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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  December 16, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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she is among a diverse group of congress mngmbers sha up capitol hill. she made lgbt rights a part of >>r platform in the race and won. and mounting concerns over how tech companies handle free speech and data privacy. plus a b statell to build housing ne transit hubs that died in the legislature earlier this year gets a secondchance. could it help alleviate california's housing crisis. llo and welcome. we begin with a nwis if a of capitol hill. this midterm election, democrats fought to regain a the house by flipping republican seats in hard-won campaigns. many are young and holding or
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elected officehe first time, including 31-year-old democrat katie hill. sh defeated steve knight in los angeles and ventura kounls. she vowed to handle homelessness and helpingut the middle class and the lgbt community. hill is partof a fresh generation of leaders in a new house majority. andcongresswoman-elect katie hill joins me nowia skype from santa clarita. thanks for joining us. thank you for having me. >> what have the past weeks been like you nceinning the election? >> it's been a whirl win s going back and forth to d.c. we had a ton of leadership elections and getting our offices squared away. then we went for kind of bipartisan kind of training. now it is back amhome. working a little this week
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and then i am going to try to take a little bit of time off. it's been 18 months. >> i bet, you have been working very hard. in fact, you are oneof 1 elected members of the new house democratic ucus. congratulations on that. >> thank you so much. >> what perspective -- you are 1 years old 678 you have a background in running an organization that provides homeless services. what perspective do you bring to the caucus that you think is lacking right now? >> sure, i think having a non-profit background, that he is poof it, the service piece of t, fulfilling the mission, helping people and of bringing all the different stakeholders together to affect changen e community. that's something i think is incredibly important that i bring tathe table. it also, you know, having worked on literally hundreds of different government contracts i no he the ins and outs, what works and what doesn't about so many of ode fl services. beyond that, as a young woman,
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as part of this new generation of people moving into leadership positions in congress, i think that that pspectivealone is something that has been missing. and i look forward to bringing it to the table. >> you represent change. yet at the same time you have supported having nancy pelosi come ba as house speaker. even before she announced this week that she would limit herself to four yearn the post. in nancy pelosi and not someone new? i have worked on transitions and in my role in the non-prot sector. i think having someone at the helm that can help navigate this process and realizing we a only going to have power in the house and not in the senate and not in thepr idency. 70% of us never held elected before, we need to look up to the people that have experience. >> what about you, what are t
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top priorities you will be pushing come january? >> my approach to thing is we need to be as effective as possible in the pieces of legislation that we know are going to pass. within appropriations bills. bill.n, you know, the farm within -- you know, thesist pieces like transportation and infrastructure packages that we think are likely to make it beyond just the house of es retatives. that's what i will be looking for, different kind of anglescto afome kind of movement on legislation. beyond that -- >> will you be focusing primarily on thing you think you can get bipartisan appeal out of it. >> what about things that are more divisive, trying to abolish i.c.e. or impeaching president trump. what will you do on those pieces? >> those are not reconflictive of my district or of myie . reform of -- immigration reform, absolutely. impeaching president trump i
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don't think is something we should do right now since we r have to havublican support for that to actually go anywhere. instead i think we need to focus on protecting the mueller investigation and on conducting our oversight responsibilities in the congress. i would s sayport measures in that direction, but not as -- i am simply not asar left as some people are from these districts that are totally blue. >> president trump is threatening to shut down the u.s. government if he doesn't get funding for a border wall. we saw a tense televised oval oeeice meeting betw him and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. what's your t reaction toat standoff? what does it tell you about if mood in washington right now? >> i think the stance that we as democrats needed to take isw tht don't have the majority in any chamber. and so if there is a shutdown, it is entirely on donald trump and the republicans. and once we get there, yes, we can talk about our piece of it. and so if president trump wants
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to get anything done, if the republicans want to get anything done, they have to work with us and vice so t will be a move toward some capacit et cetera not going to be easy. there is always going to be tension. but i think so many of us who ge andmmitted to cha accomplishing things that we will see a change in tone. >> just on a lighter note here, you tweeted something pretty amusing recently related to your transition to congress. you ran in nancy pelosi last month at airport and you lamented yoursu c appearance. here you are with a very cute photo of yourself totally exhausted and adding that pelosi looks lefls. >> yep. >> adding sometimes you have to laugh and trust the aprocess. ood sense of humor. >> yeah. >> now that the election is over who surprised you 2 most about the process of running for office and winning office? >> i acally think -- you know, since i got elected one of the things that surprised me the most in a really, real
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positive y. >> as a freshman class we are already working incredibly collaboratively together. e are being heard by the more senior leadership members who gse making an effort to change the way thave historically been done and make sure to involve us in the process and make sure our opinions are prioritized. infers a certain sense were going to have to about in and fightfor change but there has been an incredible receptiveness to it. it gives me optimism for the future and what the next two years are goig the look like. >> on that on the misic note, we will leave it there. congress woman-electie kat hill. congratulatio again. and thank you for being with us. thank you. now to tech. ogle's officer testified before the house this week.
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e denied that the company compresses conservative viewpois in googlesearch results. similar questions are being f levelled acebook for how it handl data. meanwhile the arrest of one of china's leading executives at the request of washington has ignit fears that china might retaliate. here to join us is casey newton. jeremy owens, and yia frooed. welcome to youa . i in, a.fa book unveiled a security flaw that allowed people to access photos even those that haven't been fully up loaded. when did facebook know about this? why are they tell us just hinow? >>is the biggest issue. ith bad enough those are photos that you wanted to post.
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and it includes photos you didn't want to post. they knew abo it in september, and are letting people know about it ind ecember. and european regulators knew about it in november. >> it is part of a pattern. we hear over andover again, we had this flaw, this breach, and we don't hear about it until months later. are there any calls to fine facebook at this point or have some other kind of sanction or penalty? >> there are provisions in the european lawnd the consent decree with the federal tde aommission that requires them to notify about d breaches. there is no law at this point th prevents companies from having data breaches but there e laws about how and why they notify people. this could come back to bite them. >> do we have information? are they disclosing any information on which apps had access and how these photos might have been used?
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>> i don't think we have seen c thplete list yet. we know there were 1,500 apps from something like 850 developers. a lot of people who could have seen those photos. i will say among all the facebook data breaches this is the one i am less concerned with. when i hi about photos it is like blurry phos, low ligh photos stuff i don't want a developer to have but i am not going to freakout. >> as opposed to things like cambridge analytic, e to. iennow you have following the google hearing that happened this week, casey, and you wrote an article that was critical of the hearing taking to task both tech ceos and lawmakers for not clarifyingter job of problems about issues like data n'privacy. why you think they are doing a good job? >> i think the sides keep talking past each other. on the lawmakers'ide they
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often seem to fundamentally misunderstand how the platform wks, sometimes in ways that feel intentional like they are trying to rally their base. and for their part, i think the ceos, they just try to say as little as possible. where i think they would have a opportuni answer of the spirit of the lawmakers' questions even if the lawmakers don't get the details exactly right. >> how can they do better? >> i would love to see the lawmakers develop basic platform literacy. for example, they could understand that google has financial incentives not to make their search results politically bias. they want to serves many people as possible. that means serving the search results. not skewing i think this one way or another. and on the patchirt he faced questions about what google is doing in china. he said they have no plans to launch right now. his answers were irrelevant by
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the te the hearing was over. i would love to see him give better answers. >> i would love the see lawmakers make some laws. sundar said he is okay with a gdp style regulation in the united states. we continue to have these hearings. how many have we had this year? it feels like half a dozen. >> zuckerberg, dorsey. >> in that time, they have built consensus, privacy groups, everyone said okayre h a framework of what we would be fine with. and privacy companies and tech companies are not that far apart. >> we are ten years into social media and mobile phones and we still haven't developed these kinds of laws to address tho services that have really changed how we interact with each other and how we interact with the world. >> to ina's point, do you think 2019 with the new congress inl place we wsee more regulation? >> it depends if the democrats
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make that a part of their platform. i feel like with all of the hearings and with the backlash from amerins that would be one that they could go for and finned consensus even in the polarized times happening in congress. >> i suspect we will see ita becausefornia passed a privacy law this year that incorporates some of the provisions that folks would like to roll out nationally. that goesninto effect 2020, which means there is kind of a ticking clock. if the tech companies caset reach a cus by then there is going to be a patchwork of regulations all across the r cou that would be a nightmare for them. >> the problem with the califora law is they basically passed a blank sheet ofan paper said we will come back and tell you what the laws will be. until we knowhat t laws are it is hard to see them transfer to the federal level. >> but it a would light fire under them because they don't want a patchwork of laws across the country. i also want to talk about disturbing news about apps that
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emerged thi week. unknowingly tracking our data once again. the "new york times"und all send of apps, weather, exer routines constantly monitor your location and then sell that nformation without yo knowledge. who is buying this data, ina, and how is it > used. is very valuable and very personal that is useful, very useful to advertisers. so stores want to know where you are at. burger king just launched a thing where in a their they will tell you if you are within a mile of a mcdonald's. yoeecan get a burger. that location data is very aluable. >> i don't want people to know when i am a the doctor or -- >> here the i think this. you might be using -- you mentioned the example of a weather app. to work, it needs to know where you ar when that permission goesp, you hav to answer whether the app ca know your location. if you click always.
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>> 247. >> they know where you live because you spend eight hours a night hopefully in youruse each night. and if they are selling that data -- what i would like the see is not just per they use the app, can they use the location. i would like t see it, them have to disclose whether they are going to use that internally or share it with anyone else. we were talking about this beforehand.nt really, we know better, i would just not give apps pa ticularly permissio always use your location. >> so no. when you see that message come up, no, you do not have access the my location, unless you are using it. i want to talk about huawei. that's a major story. at waington's behest, canadian authorities arrested a top y. huawei author u.s. prosecutors say she violated american sanctions against iran. jeremy, there are lots of business between u.s. companies,
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particularly silicon valley and china. what's happening in silicon valley. >> it is fear about going to china and facing reprisal. we have learned that two canadian nationals have beent arr in china. prominent canadian nationals. that's going to create worry and being to china in china and dealing with china and what the reaction is going to be from them. >> are they changing their travel plans as a result? >> yes. i think individuals -- early on we heard cisco might be considering stoing all executive travel to china. then they relaxed yo. just don't know. if you are an executive, that means you are a person. doupt to risk your safety and your family's integrity to go on a business trip? i think that is the dang of this. whether they had cause or not, you know, it's the type o ting that's very easy to escalate and very hard to rein back. >> that's the danger of all of r kind ofbrinksmanship with china right now is nobody has really stood up to china like
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this. how are they ging to react? what are the actions they are going to take? it is scary the think aboutey wt ould do. we are going to continue to think about it until we see what they actually do. >> it feels like the trade war has been eoralating non-stop a year now and the stakes keep getting higher. and it doesn't seem lke anyone at the top of either country is really invested in making it e stop any t soon. >> i think what you have that's really interesting and is going to be an issue for a while ise you hth countries see their tech industries as key to their strategic indt endence. e same time, the way the tech industry is structured tody, china and the u.s. are incredibly interdependent onne another. >> we have a lot of chinese money invested. >> you ve chinese money in companies. china needs u silicone, the chips from qualcomm to make their phones. about you the u.s. needs the phones to be made in china to serve t u.s. market. as much as each side would be love not to b dependent on one
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another, they really are today. >> all willing to follow, ina, casey, and jeremy, thank you all fo your time. >> thanks. >> thank. >> thank you. with calirnia's new legislative session underway, housing is among the top issues. one attempt to address the state'sab intra housing crisis is senate bill 50 which would require high density residential developments near major ep transit sistions. the lation is a revision of another bill that died in committee earlier this year. the new version incorporates for protections neighborhoods at risk of displacement and also targets lthier communities for development. joining me now to discuss this are state senator scott wiener, bill sponsor, and law profess ethan allkind who studies transportation and land use law at uc berkele thank you for being here. senator, this is the second time you are introducing legislation me this t to require high density residential development near transit hubs. what are you hoping to
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accomplish with this? >> we have a terrible housi crisis in california. a housing deficit of 3.5 million homes, which is equal to the deficit in theother 49 stat combined. and we see the results, with working families being pushed out, people being pushed into homelessness, young people unable to get a foot hold. we have to take real as we build those 3.5 million homes what we don't wanto do is keep building sprawl further e d further away so people h two hour commutes, so we are building in wildfire zones. we want to put that housing near transportation and near jobs. >> your first bill died in committee. one of the major complaints was that it mandated development in prly disadvantaged osmmunities, since those are those cst toness tre it. yet it spared wealthier communities. wh have you done to tracey those concerns. to be sure, the bill did include
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wealthy communities as well. but it was disproportionate. we took that concern to heart. right now the current low aims to relieve displacement in local communities so they can plan to prevent displacement. and it also includes communities that don't have a lot of transit but hav a lot of drive. >> palo alto, mountain view, where a lot of the te companies are? >> or cupertino. also in southern california, itere are a lot of s that fall in that category. we have a problem we know we need to have the housing go by transit and but in so many areas that are job centers, transit centers,nt apartuildings are banned. only single-family homes is are allowed, which is not sustain i believe. >> professor allkind, regarding the position that the senator referred to, the one that applies to job rich ars,
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cupertino where apple is oro po ald mountain view, how big a shift is that in california's housing policy? up until now local governments have a lot of say overd elopment in their communities. >> that's true. local governments get so say what the zoning is going to be, how tall the buildings are, how far apart they are from one anothe over and over again the cities and counties say no to new housing. we will have to see how the jobs rich housing is defined. but i think thearilicon valley as in the bay area are a good example of that. hey are willing to greenlight projects that bring a lot of jobs but not the housing. what they are saying is we want all the workers to be housed outside of our community and put the burdens of them commuting on eryone else. >> what has been the reaction of those cities to the latest
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version of the bill. >> they have been opposed to loss of their sovereignty over land use. that's the argument in kaflth 's why you reason is seen legislation trying to rein in local control. it is a powerful dynamic. it is a powerful interest group. some of ourwealthiest communities like their communities low densette. it is aig fight for them. but the question is is the coalitionu discontent e to push this over the finish line? >> there is another point that critics are making, too, is th transing near housing makes sehese in places w there is a comprehensiveness tre it system like new york for example. we don't really have something like tha here in the bay area, unless you are in the city, in san francisco, it works fairly well. how many people can your bill
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actually serve? >> we have -- especially this the bay area we have got a bit of transit. yes of course, s francisco. ut cal train and bart. and we havequ high fcy bus lines. buses are included in the legislation. n los angeles, they ar building, god bless them an enormous number of new rail and subwaylines. we are seeing inaccuracied investment. e of the reasons in this new bill that we included job rich areas was to be clear that you can be a hub whe people work even if you don't have transit. we want the me sure we are addressing both. the core principle here is people shoulbe able live near where they work and near public transportation. and right now, because of hyper restrictive zoning, theyn't do that. people are basically being kickedout. >> and ethan, are there examples of other regions with publica public transportation situation similar to the bay area where
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high honsitying has worked and succeeded in housing more people. >> inome ways we are going back to the original vision what have cities were, walkable, very vibrant places where people could live in more compact neighborhoods. we see examples of that al over the world. locally in the u.s., portland is a good example of a communit that tried to focus development inward and boost their transit ceiling has taken really progressive steps in the last decade or so. you see transit ridership increasing, home prices generally stabilizing there. there are models. >> is it a cultural problem ino caliia do you think with the suburban sprawl. >> california pioneered the auto dependent life-style. now you see it across the west, phoenix,vegas, partsf texas. we pioneered that but there is a lot people who wa the urban life-sty life-style. you see the skyrocketing demand when there are neighborhoods that provide that rock ridge in san francisco for
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example, they are very desirable. there is nand for it. we just haven't been good at building primarily because of the pressure from the single family homeowner groups that don't want to see high density housing building. >> you coauthored another measure in addition to this bill. this targets a clause in article 34 thatans cities and counties from developing or buyi low income housing without a majority vote of taxpayers of the it has been in place since 1950. how does iturt the housing problem? >> it hard to believe that article 34 is part of progressive california's constitution. it is a racist, classist relic of a time period wen people wanted to keep largely black people out of their ds neighborh and certainly poor people out of their neighborhoods. and so what happened was after rld war ii, there was a significant migration of african-american people from the
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south primarily to california. and so oakland, san francisco,o er places had a growing african-american population. and someople got really upset that african-americans were movi into their neighborhoods. >> what that ban did really was to slow down construction. itity made developers that no more than 49% of funneleding for their projects came from government. >> this constitutional amendment that was passed said it is illegal for a city to build public low income housing without putting it out to a vote of the people. it is the only kind ever housint t the constitution requires to have a vote of the people. we need get rid of this. of >> sor, we have about 30 seconds remaining. what is your biggest fear of what will happen if we don't resolve this housing crisis? >> well, we are going to see continued economic liinq. the way california is going we are only going to have homes affordab to the very privileged, the wealthy, the
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elite. we are hemoreaging our mid class. unless we solve this i am worried abo having an unequal state as wells economically unsustainable one. >> that will do it for us. as always you can find more of our coverage on our webds.oi thank you forng us. -- coverage on our oubsite. thankor joining us.
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, december 16: a partial government shutdown looms over funding of a border wall. a look at life inside isis from a reporter on the frontlines. and inur signature segment: rising seas and a mass exodus. next on pbs newshour weekend. >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. sue and edgar wachenheim iii. seton melvin the cheryl and philip milstein family. dr. p. roy vagelos and diana t. vagelos. the j.p.b. foundatio rosalind p. walter. barbara hope zuckerberg.nd corporate g is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual


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