tv PBS News Hour PBS December 3, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> nawaz: good evening. i'm amna nawaz. judy woodruff is away. on the "newshour" tonight, the ids farewell to the 41st president. we reflect on the life and legacy of georgh.w. bush. then, a pause in the trade war. president trump hails a new agreement with chit few details are known. plus the future of work-- how a small town in kentucky is revbyiving their econom shifting from coal to the health care industry. >> we began to realize and accept the fact that coal wasn't coming back. and then the conversation changed to, well, whating to be the future of appachia, the future of eastern kentucky? >> d nawaz: all that re on tonight's "pbs newshour."
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ov major funding for the pbs newshour has been ed by: ♪ ♪ ng our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> consumer cellular understands that wireless pls should reflect the amount of talk, text and data that you use. an offer a variety of no- contract wireless for people who use their phone a little, a lot, or anything in between. to learn more, go to
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>> financial services firm raymond james. >> the william and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. >> this program was madepo ible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to ur pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> nawaz: america's 41st president, george h.w. bush, is
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lying in state tonight at the u.s. capitol. he passed age of 94.ay at the today, the president's body was escorted from a funeral home in houston to ellington airport. hundreds gathered there for a farewell ceremony with full military honors. mr. bush's family, including his son, former president george w. bushand former first lady laura bush traveled with the casket on a presidential plane to washington. later, at a capitol ceremony, senate majority leer mitch cconnell, house speaker paul ryan and vice president pence gave eulogies before the rotunda was opened to the public. >> president george.w. bush loved his family and he served his country. his example will always inspire icand his lifetime of sewill be enshrined in the hearts of the american people forever. >> nawaz: the lying in state and public viewing will continue until wednesday morning, when a state funeral takes place.
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look at the life and legacy of president george h.w. bush, after the news summary. in the day's other news, president trump and his top aides touted ps in the u.s./china trade dispute. he and president xi jinping agreed saturday to hold off on additional tariffs, and xi promised to buy more u.s. exports. today, white house economic adviser larry kudlow followed up ont r. trump's claim tina will also cut tariffs on american cars to zer >> well, they're going to roll back their auto tariffs. i assume they're going to roll th all the way back. i can't say with specificity. but that's gotta be part of the deal. wethat. see, here's a case where actions speak louder than words, so we will be monitoring everything. >> nawaz: the president also tweeted today that china will immediately start buying u.s. farm products again. later, agriculture secrery sonny perdue said he expects china to begin buying u.s. soybeans around january 1.
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wall street welcomed news of the truce on trade with china. the dow jones industrial average gainedy 288 points to close at 25,826. the nasdaq rose almost 11 points. and the s&p 500 added 30. the prime minister of france held crisis talks with party leaders today, after the worst riots in paris in 50 years. saturday's trouble started with protests against higher fuel taxes. they turned violent as crowds burned cars, looted ops and vandalized national monuments. today, ambulance workers joined in, blocking a bridge tthe national assembly, over social ty reforms. >> ( translated e hope that the government will see reason and suspend this law for now so we can discuand work together to find new solutions which will satisfyone. but today, no one is satisfied. , not the government, no our patients, nor our employees. >> nawaz: the protests have
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targeted french president emmanuel macron, over a range economic inequality issues. qatar will be leaving the international oil cartel known as "opec" inry. the small gulf state made the surprise announcement today amid osingoing ts with saudi arabia. qatar is the largest exporter of liquid natural gas in the world. but, it contributes only a modest amount of opec's overall production. a united nations conference on climate opened today in poland, eawith a to implement the paris climate accord of 2015. it called for capping greenhouse gas emissions and limiting this century's average temperature increases to 3.6 degrees fahrenheit. delegates from some 200 counieconvened in katowice, in the heart of poland's coal region. british naturalist sir david attenborough spoke on the urgency of the problem. >> we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale, our greatest threat in thousds of years-- climate change. w
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don't take action, the collapour civilizations and the extinction of much of s the natural world the horizon. the world's people have spoken, their message is clear, time is running out. >> nawaz: the conference is supposed to hammer out rules to put the paris accord into practice. year, president trump withdrew the united states from the agreement. back in this country: thousands of children in northern california returned to school after the nation's deadliest wildfire in a century. they came back for the first time since november 8, when the fire storm desoyed eight schools and thousands of homes. >> i thought today the most courageousrave people were the parents and students. when they me out of that car and were walking down the street to watch those parents get their children up this morning, get those kids ready for school and
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to deal with all the emotions they dealt with is as equal to everyone else working hard to help us. >> nawaz: the confirmed death count from the fire remains at 88, but the number of missing is now at 25. and, the nasa spacecraft "osiris-rex" chased down the asteroid bennu today after a two-year pursuit. it aims to be the first erican craft to bring back asteroid samples-- something only japan done. the robot explorer will enter orbit later this month, and shadow the spacek for a year. then, it will scoop up gravel and return to earth, in 2023. still to comhe "newshour," the nation reflects on the life we george h.w. bush; what know about a new trade deal with china; how a small kentucky town's economy is moving from coal to healthcare; plus, politics monday explores the political legacy of the 41st president.
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>> nawaz: as president george h.w. bush now lays in state at the u.s. capitol, judy woodruff lhas thk back at a career that helped create a political dynasty. >> i think each president is an individual, his own convictions, emhis owasis, his own courage or his own style of leadership... >> woodruff: in september 2004: the 41st president spoke as rds son-- the stood ready to accept re-nomination to the office they'd both held. only theecond father and son to do that. >> im not a legacy kind of guy, i'm not. im a father and with some experience, did some things right, screwed up a couple of things, but i had my shot... >> wuff: he did, over 60 years in public life, capped by one term as president from 198
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to 1993. but it took two tries. the first came in 1980. >> good evening. when george denly found himself king of england, he was deeply worried about his alications and complained, "all i've ever been is a naval officer." that is not the problem of the latest candidate for president, george bush. mr. bush has been not only a naval officer but just about everything else. uf>> woo for george herbert walker bush-- born to privilege, june 12, 1924 in massachusetts-- that "everything else" includ the journey from prep school to heroic world war ii service in the pacific-- where he received the distinguished flyi cross-- a post-war education at yale-- where he bece an accomplished first baseman-- then, to texas as an oil man and eventually into government as a lone-star- state member of congress. amba to the united nations under richard nixon... envoy to chinaland... director of centr intelligence under gerald ford
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vice president... and, ultimately, president. he was the son of a u.s. senator, and patriarch of a family as successful in electoral polics as any in america including the 43rd president, george w. bush, and former florida governor jeb bush unsuccessfully ran for the republican presidential nomination in 2016. the senior bush and hi of 68 years, barbara-- a force in her own right-- had four other anchildren: sons neamarvin, daughters dorothy and... robin, who died in childhood. appearing on the macneil-lehrer report in 1979, mr. bush defended his moderate credentials as a conservative wave cresting within the party was preparinto anoint his chief opponent at the time: ronald reagan. >>an '64 you called yoursel goldwater republican, then you became a nixon republica you launched your campaign by invoking the names of lincoln and teddy roosevelt and
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eisenhower. what kind of republican do you call yourself now? >>ional republican >> a national-- what's that? >> that's one who can win the primaries and go on to be nominated and beat the demo >> mr. baker, yourampaign chairman, says that ronald reagan is the front runner in the republican stakes at the mome. if it's important to get a republican elected last year, why don't you just throw your lot with him and help t nominated? >> because i think i'd be a better president. i've had more experience in business, more experience in the federal legislature, more experience in foreign affairs and i have a deep conviction about our country and i want to be the president. >> woodruff: mr. bush lost the early lead he had in that tough nomination race after showing open and infamous disdain for what soon be called "reaganomics." >> he's promising to cut taxes by 30% and balance the budget and increase defense spending and stop inflation all at the same time.
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it just isn't going to work, what i call a "voodoo economic policy." >> woodruff: but reagan made george bushis number-two, outraging the party's conservative wing. later that yr, the ticket won in a historic landslide over president jimmy caer and walter mondale. two months after they took office vice president bush was nearly thrust into the presidency following the attempt on president reagan's life. >> i can reassure this nation and a watching world that the american government is functioning fully effectively. >> woodruff: but with the president's recovery, vice president bush settled into a somewhat traditional role... and joked about his job as chief funeral-goer. >> you die and i'll fly.- you >> woodruff: such humor did little to mask concerns about mr. bush among some of president reagas most fervent supporters. the vice president spoke with jim lehrer during the republicans' 1984 convention in
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dallas >> what do you say to some of the conservatives around here who say george bush is really not conservative enough, he's a liberal? >> you don't hear that as much anymore, so i don't reay anything to them. and i've got a voting record, i've got a record in public office and various jobs, at the united nations, in china as an ambassador and running the ngc.i.a. and as a ssman and, indeed, as head of our party. and now four yeavice president. so i think the record is out there, and i don't hear that as much. >> woodruff: ronald reagan and george bush silenced those crits with a 49-state reelection win in 1984 and a second term that set mr. bush up as the clear favorite for the 1988 republican nomination. his foreign policy experience was soon put to the test with the two major internatiol crises of the 1980's: the u.s. , face off with irand american support of anti-communist rebels in central america. the iran-contra scandal, which involved missiles sold to iran for the release of u.s. hostages
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and the proceeds then funneled illegally to rebels from nicaragua, exploded in late 1986. as vice president, mr. bush participated in more than a dozen meetings where the weapons sales were discussed, and he acknowledged some responsibility for the iran arms deal. >> if we erred-- and in i think we diin retrospect, looking back, a deal that wasn't supposed to be arms for hostages proved to be that. but ifred, we erred on the side of trying to free americans thatre held by terrorists. >> woodruff: but he steadfastly maintained he knew nothing of the illegal laundering of money for the nicaraguan contras, moously in a combative interview with dan rather in early 1988. >> this is what leads people to say "either george bush was r irrelevant was ineffective. he said himself he was out of the loop." now let me give you an example. you said to ask you a question. >> may i explain out of the no operational role. go ahead. >> woodruff: by theng he was laborder the public impression that he was a nearly- invisible presence in the reagan
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white house-- a charge he sought to knock down an october, 1987 newshour interview with >> woodruff: i guess it's about a month ago there was a profile of you in "the wall street journal," and the headne was, here we are 20 years into george bush's public career, and we're still asking the question, 'who is he? what does he--'" >> who's asking the question? have you gone to the drilling rigs and talked to the people that helped me build a biness? did you ever interview anybody in the aircraft carrier where i fought and bled for my country? did you ever talk to the people at the c.i.a. that i lifted up at a time of its morale being down? who is it that's saying "they" don't know this? these people that i've served with do. i haven't been too good about lking about it, judy, an maybe that's partially my fault, i think. >> woodruff: why not? >> oh, i don't know-- cultural. i just was brought up that you don't brag about yourself, but i'ttm g better about it. >> woodruff: bush eventually bested bob dole for the g.o.p. nod in 1988. arriving at the new orleans tion that yearv
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trailing democratic nee michael dukakis, he sought tota jump his campaign by selecting a lightly-regarded young, indenator, dan quayle, as his runninge ate. >> the vesident of the united states. >> woodruff: while mh promised a continuation of the reagan years, his speech soughro to link thaterity with "purpose." >> it means teaching troubled children through your t that there's no ch, that there's such a thing as reliable love. so would say it's soft and insufficiently tough to care about these things. but where is it written that we must act as if we do not care, as if we are not moved? well, i am moved. i want a kinder, and gentler nation. >> woodruff: but that speech would be most remembered for another, fateful line... >> my opponent won't rule out raising taxes.
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but i will. and the congress will push me to raise taxes, and i'll say "no," d they'll push, and i'll say "no," and they'll push again, and i'll say, to them, "read my lips: no new taxes." >> woodruff: mr. bush went on to win easily inovember... but but two years lahere were new taxes, as part of a 1990 budget deal. in 2004, he ruefully recalled that broken promise in another interview with jim lehrer. >> i remember saying no taxes and then having had to in my view make a coromise to control spending and taxes, and just i remember that fr 1988, and i do remember that. >> that was the "read my lips" speech. >> yes. i wish like hell i had never said that because they could
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focus on the quote, rather than on how the economy was, an you know, that hurt me, i think. >> woodruff: in late 1989 the berlin wall came down and the cold war began to end; a major diplomatic initiative to reintegrate the damaged nations on the eastern bloc bega president bush's watch: an endeavor, by most accounts, he handled well. saddam hussein's invasion of kuwait came in august, 1990, and george bush assembled a massive coalition to help repel the iraqi leader. >> some may ask: why act now? nowhwait? the answer is clear: the world could wait no longer. >> wf: a lightning fast war in early 1991 pushed saddam backghdad, bruised but still in power. the president's approval ratings skyrocketect but in oer, 1998-- four-and-
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a-half years before his son invaded iraq once again-- the president gave an eerily prescient reason as to why he'd chosen not to press on and topple saddam. he spoke to jim lehrer alongside his longtime national security aide brent scowcroft. >> a lot of people have suggested, wait a minute, we went to war, thousands of people died, most of them iraqis, died in desert storm because of one man. t take that one man out and maybe have prevented the deaths of so many others? lo well, one reason: you'd have added of deaths of innocent americans too. what gets me, jim, is you got a lot of revisionists now that take a look ex post facto and say you should have gone in and killed saddam hussein. would you want your son there in wan urban, a guerrilla ware we couldn't even find a two-bit warlord in mogadishu-- dusty warehouses and then they're saying to me now late-- hey, you
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should have gone in ankilled him, alone, occupying power in an arab land-- the united states of america-- no way. >> woodruff: a flagging economy in 1992 brought president bush's popularity back to earth and he found himself in a tough reelection fight against two opponents: arkansas democratic governor bill clinton, and the independtexas billionaire ross perot. president bush was also labeled "out of touch," and his patrician upbringing now seen as a hindrance. it was a characterization reinforced by lackrfster debate mances. dl one townhall encounter, he was captured repeachecking his watch. he reflected on that moment-- and on his distaste for debates in general--uring a 1999 interview with jim lehrer for a special called "debating our stiny." >> yeah, oh god, do i remember. i took a huge hit. that's another thing ion't like, debates, you look at your watch and they say that he
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hasn't any business running for president. he's bored and he's out of this thing, he's not with it and we need change. they took a lincident like that to show that i was, you know, out of it. they made a huge thing out of at. now, was i glad when the damn thing was over? d maybe that's why i was looking at it, only ten more minutes of this crap, i mean. ( laughs ) go ahead and use it. i'm a free spirit now. >> woodruff: george bush lost the white house to bill clinton that year, but the bitterness of that election would later give way to a close, working friendship between the men after they'd both left office. mr. bush largely stayed out of the limelight during president clinton's term. as the monica lewinsky scandal and eventual impeachment shook washington, mr. buused to publicly pass judgment. >> i vowed when i left the presidency twould try to avoid being critical of my
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successor, and i h gone to capitol hill and lobbied, and i'd just rather not get into that. >> mr. president, did you see yourself as the moral leader of this country, in addition to being the commander-in-chief, et cet?ra, when you were presid >> i don't think i ever put it in that lofty context-- i mean, im the moral leader of the united states of america. i don't think-- i mean, my mother would have killed me. but, no, i think there certain responsibility to respect the office that you're privileged to hold. >> woodruff: that reticence held into the presidency of his son, who won the bitterly divisive 2000 election over president clinton's vice president, al gore. in september, 2004, mr. bush sp the delicate balance between father-and-son, on a >> here is your son in the same job, same incredible job, and extending your kind of way of doing things, you don't see that at all?
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>> no. i think he'll do it his own way, and sometimes i might do it differently or sometimes i might not, but if i were going to say i might have done differently or might do something in the future different, i wouldn't discuss it. i had my chance, and now just get out of the way and be there as a father, and sometimes, jim, its not easy, but im so much in agreement with what the president's doinhas done, but its not as difficult as you might think. if i had a nuance of difference, and i said it right here, every guy with a little notebook out ere would look what he said on lehrer-- and go around ask some guy in the white house, look what the nutty father said now; what do you thk and i don't want to complicate the life of the president. >> woodruff: by 2004mr. bush s joining forces with mr. clinton to better the lives of others, fter the 2004 asian tsunami. and raising money for survivors and reconstruction after hurricane katrina in 2005.
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elder bush stayed active even late in life-- repeatedly going skydiving on his birthday, including at the age of 90, when he was suffering from parkinson's disease and confined to a welchair. in november 2014 george w. bush wrote "41: a portrait of my fath >> i wrote it when i did because i wanted dad to be alive-- to be able to see not only how much i care for him, but a lot of people care for him. people are beginning to reassess the presidency of 41 and i want topart of that process and i wanted him to know the process was gonn place. this guy's a great president. >> woodruff: in his final yearse mr. bush also new controversy. n late 2017, several wom charged he had groped them during photo ops. he apologized and said he'd never met to offend.
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and the death of barbara bush left the former president a widower in his last days. >> nawaz: for some personal reflections of president bush, i'm joined by: christopher buckley, he's a novelist who served as chief speechwriter for vice president bush. peter rosel, he served as press secretary for bush in congress, at the united nations and at the republican tional committee. he now teaches at sam houston state university. and susan page, she's washington bureau chief for "usa today." she's currently writing a biography of barbara bush and has spoken extensively to members of the bush family. peter rosel, i want to start with you and take you back to the spring of 1969. you hadn't been out of college longan a that point, you i had president george h.w. bush come to d say i want you to join my team. what was it that made you s
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yes? >> well, it was a blessed moment for me. when i first sawm here if in texas, i thought, there is somebody i would love to work for ever given the chance and, thanks to him, he gave he the chance. i'll tell you one thing about leadership that i learned early on from him, and it kind of was with an indicator of how he was going to be as a leader. one of the first assignments i had was to write a press release in which i maden error. and it wasn't an insignificant error. the nexthday, i tght he was going to fire me, so i went into his office, i saw the press release on his desk. all he did was this, hepushed it across the desk and looked at me and said, hey, pal, i know i'm the next one, you're going to knock a home run. at thapoint, i would have walked through a bed of burning hot coals barefooted fo now, to me, that was -- i probably didn'tfallly appreciate it at the time, but that was leadership, that was motivation,
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that w inspiration, and i think that was just a microkossum ofwa whas to come during his career. >> you're noting your head, christopher buckley. what was that especially for someone who was so incredibly modest and didn't want to talk about his accompshnts. >> i worked for him in '81 to '83 when he was ept and it drove his polital advisors cuckoo that he wouldn't talk about the fact that he was a world war ii hero. it was a classic case of the biblical hiding his light under a bushel, and they used to tear their hair out because they were, in a sense, already getting ready for the election that would surely come in 1988. tot it went bac his early days. his mother, dorothy, was a petite but formidable person, and she had a thing about youst
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t talk about yourself. so this was engrained early on. but it was engrained to this point -- in 1988, he's running for president, hofor thanksgiving and telling stories about, you know, running for president, which is u obably, ow, more interesting than the six-pound trout uncle bob caught, and mrs. bush wraps the table and said, george, you're talking too much about yourself, stop it. and he did. (laughter) that was mr. bush. had this lovely, sweet reticence. >> chris mentioned running for the highest office in the land and, after his service, he was wildly popular overseas, incredible moments in american history and he's u to turn that into a second term.
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what are we to understand about why that happened? e >> in some ways, i thinks a victim of his own success. he o skillfully managed the cold war without a shot bein fired and managed to form a coalition to expel iraqi forcs om kuwait. in the aftermath of that, i think he had difficulty pivotino ocus concerns on people's lives at home. he was such a skilled, nuanced leader of international affairs, but at the point of his runninrg reelection, americans were alry concerned about their care and education and kids going to college, and those were issues much more in the wheelhouse of bill clinton, his opponent. som think that was one prob he had. the other problem he had, i think, is americans feltore comfortable electing someone who hadn't been a war hero like george bush, someone who didn't have a lot of foreign policy experience, someone like bill clinton becae world seemed like a safer place. >> it makes you wonder after a
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time like this, eait'sy to look back and focus on accomplishments, and there were h so many inis many, many years of service, but you were with him in some of those lot wr points tcan sometimes be more revealing, especially looking back. so when you think back to those moments where it was a tougher time for him, say a down moment, what do you remember about hi>> ou know, a lot of people say, oh, george bush had it made. that's not true at you will. he faced some major challenges inis career and, frankly, was written off several times in his career politically, especially after he lost his 1970 senate race in texa many of the permanents at that time said, oh, that's the end of george bush. well, it didn't quie turn out that way. she had an enormous propensity for bouncing back from adversity, and i know, i was b his siden some of those cases. i'll never forget on ectio night in 1970, when everybody thought he was going to win that race, i looked over at him and i
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said, you know, it's time to go down andsoncede. i aid, how do you feel right now? he said, i feel like it's 12 minutes pa 84. i said, what on earth does that mean? he said, i don't know, but that's how i feelight w. (laughter) but you know something? feelin sorry for ourselves, get this, the next morning, after he'd lost that regulation and it was a huge lss at th time, the rest of our staff was feeling sorry r ourselves. he was in his office at the crack overdown, making phone calls, trying to get jobs for all of those who were going to be unemployed. once again, i would walk through hot coals bare footefor that guy. >> you used a phrase to describi christopher buckley, but you described him as a christian leman, why did you use that phrase and what do you thsek that tords meant to him? >> well, it's a phrase that,
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unfortunately, is not much in coinage these days, and i think we couuse the occasion of mr. bush's passing to reflect on the fact that he was the paradigm of the christian gentleman. the accent there lls on the word "gentle." was a war hero at the age of 20, but his life was marked throughout by gentleness and mpassion and love, the kind of thing that pete just brilliantly ill humenated. he w all about other people. i have been? rooms lot of important people in the course of my life, and they all likely had one thing in common -- they want to talk about them. george bush wanted to talk about you, and that mad him special, and that made you love him, and
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it was anbsolute, sincere love that radiated out of his heart, and it was very much based in his -- younow, in his epes copailian upbringing at the kn of his extraordinary mother, dorothy. >> susanage,ways look back in the context of our modern histrirks a man who a reputation as kind, gentle and cteompassiowent on to win political thse willie horton is something that will forever live in our political lexicon. as we look back now, what place do you think this president will hold? >> you know,ts presidenlike human beings, genally, are not perfect. george h.w. bush was a man of great accomplihment and high character, but that's not to say ak didn't many mistakes as a person and a president.
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one of the things he did in his 1988 campaign is pushed new boundaries of attack ads. it had an ad that involved will horton. doth the campaigns had, an pecially an ad by that independent group, touched on racial fears, was divisive and exploitive and pvided for a rougher type of politics we've seen since then. it seemed at many ways at odds with who george bush was, but he was also enormously competitive about everything. he wanted win the office, ndught the office in 1980 a again in 1988 and won it but won it in a tough way. >> susan page, peter roussel, chris buckley, thank you so much to all of you for being with us today. >> nawaz: and a reminder: we will have special live coverage of the funeral services for president george h.w. bush here in washington on wednesday, begn.ning at 10:00 a.m. east
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>> nawaz: as we report earlier, over the weekend president trump said his agement in buenos aires wi chinese president xi jinping was n incredible deal... one that," he said, "could go down as one of the largest" deals ever made-- if it goes through. but as nick schifrin reports, that's the big question: just what did china agree to? and what's the likelihood of reaching a bigger deal in the text three months to elimi tariffs? >> reporter: amna, there were some specific agreements announced by presidents trump and xi. he delayed plans to raise tariffs on 200 billion dollars worth of chinese goods from 10% to 25%. and the chinese promised to buy a significant amount of american products. the president and other u. officials have said today china is going to remove tariffs on uin.s. cars comin the country, but china hasn't confirmed that. let's look at the significance of ndwhat happened,hat still needs to take place. michael pillsbury is an adviser
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to the trump administration, an irector of the center for china strategy at the hudson institute. >> welcome back to the "newshour". >> thank you. let's get to some of thehecore ofdeal with at least what the u.s. says. the u.s. says chinese promised to purchase more than a trillion dollar of products i think the number was today. according to the u.s. they agreed to address more systemic issues like intellectual property theft. the chinese made similar promises in e past. why should this be different? >> i think the important thing is to see the alovapproach, that it's take an year and a half of president trump's -- i to say threats, but his pressure on china, in various ways, toing about this three-hour meeting. there's no written agreent that's come out of it, but the focus seems to be on starting formal talks with our u.s. trade representatives' office. chinese are, i wouldnt say frightened, but very respectful bob. so you have a sense of caution
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on the chinese side, what are we angetting into that's the issue of what at a actually agreed to. i have impressions from talking to the chinese today and yesterday. >> in their stement after di interest chinese did not mention a few things that the u.s. said they did. the chine did not mention any kind of 90-day deadline, which is what the president said. >> that's right. ey did not mention any buying of agriculture products at all. so doesn't that concern you? >> well, there's a big difference, as you point out, between the chinese version of what happened in their media and whatvarious advisors of president trump have said. the tradition used to be we don't talk in public about arrangements we made with the chinese for a variety ofon re one is they may be unstable back in beijing and wouldn't be willing to be humiliated by the american side sayine've got this and that victoy. president trump is taking different approach where he's stressing his chemistry with
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president xi. i wouldn't call it a gamble but it's a risk. suppose president xi accepts what president trump is telling him and tells his government fix all this for my friend, that is going to be the biggest breakthrough since 1972. >> quickly, in the time we have left, are you worried the chinese wi have short-term actions for these investments or purchasing and not do the long-term systemic changes that you and many in the administration want them to make? >> what i thinthe chinese are doing -- and they're not stupid either -- they've already begun announcing over the past month a series of reforms that they want to do on their own. one to have phrases ise're going to open our market greater than the last 40 years. they've then specified $2.5 trillion of foreign services -- insurance, investment, anything that's not a good is a service -- that's a pretty big gesture. of thingsaid a number
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about bringing tariffs down. they've even said they share th american goal, no tariffs and no non-trade barriers. they haven't said no subsidies. that's probably a bridge too far because their system is based on subsidies. >> fundamentally you think they're serious about these long-term changes? >> i think the ambaador may have been doing something like in the '80s with japan, identifying there are informers inside china and pushing and helping them. but the idea may president trump has, push on the system, keep xi separate from the wrongdand try to get the reformers to change some of th egregious conduct that frankly the wholkne worlows about in china. >> michael pillsburyvethank you much. >> thank you very much. nawaz: tonight we're starting
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a special series about the future of work. it's clear robotics, automation and globalization are driving big changes for workers and companies alike. our team hn traveling the country to capture just who's benefiting and who's getting hurt. we begin in appalachia, a region where good jobs have been in short supply and diversification is the name of the game. i recently went there to see how one community is dealing with life after coal. it's 7:00, on a quiet tuesday evening, in the mountains of eastern ke. and olivia boyette-- a second year medical student-- is studying at her kitchen table. >> the main reason i sit here is so that i can see my white coat behind me and use it kind of as like, "okay, you have to do is." one day i want that coat to be a long coat and instd of just olivia i want it to say "dr. boyette." >> nawaz: her future may be in medicine, but for decadeher family and community were built around coal. pikeville, kentucky is a small ity of 6,700 nestled deep in a
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river vallthe heart of rural appalachia. as the coal industry declid, towns across the region struggled to survive. since 2011, an estimated 13,000 coal jobs were lost in eastern kentucky a some experts say to make up for the wages and revenue lost in 00at time, it would take 3 new jobs today. pikeville is now trying to fill some of that gap by shifting to healthcare, and investing in its hospital system, serving 450,0 people across three states. it also employs people -- nearly half of pikeville's population. donovan blackburn is the hospital's c.e.o. >> we have somhe sickest of the sick when you talk about respiratory cancer or heart disease. but on the other side we've got some of the best workforce, best trained workforce that you'll ever find anywhere. >> nawaz: training that future workforce, like olivia boyette, is whereocal university comes in.
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>> we have bright students here and all they need is an opportunity. >> nawaz: burton webb is the president of the uniy of pikeville. >> one of the major purposes of be a place like this is so that we can retain people who live here. hthey can trae, they can learn here, grow here and then keep their families here. it helps thaave an enormous hospital in town. it's a regional medical center. and so there's a place for them to come and to practice and to live. >> i feel like i want to give back to my community. i don't just wanelp people, i want to help my people. pikeville,entucky and the rrounding areas is a very unhealthy area. there's a lot of tobacco. there's a lot of alcohol abuse. there's a lot of obesity. i feel like i want t back to my community. >> nawaz: and the need here is dire. life expectancy trails the national average by seven years. and 70% of the hospital's patients relon medicare or medicaid. >> the amount of money that is paid to the federal government and to the-- to the state is very overwhelming, but the
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amount of money that's generated back to this community of allowing families to put food on their table. our average salary is around $65,000 dollars a year. so, you know we pay well. overall the center has a huge economic impact to the region. >> nawaz: that impact is the initial return on millions of dollars invested from federal and regional loans and grants, after years of planning byocal leaders. city manager philip elswick: >> w accept the fact that coal wasn't coming back. conversation changed to, well, what is going to be the future of appalachia, the ?ture of eastern kentucky >> nawaz: born and raid in pikeville, dr. chase reynolds didn't think he had a future here. my mind i was going to g to a big city someplace and practice medicine. i was very surprised as i started looking at job owhpportunities to se had grown up and in pikeville you know since had left. >> nawaz: so, this will all be yours?
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reynolds says the hospital's continued growth and investments-- like this $30 million dollar cardiac lab-- have cvinced him to stay. they've expanded to 340 patient beds and there are now 100 open jobs. one of those jobs went to former coal miner kevin little. he started working in the mines at the age of 19. >> not everybody can crawl back inside of a mountain and, you know, go in and take out the middle of the mountain. it takes a special kind of people to do that. >> nawaz: kevin worked in the mines for 12 years. when he was laid off, he and his wife misty say times got tough for their family of four. >> it wasn fact of not being able to buy everything that we was able to afford, but hait was the fact thatif i don't find another job or what if i found one that i can' ftake care of ily good enough with, you know. >> so the job was gone, but our bills weretill there. it was scary. >> nawaz: so you were already working in chance came for your husband to come work with you. what did you think?
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>> i thought it was going to be bad. ( laughs ) i really thought it was gonna be bad. he'a al miner, you know, and him working on patients and things but he's definitely showed me different. i admire the person he's become and the things he can do. >> nawaz: kevin entered a year- long training program, and worked his w up from operating room technician to surgical first assistant. >> i think theord has blessed me so much to be able to have a job like i have now. i see a career now. as before i had a job working in a coal mines, but now i see a career for myself. >> nawaz: the loss of thousands of coal jobs in just the past few years had a devastating effect across appalachia. pikeville thinks it has a plan fofuture. the question is, can this work in other places? jessi troyan of the cardinal institute worries that pikeville where 2/3 of the tax base comes from healthcare - is banking on an economic bubble that might burst. >> when i hear numbers like that i'm thinking that pikeville has
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really capitalized on medicaid expansion dollars coming from the federal government and sh shift, you know, does pikeville have to rewrite their story again? >> nawaz: but hospital c.e.o. blackburn says healthcare is just the first step toa more diverse economy. >> what we're doing is we're makingmart investments in healthcare to create a healthy ity that has transferable skills while developing industrial parks to be able to invite industry in. >>awaz: smart investments in people like olivia boyette-- who's grabbing her chance to change her family's future. >> i questioned myself. i was like, can i actually, really, like, "am i smart enough?" >> nawaz: it must be a lot of prsure. >> mhmm. it is. >> nawaz: to be the first one on that road. ow>> i don't want to let probably, you know, other than my parents, my little sister. sorry >> nawaz: why is-- what-- why do you think you might let her down?
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>> just because i grew up in an area where, like, i have explained, like, a lot of people didn't think that they could do. you know what they want to do, especially, you know, a girl and i want her to see that she n do what i do. >> nawaz: and has your little sister told you what she wants to do? >> she says she wants to do the sang i done. and she wants to become a physician as well. e >> nawaz: just lr big sister. boyette is on track to graduate urdical school in 2021. for the pbs newsn eastern kentucky, i'm amna nawaz. john reports on how minority workers are impacted. follow along on our web site,
3:49 pm >> from how he governed to how paigned, president george h.w. bush presidented a republican party of a different emara. to helout the differences of the political landscape of then and now, of course, i'm joint by tamera keith and stu rothenberg of inside elections, "politics monday." president george w. bush said he voted for hiclinton at his funeral. president trump will not be speaking but will attend. that is unusual. what do you think these two different republican presidents party ant about thei where is the president party now? >> well, what a cange, h huh? george w. bush wasorn into a family, prescott buswho was
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dwight eisenhower, neon rockefeller republican, and look at where donald trump is today with the republican party. the party changed fundamenertaly in of values, language, identity and ologist partners. we can't even compare it. it's like two differet parties. >> tam remarks what do you see? look at policy, right? if you look at trade, george h.w. bush really negotiat nafta. that really was negotiated during his presidency though ratified dthe clinton presidency. you have president trumpndver the weesaying he is going to terminate nafta so . he doesn'tsay exactly when. in terms of sty, they really couldn't be more different in terms of style, in terms of presbush saw people as opponents but not as enemies, in ways, and president ump sees
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his political opponents as enpies >>me add one more difference, president bush was an insti donald trump is a personalist, if that's a word. it's all about him, what he has accomplished, what he can do, who he is, his powe president bush surrounded himself with major political gures, significant people, and saw himself as a part of a team. that's very different. >> and people were begging george h.w. bush so sing his s ng his own praises. president trump does not have th -- >> doesn't need much on that,. no you say multi-laterallists, president bush 41, and president bush as a yiewn lt president -- unilateral president, president trump. one day from today we'll ewe will have a new congress led by the democrats in house. whatsitrategic ons do the democrats have to be making over the next month in how they
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approach coming into power in just one chamber? >> i think they have to make the case for 2020 over the next two years. they have to establish an agenda. look, the house democrats know they're not going to get anything enacted into lawbe use the republican senate and the white house isotoing to agree to anything -- >> you don't think they will? but that doesn't mean the house democrats should just come off as they ae opposing whatever the republican initiatives are or opposing the president. they need to pursue an agenda, they nd to look at things lifr tructure and healthcare so they establish a base on which their presidential noman run and so they can run for reelection as people who try to do something. we know they won't accomplish a lot, but if they can go to thesa voters anwe did this, this and this and the republicans those issues, democrats will be in better shape. >> i love someone thinking about the long-term in washington still. tam, what's up? fir what do you think are one of the
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uprst things that are going to poor the house democrats? >> one thing is, if president trump llows through on, as he calls it, terminating nafta, that would start a six-month clock and sort of force the hand of congressiocrnl des who will control the house to decide are they going to ratify this new nafta known as unca or not. he says he will give them a choice. that will be the interesting thing to watch. the other thing i'm watching the john boehner and paul ryan have been vexed by the freedom caucus st the house. the conservative and trump-y members in some ways. will nancy pelosi and democratic leaders, will they be vexed by the freedom -- whatever the liberal alternative version, the democratic version of the freedom caucus, or will she sort of be able to keep everyone in line for the next two years? >> quickly, who are you watching for lawmakers?
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>> i'm watchirry bustos, democratic congressman from illinois wgo's now go to chair the democratic campaign committena pere, articulate, pragmatic, has been studying demo victories in different kinds of districts over the years. i think she's got a significant future in the party. >> and i will be watching some of the conservative democrats who won in suburbs to see how hey navigate that. >> tamera keith, stu rothenberg, thank you both. >> you're welcome. ank you. >> nawaz: on the newshour online right now, president trump's "u.s. mexico canada agreement" aims to provide greater protections for workers, but the outcome for those in the auto industry ifrom certain. we examine key factors that could determine the pact's success. that's on our web site, and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm amna nawaz.
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join us wednesday for special live coverage of the funeral ceremonies for president george h.w. bus a.m eastern.t 10:00 and we'll be back here again tomorrow ening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided b >>nsf railway. >> consumer cellular. >> financial services firm raymond james. >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved encnomic perforand financial litecy in the 21st century. >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarth foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more informati at
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hello, everyone, and welcome "toamanpour & co."t here's wha is coming up. repeal and reverse obama policy. next in the firing line, the response to sexualasarassment anult on campus. i'll discuss the controversial new proposals with advocatsi from both des. then, the scientist who advises the british monarch on astronomical matters, lord martin rees shes his biggest ars about humanity's threat to
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