tv PBS News Hour PBS May 15, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> nawaz: good evening, i'm amna nawaz. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, the abortion divide-- the alabama state senate votes to enact the nation's most restrictive abortion law while vermont moves to enshrine abortion rights in its constitution. then, former supreme court justice john paul stevens discusses his career, the future of the judicia and what he thinks are the court's worst decisions., pl the leading edge of science-- how some activists are using artwork toalonvey the chlenges of climate change and to persuade ordinary people to take action. >> art has this very special ability to tap into peoples' emotions, and people take action and decisions based on their emotions more than anything else. >> nawaz: all that and more on
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>> supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the world's most pressing problems-- >> the lemelson foundation. committed to improving lives through invention, in the u. c and developintries. on the web at b >> supportthe john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more information at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. rsd by contributions to your pbs station from vieike you. thank you.
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>> nawaz: tensions between the u.s. and iran have prompted new diplomatic and military moves today. it follows washington's warnings of unspecified threats by iran. today, the state department ordered non-essential government staff out of neighboring iraq. and, germany and t netherlands halted military training missions in iraq. but in berli german officials also issued a veiled warning about intensifying u.s. sanctions on iran. >> ( translated ): because maximum pressure always carries th escalation then we certainly do not need one thing at the moment: an additional fuse. and that is why wengill do everyte can to ensure that this does not happen. >> nawaz: in washi house speaker nancy pelosi also warned against any miscalculation. house democrats quoted heras aying the u.s. has to avoid a war. and new rsey senator bob nendez said the white house must not take military action without approval from congress
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he declared a national emergency to protect the u.s. telecommunications system. it refers to "foreign adversaries" wenhout moning any by name. the president already banned chinese company huawei. this new order authorizes the blockage of others. two teenagers accused of opening fire at their colorado school were formally charged today with and attempted murder. one student, kendrick castillo, was killed in the attack on maya 7th, after he ckled one of the shooters. a large crowd attended his memorial service today in suburban denver. and hundreds of jeepn wners joinednoring castillo, who was fond of off-roading in his own jeep. california fire authorities are blaming an electrical company for sparking last year's deadly camp fire. cal fire said pacific gas and electric company-owned power lines ignited the fire in november that fire killed 85
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people in paradise and destroyed nearly 1500 homes. san fransco is now the first city in the country to ban police from using facial recognition software. the board of supervisors approved t ban on tuesday. the measure also says city departments must receive apoval to buy or use any surveillance system. supervisor aaron peskin and others argued facial recognition technology threatens civil liberties and privacy. >> it's psychologically unhealthy when people ow they're being watched in every aspect of the public realm, on the streets, in parks. that's not the kind of city i want to live in. >> nawaz: opponents of the ban said the technology makes it cheaper and faster for police to find suspects and identify missing people. thers more fallout in the opioid scandal. the metropolitan museum of art in new york announced today it will take no more money from the billioniaire sackler family. they allegedly racked up huge
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profits from oxycontin, made by the family-owned purdue pharma, and they now face multiple lawsuits. several other museums have taken similar actions. the number of babies born in the united states has reached a 32- year low. the centers for disease control and prevention reports there were just under 3.8 million births last year. and, birth rates for women in their teens and 20s rehed record u.s. birthed in 2007, at 4.3 million, but have been dropping since then, partly as women choose to have children later in life. on wall street today: the dow jones industri average gained arly 116 points to close at 25,648. the nasdaq rose 87 points, and the s&p 500 added 16. and, at the vatican today, eight migrant children, from syria, geria and congo, took a ride in the pope-mobile. th waved as the vehicle made ncs way around st. peter's square at pope f' weekly
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general audience. some even took selfies with him the pope has clashed with the italian government over its strict curbs on acceptng migrants. still to come on the newshour: the white house announces a new immigration plan with the aim of unifying rcans the alabama state senate votes to enacthe nation's most restrictive abortion law how some activists are using art to motivate their fellow citizens to fight climate change, anmuch more. >> nawaz: president trump is returning to a familiar issue-- immigration. he is slated to deliver a speech on a new plan tomorrow. tonight, our yamiche alcindor is at the white house and wabrs jut fed on what we can expect. yamiche, you have just come from the white house. so, what do we expect the president to say tomorrow?
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>> well, this is reay the president saying he wants the change everything about the immigration system as it stands now and rea orhaul it despite concerns by democrats and republicans. so i want to walkth yough his plan. the first changes are to the legal immigration system. he wants first focus on keeping the numbers of immigrants the same in the united states bu changing the composition. so to look at that, he's going to be focused on marriage and skillsea the cais he will cut the number of immigrants coming here with family ties from% to 33%. that's half the number of people. he also wan to cut in half the number of people coming here with humanitarian ties andke asylum s. they want to go from 22% to 10%. lastly they want to increase t number of people coming on skills visas fro12% to 55%. really focusing on skills. there he also wants to simplify the visa system. he's looked at other countries like australia and canada. he wants to make it quicker to get a visa to the united state . econd big portion of this is a big border security bill. in that, the president wants to keep his signature campaign
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promise, which is building a border on the -- building a wall on the southern border. he also wants to modernize ports of entry across the united states and specifically at the southern border. to do that he e wants ok at new technology and people smuggling drugs into the united states. he also wants to, interestingly enough, unify families separated by the trump administration. that's, of course, the white house ansentially saying we to be able to take all the families that we had separated and ally identify them and put them together. the caveat there is that courts have already been telling the ump administration that they have to do that, and democrats say while they're happy t see that in the plan, they think that's something the courts were going to make them do anyway. e big things that aren't included, daca, which focuses on immigrants brought here as minors by adult, and also temporary protected status, which are immigrants who dame because of natasural drs. there is also no plan for millions and millions of wundocumented immigran are already living in the united states. reblicans would say that's no amnesty, democrats would say there is no pathway to
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citizenship. >> nawaz: less than 30 second, yamiche. does this plan have any way of moving forward through congress? >> the answer is it's dead on arrival in congress. democrats, they have been telling me this is not a plan. itey have been sayins not serious. republicans, especially graham, an ally of e president, has been saying this plan isn't supposed to be-to-become law, and susan collins says unless there are dreamers included in this, she won't be able to support it either. >> nawaz: yamiche with the very latest from the white house. thanks, yamich >> thanks. ti nawaz: with new conservative ads to the u.s. supreme court, more and more states are passing laws meant to test the limits of roe-versus-wade. the latest? alabama, where last night the state senate passed the mostst ctive abortion bill in the country. side the alabama senate chamber: four hours of heated debate...
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>> when that unborn child becomes a person and we need legal guidance on ben that is. that's not your business. you don't have to do anything for that child, but you want to make the decision for oman that that's what she has to do. >> i want to make the decision for that child. at>> nawaz: outside the st house: dozens of protesters... >> when repro-rights are under attack, what do we do? >> stand up, fight back! >> nawaz: ...all of it culminating with an overwhelming "yes" 26 to 6 vote... >> house bill 314 passes. >> nawaz: ...and the nation's most-restrictive abortion bill. alabama's h.b. 314 would ban almost every abortion at every stage of pregnancy. it would make it a felony for doctors to perform abortions-- they could face up to 99 years in prison. the bill has no exceptions for cases of rape or incest-- only when the mother's health is at risk. alabama's bill is the latest
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attempt to limit an access-in te justice brett kavanaugh joined the supreme court. since october, ten states have passed some form of t rictions, that range from fetal heartblls banning abortion after six weeks, to requiring that fetal tissue be buried or cremated alabama's republican governor kay ivey says she wants to idreview the bill before dg its fate, but the bill's advocates expect her to thgn it. new law is scheduled to go into effect in six months, but will almost certainly be blocked by the courts before then. all this puts alabama on potential path to supreme court and the landmark roe versus wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide more than 45 years ago. no, we take a look at how two states efforts, alabama and vermont, to enact new and opposing abortion laws. i'm joined by brian lyman, a political reporter at the "montgomery advisor." he's in montgomery, alabama. anne galloway, editor of the v.t. digr joins us from rlington.
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and via skype, mary ziegler. she's a law professor at florida state university and author of several books on abortion and politics, including "after roe: the lost history of thtion debate." welcome to all of you. thank you for being here. brian, let's start with you where we left off in the piece. alabama, the most restrictive abortion ban in the country. from your reporting, what do w know about why that bill was crafted the way that it was? >> there is only within reason this bill was written the way st : the supporters say they are trying to mount a direct allenge to roe v. wade. they believe that this law will crte a legal challenge that they will probably lose in the lower courts but they think they can appeal this all the way the u.s. supreme court, and they think with the current make-up of the supreme courtthey think they can get roe overturned. >> nawaz: mary ziegler, give us a little bit of context here. alabama is t alone in passing
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some of these restrictions. a number of states have beekin numbers over a number of years. give us a landscape. what kinds of bills and restrictions have been making their way through stat legislatures? >> sure. so i think this is more of a oking att if you're what the court is actually likely to do. we have seen so-caealledbeat bills, including one passed in georgia, all of which ban aborhlon at rothe sixth week of pregnancy. we have also sign more incremenl legislation that tends to focus on later abortion, including laws that ban aboion on 20 weeks on the grounds of fetal pain prevention. we've seen laws banning violation and evacuation, the most common second trimester procedure. and thers are some es in front of the supreme court right now including a law passed in indiana when mike pence was the governor. >> nawaz: i want to be clear, mary ziegler, a number of these incredibly restrictive bills that have been pushed mory,e recentre any of them in place on the ground? >> no, all of them have eit bher
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becked by a court or have not gone into effect. we wouldn't expct any of them to go into effect or not be challenged in a court, so we're really in the talking about any of these laws beircng enf in the near future. >> nawaz: anne galloway, let's talk about vermont now. we have talked a lotbo abortion restrictions that have been going into place. it'sctivity on the other end of the spectrum in vermont. there's two legislative efforts on the table. tell us what they do and how they would change current abortion law in vermont? >> yes, right now vermont law is silent on abortion. there are no restrictions or permissions in place. lawmakers have pro legislation that passed overwhelmingly in both the house and senate and thateplican governor phil scott has pledged to sign. this state statute would give blanket protection for abortion access across the state. at the same time, lawmakers have put forward a constitutional amendment that over the long
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term would provide more permanent protection for a woman's right to choose. s nawaz: both ate law and a came effort under way. why both? >> well, that's because wmakers are very nervous about the conservative majority o the u.s. supreme court, and the potential for the erturning of roe v. wade. they really are developing contingency plans should that happen. and they're really belt and suspenderring it here. the ste statute gives temporary protection. they're worried about ov conservativenor down the road who might put rule making in place that could gut funding for abortions in vermont or that could strict abortions through insurance plans and that kind of so long ter feel a constitutional amendment is the best way to ensure that women are able to accss abortions in the future. >> nawaz: mary ziegler, we ar a lot about the restrictions that are being put into place. is vermont alone in these kind
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of efforts? are there other states that have been pushing through, trying to enshrine protections for abortion rights? >> yeah, new yoriously is probably the best known bsause reproductive health act attracted so much controversy. ten other states already have protections for abortion rights on their statute books or in their state constitutions. other state courts introducing protections, for example, the kansas supreme court recently issd a decision strongly i protecting aborti that state's constitution. other states are considering cluding neww, in mexico, so we probably have not seen the end of efforts like the ones in vermont to kind of create a world in which abortion is protected in some states afteonr roe ise. >> nawaz: so back in alabama, brian, the republican legislators who voted for this did not include any exception for rape or incest in this. so they did that only with the assumption that this law would nevellactuago into place, is
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that right? >> the supporters of the bill are arguing this is purely a legal challenge to roe v. wade. and ey have kind oried to hedge the effects of this bill by arguing that if roe were overturned, the state could come dock and ts own abortion law which could include exceptions for rape and insist the problem is -- well, there are two problems. fae is that alabama last approved a constitutional amendment that said there was no right to an abortion in the alabama constitution, which seems like it would make it more diffico address these exceptions in a post-roe world. the other issue res that this legislature overwhelmingly voted to keep those rape and insist exc teptions out bill, and these were not close votes. so it's very hard to see how this current legislature at the very least would want to take up this issue again after voting so overwhelmingly tolot iude
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exceptions for sexual assault in this bill. >> nawaz: anne, very quikly, we saw a lot of the protesters outside of the alabama state house, the push back against the restrictions. has there been any pushback in vermont against the effort to protect abortion rights there? >> yes, there has been push back from the vermont right to life committee and from bishop christopher coin, the head of the tholic church here vermont, but lawmakers overwhelmingly passed the abortionht rs legislation that i mentioned earlier, and there re republicans and democrats alike who backed it, and in pointof fact 70% of vermonters earch polnt pew res said that they supported a woman's right the choose. so there i broad level support here. it's not a politically polarizing issue as it is in other states. >> nawaz: mary ziegler, this is the $1 million queion now.
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all these restrictive efforts that have been going into place, is it a question of if or when one oefthese will getre the supreme court? >> i think it is a questn of when the supreme court will reconsider roe v. wade. i don't think it'snything like a sure thing that the supreme court will ever consider one of thtreme laws. i think it's telling that you have figures like patobertson coming out and saying, this is too hard and the supreme court won't like this kind of law. we know that chief justice roberts is deeply concerned about the reputation of the supre court and about optics, about keeping the court above the political fray or at arleast apg to do so. we know that brett kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing talked a lot about respect of precedent. it would require the court to undo decades of precedent in one decision with very little advance warningwahat that going the happen. that seems to be a long shot. i think we're much more likely to see the court unravel roe more slowly by unrollag
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series of more incremental decisions and offering hints that roe is not long for this world and getting rid of roe slowly, more like a death of a thousand cuts. >> nawaz: any sense of line of when that could happen? >> we don't know. it could start soon, or the court might want the stay out of abortion altogether. i would guess in the next five years, but it's unpredictable. it's possible the court could uphold a law like the alabama law. i wouldn't put opinion on it, but it's not out of the quese'on. i thinke looking at a series of judicial conditions over a number of years, not something at would happen in the next 12 months. >> nawaz: mary ziegler of florida panhandle, anne galloway from vermont's "vt digger" and brian man, thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> nawaz: and an update on this story: moments ago, alabama
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hegovernor kay ivey signed abortion bill into law. >> nawaz: stay with us, coming up on the newshour: 44 states file a lawsuit agaig t the leadinneric drugmaker over price inflation. and why a few minutes of music can be a useful tool to calm students. there's no lack of images and powerful video when it comes to disasters like wildfires or melting glacie. but a pair of artists are usinge those images i ways, part of their mission to warn people what's happening too frequently to familiar landscapes. miles o'brien has this different look at the power of fire and ice for our segment on "the smading edge." >> reporter: in l shack in the palm springs desert, and a sunlit studio on a brooko n corner, twartists are aiming their talent at an existential crisis. >> sometimes people accuse me of
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being an alarmist and i say d at's exactly right. it is time to soe alarm. any sensible adult who's responsible in any wayould be sounding the alarm right now. >> reporter: for jeff frost the subject is wildfire. the medium is time lapse video art. his film is "california on fire," an intense, horrifying creation about destruction. >> i looked at this wildfire siwation and i thought, "ell, here is a present-day effect of climate change." people tend to not react to things unless they're actually happening to them right then. and i was thinking, "well, this is happening right n it's definitely not a film that pulls any punches, wver. in fact, it's full-on aggresve. >> reporter: for zaria forman, the mission is the same. >> art has this very special ability to tap into people emotions, and people take action
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and decisions based on their emotions more than anything else. >> reporter: her medium is pastels, and her subject is ice... vanishi... also a story of destruction... on a different time scale, and from a different perspective. ut so, i choose specifically to show the bof these places at the forefront of climate change as opposed to the devastation that's hpening. because i want people to be inspired, to be moved, to want to protect and preserve them. >> reporter: jeff frost began s artistic journey here, inside abandoned houses in california salton sea. as he embellished them withpa int, he captured time lapse images. art that is as much about the s as the object. al and on the way to one, i accide ran into my first wild fire right out here by the windt arms. my artain just kind of exploded and i stopped
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immediately and time lapsed it all night. i just was looking at it thinking, "i have never seen anything like this." and it was wildly exciting, i want to do more. >> reporter: zaria forman's love of distant, fragile places is inherited. her mother, rena bass forman, was a fine art landscape photographer, obsessed with exploring and photographing the most remote places on the planet. in 2007, they traveled together to greenland. for zaria, the ice offered inspiration and yet also intimidation. >> i was terrified to draw ice and i omitted it from all of my drawings. it's hard. it doesn't lend itself to very crisp, hard lines, specific details and especially white is one of the hardest colors to work with. it doesn't blend well with other colors. so, i just didn't think i was going to be capable of it to be to >> reporter: but it was
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impossible to ignore this artiic sin of omission, so se eventually embraced the challenge. >> and it was this big kind of scary step, but i made my first drawing when i got home and it't diurn out so bad and i've been doing it ever since>> eporter: jeff frost became equally obsessed with wildfires. he sigrted responding to the b ones. >> the very first time i went to a fire, it was just massive level of anxiety and heighted alert. but once i got used to it, it became more contemplative and it became more strategized. i would takehis photo that was incredibly aesthetically beautiful but then i would feel guilty because i was happy about making a good picture. and i think a lot of photo journalists probably go through this. and eventually, i compartmentalized and strategized. so in a loof ways, the strategy is to pull people in with that aesthetic beauty buee then they'reg something that's got a lot more depth than just the surface.
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>> reporter: his is constantly playing with the clock speeding it up, slowing it down... lingering on a frame. >> if you change chronologies away from real time, our experience of time as humans, it can give you the overview effect. which is the same kind of thing that you get if you were to look at space photos from the international space station. it sort of expands your mind into this wider view, and we really neethat because i don't think in the evolution of our species, anything has ever developed to givus a global instinct. >> reporter: zaria forman has her own lef overview. >> so, one day i opened this email that was in my inbox that read "dear zaria, we would love for you come fly with us over antarctica, love nasa." and i was like "what?" >> reporter: it was the crew of nasa's "icebridge," which flies low altitude sensi missions over both polar regions. she's flown with them several
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times. a new perspective on familiar subject. >> i'm used to seeing it at the end stage, either at the face of a glacier where the icebergs are calving off, or the icebergs that hav are on their death bed essentially until they melt completely in the ocean. so, it was really interesting to get to get to fly over the ice t p or the ice sheet and really see where all of te came from, and understand how it travels and how it moves and >> reporter: it is the focus of her work right now. >> i want to be true to the landscape that existed at that point in time. i want the viewer to have as much of a recreation of the experience that i had. i want it to be real! li reporter: the landscape depicted in "fornia on fire" is grim; it ripples with tension; made lpable with a throbbing soundtrack, composed and performed by jeff frost himself. >> the interesting thing is tha the most feedback from the firefighters themselves i've got is this really makes you feel
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ilike you'n the middle of the fire and you see the things that normally civilians would not see. so, i would say that this probably gets as close a you're ing to get. i've had a number of people thank me for, essentially, making something beautiful andod something tive and artistic out of this horror that they experienced. there are moments in this where horror is beauty. >> reporter: for zaria forman, the horror lies in the beauty that is vanishing, melting, even as she freezes it on paper. >> i think it's important to like, come at it at al different angles, you know? like we need news, we need the stories, we need the data from the scientist. but then i think we also need beautiful images. whatever we can possibly do toan policy. i mean, we're moving in the right direction, just not fast enough. >> so, i can't really go into it saying like, "i'm going to change the world." i'm saying like, "look, it would be great if thi"as a cataly" i think everybody has to do their thing.
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i just feel like more like i'm doing my part, you do your part too and you and you and you and everybody else. and they're all important. >> reporter: two artists, making fine art of fire and ice. beautiful, terrifying work, created to evoke and proke. for the pbs newshour, i'm miles o' brien in palm springs and brooklyn. >> nawaz: the price of prescripon drugs is a pocketbook issue that affects americans from every walk of life. much of the focus has been on the cost of brand name drugs. but, as john yang tells us, a new multi-state lawsuit alleges many generic drugmakers have been artificially raising the price of their medications--
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drugs used to treat everything from minor infections to chronic diseases like h.i.v. >> yang: amna, about 90% of the prescriptions filled in the united states are for generic drugs-- medications whose patents have expired. congress created theeric drug industry to drive prices down through increased competition. but a lawsuit filed by 43 states and puerto ricoha alleges leading drug makers conspired to inflate the prices of more than 100 widely used generic drugs, sometimes by as much as 1,000%. connecticut attorney general william tong's office has been leading the investigation. mr. tong, thanin so much for g us. >> john, thanks for having me. >> yang: first of all, give us a sense of the scope. how much moneykre we taling about? >> billions of dollars. we think this is potentially the largest private sector cartel in history. what we're seeing is pervasive, widespread, industry-wide price
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fixing and dividing up of market share. >> yang: you're alleging some of the drugs involved are widely us. some of our viewers may have them in their medicine cabinets right now. wh are we talking about? >> so common antibiotics like doxycycline, z-pwhich i use sometimes when my kids are sick, i have a 13 year old, a ten year old, a seven year old. adults use z-packs. there arepl simantibiotic creams that we use when we get a cut or a scratch. these are drugs tt using every day, and they're drugs that america rely on to live. >> yang: and what's the evidence you have to back up your claim? >> so we have text messages, wee-mails. ave cooperating witnesses. we also have phone records that show on days in which the major generic drug manufacturers increased prices, often inre concert, ts a high s equency of phone calls, you know, phone calat last for a minute, two minutes, five
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minutes, 45 minutes between thje generic drug manufacture centers a highly unusual way. so all of is evidence shows that there was overt, brazen collusion on price, and i guess what i would say to the industrt is, what of that is not true. >> yang: to be clear, you don't know what was said in those conversations you just know that they took place. so what makes you suspicious? >> no, actually, we have text messages and e-mails that rialize what happened i those phone conversations. in have chatter after the phone conversationhich people say, look, i talked to this guy, i talked to that guy. seems that this company is going the raise price on this drug and this other company is going to follow. it that sort of communication coupled together, the text message, the e-mails, the cooperating witnesses, again, who are telling us what's happening at these companies. and then the pho records, putting that all together shows a practicean industry-wide
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practice of collusion again in what is the c largeporate cartel in history. >> yang: we're going to be talking to someone from the generic drug industry after this. but one of the things that they've said before in response to thislawsuit is that they say that overall the price of generic drugs haseen falling. how do you respond to that? >> you know, they sent out ae, press relend they sent out a chart that they say shows thae prices hone down a little bit over the last throw years, but what they don't mentioatis he same chart that they put out shows there was a huge spike in prices in 2012, '13 and '14. this is what we saw prices go up 1,000%, 200% on the drug mentioned, doxycycline, 8,000%. there was just no reason for a spike in pces, no market explanation. what we found is that during that time, the competitors were talking and they were colluding. yang: you said some of
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these texts memorialize the phone conversations. theyd ay who they tal. but what in specific is being said this in these text messages? >> so what they're talking about is, you know, efforts by various drug manufacturers to raise prices. so on the one hand, you see communications about, you know, teva, which is the focus of ts latest complaint and the largest generic drug manufacturer in the worl, that te va will raise prices on x day, and another generic drug maufacturer, say mylan will follow. there are overt conversations by specific manufacturers by representatives of certain manufacturers about price movements and howhey will react to them. they also talk about dividing up their fair share of the market and forcing a market allocation or division of markethare by playing nice in the sandbox with each other. so it's that kind of language that shows there i an overt
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agreement to collude on price and market share. >> yang: in addition to trying to stop this practice, is your lawsuit tryingto get any of this money back for the consume centers. >> yes. we're trying to claw back the billions of dollars that they stole from the american peoatpl. through e believe to be one of the biggest frauds ever committed on the people of this countrne >> yang: cicut attorney general william tong, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you, john. >> yang: the drug companies namein the lawsuit have strongly denied any wrongdoing and have pledged to vigorously defend themselves in court. chip davis is the chief executive officer of a trade group that represents the makers of generic prescription drug, the assoation for accessible medicines. mr. davis, thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks for the opportunities to be here. th yang: you heard wha attorney general said, the largest corporate cartel in story, overt brazen collusion, what's your response? >> again, thank you for having me. my initial response to what general tong said i that facts
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are important here. conjecture isn't. speculation isn't. trying a case in the court of public opinion that should be tried in the cour is not the way to ensure that patients ve access to safe, affordabledi ne. nine out of every ten prescriptions in the united states are now generic. we just released on behofalf our members a report that says that 90% of all prescription drugs are available for only 22% of total cost to the healthcare prescription drug dollar. that's an amazing value proposition that you can't see anywhere else in healthcare. so toha suggestt an entire industry is engaged in some sort of corpote crimina cartel is not just a disservice to the industry, it's a di the patients who rely on the industry. >> yang: but he also pointed out that some of the da that the industry has pointed out showing the decrease generic drug prices... >> sure, we put thatut. >> yang: there was a spike from 2012 to 2014, which is the period they're talkiut that this activity took place.
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>> in your interview, it was very hard to tell if general tong was talking about present day or a time period you jus referenced, the 2011 to 2014 period. full candor, that preceded my time at the association. when i came it was the ja their pharmautical association. we're now the aam. he talksutbo doxqcycline. now, remember, percentage price increases off of a low ct look different over a small percentage of a high-priced biologic drug. do you know what the cost is today? $14 for a $40 day is up pry. he conveniently and the othe attorneys general leave out the fact there have been 37 straight months of generic price deflation in the industry in part because of the elution d the consolidation of healthcare buyers. this industry is facing real sustainability challenges. they are not focused on clouding with each other. th o're trying to figu a way to sustain their business operation so patients can continue to benefit from the
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drugs they provide. >> yang:hat about getting back to some of the specifics of what mr. tong had to say? he said ty were able to subpoena in their investigation text messages inhich discussions about price increases and the response by a particular manufacture and then the response by the other manufactures tt we'llgo along, we'll play nice, they lked about accepting their fair share rather than competing. >> well, i caann't comment o of the specifics of the investigation. aam is not a party to it. what i will stilate to is these are serious allegations. if there is any evidence of anti-competitive behavior by a small subset of the industry, that will ultimately be born out and those individuals and the companies they work for will be held to accalnt. but hed about roughly 100 drugs if my memory serves me correctly. on any given day there are over 2,000 ja nation, on the marketplace. that's 5% of the total number of generics on the marketplace today and smaller percentage of the total of 10,000 generics
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that have been approved by the food and drug administration over the years so this effort in the public domain to cast an entirere industry , and i've heard him say people wake up gosh, to their place of busine commit crime, i think that's actually irresponsible. d the members that i know e people that work there get up every day with one mission inmie they can go and produce say, high-quali, effective medicines at a price that patients can afford. there is noay you're 90% of scripts and 22% of total costs unless that is your mission. pure and simple. >> yang: chip davis, c.e.o. of the association for accessible medicine. >> thank you for your time. >> nawaz: former justice johnte paulns spent 35 years on the supreme court writing some of the court's most important today, at 99 yld, he's still writing and weighing in on some of the country's
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controversial issues. judy woodruff caught up with justice stevens last month and he shares his thoughts on aerything from president trump to how a childhoodident shaped his future viewp.on gun owners >> woodruff: today john paul stevens remains one of the titans of american law, owing mostly to hisong supreme court tenure, which spanned decaendes. n retirement he has stayed in the public eye, bow tie d all. a presidential medal of freedom in 2012, two previous books about the court and the nstitution published in 2011 and 2014. as he turned 99, the retired justice has written another, the making of a justice, reflections on my first 94 years. and he is opening up, carefully about current affaris and even the current president. >> i am not a fan of president trump, i should say.
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i wouldn't try to comment on evercu parr issue in which we disagree, but there are plenty of them. >> woodruff: and his effect on the country as president? >> i don't think it's been favorable. >> woodruff: can you elaborate? >> welar that's nott of my responsibility as a judge, and i should not try to get involved in politics as a retired jge >> woodruff: stevens' new book of reflection begins in chicago with his family's hotel business and an encounter his father, teernesten, had with one infamous chicagoan. there are extraordinary anecdotes in here. your father had a meeting with al capone? >> well, hehe said id, and i assume he's telling me the truth. >> woodruff: stevens writes tha his father and other hotel men in the city thought it important to perade industry groups to hold their conventions in chicago.
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his father and another hotel manager paid a visit to al capone, explained how chicago's hotel business might be affected if any conventioneers were robbed and asked for his help. accoing to my father's account, capone said he understood, and, in fact, there was not a singlne hold-up chicago during the week of the convention. r stevens alalls his own home being invaded in the winter of 1933 and a gun fired by an older brother,th jim, i aftermath. stevens wrote, "despiteom threateningnts and behavior by the armed intruders, a neighr came t closest to being a victim of a real tragedy when jim's shot so narrowly missed him." did that have an effect later in yoci thinking about the ju system? >> yes, it did. i thought about that frequently ths these acciden happen
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when there are too many guns around. sons tominded me of rea be opposed to the second amendment. woodruff: stevens was on the high court in 2008, dissenting when justice anto nin scalia and other conservative colleagues voted in a landmark stse to say that the second mental does eblish an individual right the bear arms. >> it's one of the three very, ve c bes. and it was particularly bad. there is no doubt about that. >> do you worry that that is something thais going to snd for a long time and will continue to have repercussions in th >> woodruff: oh, yes, i certainly do. >> woodruff: the other two rulings in that category that aevens opposed at the tim laments to this day are the pivotal bush v. gore ruling, deciding the 2000 presidential election, and the landmark citizens united ruling in 2010, on campaign finance. that was during stevens' final
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term. it's clear how strongly you feel that citizens united was wrongly decided. why do you think it h a corrosive effect on american politics? >> look at the amount of money. i can't give you the figures, but millions and mns of dollars are spent on campaigns now, and often state931q9"jreprg money provided by residents of other states, people in the district should be the ones who decide the outcome of elections. >> woodrus : since hiwn departure, the court has not hai to w in on a major settlement orp camaign finance case. but it has dealt several times with cases involving the death penalty and its. implementation >> my own thinking, and it took quite a while to reach the conclusion, is the death penalto xpore harm than good, it's terriblynsive, and really a pointless process. i think it accoerlishesy
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little that can't besh accomp with a more humane punishment. >> woodruffbut right now the court is still divided on the issue. >> yes. >> woodruff: but you beleve eventually the death penalty will be done away with? >> yes. i think it certainly will. se woodruff: today's court contains the cative tilt that existed throughout much of stevens' tenu and since the installation of its newest justice, brett kavaugh, some liberal groups have questioned whether some presidents like the roe v. wade ruling on abortion rights will remain. >> woodruff: it looks as if the people who feel strotingly bortion want the court to take this up and do away with roe v. wade. >> woodruff: well, it could happen. i just don't know what's on the agenda for other justices. tut it did seem to me that that was very controversial topic at the time of my appointmentbo. asked me a single question about abortion during my hearings.
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later opposition became more organized and more effective. but i can't predict what's going to happen in the near futurn but in the g run, it seems to me that abortion i a necessary procedure that will be recognized and will be performed lawfully. >> woodruff: as for his forme colleague, stevens helped swear in the current chief justice, john robrts, in 2005. despite any ideological differences, stevens still holds roberts in high esteem. >> i trusted him implicitly and have the highest regard for him as a lawyer, and i must confwaes s disappointed at some of his decisions after he came on the bench that were much more conservative than i expebucted, on the whole, i think he is still a very weledl quali person. >> reporter: but in the end, most of stevens' ne book serves as an account of how he himself has managed and sometimes failed
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to shape american law. rkable legacy rema on the court. veu served for 35 years. what do you beli your legacy will be? >> well, that's difficult to figure out. but i wound like people to thi k an honest judge and a good judge. i always tried the reach the best result in every case. >> woodruff: justice john stevens, thank you for talking to us. >> thank you. i've enjoyed it. >> nawaz: living in a fast- paced, on-demand world can best ssful. although many of us try to cope with the distractions, that can be a tough task for chdren. from pbs station wviz/ ideastream, vid c. barnett brings us the story of an educational program that combines the music of the cleveland orchestra with meditative techniques to promote
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a sense of calm. it's part of our ongoing arts and culture coverage, canvas. >> reporter: chase is a third- grader at canterbury elementary in cleveland heights. he loves it when his mom cooks- up some breakfast for him before school. but, that doesn't happen very often. >> most of the time, when i wake up, she's gone to work. so, my dad has to iron myot s and then i usually wake get himself ready, he has to get my sister ready, too. >> for the past year and a half he's been able to leave system hof that stress behind wh gets to the classroom. every morning at 9:00 students at canterbury stop for a moment and listen to a ofew minutes cleveland orchestra music. >> it's like when you're at home, it's cold outside and you're sitting by a fireplace.
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all this this this stuff that was stuck in my head, it goes away. >> this exercise is part of a relaxation program called mindful music moments. chase's teacher, jasmine vinson, says the whole school does it et the sme. >> >> we play it over the loudspeakers and every classroom kind of individualizes in their own way. some classrooms have where everybody in class is just centered and their eyes closed. others work on an activity while they're listenins but all clasrticipate. >> reporter: the daily music segments are about four minutes lo, which includes a brief spoken introduction followed by a three-minute musical selection. ek, yo the whole we listen to the same song, but there are different activities that are included each day of the week, whether it be listen thehe music, or try to find pace of the music, or try to align your breath to the pace of the music-- different tngs like that. we have kids coming from parents that are just trying to make ends meet, working third shift, single parents,o we try
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to make school a special place that's why we thinsimindful is a great way to start the day, because it re-centers everyone, including myself. we just take a deep breath, and cal, so we're not starting franticly in that hyper mode, ae the start ofay. >> reporter: mckenna lives in cleveland heights with her mom. she's a k-poand hip-hop fan, but she says she kind of likes this classical stuff she's been hearing in the mornings. >> i like it a lot. i just kind of want to calm down. i really have to rush to get ready, i have to eat breakfast really quickly. and then i get to school and i'm like, ugh, it's going to bes a long day, but actually a >> reporter: mindful music moments is currently in place at over 100 schools across the country. cincinnati yoga and movement educator stacy sims who also helps trauma victims relax. >> i was spending a lot of timee with refugee ss and i knew i couldn't spend that amount of time with students every day,
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but i heard the morning announcements, and it ed to me that that could be a delivery system for someind of mindful moment for allid and i had th to pair it with classical music. >> and when you hear about ibut, the ligh just goes off. and i thought, we've got to try that out up here, in ceveland. >> reporter: joan katz napoli has run the orchestra's educational efforts for 24 veland working with cle area schools to supplement their music programs. >> there are plenty of research studies that document the effectiveness of music to loprove learning outcomes, to enhance brain deveent. >> reporter: about 30 schools in greater cleveland, currently ranging from pre-k through middle school, use minul music moments, and that list includes both inner city and suburban districts. >> there's no school that's immune from the stress and anxiety caused by school shootings of the last decade, for example.
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>> reporter: corrine has fond memories of the first time the music was played in her classroom. st so, they said, imagine that you on an olympic. and it felt really good to imagine that >> reporter: and for the orchestra, there's the potential for a new generation of listeners. m mckenna says tic has really grown on her, and it's almost a letdown when th three-minute morning dose is over. >> i wish it wld replay, because i just want to sit down and just close my eyes, or open my eyes and do the gork. >> can ye us a nice wave? >> reporter: erica wigton notes that there are many things that can help a schooseclimate. she mindful music moments as one strategy to make school less str are learning to cope with an increasingly frantic world. >> definitely a permanent program that we're goig to continue to use every day. just because we want to start their day in a beautiful, calm way, so that they're ready to learn. >> reporter: for the pbs newshour, i'm david c. barnett on cleveland.
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>> nawaz: anne, we'll be livestreaming president donald trump's speech on s. immigration policy, expected tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. eastern time. you can watch live on our site, and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm anma nawaz. join us online and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding forbs newshour has been provided by: >> text night and day. catch it on replay. >> burning some fat. >> sharing the latest viral catd >> you cthe things you like to do with a wireless plan designed for you. with talk, text and data. consumer cellular. learn more at
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hello everyone. welcome to "amanpour & company." here's what's coming up. >> there is more work to be done here when it comes to stopping the oliferation of online an violent extremism. >> my exclusive interview with new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern. her call to ban the use of social media as a terrt weapon. and "new yorker" writer marcia gesson warns not to put pin all the blame for the 2016 election on russia. donald trump is 100% -made. plus - ♪ to dream the impossible dream ♪ >> award winning actor kelsey grammer dares us to dream as they bring "man of la mancha" to london.
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