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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  March 9, 2019 1:00am-1:31am PST

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. ♪ tonight on "kqed newsroom" the house widens its investigation into president trump while n concerns emerge about north korea's nuclear program. we will talk with a local congressman who plays a key role on both issues. and facebook's about face. mark zuckerberg says the company core focusill be private communications. we'll discuss that plus the ipo race among some of the bay area's biggest tech companies. and feminism meets pop-ups. we will preview an instagram ready art event tshat spark selfies and conversations about st hello and welcome to kqed newsroom, i'm thuy vu. democrats lawmakers including several from the bay area are continuing to push for
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investigatioo president trump. this year they september '81 letters requesting documents as it investigates possible corruption. the house oversight committee asked forocuments concerning the security clearances of the president's son-in-law, jaredsh ner. meanwhile, days after u.s. talks with north korea abruptly ended, new evidence emerged showing north ko ramping up its missile program. joining us nowia skype from wug d.c. -- washington, d.c. congressman from silicon program. nice to have you on the program. >> nice to be back on. >> i wanto ask youbout first of all about the paul manafortn seencing. he is president trump's campaign chair, sentenced to nearly four years in prison. much less than the 19 to 24-year prison term prosecutors sought.a is your reaction to that in. >> well, it seems like there are two scales of justice, one for
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people who are poor or minorities who get locked up for a decade andnother for folks that commit financial crimes or white collar crimes like nafort. obviously i don't have access to all of the evidence and the transcript, but on its face it seems that manafort's crimes would justify a lger sentence >> ooand i would like to ask yo about the over sight committee hearing that happened last week that happened with michael cohen tesfying. u asked some very pointed questions during that hearing. do you think that the president has engaged in fraud and criminal conspiracy? >>t certainly appea so. i mean the document that cohen provided was a smoking gun.h e is what was going on. the president in the ovalffice was paying off cohen and hiding the paymts. he was directing his son and the trump organization to pay him off. so thi is the crimina conspiracy that is being
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nvestigated by the southern district o york, and it appears -- and certainly michael cohen's testiny was that t president is directly implicated. >> and so do you think then that there's a case here for impeachment? do you support impeachment? >> well, we have to let the investigations play out. i want to look at the robert mueller report. rnwant to look at what is the southeistrict of new york find. i want to make sure oversight ngd judiciary have our hearing and hea the evidence and then we have to have everything ha the table, but there are deep wrong doings tt this administration and this president have committed. now it is a matter of getting the reports and evaluating all of thehaevidence. >> would be the tipping point for you to press forac impehment? >> well, for me it would be seeing what is in mueller's report and seeing what is in the souther district of new york's report, and also seeing the collection of evidence, and does that rise to high crimes and misdemnors. and if it does, then we have a constitutional duty to proceed.
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but ihink we owe it to the process to first look at the reports and look at the evidence and not just make a decision based on our own assumptions. >> i would like tooulso ask about north korea. you met yesterday in atlanta with former president jimmie carter, and carter, of course, once brokered an agreement with kim jong-un's grandfather kim il sung in the 1990s. what came out of your meeting with mr. carter. >> look, it was an honor of a lifetime. i went down there, we spent 30 minutes.e letell you, president carter is brilliant and lucid. he talked about how he had negoated a framewor a 12-point framework with kim jong-un's grandfa. i then asked him. i said, president carter, who can i follow up with in carter center or experts to understand what this framework is?au he starteding and he said, well, me. i'm the only one who knows all of the details. so we're going to be following up. we want to get his wisdom. mean he's probably the only
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american who has actually met kim jong-un's grandfather, who was very popular in northkorea, and i have met with people in the administration and i'm encouraging them to seek president carter's counsel and involvement. as your viewers may know, president carter actuanlly was o a submarine during the korean conflict. ending this conict is a huge legacy issue for him. >> and i think you had gotten a commitment from forme president carter that he would actually go to north korea if president trump wante him to be involved in the negotiations. what are the chances that prest trump would even invite a former democratic president on something like at? >> i think it would be -- behoove president trump to take president carter up on his offer.en pres carter said he does no international travel anymore, but for north korea he would be willing to make an exception. look, president tmp would get the credit at the end of the day if there was a deal struck in north kor i believe president carter could haally help the negotiation team
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achievet deal. so i am going to be making the case to this president that he should engage president carter. sashare president carter's view. president carteid, i disagree with 99% of what president trump is doingm a policy perspective, but on north .orea engagement is the right strate he wants to as an american support that effort. >> you are a co-sponsor of are solution calling on the trump administration to work on a final peace setsmetlement of th korean war, but just this week we are seeing satellite images ighlighting north korea rebuilding a rocket launch station it had dismantled. you are pushing diomacy, but will diplomacy work with a dictator prone to veryov ative behavior, has never given inspectors a full accounting of his nuclear program? >> i think it will. i think the strategic mistake the president made was ting john bolton to north korea. john bolton has been trying to kill any agreent since the
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early 2000s. after president clinton actualll st resolved this issue with bill perry, who is in the bay area, bolton labeled north korea as pt of the axis of evil and scuttled the deal. hme of the planse was making beyond nuclear weapons to al biologic weapons, chemical weapons, tanked the talk. oe obviously north korea' dictator, kim jong-un, is a terrible actor and we can't just trust him tnd it is aough negotiation. but we have to have a step-by-step pro sicess, and i think that's what president carter can bring to it. >> where do you stand on medicare for all? >> i'm for it. a med car fall would cost $32 trillion. it would safe th country 72 trillion. for most people watching, instea of paying $4,000 or
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$3,000 forpremiums, they would pay $1,000 as a fee. it would save money and provide better coverag >> as you know, there are conflicting studies on how much the cost would be, whether thera would avings or medicare for all would cost more. but polls do show that most people, ad 80% are satisfied with their health care. so why even go this route? y is there a need for it? >> well, and they would still get to keep their d now what would happen is they just won't be paying as much for theirremiums. what most people, i believe, are concerned about, the cost. what they want to do is theway to be able to see their own doctors. they want to be able to keep wn their health care providers, and that would remain the same, but they would now not being fleeced by insuran ce compani and you wouldn't have aetna ceo making $50 million.ea in that money would be going into the pockets of ordinary americans. >> progressives are also supportive of a green new deal. you have been outspoken supporter of that, calling climate change a national
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security threat. it plays well in states like ni calif but what about other states, red-leaning states like west virginia and texas? how will you convince them? these are states that rely heavily on coal and the oil industry. >> it plays also well in iowa. iowa is almost 80% renewable energy by the middledef the dethat's their goal. they have huge wind and solar energy. so i think the call for renewable plays well in many states, not just california. i have been to west virginia twice, beckly, west virginia, and huntington, west virginia, talking about how we bring technology jobs there, new industry there. i would say a couple of things. one, the international climate -- panel for climate change says we need zerosi emis energy. that means you could still have some carbon, but that carbon needs to hav carbonapture to be zero emission. so there will be still jobs in the coal industry but think would be jobs that are zero emissions. secondly, we need diversification in west virginia. they need to understand that
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they have more choiceshan just the traditional coal industry, and we need to do a better job of bringing new industry, new opportunities in those communities. ight.l r congressman joining us via skype from washington, d.c. we appreciate your >> thank you so much. thanks for hing me back on. now to tech news. on wednesday facebookar ceo mk zuckerbergnc annoued a major shift in the company sategy. the new cornerstone now will be privacy. he said in a blog post, quote, a privacyocused communications platform will bece even more important than today's open platforms. the move comes after a rough year for facebook following the mbridge analytica data breach and other scandals over how the techiant handles user information and helps spread disinformation. meanwhile, the ride-sharing company lyft files paperwork to become a publi company lt week with a valuation of $15 billion. and more trouble f tes. the electric car company isfa ng real competition, speeding its way, and it is
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seeing its market shares tumble. here with the we rek's technd up are san francisco bureau chief for market watch, jemy owens, and mike isaac, technology reporter for "the new york times". nice to have both of you back here. >> thanks for having us. , >> miet's start with facebook. mark zuckerberg says instead of encouraging public post, he will focus on private and encrypted posts on what'pp and instagram. how big a shift is this for the social m ia as aole, because it has nearly 3 billi users worldwide. >> it is funny. i think it is kind of an admission from zuckerberg of what people are already doing right now basically. yfor the past,ou know, 15 years hence facebook became, you know, came to world, he's been sort of espousing this public f view oow people interact with each other and, you know, everything will be on and more connected. but i think, you know, for the past fiv years at least folks are starting to realize not all of our interaction should be
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public. >> nor should they stay online forever. >> impactlexactly. snapchat showed us we don't necessarily want tweets to showg up goi for a job interview somewhere down the line. so i think people started to move towards thisrivate model of sharing over the past, you know, five to sev years, and he's really starting to build re products around that method of sharing. >> but the way that facebook makes money is it makes billions of dolla a yearrimarily through targeted ads based on its vast wealth of data abouts it users. so how would a new private, encrypted system, jeremy, affect the company's bottom line? >> they still would be able to see wt people are -- who people are and kind of what they're doing. they just wouldn't really b te ab see the content they're actually sharing. it would -- they would be able to target p ple based on who they are. they just wouldn't have as you have information on what they're doing on their site. so it wouldn't rea lly break their business model. to be sure, it is a question of how are theyoing to me more
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money off of this and if they're the to lose any money off core facebook, right. they'ves owned whaapp for years, they have not made any money offyef it they haven't shown they can make money off private, encrypted information from their users. that's what he has to answer once he gets more specific about what iis, instead o the generalities he gave ts week. >> i read hess blog post and he alluded to a new system where users can pay for items on facebook platform. is it perhaps a new revenue stream, some kind of cryptocueency they may b developing? >> right now, as you guys said, a lot of the post was pretty vague, but they have new, oremerging categs. there's a thing called marketplace on facebook, which is essentially craig's list for facebook. what zuckerberg had described is, you know people want to buy -- buy and sell goods on there all the time, but they don't really have an elegant way to do that on the platform.
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so maybe in the future there will be a facebook-based payment system that i could sell you my tv through facebook instead, and he wants more of that commerce to come on to the platform where they can potentially take a cut of that at some point. >> facebook already has a payment system, right? like you can pay peopl through messenger. they actually do let you pay through the platform, just nobody really doeht it, rig? it is the only part of their revenue that has declined over the past years wngle adverti revenue has gone up, payments revenue has actually gone down over the last years. >> it sou like he almost might be trying to do something like we chat, the china version of we chat. >> right. and we chat is not encrypted, s but there lot more of one-to-one private communications than public on w, chich is huge in china. >> right, and on that you can do essaging, you c pay for stuff, order takeout. >> yes, you can make reservations. it is like a one-stop platform, i'm sure facebook would love to be that one-stop platform, but they would love to do that five
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to seven years ago and they haven't been to do it so far with everything they put in there. >> much moreme to co because, you're right, the blog post had few details on how and when. let's switch gears to ipos. which companies are we looking at, jeremy? ne since s the big that's the only one with a public filing so far. we heard airbnb is in the pipeline, uber has announced ithey're going to the pipeline. a lot of companies are coming. >> slack interest. it is not an ipo. they will do a direct listing like spotify did. they're not raising money at this int, is wt they're planning for. lyft is the big one right now because it has gotte there first. ipos were frozen with the government shdown with the first quarter, so we've been expecting a parade of lge startup unicorns for months now, and it was delayed dland. now we have lyft in the pipeline about to start its road shares. it will sell shares by the end
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of the month. >> mike, it shows nowhe close to profitability. in fact it lost more than dwlr 9 million last year. same picture for uber last year. why is there so much excitement around these companies? >> i think the silicon valley maxim of if you build the user base the money wil come at some point. it stuck around for a long time. one thing the other companies are signaling is there's o obably not goingbe profitability in the near term, and so invftors sort o have to learn kind of like amazon has treated the public mar ts over the years, which is, you know, we're not a profitable company, we're not goingo be profitable any time soon, but if you trust us eventually we can get to a point where we start turning that money over. rowthd we'll show revenue the entire time. that's what amazon did. yes, we're not that profitable e but ontinue to grow our sales incredibly. that is what uber and lifyft ar sang.
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they can say, once we can get rid of the drivers we would be profitable.t i doow if they would say it publicly, but that's the honest truth. when autonomous driving becomes a treality, i will become profitable. >> well, also on the subject of transportation tesla's model y, its first compact suv, will be unveiled next week but the company's troubles are mountingm jy. >> yes. it is total stress at that company right now. next week they will introduce the model y. earlier in the week elon musk has to answer the sec to a judge. the sec wants to knock him for his twitter habits once again, right? >> yes. >> and last week they brought the model 3 down to $35,00 which they promised three years before they finally got there, but to do it they had to layoff a bunch of employees and close all of their stores. that's the third round of lay-offs in leas than ar at tesla. >> it is a saga. >> stress at that >> mike, theh boom has been on a long run now. people keep saying it is a bust, it is imminent, it is coming.s giveome perspective on
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this. what are your thoughts and where in the continuum are we for this tech boom? >> i think right now you are -- the reason you are seeing a bunch of ipos coming right is because everyone is essentially waiting for the party to end. there's sort of a fear a recession is coming, that people are going to stop snding money at some point. so my guess is 2019 will be public after pubc company going public, and then by 2020 we will have to see where we net out. >> yes, we are seeing revenue growth slow down for a lot of the big public companies like apple. we saw apple have the big fall at the beginning of ts year. that is showing a lot of the tech companies are havingbl tr continuing the growth rates and that's where the ipos come in. >> all right. jeremy owens and mike isaac, thank you both. >> thanks for having me. today women around the world are markingal internation women's day. in san francisco there's a pop-up art event celebrating women as well as the struggles they f from wage inequality
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to harassment. it is called that ly thing, but it is not your typical art gallery or museum. here visitors can explore whatt xic masculinity smells like or try to scale a corporate climbing wall. the exhibit's organizers are hoping it will spark candid conversations about women's issues one selfie at a time. joining me now is jamie shaw, the creative director of that lady thing,, and sophie foster, h school at bentley hig in lafayette who has become a teen ambassador of sorts for that lady thing. welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> jamie, i think a lotf ople are familiar with pop-ups like the museum of ice cream, for example. i talk my daughter to that. how would you describe that lady thing? what makes i>> different? well, that lady thing didn't set out to be a pop-up museum. the idea was born a year a today on international women's day, a group of women that i worked witht an agency wanted to make a statement to show off our creative talents and to address the issues at the same time.
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and while we bandied about a lot of ideas, someone made the comment that it is really hard to break through and to get noticed when smuch of the attention today is in social media and people are doing things like going t selfie museums. so we were aware of that as te ething to sort of compe with in terms of breaking through, and that then unlocked e creativeea, which was what if we made our own? what if we made our own really colorful, really graphic, shareable sort of series of sets, but embedded these messages, these more substantive, serious messages. >> describe se of the exhits you have, and you have become stagram friendly. >> we started with visual puns, these silly metaphors for the is we wanted to tackle, which were the wage gap, women in leader, harassment and objectionive indicati objectification and the whole me too movement. what the symbolism of that would be in a single image that you could share, what would
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it be?or therate climb, for example, our faux climbing wall is about how few women make it to c level positions, still only 5% women at the top. >> and the gender p gap, have you women grabbing bills flying around. >> wereated a mon grab machine like you would have seen in an old-time game show. of reurse, we a fully aware the images are creative and proktive. having women jump at dollar bills is provocative for a number of reasons but thas the point and the tension. >> sophie, last year it was open to 21 and older, but you reached out to jamie and said, hey, you ould let younger women in, too. starting this sunday, 1 teens and older will be able to attend. good job on that. >> thank y a. >> are y your friends encountering some of the this being raisein. >> yes, we are. it is such a big focus in our school. we have co-ed t schools sohere's
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boys and girls. as women leaders we face obstacles in trying to get ahead. my friends and i, we all support one another, but there are still some nuances we all face in the world fr world. you know, i attended a summit in sydney a couple of months ago, which was an incdible experience, and i met amazing young women and some young men, and they all come from very different background, very different places, but we all have similar struggles in what we face aseaders. >> jamie, for you are there specific issues that spoke to you and really inspired you to put on this exhibit? stands nk for me what out the most is sort of everyday gender bias and what an hr department mall micro aggression. you know, society at large understands that it is not "mad men" anymore. we can't treat women overtly int the wayshat we did not so long ago, but there's still lots of small ways. the wage gap is a perfect
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example. there's a lot of business leaders who have pure intent and really believe that they're, yok w, leading an egalitarian workplace, but because of sort of sublimina ml kinds ofessaging from culture, that's not usually the case. it takes rk. >> you see it here in the tech culture as well, right? there's the complaints about the pipeline issue and there will be those who argue it is not a pipeline issue, you're just not bothering to look hard enough. and with all of these exhibit goough, some people might say that this is a vapid approach to some very important issues of our time. what are your thoughts on that? >> i'm really firm that that's -- thas not givg attention to what we're saying. we've obviously wrapped up the visual in something that masquerades as being vapid and that's pt of the creative tension we created. we said, look over here, look at this corful thing, this shiny object, and when you look closely at it there's something
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there that's very substtive and in some cases quite sub versive. i think it haseen a strength, not a weakness. had we made something that just, you know, presented itself as very earnest, kind of woman empowermenmessaging, i think it would sort of blend in with a lot of other plades. so this was a way to get attention. >> sophas, how this whole experience being involved with that lady thing inspired you and shapes your thinking around feminism? >> yes, it has really been an incredible experience because i think that what jamie has so eloquently done is that she has approached it in a manner where everyone can have this conversation of feminism and women and young women leaders in a palatable manner. el i think that approaching it, having a sfie pop-up museum is an incredible way to do that. >> oand it speaks t your generation. >> exactly. so that people instead of posting things, , i just went to safeway and,kn you ow, i got starbucks, you can say, hey, i just went to that lady thing and had an amazing conversation with
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really incredible people who are supporting women. >> what exhibits are you most interested in checking out? >> well, i'mo excited about checking out all of them. think one of my favorites is definitely the corporate climb, because it can relate to corporate climb as it is hard to get to the top, but also just g bein young woman it is hard to put yourself out there. you're rching, you constantly reaching, but what is really great is i have a co-leader, elia, and we're reachingogether which is amazing. >> jamie, what kind of messages that go along with the posts you are seeing oe people go to that lady thing? do you think that your themes and the socia yl activism are trying to push are getting through? >> i do. the first time we did this was a one-night activation and that's all it was intended to be. weid it as an expiment to see what would happen. we have a narrative, like a museustyle plaque tt accompanies each exhibit and it has a statistic and sor of, you know, a littleit of a ic
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themao the visual. we did it to see if women would take the colorful photo or take the piece and share it out. and t did by and large. not only will the women share sort of the point, but also expand on it and put their own two cent >> and for true equality to happen though, men need to be a part of the conversation. do you have plans to bring men in as part of the installation? >> we do.ti thi for anyone who joined us the first two times, you know, our exhibits reallyere designed to tell a woman's story. so if you put a man on the climng wall it dsn't mean the same thing. we asked them to please stand back and respect that space so we couhare the images that meant something about women. but that was problematic. there were men that showed up, they wanted to participate, we want them in the conversation, they have to be in the conversation. noew we added seven n exhibits which all have a rating. this is for all to enjoy and some say pleaseeserve this one for women. >> fantastic. i know you have plans to take this perhaps to other cities. sophie, i want to ask you what
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you wanted to do ine. the futur what did you say? >> i want to run for president. >> there you go. you heard itn here first o our program. sophie foster and jamie shaw with that lady thing. y tha so much. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> and that lady thing kicks off today at the phoenix hotel in saunfrancisco and r through sunday. you can buy tickets at the door or onlint proceeds will benefit the nationalen's law center. that will do it for us. as always you can find moref our conversation at i'm thuy vu. thank for joining us. ♪
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robert: democratic demands. talk of pardons. and tensions in both parties. i'm robert costa, welcome to "washington week." president trumpra od and defiant as democrats push ahead on probes into his campaign, administration, and business. president trump: it's a collusion hoax. robert: and he knocks his former lawyer. >> i have nev f asked nor frod i accept a pardon donald trump. president trump: michael cohen lied about the pardon. robert: democrats clash over anti-hate legislation. cer: this is "washington


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