it for somebody like yourself, who fields journalists all over the world, to keep them safe when
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the president of the united states is constantly berating them, when we have crises with white house correspondents in the oval office? where do you see this all going? >> well, he has gotten increasingly dangerous. those are the facts. i can see it almost every day. authoritarian regimes around the world are using the term "fake news" and "false news" more. laws are being passed criminalizing fake news and false news. more people are in prison than ever before on charges of fake news and false news. and that ripples around the world. you hear heads of state talking, using that language, and cpj looks to use the word impunity. impunity essentially means people getting away with murdering journalists. and that's tremendously dangerous. if the western world, if the united states, if people who have traditionally favored press freedom aren't standing up for it, that's incredibly dangerous because it opens the door for other countries to do way worse things than are ever going to be
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done in this country. >> well, way worse things than what we saw in saudi arabia. i want to put up this graphic of the number of journalists killed, 909 in the previous ten years, 2008 to 2018. >> right. >> so here we have this terrible situation of jamal khashoggi. it plays right into the heart of what should western relations be with a nation that's done this, and certainly the public prosecutor in saudi arabia admits that he was murdered, that it was premeditated, that he was dismembered. we have libya. we have, as you mentioned, myanmar, syria, all these people talking about fake news. we have in europe the czech republic, you know, just saying that journalists should be liquidated if they spread, quote, manure. slovak slovakia, idiot hyenas. in turkey, we are branded as terrorists. i mean this is the language that is now used as a matter of
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course around the world. >> yes, and i think journalists have to generate trust. i think we need public support. that's the really important thing. i think the public needs to recognize we're proxies for the public. we're trying to help everybody what's going on in their own countries, in their own lives, and that the press is on their side. the press is trying to tell them the truth, tell them what's going on. and i think the erosion of public support has been perhaps the most dangerous thing because if the general public isn't supporting us, it's very hard to get governments around the world to treat us better. so i think a lot of work has to be done on that. and i've become increasingly concerned and interested in the whole notion of media literacy. i think all around the world schools need to be teaching people the difference between factual information and manipulated information. and the more we can kind of get a generation that really understands what real news is and how important it is for
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democracies, we need that support right now because we're not getting it from a lot of government. >> and inside the united states as well, i mean when you talk about media literacy, we are astounded by a recent story that shows liberal activists trying to, you know, target and tease the sort of conspiracy theorists, writing the most extreme stuff and then catching out people who actually believe it, like it, and share t. i wish i could get you to comment on that, but we are out of time. if it's happening in the united states, it's seriously shocking. >> thank you for your support. >> thank you very much for yours as well. so storytelling, of course, is fundamental to who we are as a civilization, whether it's showing the truth in myanmar or acting out the sagas that hold a merr mirror up to our humanity. the actress and singer jenifer lewis has proven that she isn't afraid to make a statement.
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famed for playing roles in hit movies that portray african-american life, her career has now reached new highs thanks to her role in the sitcom "black-ish." and for lewis, it was the perfect time to put her life down on paper. in her memoir, the mother of black hollywood, and that is just out in paper diagnose baba. as you'll see, lewis doesn't hold back. >> jenifer lewis, thank you so much for being with us. >> a pleasure. >> i don't know whether to call you mama odie or lana hawkins from "strong medicine" but i think a lot of people know you now from your role as ruby johnson on the hit show "black-ish." let's see a little bit of your work. >> okay. >> everybody lies. bill clinton, zac efron, and don't get me started on oprah. lose weight eating braeead, my ass. even desmond tutu lies.
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i sat on an airplane with him one time, went to the bathroom, came back, my peanuts were gone. >> so how much of your character is the writers, and how much is it jenifer lewis, a little watered down? >> they let me play. that's why they hired me. they know that i'm spontaneous onset, and ruby, i have so much fun with. but i always honor the writers. the writers are the stars of "black-ish." when i get those scripts i laugh out loud in my own house, and i don't laugh at nobody but myself. >> but yourself. >> but the scripts, i'm telling you, they're so important. >> tell me what you like about ruby as a character. >> well, ruby is opinionated. >> no. you think? >> but she's a whole woman also. you know, she's religious. a hypocrite, but she's religious. she's a hot mess. the only thing that ruby and
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jenifer lewis have in common is we both love children. but ruby is her own. well, i guess i should admit that jenifer lewis has a little sass. a little. >> a little. you think? >> but i love playing her. >> she's unapologetically black. >> yes, she is, and so am i. >> and i was wondering where that came from. was that always the case with you? >> that comes from getting up. that comes from feeling your feelings because ruby's got a big heart just like me. be scared but get up. get up and be unafraid. see, there's a difference. be scared. snatch that weed out. it's going to come back. but if you go down to the root.
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the root is the pain. >> tell me where you're from. >> i was born in a small town called kinloch on the outskirts of st. louis. the planes at lambert field used to damn near land on our house. but kinloch sits on the border of ferguson, missouri, and even as a child i was warned never to go to ferguson alone. ferguson had a movie theater, and kinloch did not. and i didn't care anything about racism. i had a dream. so i would sneak out of the house. my mother would have killed me if she'd known i had gone to ferguson because there was so much racism there. but i would sneak up to the top of the balcony, get my little popcorn, and imagine myself on
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the silver screen. and now, 68 movies later, hello. >> did you always know that jenifer was going to be somebody? >> always. >> how did you know? what made you know? >> well, i sang my first solo in church at 5 years old. and from the reaction of the congregation. i stood there with my thumb in my mouth, cross-eyed. but i thought to myself, this is life, and i never looked back. >> so how did you get from kinloch to become the mother of black hollywood? >> i knew there was something bigger than kinloch. i knew i had to get out. television gave me that out. i watched television. bette davis, joan crawford, pearl bailey. i mean i stayed in the late, late show it was called right before television went off, remember, at night? well, i went from that small town to of course in high school i discovered i was an alpha female. i became president of my class,
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captain of the cheerleading squad. i started to nurture that gift of leadership during that time, and then i went on to webster university, majored in theater arts, got my b.a. and, honey, went to new york the day after graduation, got my first broadway show, eubie blake's musical review within 11 days of graduating from college. >> i was just floored by that. >> i had no fear in me. >> you had no fear. >> no fear. i had bipolar disorder. of course back then they didn't know what it was. so i had this mania that fed the dream. see, there was a positive side to it also. i was certainly depressed at night, but in the day i got up. i went to acting class, voice lessons, dance classes, anything to improve myself as an artist to confer the dream. >> you just slipped in that
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bipolar disorder in there, and i just want to spend time on that because in your memoir you're really open about your challenge of having bipolar disorder. i was so curious about that as an artist because on the one hand, you really own your extra-ness. you talk about the always extra. but when it came time for you to say, this is something that i need to struggle with, i need to face as its own sort of thing, i was curious about that. was there a part of you that was afraid to think maybe that's my secret sauce? >> here in new york in my 20s when i was a broadway star, i knew something was wrong. i didn't know what. i figured everybody had a man in every port. i had a sex addiction. i didn't know that. at some point that mania will take control, and that kind of living is dangerous. everything is excessive,
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impulsive, dangerous once again. you speed in a car. you drink too much. you sleep too much. i'll tell you, the depression -- i said this to a journalist the other day. i might have been under those covers in the dark, but i never closed the curtains. there was always a light that came in because i wanted to be well. >> was it a moment? what was it that made you say, this is time for me to stop this? >> i wanted on my face what i put on everybody else's. i would leave a room and everybody is laughing and smiling, and i'd go home and whoom, that darkness. oh, that darkness. that dark, dark place. i wanted to be happy. and so when i got to l.a. and that theater stuff didn't play
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in front of a camera, where you had to know who you were in order to create another character, hello. and i had been taught to hit the back row. that's why the ♪ voice is so wonderful so when i got to l.a. with that camera, uh-uh. you got to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth because people will see through you. but i didn't know who i was. well, i finally had a nervous breakdown from all the reckless behavior. >> but it was years before that happened, though. i mean you had been successful for quite some time. >> i was successful before going to therapy because of the dream, because of the passion. look, i'm not going to lie to you. i wanted to be a star! i wanted attention from my mother. after that solo in church, i wanted that every day because of the mania. >> but some of the artists -- you know, a number of
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celebrities and entertainers have come forward recently. >> oh, yes. >> we don't need to call them out. >> i'm proud of all of them. >> but some of them feel that that mania is part of what makes them who they are. >> of course it is. before i was medicated for bipolar disorder, i was concerned that the medication would take my edge. oh, honey, i looked at my shrink, i said, are you insane? i'm jenifer lewis. you're not going to put me on lithium and have me -- what are you, insane? that's not what it was about. it was about finding or having the patience for your dosage. we're all different as leaves on a tree, grains of sand. come on. we're different. you've got to be patient if you want to be well. >> you're hearing from people who have really responded to it? >> oh, yes. people come up to me all the time.
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>> is it mainly black folks who come up to new. >> no. are you kidding? since "black-ish," honey, i've crossed over. little sweet white kids came running up to me at the gate at l.a.x., and they wanted an autograph. i thought it was so sweet. but no. you know, when i didn't want to be recognized, i would walk down the street, if i saw black people coming, i would just lower my head so as not to get so much attention. >> wait, wait. i'm trying to process. you tried not to get attention. go ahead. go ahead. >> i try not to walk around like i'm famous. i really do. it's so much now. i do. i hide a little bit. come on, i got a little sweet part. shy and demure. girl, please, never been. but listen, i never take it for granted. my soul explodes when people tell me they've read my book. i laid my burden down, and that's why i am so happy and free. i stayed 17 years on that sofa,
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baby. i stayed in there because i had to be reraised. i'm the baby of seven children. she was 26 years old when she had me. whether i'd come in the room, she'd be like, go tell your sister. and i understand that. she was cleaning white people's floors, working three, four jobs trying to feed us as a single mother. can you imagine having seven children at 26? but i'll tell you one thing, honey, she educated all of us. >> i was going to say. >> my mother, honey, we all have masters and doctorates. my mother said, you will be educated, and we are. hi two siblings that taught in the st. louis school district for 30 years. they're retired now. one's a big shot at state forum. the other is a big shot at at&t. my mother did not play. she got off welfare, and she got -- she went and became a nurse's aide and st. louis
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county hospital for 25 years. my mother was a wonderful woman. she didn't play. her name is the first three words in my book. dorothy may lewis, and i loved her. and i made peace with her. >> yes. >> i was molested by the pastor of my church, whom she was in love with. >> you can hold two thoughts in your head at the same time, though. you can love her and forgive her and still recognize -- >> oh, sweetie, i made peace with my mama. i made peace with my mama because i told her, and she didn't know what to do with it. >> i just wanted to mention that you've had a couple of statements that have gone viral recently. i mean you wore kaepernick's jersey to the emmys, and you recently had a youtube video, get out the vote video, got a lot of attention. ♪ i don't care who you are or where you work.
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get your ass out and vote ♪ ♪ this ain't the election to sit home and lurk ♪ ♪ get your ass out and vote >> how do you decide what it is you're going to do? >> i do thinks from my soul. i'm so aligned right now. make no mistake, there's nothing perfect about any of us, and i got my [ bleep ]. but i stay aligned. and when they shot into that synagogue and my girlfriend called me that morning, i'd had enough. i got up, and i fed my soul on what to do, what to do with this sadness and this horror this thing that the leader of the free world allows and promotes, this violence, where the nra has done nothing about gun control,
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and they shot white babies at sandy hook. if they don't care about their own babies, then what are they going to care about? see, we -- and when i say we, i'm saying we, the people. i'm not just talking about african-americans. who are we to say that one race is in this? we all bleed red. come together is what i say. >> so it comes to you as an inspiration, like your song. >> absolutely. i came home, and i sat right down at the piano, and i said, that's enough. everybody check your soul at the super bowl. that's enough. blacks, whites, jews, we've got to refuse. if our ancestors took two knees in the cotton field, you can take one. all of you players can go down at the same time. they can't fire you all. what's wrong with you?
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stand up because you are the gladiators of our time. but will i go at it alone? will i go and sit on that wall when they build it? will i march 50 million down there with me? i most certainly will. >> so what's next for jenifer lewis? >> so what's next? let me live in my joy. let me do what i can for my family, my friends, my country, and everybody that lives in it. i care. people ask why i give so much. because i care. i care that my great-grandchildren have air to breathe. i've been to alaska. i've seen the melting of the glaciers with my own eyes. i went to flint.
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i saw the dirty water with my own eyes. i went down to parkland and talked to the children. this is not just a book tour. i don't need any money. all right. well, you know -- but i'm in the trenches while touring with this book. >> jenifer lewis, thank you so much for talking with us. >> thank you. you're wonderful. thank you. i loved your questions. thank you. an impassioned ending to our show today. and that is it for our program tonight. thank you for watching "amanpour & co." on pbs and join us again tomorrow night. uniworld is a proud sponsor of "amanpour & co." when bee tollman founded a
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♪ - this week, milk street is in taipei, taiwan. you may not know much about taiwanese cuisine. i certainly didn't. it's probably the most interesting, most varied cuisine i've ever tasted. we're going to learn how to make a great scallion pancake. this is an older shop in town. they have been making them for decades. they have a special recipe for the dough. and they don't fry the pancake at all. they actually do it on a dry griddle. so we like that a little bit better.


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