tv PBS News Hour PBS March 20, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshoutonight, the death toll rises as the scope of the devastating cyclone in mozambiq comes into clearer focus.en the f.d.a. approves a treatment for postpartum depression, the first ever forsu thosering from the pluganda grapples with how to prevent the spread of the deadly ebola virus from neighboring congo. all that and more ononight's pbs newshour >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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>> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions t pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the catastrophe is still growing tonight for hundreds of thousands of people across southern africa. the death toll from last week's tropical cyclone has topped 300z inbique and two neighboring states, and survivors now face hunger and possibly, disease. nick schifrin has the latest. >> schifrin: stranded for days above rising flonawaters, help y arrives as a rescue worker saves this man from a it's been five days since a tropical cyclone tore through mozambique's port city of beira before then heading into malawi td zimbabwe. hundreds are stipped or missing. and as rains continue these
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rescues grow more desperate. the storm t off virtually all access to eastern mozambique, submerging whole vlages in miles of floodwaters and washing out bridges and roads. survivors are airlifted to beira, where aid is just starting to arrive. with limited supplies, aid workers attend to the critically injured, wrap rescued children in blankets and hand out clean water. the storm's affected more than 2.6 million people in this corner of southern africa. mo than 400,000 people hav been displaced in mozambique one, many forced to walk miles to higher ground. mothers like guida antonio are running out of supplies in a makeshift shelter in chimoio. antonio has no food for herself, and needs to breastfeed her one- week-old baby. >> ( translated ): yesterday i saw that food was running out. a i went and ask they told me that food had run out. until now i've had none. >> schifrin: sandra juliao, a mother of three, says she needs to go look for more supplies,t
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n't leave her children. >> ( translated ): our house wa destroyed can't cope. there's nothing here, the kids didn't have lunch so they are hungry. >> there will be nothing left of their houses or their property. they were lucky to get away with their lives. >> schifrin: marc nosbach is wi maputo, mozambique. in >> it is a really desperate situation and we have heard accounts of you know family mbers lost other family members in front of their eyes as the floodwaters were approaching. >> schifrin: nosbach says while in the floodwaters, there is also fear that a disease outbreak could trigger a second disaster. >> there will be a sig risk of cholera but also malaraia especially with all the standi water in the region continues. >> schifrin: rik goverde is with save the children in maputo, >> these people have lost everything they had, you know, and it's not always a lot they
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they cooked with kitchen supplies, they did simplest things like that. they had houses, or shelters where they lived and that is gone. >> schifrin: while aid has been slow to arrive, more is on the way. the euroan union has announced it will send $3.5 million to upriver dams a reaching their eaking points, risking even more flooding. for the pbs newshour, i'm nick schifrin. >> woodruff: in the day's other news, emergency officials warned that historic floodit devastated parts of the u.s. midwest is far from over. they said fresh rain and melting snow will drive the flooding south, down the missouri andmi issippi rivers. meanwhile, half of iowa's 99 countiesre already under emergencies.a, and in nebrask the estimated damage has topped $1 billion. governor pete ricketts asked for patience today >> we know this is going to be n monthsrecovery, just from the public infrastructure side. replacing a bridge is not something that's quick and easy. so this is something we're going to ask t patience of the people of nebraska as we go through this.
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>> woodruff: downriver, the state of mississippi decred an emergency, in anticipation of floods to come. several small towns in missour began evacuations, and forecasters also predicted major flooding for parts of kansas and arkansas. in new zealand, funerals began today for victims of last friday's massacre at two mosques. in christchurch, where the killings took place, hundreds gathered at a park to pray before they carried coffins to burial sites. and, students performed a traditional maori haka in tribute to the 50 victims. prime minister jacinda ardernnd was there, aromised quick action on new gun laws. >> we have a large number of loopholes in our laws and many new zealanders would be astounded to know that you can access military style semi- automatics in the wa you can here. there are a range of things that nebe fixed and i guess if i was to say new zealand was a blueprint for anything in some ways it's a ueprint what not do. sh woodruff: an australian man
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is charged in thtings. today, turkish president recep tayyip erdogan portray attack as part of a broader attack on turkey and islam. he also charged that australia and new zealand joined in a world war i attack on turkey out of opposition to islam. leaders of both nations sharply critized the remarks. australia anunced today it is cutting the number of immigrants it accepts annually, by nearly 15%. the total will fall from 190,000, to 160,000. prime minister scott morrison also said many new arrivals will be barred from living in large cities. the moves are in response to public discontent over congestion and housing prices. a united nations court has upheld the convictions of former bosnian serb leader radovan karadzic, and increased his sentence to life in prison. karadzic had appealed the 2016
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convictions an40-year sentence for genocide and other crimes during the bosnian war in the 1990's. in bosnia today, relatives of muslim men killed by serb forces erupted in applause when the ruling came down the court met in the netherlands. i bathis country, president trump says he is looking forward to special counsel robert mueller's russia report. as he left the white houseic today, he cred the process, but said he hopes the justice department will make the findings public. >> let it come out. let people see it. that's up to the att general. i t 63 million votes and n somebody just writes a report. pothink it's ridiculous, but i want to see the . >> woodruff: mueller has been investigating ruian interference in the 2016 election, and allegatis that the trump campaign colluded with moscow. the president also stepped u his assault on the late republican senator john mccain.
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in ohio, he attacked mccain's and, he complain that he stayed away from the senator's funeral, at the family's request, butever got a thank- you. but republican senatory isakson of georgia said the president's remarks were "deplorable." and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell tweeted that mccain was "a rare patriot and genuine american hero." the federal reserve has announced it will hold its benchmark interest rate steady, probably for the rest of the year. policymakers at the central bank took that stance today, as they forecast slower economic growth. fed chair jerome powell goid the is to stay flexible. >> i think we're in a good placo righ which is we're being patient, we're watching.ny we don't seeata pushing us go move rates in either direction and we'rg to watch carefully and patiently as
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we allow events to evolve and when they do clarify, we will act appropriately. >> woodruff: powell said the fed's overall outlook remains tsitive, and that he thin slowdown in growth is temporary. the european union fined google $1.7 billion today for anti- trust violations. it was the company's third major fine in europe since017, totaling some $10 billion. rr this latest case, regulators ruled that google rivals from placing ads on sites that use its ad-sense service. disney has finalized its takeover of fox's entertainment divisions in a deal valued at $71 billion dollars. the announcement paves the way for disney to launch its own streaming service later this year. but, the acquisition is likely to mean layoffs for thousands of workers, as the company axes redundant positions. and, on wall street, the news ot interest did little to pump up stocks.
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the dow jones industrial average lost 141 points to close at 25, nasdaq rose five points, and the s&p 500 slipped stilome on the newshour: the first treatment for postpartum depression is approved. i speak with former u.s. attorney and frequent trump b critic prerara. a case about racial bias in jury selection reaches the supreme court. houganda is combating the spread of ebola, and much more. >> woodruff: it's estimated that at least one outf nine new mothers in the u.s. experience postpart depression each year. anr some women, therapy and standard antidepre can help alleviate some of the worst symptoms. but for many, it takes too long for the medication to kick in. and others go untreated
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completely. now, as amna nawaz tells u the first drug specifically for postpartum depression has been approved by the f.d.a. and it may be a faster alternative for women in need. >> nawaz: the drug, known by the trade name zulresso, can kick in quickly, alleviating symptoms within just 48 hours but it is also a time consuming treatment and very expensive. patients must go to a certified medical center to take the drug which hour i.v. treatment.0 it also may cost upwards of00 $3and it is not clear whether insurers will cover it. o the new drug is expected available in june. dr. sa the director of university of north carolina's prenatal psychiatry program and joins me now to discuss this approved treatment. she was the principal investigator for the trials. for the record, the university did receive a research grant from the company for those trials. but dr. meltzer-brody did not receive or take any money from
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the company. we wanted to make that clear. dr. meltzer-brody, welcome tow the our. let's start with the significance of this. you told my colleague earlier, it's a huge paradigm shift in how we treat post-partum. why? >> thanks for te opportunity to talk tonight. so this is the first drug ever approved for postpartum deession that has a completely different mechanism of action. so this has the ability to resolve symptoms. moms feel better within a d, and at the 60-hour mark of the infusion, the majority of women that received the drug felt markedly better. that's unlike anye treatment currently have available. and given how devastating this illness can be, affecting 10% to 15% of all women thve birth, it's a huge step forward. >> nawaz: so who is con a good candidate for this? does it mean sort of a silver bullet for post-partum? >> no, i wouldn't call it a silver bullet, exactly. the drug was tested initialn with woith severe postpartum depression, and then
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with moderately postpartum depression. this is for women who are having significant impairment in functioning. they're not able to take care of their by, interact, d the things they want in their life, especially for women who are having suicidal thoughts, women who are really suffering and c struggling, th be a major step forward and would be trsform 55 in th they could have relief of symptoms within two and a half days or less. when i see women in clinic, the post-partum period is juch vulnerable time, and for moms, babies, and families to feel h the to wait weeks to months for treatment to work, that can seem like anrn etey. so for something to work quickly is exciting to me and i thima ca a meaningful difference for women for who this is appropriate. >> nawaz: but when it costs this much and requires you to stay in the dal center for treatment, does that automatically exclude a number if not most women? >> i think the cost, which is parent of the commercialization piece they have not been part
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of, is cetainly going to be an issue for women if insurance doesn't cover it. i am hopeful insurance will cover t for appropriate women. that will be very important. it will be very important-- also, the hope is that will cover a wide range of insurance, both private and publice, insurauffen that 50% of women who give bit, in this country are on public assistance, medicaid. that is an important issue and toone we have atch carefully. but my experience in using the drug is the majority of women that had severe symptoms, they were grateful for the opportunitto receive treatme dispp we started developing this many years ago wittih inly open label, through the double-blind studies. ask i can tell you for many women that are suffering, if you tell them, "we can treat you in two and a half days," they don t see th a huge inconvenience at all. it wasn't an issue for women to come in and receive this typof treatment. people grateful for rapid relief of symptoms.
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t nawaz: dr. meltzer-brody, we should point oost women who seek treatment are most mmonly treated by anti depressants. do you see this as replacing those antidepssant in some ways? >> i think for women with mild symptoms, aunt firsteaine ent is psychotherapy, and that will remain a very important part of treatment, h because peopve life stressors. for women who have mild to moderate symptoms, the treatment may continue very much a first line for women who do not want an i.v. infusion for whater reason. however, for severe symptoms, i see this as a game chaer to have rapid relief of symptoms which, in the majority of wmen who were treated, that was maintained through 30 days ofll -up. sos this unlike anything we've seen before. and i think it will take time for everyone to becmfome table with a new model of care. psychiatry has not had a newas of antidepressants for a very long time, and certainly,
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apidly actingntidepressants is something that has not been available. so i think i time for people tond that this is possible and our ability to treat depression is now changedn very positive way. >> nawaz: we have under a rsnute left, but i want to make sure people unnd this. for anyone out there who sees this, hears about this, thinks it could hep them or knows someone that they think needs help, whathould they do? what should be their first step? >> well, one of the things opat's great about a drug specifically dev for postpartum depression i think is it's increasing awareneon. for anthat's having symptoms, they need to talk to their provider anddiscuss symptoms they're having-- low mood, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, not sleeping, even when the baby is sleeping, certainly having suicidal thouts, not being able to eat or function the way they want to. and a conversation with their provide is critical to dec what is the best treatment option and understand that individual mom's history. some someone who has had a long history depression?
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is this something that came out of the blue post-partum. we want all moms that are suffering to reach out and get help. it is not okay to suffer with postpartum depression. it is a medical condition and treatment is vital for tmohem, baby, and her family. >> nawaz: reach out and get help. it's an important drntha meltzer-brody, thanks so much for your time. >> thanks for having me tonight. >> woodruff: special couns robert mueller and his team are not the only ones investigating the presiden the southern district of new york is leading probes into hush
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money paents made by mr. trump's former lawyer and is involved in investigattog donationhe president's inauguration. preet bharara was the u.s. untorney in charge of the southern districl mr. trump fired him. bharara is out with a new book, "doing justice." i spoke with him a short te ago. preet bharara, welcome to the newshour. with this book, you essentially walk us through the work you've done as the chief prosecutor in new york's federal district. so, my question to you is,ow you you've explained to us how the justice system works. is tha st justistem doing the job that it should right now for the american people? >> thanks, judy. 's good to be here. you know, in some ways it is, n d in some ways it isn't. i think the mand women of the southern district of new york they led for seven and a half years, and lots of great folks in law enforcement, the department of justic and in local d.a.s' offices and state attorneys geperal' offices kee
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their head down. they do the work they've always done in the way they've always done it, under the mantra to doi the right in the right way for the right reasons. i'm not so concerned about the indiduals who carry out the mission of justice in all those offices. i am conrned about the ways in which those kinds of efforts have bitome polized, and the ways in which some people sort of substitute their political preferences for what and he was reasons and facts and the lawt mitimately support. so one of the reasons i wrote the book was to sort of take a step back, and in some time of turmoil where, you know, people are treated to phrases like, "truthsn't truth," or "alternative facts," it's goodee toow the justice system is supposed to work when it ly operates. but also to point out how difficult it is sometimes, and the ethcical dions people have to make on the ground every day are sometimes not so ea >> woodruff: has it been undermined in this administration? >> i think faith in law enforcement has been undermined in this administrationfand it comeom a simple reason, and
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that is, we happen to be in a esident ofwhere the pr the united states, his conduct has fallen into question, and people around him hav been investigated, some of them prosecuted--, you know, people very close to him like paul manafort and michael cohen are going to prison because they engaged in criminal conduct. and these are the kinds of people the president has chosen to aociate himself with and to be around. you know, there's a reason yet president has adopted vey direct drect strategy, and very blatant abt it f undermining and attack the are engaged in that investigation. at the end of the day you want people to have faith and confidence in institutions. >> woodruff: you were fired from your job rung the southern districtf new york in march of 2017. two days offer-- you got a call from president trump, you declined to answer that ll on the advice of the justice department. after u have looked bark reflected on that, was the president trying to improperlyo influenc >> i have no idea if he was trying to impromerly influence
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ith that phone call. it's a very peculiar thing, if the president, when president-elect to call me once, and call me twice when he was president. for the sitting president of the united states, who is from new york, hasn interestsw york, has a foundation in new york, to try to cultivate a relationship with th p locosecutor with whom he scnt dnt have any pre-existing relationship. it's not done. i've not heard of it. i don't know if he was calling any other u.s. attorney in country. and given what we know since then, that the president has asked people to lay off on folks that are his political allies, and in some cases to go after people who are his political advocacy, michael flynn in the first instance, and hillary clinton on the second instance. i look back on my dcision not to return the call and not have a relationship with the present other th something at arm's length is a good one. i think over time it would have undermined my credibility. it would have undermined his credibility and it's not good for the justify system. >> woodruff:ith regards to investigations into the
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president, robert eller, the southern district of new york-- of course where you. ar do the thing the president is more vulnerable with thel potentssia connection, or more vulnerable with regard toon campaign violaor with regard to his business dealings? >> you forgot about ob.truction there's another category of thing as well. i don't know. i think people underestimate how much they don't know about what bob mueller has been looking at. d we have been surprised over the course of the last couple of ars when indictments come down. a lot of people are speculating that it's ending soon. i don't know if that's the caseo there iser round of rumors rumos from who think something is happening this week. the one thi we do know with respect to the various categories of the investigation you mentioned is that there's one area, campaign finance violation, where there has been a guilty plea on t part of michael cohen who said he committed this crime, who is prepared to go to prson for committing that crime and who said in open court that he did that crime in coordination with, and at the direction of
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individual one-- who is president trump. and that was endorsed by the court, and it seems to have been endorsed by my prior office. you have much more on the record with respect to vulnerability on the crsminal level with pect to donald trump on that, at leefort that we know about. >> woo sense-- obviously, there's a lot we don't know about what ule is doing-- but do you have a sense when the report is issued what we will have answers to and what questions will still be hanging out there? >> my sense is-- and i've said this just based on my eservation of how the mller team has operated-- that it will be though and lengthy. but it's possible it could be scant and sparse, and if that's the case, we won't learn as much. i do think ultimely it will be very difficult for the public not to learn at least what mueller decided on various ecings, especially with re to the president, who has the benefit of the shield of immunity from prosecution esntially because of the somewhat long-standing policy of the justice departmentn actice that a sitting president can't be indicted. >> woodruff: you referred to this a moment ago
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the final mueller report may not-- may open questions that still have to beo loked at. how real a possibility do you think that is? i think it's not insubstanttsl. there are f ways in which the president can fight the release of some information. you know, i have heard reports they plan to use the cudgel of execive privilege pretty sharply. some might say that doesn't seem to make sense becauselet information watos already give bob mueller. it should have raised that trotective argument at tha time it sounds luke they reserve that right. i think at the end of the day,l it w a political solution. if the report is very, very damaging to the president, it's going to be vey difficult politically to keep that away from congress. if, on the other hand, the report is timately not so damaging to the president, particularly on these issues that people call collusioor conspiracy, or collaboration in some way on electione interference, n it may be bill barr and president trump will be running to give it to congress and declare victory and
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exoneration which the prsident does prim from time to time, evn when documents don't exonerate him. it depends how damaging it is, and we'll have to stay tuned. >> woodruff: we'll certainly stay tun. interesting fight to watch. preet bharara, we thank you. y >> thau. >> woodruff: the u.s. supreme court today took up a casein examwhether a prosecutor ry mississippi used race to illegally shape a it involves the repeated efforts to convict an african-american named curtis flowers for the murders of four people in 1996. but as william brangham reportso lar podcast shed new light on troubling parts of this case >> brangham: curtis flowers s been tried, not once, but six times for these murders, where four people in winona, mississippi were kil a furniture store.
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the case against flowers is the subject of intense scrutiny now, especially since it became the subject of an investigative podcast-- season two of american public media's "in tk." host madeleine barron and her rerting team moved to mississippi to investigate this 20 year old case. several key elements of the case against flers-- evidence cited by district attorney, doug evans, began to unravel on closer examination. that included a jailhouse witness recanting. >> by this point i'd already looked at evy other piece of major evidence in the case against curtis flowers: the route, the gun, the other two d itches. none of it had h to scrutiny. now all that was left was this one story, this one confession. and then, from his cell in parchman prison, on a cell phone connection, from underneath his tent, odell holman told samara that story
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was a lie. >> telling me he killed some people? hell naw, he ain't never told me that, that was a lie. >> brangham: district attorney as been pursuing the death penalty for flowers. but flowers lawyers argue evans hand-picked white jurors to try nvict him. >> doug evans haused his strikes to strike one white prospective juror and five black prospective jurors. when the trial began, curtis flows looked over at a jury box that was almost entirely white. this in a unty that was almost 50% black. that jury listenedo seven days of testimony, and then they deliberated for just 29 nutes. they convicted curtis flowers and sentenced him to death. brangham: flowers' sixt appeal, challenging the constitutionality of this jury selection, is what reached thepr
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e court today. host and lead reporter of "in the dark," at the court this morning, and she joins me now. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> brangham: so you know this buse just about as well as anybody out there for people who have not been listening to the podcast, tell us who is curtis flowers, and why has he been behind bars for so long. >> curtis fwers grew up i a small town, winona, mississippi, and he had a pretty unremarkable lie until 19hen four people were shot in the head in the small-town furniture store, a store that curtis had worked at for a few days earlier tht summer. and it didn't take long for law enforcement to narrow in on curtis as their top suspect, even though curtis didn't have a criminal record, the no d.n.a., no slam-dunk evidence. but curtis is the one they thout did it and built a case against him based largely on circumstantial evidence. >> brangham: so the evidence was that thin against him? >> thin, but enough to covince some jurors, convinced jurors
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for means years. when we look at the evidence tdid not show up tocrutiny. everything from the forensic science in the case, to the witnwses who say they sa curtis, not killing anybody but walk around town that day to and from the murders, none oft held up. >> brangham: today, the supreme court looked at one slice of this case-- they' not looking, we should say, whether or not curtis is guilty or not guilty of the murders.ey e looking at whether or not this district attorney basically stack the deck for his jury in a racist fashion. what sat is-- what is curtis flowers' flower's argument? >> they say when you lo the six trials of curtis flowers you see one thing that is almost always the same. you see a jury that is either all white ortl moswhite every time. and the defense says it didn't get that way by chance, that that wasa strategy by the prosecutor, the elected district attorney, doug evans. they said evans was intentionally striking african americans from te jury because of their race.
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and you cannot do that. that's against the constitution. the court's been pb very cle on that. >> brangham: you can strike people for a whole bunch of reasons. >> exactly, you can strike them for almost any reason at all. you canot strike them because of their race. that is what curtis' lawyers were at the court saying, that is what happened in this case. they're not saying look this what happened in curtis' latest file. but they inted out the court has caught the same district attorney twice before in the flowers trial olating the constitution in the exact same way. it happened in curtis' second triainand it happene his third trial. they're saying if you're trying to determine whether thisor prosecs credible, you should consider his record. the state, on the other hand, says doug evans valid reasons for striking these african americans from this jurh ins trial. >> brangham: that had nothing to do with race. >> exactly. one of the arguments is one of these jurors, some of thers junew the defendant's family. they had, you know, doubts about the death pen lty. and thinke that.
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so that's the two sides, basically, as it breaks don. but it's really was interesting to see how this unfolded at the court. >> brangham: and how did it? how did the justices seem to be leaning? >> very, very favorable to flowers, i would say, over all. the newest justice, justice calf new york was very outspoken during oral arguments aboimut te rtance of fair trials and avoiding racial discrim jation y selection. he talked about how it doesn't just matter for the defendant, to make sure the dnt gets a fair trial. but he also talked about how for a community this is important, that if we're going o trust our criminal justice system, we need to make sure that we do not have racism in jury selection. so he kind of carried forth on it, a little unexpectedly. >> brangham: in your reporting-- again, this is separate from what was in the trial you lked at doug evans' it's dis record in jury cases outside flowers case. explain how you examted tha and what you found. >> well, we want topped see does this pattern hold up across all
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of his als, not just of the flowers trial. so he had been the d.a. since 1992. so what we did is we went about trying to locate through all these different courthouses in mississippi, trial strip thes, a reporter who spnths literally hauling a scanner in these courthouses, scanning over 100,000 pages of documents. then our data reporter analyzed thoy records to come up with one very important sentence, which is when we look at all these trials in doug evans' district since he became d.a. in me 19, and his office were striking black people from juries at nearly 4.5 times the rate that they were striking white people 4.5 tie rate. this is something you would not be able to fiewnd out by just going to the cou it took almost a year of work glieg glaig let's say curs owers wins the appeal. what happens then? >> interestily enough, that's not the end of the story. the prosecutor gets the chance
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to decide whether to try the case again. >> brangham: the same prosecutor. >> the same prosecutor. >> brangham:ed podcast is "in the dark." madeleine barron, thank you so much. >> thank f woodruff: eastern parts democratic republic of the congo are struggling to contain the second worst outbreahe deadly ebola virus in history. congo's neighbors are on high alert. from the border with ugand special correspondent fred de sam lazaro has this report for our leading edge series. >> reporter: this red cross outpost is uganda's frontline in trying to contain the spillover of ebola infections from the democratic republic of congo. every day, thousands of congolese cross into uganda, some fleeing violence an colictotheimplcoming to trade or shop. in the town of kisoro just inside uganda near the border
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with congo is a typical market oat could be anywhere in sub- saharaafui vegetables, even flip flops made it's never fellike an international crossing for the locals, who don't need passports or visas and have come and gone freely. but now, there's a mandatory stop. >> what we are doing right now is to emphasize the cal bit of it, that is hygiene promotion. >> reporter: hiene promotion means congolese visitors must h now wash theirands in chlorinated water, decontaminate their feet and have their tempature taken before being thlowed into uganda, says red cross' ronald kanyerezi. those with high temperatures must rest for a while before a new reading taken. how often during tve day do you o quarantine people when you take their temps at the border points here? >> sometimes it can be le, ten, 15.
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if the temperatures fail to go down then we make a referral. a >> reporter:earby quarantine has been set up in a nearby hospital, he says, but so far, thankfully, it hasn't been needed. ebola is spread by contact with bodily fludsrom an infected person uganda is no stranger to ebola. in fact prior to west africa in 2014, the largest outbreak in history occurred herin the northern city of gulu in the year 2000. r 4 people lost their lives. today, besides borreening, there are information campaigns on the ebola broadcast here in several local languages and dialects,at and ednal posters throughout town. and there' particular emphasis on isolated local communitiesat like thewa or pygmies who communicate such messages
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thugh songs. uganda also has sophisticated lab facilities to quickly detect ebola and closely related viruses, likmarburg that cause severe hemorrhaging and high fevers. >> any samples that brinto this facility they are quickly diagnosed at least within 24 hours. result will be out and reported to minister of health. >> reporter: the lab has been on high alert since the outbreak began in august. >> this sample is negative. >> reporter: so you've been able to rule out marburg and ebola. >>es for the sample today yeah. >> reporter: health officials near bunagana and other border posts, send in blood samples when a person has a persistent high fever and shows other signs. this sample came from hoima, near the d.r.c. what would the patient have presented in terms otoms for them to have send this sample to you? >> yeah they presented with a
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fever, temperature was 38.6. then he had diarrhea, then he had nose bleeding, then also this laboratory, in entebbe, sear uganda's capital, was set up by the atlanta-u.s. centers for disease control in 2010, as part of an obama administration effort to contain outbreaks. >> one of the smartest investments we could make are setting up these kinds of thboratories and public he systems throughout the world. >> reporter: michael osterholm is a public health and a biosecurity expesi at the univ of minnesota >> for every dollar we spend on them, we will reap back i rs inve many, many dol return in terms of not having to fight a much larger problem that only gets caught after weeks and weeks of smoldering somewhere in the world. >> reporter: there's also an ebola vaccine that has shown some promise, he says. so far about 80,000 people in the democratic republic of congo have received it. but for congo's neighbors, the emphasis remains on limiting
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infectious outbreaks. is there sufficient reporting and surveillance systems today so that these outbreaks, were they to spread in these countries, would be containable? reasonably w >> i would have to say that all the planning that's gone on to date and the pre-vaccination, the surveillance efforts, i'd say we have a very high likelihood. those areas are much more stable than their adjoining neighbor in d.r.c. >> reporter: that instability in the war-torn eastern d.r.c. remains the big threat, as health workers struggle tova inate against ebola and treat those infected. if ebola spreads to larger cities, osterholm says the consequences could dwarf the a westican pandemic of 2014. the hope here in border communities is that people will remain vigilant and on their toes. for the pbs newshour, this is fred de sam lazaro, in bunagan uganda.
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>> woodruff: fred's reporting it a rship with the under-told stories project at the university of st. thomas in minnesota. >> woodruff: there are 15 democrats vying for their party's 2020 presidential nominaseon. one of tandidates, governor jay inslee of washington, joins us now. governor welcome. governor, welcome to the newshour. >> thank you, this is an honor, thank you. >> woodruff: well, thank yheu for beine. so you are making climate change a centerpiece ofcaoumpaign. you asked voters about it. many of them agree it's important. but it is not numbe when they look at what's most important in choosing a president. ce action if it's not a top priority for people? >> well, actually, it is actually becomi a top priority. actually, there was a poll in iowa showing this was the toppr rity for democratic voters, certainly, now tied with health
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care. and this is chaenging in th american public because we are witnessing paradise, paul, burning down to the foundations. we're seeing the floods ins nebraska, uri and iowa that are just historic. we' now seeing smoke i seattle, washington, and ngshington, where we've had to close swimools because of smoke from raging wildfires.g. this is chang and we're the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, and weert last genetion who can do sething about it, and we know we can build clean-ener jobs, too. >> woodruff: you've been talking about this issue for what, well over a decade. >> yes, or two. >> woodruff: or two. there are progressive democrats out there talking about, too. they put out something called the green new dea what are the main differences between and you other democrats on this issue of climate change? >> well, thfirst-- and it is a profound difference-- i am the only candidat swho hasaid very forcefully and vocally tha this-- defeating climate change
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has to be the number one priority of the united states. and i believe it has to be the first, foremost, and paramount obligation of the united states. i'm the only candidate wh has made that priority decision. that's jt the start of the differences. second, i've been doing things and getting things done for 20 years on this, where the other candidates have not. so there are profound differences. >> woodruff: what about the role of the federal government? i mean, in order to get something done fast, you're talking about government intervention. how would you use the government in a way that the other candidates wouuldn't, do think? >> well, i've had success in my state. i think the difference has beeno as a gov i've had scfer experience getting things done in washiton, building a $6 nd industry, electrifying our transportation system, soon, hopefully, to havh 100% law o books for clean electricity. so i've actually got things done, rather than just speechify about it, number one. and, number two, look, if this is not job one, it wo't get done. and as a governor, i've learned
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prioritization is the first choice to governance to choos i've made that choice. i believe america is ready for this. an>> woodruff: you're talking a lot about climate change, but, early, there are other issues as well on votes' minds. what are the main differeu es e between yourself and the other candidates? if i ask you to put yourself ons thctrum between the democratic socialist in this case to tht mosderate, where is governor jay inslee? >> there are other go candidates in the race. i think they'll all make fine vicvice presidents. i've been an executive, and being an executive is a eeadership skill set that i hav developed that has been important. and we have developed the number one economy in the united states. we have the most rapid g.d.p. growth, wa growth-- >> woodruff: in washington. >> in washington state. and the reason we have been able to do that is i have succeeded in actually having action rather than just action pl wns. ve got the best-paid
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family leave for families in the states. one of the best minimum wages. i've passed the first net teutrality stan the united states. we've passed the best-- maybe tied wth california-- best voting rights bills in the united states. we've passed tghe bigest transportation package, perhaps, in our state's histhtory. can't build a bird box here in d.c. so we have a record of accomplishment that is, i believe, unparalleled and unique in the field. and i'm happyo joithat with a vision statement of building a clean energy economy. >> woodruff: a number oimthe issut to ask you about, but one of them, of course, is taxation you have other democrats out in this campaign season talking about taxing the wealthiest americans, basically going after billionaires and their save thes. others are talking about changing the federal estate tax. noncandidate yamiche alcindor, she's not running undt presidt she's talking
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about a tax that would scialgly go back to the 70% rate on individuals. where do you come down on all of this? >> well, i think where we should start is be fair to americanta ayers and nreel back in the $20 billion-plus of subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. look, we shell out billions of dollars of x benefits to the fossil fuel industry, who does not need. t. right now,t very time we're tryingo reduce pollution, that's a place to start. we know we need to roll back te trump tax cuts. and we know in general we should have a fair tax system for work people. that's why i am proposing a capitatgains tax in myate because we need a fair system to end inequality. we need a middle-out strategy to build a middle-out economy, rather than trickle down. that's important issue. >> woodruff: yin're not cafor some big increase in the top individual rate, the marginal rate >> i think looking at our rates is a rational thing to do.
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i haven't propose aid specific rate. but i thi vague more progressive system, which you can acquire in multiple ways, one of which is to increase the marginal tax rates. i'm certainly open at. reel back the inordinate tax breaks we're giving to fossil fuel companies and real back the trump tax cuts. >> woodruff: another issue that has come up has to do with payi reparations to descendants of african americans who came to this country as slaves. some of your democraticop nents are saying they are flat-out for this or they're prepared to take a look at it, for cash payments, or maybef something rent. how do you think about that? >> well, i think that we have a history in this country that we need to remedy. and i think we should look at the things that have te broadest applications to do that. and the kind of things we should do i think should focus on ending intergenerational poverty. this has been a pernicious
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result of racial disparities for a long time in our society. that's why i've ben so focused on increasing early childhoodng education, bn a zip code should not be your destiny in poverty. it's why ive had such diversity in my people i have hired. it's why i'offered pardons to people because the drug war has resulted in significant racial disparities. so i think a lot of these things that can end thenierous effects of decades of racial disparities are the thiweng ought to be phoenixed on, and i think they willave broad support of the american people. that's direction i want to go. >> woodruff: governor jay inslee, washington state, running fore th democratic nomination, thank you. >> thank you. >> woodruff: as president trump continues his efforts to fund a wall, some sections of the
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southern border are already seeing improvements from g previoernment funding. angela kocherga of the "albuquerque journal" reports from el paso, texas, wherees upgrre nearly complete. el reporter: just a few blocks south of downtowaso, construction crews are busy d replacing 20 miles of olchain- link and wire sh fencing with new bollard style barrier. >> at least 18eet high, it's concrete inside with steel, with rebar running up the middle. there's a five foot anti-climb plate at the top. it's buried six feet into the ground with another two feet of concrete underneath that. >> reporter: el paso sector border patrol chief aaron hull says a physical barrier is critical in thisrban area to prevent people from illegally crossing and escaping into busy city streets. >> it's a very solid structure but it enables us to see through
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it so we can see what's going on the south side and be able react. >> reporter: the money to upgrade the structure between el paso, texas and ciudad juarez, mexico was approved by congress in the 2017 homeland security budget, before the current fight over funding president trump's wall. >> there is no invasion here. this is our home. >> reporter: historiid romo, who grew up in el paso, believes the border here has become a victim of politics. listen to the voices of the esople from here, the border residents themse i think they're going to tell you an entirely different story, perspective than what you're hearing from people inon washind.c. >> reporter: the first call for a wall between el paso and ciudad juarez was more than one fndred years ago, to keep chinese immigranm coming across the border. d >> and it was the same k narrative that they were here to steal our jobs.
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that they were bringing in drugs, opium, the same kind of >> reporter: there has been sog sort of fenctween el paso and ciudad juarez for decades. during the george w. bush administration, congress approved stronger barriers along key stretches of borderland thab wey illegal crossing points. in the historic chihuahuita neighborhood of el paso near the rio grande, the tall border barrier is a backyard fence for some homes. 60-year-old manuela rodriguez has lived here her entire life ad says the fence has mad difference. >> when we didn't have the fence it was a free foall coming in and out. not only people. they would bring in, smuggle in kids, they would bring in drugs. >> reporter: today there are fa fewer illeossings in this area of downtown el occasioneople climb over
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the fence leaving behind evidence, coats or jackets on top, used to protect their hands. but overall, illegal immigration has plummeted to a historic low. so>> there's already a wal don'see the issue. i guess a lot of people from other partof the u.s. they don't know how we live here. there's already a lot of security. >> reporter: on a sunny rnternoon in el paso, just a few blocks from the inional bridge, the hernandez sisters and a friend walked their dogs they're concern about the president's portrayal of the border as a dangerous place. >> this is a really safe city and it makes you feel unsafeho so all that wire they put there. it just looks horrible. it's like, it's threatening and an issue that's not threatening us here. >> reporter: u.s. customs and
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border protection recently added new razor wire at international bridges to keep crowds of asylum seekers and other migrants fro"" overrunning" legal ports of entry in el paso. humberto porras questions the president's need to declare an emergency on the border to build a wall. >> since he set a precedent fors g it for that, democrats can also use it to push gun control pohecies. i thin set the bar pretty low. >> reporter: this the point where new coextruction to tended the existing border wall comes to an end there you can see the normandy style vehicle barriers it's also the dividing line beeen those who are in fav of a big barrier and those who believe ere are other ways to secure the border. >> no wall is ing to stop everybody from crossing the border illegally. no kind of barrier is ever going to do at. it's not intended to do that. it's intended to discourage them, to make it more difficultp
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>>ter: border patrol chief hull admits the wall is one component in the border security strategy. >> the wall is a key part of our border security posture but its only part of it. ouour greatest resource ar agents. they always have been and always will be. >> reporter: this show of force at the border barrier just west of el paso recently was part of a series of exercises designed to demonstrate border patrol agents readiness. the goal: discourage illegal border crossings as a growing number of migrants from other countries wait in mexico. most are families and unaccompanied minors from central amerema who turn lves in to border patrol agents. ge vast majority are seek asylum, a legal process. between october and january
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agents took more than 25 thousand central ame parents with children into custody in the el paso sectorlu alone, which is all of new mexico. el pasn david romo is critical of the ramped up border security response. f >>l very, very safe. i feel more under threat from the extre militarization. >> reporter: now as president trump and congress clash over the national emergency declaration and a legal challenge looms, many those living on the border worry they're caught in the middlef the lingering wall or nothing fight. for the pbs newshour, i'm angela kocherga in el paso, texas.uf >> woo and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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welcome to "amanpour & co." here's what's coming up. the americas disruptive in chief meet for the first te as jair bolsonaro heads to the house. and what is the cost veteran u.s. didn't william burns joins me. and -- >> and the reality of it all will only comeo focus over time, i think. t>> well, tha time is now as we dig into the sometimes forgotten legacy of justice sandra day o'connor, the first woman to ascend to the u.s. supreme court. plus, under arrest and
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