tv PBS News Hour PBS May 10, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight:go itions over the trade war with china end wut a deal, as the u.s. imposes higherth tariffs on mor $200 billion worth of chinese goods. then, we are on the nd in iowa as 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls make their pitches to the nation's first caucus voters. and, it's friday mark shids and david brooks are here to discuss congress's vote to hold the attorney general in contempt, the fight over subpoeaning donald trum o jr., and thengoing trade war with china.
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plus, masterworks by rembrandt. a major museum in amsterdam displays its entire collection of the dutch painter's work.>> e still have emotions in the 21st century. it's what defines us, basically, as human beings. so when we look at rembrandt's patings, we actually experience our own humanity. >> woodruff: all that and more, on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us.
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possible by the corporation for public broadcasting.d contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the trade talks have ended, for now. the new tariffs have just begun. president trump imposed the higher, 25% levies overnight, in a bid to bring beijing to an agreement. and, he promised, they will help-- n hurt-- the u.s. but, the latest negotiations ended without resoing the standoff. hed u.s. farmers, in particular, are bracing for fupain. we will have an extended report, after the news summary. wall strt managed a modest rally, despite the ongoing china tensions. the dow jones industrial average gained 114 points to close at 25,942. the nasdaq rose six, and the s&p
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500 added ten. another top house democrat issued subpoenas today for six years of president trump's tax returns. congressman richard neal chairs the ways and means committee. he had alreadyade a formal request for the returns, but the treasury department rejected it this week. this comes on the day the chair of the u.s. house juy committee says he is open to further talks on obtaining the full mueller r the chairman, democrat jerry nadler, sent a letter today to attorney general william barr. the committee voted this week to hold barr in contempfor not releasing the full report. also today, nadler announced that special counsel r mueller will not testify before congress next week, but talks continue on another date.n the u.s. and ipt up a war of words today. tensions escalated this week over u.s. claims of unspecified threats by tehran. today, the u.s. military
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confirmed that b-52 bos have arrived in qar, and the aircraft carrier "abraham lincoln" is nearing the persian gulf. at a pentagon meeting, acting defense secretary patrick shanahan warned iran to tread carefully. >> it's important that iran understand that an attack on americans or its interests would be met with an appropriate response. we will position ourselves, we will protect our interests, but we're there to build security. >> woodruff: earlier, a top commander in iran's powerful revolutionary guard rejected any talks with the u.s. president trump had said he would like iranian leaders to call him. the u.s. house ofen reprtives approved a disaster relief bill today, with $19 billion for flood victims, farmers and hurricane survivors.
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itre than 30 republicans joined democrats to pasover the president's objections. he opposed additional funding in the bill for puerto rico's hurricane recovery. forecasters are warnin severe storms and possible flash floodscross the south this weekend. the weather system already dumped downpours from missouri to louisiana. in houston, cars struggled to push through high waters early this morng, and rivers remained swollen into the afternoon. in the mediterranean, u.n. migration officials say as many asei0 people drowned when th boat capsized today. the vessel had sailed from libya for europe when it sent a distress signal off the city of sfax in tunisia. it was the deadliest such incident since january. facebook founder mark ckerberg met with french president emmanuel macron today, under
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growing essure over online hate speech. the meeting in paris came as french regulators issued a new report. they urged fines for social networks that do not removeco hatefuent. back in this country, washington state has ended childhood exemptions from the measleson vaccinersonal or philosophical grounds. a law signed today still allows exemptions for medical oras religious s. more than 760 cases of measles are confirmed nationwide this year, including more than 70 in washington state. and, today marked 150 years since e completion of the transcontinental railroad. a final, golden spike was hammered into place in utah on may 10, 18. today, thousands of visitors celebrated with a reenactment. the transcontinental line cut cross-country travel time from
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six months to roughly ten days. still to come on the newshour: the trump administration places higher tariffs on $200 billion worth of chinese goods. on the ground in iowa, as 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls campaign across the state. mark shields and david brooks break down a busy week in washington. the risks that illegal tiger trafficking poses to the endangered species. and, much more. >> woodruff: the u.s.-china trade war intensified today, as the trump administration increased tariffs on imports from china. ti nick schifrin reports, china's top negoator left washington without an agreement. >> schifrin: on a sunny friday morning in washington, trade
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war escalated with a handshake. thtop chinese and u.s. netiators ended their 11th round of talks cordially, but the two countries are in economic conict. today, the u.s. increased tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200 billion of chinese exports, includinseafood, luggage, purses, and parts sold to u.s. companies suchs circuit boards, microprocessors, and machinery.d e u.s. is threatening to go even further and impose tariffs on all cell phones, clothing, anlaptops made in china, and exported to the u.s. in response, the chinese foreign ministry vowed "necessary countermeasures," and spokesman geng shuang asked the u.s. to give a little. >> ( translated ): the two sides need to meet each other halfway. >> schifrin: but the u.s. accuses china of not going halfway. u.s. officials say that over 11 rounds of negotiations, they0 hammered out aage deal with changes to chinese laws that would open the chinese market to u. companies, and protect u.s. technology and
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intellectual property. but last weekend, the u.s. believes xi jinping rejected those law changes.e >>re getting very close to a deal. then they started to renegotiate the deal. c 't have that. we can't have ur country can take in $120 billion of dollars a year in tariffs. or mostly by china, by t way. not by us. a lot of people try steer it in a differen rdirection. itlly paid, ultimately, it's paid for by, largely, by china. >> tariffs are taxes t americans pay. they're taxes that american companies pay. ultimately, they're taxes that consumers pay. and they're taxes that result in job losses in the united states. de schifrin: steve lamar is the executive vice pre of the american apparel and footwear association. he opposes this rod of tariffs, and says if further tariffs are imposed on ouerything made and shippe of china, the victims will be american consumers. >> if you realize that 82% of our backpacks and purses and travel goods come from china, 70% of footwear comes from china, 42% of our apparel comes from china-- when you tax these
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items, that results in about $500 increase for an average family of four. >> schifrin: and some of the families worst hit by the trade war are farmers. >> my name is daniel richard. the richard family has been farming for around 100 years. my grandfather, great grandfather, a myself, and hopefully the next generation. >> schifrin: daniel richard farms soybeans, rice and crawfish in louisiana. he and his fellow farmers were hit by chinese retaliatoryin tariffs, mit impossible to sell their crop. they had to leave them in the fid d to die. today, soybean prices are son' low, he cacover his costs. he spoke to us from hione on his farm. >> at the selling price it is now, at $8 beans, we can't payth expenses that we're putting out in the field. so we're unprofitable as soon nt we put the p out in the field. >> schifrin: he doesn't blamep. president trum he blames the chinese, and urges both sides to make a deal to
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save american family farms. he fears his son won't be able follow in his footsteps >> he just gradued from college. h i can see is heart, and his blood, he's got it in him. and he's definitely got the work ethic. but he sees what's going o right now. there's other opportunities out there. it's not just the farms that are hurting.'s hese little communities that are hurting. >> schifrin: administration ficials say they understand that short-term pain, and ask for patience as they try to l chang-term chinese economic behavior. but for now, as it was in washington this afternoon, there could be stormy days ahead. this afternoon, though, president trump called today's discussions "candid and constructive," and the conversations will con to talk this through, we get two differing views. ryan hass was the rector for china on the national security council staff during the obama administration.he s now a brookings institution fellow. and, derrick scissors has wrten extensively about china's economy, and is a resident scholar at the american rprise institute. f
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than joining us. was there a breakdown? >> there does appear to be a breakdown. as a consequence, we he tariffs. tunnel with no end th sight. >> i a step down in our tunnel with no end in sight? >> if you wanted the deal on the table, it is. i was not at all convinced he deal on the table was going to work. i thought china's inceptives to keep promises on intellectual property were low, and then the chinese backed that up by say weg don't want to makethe legal changes that even might lead us to keeping our word n intellectual property. so it's certainly a step away
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from the deal. i don't think that's necessarily a step down the dark turnl. >> meaning you don't think it' necessarily a bad thing to step away from that deal? >> that's right. it's going to be very difficult to get china to change its policy on intellectual property as well as other subsidies on entednrises. it sho be a deal the president makes in a phone call with xi jinping. as some implied we're going to have difficulties in the negotiations. that iwhat the process shoul look like. >> ryaryan, intellectual proper, subsidies for state owned enterprises, forced tecology ansfer, these are the things the u.s. is trying to at the time china to change. can tariffs achieve that? >> we've ovetimated our abilityo to muscle the chinese into accepting our will an the american people are feeling the pain. if the question is are we going to get absolrrender from the chinese, i'm very
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pessimistic that if we can make progress where progress is possible, i think we should do so. >> derrick, is that enough progress, as ryan put it, rather than get the chinese to >> i disagree with both premises in ryan's point. when he says american people are feeling the pain, faers are feeling the pain. aggregate u.s. growth is strong, prices are low. i don't see much pain by china tariffs. maybe by bad fiscal policy but not the china policy. it's a fase dichotomy to say the idea is we have to accept the chinese fer or they have to surrender. as i said, this is going to be i lorntionficult proserksz we're not going to get everything we want. but to make a deal so you can remove on the certaintyto the stock market or the like would be a mistake to hurt the u.s. for ars to come. >> ryan, srt-term pay for long-term gain? >> all we're seeing now is the
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pain without accompanying gain.e i thinkamerican people were support *eu6 of president trump shaking things up and trying a new approach with ina, i think there was merit it in, but th wanted to achieve a purpose not attack china on principa princid now we're in ths escalatory spiral where neither app want to take a step back from the brink and i don't think that's a good place for the united states to be >> let me ask about leverage now. whews more leverage, the united states or china, and do both leaders believe right now that they can actually push the other noound? >> i hop. pushing the other around for no goal is not a good strategy to get what you want. do i think the u.s. has more leverage. the president is right about that. but the leverage has to be applied over an extended period of time. if the president becomes impatient as it seems he was
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late last year and early this year, then we can't use that leverage. the u.s. leverage advantage is a long-term leverage advantage. it's not about signing on tariffs and then saying kwee later are you ready mike a deal. we're going to have to have so pain to get china to change policies, if we're not willing to p up with the pairntion we should abandon the process and sign a short-term deal that does very little. >> i think derrick makes a good point, in tradte negoiations, the patient, disciplined party has an advantage. ryght now the chinese areg to stake out that territory. the chinese have a view that they hve leverage because the closer that we get to our 2020 presidenal election, the more desires president trump will be of a deal. the united states believes thatv it hasrage because our atonomy is strong and china -- the trump adminisn believes china's economy is brittle and president xi needs deal. we find ourselves in a dilemma where bo sides think they hav leverage over the other and
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neither wants to compromise to make a deal. >> do you see the u.s. make compromises? >> no, it should not. again, if you sta with the premise that we have serious problems in our relationship with china, you don't y toget to a quick outcome. you have to deal with uncertainty and risk and stock trket losses and all things that come in with the law of negotiatnons. we shoulbe in a hurry to make the deal. ryan may be right that the maesident sees the need toe a deal before the 2020 election. i hope that's not true. i hope he continues to receive support as he has from bothie pabecause both parties have realized we need a change in the china relationship andeth not going to be easy. >> ryan haas, you mentioned whether the perspective from the chese that the u.s. actually has less leverage, there's a notion of the chinese officials i talked to that basically say you guys can't tae the political heat or the president can't take the political heat d actually make sacrifices. is that right? >> well, nick, i think you're
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right. i think there's a baked-in assumption that the chinese have that the american political system is ill equipped forain tolerance and the chinese see that to their advantage.t they see ir top-down system where they have a leader that doesn't facreelection, a leader that has control over highs media and can tamp down discontent or process and a leer that can alocate resource where is they needed a has distinantages on a systemic level relative to the united states. i would like for us to prove them wrong as an b america we will see. a> derrick, last word to you. do you have faith the administration is going to pursue this path in the correct y, in your opinion? >> no, i'm afraid not. i think the president's constant comments about his friendship with xi jiing make it difficult to have faith. i think he deserves great credit for identifying the problem and being more aggressive than president obama andbu presiden, we need that,
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but i think the president is looking for a personal connection to xi to seal a deal that will benefit the united states for a year or two but not solve the problems we have can w china. >> derrick scissors with the american enterprise institute, ry haas, brooking, thanks to you both.ou >> thank ti>> woodruff: there are s nine months before the first votes of the 2020 presidential election, but the battle to win the iowa caucuses is well underway. just in the last week, eight democratic hopefuls have campaigned across the state. amna nawaz talked to voters in the hawkeystate, to find out how they are sorting out whom to support. >> nawaz: it's after 7:0on a tuesday night...he >> oh,'s andrea. >> nawaz: ...which means book club night for ruth and scott thompson. did you sign in? okay, perfect! >> nawaz: but in des moines, iowa, in the run-up to a heated ooksidential contest, even clubs can become political.
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do you ever not talk about politics?e >>lk about what channel we're going to watch politics >> bas once in a while. >> yeah. ( laughs ) >> nawaz: this particular group, with more than 700 members, is making its way through everyra candidate biy published so far... >> how would you help a state like that build an economy? >> nawaz: ...then, inviting them to take questions. tonight? >> i understand the anxiety thae people.. >> nawaz: it's former housing and urban development secretary julian castro's turn. julian castro has already spent 14 days in the state. in fact, every single democratic esidential candidate has already visited iowa at least once this election cycle. in a crowded democratic field of tere than 20, candidates are hoping that intioments like this... >> can i get you to sign my book? >> nawaz: ...early in the cycle, could lead to support in the alimportant iowa caucuses february, the first in the
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country. >> a lotf people don't know anything about me. and so, it's a great opportunity every time i get in front of an audience here in iowa or one of the other states, to l them know where i'm coming from and what i want to do for them and for their family. >> that is why i'm here. >> nawaz: the night before, the thompsons went to see formerto congressman 'rourke on his third trip to iowa. >> well, ultimately, it's going to be up to the voters in iowa, those who go to the caucuses to lltermine who the nominee be or at least who's going to have a head start from the rest of the field coming out of iowa. we've held now more than 120 town hall meetings over the last six weeks across 14 states, most ofm here in iowa. >> nawaz: just ame a candidate, and they're already here in some form. i >> my nadeepak. i'm an organizer with the cory booker campaign. okw are you doing today? >> nawaz: senator 's team is settling in to their state >> can wt on you to attend? >> nawaz: a slate
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of events to start gettingca us-goers to commit. >> i know there are a lot candidates in this race. john del from maryland.ssman >> nawaz: ten minutes down thess road, congn delaney's office-- one of eight in the state-- is humming with activity, drumming up support. >> have you given any thought to who you might be supporting in the caucuses next year just yet? >> being a winner is always imrrtant, and being the win of the first contest is always importanin thesidential sweepstakes. >> naz: kay henderson, news director for radio iowa, has covered presidential elections for 30 years. e's seen dozens of candidates come through her home state, courting votes. >> the last four nominees for the democratic party have won the iowa caucuses, so it's an important contest from that respective. it also gives candidates the chance to travel the state and test their message. >> large cha anything else? >> nawaz: one iowa pit-stop for
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candides to test those messages is smokey row coffeehouse.ea already this castro, senator elizabeth warren, and entrepreneur andrew yang have passed through, among others. no candidates here today, but local businessmen t.j. johnsrud and jim townsend ak happy to brwn the field over breakfast. one's independent, the other republican, but both say they're open to registering an caucusing as democrats this year. >> we'rehe first in the untry, so this is where they get known. >> this a good place for it to start, actually. they get vetted pretty quickly, you know. uc>> nawaz: so has anyone out to you so far? >> well, i think o'rourke is an interesting guy., beto, i li's got an interesting name, anyway. and joe biden of course is a known commodity, and bernie sanders. >> nawaz: what ifoyou're looking in a candidate? >> oh boy. civility, maybe. acting like a president. >> nawaz: a few tables elaine imlau and ann rezarch say they've been tracking the field. >> i've seen kamala harris. and i've seen cory booker.
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and bernie sanders. and andrew yang. n az: both are registered democrats. it's worth noting, in a state that donald trump won by ten points in 2016. but they say they're waiting to pick until the pack thins out. paying close attention to one thing: >> who's >>: that's a big thing for you? >> that's a big thing for me after everything that's been going on. >> nawaz: what about you? does that matter to you as well? >> i want somebody who can win. and normally that wouldn't be my-- i usually go with who i feel would be the best. and i'm having a lot of internal conflict about, who do i think would be thethest, who do i k could actually win, and that might not be the same person. >> nawaz: kay henderson says iowans are approaching this crowded field with open minds. >> that was certainly not the case in 2015 at this point, because you had people who were clinton supporters and you had people that were sanders supporters, d never the twain
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did meet. but this time around, i go to candidate events in a certain community, and the same people are turning out to see multiple candidates. >> this is so hard. i've never struggled with choosing a candidate the way that i have this year. >> nawaz: the thompsons are far from deciding, but a few candidates top their lists right now... >> so elizabetwarren, amy klobuchar, beto and julian and pete. >> so yeah, pete buttieg, elizabeth warren, amy klobuchar. >> but, first and foremo having lived through 2016, my first questi is, can they win? >> nawaz: is that one of the most imp you now, is can this person win? can this person beat president trump? >> yeah, we're not so idealistic that it's-- our principle is, we need to >> n: there is a world in which you guys could disagree on which candidate you support. ( laughter )re and yooth very politically active. >> we've taken the pledge that if we end up in fferent campaigns, we won't share strategies or give away campaign
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secrets, because we are trusted to... >> nawaz: you'll build a wall between the two of you. >> yes.>> es. >> nawaz: can you do that? >> yeah. oh, oh yeah. oh yeah, we can. ( laughter >> nawaz: and they'll have plenty of chances to meet the candidates again and agaco, as campaigninue to build up their staff on the ground, and the candidates desceer for this su iowa state fair. for the pbs newshour, i'm amnas nawaz, in ines, iowa. >>oodruff: and now, to the analysis of shields and brooks. that is syndicated columnist mark shields, and "new times" columni david brooks. hello to both of youur so before weto all the whatever you want to call it that's happened in washington this week, mark, le's tal about iowa. we heard this voter tella, amn
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this is hard. i don't know why it's so hard, only 23 candidates. >> that's right, amna captured the iowa essence. i mean, these people takee thir responsibility very seriously. >> woodruff: they do. it's not casual. they are gatekeepers, between iowa and new hampshire, they arh 1.4% o population of the country, and unless you finish in the top three in iowa and the top two in new llmpshire, you ot be elected president of the united states based on the historical precedent, and that's why it makes sense tore mr. castro and mr. o'rourke to be spending time on that. >> if you love politics, this is the ti to. go there are candidates everywhere. you can drive in beautiful wet around e beautiful candidates and it peaks at the state fair where they all conjugate. my most profound political coverage moment was covering gary bower running in the republican primary as he toured a refrigerated railway car with
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e last car sculpted in butter. >> woodruff: state fair. state fair. we have that on the calendar at the "newshour". >> raise theh colesterol level of the entire state prs core. >> woodruff: let's talk about what's going on in washington there week. bethe escalating battleween the congress and the white house. just today the chairman of the ways and means committee in the house richard neal isg subpoenae secretary of the treasury, the head of the i.r.s. to go after the president's tax returns, this on top of subpoenas for the president's sons, subpoenas for the attorney genera what do we make of all this? >> well, i think it's approaching almost situationalte overload ims of we're talking about subpoenas from committees, including the house intelligence committee, the house banking committee, the judiciary committee, across theo
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d, and now we have the intelligence committee in the senate led by republicans, as you mentioned, that have subpoenaed t president's son. i just think, judy that, in ay strange this plays to donald trump's strength. i mean, donald trump lives in chaos. i think it's sort of almost an emotional and technolical and intellectual overload given the fact that we're on the cusp of war in iran, in venezuela, and a showdown with the chinese, but this is at he thres on, and i think there's almost an i dart yoimpeach me attitude. >> woodruff: overload for the american people? >> the american people and this isn't -- the system wasn't intended for this. i mean, this isn't thway it's constructed, that we can deal >>th crisis upon crisis upon crisis. oodruff: the democrats say they are very serious about all this, they want this information, they want this
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testimony. i mean, are they pursuing the right strate for them? >> well, no, neither side is. it's a complete breakdo of the checks and balances system. the president has to say, congress, i need you. need you to oversee what i'm doing and correct for myes imbaland i will cooperate with you and that's the normal way we do business and the trump administration is not doingat that's the first crisis. if you're going to do oversight, you have to oversed at least try to be a productive forcere it's escalation on the side of the democrats and it's become an attack machine. there's a lot of talk about jailing people, holding multiple pele in contempt. is fight over redaction is the wrong fght to have. >> woodruff: of the mueller port. >> the last majority 95% are
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elite democrats and the negotiation broke down. but to me isuing orders of contempt which may go forward just freezes everything. it just pushes evething to the courts and we sit there and do knotting for a c.ouple of yea so there's a way to do this and not to do this, so thre's a lot of error on the trump administration, but you think the democrats across the committees are walking slowly toward impchment and we coul end up in impeachment. >> woodruff: mark, last night jerry nadler chairman of the house judiciary committee said if we don't carry out our responsibility we are not fulfilling what the founders wanted and expect the congress to do which vis hae oversight over the executive branc >> it's a legitimate argument. if you lay down pra ecedent, literally, that this president gets away with what he's getting away with, and the congress does
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nothing, then that certainly lays a precedent fe next president. i think just to add to the point david made, donald trump, according u.s.a. today, which has established aa datbase, has been a plaintiffr a defendantin ,095 lawsuits. now think about that. i mean, that's an awful lot. >> woodruff: over his career. over his career. i mean, about employment, about contracts, about subcontractors. you name i you talk abou about litigious, e thrives on this. and i think playing to his strength, quite honestly, and he's sitting there, quite honestly, with 91% of approval among republicans, and that, think, intige dates his own party. >> woodruff: are the two you have sayin democrats should
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drop this? >> no. they should be in the position of informing american voters.t the facmueller may not testify is outrageous. mueller should testify, so they should be in at base. basically they're walking up the line to impeachmentand you can see the passions rising as they get further and further down the line and there's a diference between going toward the prosecutorial impeachment and having hearings to educate the american voteren ou go down one path, you're trying to appease the party tht wants impeachment, and the problem when you try to empeople. , you end up emboldening and turnt into an attack game who does donald trump want to be his opposite member? does he want it to be presidential candidates, most of whom are kind of attractive whom he's running against? or would he rather run against kong? any president would want to run against kong. >> woodruff: democrats are saying we want this information.
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the administraon is sayng we're not giving it to you. how does this get resolved?h >> no,re's no question they're playing absolutely hard ball and there being -- and they're not being respectful of the law in the least. i think, judy, we have to make the difference is the russsi winnervolved in this election ia 2016 no mistake about it. the intelligence agencie concluded that unanimously. they were around in 2018. they got all the way into a county in florida in its official site. so that is a legitimate are are bewie going to have elections for americans and not interference? no one can argue that save donald trump. his own administration is mindful of that.dr >> wf: that's what you they they should talk about? >> i think that's where they
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should be gong. >> a senator should act like a senator, richard burrer, the republican from north carolina who wants tbring donald, jr. to investigate that question. the rest of the republican party went crazy because he's acting ke a senator who wants to get to the bottom of aer are serious issue. >> and to point out his own colleague tom tillis in north carolina who wrote a very straight towed forward op-ed peace in "the washington post" opposing donald trump's national emergency on building the wall and caved like a four-dollar suitcase when donald trump objected, when after his own colleague richard burr criticized him for leading a partisan investigation. >> woodruff: david, i want to turn to tall news today ann about china, the president basically saying, and we're throwing these tariffs down and this is the way it's going to . tbe. the president's thrown down the
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gauntlet knowing farmers, u.s. auto makers, manufacturers are going to suffer. >> and people on the center right think this will be ridiculous, trade wars are winnable. but i'm struck that something has to be done by china now, that they are moving up the supply chain and up to the industries, the a.i. and high-tech industries and are doing it by stealing. the systemic threat that china presents makes hard negotiation and even some tariffs acceptable. so china has brought this on themselves and has converted a lot of people radically pro free trade into thinking we've got to do something about china. >> wooruff: is it something, though, mark, the president should be thinking about? there are vots out there concerned with farmers' interests and other u.s. economic interests that will be hurt by this. >> sure there are, judy. but this is a time if ever there
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was one when you want a coalition of nations, and we find ourselves isolated increasingly under thisti administ and this president's approach. i mean, this is a time for coordinated collective, strong approach to and enforcement with china, and i agree with vid that china has to be confronted. i mean, whether -- donald trump has one great asset going into 2020, and that is a booing american booning american economy. >> woodruff: you are saying this is risk? >> i think it definitely puts it at risk. >> you could have a very bad outcome withan actual trade trade war. you can see whe you cold have a good outcome and a lot of different scenarios in between, but the possibility of a real trade war is a possibility. i wish we could hae more
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confidence in our side of the table. >> woodruff: iran. is the president wise at this point to be pushing iran? we've got a carrier moving into the region, we've got b-52. what are we looking at here? >> to me these are foreign policy. it has a side oftoughness but there's no actual inter-agency or derylimechanism, so to me it looks like bluster. >> two battle carrier groups, judy, one in the med and one in the guvmis is serious stuff. we're talking about a president who got elected by withdrawing from american entanglements, and this is serious uff. and i just commend both senatorn tim the democrat from virginia, and todd young, the representativrepublican from ine trying to get congress to f confront tt they have never repealed the authorization
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of the mi wlitary force,hich since world war ii 153,000 americans have died in uniform without any declaration of war. >> woodruff: mark shields, david brooks, thank you. >> woodruff: earlier this week, the united nations warned th roughly one million of the world's species are on the verge of extinction-- more than at any other time in human history. as william brangham reports, one of those species under threat, is one of the most iconic animals on earth: e tiger. >> brangham: that's right, judy. it's estimated there are fewer than 4,000 tigers remaining in the wild today, down from roughly 100,000 in the early 1900s. more tigers now live in captivity than in the wild, many of those can be found in so-called tiger farms, whereey thre bred, raised and then slaughtered-- sold for their skin and body parts on the black
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market. a ew investigative report for the "washington post," terrence mccoy traveled to laos in southeast asia, and got an inside look at some of these farms, and the grisly trade that keeps them afloat. and he joins me now. welcome. >> thanks for hanng me. it'sincredible brutal and powerful piece of reporting you've done about this markets and the forat are driving it. can you just start off by telling us what is drivg is market? what do people want tiger parts for? >> that's a big question we had when we first start off is what on earth do people want tigers for? the most iconic species. we found some of the qualities that make the tiger so iconic its undoing, cause it's so strong and ferocious, it's become sort of a medicine for a lot of folks in china for traditional chinese medicine that they think all the elements
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that makes a tiger what it is can be used to treat humanhe ailments andther factor iseth becoming a status symbol that if you are wealthy enough, you can actually wear tiger on you. it's a lux so this has created a circumstance where people wanted it for medicine w d to shof their wealth. >> just for the record, there is medicinal to benefit or imbibing anything from a tiger? >> no medicinal benefit from it whatsoever. there have been rumors going back 1400 years but clearly no medicinal befits to that whatsoever. >> your report is also a profile of this man, karl amman, who you basih lly travel witthroughout southeast asia, he is thi striking quicks sottic activist oigure. can you tell us him? >> it's a profile of obsession and somebody becomes so consumet ir mission that that's all
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that they do. and karl amman has becomen a do quixote figure, just someone shouting in the wind. there are a lot of discussion now about the extinction rates and for decades people haven't been listening. he's doiga more inveson and saying this is happening in the world and we have to take note of it. y visit several tiger farms in the course of your reporting, some are small and look ramshackle. others are almost industrial scale in their size. i mean, you must have been shocked to see this kind of -- this sort f farming of an animal like a tiger. >> and the most amazing thing was you have been driving down the roads in laos that are rural and bend the gates was something of an industrial enterprise that they could fm hundreds of tigers in these places and we would have a drone going over it d, inside that footage, you would see tigers as
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small as ants prowling around, and you could see this is an industrial operation that we are eat creating out of tger becomes a product along this assembly line. >> the thing that comes through in yr reporting is the difficulty of trying to stamp itt this trade because all the nations you visnd all the big southeast asian and asian nations say we want to put a t stop to thiade but it persists, as your reporting shows. why is it so ard to stampt? >> there's a difference between passing law and actua enforcing it. in a lot of countries where wildlife trafficking is rampa is there are same places that have endemic poverty and struggles and a lot of these countries don't have the legal framework or will to take on entrenched wildlife interests in the country that want traff the animals, and also you have people who are struggling to survive. it's easy for you and i to say they shouldn't be doing this,
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but ultimately it's the decision between poaching an animal, trafficking an animal or not being able to feed theirfamily. unfortunately, we have people making those decisions to work in this enterprise. >> karl amman whom you followll has actbeen tracking this one particular tiger farmer for years. there is an incredible scene where he meets him finally after years of hunting this man. describe that scene. >> it typifies the same idea where he has been even tracking this person for five years, and it growsnto this larger than life figure in karl's mind,e wh's talking in intimate detail about he he goes about butchering these tiempleghts and he meets him. he finds not a gangster, but he fis somebody who's in dusty, dirty pants and flip-flops, smoking cigarette and drinking a beer. and what he finds is somebody who's impoverished. what karl realizes in thamot
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nt is it's one more bit player in a world unable to save itself really a tremendous piece of reporting, terrance mccoy,hi "the wton post." thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >>oodruff: 2019 marks the 350th anniversary of the death of the dutch master painter, rembrandt. to celebrate his life and legacy, museums in the netherlands are dedicating the entire year to new exhibits showcasing his work. jeffrey brown has this from amsterdam, as part of our ongoing arts and culture series, "canvas." >> brown: every day, thousands of visitors crowd into amsterdam's rijksmuseum to catch a glimpse of one of history's most celebrated art works, a masterpiece of storytelling, light and shadow, on a mammoth scale. but we got our own after-hoursan look at itthe other works
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in the museum's extraordinaryex nebition, titled "all the rembrandts." it's part of the netherland's celebrations commemorating the 350th anniversary of hisat and marks the first time this world-renowned museum has ma its entire collection o rembrandts open to the public. >> this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see it all out. >> brown: jane turner is curator of >> it'thing you can just come back to over and over again, and each time you look, you'll see something newffnd something ent. >> brown: there are 22 paintings,ncluding grand portraits of dutch high society and scenes from the bible. 60 drawings, and more than 300 prints. they span his career, and show an artist unmatched at capring the humanity in his subjects, even in sketches of daily life, like this one of a pancake-maker
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and some very hungry children. >> she looks a bitynical, and she's thinking, "you'll get your pancake when i see the money." and the young kid... it's brilliant. so he's digging in his pocket and he's really, really diggingb and ndt, he's managed... he makes the leg bent a so you really feel that movement of trying to find his coin. >> brown: but this is a street scene, right? i mean, it's just something... >> this is a street this ithing that he would have seen. mat it's the brilliance with which he observes ty. >> brown: the sketches also offer a glimpse into rembrandt himself, and his development as an artist. >> you see the artist thinking on e are mistakes, and he doesn't try to cover it up. he's not doing it for somebody else, or to sell. he does itor himself. and then you get the raw, inside glimpse of what he thinks, what s makes him laugh, what mam grieve, what makes him sad. >> brown: one of his main subjects was himself. the exhibition opens with a roomful of self-portraits, done
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throughoutis life. smiling, frowning, young, and old. he used them, in part, to practice techniques at would come to embody his larger works. in other cases, they served as a statement to theutside world, one that at times had its critics. >> they called him the first heretic in art history. >> brown: jonathan bikr is curator of research here, andf authore new book "rembrandt: biography of a rebel." ne>> a number of them ment that he broke the rules of our art. >> brown: which meant what? >> a variety of things. some of the things they accused him of doinge wouldn't think of as radical at all. for example, painting old wrinkled women, for example.pp what you were ed to do was to select the best, the most beautiful things in nature, and improve upon that. rembrandt didn't do that.t,
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for rembrahis was the ideal playing field for light and dark. >> brownfor bikker, the culmination of rembrandt's achievement is the painting known as "the jewish bride," a portrait of twlovers cast as the old testament's isaac andbe h. >> this is the greatest painted ode to love that was ever made. >> brown: the greatest? >> the greatest. >> brown: it also shows rembrandt's technique. here, the use of thick layers of richly colored paint. >> it's modeled ke clay. the high point of that technique is figuratively and lirally in the sleeve of isaac. that is the thickest passage of paint in any 17th century painting produced in europe. every painting that rembrandt did was a different experiment. >> brown: the celebration also sheds new light on rembrandt, the man. walking the streets of amsterdam, a celebrity artist in
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his own day, in one of the world's wealthiest cities. >> he lived onuite a large scale, he spent a lot of money, he was an avid collector of expensive and beautiful things. >> brown: lidewij de koekkoek is the direndctor of the rembra house museum. rembrandt originally bought the fuse at the height of hisame, near one of amsterdam's iconic canals, and used it as a living space, studio and workshop for his apprentices. a new exhibition examines his social network: family, friends and colleavees. >> we his romantic idea about rembrandt being verya grumpy, beinnely genius. but he wasn't out atll. i mean, he was obsessed by art, and art was foremost in his life. so he surrounded himself with people, and that is what the exhition shows. people that shared his interest in art, that he could discuss art with. connoisseurs, pupils, artist friends. >> brown: well-connected, but not always easy.
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>> we of course think of him as a genius, but a genius with-- i don't know, with a temper, and inionated, and not being always a very nice guy. >> brown: alette fleischer, an art historian, leads tours on rembrandt in amsterdam, and took us to the royal palace, site o one of the lowest poinhis career. as the story goes, rembrandt was commissioned to paint a portrait of the first century warrior gaius civilis, but his version-- a moody and gritty depiction-- was not what his benefactors were expecting, and they pulleds the paintirtly after its completion. >> the client wanted one thing, and he gave them another story. and he was completely sure that that he did was the right thing. his man was more tlly felt. >> brown: while he continued to receive commissions, his later life proved turbulent. overspendi led rembrandt to
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declare bankruptcy, and he spent the remainder of his life in relative poverty. he was buried inhe rental grave at the westerkerk. his re and lost to history., >> it was a life filled with suess, happiness, great tragedy. >> brown: and it's all there in e artwork, notably in th portraits of h wife, saskia. she gave birth to four children, but only one survived to adulthood. and she herself died just shy of her 30th birthday. curator jane turner: if this is gritty everyday and poignant, and you can imagine him wanting to sit with her because she's sad or she's ill or whatever. and while he sits with her, he draws her. >> brown: and it comes through that he loves her. >> he adores her. he absolutely adores her.
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and yeah, you do see that. >> brown: for jonathan bikker, it's that ability that keeps rembrandt relevant and beloved, 3.5 centuries after his death. >> we still ve emotions in the 21st century. it's what defines us, basically, as human beings. so when we look at rembrandt's paintings, but also his etchings and his drawings, we actuallyri exce our own humanity. >> brown: the exhibition "all the rembrandts" runs through june 10. for the pbs newshour, i'm jeffrey brown at the rijtemuseum in amsam. >> woodruff: finallyadonight, someews. last month, we reported on ariellstein, an 11-year-old girl featured in our story on "hope fohenry," a program that helps hospitals support seriously ill children.
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ariella lost her battle with cancer yesterday. pru can see our original story about her and thram on our website. our thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends and her caregivers. and that is the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. have a great weekend. thank you, and good night. >> major funding forbs newshour has been provided by: >> kevin. >>inevin! >> kev >> aice for life. life well-planned. learn more at >> bnsf railway. >> conmer cellular. >> babbel. a language program that teaches spanish, french, italian, german, and more. >> supporting social
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tonight oned newsroom, governor gavin newsome talks us aboutan tackling big d costly challenges ahead. a filings from uber and other tech companies with a back lash. an alarming picture o how humans and climate change are acceleratg climate change. we beg with state politics. on thursday governor gavin newsome had a budget $4 billion higher than the one in january. he wants to address what he says is the state's quote crisis, ility especially for working families.
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