tv PBS News Hour PBS December 4, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. onewshour tonight, the american people pay their respects to the 41 president ashe lies in state in the u.s. capol. then, after a briefing from the c.i.a. director, leading u.s. senators from both parties agree saudi arabia's crown prince was behind the murder of a jonalist. plus, the future of work-- how education can help some hispanics in california keep a job when robots are increasingly dominating the workforce. >> i think automation is wonderful and i'm a user of automation. but if it's only going to be that some regions are going to win and others are goingo se. i do believe that it does become a moral issue, it becomes an ethical issue. >> woodruff: all that and more
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>> woodruff: americans of all stripes honored the late president george h.w. bush today, as his body laid in state .s. capitol. ordinary citizens, former colleagues and old rivals, including former kansas senator bob dole, paid their respects. mr. bush's service dog "sully" also made an appearance. the public viewing ends wednesday morning, to be followed by a state funeral at the national cathedral meanwhile, psident and mrs. trump visited the bush family this afternoon at blair house, across from the white house. l speak with some of those who knew president bush best, after the news summary. the day's other news, a market meltdown hit wall street, amid doubts about global growth t and abtrade truce with china. prfuesident trumed the doubts with tweets that
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suggested there is no firm deal yet with beijing. the dow jones industrial average lost nearly 800 points to close at 25,7. the nasdaq fell 283 points, and the s&p 500 gave up 90. all three indexes were down more than three percent. the head of the c.i.a. briefed u.s. senate leers today on the killing of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi. gina haspel laid out the agency's findings behind closed doors. afterward, senators said they are even more convinced that saudi crown prince mohammed bin salman was directly involved. republican lindsey graham said was one of the most vocal. >> i want to make hat saudi arabia is put on notice. that business as usual as come to an end for me. i will not look at the kingdom the same way that i used to look at it. i will not support arms sales until all responsible for the death of mr. khashoggi have been brought to justice and i will no
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longer support the war in yemen as constructed. >> woodruff: last week, secretary of state mike pompeo said there is no direct link between the crown prince and the murder. president trump has also played down the c.i.a. findings. we'll take aloser look at all of this, later in the program. a top americanal told congress today that the war in afghanistan has reached a stalemate, after 17 years. marine lieutenant general kenneth mckenzie has been chosen to lead all u.s. forces in the middle east. he told a does not know how long it will take to build uphefghan forces. lso warned against any major u.s. withdrawal in thmeantime. in france, protesters vowed to keep up their fight, despite a major government concession-- suspending fuel tax hikes for six months. the prime minister said the government of president emmanuel macron hopes to restore calm,
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after the country's worst riots in 50 years. >> (e translated ): for man three weeks, tens of thousands of french people have been expressing their anger in many french towns. this anger has deep roots. it'ros beening for a while. it often stayed quiet out of reticence or pride. today, seit is being expr with force and in a collective way. one has to be deaf or blind not to see or hear it. >> woodruff: demonstrators responded by blocking roads araris and elsewhere for another day. and, they demanded more concessions. the israeli military today launched an operation to destroy tunels dug from lebanon into norn israel. officials released footage from one tunnel they said was dug by the militant group hezbollah. bulldozing and digging continued through the day on the israeli side of the border. the united states formally served notice toda it will begin withdrawing from a nuclear
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araty with russia in 60 days. satecretary of mike pompeo said a new russian missile system violates the 1987 treaty. nato ministers meing in brussels, endorsed the u.s. position. pompeo also call again for moscow to release 24 ukrainian sailors who wereeized last nth. >> there's complete unanimity that the russian action was lawless and unacceptable. and deterrence must be restored. and that is a collective commitment of europe and the world to deny russia the capacity to violate basic international law norms. >> woodruff: meanwhile, ukraine said shping traffic has resumed to and from its ports in the sea of azov, after last month's naval confrontation with russian forces. back in this country, president trump's longtime political adviser roger stone says he will not answer questions from democrats on the senate judiciary committee.
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stone will invoke his fifth amendment rights against self- incrimination. that's from a letter that his lawyer sent to dianne feinstein, the committee's ranking democr stone has denied knowing that wikileaks would release hillary clinton campaign e-mails in october of 2016. the national republican campaign committee says it was hit by an email hack during the mid-term election campaign. the intrusion began in april, and accessed email accounts of foutop aides. the n.r.c.c. coordinates republican campaigns for the u.s. house of representatives. and,uthorities in northern california have lowerethe death toll in that huge wildfire last month. they say d.n.a. testing confirms 85 people died in the town of paradise and surrounding areas. that's down from 88. the number of missing was also
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reduced to just 11. it had been nearly 1,300, just days after the fire struck. still to come on the newshour: the american people pay respect to the 41st president at the u.s. capitol. senators openly blame the saudi crown prince for the murder of a journalist. controversy surrounds an effort by outgoing wisconsin republicans to limit the power of newly elected democrats, and much more. >> woodruff:mid the many reflections this week on the life of george h.w. bush, few knew him as well or worked ras closely on the ma accomplishments of his cresidency as his longtime friend and his ary of state james baker. bagor joined me a short time to offer an intimate look back at the forty firstresident, beginning before either men
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entered politics >> he and barbara proved back the houston, proved to houston in 1958, which was just one year after i moved back the hou from law school, having gone to college at princetonnd th marine corps and then law schoolh so we bort of hit the ground there about the same time, even though it was my home. neither george nor i had a tennis doubles partner for the nnis doubles competition at the houston country club, and they put us together. the bushes asked us to come over and have hamburgers and lunches and things. we got to be friends that way, social friends. my first wife, who died very tragically at the age of 38 had known george's cousin in ohio, and hat was another connection. after my wife died, he came to me and he said, you know, bake, you got the take your mind off
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your grief, how aboutelping me run for the senate. well, in those days texas was a solid democratic state, as democratic then as it is reiblican today. aid, george, that's great, but i don't know anything abo politics, and number one, and number two, i'm a democrat. he said, well, we can change the latter. and he did. >> woodruff: you came to the relationship already loving poli ncs. >> wel, this was before he went into politics. he w son of a very distinguished united states senator, of course, so hhad a political background to th extent, but he hadn't gotten into politics. his first foray into politics was in the early '60s. we met in the late '50s. he ran for county chairman, started right where i guess you should start, right at the bottom, and worked his way up to president of the united states. he was countyhairman of the republican party of texas. in those days it was a hanging offense to be a republican in
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texas. i'm not kidding you. >> woodruff: he came to love politics. ou was in his blood. what was it t public service that he... that drew him to it? >> well, i think the example of his father, for one thing we... he would say, my father inculcated in me a commitment t public service. i said, george, don't say "inculcated." people think it's a disease. people in texas don't understand that. but he had a commitment to public service, selfless public service. he practiced that all his life >> woodruff: he was in congress. he was an ambassador to china. he was -- >> an ambassador to the u.n. >> woodruff: ambassador to the u.n. head of the c.i.a., head of the republican national committee. >> and vice president for two terms. woodruff: you were in the room when ronald reagan called
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him at th1980 national convention. >> that's right. >> woodruff: it changed his life. >> yeah, that's riht. >> woodruff: how did... >> if he hadn't goen that call, he had said, and i beheeve firmly, would not have been a bush '41, and if there was not a bush '41, bush '43 has said there would not have been a bush43, andbelieve that, too. yeah, i was in the room. i answered the phone. >> woodruff: how did he change the presidency of ronald reagan? did he? >> no, i really don't think, so t he was a very loyal vice president. he understood the job. he knew how it was supposed to be performed and he performed it that way. he never letse hlf be jux posed against the president. he kept his advice to the president private. he didn't throw it out there in public because he knew that there's nothing that's secret here in washington, d.c. so when he started running for president, he h to separate
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himself somewhat. it couldn't be seen to be a third reagan term in effect. and he successfully did that. the first time anybody has done it since 1856, a sitting vice president to get elecested ident. >> woodruff: you were so close to him. did he do what he wanted tge done as president of the united states? >> well, no, because he didn't have a second term. >> woodruff: but he was there for four years. >> oh, yes, he was an exaordinarily consequential presidency if you look at it. if you look at the things that he got done. i was, of course... i'm a little biased because i was ere serving at his ght hand as secretary of state. much of that was on the foreign policy side. he was anen credibly foreign policy president, but he had some domestic achieve. , as well, some raer big ones. >> woodruff: how did his loss affect him? >> o, devastating. he was devastated by that loss.n you know, i read a lot
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today comments, pundits and so forth saying, hcae lost se he broke his "no new taxes". pledge that's not why he lost. everybody ought to get that straight i ran that campaign and i saw it every dain the polling he lost from a little guy from texas called rhode island hospital -- ross perot he took two out of every three votes from us. you had two-thirds of 19 38 and we get 51. >> woodruff: but that loss, as tough as it was, he went on to be active for another 25, 26 yearof his life. >> yeah, 25 or 26, that's coect. >> woodruff: so it didn't slow him down. >> no, but it was devastating to him. you know, during that '92 campsome people said, well, his heart is not really in it. he doesn't really want it.
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uh-uh, most competitive man i've ever known in my life, and i don't know why people missed that, but they did. >> woodruff: but that's... but to say he was competitive andye people say he was a gentleman, he was a decent man. >> he oowas. >>uff: a lot of people think the two things... >> no, they're not mutually exclusive. he was a gentlemn, but he was man of steely resolve. and when he decided he wanted to do something or was going to do something, there wasn't any swerving. there was no detours on thatuf. >> woo was he aware... how much did he pay attentio y the last frs to how washington changeed? what did he think aboutwa ington, what's going on in washington? >> well, he found it ugly up ihere compared to the wa was when he were here. and when we were here, people came up here with the idea that they wanted to get something done for the american people ad done for the country. there was a lot of partnership, a lot of reaching across the
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aisle, both and a thing is that people that come to washington don't bring their families anymore. a congressman comes up here, conditioning only meets from tuesday afternoon until thursday afternoon, and then they the raise money for next year's campaign. or two years' campaign. they don't bring their families. there's no social interaction acss party lines the wayhere used to be. we have good friends, really good friends who were democrats. >> woodruff: let me ask you to put you secretary of state hat onth saudi arabiae is a lot of conversation after the death, the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi. >> yeah, yeah. >> woodruff: this administration has tread lightly when it comes a, saudi ara but now we have republicans vaz democrats... >> you want me to commt on something that's current news, i think that's great, when y formulate and implement foreign policy for america, you have got
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to consider not only america's interesntts, nationalerest, but also our principles and values, so you have to strike a balance. the job facing this administration is to strike the right balance. who knows whether this is e right balance. and the story is not over yet. as you point out, with the publicans in the congres saying what they're saying, it may go another way. but the national interest is very important, too. >> woodruff: lt qck question, do you think the kind of civility that we saw during the presidency of george h.w. bush... >> i think it will come back. i s asked that question yesterday i guess or the day before. i yehink it will come back. i really do. civility in our politics, we need to stop yelling at each other as a nation and start listening to each other. it is really regrettable,
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because the way we get thingsne you know, in our democracy, no one side gets t ao ma the rules, okay? and the way you get things done is twork constructively with the other side to benefit the national interests. and i think you get back the that some day. i sure hope we will. let me say this, the fault is on both sides, the incivility exists on both side when you look at some of the things that some pronent emocrats have said recently, an i'm not going to... you know what i'm talking about. so you see it both ways. of course, you're talking to an adversarial republican when you lk to me. i've run campaigns forn republiesidents, three of them, our four. >> woodruff: yes, you have. secretary of state jim baker,
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thank you very much for talking me. >> thank you, judy. >> woodruff: appreciate it. >> woodruff: let's ctinue our look at the life and legacy of president george bush with former democratic senator tom harkin of iowa, and andy card. he served as the president's deputy chief of staff at the white house. andy card, welcome. senator tom harkin, welcome to you. >> thank you. >> woodruff: yet president bush when he was at what point in his career? >> well, actually, when he was vice president, but in any meaningful way when he was presidenwh that's realln i first began to deal with him. >> woodruff: was it the americans with disabilities act that brought you together? >> well, actually, the first time i was in my office on a friday afternoon, an i got a call from the white house, my assistant did, and said the presint wanted to have some people down for drinks later in the afternoon, he wanted you to go down. i said, s so i went down to the white house. it was a friday afternoon.
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barbara was gou. we had ah of guys down, and he made martinis for all of us. and he took us on a personal tour of the white house, first time i had ever been in the private quarters. so it was a social ent, and was just the nicest person in the world. that was my first socialra inion with him. >> woodruff: so we're talking about a republican president inviting a democratic senator to come over to the whiuse and have cocktails. >> and he made me a martini. pretty good, too. >> woodruff: andy card, what was it about president bush? why was he comfortable talking and working with people across the aisle? >> president bush numper 41, he red the institutions of government. he served as a member of congress. he made great friends on both sis of the aisle. as the vice president of the united states, he was the president of the senate. peat meant he had great res for the senate. he also understood the importance of building relationships that were
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personal, not just political, a that sometimes politics would force people to take sides that they akuldn't have otherwise, and he was looking for that personal relationship that could help build coalitions to get things done. he didn't have the privilege of serving as president with a house or a senate controlled by the same party as he was, aond s he had to work on both sides of the aisle to get things done, an he had an amazingrack record. haviously the americans with disability act,t's truly historic. people today don't even think about it, because it waso historic. it made such a difference to people who are disabled and challenged. he also signed into legislation the civil rights act of 1991. he passed so many pieces of legislation. he left a lacy of fiscal discipline by giving up on his promise not to raise taxes to instead agree to a deal that brought fiscal discipline not only to the executive branch of the government but to the legislative branch of
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goorrnment, and that lasted ten years and allowed for us to have surpluses for the first ntime in eos. and it was just a rourkeable contribution. >> woodruff: and people talkt ab paid a political price for that, because there was a tax increa but tom harkin, i do want to come back to the americans with disabilitiesct, because later on you did get involved in that. do you understand why it was important to him? he went on to be the presiditt who signe into law. >> yes, president bush neveron wavere on his support for the americans with disabilities act. >> woodruff: why was that? why do you think it mattered to him? >> well, i don't time i met with him or discussed it in any way with he or with boyden gray, it was just something he felt inside t needed to be done. when he signed it into law, he said somethi so unique. he said, "let the shameful walls of discrination come tumbling down." "shameful walls of
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discrimination." that's what we've had this country for so long against people with disabilities. when he said, that it was just electrifying. >> woodruff: andy card, can you shed any light on what it was about that issue that president bush, that rang true with him? >> president bush had great sympathy and empathy for ppl who were challenged, and he had been challenged suffering through the death f his daughter, and that i think contributed to a mind-set that saw things differently than a lot of other people did. he was always committed to helping those people who were disabled. eland, who served in his administration, was in a wheelchair, and the president was alway understanding and supportive of him and he did motivate boyen gray, who did a remarkable job of persistently leshing to get thiislation done. john sununu played a big role in at. there were lots of -- dick
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thornburg played a big role in getting the a.d.a. passed. it was team efft, but it couldn't have happen without president bush's commitment. it was a sinceere commi, and it really did get things done. >> woodruff: what was it abouprt his ch to the presidency, andy card? every president comes into office with a dit understanding. his father had been a united states senator. he obviously exceeded, reached an office well idea that, the presidency. how did he look upon the office of the presidency? >> well, first of all, he loed at public service as a very noble call. he had beelcn ined, that was a word that his mother used, he had been uncull kateed with -- inculcated with the responsibility to ge back and serve. he did with it distinction. he was the most prepared person evero be president. had the very best resume, but he also had a great appreciation ed watching how president reagan sehen president bush was serving as vice president, and he learned a different perspective, the value of
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bipartisanship, and he worked hard on capito. i can't overstress how significant it was that he had personal relationships with members of the house and the senate that went beyond politics. >> that's true. >> dan red cross cow i -- rostenkowski, tom foley. >> woodruff: democrats. >> very partisan democrats, and that were interested in getting things done, and president bush worked with them. it took a lour of e to do that, a lot of political courage, and president bush was willing to do it. he did invite people to stand on the rug of amican politic rather than just on the fringe. >> woodruff: finally, tom harkin, whatyou remember about him most as president? >> well, i haveo remember about a president just what a decent, nice person he was, but locked in memory forever will be until i die is him standing onhat white house lawn on a
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beautiful july 26th day, 1990, to wsign the americah disabilities act when he said, what iheust mentioned, "let shameful walls of discrimination come tumbling down." it was theiggest gearing on the white house lawn ever for the signing of a bill. and to me it just showed the courage of per and that's what will always stick with me, how courageous he really was. >>f: former senator tom harkin, andy card. thank you both. >> thank you. >> woodruff: as we reported earlier, c.i.a. director gina haspel today briefed a dozen u.s. senatorabout the october murder of a saudi arabian journalist. the saudi government claims the murder was a "rogue operation."
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but the senators who were briefed believe responsibility lies near the very top of the saudi royal family, with the powerful crown prince, muhammad bin salmown as mbs. here are republican senators bolindsey graham and who's chairman of the senaon foreign relacommittee. >> i have zero question in my mind that the crown prince, m.b., ordered the killing, monitored the killing, knew actly what was happening planned it in vance. if he was in front of a jury, he would be convicted in 30 minutes, guilty. >> there's not a smoking gun. there's a smoking saw. u have to be willfully blind not to come to the conclusion that this was orated and organized by people under the command of m.b.s., and that he was intracently involved in the demise of mr. khashoggi. >> woodruff: our foreign affairs correspondent nick schifrin is here to walk us through the latest
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some rally strong language from these senators, nick, but what does it mean? how significant is it. >> i think we should pause for a second and examine the words. these are unprecedented. this is unprecedented bipartisan criticism against saudi arabia. these are senators who havdee nded saudi arabia in the past despite human rights abuses in the past, senators who have defended saudi arabia even after 9/11, nine saudis participated 9/11. they called saudi araia a strategic ally, now calling saudi arabia a strategic atability. we don't know appened in that briefing because it was classified, but we heard a couple hints. there one, senator graham saying a smoking saw, seemingly a confirmation of something that tuish officials have said which this team that flew from saudi arabia to istanbul to murder khashoggi brought a bone saw, clearly indicati premeditation. >> woodff: that evidence has been confirmed. >> not officially. not officially. >> woodruff: there's a lot of reference its o. >> there only reference to it, and mostly from turkish
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officials, but they out very strongly talking about d bin slamaam orchestrating this attack. that's not what the president says. this really does put the senators against u.s. policy, ttis, pompeo, the senators came to the hill last week and said, you cannot punish m.b.s. because they're so important to what we're doing, confronting iran, trying to get israeli-palestinian peace. graham said, i need to hair from jean -- gina haspel. he has heard from her and came out strongly against thni adration's defense of m.b.s. >> woodruff: when it comes to policy, what exactly can the senate do? >> that's the big question. what the senators said today is they want to distinguish tween mohammad bin slaman and saudi arabia. they want to somehow punish the prince without affecting the strategic alliance. there are a couple of options on the table right now. one is a bill from senator sanders that would end the war in yemen, that is basically being led by the saudis. there are some problems with trat. some of it is coersial.
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but over 60 senators voted to have a vote next week, that wl probably happen. but it's just about yemen. the second option goes further. it's a bilspsored by senator menendez, the ranking member on the senate foreign relations committee along with senator aham that would end arms sales to saudi arabia and require sanctions on anyone connected to jamal khashoggi's death. there is a third option senator graham raised today, which is some kind of sense of the senate, m.b.s. is guilty, and ordered khashoggi's murder. re of ailt m.b.s. and don't change the saudi relationship, but senator bob corker said, this is really hard. we don't he consensus. maybe the president should come out and criticize m.b.s. and call him responsible for the murder, and so there is no guarantee that the senate can turn all tetoric into policy change. it's rare, as you know, for senators to try to forcibly change foreign policy. the administration clearly n indication today that bipartisan senators want to do just that. >> woodruff: tricky tpao te the person who is in
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charge of a country or almost in charge of a country from policy toward the country overall. >> that's right. an mohammad bin slaman is really the de facto leader of saudi arabia. >> woodruff: nick schifrin, thank you. >> thank u. >> woodruff: stay with us, coming up on the newshour: tw one california community is taking stemaintain employment in the face of and a hot new exhibit showcases the creative genius of the french romantic painter, eugene delacroix. it's been a month since the midterm elections but questions remain about the voting process and outcome in one north cat.lina congressional distr and in wisconsin, democrats are raising concerns about how the state's republican legislature is handling the transition of power. amna nawaz has details on both states.
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>> nawaz: let's start in north carolina, where election officialst week certified all but one race: the state's 9th congressional district. democrat dan mcready trails republican mark harris by roughly 900 votes, less than half a percentage point. ibut an investigatinow underway after officials uncovered what they call "irregularities." lisa desjardins is here to explain it all. "is rregularity," what dat known? >> specifically here we're talking about mostly one county, brayden county. it's conditional district. we're talking about absentee ballots, amna nawaz. first, workers were sent out, 200 or ssentee ballots have witness signatures, everyone must have a witness, which overlap. we're seeing seven witnesses on some 150 or so absentee ballots. that might not be suspicion in and of itself, but many of thes witnesses put down the same address, a one-bedroom apartment
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as their address,so that's raising questions. then on the other side, there are voters who say a woman came up to hair house and asked for their absentee ballot and then took it and said she herself ouuld fill tha that woman said she was, in fact, paid by the republican candidate's campaign and she didn't know that that is illegal to do, which it is. these kind of anecdotes happen but the issue is here the numbers. in this particular county we see a margin of victory for the republican that is different than in any other county. we also see a number of absentee ballots that were not actually tued in that is also higher than in other counties. so that's raising a lot of questions. >> it's raising la of questions. the board of elections is trying to answer system of those so what happens next? >> december 21st there will be hearing by the ele the state.d of that will decide if this election should be certified or if they nere to pursue investigation, and ultimately,
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amna, if they're not satisfied, they could call for a new election. it's hard say if it would ore come that 900-voe gap. >> nawaz: there have been protests at the state capitol of republican legislators. this is asiake duck s. they introduced some sweeping changes limiting the powers of the incoming governor and attorney general, most of whom are democrats. what's going on tre? >> as -- a well-known republican is involved, scott walker, the outgoing governor. he and the republican legislature are ady to push throw a very large package of changes that would limit the powers of the incoming democrats. at they'rehrough w doing. first, this bill would make so it the legislature co rplace ome attorney general in s cases just a committee of the legislature. it would also take away some
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other powers the attorney general, and some powers of the governor over some state ageies and,amna, it would shorten the early voting period to no more than two weeks in wisconsin. ght now cities and towns can have as much as 47 days. this republican bill wou shorten that period. all of those would have very serious effects tentially. >> nawaz: if these changes do through, what would bthe impact? >> think about the attorney general, think about environmental law or not. also think about things like workplace hazards. on the republican argument, they sa we think this attorn general might overlitigate. we want the ability to say when we think he'sde going outshe bounds of the constitution. but democrats say that this is also about healthcare and what that attorney general would do in promotin pghaps the affordable care act. n ere are a lot of very real-world issuese table here, and that early voting, a,at matters a lot, amn because what would happen, rural communities say they want the same voting win deas everyone else, this woulshorten the one
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doe for urban voters in particular. >> nawaz: so these are tc very specises with a lot of details. we don't know how everying will play out in north carolina and wisconsin. are these isolated understand debts? how should we think about these right now? >> i can hear our viewers screaming at the because we've been reporting on this all year. i can look at this list th'vat put together with our producer, auburn those robocalls we saw in florida and georgia this year, we've seen early voting windows being shortened all around the country for years, and this case in wisconsin, it sounds unique at first, this republican legislature or one legislator limiting an incoming governor, but in michigan, same situation, e also, peck later this week the republican legislature there may try to limit the authorities of the incoming democratic governor there, as well. now they have that right, democrats say if they pass those o ws in michigan and wisconsin, expect that to g court, and that's where we see all of the things being settled right now. that's why it's especially
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important to watch the court that tells us what voters can do and what tir votes mean. >> nawaz: some cases we saw still playing out in the courts, these will likely be played out there, as well. >> i think that's >> nlisa desjardins, thank you very much. >> woodruff: now, wcontinue our special look at the "future of work." as automatiospreads through the american economy, experts say its impacts will be uneven. some key factors include geography and race, but perhaps the most important determinant: education. john yang has a report from calirnia as part of our weekly education story on "making the grade." >> yang: when aldo galindo was growing up in san bernardino, california, his father's message about college was simple: >> he would always tell me to go to school, you better go to
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school, you have to go to school. it wasn't an option, imore like, "you have to." >> yang: aldo remembers his dad coming working 12 hour days as a cook at a local restaurant. >> ( translated ): my children hav we noticed how have worked. i know they will always have to work from eighty to 10, 12 but with a dofgree and a prssion, they will earn much more than what we earn and be able to afford things, live more comfortably, live a beheer life thanne we've had. >> yang: now 21, aldo commutes 40 minutes roundtrip every day from his parents' house to california statersity-san bernardino. he's a junior, studying computer systems. he wants t and work with virtual reality. by going to college, he's breaking barriers not only in his own family, but in this region, where nearly half of all adults have no education beyon high school >> there's a lot of hardships that come around here. and a lot of students do experience that.
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i'm the first generation and i opportunity, they taught mppto take everytunity you have offered to you. so that's what i'm doin taking ery opportunity. >> yang: in the coming years, boosting educational opportunities could determine whether this region east of los angeles thrives or struggles. known as the inland pire, it's home to about 4.5 million people, more than half of them hispanic. looming over the terrain of mountains and desert ithe spread of automation. for businses, it promises to cut costs and boost for wos, especially the less educated, it threatens to take their jobs. >> what does that mean for the inland empire? ang: johannes moenius is sounding the alarm. he teaches business at the univ of redlands, southeast of san bernardino and studies the potential effects of job automation. >> it's a very strange
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situation. we're in the place where we have record low unemployment. the nation's factories are humming. the logistics sector is booming. but this train can also run at high speed against a wall. >> yang: the numbers tell the story: moenius' research found that 63% of the jobs in the inland empire could be automated in the future. and hispanics are 25% more likely than whites to hold those jobs. the research also found that education is the key factor. someone with a bachelor's degree runs less than a 50% risk of job automation.s but in tgion, only nine percent of hispanics fall into that category. the inland empire's economy is dominated by industries that could be heavily automated in the future: fast-foo restaurants, office and administrative services, and, crucially, distribution centers.
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it's just over an hour from the ports of los angeles and long beach.ra road tracks and interstate highways criss-cross the terrain. warehouses dot the landscape. amazon alone has 13 fuerillment cein the region, and just announced plans for a 14th. >> i just can't see that san bernardino you know will come out fine in this scenario. we attract more of the industries that are thriving right now that mostly employr people with loucational level, so we're worsening the problem by the hour. >> we live in a different world. >> yang: paul granillo, he e of the inlaire economic partnership, brings together neleaders in education, bu and government. >> technology now turns over every 17 months. so if i'm trained on a mhine 17 months later you're going to have to retrain it because there's going to be a new machine or it's going to work in that's awfully quick. and our traditional educaon
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system has not been able to create curriculum that fast. my role is to get everybody to eicome out of corner right not go into being defensive and not going to be an accusatory which is usually the educator saying well we have all these programs and the employer saying well i'm not getting what i want out the education system. >> yang: granillo is worried about automation's effect on his region he's seen it triple the output of some area fulfillment centers thnly double the number of workers. >> i think automation is wonderful and i'm a user of automation. but if it's only going to be that some regions are going to win and others are going to lose. i do believe that it does become a moral issue it becomes an ethical issue. >> yang: he education is the key, but that doesn't just mean a college degree. one example: the industrial technil learning center, or "intech," which provides
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training and professional devopment. housed in the former administrati building of a san bernardino steel mill, it's a partnership between chaffey community llege and california steel industries. director sandra sisco says intech is designed "by industry for industry," with an eye on the future. >> sebody has to repair and maintain the robotic arms and anything that has to do with automation. automation involves mechanics, it involves electrical. so if you're in the electrical ad,nd mechanical fihose are the core skills, middle skills that you need to understand that the next level. >> yan erick martinez is one of the more than 1700 people intech has trained since opening in 2016. afesr being laid off three t in five years from office and warehouse jobs, he wanted a career change.
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he earned multiple certifications throughh. he's now an industrial fornia steel. >> if i can't usknow my manual skills because a robot or an algorithm is going to you know take my job there is there is that that uncertainty of what but then you know you get exposed to hey we can train you to troubleshoot you know a lot of this you know changes that are happening a lot of things that are replacing your job then can you know be one step ahead of that. >> yang: back at cal state, aldo galindo is trying to do his part to push more people, especially hispanics, into higher education. he works with education profess enrique murillo on a program called, "latino education and advocacy days." it reaches out to parents and hosts college fairs to encourage tinos to pursue their education. >> we can't just do what they ll curbside service. a lot of parents just come drop
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ayoff their kid and say, " there you go take my child." it doesn't work like that. the competitive nature of the economy in the united states is going to depend heav it is here in an empire on the educational outcomes of latinos >> yang: and first generation college students like aldo galindo may be key to those outcomes. for the pbs newsh yang in san bernardino, california. >> woodruff: the art world blockbuster of this fall art season is "delacecix," a retrove exhibition of the great 19th century french painter. jeffrey brown reports from thetr olitan museum new york. >> brown: he's one of the great figures in art history, eugene delacroix, fan fastically gifted and prolific, a celebrity
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who dazzd and often divided the parisian art world of mid-19th century and most of all became a key bridge toward a new kind of art. metropolitan museum curator asher miller. >> i keep asking, is he the last old master or the first modern painter? he's a little of both and not quite fully either one. >> brown: really? >> yes. we see aspects of both in him. to arrive at one or the other limbs our understanding and our abilities to delve ev deeper. >> brown: the art lovers delacroix is best known for a handful of works, including "women of algiers." the goal here is to show the artist in full, with nearly 150 paintings, prints and drawings, as well as pages from the rojournals he kept hout his life. one thing that comes through loud andle c, his drive for greatness. >> delacroix was ambitious if
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nothing else. his father was a statesmar n. his motme from a family of distinguished artisans and crts people, andhis brother-in-law was a general. one brotr died in battle. he came of age in 1814, 1815, right at the moment of napoleon's downfall. so for delacroix, he needed to find a career, e needed to make his own mark in the world. >> brown: in drawings you can see delacroix looking hard at his old maser, including the have a indonesia paolo vernaschi and peter paul rubens. he took on scenes from literature and mythology and from north africa, what he visited with a colonial era french diplomatic mission. there are portraits, historiclel ba religious imagery, and animals he watched at the zoo, especially tigers and lions. but it is how he painted them at would offer a bridge to future artists.
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"new york times" art critic roberta smith. >> his achievement is opening the door to modernity, even if he didn't go through it. he made subsequent generations of artists know that the main thing that mattered was paint and how it is applied and that when you're looking at a painting, that the first and the last thing you're looking . that's what attracts you is its form, ande made people see that in a completely new way. >> brown: artists have been looking hard ever since. cezanne said, "you can find all us in delacroix." van gogh an picasso voiced their admiration. one way of seeing delacroix is through his choices in composition andolor. roberta smith pointed to these two smaller versions of a much larger painting titled "the death of sardanolopis" which baffled manyriontemporaes with its wilyd imagand style.
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>> the thing that's interesting about ts painting, which you see in this gallery in particular, the main figure is pushed away from the center, and the center of the painting is actually empty. s there's thlmon pink. all this stuff is going orange but while you're at it, enjoy this amazing extravagance of color that i'm going to present to you. bruin brown even more innovative, as delacroix made up his own rules, the brush work sd paint itself that ttihe painng, says curator asheri miller, is n some ways about the paint and how it's applied as much as aboutct its sub naen in an otherwise traditio religious scene. >> the paint, y see little blades of crash, but you see them as brush strokes, so they operate as both. >> btirown: walton ford, known for his exploration o animal imagery, is a fan of
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delacroix. he showed me favorite, "the lion hunt." large as it is, it's a fragment. its top half was damaged in a fire in 1870. >> e was though he was looking at rubens when he painted this, hesaw browsh strokes that look like they would be comfort footballin van goghe fur of a lion, perspective and remember dering where say theli 's foot is actually in front of the arm that it's attacking that goes back into space. it makes no sense. >> reporter: it's impossible. >> 's an impossible thing. it's something that people later lay cezanne and picasso are playing with. when you distort and play with the rules of perspective, you get a certain tension. it's apshologically confusing place to be. i'm convinced he knew what he was up to. >> brown: in an opage to the master, ford couldn't have but ve some fun with his own version of the painting.
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an enormous lion, delacroix's paints and journals strewn abou the artist himself is no longer in command of the scene. >> my interest was that allyi just wants to be a lion. he doesn't want to be a metaphor. >> brown: thank you, mr. delacroix. >> if you're going to make me a metaphor, i'm going to make you a meal. >> brown: art loversan indulge their own appetites for a great painting and a kefiy re in art history. "delacroix" the exhibion is up through january 6th of next year. for the pbs newsho, i'm jeffrey brown at the metropolitan museum in new york. >> woodruff: december is a big awards month: best books, movies, all of the top 100 lists. lsthere isan award for best librarian!
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today, the american libraries association gave ten 2018 "i love my librarian awards." winners were chosen for empathy, hard work anking a haven for book lovers, book haters, nerds and geeks, athletes, ."popular kids and misfit" none of this surprises librarian kristen arnett, who shares her hule opinion on why we all need to get out and use our local library. >> everyone sayshey want to support their local library, like they support using reusable water bottles, buying organic produce, and the quiet car on trains, but do they really? folks tend to think of libraries in the abstract. it's less a physical space and more of a concept; a powerful good in the universe that eseveryone belin unconditionally, like santa claus or heyoncé. do you support your library? leave a nice comment on their blog? an appreciative facebook post? ll-timed tweet about the that gets a zillion rcaweets?
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no, yot just do it remotely. don't get me wrong. give us compliments, please. tell us we'nm special. us coffee money, that's all great. but at the end of te day, none hat matters if you don't show up and use the library. libraries are community spaces. in order to operate, we need patrons. people have got to sign up for library cards, use the computers, and check out materials. bug the library staff about that movie that doesn't drop ¡til next year. jam the copy machine. actually, don't. libraries serve the public by, get this, actually serving the public. if patrons don'tur services, they inevitably get cut. wnte o be there when you need resources for your term paper, want to register to vote, help youook up how to get gum out of your kid's hair, assist with figuring out the correct pronunciation of hors d'oevres. i'm still working on this one. and rearch whether a tomato is actually a fruit. we're your living-breathing
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google, and selike a certain ch engine, we'll be patient and work with you when all you can remember is that the booksr co blue. fake news? we've been trained to spot it and comb it. we'll help you fact check. it's our pleasure. it's our calli but we can't do any of this unless you darken our doo so come out to the library and attend events. request materials. e with the librarian over which is the best episode of the office. it's "the dinner party." or just talk to us about your day. we want the chance serve the puc, so stop by and let us do exactly that. i: t's like they always se first secret of success is just showing up. sethnd secret? find a librarian. we can help you with that. >> woodruff: and that's the newshour for tonight. tune in for special live coverage of the funeral of president george h.w. bush begining a0 a.m. eastern. i'm judy woodruff.
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join us online and again right here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> the ford foundation. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. >> carnegie corporak.on of new y supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals.
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hello, everyone, and welcome to "amanpour & co." here's what's coming up. >> i feel very fortunatee to b president at this fascinating time. >> remembering george h.w. bush, president, war, he and a model of moderate republicanism. i speak with former senator alan simpson, a friend and fishing buddy of the late president. and an urgent call to actioi onte change. >> right now we're facing a manmade disaster of global scale. >> unstoppable at 92, davidgh attenbor puts us all on notice. then how has the conservative movement changed 41?ce the days of bush our michelle martin talks tveo conservati thought leader rich lowry.
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