tv KQED Newsroom PBS May 3, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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tonight on kqed newsroom, congression democrats are demanlding manding resignation and even impeachment for william bar are. also the u.s. is dealing the worst outbreak of measles in decades. es for eel are hey from a state law make pushing for a crackdown on exemptions fr vaccinations. takeon over return the issues that matter most to high school students. we begin with growing tensions between house democrats and attorney general william bar are. nancy pelosi says he broke a lat
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by lyio congress about the mueller report. he skipped a hearing off of the judiciary committee and ignoed a subpoena deadline to turn over the full report and evidence. president trumpx along with democratic leads chuck schumer and nancy pelosi announced a agreement to spend $2 trilln for infrastructure upgrades. es for no word on where the money will come frommo how it will be spnt. barbara lee sits on the house appropriatis committee. some fireworks in washington this week with atenny general william baare testifying before the senate. you are among a growing chorus of democrats calling on him to resign. >> i called on him to resign a couple weeks ago. this attorney general is the atenny general for the people of
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the united states, for the damt of juice. es for so he should resign. es for the difference is he's are protecting the president. es for he is promoting and putting forth lies. he is not telling the truth. under oath ox yeah. also inys many w he's not representing the peoplel of united states by representing the department of justice, which is what its are supposed to be and he's are taken this as a personal representation of the man in the white house. >> andls for him to be impeached. the hoes of representatives is looking at possibly holding him in contempt for refusingo testify. are the democrats spinning theih ls because obviously nothing like impeachment -- he's are not going to resign.
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impeachment would never make it to the senate. what's what'ser the point of pushing that? >> no one is spinning wheels. es forria have to hol the atenny general and the president accountable. so, no,nn we're not sg our wheels. three branchs of government. we have oversight responsibility and we've got to move forward and d the work the constitution requires us do. >> how much ssension is there within your caucuses? it nancy pelosi says its are not worth it for presidentrump. and uth people are calling for impeachment. >> i don't think it's dissension. i think we haveoi differents of views. es for and speaker pelosi understands we have got to win in 2020. so she's being strategic and knows what sh doing.
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es for there are many that agree the investigations must go forward. and we have to hold this president accountable. i, for one, believe impeachment should be on the table. we have membersf our own democratic caucus a takingut different ways to approach this ut i don't consider it decension and speaker pelosi andory committee chairs are moving forward. >> joe biden doing well in the polls. bernie sanders not too bad. it seems to e o schools of thought in the party. one is let's go withsomeone safe who can win back working class voters.nd others saying we need to have a candidate that can bring out women and people of color who sat home in 2016. is one of c of thoserect from your perspective? >> i don't think it's either or. i have endorsed senator kamala harris.
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and she is a very effective leader. i think that she is demonstrated the fact that she cll together a coalition of women of people of color. and yes, the white working class because she cares about jobs, jobs going off shore and bringing back manufacture jobs. it's been people of color that have not had the good family jabs. so we can relate to and she wants to make sure this is an inclusive society and everyone benefits from economic growth. not just one pat of our country or one consistency. >> there is a lot of concern about rinsian interferenc the 2020 election. president trump had aon conversawith putin today and this issue did not come up. president afterwards called it a witch hunt and the russia investigation a hoax. do you think -- what kind of signal t doest give to those trying to interfere in our
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election? >> its a's a very bad signal. we know that in many ways they determine the outcome of the elections. and we know they'r planning to interfere once again in 2020. and the president should acknowledge that. we need the protections in term ozes of our democracy. we're at a fragile point in our country and throughout the world. they're interfering all over the globe. >> let's talk about appropriations. there was the hoe appropriations committee released a draft of its fun priority os for the next fiscal year. and a bigeeng with nancy pelosi and chuck schumerer. they seemed to come to a deal around the infrastructure bill. what would your priorities be for the bay area? >>ha to be optimistic it will happen. t i thi course is in the details.
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$2 trillion is good in terms of a number to start with. in bay area we have hiej infrastructure needs not to mention ourer roads, but we roadbound that's necessary. that's an infrastructure iss. and we're trying to make se we include affordable housing. we have ado trem housing crisis. we're trying to get housing as part of the bill. so i do this new infstructure itiative in the broader sense. es forrer it can not only be seen as brick and morts but really enhancing ow economic growth and creating jobs and aking sure there's housing and other kinds of infrastructure needs met for everyone. for. >> i want to askia about some of
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these town hall meetings you arer holding. what is the goa of these town hall ngmee >> and this the anniversary of the first slave arriving from africa. es for 400 years. a weira commeing and remming legacy of this horrife cr against humanity, slavery. i've been trying to get the country to open opconversation about race a racism and look at where wae've come and how we still have to correct the damage that has been repaired. and we're conducting town i've ha around the bay area. our colleagueswant to k how do you talk about race? what does it mean? often times d people't recognizes the decisions their are making and the behavior
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they're engaged in is netively impacted african-americans and people with cull. i have a bill i'm going to introduce late this year calling reconciliationd and healing process and transformation process similar to south africa and rue aundau. thank you. there have been more than 700 cases of measles so far this year in nearly two dozen states inluding california. this week officials at ucla and cal state los angeles listed a quarantine on staff members andl students posexpezed. 40 people in california have beenct infeed with measles so far this year and most were not vaccinated. frers last week abill by state senatorng targe doctors who write fraudulent medi al exemption cleared the first legislative hurdle in sacramento.
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i'm joined by correspdent and th author of california state senator and pediatrician who joins us via skype from sacramento. welce to both of you. give us the latest. what's happening in terms of the public health response in califora? >> there are 40 confirmed cases. and there's not a state-wide outbreak. but there are pockets of outbreaks, possibly three right to now. most recent cases were from los angeles andrange county. henever somebody may have come into contact with a puserson wh went to measles,er it trig an incredible effort of investigates to try to track down where hose peoplewent, who the people are that may have been exposed and find out their
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vaccinations. >> and many students and staff memrs that have been quarantined. what do they have to prove they've been vaccinated? >> they have to either prove hey've had two doses of the measles vaccine e which is % effective or proof they've had measles in the past, which makes you immune. er if they couldn't do either of the thingsx they had to stay home for the remainder of the quarantine. >> do we know h cases, how did they spread? >> most were brought by people who were unvaccinated. es for they wnt over seas to travel. es for and many people were with unvaccinated tend to hangout with otherer people who were unvaccinated. and if they attend a school with that's ccination ratex
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when it should pick up speed. >> that doesn't exist when you get to the college level. >> true. uc implemented requirements just this fall. >> now your bill, as i menoned, that would give a booster shot to an earlier piece of olgislation, which is now law, basically cracking down on the frajialant -- >> this bill is trying to lim the number of pockets of schools that have low vaccination rates. we have raised it overall in the state and some people have credited that law with the fact that we don't have a state-wide outbrdespite the fact we have many cases of measles to the state of california. er the problem is weusave
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nume schools with low vaccination rates because there a high perspentage of students with medical exemptions , many fairly suspect. es for and there are dtors advertising for medical exemptions. investigation of the medical exemptions shews physician wrote almost 1/3 of eme medical tions. >> d your bill would giv more oversight to the state health department?. >> corre we need to be sure all children are protected at school. because there are those that need those medical exemptions and they're counting on their class mates to be vacnated so hey don't get sick. >>nd what are you hearing? >> what i'm hearing from parentr is please keepids safe.
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we appreciate what you did wth sb 277 and we need go after the bad doctors who arebasically making money by throwing the rest of usx our children under the busx putting our children at risk. es for so we shouldn't allow fig physicians to modify the licenses? >> what about the ones that want to have the right to say no? is it a small groupo is it still growing? >> it's a small number that's persistent. unfochinately when they cluster together, those schools are at risk. and tha become as tinder for a wildfire outbreak of disease er to protect the public and students at school, we need this bill. and in fact this bill is sponsed by the medical association, tia american pics.
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doctors know we need this bill to keep our patients safe. >> do you get a lot of response? people paying attention or posed to the bill or mandatory vaccinations? >> overall the number of parents opposed is small but they're very vocal. so at that hearing last week for about two/two and a halfours you had parents lined up lodging their opposition to the bill. >> were there parents on the other side also? >> there wir parents on the other side as well but they wir out numbered. there were buses parked outside the capitol, peopleeined up in allways waiting. it's not just people totally opposed to vaccination, but you
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have parents who are what call vaccine hesitant. they're overwhelmed by thef number vaccines and shots their kids are getting. and so maybe the a loo delaying some of them or picking some but not all. >> the department of health in murin sent out letters. there hasent been this outbreak ofes. fre >> there are schools and pockets of the state where the vaccination ratis low. and measles is highly contagious. so if a person is sick is unvaccinated, 18 of tll get sick. there's a 90% rate. and see the health department wants to prevent an outbreak at these scols and basically warning parents if your child is unvaccinated, theyould be asked to stay hem for 21 days, which could be a big disrupooon
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in the syear. >> we have more than m 2lion r so undocumented immigrants. do you have anconcerns about their access to vax nccinations light of the harsh rhetoric around illegal immigratio >> interestingly enough, most of those immigrants come from ountries with much higher vaccination rates. dg zeezre not bringing tory shores. itactually unvaccinated americans traveling to where there are uother outbreaks and bring that back to theountry. wae we've hurbd of cases where they traeal, and s it among other people who are unfoaccinated. es this is why vaccination is so important. i would also mention, by the way, that chilen still chooses whether to get vaccinated or
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not. you go to the doctor.d yoide. does your child get vaccinated not? require vaccinations enter schools. >> what's the big picture of a longer term stakes in getting this right? >> i think as we said before measles is ve contagious. 20 years ago it was essentially eradicated from the united states. and what's interesting about what we see in the national cases. in new york there's been a massive threat. but in californiant we've ned it quite well. that's why our cases number is so low. >> thank you very much. and state senator and pedrtrician in sento. >> thank you too. eqt attending valley high school
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in concord. the two freshman are worried about cmate change. they looked into minimizing the waste that ends up inland fills. they found out items such as paper and aluminum cans wir ending up in the trash. but they'reoping to change that by asking school officials cld class mates to step up in the fight againsate change. one recycled bottle at a time. joining me now are jose dejesuses ochoa. tell us about why you decided to focus on recycle >> it was when i fstund out of the classrooms didn't have -- it shocked m because it seemed like something always in school.
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if you want around any classroom, you can't find any recycles. >> right. er who did you go to? teacher? principal? >> our teacher was more concernsed with other it issues. then we contacted the school adminisator. >> that's a big deal to call up the district. did anybody encourage you to do that or you decided heyx let' go to the top? >> yeah, the top is where we thought we would get the most information. >> did it seem like y were being taken seriously or they were just kind of listening and going through the motions? >> when we call them, they didn't pick up. so they were gist listening. were there other people in their
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class noticing the same thing? >> some did nice the same ing. one said she was upset and how it could harm the earth. >> what ha you been doing to the chae it? >> we've been talking to the ja janitors and what they can do to bring a repsycholing program to the kwauds. >> mostly talking? di mostly taking and getting information and f out where the school is at. and hoping to get things done. our principal told us heig nally talked to a company and they never got back to them. >> your high school, northgate in walnut creek had a history of recycling but maybe not as well? >> last year i founded the
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recycling club in our school. it we found out in the classroom was not recycling anymore. because former clubs were takelg it out thes. and so once theyte grad no one was taking care of it and they tried to work with the administration and set opsystem in place so they could recycle when they were gone,ut due to conflicts, it didn't wuk with uto. es for >> how was it being sorted? >> we have trash cans. es for but we used to have them all arund the school. we ve little blue bins for paper and plastic. as for the environmental club, i tried to talk to the principal. frers >> busy with what? >> at thee t hadory school
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shooting walkout. it seems like was listening to me and not ready at the time. so the club started an online petigsz and we put that on the neighborhood website. >> like next door? >> next door. from there and then through that support we were able to meet with the unified school distrig facility ma the recycling center for walnut services foblic our area. >> so listen tocolin and jose talk about they are trying to get they school to take this seriously e what advice would you have for them? >> don't give up. we are doing other things.
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kwlou you had to keep onn gand fight for it. they didn't take us seriously. once we met with the districtt n recycle sentxh, their are all for it. er >> is somebody going tou pic the torch from you? >> so luckily this is the custodians take out of it themselves. so it's stim going to be done yearf after year. but we do have some reallyool jieniers and sophomores next ye. es for and stents and faculty all love it. ril >>i >>ium are -- i feel like because
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you are freshman -- he's got erre cred with the school and they take you moreusly. the people above you, jieniers and seniors, do you get more db fk from them? >> definitely out of the students weina interviewed, yea. >> what about you, colin? >> my family definitely tldnks we shecycle. >> doke you feel l it's kind of up to your generation going down the road here, t you're going to be wleft a lot of inviemtal problems bye peo my age and older? do you feel this is your problem to solve? >> effect businesses, economics. this is a full branch and fuch we have to face. we have to start wuking now.
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>> and your are going to cal, i think, in the fall. has all of this effected the studies. frers. ght. i'm maging environmental science and hope to mjor in environmental science. >> is this something more of a side thing or can you imagine, as you get older graduatex orking in an environmental field? >> i definitely see myself doing that because we are -- >> yeah. b so youv an wuking on this for a few months. es for what's your take ay? >> definitely the effect it has on the world. so we're hoping it brings as greater chaineaction. >> so you feel like it makes you feel pow. >> what about you? >> yeah, jest l jose said.
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robert atheorney general doesn't back down and neither does congress. i'm robert costa. welcome to "washington week." the attorney general under fire over his handling of the mueller report. >> it was my decision how and when to make it public, not bob mueller's. robert: democrats want the special council to testify. republicans say enough is enough. >> it's over. if there's ate dispu of a conversation then he'll come. but i'm not going to retry the case. robert: house democrats are furious. >> the attorney general of the united states is not telling the truth to the congress of the united stes. that's a crime. robert: the subpoenas fly in the battle between the
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