tv KQED Newsroom PBS May 10, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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tonight oned newsroom, governor gavin newsome talks us aboutan tackling big d costly challenges ahead. a filings from uber and other tech companies with a back lash. an alarming picture o how humans and climate change are acceleratg climate change. we beg with state politics. on thursday governor gavin newsome had a budget $4 billion higher than the one in january. he wants to address what he says is the state's quote crisis, ility especially for working families.
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one would spend up to four months paid family leave for parents. they have until midjune to send it a final version tgothe rnor that includes their plan to tackle problems off wild fire to housing. s tt shaffer. >> reporter: thanks for joining us. the budget you released at the state capitol, 4 billion or so larger thanb the one in january. are there things you would like the include that you can didn't cause of lack of revenue of politicalback fom the legislature or elsewhere? >> we need do a lot more on k through 12, teacher training, retention, pay. specl education. we put a historic amount of money in to special education and training. we put eclose to $700 million tee special ed.
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but it's still a modestamount considering the totality. i'd like the move forward more expedishesly with universal health budget reflects that. but obviously it's going to take a few mor years to have the resources which are in the multiple billions of can dollars to ultimately achieve that goal and advance the real goal, which is changing our financing to a single frame financing. >> some of the critics say your goals are a littltoo odd agss. do you feel like you may have to ale that back a bit? >> we've reached some of them. lesfact is we're producing than 100,000 housing units. address the pricen balance or demand in price in balance. that id i want to be realistic but at the same time i wass to
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be odd we've got a regihaal strategy we've laid out. $1.75 billion in the budget for howing. what we goals.rerks e nerks a and we'll update our state-wide gel. >> you suggest e ested in january that tying gas tax to their progress o housing construction. a lot of pushback on that. er some democrats or freshman worry aboutno getting recall or reelected. what is that? >> it's okay.i s carrots and sticks. i had to sue huntingten beach. because they weren't can compliant with their housing element. it's one of the reasons we're 49th out of 50th in per capita housing units. the state of california can't ild. local municipalities, counties, they're the ones creatinging the
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condition for investment. we're putting an unprecedented amount mount of work to support them. if you refuse to do it, how n leverage that? >> is there a concern you might be foregoing worth while transportation projectses? >> no. we'spend every penny. the point iss there rar job housing linkage. the fact is you't d need new transit funds if you're not building more capacfry individuals to utilize the roads. those producing housing, i think they should be reward and incentiveized. ngst tro find ways to link the two up is important. >> asyou knowcoming back again with sc 50 to encourage mor high density housing, especially aroujd job centers and transit hub. it's already been amended to exclude counties like sonoma,
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more rural countedies. and there's concern about state trying to dicta to the state governor. is that concerntelegiti >> let me express this. there's a bigger concern. calirnia dream. it's quite literally in peril. i listen on the folks on the far right criticizes the state.mi le class are getting squeezed. the have and ha a nots manifesting a record number of homeless. we'veio got to get s about our housing issues. with respect sometimes, i'll say it. we all have to row together. i appreciate what scott's trying toing do. we'll see where that bill ends up. but i really ppreciate him inspiring the debate anew. and the state shouldn't have to do this. but it's i the absence off real local leadership at scale that
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obviously forces our hand in sacramento to do something ovel, different. >> you've got mini for wild fire prevention. how much liallability they should be on the ook for. some places like san francisco are considering ac power grid. when you think about all this and look down the road, what do you see pg&e looking at? >> diffe culture.rship, board, we changed a lot of leadership but the can culture hasn't changed. they've got to get serious about safety. rious about investing in the future and frustructure, tenology. serious about dealing with the immediate crisis which is two-fold. one, making whole the victims of the fires. making sure they get the settlements moving forward to make those victim whole. geto serious aboutng out of bankruptcy so they can start gting whole and investing in the green egrowth future.
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at the same teme we h very chal mpging reality and that is very difficult to opera utility with the hots getting hotter and the dries getting dryer and you have two other major utility its in california that are one bond rating away from junk wabond statuses itself. >> question about police mpcountability. there are two ing builts. one that calls for more training. another supported by the a krerks lerks u and calls for more accountability and holding police officer accountablehen there's deadly force and it's not just in self defense. where do you fall on those two competing measures? >> number one e support because it's relevant. our budget reflects a record amount of money for what we call our post program. that's an important enhancement in the budget. i'm try doing my best to get the parties together. i've got key staff members
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working -- i don't think it's exaggerating -- full t this top. people worki collaboratively to see if its rrb posable to find compromise. >> and dispute over a bill off transparency and release of personnel records is retroactive or not. javier is taking the position it is not retroactive. o you agree with where the attorney general is right now or would you strike the personnel records released? >> edeep respect for the attorney he's nd. personally. and i have great respect and addmeration for the policy and political perspective. we put out oo memo in contrast of the aorney general's sition. we believe the law allows for activit >> thank you so much for joining us. >> grateful. >> now to the tech agency.
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ride hailing it uber is the bigge ipo of the year. lyft posted a loss of orean $1 bill yen in its first report as a public company. drivers went on strike wednesday over wages and labor practice. also this week facebook co founder became the elatest high profile voice to call for regulatinging the tech giant. and san francisco business columnist and casey newton from "the burj." so let's start with facebooco founder. he said facebook has not only harmed it democracy but is now a monopoly and mark zuckerberg's power is unprecedented and unamerican. how much weight do you think this willi carrthe growing calls to break up facebook?
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or are we looking at more likely scenario of regulation? >> i think regulation is more likely than areak up. antitrust in forcement in this country is very weak right now. it puts him in a line of early facebook uemployees ing the alarm about the company. they say it's too large, t powerful and the governm needs to step in. so hoouz rr isn't the first person to say this but he is a co founder of the company. and while people inside facebooo tend discount his views, i think his voice care eies dely today. >> an early facebook investor hase been out saying me message. but does achbt break up make sense,h ken? >> i was kind of surprised he never brought up the point. kangress to out law the ser
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voting majority shares that lets zuckerberg control about 60% of the company, even though he sold most of it to the public. tech companies, media companis are using the s sareucture where the owners can still get over 50% control of the company, eve evenow though they don' much of the stock. >> so they don't have toanlser to anybody, not even the shareholders. >> that's not true. i don't know there's any one person that can m age anetwork of more than 2 billion people. that's a point you make is it's hard to thing off a person you would want to intrust with all off that per. it would be great eif ahere was moountability on all boersds at public companies. but i tink a facebook the problems might be larger than just that. >> kathleen, uber went public this morning at a stock pras of $45.
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but by the end of the day it fell 48% to $41.50. it's rather disappointing for a highly anticipated ipo. >> the dow is down big the day, although it managed to close up. i think the big thing happenin is obviously lyft wist public anrading way below its price. and also einvestors are just somewhat pessimistic about the profitability for.these compa it's long and winding and full of hills i think. >> yeb think it actually a story about the market working. they said we're going to lose 1.8 billion over the next year and ihink public took a look and said what exactly are we buying a piece of here? they want to tell you uber eats will make money or with
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micromobility, scooters and other things like tht. but right now uber is a challenged-looking business and its growth is slowing. >> and there are questions about how long it can continue toit classify workers as independent contractors and not employees. and in fact kathleen this wee uber drivers went oen a one-day strike. they were protesting theiy, working condigs. and you had an art the chronicle about how much drivers actually get paid. how much do they make? >> the story was more about the discrepancy about what the passenger pays and what the driver makes. and it varies a lot. it's all over the map. i no pended. that's because the drivers g paid primarily on time and distance. but passengers get charged whatever they charge for the fai 50 to 60% of the fair.
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>> theer could be decent or very little. >> what they make depends on how often they work, when they work, etc. >> and the labor department on that issue of independent contractors, the labor department recently issued att that pretty much allows uber and lyft, economy companis to keep classifying workers as independent contractors and not employees. could public opinion make a sifference? had it huge uproar and they chaned their policies. >> i think the uber case a little different from the tnstacar one. there are a of uber drivers who don't want to have it as a full-time job. they like the turn it on over the weekend and make few extri bucks. it's hard to think how you would it devise a perfect solution. given some drivers want to be
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employees and some don't. >> and speaking of public opinion e there's a tech back lash happening in san francisco. a higher ip 0 tax to raise for housing and other cost. is this reflective of a broader public opinion push. officials in the public wanting to hold it tech companies more accountabilitiable for gentrification and things flkcome andequality? >> tech companis are big and rich now. so you're a supervisor and you want money, they'reache obvious to look. i support many of the taxes in the city but to me the ideaia would tax ipos, which are very unpredictable, as a way of solving our hardest pelb ents seems crazy to me. we know how to solve the housing isis. ideas rr like the hear supervisors.
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>> it wasn't that long ago it the city was passing tax breaks for tech companies to move them to market. and we've kind of gone full circle on that. >> and speaking of i perks" there are currently lots of instant millionaireses. what impact will that have on bay area housis? cri >> that's a big topic on real estate maerkets. you're seeing all kinds of stimates about what they'r going to do 92 housing market? i think redfin put out a studya urrent squeformer uber employee could buy all of the homes on the maerkt right now in san francisco,rkakland and ey. and estimated that they could raise the median home price from 7,000 to $25,000. but honestly, we don't know. h we don't kn many of those
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employees have stock, how many are going to buy a house. how many areoing to take that money and move taa low tax, no tax state. also you have to look at what's going onthij market in general and it's not as vibrant as it was last year. i think the median home price disted for the f time in a bunch of years last month. so maybe what you'll see is instead of pric going up, maybe they won't go down a mitch hoar maybe they will. hl will be interesting to see. >> kn with the san francisco chronicle. thank you both. >> thank you. >> we turn our attention to climate change. this week a united nations report warns as maas 1 million plants and animal species are at risk of extinction laerjly due to human action and global warming. it included thousand of
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scientific studies. and food security and clean water. we talk more about is with an energy professor at u.c. berkeley. and founder and president of the politic action commitae nextgen america. i know you have been lobbying for president. there was his assertion and the house committee vote to hold attorney general b or in contemcongress. but they're still side stepping the issue of impeachmen what do you think it will take to change their mind? >> i think as speaker pelosi said we're in a constitutional crisis because this has -- in an almost blaengt fashion says he does not recognize the saration of
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powers and he sin eeffect at war with an equal branch of government. i believe we are in a crisis and that crisis will enly deepen as the congress decide how assert their power. and -- >> but y saker pelosi is not willing to start imepeachment ou thing she's making a mistake? >> i think facts are going to over take her. i've always felt if you don't think there'sngh information yet to impeach him, wait until tomorrow. she's being over taken by the fact that this president said her branch of government doesn't exist as far as he concerned. the new united nations report goes furthe than previous studies about the earth's ecosystem.w
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details lose thefate of humans is is combined. >> the push to understand the extinction revolution as part ou energy and biodiversity future is here. we see it in honey bees and the impalk on our food security and onhe incred haebl small and remaining patches of nature where we now see the value of a bioodiversefry a whole variety of features. and the high lying this is not just energy. but we hase to prve the planet we're going to live on too. >> so there a way to stop this it dline of biodiversity at at this point or is the best we can hope for is damage control? >> helping fiegs get up fish ladders and spawning to settic aside biodiverse scrips.
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but stwree dmit ntsdsic that we're part of nature, it's not a part of us. and the panel on climate change warns we only have about ten years left before we can can avert catastrophic climate change. polls show many americans don't ew this as their top priority. what do you think it will takem for t make the a top prioort? >> one thing that has changed is for democratic this is the number one issue. so i think we've seen a real chan. and the vast majority of mericans understand we need clean energy. what we have is an absolute systemhe failure where donors from the fossil fuel community arell contg the republican party and they're refusing to accept the idea that dan and other scientists can know
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something about science insisting on making short-term money.ho >> do we address that, dan. >> >> one, as tom said this is at the toupnd of the agenda presidential candidates high eletting 100% clean energy agendas and also means more jobs t it means better opportun for low income americans and stloe is a realxu n around lean sustainable air and that message is one that can push beyond simpthry environmental. >pandking of the technology that we're seeing -- because it isn't all bad news. clean energy technology is getting bet ee cheaper. frers so what are some of the two or three bright spots that you see right now in terms of progress on fighting climate change? re are a couple different ways to answer the question. if you're asking about
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technology, you can see renewable energy gen rag is the cheapest there is. so wheneople say we're go tagging have to give something up, no you're not. g you're having to to give something up in order not to plot. and another thing that's amazing. the nevada state house voted for a proposition that we put forward on the ballot last year. because 50% renewable energy by and republican voted. every republican in both the state senate and thetate legislature voted 50% clean energy by 2030. i was shocked. but maybe were seeing a revolution on both sides of the aisle. >> w atut nuclear power though? is that a feasible option? >> it's feasible butz it's in a tricky spot.
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bah it's so much more expensive than renewables. and as energy storage becomes not only cheaput legislature after legislature, california, new york, arizona are all picking energy surrage over na gas. so nuclear is goo having to get safer and cheaper and easier to install. i would love to see to see it succeed but it duant match the energy maerkt today. >> we have progressive democr calling for a government-led program to create new jobs and clean energy. what do you think about that? >> it's fantastic. do i gree with everything they proposed? no. but they came win afo huge prupl a huge problem. and so it's a first draft. eband everyith a better idea, come in with an improvemeimprove from the green new deal. but for those on the sidelines
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who pollute andharp shoot those trying to solve the problem, i'm not going to gve you a single word until you stop polluting and come in wit an actual suggestion that's workable. they did. >> i think what's exciting about the green new deal also is it takes the environmental movement to environmental plus social moveme. understanding how lec trek vehicles can serveeople who kaen can't necessarily afford to buy a car. and mong the environmental movement to the environmental plus social, that's what we have en hoping and waiting to see. and the number of youth that are really taking a lead role from the europe toi school s in the united states, we eare business ething that leaders, politicians have to listen. frers >> if you watch how it's worked in california and dee have the most progressive energy lgislation in the world.
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it's been by legislation from the poorest it districtsn californi they didn't go along with it. you look at who dhitd redo. people said they ghu knew the air pollution was hurting their constituenwi. >> it's g. >> that's what should be leading here. we should be leading with clstice knowing we'll get the it right policies foate and justice. >> what do you think about bo oroerk and jay insly. they seem to be mieving away from cap and tradeprograms and focusing on the carbon tax and more inerms of the framework of electric cars and new technology. >> i don't knoif it's better. i know those plans quite well. i would say they're not moving away from them.
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they're recognizing what california is doing, can which is that we have a carbon price. you need protect boy odiversity, make income generating for low income people. this is much more holistic. >> pleasure to have you both on. >> thankou. and that will do it for us. asalys you can find more of our coverage on
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robert: standos. between the nd china, in the white house, in congress. i'm robert costa. welcome to "washington week." president trump: we have a great attorney general, now theat democr are saying, we want more. robert: president trump asserts executive privilegemu over the ler report, and democrats move to hold the attorney congress.ontempt of >> there may be some other contempt of congress issues we want to deal with at the same time. robert: republicans want to mov on. >> the mueller report has been filed. hinkcase is closed and i it's time to move on. robert: plus -- trade diste. top u.s. and china officials negotiate as markets remnn o
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